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Here you will find E-Mails that have been sent to the SEPO Community in Jan 2019. 

Sent 01-31-19: Good Neighbor Gift Baskets - 

If you have a gift basket or draw prize to donate, please deliver them to:

    Janis McFee

    2028 W Michigan Dr. (Lion House)

    Ph# 651-271-8264 or call for pickup


Sent 01-31-19: Birding & Nature Club Meeting - Monday at 7:00 in Library - 

The Sunshine Birding and Nature Club thanks everyone who came to our annual potluck dinner and program.  The food was wonderful.  A special thanks to Deb Warner for stepping up and providing us with an enjoyable program when our scheduled speaker had to cancel due to the government shut down.

Have you noticed the new chairs out where the decorative log used to be?  Lighting and plants will be added in the near future.

Please, join us for our monthly meeting on Monday, February 4 at 7:00 p.m in the Library.  Our field trip, possible removal of the old Cottonwood tree and the Carved log project will be discussed.

Pat Harvey - B&N club VP

Sent 01-31-2019: Found sunglasses - 

A pair of sunglasses were found by the Gazebo. Valerie has added them to her collection of lost glasses!     Cathy Richmond

Sent 01-31-2019: Guest Day - 

The Women's Golf League is hosting their annual Guest Day Tournament on Wednesday, Feb. 13.  There is a sign up sheet in the Lounge.  If you are a member of the golf league and have a guest sign up for both of you.  If you do not have a guest, sign up and we will match you  with someone.  Those of you who are not active League members are to sign up in the guest column and we will match you with a member.  Sign up and pay $2 per person in provided envelope and put in Golf Box.  Make sure you put your name or names on the envelop and amount enclosed.
This is a fun day for all involved.  The format will be a 4 or 6 person scramble team depending on how many sign up.  We encourage all women golfers in our community to join in this event.  We really do have a great time.  I really encourage all of you who do not play in our league to come out and join us for this event.
Meet in lounge at 8:45 for hole assignments, coffee, and treats.  Play will begin at 9:30.  There will be a salad luncheon following play in the Hall at 12:30.  Members are providing the salads, desserts, or finger foods.  
If you have any questions call Donna Myers at 956 245 0188.

Sent 01-31-2019: Good neighbor golf helpers - 

Next Wed Feb 6th I will need 4 or 5 kitchen helpers (after Women's Golf League ) to help prep for our lunch stand during the GN Tournament.  Please give me a call if you can give an hour of your time.  309 714 4743. Thanks in advance...Terry D.

Sent 01-29-2019: Finding SCCE via Web Search - 

I felt I was ready to 'tell the world' about our Web site. Last night I linked us to Google Search. One of the searches I did was "55+ communities in texas" and low and behold we popped up at the top. Try it and see. John C told me about a site where I just submitted the application for us to be placed on it. I will continue researching other sites where we might be able to get listed on. If you know of any particular sites you think might be a good fit for people searching for retirement communities, send me the URL and/or other information. Hopefully this will help get some of the houses that are for sale in our community SOLD.     Beth Parrish   Sunshine Country Club Web site (   E-Mail:   314-960-6710

Sent 01-29-2019: House For Sale - 

Russell & Linda Abernethy have their house at 4324 N Missouri St in SSCE for sale. 
Details can be viewed on Craigslist at: or on the REAL ESTATE board in the hall behind the Sunshine Office. Please call Linda at 713-239-1327 for information or appointment.

Sent 01-29-2019: BIBLE STUDY/MOVIE GROUP - 

On Feb 4th at 6:00 p.m. we will be showing "The Nazareth that Jesus Knew" hosted by Kathy Griffith. In addition we will be continuing our discussion on the Feasts of the Old Testament.     Questions, call Warren 314 719 6532



Just a reminder to everyone. 

* The deadline for 2019 storage lot fees is this Thursday, Jan 31st.

* Our books indicate 3 residents haven't paid as of today.


* The deadline for Jan 2019 maintenance fees is Thursday, Jan 31st

* Our books indicate 15 residents haven't paid as of today.  


Thank you,     John Chajec   Treasurer

Sent 01-28-2019: SEPO Honor Wall - 

We held our first planning meeting for the SEPO Honor Wall today, January 28th.  Participation was not what we expected but we want to thank those who attended. There will be a second meeting on February 11th at 10:00 AM in the Library.  We need your help and input for this project to be successful.  Mark your calendars and plan on attending. There is enough to do for everyone. Thank You

Jim Tennant


4161 N Missouri

Sent 01-28-19: Art Show - 

Wow, we had a great show this weekend, with approximately 115 pieces of artwork entered for our viewing pleasure! Our community artists entered  a variety of fabulous work from jewelry to woodwork to porcelain painting ,encaustics, acrylics, alcohol inks, watercolors, and oils. I’d like to thank the committee for their hard work putting the show together, and the non-committee members Steve and Bill for pitching in as well.  I’d also like to thank all the people who so generously donated to and bid on the silent auction that supported this event!     Laurel Becker


Sent 01-28-19: SEPO Feb 2019 Newsletter - 

This Newsletter can be found on the Web site here.


Sent 01-27-19: Questionable CPL solicitation - 

I should have changed the 'subject line' before sending out Tiffany's info concerning the the three CPL solicitors. Those three guys had nothing to do with the Mr. Fit-It List. I received the below from Pat Harvey. Please read it carefully as it contains some very useful information. Thanks Pat     Beth Parrish
*******************************************************************************************I I have no doubt that Tiffany is correct about the 3 guys from CPL, but the subject of the e-mail that was sent to you refereed to the Mr. Fix It List. Those 3 guys had nothing to do with the Mr Fix It List. There are lots of other companies that do not engage in the questionable sales activities that apparently happened yesterday. The Mr. Fix It List does refer users to two different web sites to check the real facts of electricity usage and costs. Costs can be found at: which is a web site provided by the Texas Public Utilities Commission.     Pat Harvey


Sent 01-26-19: Out of Town - 

Please make note that I will be 'out of town' all day next Wed (01-30) and most of Thu (01-31). If you have a SEPO E-News E-mail that needs to be sent out during that timeframe, either send it to me before Wed or after Thu. Thank you in advance for your cooperation with my 'time off'.
 Beth Parrish   Sunshine Country Club Web site   (

 E-Mail:   314-960-6710

Sent 01-26-19: Art Night/Silent Auction - 

Hey all, Had a great turn out tonight even with the rain and the competition at Sun & Fun! If you missed it tonight come out tomorrow from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. -we are still serving light refreshments and wine!  Due to many requests we have decided to extend the silent auction until the show’s end at 4:00 on Sunday, hope  to see you there!     Laurel Becker

Sent 01-26-19: Re: Updates to the Mr. Fix It List - 

There was a group of three guys from CPL Power soliciting for electricity contracts. The terms they were offering at 8.1 cents per kilowatt and being all inclusive is false. Please, if anyone signed up, check the electricity facts label before your three business days are up to cancel. It will actually be 13.1 cents to 15.1 cents per kilowatt. They have been reported and I was told they would  be terminated.    Tiffany

Sent 01-26-19: Updates to the Mr. Fix It List - 

There is a newly updated Mr. Fix It List available (January 26, 2019 version). It has been uploaded to the Sunshine Web site here ( If you have used someone to do work for you and you are happy with the results, please share the good news. New entries to the Mr. Fix It List can be sent to:
Pat Harvey

Sent 01-24-19: Honor wall display - 

I am having a meeting in the library Monday the 28th of Jan to get a committee together for establishing a wall of honor for Veterans, Law Enforcement, Fire Fighters and First Responders who live in Sunshine CCE. Any one who is interested in being part of this project, the meeting will be from 9:00 am on the 28th in the library and should not take more than an hour.
Jim Tennant   (616)866-9960   4161 N MIssouri



On Monday Jan 28th, in Retzlaf Hall, at 6:00 p.m. we will be showing the movie "LET THERE BE LIGHT". If you missed it when it was in theaters, here's your chance.     Questions:  call Warren Hertel  314 719 6532

Sent 01-23-19: Women's Club By-Laws - 

I try not to tell you about all of the changes that are being made to the Web site. But trust me, there's been lots of them. This one is kind of a big one. I have added a page to house the Women's Club By-Laws. You can find them by clicking on the By-Laws 'button' under Women's Club Rules ( I would encourage all Sunshine Women to read them if you haven't done so previously.
Web site questions can be directed to Beth Parrish. WC By-Laws questions should be directed to Eileen Anderson.

Sent 01-22-19: February Newsletter - 

Residents, it's time again to send your newsletter articles to me at The deadline is Thursday, the 24th. Once I've read your item I send you a return message telling you that I've received it. If you don;t get that message I have not gotten the article. I am now here so you may call me if necessary at 713-239-1327. Linda Abernethy


Sent 01-22-19: Looking to BUY Tickets - 

We would like to buy two tickets for the Cadence Concert (which is part of the Harlingen Concert series at the Harlingen Auditorium) on Saturday February 9th. Anybody have two they won’t be using?     Jean Lawrence



There will be a Tool Orientation Class on Wed., Jan 23rd at 4:30 pm in the wood shop. 
This class is a requirement for using the wood shop. A one time attendance is required.
The shop will be closed during the class.
Any questions call John Chajec at 708-280-8940



It was brought to my attention that the wording of the proposed assessment covenant change is confusing.
 This is the current covenant which I believe was created when the SEPO was established. 
The $300.00 payable $25.00 per month was the original maintenance fee when SEPO was established.
Current covenant:
       Annual assessment shall be $300.00 payable $25.00 per month. The annual assessment may be increased each year by not more than $45.00 per year.  Any such possible increases in assessments shall be non-cumulative. In any year following a year when there has been no increase, the assessment may not be increased by more than $45.00.  
The proposed covenant which you have the opportunity to vote on:
Annual Assessment and annual maintenance fee are the same thing in my mind. The word "assessment" should have been used were "maintenance fees" are inserted. Sorry.about the confusion. 
Proposed Covenant:

     Annual assessment shall be no more than 5% of annual maintenance fees payable per month or yearly. The annual assessment may be increased each year by not more than 5% of annual maintenance fees per year.

John Chajec

Sent 01-21-19: Resident Garage Sale - Hertels - 

The Hertels (1937 W Iowa Ave) have a Garage Sale going on today (Jan 21) and probably tomorrow morning (Jan 22). Come by and see what kind of treasures you can find.

Sent 01-19-19: Young At Heart Art - 

We would like to thank everyone for their response to our call for entry— we have well over 100 pieces entered into the show. We would like to remind everyone to come out on Saturday the 26th from 6:00 to 9:00 to see what our friends and neighbors have been creating! Light refreshments will be served. We will have a silent auction on Saturday evening with some great donations, so bring your checkbooks! For those who can’t make it on Saturday the show will be open for viewing on Sunday the 27th from 10:00 to 4:00. The entries are now closed for the art show though we would be more than happy to accept any donations for the silent auction—if you would like to donate please contact Edna Hockett at 816-289-0442.

Sent 01-18-19: IMPORTANT: SEPO Maintenance Fees (last day for discount) - 

This is to remind everyone that it is the last day to pay maintenance fees and get the two percent discount. The office will be open until 4:15 to accept payments.     Jean Lawrence   SEPO Board President

Sent 01-18-19: Re: NEED: Walker - 

Dear Sunshine Friends, Thank you so much for the quick positive responses.  Our neighbor brought one over this morning! Y'all are the best!     DiAnne F. Bredvick 214 789-8071

Sent 01-18-19: NEED: Walker - 

Dear Sunshine Friends, I have a dear friend visiting us from Tulsa and she forgot her walker.  If anyone has one they are no longer using that we could  borrow for the time she is here.  I can be reached at 214 789-8071 we can pick it up, or if you are out and about we live at 1924 W Indiana Circle. Thank you.     DiAnne Bredvick

Sent 01-18-19: SEPO E-News E-Mail Guidelines CORRECTION - 

OOOPs – As soon as I sent this out the previous e-mail (see below) I realized I had forgotten to list ‘Lost or Found’ as a CAN BE SENT item. The Web site has been updated.

Beth Parrish  Sunshine Country Club E-News   E-Mail: 314-960-6710 

Sent 01-17-19: Spaghetti Supper - 

Dear Residents: I will be at the women's club meeting tomorrow morning at 9 a.m. If you are interested in purchasing tickets for the Sunshine Woodworkers Club spaghetti supper I will have them available. The supper will be on January 29th from 4:30 to 6 p.m. Tickets remain the same at $7 each. If paying by check please make the check out to Sunshine Woodworkers Club. Again thank you for your support.     Cathy Chajec   708-280-8910

Sent 01-17-19: SEPO E-News E-Mail Guidelines - 

Sending Community E-Mails started out as a ‘public service’ to Sunshine residents several years ago. Guidelines have been developed to help everyone know what WILL and what WON’T be sent ongoing to Sunshine residents on the E-News Distribution List. If you know of someone who isn’t on the distribution list, but you think they should or want to be, please tell them to send their request to
Thank you for your cooperation with this attempt to provide some structure to the information that will be distributed ongoing. I do believe the E-Mails are an excellent form of communication to the Community. See the Guidelines below. You can also view them on the Sunshine Web site at
Beth Parrish   Sunshine Country Club E-News   E-Mail:   314-960-6710
SEPO E-News E-Mail Guidelines:
Orig Document dated 01-17-2019

Will be SENT via sepoenews:

  1. Information, reminders about, asking for help with, needing something for etc. pertaining to Sunshine Events / Committees / Clubs / Meetings and so forth that are listed on the Sunshine Web site

  2. Notice of a Garage Sale within Sunshine. You can list:

    • Who is having the sale (with Contact Info Optional)

    • Address

    • Days, Dates & Times

  3. Items you may have for sale that have a deadline they need to be sold by, such as Concert Tickets
    (NOTE: Can’t send attachments at this time & does not include sale of other types of personal items.)

  4. Items that have been Lost or Found.

  5. Sunshine Resident Home for Sale:

  • You can send out the following once a quarter:
    Contact Beth Parrish if you think it may be pertinent to send out info sooner than that.

    • Your Name

    • Who to contact (yourself or Reality Company)

    • Include the phone number(s) and/or Web site address (if applicable)

  • If you have told the community your home was for sale, it would be nice if you informed them again when/if it sells.


  1. E-mail from a resident that makes reference to the board having ‘said’ or ‘approved’ something:

  • If it references a particular board member(s) - the e-mail sent to SEPO E-News for distribution must show that the board member(s) has approved that the e-mail can be sent to the Community. In other words, include the board member(s) e-mail(s) stating their approval. 

  • If it references the entire board - the e-mail sent to SEPO E-News for distribution must show that everyone on the board has approved that the e-mail can be sent to the Community. In other words, include all board member’s e-mails stating his/her approval. 

Will NOT BE SENT via sepoenews:

  1. Personal opinions.

  2. Replies to SEPO E-News E-Mails sent to the Community, except if the e-mail says ‘Replies Welcome’ or something similar.


Sent 01-17-19: Texas ave Stop sign - 

The new Texas ave Stop sign is installed as you reach Montana. The Texas / Minnesota / Montana intersection is now an "All Way" Stop intersection. Please be considerate and Stop at the signs. Regards 
Pat Harvey - SEPO Director of streets


Tickets for the SEPO Woodworkers Spaghetti Dinner will go on sale Friday Jan. 18th. Only 250 tkts available, sells out fast, get your tickets early. $7 per ticket. Tkts available from your friendly Woodworkers. Tuesday Jan 29, 4:30 to 6 pm, Retzlaff Hall. Carry outs and delivery available. Any questions call Cathy Chajec 708-280-8910


Sent 01-16-19: Gate Status - 

There will be a ballot in your voting materials asking if you wish to have the board further explore the implementation of a new gate system. Please read your ballot carefully and mark your decision. Please vote and return with your other ballots.  


Sent 01-16-19: Web site: Governing Rules - 

I have spent the better part of this afternoon working on the Web site. The main page I've been working on is the 'Governing Rules' ( What prompted me to do that is the Women's Club Activity Guidelines were updated this month to contain the correct G-Mail addresses and Web site URL to use going forward. Those updated docs will be put in the Women's Club File Cabinet in the office by tomorrow 10 AM, if not before. I didn't change any of the other information on this page but did rearrange it and change the 'buttons' you click on to view the information. As always - your thoughts, suggestions etc are welcome. NOTE - Feel free to 'reply' to this e-mail since I (in the capacity of Web Admin) am asking for replies.     Beth Parrish   E-Mail:   314-960-6710


On  Monday Jan 21st at 6:00 p.m. in Retzlaf Hall we will be showing an exciting movie about archaeological discoveries made in Israel made by Ron Wyatt. This includes the Ark of the Covenant, Noah's Ark and others. 

Questions, call Warren Hertel  314 719 6532

Sent 01-16-19:Texas Ave Stop Sign

The new Stop sign will be installed at the corner of Texas ave and Minnesota / Montana tomorrow (Thursday the 17th).  This will make the intersection an "All Way" Stop intersection. Please be alert for the new sign - and - Thank You all for being considerate of others at the intersection. Regards     Pat Harvey - SEPO Director of streets

Sent 01-14-19: Women's Club Meeting -

Please mark your calendars for January 18th, 2019 at 9:00 am to attend our monthly meeting in Retzlaff Hall. Coffee & donuts will be provided.     Eileen Anderson   President


Sent 01-13-19: Art Show Deadline - 

To all our fabulous artists in the community, don’t forget the deadline to turn in your artwork is Jan. 15th. Please contact Laurel Becker at 575-640-1718 or Pam Pehl at 518-368-3162 about drop off. We have had a nice response so far but would sure love to see some more 3-D work (come on wood workers, ceramists, sculptors , jewelers, stained glass artists, etc...) as well as your 2-D creations. The only stipulation is that the artwork is original. Beginners are welcome too so don’t be shy- we are all friends here!

Sent 01-13-19 : SEPO E-News Guidelines (2019-01-13) - 

FYI - Guidelines are in the process of being developed to define what types of information should and should not be sent to the SEPO E-News mailbox to be distributed to the Community. They will be sent to all as soon as they are finalized. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Beth Parrish   Sunshine Country Club E-News   E-Mail:   314-960-6710


Sent 01-13-19: Please Do Not Reply to SEPOENEWS - 

At times something goes out via SEPO E-News to the Community and I know how it is. You just FEEL THE NEED to reply to or comment on the content. I am asking that you do not give in to that urge. Please "Do Not Reply" to the Community e-mailbox but find another outlet to voice your thoughts and comments if you so desire. If need be you can contact me via my private e-mail ( or by phone (314-960-6710). The exception to this rule is - If I contact you directly on a particular matter, activity etc or with a question using the E-News mailbox, yes, reply to it then. Thank you in advance for your cooperation with this matter.
Beth Parrish   Sunshine Country Club E-News   E-Mail:   314-960-6710


Sent 01-13-19: Video Exercise Equipment - 

I asked and this great community responded. I was seeking at least a DVD Player for our exercise classes. I got six or more calls from people wanting to donate either a DVD player or a DVD/VCR combo player. Since I can't send attachments in these e-mails I would like to direct you to the Sunshine Web site to see the entire narrative and a picture of the new setup ( Thank you all so much.  Beth Parrish


Sent 01-13-19: Board & Secured Gate - 

This concerns the statement in the "Secured gate" e-mail sent Jan 12 which said: Therefore the board felt a more secure gate would be beneficial to our community. It has come to my attention that at least one member of the Board is not in agreement that a more secure gate would be beneficial. That person asked me to send out this e-mail. Also, everyone should know that nothing has been agreed to by or with anyone at this point.     Beth Parrish

Sent 01-12-19: Various -

After attending the information meeting on Tuesday, January 8/19, I was reminded why I have quit going over the last few years. But first, I want to thank the Board members for their time, effort and dedication that they freely give, to execute their positions for our community. As well as becoming more transparent with information to our residents, which I hope increases and continues. Being a Board member is a thankless job, that can cause animosity between fellow residents. But, it doesn't have to be that way if we remember that our Board members are elected by the residents that "choose" to vote. They may make decisions that we don't necessarily agree with, but they are doing so by following the rules and bylaws set before them. It may be beneficial for all residents to read and understand the bylaws that we have within our community. We all have our own ideas and opinions, which we are entitled to, but we still need to be respectful when treating and speaking to others.

"Treat others as you would like to be treated"....hopefully that is with RESPECT!!

SCCE resident     Dale Hopfner


Sent 01-11-19: re: Lillian Krusemark -

Dear Friends, Lillian, our dear friend and neighbor (lived nextdoor) passed away peacefully this morning. She was 16 days away from her 100th birthday. Cards can be sent to Larrison Mortuary, 300 Country Club Road in Pratt KS 67124.
Lenore J Combs 956-245-1276

Sent 01-11-19: Konnie Gush - 

Konnie is now in room 1527 at Valley Baptist.

Sent 01-11-19: GNGT: 160 Player Roster Full BUT Standby Requests Remaining - 

We have completed registration for the 160 player event today. We are, however, accepting “standby requests”. The Standby list will be used to fill cancellations before the day of the event, and/or as substitute players during the tournament.

Contact Jerry Wetherbee via email  or phone to get on the Standby List.


Cell: 425-418-3345

Tony Tramel     Chairperson for GNGT     Cell 337-693-6344

Sent 01-10-19: GNGT: Sign Up Tomorrow We Only Have a Limited Number of Spots Left -

Today was the first day to register, (from 9:00AM to 1:00PM,) for the Good Neighbor Golf Tournament in the SEPO Library.
The golf tournament is scheduled for February 7th, 8th and 9th here at our golf course.
We had a great day. We had 137 registrants today. The maximum number of golfers for the tournament is 160 players. That means there are only 23 spots left!


After we reach our maximum of 160 players, we will create a standby list of players, in case someone is unable to play on the days of the tournament. Historically this has occurred on more than one occasion.

This is a first come, first serve registration. Hope to see you at 9:00 AM tomorrow, Friday, January 11th, in the Office/Library area, if you wish to play / register for the GNGT.
Tony Tramel    Chairman of GNGT     Cell 337-693-6344


Sent 01-10-19: New Homeowners Party Signup - 

The Signup sheet is currently available in the Library for the "Welcome New Homeowners Fiesta" sponsored by the Women's Club.

  • The party is being held on Tuesday, Jan 22.

  • Social time starts at 5 PM with dinner scheduled for 5:30 PM.

  • The menu consists of a Taco Bar, Chicken Fajitas and Sides.

  • DJ Dug & His Lovely Assistant will be entertaining us from 6:30 - 9:30 PM with music and trivia.

  • The party cost is $10 per person.

    • New Homeowners are our guests for the evening. Therefore, their entry is free.

Come and meet the new residents in our community and enjoy a fun evening of delicious food and great entertainment.

Event Co-Chairs: Vickie Jones & Eileen Anderson


Sent 01-09-19: Former Resident Death - 

The following was recently brought to our attention by Pauline McAdam's daughter Suzanne McAdam-Byeler. Pauline passed away on Nov 11, 2018. She was 97 and a former resident of Sunshine. Her late husband was Bill McAdam. The Men's Golf Tournament has been called the Bill McAdam golf tournament for many years and Pauline was responsible for paying for the Pizza for the tournament party for several years after his passing.

Sent 01-09-19: A New Stop sign will be installed as Texas Ave meets MN and MT - 

In case you missed the informational meeting yesterday - this is an early alert that there will be a new Stop sign installed in about a week. The new sign will require everyone to stop as we enter the Estates on Texas avenue.  We will try to make it as clear as possible and hang flags on the new sign.  This is in addition to the Stop signs on Minnesota and on Montana at that intersection. The intersection then will become an "All Way" Stop. ----- Pat Harvey - SEPO Director of Streets


Sent 01-09-19: NEED: DVD Player -

Over the past few years those of us who do Video Exercises in the pavilion mtg room have been using an 'old' TV (with built-in DVD & VCR players) donated by a former resident of Sunshine. And yes, we do have exercise VCR tapes that we use. We were concerned last year because that TV is on it's last leg. But, behold, two of our current residents have donated a nice new flat screen TV to us. Now we are looking for anyone who might have a DVD or a combination DVD/VCR player they no longer use and would like to donate to us.  Please contact Beth Parrish (314-960-6710) if you can help us out.  Thanks in advance for your quick reply to this request.      Beth


Sent 01-09-19: Video Exercises - 

Who's ready to starting moving to the beat of some lively music? Ooh La La. Along with this great activity (we don't like to use the word exercise) you get to have lots of fun and laugh with (but not at) your neighbors. And who knows, you might even drop a few lbs or tone up something in the process. So come join us at 8 AM Monday thru Friday in the meeting room next to the Pavilion. You can stay as long or short as you want. I will be there tomorrow and will have the room open when you arrive. If you ever arrive and the door isn't open, you just need to signout the key from Valerie in the office and return it to her when the room reservation time ends at 9 AM. There are DVDs in the room to use, but feel free to bring your favorite workout DVDs from home.   Hope to see you there in the morning.     Beth Parrish (314-960-6710)


Sent 01-09-19: SEPO E-Mail Accounts Guidance - 

It has come to my attention that there is still come confusion among residents about where to send various types of information in order to get it published to the SEPO Community. And there are still some folks who need the password for the "Resident's Only" portion of the Web site. So here's the scoop.

  • If you want an E-Mail sent out to the community concerning your upcoming event, meeting etc, send your info to

    • Beth Parrish is in charge of sending those out to everyone on the current contact list.

    • If you know of any resident who isn't getting these e-mails and wants to start getting them, tell them to send an e-mail to with that request.

  • If you want anything added to, deleted from or corrected on the Web site ( ) send it to

    • Beth Parrish is also in charge of this Web site.

  • If you still need the Password for the "Resident's Only" portion of the Web site click on this link ( and follow the instructions. If you are still having difficulty after doing this, please call Beth at the number below.

  • If you want your info in the Monthly Newsletter, send it to by the 24th of each month, September thru March.

    • Linda Abernethy handles the Newsletter.

    • If you don't receive a 'reply e-mail' from her with the word "received" in it, you need to contact her again to ensure your info makes it into her publication.

Hopefully this helps any questions you may have. If not, give me a call at the number below.   Thanks
Beth Parrish   (314-960-6710)

Sent 01-09-19: Neighborhood Watch Mtg - 

Dear Friends:

The January meeting for Neighborhood Watch - CERT is changed to Monday the 28th of January at 3pm in Retz Hall.  📝  🚔🕒.----- Winter Texan Appreciation Day is Monday the 21st of January at Casa De Amistad on Fair Park Blvd just up from the Harlingen Police Department.  1pm till 5pm.📝  🕐 🍔🍟🌭🌮🍰🎼 etc. ----- I did not want to have a conflict with this great Harlingen event.  Don't miss it - lots of stuff!

Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276   Coordinator SCCE NW-CERT


Sent 01-08-19: Community News on Web site - 

Have you ever said to yourself - I know I read that somewhere, but I can't remember the details. Well, I'm here to help with that, hopefully. I have been working to put all of the SEPO E-Mails and Newsletters from the 2018-2019 Winter Season on the Sunshine Web site ( So far I have all of the Newletters out there and all of the e-mails from Dec, 2018 & Jan, 2019 (to date). You can find them by clicking on the "Community News" tab on the Web site ( I hope this is helpful. Your feedback will be greatly appreciated. 
Beth Parrish


Sent 01-08-19: January Board Meeting Video - 

The issue with the video of the Jan 7, 2019 Board meeting video not being readily available on Facebook during the meeting has been resolved. If you have not previously requested to join the "SEPO Board" Facebook Group, here are the Instructions again.

Instructions to see Board meetings on Facebook
A new Facebook page has been created for our Board Meetings.  This is a controlled group so only SEPO residents will be able to tune in. You will need to go to Facebook, type in SEPO BOARD and ask to join the group.  You will be accepted as long as you are a SEPO resident. Please do this in advance of the meeting.
Once you are accepted follow the directions on the day of the meeting.



  • Log into Facebook.

  • Search for SEPO BOARD.

  • The SEPO BOARD facebook page should come up.

  • There is a short delay before you will get the picture

  • To get sound tap on the speaker icon at the bottom right of the picture.  You can also make the picture larger by tapping on the arrow buttons.


Sent 01-08-19:SEPO Informational Meeting Reminder - 

This is a reminder of the required SEPO Informational Meeting scheduled for today, Tuesday, Jan 8, 2019, at 1:30 PM in Retzlaff Hall. As stated in the ByLaws, this is a required meeting to be held during the first full week in January. At this meeting the SEPO Board Nominating Committee shall submit its Board candidate nominations and nominations from the floor will be accepted. So please try to attend this important meeting.     Thank You     SEPO Board 


Sent 01-08-19: Minutes from the Meeting of the Board of Directors from December 10, 2018 - 

The Dec 10, 2018 SEPO Board Meeting Minutes can be found here.

Sent 01-07-19: Good Neighbor Golf Tournament Gift Baskets and Draw Prizes - 

As in all tournaments-the more prizes the better! Our $50 “Hometown Gift Baskets” have been a huge success and have made us aware of the different backgrounds we each bring to Sunshine each winter. Last year this was broadened when an outside resident surprised us with a basket from their hometown. We encourage others to do the same — it’s all about “Good Neighbors”.

Aside from these baskets, we appreciate donations of all door prizes ie smaller baskets, gift cards, new items but please no used or gag gifts.

Baskets and prizes can be delivered to or picked up by:
         JANIS MCFEE / 2028 W. MICHIGAN DR. (the Lion House) / Phone or text: 651-271-8264

Sent 01-04-19 & 01-05-19 & 01-07-19: SEPO Financials - 

E-Mails containing the following were sent out by John Chajec, SEPO Treasurer.

  • 2018 FINAL P&L vs BUDGET




The documents containing this data can be found here.

Sent 01-05-19: Good Neighbor Golf Tournament Registration - 

Registration for the Good Neighbor Golf Tournament (GNGT) will occur in the Office/Library area, next Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, (January 10th-12th), between the hours of 9:00AM and 1:00PM.

  • Remember the minimum age to play in the tournament is 55 years of age.

  • The cost for this 3-day event is $50. This includes dinner at the awards banquet on Saturday evening (February 9th).

  • If you are bringing someone to the dinner who was a non-playing member, (which include, but not limited to spouses, significant others, winter Texans, etc.,) the cost for the dinner only is $20.

  • Paying by check is requested, however, we will accept cash. Checks should be made out to SEPO.

  • If you know of persons who normally play in this event, but have not yet returned to Sunshine and wish to play in this event, feel free to register for them by providing their registration fees.

  • The planned GNGT is February 7,8, and 9th.

Tony Tramel   2019 GNGT Chairperson   Cell 337-693-6344

Sent 01-05-19: Ladies Friday Morning Bible Study - 

Ladies Friday morning Bible Study will start at 10:00AM in the Sunburst Room on Friday January 11th. We are studying Psalms this year. Our guide is Harriet Meier. We would love to have you join us. Any questions please call Harriet Meier at 815-977-0675 or Ladonna Harvey at 956-412-6132 for more information.

Sent 01-05-19: Lost mailbox key - 

Found a mailbox key and it has a Nokia bottle opener on it Contact Cathy  Chajec - 708-280-8910.

Sent 01-04-19: Casino Night Committee Meeting - 

Our Casino night meeting which was scheduled for Monday, January 7 has been changed to Tuesday the 8th @ 11:00 am in the library.   Thanks   Dale Hopfner

Sent 01-04-19: Casino Night - 

We are preparing for our 6th Annual Casino Night as well as "our" last. We have decided to step down as Casino night co-chairs. It has been an interesting and at times overwhelming experience. We feel we have it fine tuned now and it is a great fund raiser for the Women's Club. Therefore, it is our hope that someone else within our community would enjoy the challenge and continue this project and keep it going for the Women's Club!

We feel that if it is dropped at this point, it would be difficult to reestablish, as well could end up with higher costs. So, we are hoping there are a few of you out there in our community, that would be willing to shadow us in our last year and see what it takes to operate. Now would be a great time to step up and learn the ropes! You are welcome to attend our next meeting on Tuesday and discuss any questions you may have or give either one of us a call if you are interested.

Thank you


Sherri Gardner  &  Dale Hopfner (Current Casino Night Co-chairs)

Sent 01-04-19: Pot luck and Bird Count - 

Just a reminder: The Birding and Nature Club is hosting a community wide Pot Luck on Monday, January 7.  Doors open at 4:30 and serving begins at 5.  A brief program will follow the meal.
If you are interested in joining us for the Annual Bird Count, meet at the Warner's house (4117 Minnesota) at 6:45 on Saturday, January 5th. We will divide into groups and head out to count all the birds in the area. Each group will consist of an expert in identifying birds, spotters and counters, and a recorder. No expertise required in 3 of the four positions.
We hope to see all of you at the pot luck. Results of our bird count will be reported.


Many thanks to Jerry Rounds for pointing out a mistake I made in the Newsletter on storage fees. The correct storage fee for lots 302 thru 315 is $150. Sorry about about fat fingers.   John Chajec   SEPO Treasurer

Sent 01-03-19: Pot luck and Bird Count - 

Just a reminder:  The Birding and Nature Club is hosting a community wide Pot Luck on Monday, January 7.  Doors open at 4:30 and serving begins at 5.  A brief program will follow the meal.


If you are interested in joining us for the Annual Bird Count, meet at the Warner's house (4117 Minnesota) at 6:45  on Saturday, January 5TH.  We will divide into groups and head out to count all the birds in the area.  Each group will consist of an expert in identifying birds, spotters and counters, and a recorder.  No expertise required in 3 of the four positions.


We hope to see all of you at the pot luck. Results of our bird count will be reported.


Yesterday, Jan 2nd, 55 checks were taken in and deposited, a total of $46,822.95. While some people had more than one check that's still a lot of business. This is a short work week and Monday is the board meeting. 
I need the books completed for 2018 so you and I can see where our money went. My goal is to email our expenses etc this weekend so you are prepared with questions and I can have answers. The office will be closed this afternoon, Thursday, Jan 3rd, so I can meet with Valerie. Take in a movie, go shopping and take your spouse to lunch. Happy New Year,   John Chajec   SEPO Treasurer

Sent 01-02-19: Woodshop Notice for Woodturning Classes - 

Don’t Forget the Great Opportunity to Learn How to Turn Wood!! On January 9 and 16, there will be a wood turning class given at the SEPO Woodshop from 6:30 p.m.- 8:00 p.m.  There is no need to sign up; simply show up. These classes present a great opportunity for SEPO residents to take on a new hobby that will amaze even the woodworker! Hoping to see you on January 9.  We’ll send out another reminder for the January 16 class.   Suzie Sawyer


Just a quick reminder of the Good Neighbor Golf Tournament scheduled for Thursday Feb 7th through Saturday, February 9th, 2019. 

NOTE: The information concerning dates of registration was in error in the Jan 2019 Newsletter, so please see the corrected dates below.

  • The cost to register is $50. This includes three days of play at our golf course, liquid refreshments during the event, door prizes, which include gift baskets and golf equipment prizes, golf tournament cash prizes and a great Awards dinner on Saturday evening. 

  • One of the best deals in the valley!

  • Besides getting your registration money in early, players will be required to have a fun time. 

  • This will be the 34th annual Sunshine Estates Good Neighbor Golf Tournament (SSEGNGT). 

  • Please register early. Registration will commence on Thursday, January 10th through Saturday January 12th from 9:00am until 1:00pm daily in the library.

Hope to see all the SEPO golfers participating in this fun event.   Tony Tramel   2019 Chairperson for Good Neighbor Golf Tournament   Cell 337-693-6344

Sent 01-01-19: STAINED GLASS - 
Stained Glass will start this Thursday, Jan 3rd at 6:30 pm in the wood shop. Never worked with stained glass, this is your opportunity to expand your knowledge. We will provide everything you need to get started including a skilled instructor. It's not "almost free" it is free!! 
Any questions call: Cathy Chajec  708-280-8910  /  Warren Hertel  314-719-6532


Office: (956) 425-1420

FAX: (956) 425-1420


1957 W Michigan Dr

Harlingen, TX 78550

Information in this site is authorized by

Sunshine Estates Property Owners Association (SEPO) and its residents.

©2024 by Sunshine Country Club Estates

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