
Sunshine Country Club Estates
SEPO Suggestions / Complaints / Ideas
"Results of SEPO Board Review"
After Discussion at the Nov 13, 2023 Board Mtg, it was concluded the process of performing the below steps and putting the explanations on the Sunshine Website was no longer being done. There will be no additional updates to this page.
COMPLETE (June 28, 2022)
COMPLAINT: Rules Violations concerning a Resident's yard
(Submitted on April 12, 2022)
Rules Violations
Who has Responsibility -
Beth Parrish initially - then entire Board.
Status / Action Taken -
2022-04-21: Beth acknowledged receipt of the complaint to the submitter.
2022-05-20: An attempt was made by the Office to call the resident. The phone # on file was no good. An e-mail was sent from the Office to the resident indicating the need to resolve the rules violations.
Several Times between sending e-mail and violation notice: A Board member spoke to the resident.
2022-06-22: Board sent a Formal Violation Notice to resident giving him/her seven days to resolve per the Policies & Procedures.
Between 2022-0-22 & 2022-06-28: Resident's yard is no longer in violation.
2022-06-29: Beth contacted the submitters via e-mail to inform them the violations no longer existed and the Board is considering this item COMPLETE.
(via Board e-mail vote on May 7, 2022)
(Item is Pending 'formal' Board approval at next Regular Board Mtg)
IDEA: Establish a Sunshine Rock Painting Club
(Submitted on May 5, 2022)
Suggestion / Idea -
A resident would like to establish a Sunshine Rock Painting Club.
Who has Responsibility -
2022-05-05: Beth Parrish
Status / Action Taken -
2022-05-07: Beth obtained approval from the Board via e-mail vote to allow the formation of a Sunshine Rock Painting Club. This item will be put on a future Regular Board meeting agenda in order to 'formally' approve the establishment of this club. Beth notified the submitter via e-mail she can proceed with creating this club and she will be notified when the Board meeting vote is final.
COMPLETE (June 16, 2022)
IDEA: Use the Woodshop 'spraying painting' area for painting rocks.
(Submitted on June 13, 2022)
Idea -
The Rock Painting Club would like to use the Woodshop's 'spray painting' area to 'spray rocks'.
Who has Responsibility -
2022-06-11: Beth Parrish
Status / Action Taken -
2022-06-11: Beth received pictures from the submitter showing the area behind the Woodshop that the Rock Painting Club would like to use to spray paint rocks. The submitter had received a complaint from a resident about why the club was using this area.
Beth sent an e-mail acknowledgement to the submitter that the Board had received the 'idea'.
Beth determined the Woodshop had approved the Rock Painting Club could use this area. Due to the 'resident' complaint Beth proceeded to seek 'formal' approval of the request from the Board.
2022-06-15: The Board approved the request.
2022-06-16: Beth contacted the submitter via e-mail to inform her the request was approved, and the Board is considering this item COMPLETE.
COMPLETE (June 16, 2022)
Suggestion/Complaint: Ditch Drainage @ intersection of MN & KS
(Submitted on Mar 14, 2022)
Declining drainage in the ditch. Could the ditch possibly be dredged?
Who has Responsibility -
2022-03-16: Larry Keller
Status / Action Taken -
2022-03-16: Jean talked to submitter today about this issue.
2022-03-25: Larry, along with some of the SEPO staff, have reviewed the situation. Larry is working to determine who has responsibility for this ditch as it appears it is not SEPO's property.
2022-04-02: Having found no formal acknowledgement e-mail to the submitter of the form, Beth sent the acknowledgement of receipt e-mail today.
2022-05-09: Share reported the following to the Board after having a conversation with Alan Moore, manager of Drainage District No. 5. They are to begin dredging this week at the north end of the ditch making their way south and it should take a few days. They control the ditch from our maintenance buildings north. There are a number of things feeding into the ditch to the north and they keep a close watch on it.
2022-06: Randy and Larry have been monitoring the situation.
2022-06-16: At this time the conclusion is that the ditch has been cleaned out to the Board's satisfaction. An e-mail was sent to the submitter thanking her for all of the information supplied to the Board to help remedy this issue. The submitter was asked to inform the other residents whose names had been on the complaint. The Board is considering this issue COMPLETE.
COMPLETE (June 15, 2022)
COMPLAINT: Issue with eroding ditch behind homes by the Pond on MN
(Submitted on Jan 28, 2022)
Complaint -
​Issue with eroding ditch behind homes by the Pond on MN.
Who has Responsibility -
2022-02-14: The form did not get forwarded to the Board per process until today. Larry Keller will take over responsibility.
Status / Action Taken -
2022-03: There was no e-mail acknowledgement to the submitter since the SEPO form had been received several days after it was submitted. Since it was already in the process of being investigated Beth talked to the submitter in person concerning status.
2022-04-21: The submitter was allowed to speak at the Board mtg on April 21, 2022. Some good suggestions were proposed, which the Board will take into consideration when determining solution(s) to this issue. After the Board meeting, Larry & Randy agreed on a plan to clean out the south ditch using SEPO equipment.
2022-05-26: Randy reported to the Board that there have been heavy rains in Harlingen lately and the submitters are very pleased with the flow of water in the ditch behind their homes.
2022-05-27: Beth contacted the submitters via e-mail to confirm they were ok with the Board closing out their SEPO complaint.
2022-06-15: No reply was received from the submitters. The Board is considering this item COMPLETE.
2022-06-21: Beth sent an e-mail to the submitters informing them of the 'formal' completion of this submission.
CLOSED (May 18, 2022)
Complaint/Suggestion - Virtual Mtgs & Board Director Reports
(Submitted on Oct 18, 2021)
Suggestion / Complaint
Resident would like to go back to 'normal' meeting agendas, no more virtual meetings, and more clear / inclusive Director Reports.
Who has Responsibility -
2021-10-24: Tony Tramel
Status / Action Taken -
2021-10-24: E-mail to submitter acknowledging receipt by Board of this Suggestion / Complaint and requesting a Face-to-Face meeting.
2021-11: Due to illness in the submitter's family this meeting never took place.
2022-05-18: During review of open SEPO Suggestion/Complaint/Idea forms this was marked COMPLETE since the items listed in the submission centered around returning to Board meetings and Director reporting as was done pre-Covid.
COMPLETE (May 18, 2022)
COMPLAINT: See Below for Explanation
(Submitted on April 6, 2022)
Complaint - ​
The complaint cannot be described as it pertained to a possible SEPO Rules violation.
Who has Responsibility -
2022-04-09: Share Nelson
Status / Action Taken -
2022-04-09: Previous to Complaint submission - Based on a verbal complaint to the Board by this submitter, several Board members were involved in determining what/if anything could be done concerning the complaint.
2022-04-09: Beth sent an e-mail to the submitter acknowledging receipt by the Board of this Complaint.
​2022-04-21: At the April 21, 2022 Board Executive Session it was agreed the Board would not be involved in any continuing issues concerning this submission.
2022-05-18: Between the April 21 Exec meeting and May 18 instances pertaining to this submission prompted the Board to consult the SEPO attorney. The attorney agreed it was indeed not a Board issue. The submitter was informed via e-mail the Board is considering this submission COMPLETE.
COMPLETE (May 18, 2022)
Don't need New Rules. Need to Enforce Current Rules.
(Submitted on April 5, 2022)
Suggestions & Complaints -
The suggestions and complaints cannot be described as they pertained to possible SEPO Rules violations.
Who has Responsibility -
2022-04-05: Entire Board due to the volume of complaints.
Status / Action Taken -
2022-04-05: Beth acknowledged to the submitter the SEPO form had been received and the appropriate Board member(s) would investigate the issues.
2022-04-21: At the April 21, 2022 Exec Session the Board made several decisions concerning all of the items listed on the form.
2022-05-15: Beth sent an e-mail to the submitter stating what the decisions from the April 21 Exec Session were. The submitter was also asked to supply additional information by EOD May 31 pertaining to some of the items of concern. -
2022-05-18: The Board consulted the SEPO attorney on one item. However, the reply from the submitter contained no additional information the Board could act on. The submitter was informed the Board is considering this submission CLOSED.
COMPLETE (May 15, 2022)
SUGGESTION: Suggest a metal roof for Retzlaff Hall
Suggestion -
Resident suggested putting a metal roof on Retzlaff Hall.
Who has Responsibility -
2022-03-10: Jean Burgoine
Status / Action Taken -
2022-03 & 04-: Jean has been meeting with various contractors and knowledgeable residents to determine what should be done to the Retzlaff Hall roof - repair or replace.
2022-04-21: It was decided Jean would get bids for both a repair and a replacement. Depending on the cost, the board may need to get involved to determine how to pay for what is decided to do.
2022-05-15: Beth informed the submitter via e-mail the Board is taking his suggestion into consideration, and the Board is formally COMPLETING his submission at this time.
COMPLETE (May 5, 2022)
COMPLAINT: ACC form during work should not contain resident Personal info
Complaint -
Resident is requesting the ACC form that is displayed while work is in process at a resident's home be made simpler and not contain a resident's personal information or the type of work being done.
Who has Responsibility -
2022-02-17: Randy Davis
Status / Action Taken -
2022-03 & 04: Randy developed a simple form and the ACC approved its use ongoing.
2022-04-21: Randy reported the ACC recently started using the new form. Beth continued working with the ACC to get the 'ACC Request Form' updated and the new process defined.
2022-05-04: Beth updated the Web site with the new and updated forms and the revised process. She informed the submitter via e-mail of this and that the Board was considering the submission COMPLETE.
2022-05-05: The community was informed all of the changes above had been completed.
COMPLETE (May 1, 2022)
SUGGESTION: Light at TX & MN is blinking
Suggestion -
Issue with one of the new lights on TX Ave.
Who has Responsibility -
2022-04-09: Larry Keller
Status / Action Taken -
2022-04-09: Beth acknowledged to the submitter the SEPO form had been received and Lalo has been working to determine a solution.
2022-04-21: Larry reported at the Board meeting that a bad light on TX Ave was being replaced from the vendor.
2022-05-01: Larry informed Beth the light had been replaced.
2022-05-15: Beth informed the submitter via e-mail the light had been fixed and the Board was considering his submission COMPLETE.
COMPLETE (April 21, 2022)
SUGGESTION via E-mail: Golf Cart parking spots on TX Ave
Suggestion -
Resident would like Golf Cart parking spot lines painted on TX Ave.
Who has Responsibility -
2022-02-07: Larry Keller
2022-03-??: Lenore took over responsibility to follow-up on this.
Status / Action Taken -
2022-02-08: Beth requested the resident submit a formal SEPO Suggestion form.
2022-02-14: A form was never submitted, but since this is similar to a SEPO form received from another resident it is being posted here.
2022-02 & 03 Board Mtgs: This topic was discussed at several board mtgs without resolution.
2022-04-21: At the Apr 21, 2022 Board meeting Lenore reported that she has talked with residents who take their dogs to TX Ave. They have agreed to be very careful when driving their golf carts on the grass and/or they will park along TX Ave. The residents requested the grass cutting level be raised on the mower. Larry had already asked Lalo to do this. The Board is considering this item COMPLETE.
COMPLETE (April 21, 2022)
COMPLAINT/SUGGESTION: Golf Carts are tearing up TX Ave
(Submitted on Feb 14, 2022)
Complaint / Suggestions -
A resident is complaining Golf Cart traffic is tearing up TX Ave and made several suggestions in her submission to resolve this.
Who has Responsibility -
2022-02-14: Larry Keller
2022-03-??: Lenore took over responsibility to follow-up on this.
Status / Action Taken -
2022-02-15: Beth informed the submitter the Board had received her submission.
2022-02 & 03 Bd Mtgs: This topic was discussed at several board mtgs without resolution.
2022-04-21: At the Apr 21, 2022 Board mtg Lenore report that she has talked with residents who take their dogs to TX Ave. They have agreed to be very careful when driving their golf carts on the grass and/or they will park along TX Ave. They requested the grass cutting level be raised on the mower. Larry has already asked Lalo to do this. The Board is considering this item COMPLETE.
2022-05-15: Beth informed the submitter the Board is considering her submission COMPLETE per process.
COMPLETE (April 21, 2022)
SUGGESTION/IDEA - establish a Sunshine Fishing Club
(Submitted on April 2, 2022)
Idea -
Establish a Sunshine Fishing Club.
Who has Responsibility -
2022-04-01: Beth Parrish
Status / Action Taken -
2022-04-01: Beth obtained approval from the Board via e-mail vote to allow the formation of a Sunshine Fishing Club. This item will be put on the April 21, 2022, Board meeting agenda in order to 'formally' approve the establishment of this club. The submitter has been informed to proceed with starting this club and will be notified when the Board meeting vote is final.
2022-04-21: The Board formally approved the formation of the Sunshine Fishing Club at the Apr 21, 2022 Board Meeting and the submitter was notified of this formal vote. The Board is considering this item COMPLETE.
2022-05-09: A follow-up e-mail was sent to the submitter, after the community was informed, indicating this item is complete.
COMPLETE (April 9, 2022)
COMPLAINT - Resident felt a card received from the Women's Club was insensitive.
(Submitted on April 6, 2022)
Complaint -
Resident felt a card received from the Women's Club was insensitive.
Who has Responsibility -
2022-04-09: Beth Parrish will address to WC.
Status / Action Taken -
2022-04-07: A SEPO E-news E-Mail was sent to the community in an attempt to find out who had submitted this form.
2022-04-09: It appears no one is going to acknowledge the submission. Since the WC needs to be aware, Beth forwarded the form to the WC President. The Board is unable to acknowledge to the submitter the action that has been taken. The Board is considering this item COMPLETE.
COMPLETE (April 2, 2022)
Complaint: GNDGT Priority
(Submitted on Mar 3, 2022)
Complaint -
Resident wants to know why the Good Neighbor Day Golf Tournament (GNDGT) has priority over Women's and Men's League golf tournaments when it comes to approving the 'next' Winter season's events in March of each year.
Who has Responsibility -
2022-03-03: Randy took the lead on this one.
2022-03-07: Beth worked out the details of when the Ladies Golf League would hold their tournament in March 2023.
Status / Action Taken -
2022-03-05: Randy talked with the current Ladies' Golf League president to explain that the GNDGT had been the priority event of Sunshine for 34 years. He pointed out the front entrance into Sunshine says 'Home of the Good Neighbor Day Golf Tournament' and not the home of any other of Sunshine's many events.
2022-03-07: Based on Randy's discussion with the Women's Golf League president, Beth worked with the responsible residents to come up with acceptable dates for the 2022-2023 Winter Season for the Board to approve at the Mar 8, 2022, Board Meeting. The Women's Golf League president relayed this information to the submitter of this complaint.
2022-04-02: Notice of closure of this item was sent to the submitter on April 2, 2022. The Board is considering this item COMPLETE.
COMPLETE (March 31, 2022)
SUGGESTION - Publish the BIO of the new SEPO Board President
(Submitted on March 29, 2022)
Idea -
Request to publish BIO of newly appointed Board President, Share Nelson.
Who has Responsibility -
2022-03-29: Beth Parrish
Status / Action Taken -
2022-03-31: The new Board President’s (Share Nelson) BIO was sent via e-mail to the community and has been posted on the Sunshine Web site in the ‘Residents Only’ section. COMPLETE
2022-04-02: Beth informed the submitter via e-mail that the Board was considering this submission COMPLETE.
COMPLETE (Mar 25, 2022)
Complaint - Woodshop requirement to show Proof of Vaccine or Negative Covid-19 Test
(Submitted on Sep 22, 2021)
Complaint -
On-duty monitors at the Woodshop are SEPO residents and should not be privy to other residents Covid-19 related status.
Who has Responsibility -
2021-09-22: Tony Tramel
Status / Action Taken -
2021-10-06: E-mail to submitter acknowledging receipt by Board of submission concerning the Woodshop restrictions relating to Covid-19.
2021-10-12: Tony is having conversation with Jerry Wetherbee (Woodshop President) about this issue.
2022-03-25: Throughout the winter the woodshop Board/Monitors maintained varying degrees of restrictions pertaining to Covid-19. Upon investigation of the Board the following, pertaining to Covid-19, was voted on and approved at the Mar 25, 2022 Board mtg. The Board is considering this submission COMPLETE.
SEPO & Covid-19.-
MOTION: Randy moved and Beth seconded every SEPO owned facility/building on SEPO property no longer have any Covid restrictions and we no longer need to read the Covid statement/disclaimer at meetings and events.
DISCUSSION: Lenore stated the updated justification for lifting any restrictions came from the CDC and Cameron County statistics dated March 2022. She stressed the need to be vigilant and that the Board could adjust their comments accordingly if things change. Jean pointed out, since we are officially dropping our restrictions, this does not prohibit people from wearing face masks if they feel the need. If you feel ill, please remain at home.
VOTE: The motion passed unanimously.
Update: The Web site has been updated to reflect this announcement.
COMPLETE (Jan 11, 2022)
COMPLAINT / IDEA: Take down cable & do not put a fence at the end of #6
(Submitted on Jan 7, 2022)
Complaint / Idea -
A resident would like the cable at the end of Hole #6 removed and the Board does not put a fence there.
Who has Responsibility -
2022-04-01: Tony Tramel
Status / Action Taken -
2022-01-07: Beth acknowledged to the submitter the Board would put his submission on the Jan 11, 2022 Board Mtg agenda.
2022-01-11: After discussion the Board approved Lyn to proceed with putting up the fence. The submitter was in attendance at the meeting.
No formal e-mail acknowledgement of completion of this submission was sent since the submitter was in attendance at the Jan 11, 2022 Board mtg. The Board is considering this item COMPLETE.
COMPLETE (Dec 14, 2021)
Suggestion - Do Not put SEPO Christmas Decorations until up until after Thanksgiving -
(Submitted on Dec 3, 2021)
Suggestion -
Do Not put up SEPO Christmas Decorations until after Thanksgiving.
Who has Responsibility -
2021-12-06: Tony Tramel will pose this to the entire Board.
Status / Action Taken -
2021-12-06: Tony suggested this item be added to the Dec 14 Board mtg agenda
There was a consensus by the Board that the Christmas lights on TX Ave be turned on no sooner than the Monday after Thanksgiving.
2021-12-29: An e-mail was sent to both the submitter and the community indicating the Board is considering this submission COMPLETE.
Sent 2021-12-29 to Community: SEPO Suggestion: Do Not put up SEPO Christmas Decorations until after Thanksgiving -
As part of the SEPO Suggestion process the Board adopted on July 20, 2021, we want to ensure the community is aware of the resolution of the SEPO Suggestion of "Do Not put up SEPO Christmas Decorations until after Thanksgiving". This Suggestion was an agenda item for the Dec 14, 2021 Board meeting. See the excerpt from that meeting's minutes,
Excerpt from minutes for the Dec 14, 2021 Board meeting:
Differing Resident opinions on when to put up and light them – before or after Thanksgiving.
MOTION: Lyn moved and Beth seconded that the Christmas lights on TX Ave be turned on no sooner than the Monday after Thanksgiving.
VOTE: Beth, Mark, Lyn and Jean voted YES. Lenore voted NO. The motion passed.
The Board is considering this SEPO Suggestion COMPLETE and would like to thank the resident for their submission.
The results of SEPO Suggestions / Complaints / Ideas are also posted on the Sunshine Web site.
SEPO Board
COMPLETE (Dec 14, 2021)
Suggestion - Clarify "When & Where" pets need to be on a Leash
(Submitted on Dec 2, 2021)
Suggestion -
Clarify "When & Where" pets need to be on a Leash.
Who has Responsibility -
2021-12-02: Beth Parrish & Tony Tramel
Status / Action Taken -
2021-12-02: Beth sent e-mail to submitter acknowledging receipt by the Board of this Suggestion. Tony suggested this item be added to the Dec 14 Board mtg agenda to determine what, if anything, might need to be changed/updated in the "Policies & Procedures".
2021-12-03: The submitter was notified via e-mail that the Suggestion will be on the Dec 14, 2021 Board mtg agenda and was also invited to attend the Residents meeting on Dec 13, 2021 to talk about this Suggestion if they wished.
The Board clarified the -
"Policies & Procedures" clearly state: All pets must be kept on leash when not on the owner’s property.
Covenants also state: All pets must be kept on a leash when not confined to OWNERS’ lot.
The Board will continue discussion on 'pets on leashes' as described in the excerpt from the Dec 14, 2021 Board meeting minutes below.
2021-12-29: An e-mail was sent to both the submitter and the community indicating completion of this item, since the 'current' rule was clarified in the Dec 14, 2021 Board meeting. Therefore, the Board is considering this submission COMPLETE.
Sent 2021-12-29 to Community: SEPO Suggestion: Clarify "When & Where" pets need to be on a Leash - ​
As part of the SEPO Suggestion process the Board adopted on July 20, 2021, we want to ensure the community is aware of the resolution of the SEPO Suggestion to "Clarify When & Where pets need to be on a leash". This Suggestion was an agenda item for the Dec 14, 2021 Board meeting. At this meeting the Board clarified the -
"Policies & Procedures" clearly state: All pets must be kept on leash when not on the owner’s property
"Covenants" clearly state: All pets must be kept on a leash when not confined to OWNERS’ lot.
The Board will continue discussion on 'pets on leashes' as described in the excerpt from the Dec 14, 2021 Board meeting minutes below.
Excerpt from minutes for the Dec 14, 2021 Board meeting:
We received a SEPO ‘Question’ from a new resident asking where pets could be leash-free. Tony indicated it was defined in both the Covenants and the Policies & Procedures that, unless your pet is on your personal property, it must be on a leash. To not do so is a violation of our current governing rules. It would take a 66% vote to amend the Covenants.
MOTION: Lyn moved and Mark seconded we put it on the ballot to do away with the leash law. In its place we create some sort of language stating the owner is responsible for their own pets.
VOTE: The motion passed unanimously by all Board members present.
The Board is considering this SEPO Suggestion COMPLETE and would like to thank the resident for their submission.
The results of SEPO Suggestions / Complaints / Ideas are also posted on the Sunshine Web site.
SEPO Board
COMPLETE (Dec 14, 2021)
Suggestion/Complaint - Feeding of Ducks on the Golf Course
(Submitted on Nov 15, 2021)
Suggestion -
A resident wanted the Board to address the issue of residents feeding the ducks on the golf course, which is resulting in extreme amounts of 'bird poop'.
Who has Responsibility -
2021-11-23: Beth Parrish and Tony Tramel took Responsibility
Status / Action Taken -
2021-11-05: Beth sent e-mail to submitter acknowledging receipt by Board of this Suggestion/Complaint.
2021-11-27: Tony suggested this item be addressed in the Policies & Procedures. It will be added to Dec 14, 2021 Board mtg agenda.
2021-12-02: Resident was notified via e-mail that the Suggestion/Complaint had been received and put on the Dec 14, 2021 Board mtg agenda.
2021-12-03: The submitter was invited to attend the Residents meeting on Dec 13, 2021 to talk about this Suggestion/Complaint if they wished.
2021-12-14: The Board voted at the Dec 14, 2021 Board meeting to include a section in the SEPO "Policies & Procedures" stating 'Feeding ducks on the golf course is prohibited.'
2021-12-29: An e-mail was sent to both the submitter and the community indicating completion of this item. Therefore, the Board is considering this submission COMPLETE.
Sent 2021-12-29 to Community: SEPO Suggestion/Complaint: Feeding of Ducks on the Golf Course -
As part of the SEPO Suggestion process the Board adopted on July 20, 2021, we want to ensure the community is aware of the resolution of the SEPO Suggestion/Complaint concerning "Feeding of Ducks on the Golf Course". This Suggestion/Complaint was an agenda item for the Dec 14, 2021 Board meeting. As stated in the minutes from that meeting (see below) the Board updated the SEPO "Policies & Procedures" to address this issue.
Excerpt from minutes for the Dec 14, 2021 Board meeting:
Feeding of Ducks on Golf Course:
​DISCUSSION: Lenore read the following: Per TX Parks & Wildlife it is an offense to feed or offer any wildlife or exotic wildlife unsecured in a manner that makes food available to wildlife or exotic wildlife unless specifically authorized. The Board agreed the community needs to be educated concerning this matter and there wasn’t a need to impose fees. We will put up signs – where TBD – and emphasize all of this in the next Sunshine Newsletter.
AMENDED MOTION: Lenore moved and Beth seconded to update the Policies & Procedures with the following:
“Feeding ducks on the golf course is prohibited.” Per the TX Parks & Wildlife, it is an offense to feed or offer any wildlife or exotic wildlife unsecured in a manner that makes food available to wildlife or exotic wildlife unless specifically authorized. The feeding of birds can be permitted using feeders that contain food in a specific area.
DISCUSSION: We continue to have resident turnover and there needs to be ongoing education. Beth suggested it be included in the new homeowner ‘Orientation’ materials.
VOTE on Amended Motion: Beth, Lenore, Jean and Mark voted YES. Lyn voted NO. The motion passed.
The Board is considering this SEPO Suggestion/Complaint COMPLETE and would like to thank the resident for their submission.
The results of SEPO Suggestions / Complaints / Ideas are also posted on the Sunshine Web site.
SEPO Board
COMPLETE (Dec 14, 2021)
Suggestion - Reinstate Vendor Program
(Submitted on Oct 21, 2021)
A resident would like to see the Vendor Program reinstated.
Who has Responsibility -
2021-11-05: Beth Parrish took Responsibility
Status / Action Taken -
2021-11-05: Beth sent e-mail to submitter acknowledging receipt by Board of this Suggestion.
2021-12-02: Beth sent e-mail to submitter informing them this item would be on the Dec 14, 2021 Board meeting agenda.
2021-12-03: The submitter was invited to attend the Residents meeting on Dec 13, 2021 to talk about this suggestion if they wished.
2021-12-14: The Board voted at the Dec 14, 2021 Board meeting 'not' to reinstate this program.
2021-12-29: An e-mail was sent to both the submitter and the community indicating the Board is considering this submission COMPLETE.
Sent 2021-12-29 to Community: SEPO Suggestion: Reinstate Vendor Program -
As part of the SEPO Suggestion process the Board adopted on July 20, 2021, we want to ensure the community is aware of the resolution of the SEPO Suggestion concerning the reinstatement of the Vendor Program. This suggestion was an agenda item for the Dec 14, 2021 Board meeting. As stated in the minutes from that meeting (see below) the Board voted ‘not’ to reinstate this program.
Excerpt from minutes for the Dec 14, 2021 Board meeting:
Tony/Board – SEPO Suggestion from Resident: Reinstatement of Vendor Program
We have not had this program for the past two years. The Board has not been made aware of any problems without it. The administration of this process is not easy.
The Vendor Program was a process for identifying unmarked vehicles which were legitimate contractors hired by a resident to do work. This program had been in effect several years when a previous Board voted to dissolve it. Lenore has a protocol for the program. There was discussion on the inability to guarantee a vendor was displaying the proper credentials every time he entered the premises and how it is difficult for residents to ‘police’ it. It was proposed that everyone keep an eye on suspicious activity at their neighbors’ house and inform/question their neighbors of such.
MOTION: Lyn moved and Mark seconded to ‘not’ reinstate the Vendor Program.
VOTE: Beth, Mark, Lyn and Jean voted YES. Lenore voted NO. The motion passed.
The Board is considering this SEPO Suggestion COMPLETE and would like to thank the resident for their submission.
The results of SEPO Suggestions / Complaints / Ideas are also posted on the Sunshine Web site.
SEPO Board
COMPLETE (Dec 3, 2021)
Suggestion - Christmas Decorations be put up before Thanksgiving and left up thru New Years
(Submitted on Oct 18, 2021)
Suggestion -
A resident would like to see the Christmas Decorations on TX Ave put up before Thanksgiving and left up until New Years (and be lighted).
Who has Responsibility -
2021-10-31: Beth Parrish took responsibility
2021-11-05: Beth has requested one of the other Board members take over responsibility for this until it is resolved. Lenore volunteered to do this.
Status / Action Taken -
2021-10-31: E-mail to submitter acknowledging receipt by Board of this Suggestion and clarified the request was concerning 'only' TX Ave and not what the Women's Club does in the Hall.
2021-11-29: Although the employees didn’t get this accomplished prior to them leaving for the Thanksgiving holiday, they did do it the Monday after Thanksgiving. Lenore is working with the SEPO office to get this accomplished prior to Thanksgiving ongoing, starting in 2022.
2021-12-02: An e-mail was sent to the submitter today indicating the solution and closure of this item.
2021-12-03: An e-mail was sent to the community indicating the Board is considering this submission COMPLETE.
Sent 2021-12-03: SEPO Suggestion: Christmas Decorations on TX Ave -
One of our residents had suggested that the Christmas decorations on TX Ave be put up prior to Thanksgiving this year and left up through New Year's day - and lighted.
Although the employees didn’t get this accomplished prior to them leaving for the Thanksgiving holiday this year, they did do it the Monday after Thanksgiving. The board is working with the SEPO office to get this accomplished prior to Thanksgiving ongoing, starting in 2022.
I’m hope you all enjoy these festive decorations. SEPO Board
COMPLETE (Nov 26, 2021)
Complaint - Can't see Lake from a Bench on TX Ave
(Submitted on Nov 15, 2021)
Complaint -
Would like bushes blocking the view to Encore's lake from the Dog Park area on TX Ave cut back.
Who has Responsibility -
2021-11-23: Larry Keller
Status / Action Taken -
2021-11-23: Larry contacted the submitter to tell her Lalo would be working on it.
2021-11-26: Work has been completed and the Board is considering this item COMPLETE.
COMPLETE (Nov 23, 2021)
Complaint - Covenants Violation
(Submitted on Sep 21, 2021)
Complaint -
This complaint contained signatures of multiple residents.
Because this issue is related to a SEPO Covenants violation, no additional details are permitted to be talked about.
Who has Responsibility -
2021-09-22: SEPO Board President Tony Tramel took the lead keeping the entire Board informed of actions taken and obtaining the required Board approvals throughout the entire process.
Status / Action Taken -
2021-10-02: SEPO Board President Tony Tramel is working with the SEPO Lawyer and the rest of the Board members to determine the best and legal course of action.
2021-11-23: The submitter was informed via e-mail, and asked to inform all others who had signed the form, that the Board had resolved the issue utilizing a Covenants Violation process obtained from our lawyer and approved by the Board in August, 2021.
The submitter was informed via e-mail the Board is marking this item COMPLETE.
COMPLETE (Nov 23, 2021)
Complaint - Covenants Violation
(Submitted via three separate e-mails on Aug 23, Sep 7 & Sep 12, 2021)
Complaint -
Complaints were submitted via three separate e-mails to SEPO Board President Tony Tramel.​
Because this issue is related to a SEPO Covenants violation, no additional details are permitted to be talked about.
Who has Responsibility -
2021-09-10: SEPO Board President Tony Tramel took the lead keeping the entire Board informed of actions taken and obtaining the required Board approvals throughout the entire process.
Status / Action Taken -
2021-09-10: SEPO Board President Tony Tramel is working with the SEPO Lawyer and the rest of the Board members to determine the best and legal course of action.
2021-10-06 through 2021-11-22: Tony continually kept the resident who submitted the complaint informed of Board progress.
2021-11-23: The resident was informed the Board had resolved the issue utilizing a Covenants Violation process obtained from our lawyer and approved by the Board in August, 2021.
The resident was informed via e-mail the Board is marking this item COMPLETE.
COMPLETE (Nov 3, 2021)
Suggestion - Physically Post Board & Resident Mtg Agendas by the Mailboxes
(Submitted on Oct 20, 2021)
Suggestion -
A resident would like the Board & Residents Mtgs Agendas and Notices physically posted by the Mailboxes along with being posted in the Office and the poolside door into Retzlaff Hall.
Who has Responsibility -
2021-10-24: Tony Tramel & Beth Parrish
Status / Action Taken -
2021-10-31: E-mail to submitter acknowledging Suggestion is being investigated.
2021-11-02: The Residents & Board mtgs agenda were also posted by the mailboxes. The Board is considering this submission COMPLETE.
COMPLETE (Oct 6, 2021)
Complaint - Contractors Speeding on Sunshine Streets
(Submitted on Sep 21, 2021)
Complaint/Idea -
A resident requested the issue of Contractors speeding on Sunshine streets be addressed.
Who has Responsibility -
2021-09-21: Beth Parrish
Status / Action Taken -
2021-10-02: After conferring with the rest of the Board, it was decided sending a SEPO E-mail would be the best course of action to take.
2021-10-06: The e-mail below was sent to the Community on Oct 6, 2021.
Sent 2021-10-06: SEPO Complaint: Contractors Speeding on Sunshine Streets -
One of our Sunshine residents has submitted a 'complaint' to the Board concerning Contractors speeding on Sunshine streets. We are asking everyone to please remind any Contractors you are employing that they need to observe the Speed Limit signs posted within Sunshine in order to keep our streets safe at all times.
Thanks for your immediate attention to this matter. Beth Parrish (for SEPO Board)
COMPLETE (Oct 2, 2021)
Complaint - Speeding on Sunshine streets during Flooding
(Submitted on Oct 1, 2021)
Complaint/Idea -
A resident requested an e-mail be sent to the Community asking everyone to drive slower when the streets are flooded to prevent creating a wake. Someone was driving so fast last week it knocked off their skirting.
Who has Responsibility -
2021-10-01: Beth Parrish
Status / Action Taken -
2021-10-02: After conferring with the rest of the Board, it was decided sending a SEPO E-mail would be the best course of action to take. The e-mail below was sent to the Community on Oct 2, 2021.
Sent 2021-10-02: SEPO Complaint: Sunshine Flooded Streets & Speeding -
Those of you currently physically residing at Sunshine are aware you had 4+ inches of rain yesterday. Even being up here in St. Louis, I know what that means, flooded streets. I'm glad to hear it is dried up today.
However, while the streets were flooded, there were apparently some folks 'speeding' on them even after signs to 'drive slow' and 'no wake' signs were put up on the flooded streets. Please remember this creates wakes that could cause damage to residents' property, ie skirtings.
Please be respectful of your neighbors' property, during flooding and always.
Thanks for your attention to this matter. Beth Parrish (for SEPO Board)
COMPLETE (Sep 28, 2021)
Complaint - Don't need mandates to restrict where
Vaccinated vs Unvaccinated people can participate in events
(Submitted on Sep 24, 2021)
Suggestion/Complaint/Idea -
Community is divided and assaulting each other. We should work to find a mutual solution and not impose more mandates to restrict those Vaccinated and those Unvaccinated from co-mingling.
Who has Responsibility -
2021-09-27: Beth Parrish & Tony Tramel
Status / Action Taken -
The resident who submitted this has been informed of the following via e-mail -
The Board is working to resolve any issues that may be causing you to feel the community is divided and assaulting each other. It appears you are under the impression there are forthcoming mandates to segregate vaccinated vs unvaccinated persons within the community. Let me assure you, if that is what you are hearing, that is definitely not the case. It is only rumors.
The SEPO Board position has not changed since the decisions made and published on May 20, 2021. The Web site states:
The SEPO Board met earlier today
(May 20, 2021 @ 1:30 PM via Google Meet)
One of the agenda items was as follows:
Determine next steps (Review/Change or Not/Approve) SEPO Covid-19 Restrictions with discussion and potential Action.
During the discussion of this item, each board member voiced his/her opinion on what the next step should be pertaining to the current SEPO Covid-19 restrictions. At the end of this discussion, a motion was made and seconded to ‘remove’ all current SEPO Covid-19 restrictions. A formal vote was taken with the following results – YES from Beth Parrish, Larry Keller, Lenore Combs and Jean Burgoine & NO from Mecca Henry and Lyn Swonger. Since the vote was not a tie, President Tony Tramel did not vote.
CLOSED (Sep 19, 2021)
Complaint - Water Behind W IA Ave
(Submitted via e-mail on Jul 28, 2021)
Complaint -
A complaint was submitted via an e-mail to SEPO Board President Tony Tramel. It stated -
the ditch behind this resident's house has never been properly maintained, including that it contained standing water where mosquitoes were breeding, for the two years this person has lived in Sunshine.
the embankment was rarely mowed, contributing to the mosquito problem, and spraying from the street on a four-wheeler does not address the breeding ground in the ditch.
Who has Responsibility -
2021-07-28: SEPO Board President Tony Tramel.
Status / Action Taken -
2021-07-28: SEPO Board President Tony Tramel acknowledged receipt of the resident's e-mail during his vacation. The resident was informed of the 'formal' process for submitting issues such as this, but was told it wouldn't be necessary to fill out the normal paperwork and that the e-mail would suffice as the submittal of the Complaint. Tony informed the resident he would contact her upon his return the first full week in August.
2021-08-12: Tony attempted on three different occasions (August 7, 10 & 12) via e-mail to set up a date and time to meet with the resident. No reply was ever received from the resident.
2021-09-19: It has been determined by the Board that the resident no longer wishes to pursue the issue. Therefore the Board is considering it CLOSED. The resident has been informed of this action via e-mail.
COMPLETE (Sep 14, 2021)
Tree Replacement on Golf Course
(Submitted on Jul 28, 2021)
Suggestion -
It has been suggested that the tree on the back of Tee Box #5, that was lost during the 2021 winter freeze, be replaced.
Who has Responsibility -
This is being addressed by the Board Golf Course Director - Lyn Swonger.​
Status / Action Taken -
Lyn has spoken to the ​​person who submitted this request and it has been agreed that a new tree will be planted on Tee Box #5.
Additional details will continue to be provided until this Suggestion is completed.
2021-09-14: A replacement has been planted on Tee Box #5.
2021-09-15: The resident was informed via e-mail the Board is marking this item COMPLETE.
CLOSED (Sep 7, 2021)
New Sunshine Activity - Bingo
(Submitted on Jul 27, 2021)
Suggestion -
Have Bingo at Sunshine one night a week, to start, and see how much interest there is.
Who has Responsibility -
2021-08-04: SEPO Board Secretary Beth Parrish solicited input from the Board and it was agreed that this is something that would be best addressed by the Women's Club (WC).
Status / Action Taken -
2021-08-21: ​Beth Parrish sent the Bingo Suggestion to all members of the WC Board and also the WC Activities Director requesting they look into possibly having Bingo at Sunshine. Additional details will continue to be provided as they develop.
2021-08-27: The Women's Club has found out that we will not be able to have Bingo at SEPO because we are a 55+ community, which prohibits us from having Bingo, selling cards or paying out money. It would be considered gambling if we did it. We could only get a one-time license for $25 for a one-time event, but not ongoing. If we were 60+ we would be exempt.​
2021-09-07: The composer of this SEPO Suggestion was officially informed today via e-mail by the Board of the Women's Club findings (above) and that the Board was considering this Suggestion CLOSED.