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Activities - Women's Club (2019-2020: Winter)

 Additional Details 


 Resident Photo Directory - Web site (April 2020)

Sent 2020-04-16: YAY - Resident Photos on Web site - 

Well all - I hope you are as excited about the final product as I am. I will have to say I learned a lot about the Web site during this process. One thing is  - I did find there's lots of Shapes, Sizes, Color etc that I can change if anyone wants to make constructive suggestions to anything I've done with the photos.

I have uploaded all of the Resident Photos that were included in the 2020 Photo Book. This page also includes:

  • any New Homeowners who were not yet our neighbors when the book was being created

  • any Homeowners who have either sold their homes in Sunshine since there picture was taken or have passed away.

I also created a page of ONLY new Sunshine Residents during 2020, provided to me by the Office Manager Valerie.

For ease in finding these pages, I have included the direct links above. Ongoing these pages can be found by going to and following the links provided.

If you need assistance with anything at all concerning this, please give me a call.

Please feel free to let me know if you have any suggestions on the format, etc of these photo pages. And again, I hope you like them. ENJOY

Beth Parrish
SEPO Web site Admin


Sent 2020-03-14: Resident Photos on Web site - 

Today I got copies from Debbie Robins of all of the resident photos that were put in the Photo Directory. My intent is to eventually get them on the Web site - somehow. With that said I will be working on this endeavor over the summer and will let everyone know when I have completed it. I'm just too pooped to work on it now and I want to do a good job with it. Thanks for your patience.

Beth Parrish

SEPO Web site Admin



Sent 2020-03-14: Resident photos on Web site - 

Today I got copies from Debbie Robins of all of the resident photos that were put in the Photo Directory. My intent is to eventually get them on the Web site - somehow. With that said I will be working on this endeavor over the summer and will let everyone know when I have completed it. I'm just too pooped to work on it now and I want to do a good job with it. Thanks for your patience.

Beth Parrish

SEPO Web site Admin




 Resident Photo Directory - Hard Copy (March 2020)

Sent 2020-03-24: DISREGARD: Resident Photo Directories for Purchase - 

Based on the Board Response to the Court Order that was just sent out via SEPO e-news to the Community, there will NOT be any photo directories for purchase in the office at this time. Watch for futures updates concerning their availability.     Beth Parrish (for Terry DeBackere)

Sent 2020-03-24: Resident Photo Directories for Purchase - 

Later this week there will be 10 photo directories available for purchase in the office for anyone who didn't purchase one originally or if you would like to have multiple books. The cost of each book is $15.

Terry DeBackere

Sent 2020-03-14: Resident Photo Directory Thank You - 

I (and I hope others have done so as well) would like to thank the Resident Photo Directory Committee and any others who worked on creating the beautiful directory.     Chris Price

Sent 2020-03-14: Photo Directories not picked up - 

Thanks to everyone who picked up their photo directories in the library today. Those of you who still need to pick yours up can get them from Terry at 4324 N Kansas St.     Terry DeBackere

Sent 2020-03-14: REMINDER: Resident Photo Directories have arrived - 

The Resident Photo Directories have arrived. If you purchased one (or more) they wil be distributed Saturday @1:00pm in the Library.     Debbie Robins


Sent 2020-03-14: REMINDER, Resident Photo Directories have arrived -  

REMINDER: The Resident Photo Directories have arrived. If you purchased one (or more) they wil be distributed Saturday @1:00pm in the Library.     Debbie Robins

Sent 2020-03-12: Resident Photo Directories have arrived -  

The Resident Photo Directories have arrived. If you purchased one (or more) they wil be distributed Saturday @1:00pm in the Library.     Debbie Robins


Sent 2020-03-04: REMINDER: Photo Directory - Individual Pics etc for Sale - 

As posted in the March Newsletter, the Sunshine Photo Directory Committee is offering various items for purchase (until End of Day, Friday, March 6):

  • A 5x7 for $4

  • An 8x10 for $5

  • The picture file (*jpg file) to do with whatever you like for $5


There are so many great photos. Get your order in! If I am not home, please put your money in an envelope with your name and what you would like to order.     Deborah Robins

Sent 2020-02-26: Resident Photos available for purchase - 

For those of you who had your photos taken for the Resident Photo Directory and would like a copy, please call Debbie at 956.230.3115. Or bring money to 4129 N Minnesota. A 5x7's is $4 and an 8x10 is $5. Dealine for purchase is 'End of Day' Friday, Mar 6. All proceeds will go to the Women’s Club!     Debbie Robins

Sent 2020-02-11: Photo Directory: If you missed getting your picture taken - 

Some of you have been asking if you could send in a photo if you:

  • weren't physically at Sunshine during the photo sessions the last couple of weeks

  • were here and couldn't get to a session

  • changed your mind about wanting to be in the photo book after the sessions were complete

It has been decided that the answer is YES. But you need to do it very quickly. Tasteful pictures can be sent to Deb Robins at  by Friday, Feb 14 end of day.

Please include your:

  • Names(s)

  • Address at Sunshine

  • Phone Number(s)

The Photo Directory Committee

Sent 2020-02-11: REMINDER: Photo Directory payments due - 

Just a reminder.......Anyone wanting one of the new soft-cover Sunshine Resident Photo Directories needs to get their payments to Terry DeBackere, Deb Robins or Sue Swidryk by the end of the week. Work is going great on the book thanks to Deb Robins and it is almost ready to send to the publisher.

Thank you for your support in this project.     Terry DeBackere & Rest of the Committee

This was the Information Poster hanging in the Library.

Hope you didn't forget to Sign Up for the Day/Time you wanted to get your picture taken.


Sent 2020-01-31: Photo Directory Encouragement - 

Hey there!   This is heidi dill  😁
I just wanted to encourage each person living at Sunshine Country Club Estates to please, please, please get your photo taken for the directory!!  Even if you don’t want to purchase a copy. 😊
When we first moved here, we knew very few people. The photo directory was a tremendous help in learning who our new neighborhood family was. Now there are so many more new faces here whom I’d love to get to know better!
Thanks!! And thank you to the committee working so hard to complete this book!!!


Sent 2020-01-30: Resident Photo Directory – Signup Info & Status Update - 


Please read this Entire Notice thoroughly.

Taking residents' photos (and their pet's, if they wish) for the Sunshine Photo Directory is in full swing. The first two days are complete and lots of you came out to get your picture taken. Thank you.

If you aren't on the list yet, please go to the library and get your names out there. AND know this; the committee has discussed calling those of you who haven't signed up yet. We know you don't want that to happen - right?

The remaining Photo sessions are - 

  • Friday January 31: 10 am - 2 pm

  • Saturday February 1: 1 pm - 4 pm

  • Sunday February 2: 1 pm - 4 pm

When Coming For Your Photo Shoot, Please Bring With You - 

  • A piece of paper containing your: Names(s), Sunshine Address & Phone Number(s)

  • $15 Cash for ‘each’ bound soft-cover book you wish to purchase. (Purchase not required)

​If you have any questions, please feel free to call Sue Swidryk at 847.452.7804 or Terry DeBackere at 309.714.4743.

Sincerely, your friends: Sue Swidryk, Terry DeBackere, Deb Robins & Beth Parrish

Sent 2020-01-25: REMINDER: Resident Photo Directory - 

Starting Sunday, Jan 26, the committee will be taking pictures of residents (and your furry friends, if you wish) for the SUNSHINE RESIDENT PHOTO DIRECTORY. If you haven’t signed up yet for the day & time you want to get your picture taken, you need to do so quickly.
Please note that each appointment is in five minutes intervals. So please be on time, ready when it’s your time and bring your patience. Here is a list of dates & time to choose from:

  • Sunday January 26th: 11-3

  • Tuesday January 28th: 12-4 

  • Friday January 31: 10-2 

  • Saturday February 1st: 1-4 

  • Sunday February 2nd: 1-4

What You Need To Bring With You – 

  • A piece of paper containing your: Your Names(s), Your Sunshine Address, Your Phone Number(s)

  • $15 Cash for ‘each’ bound soft-cover book you wish to purchase. The book will not only contain resident pictures. The plan is to also include pictures of Sunshine Activities/Events that have taken place.
    NOTE: We are collecting when you get you picture taken because we need to prepay the company creating the books.


​Any proceeds from the sale of the books will go to the Women's Club.

If you are hesitant about whether you want to get your picture taken, just think how nice it will be to just pick up the picture book and identify all of your Sunshine Friends & Neighbors.
If you have any questions, please feel free to call Sue Swidryk at 847.452.7804 or Terry DeBackere at 309.714.4743.
Sincerely, your friends Terry DeBackere, Sue Swidryk, Deb Robins & Beth Parrish


Sent 2020-01-19: The Residents directory - 

Hi Friends!  It’s that time again for us to start working on our resident directory. We will be taking photos for our residents, and their furry friends. Please note that each appointment will be booked every five minutes so please be ready and bring your patience. There are many dates to choose from for your convenience.

Please sign up in the library as soon as possible to save your time slot/date.

Here are a list of the dates:

  • Sunday January 26th: 11-3 

  • Tuesday January 28th: 12-4 

  • Friday January 31: 10-2 

  • Saturday February 1st: 1-4 

  • Sunday February 2nd: 1-4

More information to follow regarding the cost of a hard copy.  If you have any questions please feel free to call Sue at 847.452.7804 or Terry at 309.714.4743.

Sincerely, your friends Terry, Sue,Beth and Deb


Sent 2019-12-27 in Newsletter: Womens' Club: Resident Photo Directory - 

The Women's Club has been discussing creating a Resident Photo Directory in 2020. We are looking at creating a digital directory that will be placed in the Resident’s Only section of the Sunshine Web site. The ability to print this directory from the Web site is being investigated. Look for more details about this project in the coming weeks.

Beth Parrish



Shrimp Boil (03-13-2020)

Shrimp Boil Poster.jpg

Sent 2020-03-16: 2020-03-16: Shrimp Boil - 

To All SCCE Shrimp Boil partakers: 
THANK-YOU!!  The Shrimp Boil is over and we believe it was received with “snapping claws”!  Thanks to the many hands that prepared and served the food……Karen Price, Lenore Combs, Cathleen Sunders, Marion Young, Hollie Pickett, Linda Braden, Larry and Linda Lentz, Dick Jones and Jim Kennedy. Thank-you, also to the roaster loaners…..Hollie Pickett, Kathy Wunderlich, and Diane Tewell.  We have made our final tally and the Women’s Club cleared $756.96 profit from this event.  We sincerely hope you enjoyed it as much as we did. Thanks for supporting the Women’s Club!     Cathy Chajec & Linda Jones


Sent 2020-03-12: Shrimp Boil Update (please read carefully) - 

Update on the Shrimp Boil…..please read!

As per recent health updates, we have decided to make a couple of changes to our event.  Snacks will be in individual packages.  Soap and water, hand sanitizer, sanitizing hand wipes, and gloves will all be available.  Carry-out containers will be also be available should you choose to not stay and eat dinner; however, the meal will still be initially served per table.  Should you not be feeling well; i.e., coughing, runny nose, fever, etc., please DO NOT attend.  Call one of us to retrieve your meal or have someone else bring it to you.

Thanks for your understanding and cooperation!     Linda 573-631-7849, Cathy 708-280-8910


Sent 2020-03-04: Shrimp Boil is Sold Out - 

Thanks to everyone who bought tickets to the Shrimp Boil. The event is now sold out. See you there.
Linda Braden

Sent 2020-03-04: Shrimp Boil Tickets - 

There are only TWO Shrimp Boil tickets left for sale. If you SNOOZE - you LOSE. Call me at (712) 621-4062 or stop by 1904 W Indiana Circle to purchase them. $10 apiece.     Linda Braden


Sent 2020-03-03: Shrimp Boil: 31 Tickets Left For Sale - 

After selling Physical Tickets in the Library this Mon & Tues, there are only 31 tickets left. Please contact Linda Braden @ (712) 621-4062 if you would still like to attend. Thanks     Linda

Sent 2020-03-03: Shrimp Boil Tickets: GET THEM TODAY WHILE THEY ARE STILL AVAILABLE - 


Come get your tickets today while they are still available.

There will be a Women’s Club Mardi Gras Shrimp Boil Dinner in Retzlaff Hall on Friday, March 13. This event is normally held in October each season - so if you've missed it in the past - now is your chance to find out what a delicious meal you've been missing !!!!!

$10 tickets will be available in the Library on Monday, March 2 and Tuesday, March 3 from 9-11 am. Seating will be by tables, with ten at each table (you may sign up as a group or just choose a table). Only 160 tickets will be sold so be sure to mark this date/time on your calendars!

Happy hour/social time will begin in the pavilion at 4:30. Doors will open at 5:00 and dinner will begin as soon as everyone is seated.

The menu consists of snacks, coleslaw, shrimp boil mixture (shrimp, potatoes, corn, & sausage with seasonings), bread/butter and dessert. Coffee, tea, and water will be available; otherwise, BYOB.

If you have questions please call Cathy Chajec 708-280-8910 or Linda Jones 573-631-7849.

Sent 2020-02-28: Women's Club: Shrimp Boil - 

There will be a Women’s Club Mardi Gras Shrimp Boil Dinner in Retzlaff Hall on Friday, March 13.

Happy hour/social time will begin in the pavilion at 4:30. Doors will open at 5:00 and dinner will begin as soon as everyone is seated.

The menu consists of snacks, coleslaw, shrimp boil mixture (shrimp, potatoes, corn, & sausage with seasonings), bread/butter and dessert. Coffee, tea, and water will be available; otherwise, BYOB.

$10 tickets will be available in the Library on Monday, March 2 and Tuesday, March 3 from 9-11 am. Seating will be by tables, with ten at each table (you may sign up as a group or just choose a table). Only 160 tickets will be sold so be sure to mark this date/time on your calendars!

If you have questions please call Cathy Chajec 708-280-8910 or Linda Jones 573-631-7849.



You, Me & Alexa (03-07-2020)


Sent 2020-03-09: You Me and Alexa - 

A sincere thanks to the cast and crew of our latest foray into the world of "theater". I had such fun working with you all. I think you were all stars! You certainly made me very proud and happy.

I just read the program that Caroline Anderson (our business manager) made for the show and I'm sorry that I didn't give her the names of the creators of those fabulous costumes worn by our Las Vegas girls. They were Millie Noonan (skirts), Laurel Becker and Lisa Dahlstrom (the headdresses) and Nancy Kendrew (bras as well as behind the scene dresser). Vern Luellen, Mike Garret and John Pearcy are eagerly waiting for a call from Las Vegas !

The Women's Club has some great things planned for next season. See you there.


Sent 2020-03-07: You, Me and Alexa: Program Times - 

For those that have tickets to the show "You, Me and Alexa" we will be serving ice cream sundaes at 6 pm in the pavilion. The pool area will be open at 6 pm so you can enjoy your treat before the show. The hall doors will not be open until 6:55 for the show at 7 pm.     Vickie Jones

Sent 2020-02-25: You Me & Alexa - 


  • Proceeds going to the SCCE  Women's Club

  • Produced and directed by our own Lassey Dahlstrom

  • Over 35 of SCCE thespians are participating in this production

  • $10.00 per person Virtual Ticket sales are available for you to sign up for in the Library February 24 - March 4, 2020.  

  • Seating will be limited so sign up early.

 7:00 "YOU, ME and "ALEXA performance 
Also showing a new video of our residence and our special place here in Paradise.
Immediately after performance we will serve Champagne Punch and Hors d'oevres.
Any questions call 309-253-5543     Carolyn Anderson

Sent 2019-12-27 (In Newsletter) You, Me & Alexa - 

In March we're putting on a show. Music, singing, dancing and goofing around. Who knows what'll happen! We're going to need lots of help. So far, we've got several returning artists ready to go, but we really also want to welcome all you new music lovers to join us. I would ask you personally if I knew who you were, so please don't be shy. Join the committee by signing up on Women's Club bulletin board or just come to a rehearsal (dates to be posted soon) and see if it's something you'd have fun doing. 


The second part of the show is the presentation of our video of Sunshine that we've been slowly putting together for a year or so. Boy, does that ever take a long time! 


Questions – Call or e-mail Lassey Dahlstrom (



REMEMBER WHEN (02-22-2020)

Remember When_Poster.jpg
Remember When_Signup.jpg

Sent 2020-02-19: Women's Club: REMEMBER WHEN Ticket Sales - 


We are coming up to the end of virtual ticket sales for REMEMBER WHEN, the next Women’s Club program on this Saturday, February 22nd at 7:00 p.m. Sign up for virtual tickets at just $5.00 each in the library. This will be a fun evening. Any questions, call Share Nelson, 309 269 0686.

Sent 2020-02-15: Women's Club Event: Remember When - 

Now that Valentine’s Day has passed, it’s time to advertise our next Women’s Club sponsored event to be held next Saturday evening, February 22nd.

This program, entitled BACK WHEN, has been in the works since 2007 when Lassey Dahlstrom directed and produced the ALL STAR REVIEW. You will be entertained with shorts selected from six different shows produced and directed by Lassey. The most recent of which, NOW AND THEN, was produced in 2016.

Some of you will see yourself and all of you will laugh and be amazed at just what people OUR age will do to entertain while having some of the best times of our lives. There is a little ‘show biz’ in most of us. You newer residents just might be inspired with some ideas of your own for the future.

We start at 7:00 p.m. Virtual tickets are just $5.00 and are available in the library now. Lassey’s family is providing refreshments including champagne punch following the program.

Call Share Nelson 309-269-0686 with questions.

Sent 2020-01-27 (In Newsletter) Remember When - 

ITS SHOWTIME!  FEBRUARY 22nd.  One of the next events sponsored by the Women’s Club is entitled “REMEMBER WHEN”. We are having such a good time going through the videos of shows produced and directed by our own LASSEY DAHLSTROM over the years. In fact, many of us have participated in them either by performing or assisting with costumes, sets or otherwise. And now some of us are preparing for her next big show, “YOU, ME AND ALEXA” coming up in March.


We have managed to bring many of those memories back into this one program –  REMEMBER WHEN. It’s a Saturday night so a good night to be entertained and have a lot of laughs! As for those past performers, be prepared to take a bow once again. We’ll start at 7:00 p.m. and wind it up about 8:30 p.m. Let’s celebrate Lassey and her good works.


Refreshments include wine and cheese. Watch for ticket announcement.


Share Nelson



Valentine's Day Dance: The Classics Band (02-14-2020)


Sent 2020-02-12: Valentine's Day - 

The last day to sign up for the Valentine's Day Dinner and Dance is Thursday, Feb.13th, so hurry up to the library to sign up for an evening of fun! See event details above.     Vickie Jones 262-689-7068


Sent 2020-02-05: Valentine's Day Event - 

A sign up sheet is in the library for the Valentine's Day Dinner and Dance to be held on Friday, Feb. 14th in Retzlaff Hall. The cost is $10.00 per person which includes pizza, salad bar and dessert. Music will be provided by The Classics Band. Bring your sweetie and enjoy a fun evening dancing the night away.     Vickie Jones

Newsletter: Feb 2020 - 

The second event will be a Valentine’s Day Dance on February 14th. There will be pizza and a salad bar plus dessert followed by a dance by The Classics Band. Look for a signup sheet in the library soon with times and cost.     Vickie Jones



SuperBowl Party (02-02-2020)


Sent 2020-01-23: Women's Club: Super Bowl Party - 

The 2020  Super Bowl party signup sheet is posted in the library.

  • February 2, 2020

  • Doors open 4 PM till game over

  • $5.00 per person

  • Hotdog bar

Please BYOB and money for betting.
Please bring an appetizer, finger food or something sweet to share.
Wear your football colors, football shirts, and come!
Get off your couch, your golf cart and come sign up. Signup sheet will be taken down, Thursday, January 30.

Eileen Anderson & Pam Lacy

Sent 2020-01-21: Women's Club: SuperBowl Party

Here is some 'initial' info about the Women's Club SuperBowl Party that is being held on Sunday, Feb 2, at 4:30 in Retzlaff Hall. Sign-up will be posted Jan 24th in the library. Please wear your favorite football team attire.     SuperBowl Party Committee



New Homeowner’s Party & Dance:

Music by Terry Porter Rowe (01-13-2020)

2020-01-13_New HOs_Poster.jpg

Sent 2020-01-14: Thank You - 

Thanks to all who attended  & welcomed our New Homeowners last evening.  It was a near capacity attendance and hopefully a good time was had by all.  A very, very special thank you to the great committee that stepped up to assist in the preparation for the party. Very truly,     Denise Utterback

Sent 2020-01-07: New Homeowner's Party: Hats Off - 





Questions?  (618) 546-1417 Denise

Sent 2020-01-03: NEW HOMEOWNER’S PARTY Tickets - 




Most events held here in Sunshine have virtual tickets rather than a paper ticket. The event to be held will be advertised on the EASEL in the library near the east door. There will be a signup sheet, cost for event, and corresponding money box below the easel. Sign the names of those planning to attend include cost of event, and write your name on envelope provided. Deposit envelope in money box! That is all there is to it! Your name will be placed on list of those attending and will be checked off when you arrive at door that evening. HOWEVER, THE NEW HOMEOWNER’S DO NOT PAY FOR THIS PARTY SINCE THEY ARE GUESTS OF HONOR.


Please call Denise Utterback
618 546-1417


Sent 2019-12-30: NEW HOMEOWNERS PARTY - 


New Homeowners Party, January 13, 2020

  • Social time 5:00 p.m.

  • Dinner 5:30

  • Introductions 6:30 

  • Dance 7:00 p.m.

Please join us for an evening of fun! Virtual ticket sales Jan.3-9 in Library

Questions? Please call Denise Utterback (618) 546-1417


Sent 2019-12-27 (In Newsletter) New Homeowners' Event -  

The Sunshine Women’s Club hosts a NEW RESIDENT EVENING each January. This event will be held January 13, 2020 in Retzlaff Hall. In staying with the party’s theme of “Hat’s Off to the New Homeowners”, please wear your favorite hat.


Social time begins at 5:00 pm, with dinner (taco salad) at 5:30, followed by introduction of new residents. The evening will conclude with a dance featuring Terry Porter Rowe. Some of you might remember him from a couple years ago. So be sure and wear your dancing shoes.


The cost of this event is $10. Virtual tickets will be available in the library starting Friday, Jan 3 thru Thursday, Jan 9.


Please join us for an evening of fun and fellowship.


Denise Utterback (Event Chairperson)



New Year's Day Brunch (01-01-2020)


 (Sent 2019-12-26) News Year's Day Brunch Cancelled - 

Since no on signed up to chair or work on this committee, the New Year’s Day Brunch is cancelled for Jan 1, 2020.     Vickie Jones   omen's Club Activity Director


 (Sent 2019-12-08) Need Chairperson(s) -  

We do not have chairperson(s) to coordinate this event. So please consider chairing/volunteering or we may have to cancel it.     Vickie Jones



Christmas Dinner (12-25-2019)























 (Sent 2019-12-22) Christmas Dinner Signup ends today - 

Do you want to attend the Women's Club Christmas Dinner event? If you've already signed up - you're in good shape and we'll see you there. If you haven't signed up yet, you need to get to the library today (Sunday, 12-22) as the signup sheet is scheduled to be taken down today. Details about this dinner can be found on the Web site:     Marian Young (719-468-4556)

 (Sent 2019-12-14) Christmas Dinner -  

WHAT: Celebrate Christmas with a potluck dinner


  • December 25th, 2019

  • Social Hour begins at 1:00 pm

  • We will eat at 1:30 pm

WHERE: Retzlaff Hall


  • We will be serving Black Forrest ham, rolls, and tea and coffee will be available

  • Please bring a side dish or dessert to share with others

COST: $5.00 per person

SIGNUP: The signup sheet is in the library with envelopes for your check or cash.


Marian Young (719-468-4556) for questions


Poster_Christmas Dinner_2019-12-25.jpg


Scruffy Santa & White Elephant (12-24-2019)

 (Sent 2019-12-22) Scruffy Santa Cancelled - 

Since no one signed up to work on the Scruffy Santa committee, which was to be held the evening of Tuesday, Dec 24, this Women's Club activity has been cancelled.     Mary Hendrickson

 (Sent 2019-12-08) Need Committee Volunteers - 

Mary Hendrickson has volunteered to chair this event but no one has signed up to help her. If interested or have questions please call Mary at 651-239-2307.

 (2019-12-01) Scruffy Santa Is - 


  • A Christmas Eve Get-Together

    • BYOB

    • Share Snacks

    • Share Fellowship

    • Exchange White Elephant Gifts


  • December 24, 2019

  • Time TBD

WHERE: Retzlaff Hall

OTHER DETAILS: Suggestions welcome

  • We could play music from the TV

  • What Else?


Mary Hendrickson at (651-239-2307) for questions



The H.O.P.E. Tour (Remembering D-Day & Christmas) Music (12-16-2019)




























 (Sent 2019-12-15) Christmas Concert -  

REMINDER - Christmas Concert

Monday, December16th at 7 pm Dr. Leibert and his singers will be presenting a Christmas Concert in Retzlaff Hall. Please come and enjoy a wonderful evening of carols and other memorable songs.     Vickie Jones

 (Sent 2019-12-08) Christmas Concert -  

On Monday, December 16 at 7pm we will be hosting Dr. Leibert and his singers as they perform a Christmas concert and other memorable songs for us. A freewill offering will be taken and donated to charity. So join your neighbors and friends for an evening of Christmas celebration.  Vickie Jones


Poster_HOPE Tour


Dance: DJ Doug & His Lovely Lady (12-11-2019)

 (2019-12-11) DJ Doug - 

REMINDER - DJ Doug and his Lovely Assistant -
This Evening - Wednesday, December 11th at 7-10 pm

$5.00 per person at the door, Retzlaff Hall

BYOB and snacks

Vickie Jones

 (2019-12-09) Reminder for DJ Doug on Wednesday evening - 

Don't forget that DJ Doug and his Lovely Assistant will be at Retzlaff Hall on Wednesday evening, Dec 11,  from 7-10 pm for a fun evening of dancing. Bring your own snacks, beverages and don't forget your dancing shoes. The cost is $5.00 per person at the door. It will be a fun night! See you there!     Vickie Jones



Golf Cart & Bicycle Christmas Parade (12-07-2019)

 (2019-12-08) Christmas Golf Cart Parade 2019 - 

Dear Friends - Once again, Sunshine had a great time with the Annual Christmas Golf Cart Parade following the Annual Craft and Bake Sale. Thanks for your support.


Many residents lined up along the Parade Route showing their support, cheering us on, tossing candy and enjoying this seasonal festivity with family, friends and neighbors.  


A special Thanks goes to all the entrants as their time and talent plus endurance led to this successful event.  Eleven challengers vied for the prestigious Women's Club award for "best decorated".  Winners were 1st Place: Terry and Rich Debackere - 2nd Place: Heidi Dill and 3rd: Kathy Walker and granddaughter Jessica.  Cathy Richmond with fearless Gizmo and Share Nelson with mischievous Maggie contributed to this pet-friendly part of the entourage and the McGruffmobile was proud to have his crime fighting four legged buddies as backup. Larry Lentz and his wife Linda, (son of Alice Montgomery), new resident, new volunteer for NW Patrols and recent Citizens Police Academy graduate drove his golf cart advertising our CERT Team.


Lisa (new resident) was pressed into action 30 minutes before showtime as our Firefighters were battling a field fire until the last minute - possibly not able to show up to carry Santa. Several of Santa's helpers helped dismantle her beautiful Thunderbird convertible so Santa could be chauffeured. (The reindeer had a previous engagement). Sgt. Jaime Palafox volunteered to be our lead HPD Police Car supporting efforts of our Neighborhood Watch. Bob Saylor drove the NW Golf Cart (the McGruffmobile is named after the famous crime-fighting dog Mr. McGruff).  


So the phrase "It takes a Village,,,," puts it mildly when you think of how many Sunshine folks were involved and our neighbors - don't forget the Choraliers, the Christmas Tree Lighting, Hot Cocoa and cookies and Santa photo op. Guess you noticed the famous gate was wide open (like having our own International Peace talks.....).


Hope you and your families have a wonderful Christmas and a healthy, happy New Year.  


Photos available c/o Karen & Lenore

Encore will download my chip and we will have more photos too.

If you have any to submit, let me know.


Lenore J Combs  956 245 1276

 (2019-12-01) From Dec Newsletter -  

The Annual Golf Cart Christmas parade will be on the evening of Dec 7th. We will be joining our neighbors at Encore RV Park. Lenore Combs is in charge of this event.

  • 4:30 Line up – behind Friendship Hall – at Encore for judging etc.

  • 5:00 pm Christmas Tree Lighting and start of Golf Cart Parade


We welcome everyone. You are all cordially invited. Come one, come all – decorated cart or not.  Just join in on the festivities and have fun. If you wish to not be in the parade – be a great spectator!  Gather your buddies, grab a lawn chair and enjoy in the merriment. The Parade route (both Encore & Sunshine) will be posted in the Library.  The improved route is under construction and is more inclusive as we shall devote more time to this per your request.

Harlingen and Combes Police Department will lead out followed by Neighborhood Watch Captain and assorted Golf Carts. The Harlingen Fire Truck will bring Santa.
End up at Encore Rec Hall for refreshments etc., photo op with Santa and awards.
Sunshine Women’s Club provides 1st, 2nd and 3rd Place prizes for best decorated SCCE Golf carts as Encore will provide their three Prizes for their entries.
There is a sign-up sheet in our Library for the Parade (decorated or not).
Recommended Parade safety tips:  Be sure your cart is fully charged.  Lights are needed for night driving. Be sure your bicycle has safety lights.  No walkers as we will be moving briskly.
Keep up with speed - Pull over if a problem – NW escorts will assist you.



Bake & Craft Sales & Raffle (12-07-2019)

 (2019-12-08) Thank You - 

A big thank you to Terry Debackere and Deb Robins for a successful event on Saturday morning. Also thank you to all those who baked, donated and bought raffle tickets and goodies today.     Vickie Jones

 (2019-12-01) From December Newsletter - 

Just a reminder that the Women’s Club will host a Bake Sale/Craft Show on Sat Dec 7th in Retzlaff Hall from 8 to 11 am. All kinds of yummy cookies, snacks, candy, home canned items for sale. Also, sweet rolls and coffee will be served for $1.00. We will have door prizes every 15 minutes and raffle prizes too. Come join the fun and support the Women’s Club. (Donations of goodies and raffle prizes appreciated)     Terry DeBackere & Deb Robins

 (2019-11-20) NEEDS & INFO: Christmas Bake & Craft Sale and Raffle 

The Christmas Bake & Craft Sale and Raffle are rapidly approaching (Sat Dec 7th in Retzlaff Hall - 8 am to 11am).

Sweet Rolls: Those of you who have eaten the sweet rolls at this event in the past know what good bakers we have here at Sunshine. We are requesting residents to step up and do some of that great baking again this year. Please contact Terry DeBackere (309-714-4743) to let her know if you will be baking and how many rolls you can make so she can get a count.

Vendor Tables: There are still spots open for Vendors to set up a craft table ($5 each table). Contact Terry.

Raffle: Anyone wishing to donate new or gently used items for the Raffle contact Marian Young (719-468-4556). She will be glad to pick up your items OR you can bring them to Retzlaff Hall Friday, Dec 6, between 6 and 8 pm.

Bake Sale: Donations are appreciated for the bake sale, i.e. baked goods, candy, snacks, jams etc. Please have them wrapped in clear plastic wrap (with a bow or other Christmas decoration on them if you wish) and price them for sale. Please note any nuts of other allergens. Drop off your donations in Retzlaff Hall Friday, Dec 6, between 6 and 8 pm.

A poster reflecting all detail for this event will be available in the Library in a couple of days. No signup is required. Just come and enjoy - buy baked goods/crafts - win a raffle drawing.

Thank you Terry DeBackere and Debbie Robins (Co-Chairpersons)

 (2019-11-16) Christmas Craft Show & Bake Sale Info -  

The Christmas Bake Sale and Craft Show will be Sat Dec 7th in Retzlaff Hall - 8 am to 11am.

Donations are appreciated for the bake sale, i.e. baked goods, candy, snacks, jams etc. Please have them wrapped in clear plastic wrap with a bow or other Christmas decoration on them if you wish and price them for sale. Please note any nuts of other allergens. Drop off your donations on Fri Dec 6th between 6 and 8 pm at Retzlaff.

Donations for raffle prizes are also being accepted.

SWEET ROLLS, LEFSE ( made by the Weatherbees) and coffee will be served for $1.00.

Craft tables are available for $5.00. Call Terry DeBackere (309-714-4743) to reserve your space.

We look forward to this fun event and hope you can contribute and help out.

Thank you Terry DeBackere and Debbie Robins (Co-Chairpersons)

 (2019-11-16) Craft Show & Bake Sale Mtg - 

There will be a planning meeting on Monday at 1:30 in the library for the Craft Show and Bake Sale. Anyone who didn't sign up on the committee signup sheet in the Library or at the Women's Club meeting last Friday is invited to attend. Thanks in advance for wanting to help make this event a fun (and tasty) event for everyone in the community.

Terry DeBackere (Chairperson)



 Thanksgiving Dinner (11-28-2019)




















 (2019-12-013) Thanksgiving: Item left at dinner - 

Dear residents and friends:

Thank you to everyone who attended our annual Thanksgiving dinner.  Hope everyone had enough to eat!  We do have some amazing cooks here.  For the few who could not join us because of illness, we hope you are feeling much better.

To all my helpers in bringing this together, Thank You all!!!  You all made hosting this meal a great success.

There was one casserole brought to dinner wrapped in a pretty white towel with embellishments.  If this is yours, please call me at 7082808910.

Thank you again, for spending the holiday with your friends and neighbors here at Sunshine😊.

Sincerely, Cathy Chajec


 (2019-11-20) Thanksgiving - 

Dear Friends and Neighbors:

Thanksgiving is a week from tomorrow.  We would love to have you join us for our annual Thanksgiving dinner on the 28th.  I need to have a count on who would like to attend by Monday at noon.  I will need time to shop and plan table set ups. 

All are welcome, including family and friends from outside.  The cost is $6 and includes white and dark meat turkey, ham, dressing, gravy and coffee, tea and water.  You supply a dish to serve 12 that will enhance our meal.  BYOB of course.

This year, the turkey breast will be fresh and not processed.  Last year we had some people who did not like the processed turkey.  Sorry, it was an oversight by the committee.  We try our best to make the holiday special for everyone attending. 

Social hour begins at 1 and dinner will be ready at 2 p.m.

Please sign up before Monday if you care to join us.  Sign up sheet and envelopes are in the library for your payment and space for what dish you will bring.

The committee and I wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving, no matter what you choose to do.

Any questions, please contact Cathy Chajec at 708-280-8910.

Thank you

 (2019-11-12) THANKSGIVING DINNER - 

Dear residents - Thanksgiving sign-up sheets will go up on the easel in the library this afternoon. There will be a box with envelopes near the easel for your virtual tickets. Tickets will be $6 per person and checks can be made out to SCCE Women's club. Please place your money in the envelope, fill out the information on the front and drop it in the slot on the box. Please also make sure you fill out the sheet on the easel with your information and what you plan to bring to share. Your names will be added to a master list which we will check off at the door.


Doors will open at 1 pm with dinner being served at 2. The menu will consist of the committee making the turkeys, ham, dressing and gravy. Your contributions will round out our meal. We always have plenty of food.


The sign-up sheet will come down by noon on November 25th so we can plan the shopping we need to do.


Visiting family and friends are always welcome. Please make sure to follow the above instructions so we know how much food to prepare. This also gives us a count for table settings.


We are so blessed to be able to share thanksgiving with all our friends and neighbors who do not have family here. Please don't be alone on this special holiday. Come join your neighbors for this celebration, make new friends, and eat till you are stuffed!


Any questions, please contact Cathy Chajec at 708-280-8910.

 (2019-11-09) Thanksgiving - We have a chairperson & Need Committee Volunteers - 

Dear Residents:

I, Cathy Chajec, have volunteered to Chair the Thanksgiving Dinner on November 28, 2019.  I am desperately looking for volunteers to help make this a wonderful holiday for all those who are staying in the Estates.  With many helpers, it is an easy dinner to put on.  There is a sign-up sheet in the library area where you can place your name and contact number if you choose to help out.  I will be looking for turkey bakers, kitchen help preparing the dressing & gravy, turkey carvers,  decorating help, and clean up. 

If I receive enough help with the preparations, I will post a sign up sheet in the library on November 14th.  Cost will be $6 per person and a dish to pass.  One person, a dish to feed 6; and couple, a dish for 12. Such items as mashed or sweet potatoes, green beans, corn carrots or other vegetables, cranberry relish, deviled eggs, or other relish tray, or pie/dessert.

There will be a women's club box and envelopes to fill out and put your money in.  These are considered virtual tickets and we will have a list made up so we know who and how many are coming.

The menu will consist of Turkey, Ham, Dressing, and Gravy prepared by the committee.

For any new residents, this is a good way to get your "feet wet" and see what it takes to be part of a crew to host a party.

Everyone in the Estates is welcome, as well as those family and friends who might be visiting.  It is a nice way to enjoy Thanksgiving as a community, without having to do all the cooking and cleaning involved in a home party. 

I hope you will consider helping in some way to make this event possible for all of our residents. 

Thank you for your consideration.

Cathy Chajec, 708-280-8910  if you have any questions.


 (2019-11-07) Thanksgiving - 

Thanksgiving is right around the corner and we need co-chairs to head up this event. Grab a friend and sign up. This is a way that our residents can have Thanksgiving together as a Sunshine family when we are not celebrating with our individual families. If that is something that interests you, please contact me. Thank you!

Vickie Jones   Women's Club Activities Director   262-689-7068


Poster_Thanksgiving 2019.jpg


 Veterans Day Tribute (11-11-2019)





























 (2019-12-01) Thank You - 

Thanks to all who supported our salute to our Veterans on 11-11-11. Our committee members worked hard to put this patriotic program together to remember the fallen and honor those who have served, are serving and their families. Thanks to: Heidi sang the National Anthem for the U.S. and for Canada.  Helen recited “In Flanders Field Where Poppys Bloom”. Jean gave us highlights on the 75th Anniversary of Iwo Jima and the Battle of the Bulge. Caroline Clements related her brother’s story on his Battlefield Commission during the Battle of the Bulge. Also, Caroline provided Veterans patches for us. Sally and Lenore performed the Flag Folding Ceremony and Cathy Chajec read the script. Ron presented the Folded Flag for the Missing Man Table while John read the significance of the items on the table. The American Flag and the Canadian Flag were posted.  Our Branch Flags were proudly carried by our Veterans and/or their families.  Marian, Karen and Share helped with all facets including Pot Luck. 

Lenore Combs


 (2019-11-10) CHANGE OF PLAN - Veterans Day Tribute - 

There is a slight change of plan for the Veterans Day Tribute being held in Retzlaff Hall tomorrow (11-11).

The program will be starting at 3:30 PM (instead of 3 PM). Social time will be at 4:30. Dinner will be at 5.

Also, if you have a picture as or of a veteran you would like to post on the Bulletin Board during the ceremony & dinner, please bring it with you before the ceremony and we'll get it up there.

Please spread the word about these changes as there are quite a few folks who still haven't provided an e-mail to Beth Parrish (e-mail admin) in order to start receiving the Sunshine E-mails.

Questions - call Lenore Combs

 (2019-11-07) Veteran's Day - 

This Monday, November 11th there will be a Veteran’s Day Program in Retzlaff Hall at 3 pm. Following the program there will be happy hour at 4:30 followed by a potluck at 5 pm. Everyone is welcome and there is a sign up sheet in the library so we can get a numbers count for setting up of tables and chairs. Come out and honor those who have given so much to make our country the best place to live!

If you are interested in participating in the program on Monday, there will be a planning meeting on Friday, Nov 8th at 3 pm in the library. Lenore Combs will be organizing the program for Monday, but she needs volunteers to help with flags, readings ..... Hope to see you there!

Vickie Jones   Women's Club Activity Director


 (2019-11-07) WOMEN'S CLUB, Veteran's Day - 

We are hoping to have a Veterans Day program here at Sunshine on Monday 11 November 2019 with a Potluck to follow. There is a sign-up sheet for volunteers in the Library.


This is usually a 2part deal – one Patriotic and the other a social Potluck.

  • In the past John and I have assisted with the Flag Ceremony (Patriotic side) while Marian Young handles the Potluck side.

  • We need Flag bearers and someone to talk on Veterans day.

  • We can consider a Flag retirement ceremony outside or whatever you like. Also, included in the Opening will be a 2 minute of silence observed calling for all people to pause in honor of the service and sacrifice of our Veterans throughout the history of the Nation.

  • We will also honor our Canadian Veterans.


There will be sign-up sheet in the Lounge for a Flag Detail and for the Potluck. If anyone wants to say a few words about the day – step up. Honor our Veterans and their families.

No support = no program but let’s hope for the best.


Lenore Combs


 (2019-10-16) Veterans Day Tribute - 

Dear Friends,

Please give this communication your best consideration. Sunshine is a great place to live because we have great people living here. I am representing the following event.

Veterans Day - 11 November - Monday

Sunshine is planning a Veterans Day appreciation.

In the past it has been a ceremony followed by a Pot Luck.

Marian Young knows about the Pot Luck and we are requesting help for this.

About the ceremony - If we have a posting of the Colors, we need several folks to carry these flags - John Combs will take the lead.

Lenore can do Flag Retirement Ceremony where a Flag will be burned - under safe conditions etc. We need YOU!

Last year Helen Perry spoke about Veterans Day, Carolyn Clements passed out Patches for the Veterans etc...….

Call me if you are interested. It would be a shame not to recognize our Veterans.

Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276

 (2019-10-15) Vererans' Day Tribute, Initial Details - 

  • Sunshine is planning a Veterans Day appreciation.

  • In the past it has been a ceremony followed by a Pot Luck. Marian Young knows about the Pot Luck and we are requesting help for this.

  • About the ceremony - If we have a posting of the Colors, we need several folks to carry these flags - John Combs will take the lead.

  • Lenore can do Flag Retirement Ceremony where a Flag will be burned - under safe conditions etc. We need YOU!

  • Last year Helen Perry spoke about Veterans Day, Carolyn Clements passed out Patches for the Veterans etc...….

    Call me if you are interested. It would be a shame not to recognize our Veterans.

    Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276



Oktoberfest (10-30-2019)

 (2019-10-27) Oktoberfest - 

Just a reminder that Octoberfest is Wednesday, October 30th and the last day for sign up will be end of day Monday. This is the first event of the season and is a fund raiser for Women’s Club.

Any questions please call Vickie Jones, 262-689-7068

 (2019-10-23) Oktoberfest, October 30th - 

Oktoberfest tickets are available in the library. It is a sign-up and you complete the info on the envelope to have a virtual ticket. Please include your money with your reservation. The cost is $10.00 per person. It is a BYOB party, so please bring whatever you would like to drink for the happy hour and dinner.

The date of the event is Wednesday, October 30th. Happy half-hour starts at 5pm with dinner at 5:30. There is no program.

This is the first Women's Club event of the season so come and get reacquainted with new neighbors and returning ones.

The menu is:

  • Brats and hot dogs

  • Potato Salad

  • Cole Slaw

  • Sauerkraut

  • Apple Dessert

  • Iced tea and water

Vickie Jones   Women's Club Activity Director


 (2019-10-15) Oktoberfest, Initial Details - 

  • First Women's Club event of the 2019-2020 winter season.

  • There will be brats, hot dogs, potato salad, coleslaw & sauerkraut.

  • Dessert to be determined.

  • It is BYOB (bring your own bottle).

    Additional details will be provided as soon as they become available.

    Co-Chairs: Eileen Anderson & Vickie Jones




Office: (956) 425-1420

FAX: (956) 425-1420


1957 W Michigan Dr

Harlingen, TX 78550

Information in this site is authorized by

Sunshine Estates Property Owners Association (SEPO) and its residents.

©2025 by Sunshine Country Club Estates

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