Sunshine Country Club Estates
Tennis / Pickleball / Table Tennis
Contact: Just Show Up
Plays: Every Mon, Wed & Fri from 8 AM to 11 AM
Location: Tennis Court
We plan to keep playing all summer and into next winter, as we have in the past. We need more tennis players during the summer. We would welcome any resident who is here to come and try it. We only play doubles and have limited skills. We don't care if your good or a new player. Our goal is to get some exercise and have fun. We do tease each other, so be warned.
Look at this great group of 'regulars' who play Tennis each week. Come join in on all the fun we have.
Pic taken Feb 17, 2024.
Contact: Just Show Up
Plays: Every Tue & Thu from 8 AM to 11 AM
Location: Tennis Court
Whoever arrives first usually starts the process of setting up the net. As more people arrive we assess the need for another net to go up. It appears there are lots of time slots open for play so if people want to gather up four (4) people to play and put the net up and take it down, we can do that. The court just needs to be reserved in the SEPO Office.
Some of us like to play continuous and some like to take a rest between games.
We have some windy days so, in the fall, we need volunteers to put up the “wind” screen that will help block a lot of that wind hazard.
Many of us want to play more than twice a week, so are considering playing after the tennis group is done.
It is a great time to have with fellow members and wonderful exercise.
There are all levels of players (NO professionals allowed) HaHa! Come join us.
Contact: Jan Kawecki, 719-334-6493
Plays: Every Sat during the Winter Seasons from 1 PM to 3 PM (unless there is another event schedule in the Hall)
Location: Retzlaff Hall
We would like to announce the startup of table tennis in Retzlaff Hall on Saturday afternoons at 1 PM. We have reserved Saturdays from 1 PM to 3 PM, starting tomorrow, January 20, 2024.
We will not play when other events are scheduled in the hall.​
All level of players welcome.
Paddles for loan are available.
Give me a call if you need.