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Activities: Special (2019-2020 Winter Season)

Additional Details


You can find continuing information about this Project HERE.



 WALL OF HONOR (Started Jan 8, 2020) 


Sent 2020-03-21: SUNSHINE HEROES - 

As another winter season comes to a close, I just want to give you all a reminder about the SUNSHINE HEROES wall. In case you haven’t seen it, the wall is up in Retzlaff Hall and has 41 names on it. Those of you who have made a pledge for this project, I will be coming around this week to collect. I want to thank all those who have donated to this project both monetarily and with their time and labor. The applications are still available from Valerie in the SEPO office. When you complete your application return it to Valerie along with your picture. If you do not have a picture or prefer a current picture be sure to check the box on the form that you will need a picture taken. I will be contacting you upon my return in the fall to take a current picture for this book.

Remember as we travel home to be safe and when you get there find your favorite picture of you or your spouse, in uniform or not, to be placed in the book that is placed with the display wall.

I want to have this SUNSHINE HEROS display to represent all of the people who served.


Jim Tennant   4161 N Missouri   (616)866-9960   Email:


Sent 2020-02-20: SUNSHINE HEROES UPDATE - 

This is a final call for this season for our residents who served in the armed forces of all nations and the men and women in our community who served as Police Officers, Fire Fighters and EMT/First Responders. The service wall plans are moving along. The wall display is to recognize residents living and deceased where the surviving spouse or other relation resides within the estates.

I will be available in the library on March 12, 2020 between 10:00 and 12:00 to take pictures and accept applications. If you have a picture I will be accepting them at these times.

If residents want their picture or their spouse’s picture included on the wall they will need to fill out an application form. These forms are available in the office. Check with Valerie to get one, or see me. My information is below. She also has pledge forms available if you need one.

The picture you provide for use will be copied and returned, please write on the application form so that I can return your picture.

All name plates and pictures that are placed on the wall and in the book should remain there indefinitely.

I want to inform our residents on the status of this project. The wall is installed and the name plates are ordered. Engraving is being done on 28 of the plates, as that is the amount of applicants we had when the order was placed. Additional plates will be engraved as we receive applications.
The pledges that I asked for at the Annual Meeting are coming in with many neighbors preferring to make cash donations rather than a pledge. I am keeping an accounting of all donations and expenditures and will make it available for anyone to see upon request.

It is hoped that the first name plates will be on the wall very soon. Thank you for your pledges and donations towards this project and for those still to come in.

Jim Tennant,   4161 N Missouri,   616-866-9960,   Email


Sent 2019-12-27 Newsletter: Wall of Honor - 

This is a 2nd call for all our residents who served in the armed forces of all nations and the men and women in our community who served as police officers, fire fighters and first responders.  The service wall plans are moving along. The wall display is to recognize residents living and deceased where the surviving spouse or other relation resides within the estates.


I will be available in the library on January 8th between 10:00 and 11:00 also 1:30 to 2:30 to accept pictures and applications.  If you do not have a picture, I will be taking pictures at these times.


This will be a wall similar to the ones in place in Retzlaff Hall to honor the golfing achievements. It will have a title at the top stating the purpose.  The name plates below containing the name of the honoree the type of service and dates of service.  Accompanying the wall, I propose having a pedestal, or shelf to hold a photograph album of the honorees.


If residents want their picture or their spouse’s picture included on the wall, they will need to fill out an application form. These forms are available in the office.  Check with Valerie to get one, or see me. My information is below. 


The picture you provide for use will be copied and returned if you write in pencil on the back of the picture; the name, address and phone number of where it is to be returned. 


All name plates and pictures that are placed on the wall and in the book should remain there indefinitely.


Any questions contact:

Jim Tennant

4161 N Missouri




Sent 2019-11-26 Newsletter: Wall of Honor - 

This is a call for all our residents who served in the armed forces of all nations and the men and women in our community who served as police officers, fire fighters and first responders.  We are planning a service wall of honor to recognize residents living and deceased where the surviving spouse resides within the estates.  I will be available in the library on December 3rd   between 10:00 and 11:00 also 1:30 to 2:30 to accept pictures and applications.  If you do not have a picture, I will be taking pictures at these times.


This will be a wall similar to the ones in place to honor the golfing achievements that are in Retzlaff Hall.  It will have a title at the top stating the purpose.  The name plates below containing the name of the honoree, the type of service and dates of service.  Accompanying the wall, I propose having a pedestal, or shelf to hold a photograph album of the honorees.


If residents want their picture or their spouse’s picture included on the wall, they will need to fill out an application form. These forms are available in the office, just ask Valerie for one. 


The picture you provide for use will be copied and returned if you write in pencil on the backside of the picture the name, address and phone number of where it is to be returned. 


All name plates and pictures that are placed on the wall and in the book should remain there indefinitely.


Any questions contact: Jim Tennant, 4161 N Missouri, 616-866-9960, email




 St. Patrick's Day Party (Mar 17, 2020)


Sent 2020-03-13: St. Patrick's Day Party - 

Sorry to announce that our St Patrick’s Day celebration will have to be cancelled due to Corona virus health concerns.   The Andersons and McFees


Sent 2020-03-12: REMINDER: St. Patrick's Day Party - 


Get out your Greens
St. Patrick's Day Party


When: Tuesday, March 17 @ 4 PM
Where: Pavillion (weather permitting), Retzlaff Hall (backup)
Hosts: Brad & Eileen Anderson AND Dak & Janis McFee

  • Hosts are providing A Keg of Green Beer

  • Attendees - Please bring Finger Foods to share


Dak McFee


Sent 2020-03-03: St. Patrick's Day Party - 

Get out your Greens
St. Patrick's Day Party

When: Tuesday, March 17 @ 4 PM
Where: Pavillion (weather permitting), Retzlaff Hall (backup)
Hosts: Brad & Eileen Anderson AND Dak & Janis McFee

  • Hosts are providing A Keg of Green Beer

  • Attendees - Please bring Finger Foods to share

Dak McFee



St. Pat's Day.jpg


 Movie in Hall: The Overcomers (Feb 25, 2020) 


Sent 2020-02-24: REMINDER: Movie in Hall - Feb 25, 2020 - 

Everyone is welcome to come and enjoy a movie entitled "The Overcomers"  that is being shown in Retzlaff Hall on Tuesday, Feb 25th at 10 am.

The Overcomers synopsis
High school basketball coach John Harrison and his team face an uncertain future when their town's largest manufacturing plant shuts down unexpectedly. As hundreds of people move away, John reluctantly agrees to coach cross-country, a sport he doesn't even like. His outlook soon changes when he meets Hannah Scott, an unlikely runner who pushes herself to the limit.

Can call me with questions.     Sue Swidryk   847-452-7804


Sent 2020-02-13: Movie in Hall - 

Everyone is welcome to come and enjoy a movie entitled "The Overcomers"  that is being shown in Retzlaff Hall on Tuesday, Feb 25th at 10 am.

The Overcomers synopsis
High school basketball coach John Harrison and his team face an uncertain future when their town's largest manufacturing plant shuts down unexpectedly. As hundreds of people move away, John reluctantly agrees to coach cross-country, a sport he doesn't even like. His outlook soon changes when he meets Hannah Scott, an unlikely runner who pushes herself to the limit. Can call me with questions.     Sue Swidryk   847-452-7804




 Neighborhood Watch Invitation (Feb 21, 2020) 


Sent 2020-02-19: Neighborhood Watch invitation - 

Dear Friends, Chief Miryam Anderson personally  invites us (and anyone from Sunshine) to join her in a friendly walk  FRIDAY  21 February  at 5:30pm at Mc Kelvey Park. This is a part of Healthy Harlingen and she wants big numbers to beat out all the other competition that have been walking with the Mayor etc.  Wear your Orange Vest. I have Vests if you do not have one. Meet her at 5pm at McKelvey entrance.  See you there.  Thanks.
Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276   NW - CERT Coordinator




 Minnesota Get-Together (Feb 19, 2020) 


Sent 2020-02-05: Minnesota Get-Together -

Minnesota residents residing in Sunshine Estates are hosting the annual "Minnesota Get-Together" at Retzlaff Hall Wednesday February 19th at 1:00 pm.

The event will include a lunch at a cost of $11.00 each, catered by Dave's Bar and Grill. Meal tickets can be purchased from Duane & Mary Eich at 4316 N. Mn. St. Tel. # 651-341-5004.

Mary Eich




​ State of Missouri Residents Lunch (Feb 4, 2020) 

MO State Lunch_2020

Sent 2020-01-22: State of Missouri Residents Lunch - 

To all residents and former residents of the state of Missouri………there will be a gathering at Golden Corral on Tuesday, February 4th, at 11:00.  Come visit with your MO friends and maybe meet the newcomers to our little corner of TX!  Lunch is on your own and prizes will be given out (if you have something to add to the goodies, please feel free to bring it/them with you).  There is a sign-up sheet in the library (to provide a head-count) and if you have questions, please call Dick Jones (956-264-2926) or Linda Jones (573-631-7849).  See you on the 4th!!





 Mah Jongg Lessons (12-17-2019 & 12-24-2019) 


2019-12-15: Mah Jongg Lessons - 

Are you interested in learning to play Mah Jongg? Learning sessions will be held on Tuesday Dec. 17th and Dec. 24th from 1-3 in the afternoon in the card room. The game will be introduced and the tiles explained.  If you are new to the game or you need a refresher, this your opportunity to learn. We play on Tuesday afternoons in the card room and Saturday evening at 6:30 in the library. Mah Jongg helps in keeping your mind active. our are invited to join us.
Jean Burgoine




 Salvation Army Bell Ringers (Nov 28, 2019)

Bell Ringers

(Sent 2019-12-27:Newsletter) SALVATION ARMY BELL RINGING (Report) - 

Report on recent Salvation Army bell ringing effort by Sunshine residents


The Salvation Army is synonymous with helping others.  They are well known for helping the disadvantaged during emergencies and for their Christmas programs (Angel Tree) and bell ringing for needy families and their kids.


Sunshine has been blessed much over many years helping here in Harlingen with the Friday after Thanksgiving.  A wonderful part of this is that all the funds raised locally are used locally. Bell ringing is a big part of raising the funds.  We raised $1,007.66 this year, more than any other year during the single day effort. The figures were broken down as Pharmacy door $563.88 and $433.78 on the grocery side.  That is a lot of single dollar and small coin donations.


A little factoid from the SA literature (Loan Star Christmas edition) says that one-hour volunteering ringing bells helps put food on the table for 13 people.  Sunshine had 38 (2 couples did two shifts) people volunteer one hour each this year and using this measure, would feed 572 people.


We also had candy donations from some of our ringers and that was used to great effect.


Big thanks from the Salvation Army and me too.  It is heartening to see the effort and willingness of our residents.


Now I’m asking for someone younger who is willing to take over my duties of organizing this?  I just turned 87 and have done this for a long time.  I am leaving this year and will turn it over to a willing person.


Arv Russell


2019-11-20: Bell Ringers (Backups Needed) - 

Thanks to everyone who signed up to "Ring the Bells" for the Salvation at WalMart the day after Thanksgiving. We have all of the timeslots filled - BUT - would like to have some backups on call in case anyone on the sheet is not able to make it at their appointed time.

If you haven't received the scheduling sheet so you know your time/door and who is before & after you, please contact either Lorraine Lewis or Arv Russell. Also contact either of them if you could be a backup on call.

Thanks again.     Lorraine Lewis/Arv Russell


2019-11-16: Bell Ringers needed - 

Sunshine has volunteered to Support the Salvation Army for many years in bringing hope and support to the disadvantaged in our community. And we are doing it again this year.

We need some more volunteers to ring bells. We ring at the Walmart in Harlingen on November 29th (the Friday after Thanksgiving). We do one-hour shifts and need two people each at both the north and south doors. It is a time of joy as families and kids are in a holiday spirit.

Please help if you can be a part of this worthwhile project by signing up on the Scheduling Sheet that is currently posted in the Library.

Call Arv Russell 956 357 7302 or Lorraine Lewis 956 244 2094 if you have any questions.




Office: (956) 425-1420

FAX: (956) 425-1420


1957 W Michigan Dr

Harlingen, TX 78550

Information in this site is authorized by

Sunshine Estates Property Owners Association (SEPO) and its residents.

©2025 by Sunshine Country Club Estates

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