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SEPO Board Meeting Minutes
March 9th, 2020

(Approved April 22, 2020)

The meeting was called to order by President, John Chajec at 1:00 PM.  A roll call was taken, and the following Board members were in attendance: John Chajec, President, Mecca Henry, Treasurer, Jerry Utterback, Lyn Swonger, Frank Tewell and Tony Tramel.  Others present included Jim Kennedy, Jean and Ron Lawrence, Kim and Kirby Schmitz, Sue Swidryk, Vickie Jones, Janice McFee, Jim Kennedy and Kathleen Sunders.

John Chajec asked Ron Lawrence if he would like to start off the meeting about his requested item on the agenda.  Ron indicated several years ago the “swamp area” generally north of the central entry gate, had been cleared and was being mowed.  He identified about 2 years ago a water relief valve was moved from the frontage road to a location north of Texas avenue, with the expectation this action would help maintain the wetland area north of Texas Ave.  This water valve has since been moved back to the frontage road, thereby drying out the area in question.  Ron felt this area could again be an asset, if the area could be mowed as it once was, and after it was initially cleared again. President Chajec indicated a Board member would meet on site with Ron to help identify the area and determine what action, if any, might be considered by the Board at a later meeting.

President Chajec also indicated the Board is no longer considering any proposal to modify the pool level that was listed on today’s Agenda. (Kirby and Kim Schmitz indicated they were pleased with this conclusion).

Jim Kennedy, chairman of the Architecture Review Committee indicated all projects submitted had been approved.  Jim indicated he had a need to discuss one related issue with John Chajec, to be resolved after the meeting.

Discussion related to “Orientation” for new residents was discussed.  Currently a “New Resident Package” is provided by the Office when new owners become SEPO residents.  This is a legal package where the new owners are provided copies of Covenants, Policy and Procedures, and By Laws that they must abide by as part of a contract between them and SEPO.  Janice McFee indicated as part of the Womens club, they want to have a follow up visit with these new residents, perhaps a week or two after they receive the SEPO package.  This would be more like a traditional “Welcome Wagon” personal approach, letting them know about the social activities that are available.

This two-phase approach for new residents would help to simplify the orientation process. There was some discussion by Lyn Swonger about this issue, and he wanted to clarify there is a need for two separate packages / approaches, the first should only be SEPO information, and the 2nd meeting with appropriate material would add to or supplement the first SEPO  new resident packages.

Vicki Jones submitted a proposed list of activities scheduled for next year by the Women’s Club.  She also noted the presence of Sue Swidryk, who would be the activity director for next year’s Women’s Club.  The proposed schedule was approved unanimously, and a copy is attached.

Mecca Henry presented a copy of the audit report and replies she prepared in response to the audit report.  She also presented adjustments and journal entries were made for the 2019 budget year, and she further recommended the Office issue a single invoice for each property in January.  As each person pays against their respective invoice, the invoice amount less respective payments will be recognized, with any discounts applied for early payment.  This action will reduce paperwork and reduce the opportunity for errors.

Mecca Henry also indicated she will be providing monthly / annual budget reports to each Board Member and on the SEPO Residents Web Page.  She further indicated a need to resolve an issue involving the Good Neighbor Golf Tournament financials for 2019.

John Chajec indicated SEPO’s electrical supplier contract will expire soon.  He indicated we have 11 different metered locations.  New agreements need to be executed and / or extended before May 2020.  Jean Lawrence, former President of SEPO added that Bob Wall previously had researched in detail and negotiated great KWh rates. Unfortunately, the companies failed to identify their “passed through charges” in their rate proposal, therefore the real costs were never properly identified.

Director's Reports:

Frank Tewell indicated the hot tub is working. The primary villain was the blower motor and parts could not be obtained locally, therefore causing delays.

Tony Tramel indicated that he initiated actions to develop a set of plans, specifications, engineers estimate of probable construction costs, and contract documents for Indiana reconstruction / rehabilitation project.  In review of the approved budget, it appears on the surface, there is no specific funding for Indiana repairs.  He recommends funding for Indiana repairs be included in next year budget, so that once January 1st occurs, we can be prepared to execute a competitive bid contract pending funding in order to implement this project, assuming funding is provided in 2021 annual budget.

Tony further indicated there appears to be a need to have a 5-year capital plan for other relative big ticket items, such as a “pavement management plan”,  (in order to prevent another Indiana type project), replacing / repairing the banks of the golf course ponds which are sluffing into the ponds in many locations, or replacing older irrigation system components, or pump house motors, etc. Without such a plan, we will always be playing catch up or be reactive rather than proactive in protecting our investment.  Both Tony and Mecca advocated the development of a 5-year capital improvement financial plan for the budget making process in the immediate future.

Jerry Utterback indicated concrete was installed adjacent to existing sidewalks of the shuffleboard courts, where landscape gravel was removed.  This was done in order to eliminate small rocks being accidently being cast into the hot tub by walking in this area. A new tennis net was recently installed and two pickleball nets have been ordered.  Jerry received a bid on repairing the entrance / exit area near the gate of the storage lot.  This proposal was for $12,500 for concrete pavement with steel reinforced section. Action is pending a review of this cost and related budget.

Lyn Swonger indicated his effort had been primarily directed towards maintenance over the existing facilities of the golf course. New sod and drainage were installed on hole number 6.

John Chajec indicated we were missing one board member because of the submitted resignation of Mark Owen, who held the position of Treasurer last year.  The position of Secretary remains open.  Tony Tramel, after reviewing this situation, decided to “take one for the team” and accepted the Secretary position in order to move forward.  Tony indicated he still wants to be directly involved with Texas Ave, and Indiana Avenue as well as Streets in general.

This volunteer action was necessitated in order to keep the financials moving, as both a Secretary and Treasurer names must be registered for SEPO to act in various ways.

John Chajec indicated there was a need to fill one more position and he had asked several people to consider a potential appointment by the Board to fill this open position of Texas Avenue, Streets and other Common areas.  He indicated Neil Morehead was willing to accept the position.  Frank Tewell moved to appoint Neil Morehead, and it was seconded by Lyn Swonger, the motion was passed unanimously..

Discussion then moved towards allowing and / or amending the definition of immediate family, which is primarily associated with persons playing golf and a requirement for paying for golf if you are not within the immediate family. There was consensus that adding the words “brothers and sisters” to the definition of immediate family was acceptable. Jerry Utterback moved, and Mecca Henry seconded a proposed amendment to add those words to the Policies and Procedures of the Board. In order to clarify the language, the definition of immediate family would be stricken.  The attached Resolution 2020-01 reflects the changes approved, see attached document.  The Board indicated it will also consider at the next board meeting adding a more modern definition of immediate family, which may be living within the same household, which might include, but not limited, to words such as “partner”, or “persons living in the owner residence” to the immediate family definition.
The following Board and Information meeting dates were identified in a discussion:

Board Meeting Dates                                     Residents Informational Meeting Dates
October 12, 2020                                        October 20, 2020
November 9, 2020                                       November 17, 2020
December 7, 2020                                        December 14, 2020
January 4, 2021 Nominations     
February 16, 2021 Annual Meeting
March 8, 2021   

John Chajec then reviewed received suggestion letters, which included subjects related to excessive speeding of vehicles on the perimeter streets, identification of golf activities at various times of day, which occupy the course, thereby preventing other residents from playing during specified time periods, and others. Suggestion letters should be signed, so the Board may be able to provide direct contact to address received suggestions.  Lyn Swonger indicated unsigned suggestions letters should not be addressed. No resolutions and solutions were identified after reviewing the received suggestion in the suggestion box.

The meeting was adjourned at 2:05 PM.


Agenda for Meeting

Mecca Henry, Treasure Report and Correspondence

Approved Schedule of Women’s Club Activities 2020-2021

Approved Resolution 2020-01 Redefining Immediate Family in Policy and Procedures of the Board

Respectively submitted
Tony Tramel, Secretary



Agenda for SEPO Board of Directors Meeting

Scheduled for March 9, 2020


Please submit your requests to speak at the board meeting by Friday, March 6th, 12 noon.

As of Monday 3/2 no one has requested to speak at the meeting.

John Chajec
SEPO Board President


Roll Call

Board member resignation and appointment
Reassignment of board/area responsibilities

Guest speakers

Committee reports
    Architectural committee

Officer reports:

  • Treasurer: Mecca Henry

  • Area 1: Frank Tewell

  • Area 2: Tony Tramel

  • Area 3: Jerry Utterback

  • Golf Course: Lyn Swonger

Unfinished (old) business

New business

Immediate family policy:
 add brothers and sisters

New owner orientation

Possible 2020 projects:

  • Pool depth changed to not exceed 5 ft, less water = less chemicals, less gas = lower expenses

  • Pavilion sound improvements

  • Install LED lighting in central area bldgs

  • North end of Missouri entrance to Encore property, cement slope, consider drainage and access to Resaca for NHW patrol access

  • Pave or concrete in storage yard from gate to golf net

  • Indiana Circle

  • New lights on TX Ave


Letters to the board




Sunshine Estates Property Owners, Inc
Minutes of the meeting of the Board of Directors

February 18, 2020

(Approved April 29, 2020)


Director John Chajec convened the Board Meeting at 4:00 PM.


The Members of the Board present were  Tony Tramel, Mark Owen, Lyn Swonger, Mecca Henry, Frank Tewell and Jerry Utterback.


Purpose: To determine the roles and responsibilities of the new board members.

First order of business: To appoint a president.

Nominations: John Chajec was nominated by Lyn Swonger and seconded by Frank Tewell as president. John Chajec was unanimously elected.


Other board responsibilities:

By a unanimous vote the following board positions were determined


Lyn Swonger, 1st Vice President

Frank Tewell, 2nd Vice president

Mecca Henry, Treasurer

Mark Owen, Secretary


Frank Tewell: Director of Common Area 1

                       Offices & Lounge


                       Pool & Hot tub

                       Retzlaff Hall

                       Sun Burst Bldg


Tony Tramel: Director of Common Area 2

                               Drainage and Irrigation Ditches

                               Streets and Grounds

                               Texas Ave


Jerry Utterback: Director of Common Area 3

                              Storage & Shop Area

                              Shuffle Board Court

                              Tennis Court


Lyn Swonger: Director of Golf Course

                           Golf Course


                           Irrigation Maintenance

                           Maintenance Area


Meeting was adjourned at 4:30 pm.


Respectively submitted.


John Chajec

SEPO Board President





FEBRUARY 18, 2020

(Approved April 29, 2020)


Meeting was called to order by President, John Chajec at 1 p.m. John called upon Chuck McEvoy who declared a quorum was present.  Meeting was recessed until 3 p.m.


John Chajec resumed the meeting at 3 p.m.  We opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.


Chuck McEvoy was called upon to give the election results. John Chajec 226 votes; Lyn Swonger 173 votes; Mecca Henry 173 votes; Tony Tramel 194 votes; Ron Clark 149 votes. Chuck reported thirteen ballots could not be counted because they were not properly executed in the Proxy envelope.


John Chajec thanked Chuck and his committee for all their hard work.


John thanked Clint Wunderlich and Dick Shelton for their service on the board.


Tony Tramel and Mecca Henry both took the oath of office before the congregation. 


The ACC reported that everything was in compliance with forms submitted.



Mark Owen – reported the 2019 books have been closed and paperwork has been sent to the accountant to prepare the tax return. Financials are posted outside Valerie’s office.


Frank Tewell -  Click HERE to see his report.


Jerry Utterback - Click HERE to see his report.


Lyn Swonger - Click HERE to see his report.


Board of directors voted on the purchase of a used gas golf cart to replace one of our older carts.


Ron Lawrence then presented the list of residents/former residents who have passed away in 2019.  There were 21 names read.


Beth Parrish is making updates to the resident directory and website. Beth also reminded groups to have newsletter articles to her by the 24th for the March Newsletter.


Neighborhood Watch – Lenore Combs reported on her latest meeting with the residents and John Chajec present.

  • The Vendor program was revisited and John explained the Board’s decision not to back this program as long as the gate remains open, garage and estate sales happen and anyone can drive through here during the day.

  • It was also discussed about changing the codes on the doors to the buildings and having them different from the front gate code. Your input is requested.


Birding and Nature Club – Jean Burgoine reported on changes to TX Avenue as a result of the flood, overgrown trees, and the water feature and fence that is rotting away.


Jim Tennant reported on the Memorial Wall honoring both American and Canadian Veterans, Police, Firefighters and First Responders. You should see some progress on the wall very shortly. As Jim has about $621 invested in this project right now of his own money, he has some pledge slips available if anyone is interested in donating.  Pledge slips can be gotten from Valerie. Also forms to be filled out can be turned in to Valerie, to be given to Jim.


Good Neighbor Tournament - Tony Tramel announced it was the 35th Anniversary year this year. 180 players signed up and it filled up fast!  He will be chairing the event again next year.


Share Nelson announced the program on Saturday called “Remember When” .  It will be held this Saturday evening and tickets are virtual and $5 each.


Jerry Utterback announced Lalo is repairing the fountain on the 9th hole lake and will then work on the fountain on 1.


Meeting was adjourned at 3:44 p.m



Respectively submitted.


John Chajec

SEPO Board President




Agenda for SEPO Annual Meeting

Scheduled for February 18, 2020


Roll Call

John Chajec
Mark Owen
Dick Shelton
Lyn Swonger
Frank Tewell
Jerry Utterback
Clint Wunderlich

Determine quorum and recess till 3 pm to allow counting of votes

Reconvene at 3pm

Chuck McEvoy, election results

Committee reports:

Architectural committee
Memorial committee

Director reports:

Treasurer: Mark Owen
Area 1,: Frank Tewell
Area 2: Clint Wunderlich
Area 3: Jerry Utterback
Golf  Course: Lyn Swonger

Memorial: Ron Lawrence

Beth Parish: Website etc


Women's Club
Neighborhood watch
Woodworkers club
Birding and Nature Club
Men's Golf
Women's Golf
Good Neighbor Tournament

Open Mike



John Chajec
SEPO President




FEBRUARY 17, 2020


Meeting was called to order by President Chajec at 12:56 p.m.  All board members were present except Dick Shelton.  Cathy Chajec took minutes.


President Chajec asked for approval of the minutes from January 13, 2020 Directors' Meeting.  The motion was proposed and seconded. All voted unanimously to approve the minutes.


John Chajec reminded the board members to have a summary of accomplishments ready for the Annual SEPO Residents meeting on Tuesday, February 18, 2020.


No Guest speakers were present.



  • Jim Kennedy, for the ACC, reported no problems from the past month. All forms submitted were approved.

  • Memorial Committee:  John reported Irene Phillips will continue on this committee until further notice.



Mark Owen - reported the 2019 books are closed.  Financial reports are located outside the office for those wishing a copy.  Mark reported $540,000 in cash in the banks, $2 million in fixed assets. Mark reported income of $16,000. Required documents have been sent to the accountant to work on our income taxes.

Mark also reported that prior years problems have been fixed and still trying to decide where to audit.


Frank Tewell - The hot tub pump has gone out twice in the past week.  Frank and Lalo have been working on fixing the pumps themselves at a cost of $120, where in the past the pool repair people have been charging between $500 and $600 each repair. Frank reported this has happened 4 times since he was elected to the board. Frank is going to order parts to keep on hand. Problem is small rocks getting into the hot tub from the outside on peoples feet, then being sucked up when Lupe runs the vacuum. he area that is causing the problem is going to be cleaned out and concrete will be poured there.

Clint Wunderlich - had nothing to report.


Jerry Utterback - reported two persons are in arrears and letters have been sent.  The storage area fees amounted to $13,850 in revenue.  Jerry is also working on getting additional bids on fixing the entrance to the storage area.


Lyn Swonger - approached the board members about purchasing a gas golf cart to replace one of our aging carts, which has cost us over $600 in repairs last year on the two we have now. Mark Owen made a motion to purchase the gas golf cart for $3000. Motion was seconded by Frank Tewell.  All members approved the vote.



Dick and Linda Jones have contacted the Gas company about the cost of running the gas line to the new card room and have a generator installed in case of a disaster.  Paperwork has been sent to the gas company to research cost of installing a gas line.



A suggestions was made to change the policies and procedures on who would be considered immediate family that could golf free. It was suggested “brothers and sisters” be included.


Another letter suggested a New Homeowner Orientation meeting. This will be taken under advisement by the new board.


Another suggestion was to have the ACC make sure the home being sold is in compliance with all our covenants before the resale certificate is issued.


Final suggestion was to come up with a form letter to send to those homeowners with unsightly property.


Motion was made by Jerry Utterback and seconded by Mark Owen to adjourn the meeting at 1:21 p.m.  Motion carried.


Respectfully submitted,

Cathy Chajec




Agenda for SEPO Board Meeting

Scheduled for February 17, 2020


Below is the board meeting agenda for the Feb 17th meeting, 1 pm in the General Purpose meeting room. As of today no one has submitted a request to speak at the meeting. The deadline to submit a request to speak is Friday, Feb 14th, 12 noon.

Roll Call

John Chajec
Mark Owen
Dick Shelton
Lyn Swonger
Frank Tewell
Jerry Utterback
Clint Wunderlich

Guest speaker: none

Committee reports:

Architectural committee
Memorial committee

Officer reports:

Treasurer: Mark Owen   audit committee Jim Braden, lien
Area 1,: Frank Tewell
Area 2: Clint Wunderlich
Area 3: Jerry Utterback
Golf  Course: Lyn Swonger

Unfinished (old) business


New business

Letters to the board


John Chajec
SEPO President




Sunshine Country Club Estates

Directors Meeting Minutes
January 13, 2020

(Approved February 17, 2020)


Meeting was called to order by President, John Chajec at 1 p.m.

Roll Call: Present were , John Chajec, Frank Tewell, Clint Wunderlich, Lyn Swonger, Mark Owen, Jerry Utterback.  Dick Shelton was absent.


Jim Kennedy reported for the ACC, any work done on the outside of your residence must be approved by the ACC, who meets on the 1st and 15th of every month.  Forms are in the Lounge or from Valerie and should be turned into the office when they are filled out.  A copy of the approved report will be kept in the file cabinet in the office.  John will double check to make sure forms are there.

Memorial Committee – John contacted Irene Phillips about taking over the committee, but Irene decided to hold on to the office till someone else steps up for the time being.


President Chajec asked for approval of the minutes from December 9, 2019 Director Meeting.  Frank Tewell made a motion to approve the minutes, Mark Owen seconded the motion.  All voted unanimously to approve the minutes.

President Chajec ask for a motion to approve the minutes from the Resident and Director meeting on January 6th, 2020, with the correction of the spelling of Tony Tramel’s name.  Frank Tewell made the motion and seconded by Lyn Swonger.  Motion passed unanimously.

Mark Owen reported on closing out the year and Valerie has copies of the 2020 budget for those who would like a copy.  Jim Braden will handle the audit again this year.

Frank Tewell made a motion to proceed with putting a lien for delinquent dues, on property possibly in probate. Lyn Swonger seconded the motion and all were in favor of proceeding with said lien.

Frank Tewell turned over the microphone discussion to Lenore Combs, who was given permission to purchase and install a wireless system in Retzlaff Hall, at a cost of under $400.

Frank Tewell is looking into putting additional cameras in the hall/kitchen and pavilion area.  There have been instances of “vandalism”: the pavilion bathroom, which was closed for repair of leaky shower valve, lock was picked, hot water heater was turned down to 70 degrees, and in the kitchen, someone turned the refrigerator down to 0 degrees, freezing food being stored there for an event.  Possibility of changing the locks and anyone wanting access to the kitchen will have to sign out the key.

It was also discussed by John and other board members that a resolution to Indiana Circle needs to be put on the front burner. Clint reminded board, that fixing the section of the access road going out before turning onto the frontage road by the RV park should be included.

Lyn Swonger reported a problem with the drain on the 6th fairway.  He contacted Jerry Rasch, and was told he could have the bushes removed so they could repair the drain. Resaca water was expected to be back on sometime today, per the irrigation district finishing repairs elsewhere.


Frank is waiting to hear from Dick & Linda Jones on the generators for the buildings.


One suggestion asked that “siblings” be added to the list of persons allowed to golf free on our course.

Second suggestion recommended an orientation meeting with new residents including a board member and one person from each organization be present.  Frank reported that an orientation is already being done and information given to new residents.

No other business came forward, Frank motioned to adjourn the meeting and Lyn seconded the motion and all members were in agreement.  John adjourned the meeting at 1:25 p.m.

Tony Tramel reported after the meeting, 176 players, 7 standbys and 40 additional dinners are on the books for the Good Neighbor Day Golf Tournament.  He reported they were going to try to fit the 7 standbys in.




Agenda for SEPO Board Meeting

Scheduled for January 13, 2019


Please submit your requests to speak at the board meeting by Friday, Jan 10th, 12 noon.

As of Tuesday no one has requested to speak at the meeting.

Roll Call
  John Chajec
  Mark Owen
  Dick Shelton
  Lyn Swonger
  Frank Tewell
  Jerry Utterback
  Clint Wunderlich

Cathy Chajec for Dick Shelton taking minutes

Guest speaker: none

Committee reports:
   Architectural committee
   Memorial committee

Director meeting minutes, Dec 9th,  approval or disapproval
Director and  Residents meeting minutes, Jan 6th,  approval or disapproval

Officer reports:
    Treasurer: Mark Owen    
    Area 1,: Frank Tewell
    Area 2: Clint Wunderlich
    Area 3: Jerry Utterback
    Golf  Course: Lyn Swonger

Unfinished (old) business

Letters to the board

John Chajec
SEPO Board President

Board Minutes (2020-03-09)
Board Agenda (2020-03-09)
Board Minutes: Role Assignment (2020-02-18)
Annual Mtg Minutes (2020-02-18)
Annual Mtg Agenda (2020-02-18)
Board Minutes (2020-02-17)
Board Agenda (2019-01-13)
Board Minutes (2020-01-13)
Board Agenda (2020-02-17)
Board/Residents Minutes (2020-01-06)



Sunshine Country Club Estates

Directors and Residents Meeting Minutes

January 6, 2020

Meeting was called to order by President John Chajec and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
John thanked Sherry Gardner for making popcorn. Dick Shelton was absent.

Mark Owen, Treasurer commented he has copies of the 2020 budget if anyone would like a copy.

Frank Tewell reported all the keyless entry locks have been installed and are working. When front gate code is changed, code on buildings will be done also.

Frank also reported the new microphones will not sync with our old system. He is working with John and Lenore on the system.

Frank reported the concrete light bases on Texas Ave will be painted and sprinklers will be finished soon.

Pavilion Bathroom is closed because of plumbing issues. Please do not use or break into the restroom until the repair is finished.

2% Discount for HOA fees paid yearly are due in the office by January 20th.

Jerry Utterback reported the shuffleboard courts, equipment, and lighting are complete. Arv Russell is going to help with maintenance of front fountains and pond fountains. If anyone would like to volunteer to take this task on please contact Jerry.

Lalo will be spreading gravel in the storage area as you come in, up to the golf nets.

Lyn Swonger reported the only work on the golf course this season will be maintenance. Cart paths on 5 and 7 have been completed. Please put rakes into the sand trap to avoid fire ants on the handles of rakes.

Employees have been taking the resident trash cans in and out of Indiana Avenue to avoid further damage to Indiana Ave with the garbage trucks. This seems to be working well.

Nominating committee chairperson, Neil Morehead, along with John Whitley and Jerry Drost, were thanked by John for their service. Neil presented the candidates for the 2020 election. Mecca Henry, John Chajec, Lyn Swonger, Ron Clark, Clint Wunderlich, Tony Tramel.

John asked for nominations from the floor. No one came forward.

John called Chuck McEvoy, election committee chairman to speak. Chuck explained the ballot process. Please read instructions carefully and deposit your signed proxy envelope with ballot envelope inserted inside the proxy envelope. Please only vote for 4 candidates. Spoiled ballots will not be counted. Ballot box is located outside Valerie’s office. Do not give to Valerie, but place envelope in ballot box.

ACC – reported no problems with requests submitted for approval.

Memorial Committee – has no volunteers. Per our bylaws, volunteers must be found to fill this position. If you would like to fill this position, please contact John Chajec.

Beth Parrish reported the SEPO Website went through a password change. Please send an email to Beth Parrish for the new password. Send it to

Organization Reports:
Women’s Club: Eileen reported on the events for the remainder of the year. See the board in the lounge for details on upcoming events.

NW: Lenore Combs reported no NW meeting in January but will resume in February. Finger Lickin’ Chicken dinner tickets could still be purchased today only.

Warren Hertel reported the Birding and Nature Club potluck is Tuesday with happy half hour at 4:30 and eat at 5 with presentation after dinner.

Judy Parker reported the Las Vegas Scramble Golf Tournament is the 24th and 25th of this month.

Tony Tramel reported the Good Neighbor Golf Tournament is scheduled for February 6, 7 and 8. Signup is this Thursday through Saturday and fee is $50 p/p (golfer) and $20 p/p (non-golfer dinner only).

Honor Wall: Jim Tennant will be set up in the library Wednesday Jan 8th from 10-11 and 1:30-2:30 for those wishing to be on the Honor Wall. Pictures will be taken and form filled out with info to go on the wall. All members of armed forces, police, fire fighters, first responders, both US and Canadian are welcome.

Resident Directory: Mark Owen asked if/when SEPO would be doing a new Resident Directory. Beth Parrish reported the Women's Club was looking into doing a digital directory inhouse that would be available to print from the Web site or by the Office.

John reported the next Board Meeting will be Monday, January 13 @ 1 p.m. If you wish to speak at the meeting, get your request in by the January 10th noon.



Agenda for SEPO 'Directors and Residents' Meeting

Scheduled for January 6, 2020


In January we will have 2 meetings per the bylaws.

Monday Jan 6th, Directors and Residents meeting, agenda below.

Monday Jan 13th, board meeting.

John Chajec
SEPO President    

Pledge of allegiance

Director reports

  • Mark Owen Treasurer

  • Frank  Tewell Area 1

  • Clint Wunderlich Area 2

  • Jerry Utterback Area 3

  • Lynn Swonger Golf Course

Nominating Committee: Neil Morehead Nominating Committee

Nominations from the floor

Chuck McElroy: election chairman 

Beth Parish: Website etc

Organization reports

  • Women's Club

  • Neighborhood watch

  • Woodworkers club

  • Birding and Nature Club

  • Men's Golf

  • Women's Golf

  • Good Neighbor Tournament

Open Mike

Board/Residents Agenda (2020-01-06)



Sunshine Country Club Estates
Directors Meeting Minutes

December 9, 2019


Meeting was called to order by President Chajec at 1 p.m.


Members present were, Frank Tewell, Mark Owen, Jerry Utterback, John Chajec.  Clint Wunderlich was a late arrival and Dick Shelton and Lyn Swonger were absent.


Jim Kennedy reported before the meeting that all requests through ACC were accepted except one, which was withdrawn by the homeowner.


Memorial committee – no one was at the meeting or volunteered to take over this committee.


Nomination Committee was not present, but have two confirmed candidates and still looking for two more for the four positions that are open.  Nominations need to be posted outside the office by December 27th. 


President Chajec asked for a motion to approve the minutes of the November meeting.  Frank Tewell made the motion and Jerry Utterback seconded.  All members present approved the November minutes.



  • Mark Owen reported -$493 thru 11 months. Also reported $46100.00 in cash and $1,667,000 in equity.

  • GNT - Tony Trammel will chair the GNT for 2020 to be held in first week of February.

  • Frank Tewell:

    • Reduced the number of sprinkler heads in the memorial garden area to reduce the water flowing down the street. On Texas avenue, he will relocate the hose faucets to make mowing easier.

    • The pool heater is down and a repair person has been called. Frank has a new supplier for pool chemicals, all natural chemicals are now being used and pool looks great. Pool will still require once a month shocking. These changes are already showing significant improvements in water quality and significant monetary savings.

    • New keyless entry pads are installed on the library door and exercise room.  Code will remain the same as the front gate code minus the # sign. 

    • The 2 microphones that mysteriously disappeared from the kitchen, are being replaced and will have to be checked in and out through Valerie. They should arrive on Tuesday.

    • There have been many false reports to Frank about the front gate malfunctioning. He reported you just need to be patient.

    • The fountains in the lakes are going to be pulled out and serviced.

  • Jerry Utterback:

    • Reported the new lights for the Shuffleboard courts will be installed soon.

    • Jerry also reported the lights for the tennis courts would run $18,000 and paving the storage lot from gate to golf nets in front of the woodshop would run $14,000. These items are cost prohibited.

    • Jerry also thanked the Women’s Club for the purchase of new Shuffleboard Equipment, which has just arrived.

  • Lyn Swonger:

    • Has finished the golf paths on 7 and 5.

    • It was reported the dead palm tree on #4 needs to be cut down.

Unfinished business – Waiting for the return of Dick and Linda Jones with information on generators for all buildings in central area.


Frank Tewell made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 1:20 p.m. with a second by Mark Owen.  Motion Carried


Board Minutes (2019-12-09)
Board Agenda (2019-12-09)



Agenda for SEPO Board Meeting

Scheduled for December 9, 2019


Below is the board meeting agenda for the Dec 9th meeting, 1pm.  As of today no one has submitted a request to speak at the meeting. The deadline to submit a request to speak is Friday, Dec 6th 12 noon.


The Resident meeting will be Tuesday, Dec 10th, 1pm in Retzlaff Hall. 


Sorry about the quick turnover between meetings but I'll be heading North shortly. 


John Chajec

SEPO President


Roll Call:

John Chajec

Mark Owen

Dick Shelton

Lyn Swonger

Frank Tewell

Jerry Utterback

Clint Wunderlich


Cathy Chajec for Dick Shelton taking minutes


Guest speaker: none


Committee reports:

Architectural committee

Memorial committee

Nominating committee: Neil Morehead

Post nominees, Dec. 27th, 10 days before the January Board on Jan 6th. 


Previous Directors meeting minutes, Nov 12th,  approval or disapproval


Officer reports:

Treasurer: Mark Owen

Area 1, 2 : Frank Tewell

Area 3: Jerry Utterback

Golf  Course: Lyn Swonger


Unfinished (old) business:


Board Minutes (2019-11-12)



Sunshine Country Club Estates
Directors Meeting Minutes

November 12, 2019

Meeting was called to order by President, John Chajec at 12:59 p.m.  The following board members were present: Mark Owen, Lyn Swonger, Frank Tewell, Jerry Utterback, Clint Wunderlich, and Cathy Chajec taking the minutes.  Dick Shelton was absent.


Minutes from the October 21st meeting: Jerry Utterback made a motion to approve the minutes and seconded by Frank Tewell.  Motion passed.


John passed around the minutes from the executive board meeting held on Nov. 4th for approval.  Motion to approve minutes made by Mark Owen and seconded by Lyn Swonger.  Motion unanimously passed.


No guest speakers were present.


Committee Reports:


Architectural Control Committee – no one was present


Memorial Committee – no one present


Nominating Committee – Neil Morehead was not present.  It was mentioned the nominations for 2020 need to be posted by January 2, 2020, which would be 10 days prior to the January 12th Board of Directors meeting.


Officer Reports:


Mark Owen: no report at this time.  Mark and Valerie are meeting with someone from our accounting firm to go over discrepancies from 2017 & 18.  Report to follow.  Mark will also be working on budget for next year.


Frank Tewell made a motion for NO increase in dues for storage and HOA fees for 2020.  Motion was seconded by Jerry Utterback.  Motion passed unanimously.


Frank Tewell: He has ordered a new timer for the front gate.  Right now, Frank opens the gate in the morning and closes the gate every evening.  Frank gave key to grey box on gate to Clint, Lyn and Valerie, in case of malfunction.


Frank also had sprinklers installed up front on Texas Ave.  No need to drag hose anymore.  It was discussed about possibly repairing the road that is eroding away on the access road near Encore’s entrance.  Many of the big trucks are tearing up this road more and more. 


Clint Wunderlich:  Clint has information on Indiana Avenue and the road in front of Encore and will discuss at

Resident Meeting next Tuesday.


Jerry Utterback:  contacted a contractor for bids on paving the storage area entrance from gate to end of golf nets. No info at this time.  Jerry is also checking on lights for the tennis courts and new lighting over the shuffle board area.  He will also look into purchasing new shuffleboard equipment.


Lyn Swonger:  Mentioned a mower needs repair (2 motors) at about $550 each.  A new carburetor kit has been ordered for the dumpster vehicle. Lyn has cut the sprinkling time on course around Indiana Ave. Board will approach the residents about cutting their sprinkling time so Indiana does not always have standing water.  Problem seems better after Lyn cut the sprinkling time, per John who has been monitoring the water on the street.  Frank also mentioned he has cut the sprinkling time on common area by office.


Lyn discussed the concrete work being done to connect the cart path on hole 7.    John Whitley donated to pay the cost for concrete for cart path on 5.


Lyn is also looking to implement some kind of action for those who drive all the way up to the green and between the sand trap and green. This is not allowed and tears up the grass leading to the green.  Discussion was had about a few people who would need to be able to drive up close to the green and tee boxes for health reasons.


Old Business:  Frank is waiting on estimates from Dick & Linda Jones for generators for all the buildings.


Motion was made by Jerry Utterback and seconded by Frank Tewell to adjourn the meeting.  All approved and meeting was adjourned at 1:28 p.m.


Respectfully submitted, Cathy Chajec




Agenda for SEPO Board Meeting

Scheduled for November 12, 2019


Roll Call

  John Chajec

  Mark Owen
  Dick Shelton
  Lyn Swonger
  Frank Tewell
  Jerry Utterback
  Clint Wunderlich
Cathy Chajec  taking minutes

Guest speaker: none

Committee reports:
   Architectural committee
   Memorial committee
   Nominating committee: Neil Moorehead

Previous Directors meeting minutes, Oct 21,  approval or disapproval

Executive Directors meeting minutes, Nov 4th,  approval or disapproval


Officer reports:
    Treasurer: Mark Owen
    Area 1, 2 : Frank Tewell
    Area 3: Jerry Utterback
    Golf  Course: Lyn Swonger


Unfinished (old) business:


New Business:



Sunshine Country Club Estates

Directors Meeting Minutes

October 21, 2019 


The meeting was called to order by John Chajec at 1:00 pm and roll call was taken.


Board members present for roll call were:

John Chajec, Frank Tewell, Mark Owen, Lyn Swonger


Absent board members were: 

Dick Shelton, Clint Wunderlich, Jerry Utterback


John Chajec announced the resignation of President Dick Shelton and accepted the position of President. Dick Shelton was nominated for Secretary and Frank Tewell seconded the motion.  In the absence of Dick Shelton, minutes were taken by Marian Young. All reassignments are complete.


Guest Speaker


Stan Nelson spoke about Texas Avenue and the water that is flushed into the street. It's a dead-end water system. It is on record that no water should fill up the retention pond. John Chajec has talked to the city of Harlingen about this and will talk to the City of Combes. A discussion then took place about the water quality and how water filters were filled with sediment. There will be more of a discussion at the upcoming meeting on October 28th, 2019.


Committee Reports


Architectural Committee


Jim Kennedy reported 108 building improvements since February 1st, 2019. Only one application was not approved. Everyone has been complying with the By-Laws. Jim suggested that the board make sure all new residents are aware of the regulations. John Chajec made a motion to accept and it was seconded by Mark Owen.


Memorial Committee


Irene Phillips reported a balance of $2519.80 for the memorial fund and had received around $500 in donations for the Birding Club and the Wood Shop. Irene indicated she would be resigning her position as sole member of the committee. There are a few problems that need to be discussed at a later time. John Chajec thanked Irene for her service, then made a motion to accept the report and it was seconded by Lyn Swonger.


The minutes of the meeting for March 18th have been approved. 


Officer Reports


Treasurer: Mark Owen reported he changed the structure of the financials and produced a 9 month financial and budget.

We have total assets of $1,776,876.06. Common Grounds area 2 was under budget by $43,252.08. This could be due to the money set aside for Indiana Circle that has not been utilized. The payroll taxes are over budget by $16,576.19 year to date. Mark said payroll should be put into the payroll account. John Chajec suggested a 4th column to indicate the yearly budget. Lyn made a motion to table the budget and was seconded by Frank Tewell. 


Common Grounds 1, 2 and 3:  Frank Tewell reported on and all of the repairs made over the summer season. The pool and pavilion area were repaired and repainted. Floors were sanded and sealed. The a/c in the hall was broken twice so Frank replaced the north a/c and had to repair the south a/c. The hall was flooded, the library had a leaky roof, all buildings were sealed and roofs are checked once a month for drainage problems. Both gates are not working well, and we are not getting good service from the installers.  Frank has been comparing prices to find the best for our pool chemicals and paper supplies. The heaters in the pavilion were repaired. 


Golf course: Lyn Swonger reported a busy season for the Golf Course area. A pickup was purchased to haul mud from #4 and is also being used to pick up supplies. T boxes #3, #5, #8, and #9 were leveled and have new sod. New sprinklers were put in on #4, #6, and #9, The large sprinklers were taken out and smaller ones reinstalled due to the water hitting houses. 800 feet of sprinklers were replaced. Work will begin for a cart path by hole #2. A new commercial grade mower was purchased for $6200 and another mower was rebuilt. Two french drains were installed to improve drainage.

New Business


Volunteers are needed for the nominating committee. Lyn Swonger, John Chajec, Clint Wunderlich, and Dick Shelton first 2-year term will end. There is a two term limit for board members. Frank stated he knew of one person who would serve. 


The board meeting was scheduled for November 11th which is Veteran's Day. John Chajec suggested to reschedule the meeting for November 12th, 2019. Lyn Swonger seconded the motion. 


There were several letters from residents. Three were concerning the board meetings and the residents, one letter was concerning Texas Avenue, and another letter from Linda Jones suggesting a natural gas backup generator in the Sundance Bldg which is the only building built to possibly sustain a hurricane. The board will research the cost of a generator and gas line.


Mark Owen brought up the large duck population on the golf course. Lyn Swonger stated they were working on a plan to take the ducks to a park. 


Resident Dee Novak discussed the ditch behind Minnesota Street. Homeowners are losing land as the ditch grows larger. A discussion took place as to what options we have. The Irrigation District is responsible for the ditch. Resident Jean Fredericks has called the Irrigation District twice with no results. The board will look into the matter.


Mark Owen mentioned his family had a lot of recordings for Karaoke and wondered if the Women's Club would be interested. 


Stan Nelson stated the fountain lights in the lakes were not working.  Lyn Swonger said #8 breaker shorts out but the pump works. They will work on the problem. 


Lyn Swonger made a motion to adjourn and it was seconded by John Chajec at 1:48 pm.




Agenda for SEPO Board Meeting

Scheduled for October 21, 2019


Board Meeting Agenda -

  • Roll Call

  • Board member resignation and reassignment of positions

  • Previous meeting minutes, approval or disapproval

  • Officer reports:

    • Treasurer: Mark Olson

    • Area 1, 2 &3: Frank Tewell

    • Golf  Course: Lyn Swonger

  • Committee reports:

    • Architectural committee

    • Memorial committee

  • Unfinished (old) business

  • New Business

    • Nominating committee

    • Suggestions etc



Board Agenda (2019-10-21)
Board Minutes (2019-10-21)
Board Agenda (2019-11-12)
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Office: (956) 425-1420

FAX: (956) 425-1420


1957 W Michigan Dr

Harlingen, TX 78550

Information in this site is authorized by

Sunshine Estates Property Owners Association (SEPO) and its residents.

©2024 by Sunshine Country Club Estates

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