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  • 2022-02 E-Mails | Sunshine Estates

    S EPO Community E-Mails: February 2022 Sent 2022-02-28: Rescheduled Garden Cleanup Day - Rescheduled Garden Cleanup Day is Tuesday, March 1st at 1:00pm. Meet at the gazebo if you can make it. We will spruce things up a bit before the Good Neighbor Day Tournament. Thank you. Susanne ​ Sent 2022-02-27: UPDATED: SEPO 2-Pager Activities List - I have completed updating the 2-Pager Activities List for the remainder of this winter season. Direct link to the File is HERE . It's also on each of these two Web pages: HERE and HERE . Valerie will be putting copies of this document in the library when she returns on Monday. If anyone finds anything that needs updated, please let me know. Beth Parrish SEPO Web site Admin E-Mail: 314-960-6710 ​ Sent 2022-02-27: Good Neighbor Day Golf Tournament Registration - We are only accepting Standby Registrations for the Good Neighborhood Day Golf Tournament, which is located in the Library. We would love to have a few people on Standby in case the needed to fill a position(s) arises. Please contact Jerry Weatherbee w/questions. 425-418-3345 ​ Sent 2022-02-27: Sunshine Front Gate - As you are probably aware the front gate has been malfunctioning off and on for the past several weeks. We have had several service calls, thinking each time they have resolved the issues. However, it now appears that the gate has totally failed to respond to the time clock commands. They are now going to upgrade the clock, hopefully this week. Will keep you posted. Larry Keller SEPO Board ​ Sent 2022-02-27: ACTION REQUIRED BY SOME RESIDENTS by End of Day Feb 28: Age Survey - If you have not yet provided the information requested on this form to the SEPO Office, please go to the Office on Monday, Feb 28, at the latest to fill out the form. Or if you can/prefer you can print the form and take it to the Office. ​ As previously stated in one or more Board meetings last year, gathering this Age information is 'Required for HUD exemption of 55+ communities'. The Fair Housing Act prohibits discrimination of various things, including age. In 1995 there was an amendment to a section of this Act allowing exemptions for communities that are age 55+. However, we need documentation that shows the number and percentage of people living here who are 55+. ​ We have started collecting age information during 'New Homeowners’ Orientation, but still lack this data from around 100 owners (at last count). ​ By collecting this data from all Homeowners, if we are challenged by the Federal government, we have the information. ​ Thank you for your cooperation in helping us gather this required information. Lenore Combs SEPO Board ​ Sent 2022-02-26: Mardi Gras Party - Thank you to the Women's Club for a great Mardi Gras celebration. Good food, good music, and a great turnout made the night a sucess. David Fleiner ​ Sent 2022-02-26: SUNSHINE NEWSLETTER: Mar 2022 - Lots of graphics in this one so I couldn't embed it in this e-mail. You can view/print a copy of it (with graphics): Directly from HERE or On the Web site HERE Valerie will also place copies in the library area when she returns on Monday. As you will see in the Editor article, this is my final Newsletter. It's been a pleasure keeping you all informed each month. Beth Parrish SEPO Newsletter Editor (for the final time) E-Mail: ( ) 314-960-6710 ​ Sent 2022-02-25: UNAPPROVED: SEPO Board Meeting (Special) Minutes, Feb 21, 2022 - The UNAPPROVED minutes from the Feb 21, 2022 Board Meeting (Special), can be found HERE . The minutes can be viewed/printed directly from HERE . Please call with any issues or questions. Beth Parrish SEPO Board Secretary & Governing Documents 314-960-6710 ​ Sent 2022-02-25: WC: Fundraiser in March 2022 - The Flyer below says it all. Hope you come join us. Tiffany Prater Sent 2022-02-25: NEWSLETTER: Please Reply ASAP - Article Verification - Since I accidently missed putting an article in the Feb Newsletter and since my life has been absolutely crazy the last couple of weeks, I wanted to verify that I have received everyone's March article. Here's what I have: SEPO Board Sunshine Garden Club GNDGT Great Minnesota Get-Together Pesticide Applicator Technology Assistance Women's Club March Breakfast Women's Club If I've missed anything that anyone sent me, let me know ASAP by replying to , as I'm going to be working on the Newsletter this afternoon and tomorrow with hopes of publishing it by Sunday AM at the latest. Thanks in advance for your quick reply. Beth Parrish SEPO Newsletter Mgr E-Mail: 314-960-6710 ​ Sent 2022-02-25: FILLING UP FAST - Register Now: Good Neighbor Day Golf Tournament - Due to an excellent response, registration for the Good Neighbor Day Golf Tournament is nearing its goal. We encourage those interested to sign up as soon as possible, since we are filling up quickly. Please note that if your registration is received after the number of teams is established, you may be placed on our reserve/standby list. If you have any questions, feel free to contact GNDGT Committee. Sent 2022-02-24: Results of 2022 SEPO Board Director Positions Election - It was previously announced that Randy Davis, David Fleiner and Mark Owen were elected to fill the three open positions on the 2022 SEPO Board. Beth Parrish, Larry Keller, Jean Burgoine and Lenore Combs remained on the Board for their second year. After the Annual Shareholders meeting on February 15, 2022 was adjourned the new board convened their first ‘required’ meeting where elections were held to fill the Director positions for the 2022 Board. The Board was unable to finalize all positions at that meeting. Therefore, a Special Board meeting was held on February 21 to do so. The FINAL Board Director positions results from the February 21 Special Board meeting are as follows: ​ President: David Fleiner Secretary: Beth Parrish Treasurer: Mark Owen Golf Course: Randy Davis Common Area 1 & 1st Vice President: Jean Burgoine Common Area 2: Larry Keller Common Area 3 & 2nd Vice President: Lenore Combs Contact information for your 2022 Board members can be found in the Residents section of the Web site . You will be notified when the other pages on the Web site have been updated with the 2022 Board information. SEPO Board ​ Sent 2022-02-24: SILENT AUCTION - Women's Club and SEPO Board are hosting a Silent Auction in the library starting today, February 24 at 3 p.m. through Saturday, February 26 at 3 p.m. The Board had a clear out of the items the office area no longer needed. In compliance with our Policy and Procedures, the community is being offered the opportunity to bid on the items before another way of disposing of them is used. To bid on an item, put your phone number (no names) and bid on the attached sheet. The winning bidders will be notified by phone on Saturday or Sunday. SEPO ITEMS printers paper4 roasters idea box 3 ring binders fireproof safe with key Etc. WOMEN'S CLUB ITEMS 4 coffee urns 4 roasters More Silent Auctions may be held in the future as we sort through various storage areas. Thank you for your participation. Cathy Richmond and Jean Burgoine ​ Sent 2022-02-23: UNAPPROVED: Women's Club Minutes from 2022-02-18 - The minutes from the Feb 18, 2022 Women's Club meeting (along with attachments, can be found on the Sunshine Web site HERE . Glenda Wetherbee, Secretary ​ Sent 2022-02-23: MARKET: Household Items for Sale - Please go to the Sunshine MARKET to see several pieces from a 'Santa Clause Collection' that I have for sale. Jean Lawrence ​ Sent 2022-02-23: MARKET: Household Items for Sale - Please go to the Sunshine MARKET to to see several appliances we have for sale. Pam & Tony Adams ​ Sent 2022-02-23: MARKET: Looking For - Please go to the Sunshine MARKET for my contact info. I am looking for a good used car. Janee Bledsoe ​ Sent 2022-02-23: WC: Dog Fundraiser - The Women's Club is sponsoring a 'Dog Fundraiser' on March 26 to replace the originally scheduled Mar 8 Hog Roast. I will be chairing this event and have placed a 'Committee Signup' poster on the Women's Club billboard in the library. If you would like to participate in this activity, please sign up on the Committee sheet and plan to attend our first planning meeting this Friday @ 11 AM in the Library. Ongoing correspondence that affects only the committee will be coming directly from me. Thanks and hope to see you this Friday. Marge Sandusky 815-975-8025 ​ Sent 2022-02-23: Pesticide Applicator - The SEPO Board is looking for a resident (preferably full-time) that has a Noncommercial Pesticide Applicator License to assist with weed and pest control in our community (with special focus on the golf course). The volunteer service would be required every few months. If you have an interest in obtaining a License, please contact Randy Davis (214-783-4604) to discuss what that entails (a background in the sciences and a thirst for knowledge is a plus). Randy Davis SEPO Board: Golf Course Director ​ Sent 2022-02-23: Good Neighbor Day Golf Tournament - The 2022 Good Neighbor Day Golf Tournament registration is open to SEPO residents and their guests now! Attached is a photo of the registration area located in the library. Get your registration in early. We are in need of resident’s golf carts for persons who need to use a golf cart in the GNGT. If you can make your golf cart available to GNGT players, please send an email response to: . Beer, sodas and water will be provided as we have done in the past. Our Neighbors will be registering starting Thursday, the 24th. All registration ends on Monday, February 28th at 5:00PM. Women’s Golf will be serving lunch on Thursday and Friday for a nominal cost. We will be providing Closest to the Pins awards each day for the morning and afternoon groups. Award prizes will be provided on Saturday after each group finishes their round. We will be playing a “Florida” type scramble this year. These rules will be clearly explained before starting. Currently the long-range weather forecast looks pretty good! Tony Tramel 2022 GNGT Chairman ​ Sent 2022-02-23: Former Resident Health - Former Resident Gerri Preter - Needs a little extra Loving. Please send Prayers. She starts her next step in life. She's going on Hospice. Cards & Prayers Gerri Preter 12100 W 109th St Room 118 Overland Park KS 66210 Thanks Kathy Wunderlich ​ Sent 2022-02-23: FOR APPROVAL: Activities for 2022-2023 - The next Regular Board Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, March 8 at 1 PM. The agenda for that meeting will be published no later than Wednesday, March 2 at 1 PM. Why am I telling everyone this so early? Here's why. At the last regular Board Meeting of each Winter season, in March, is when activities for the following Winter season are approved by the Board. Board approval is performed in the following order. Priority 1: SEPO Board (Regular) Meetings & Residents Meetings Listed HERE Priority 2: Good Neighbor Day Golf Tournament (GNDGT: Requested dates submitted are Mar 2-4, 2023 with rain dates of Mar 9-11, 2023.) Priority 3: Women's Club Activities (The Board is currently waiting for this list from the Women's Club Activities Director.) SEPO Golf Leagues: - Men's Golf League: Tuesday mornings. - Ladies' Golf League: Wednesday mornings. Women's Club Meetings: Third Friday of each month - Oct thru Mar Architectural Control Committee (ACC): The 1st & 15th of each month - year round Other activities/meetings that have been requested to be approved at this meeting. (Please submit your request via the normal process by end of day, Feb 28 and tell Valerie (SEPO Office) it is for the March 8 Board Meeting. ​If you don't submit a request for your 2022-2023 activity/meeting prior to the end of day Feb 28, it will not be reviewed at the Mar 8 meeting, and you will need to follow the Activity/Meeting request process as normal. Please call me with any questions you may have concerning the above. Beth Parrish 2022 SEPO Board Secretary & Governing Documents E-Mail: 314-960-6710 ​ Sent 2022-02-23: FINAL REMINDER: MAR 2022 Newsletter Articles Due by End of Day on Feb 24, 2022 - **** PLEASE NOTE: THIS WILL BE THE 'FINAL' NEWSLETTER FOR THE CURRENT WINTER SEASON **** FINAL REMINDER - I have only received ONE article for this FINAL Newsletter of the season. Come on folks, I know there's lots going on next month. If you have an article you would like published in the Sunshine Mar 2022 Newsletter, it needs to be submitted to by End of Day on the 24th of the current month. If you want a refresher on what type of info normally goes into the Newsletter from the various Sunshine Clubs & Committees, past publications are HERE . The sooner you get your articles to me the better. As always, Newsletter Guidelines are posted HERE . Please call with questions. Beth Parrish SEPO Newsletter Editor E-Mail: 314-960-6710 ​ Sent 2022-02-23: REMINDER: Women's Club Breakfast: Feb 26, 2022 - Breakfast Casserole The Women’s Club will be sponsoring a Saturday Breakfast in Retzlaff Hall on February 26th from 7:30AM – 10:00 AM. It will be a little different than past breakfasts. This month’s breakfast will feature Breakfast Casserole (a casserole with eggs, bacon, sausage, cheese and tater tots) accompanied by a delicious biscuit with choice of regular or sausage gravy. We will have condiments of butter, salsa, jalapeños and ketchup. ​ This entire breakfast will be served for just $5.00 and will be served with orange juice, coffee and water! Stay and eat with friends in the hall or out at the pavilion…or grab a meal to go. Saturday Golf Scramblers, make sure and stop by before you tee off! Pam Davis ​ Sent 2022-02-23: WANTED: Sunshine Resident Technology Consultant - There are residents in our community who at times needs assistance with issues concerning their computers, pads and phones. I, and a couple other residents, help out when we can. However, I’m pretty much swamped and don’t feel I can continue this on an ongoing basis. Plus, there are some things I'm not much help with. Is there anyone who would be willing to volunteer to help out? If you want to help out, you can reply to and I will also be putting a signup sheet in the Library Thu morning. We could probably use 2-3 or more volunteers for assisting with apple versus android, computers, pads, phones and hardware versus software. A few years ago, there was a Computer Club that met every week where you could go to talk about your issues, and hopefully get help with a fix, concerning technology. That might be something someone would be interested in starting up again. Please consider helping out with any or all of the above. Beth Parrish 2022 SEPO Board Secretary & Governing Documents E-Mail: 314-960-6710 ​ Sent 2022-02-22: Board Mtg (Special), Feb 21, 2022: Agenda (Rev) & Video - You can now find the following concerning the Hybrid Board Mtg (Spec) that was held on Feb 22, 2022 @ 1pm on the Sunshine Web site HERE : Amended Agenda Video Please let me know if you have any issues concerning these two items. Beth Parrish 2022 SEPO Board Secretary & Governing Documents E-Mail: 314-960-6710 ​ Sent 2022-02-22: Please clean up your Storage Lot area - Dear Friends As the Director of the Storage Lot area, I would like you all to "police your area" and make this a firm commitment before the first of March. A "Spring Cleaning" mandate is because I have had more than several "complaints" - suggestions, concerns, etc. because there is too much stuff under the Sheds and surroundings. There will be another "walk-about" and if there is stuff still lying about - it will be taken care of..... You may send me your 2 CENTS by email, to , or leave a note in the Office (I have a cubby for Valerie to place correspondence) and it will be considered, appreciated and responded. Thank You. The Board is aware of this concern and since it is my area, I am reaching out to you. My expectation is this exercise will be accomplished. Thanks Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276 SEPO Director Area 3 - Storage Lot ​ Sent 2022-02-21: MARKET: House for Sale - Please go to the Sunshine MARKET to see info and pics of my house that is For Sale. Larry & Lynne Reed ​ Sent 2022-02-21: FOUND: Key - I found a key in front of my house over the weekend. I can be reached at 248 931 5000. Ron Ciotti ​ Sent 2022-02-20: Board Meeting Minutes: Various mtgs on Feb 15, 2022 - All minutes from the various meetings listed below can be found on the Sunshine Web site on this page . Feb 15, 2022 (1pm) Annual Shareholders Meeting (Quorum Determination)​ Feb 15, 2022 (3pm) Annual Shareholders Meeting (Election Results) Feb 15, 2022 1st 2022 Board Meeting (Required) As a reminder, the SEPO Board is holding a "special" Hybrid meeting tomorrow, Feb 21, 2022, at 1 PM to finalize Board Director positions. Beth Parrish SEPO Board Secretary & Governing Documents E-Mail: 314-960-6710 ​ Sent 2022-02-20: Up-coming Birding & Nature Club Events - What: "Birding For Beginners" This wil be an informational program, open to all Interested people about the skill of bird watching and explaining Terms and nomenclature used by birders to explain habitat and locations birds live and thrive. This will be a great Start to Understanding How to Get involved in Birdwatching. (Desert will be served) When: Monday March 7 @7:00PM Where: Ritzlaff Hall Why: Learn more about becoming a bird watcher (The RGV has the most species of birds in the world) Birding Monthly Meeting Will be held after Program (Everyone is invited to stay) Meetings are help on the 1st Monday of the month In the Library @7:00 ********************************************************************************** REMINDER What: SCCE Birding & Nature Club is hosting a birding field trip When: Friday March 11th (Rain date: Friday March 18 Where: Resaca De La Palma State Park & World Birding Center 1000 New Carmen Ave, Brownsville, TX 78521 Meet in parking lot@10:30 Cost: B&N Club Members $4. Non-Members $8.00 Texas state park card holders are free Who: Contact: Tom Stone @ 715-292-0360 to reserve you spot (Reservations are limited) RALPH Would you be able to make sure that Sunshine RV Park gets these events Thanks ​ Bill Peterson ​ Sent 2022-02-20: Joint SEPO and Women's Club Silent Auction - The dates for the joint SEPO and Women's Club Silent Auction will be Feb. 25 and 26. Items will be displayed in the library for 2 days. Jean Burgoine ​ Sent 2022-02-19: REMINDER: Women's Club 2022-2023 Activities Planning Mtg - Just a reminder to everyone that the Womens’s Club is having our yearly planning meeting on Tues Feb 22 at 10:00 in Retzlaff Hall . We would love to have a person from every club attend if you could. Everyone with ideas or the ability to chair or co-chair an event are especially invited. Hope to see you there. Judy Stone Activities Director (with a lot of help from others!) ​ Sent 2022-02-19: Good Neighbor Day Golf Tournament Registration - Good Neighbor Day Golf Tournament Registration Registration for the Good Neighbor Day Golf Tournament will begin on Monday, February 21, 2022 in the Library. This will be a self registration process. Registration forms and envelopes will be provided on the bulletin board next to the door to the pool. The entry fee is $40.00 The white dropbox with the golfer silhouettes will be used as a depository for your registration envelopes. The tournament is scheduled for March 3,4,5, 2022. Sunshine player registration will run from February 21 until noon on February 28. Outside player registration will begin on Thursday, February 24 and run until noon on February 28. If you have any questions please contact Jerry Wetherbee, 425-418-3345 or Randy Davis, 214-783-4604. Jerry Wetherbee ​ Sent 2022-02-18: Men’s Annual Golf Tournament & Awards - Just a reminder that this yearly tournament is February 28 and 1 of March 22 so if you haven’t paid your yearly dues do so before the 23 of February to be in ANY cash prizes that will be given out the format is the same as last year you will play four rounds in two days and the cash prizes will be given out the following week 8 of March 22 after the last team plays and as of now it will be at the pool area with some food and drinks to hear about ALL the bragging rights or the lack of hope for a great day and a good turnout and remember to hit them long and straight ok well at least straight, thanks Rocky and Matt. Sent 2022-02-18: REMINDER: WC Mardi Gras Signup (and menu) - FINAL REMINDER - Virtual signup/payment ($10 per person) for the Feb 24 Mardi Gras will be available in the library through next Monday @ 10 AM . The menu consists of traditional Mardi Gras food: Jambalaya, Red Beans & Rice and Shrimp Cocktail. Oh and also Sheet Cake for Dessert. Retzlaff Hall doors will open at 4 pm for Happy Hour! Meal at 4:30. Music from 5-7 with DJ Doug and his wife, Kathy. Kathy works the crowd and is so much fun. Dance the night away in your costumes. Prizes will be awarded for best costume(s). This is a Women's Club event so please come out and support us. Mary Hendrickson Mardi Gras Committee Sent 2022-02-17: AGENDA for Board Meeting (Special) on Monday, Feb 21, 2022 @ 1 PM - - NOTE - The below links to the 'amended' agenda actually used during the meeting - The agenda for the Feb 21, 2022 SEPO Board (Special) meeting at 1 PM is below. on the Sunshine Web site HERE or directly from HERE Valerie will also be posting this agenda outside her office, on the poolside door to Retzlaff Hall and by the mailboxes sometime today. Beth Parrish SEPO Board Secretary E-Mail: 314-960-6710 ​ Sent 2022-02-17: ANNOUNCEMENT - 2022 SEPO Board - We wanted to make a short announcement concerning the results of the SEPO 2022 Board election. Randy Davis, David Fleiner and Mark Owen were elected to fill the three open positions. Beth Parrish, Larry Keller, Jean Burgoine and Lenore Combs remain on the Board for their second year. Mark Owen was on the 2021 Board and was re-elected to the 2022 Board. We want to give a huge 'thank you for all you did' to Lyn Swonger and Tony Tramel, who are exiting their Board positions. They both made great improvements within our community during their tenure on the Board. The 2022 Board did hold their first 'required' meeting on Feb 15 in order to elect/assign Director positions. However, partly due to not all Board members being present at that meeting, we were not able to finalize those assignments. We will inform the community as soon as this has been accomplished. SEPO BOARD ​ Sent 2022-02-17: Women's Club Breakfast: Feb 26, 2022 - Breakfast Casserole - The Women’s Club will be sponsoring a Saturday Breakfast in Retzlaff Hall on February 26th from 7:30AM – 10:00 AM. It will be a little different than past breakfasts. This month’s breakfast will feature Breakfast Casserole (a casserole with eggs, bacon, sausage, cheese and tater tots) accompanied by a delicious biscuit with choice of regular or sausage gravy. We will have condiments of butter, salsa, jalapeños and ketchup. This entire breakfast will be served for just $5.00 and will be served with orange juice, coffee and water! Stay and eat with friends in the hall or out at the pavilion…or grab a meal to go. Saturday Golf Scramblers, make sure and stop by before you tee off! Pam Davis ​ Sent 2022-02-17: Videos from Annual Shareholder Mtgs on Jan 15, 2022 - The Google Meet videos from the following three meetings are now available for viewing on the Sunshine Web site HERE and from the direct links below: Feb 15, 2022: Shareholders Mtg (1 pm) - Feb 15, 2022: Shareholders Mtg (3 pm) - Feb 15, 2022: 2022 Board Mtg (Required 1st Mtg) (immediately after 3 pm SH mtg) - I am currently working on the written minutes from these meetings. Beth Parrish 2022 SEPO Board ​ Sent 2022-02-17: REMINDER: MAR 2022 Newsletter Articles Due by End of Day on Feb 24, 2021 - **** PLEASE NOTE: THIS WILL BE THE 'FINAL' NEWSLETTER FOR THE CURRENT WINTER SEASON **** If you have an article you would like published in the Sunshine Feb 2022 Newsletter it needs to be submitted to by End of Day on the 24th of the current month. If you want a refresher on what type of info normally goes into the Newsletter from the various Sunshine Clubs & Committees, past publications are HERE . The sooner you get your articles to me the better. As always, Newsletter Guidelines are posted here: . Please call with questions. Beth Parrish SEPO Newsletter Editor E-Mail: 314-960-6710 ​ Sent 2022-02-16: Former Resident Passing - I just got a call from Jan & John Hinsch's daughter. She informed me that John Hinsch has passed away. You can reach Jan here - Jan Hinsch 1816 Cherry Street Red Wing, MN 55066 Dan Edwards Sent 2022-02-16: Saturday Morning Scramble - I wanted to remind everyone that the Saturday Morning Scramble will resume this coming Saturday 9:00 a.m. Hope to see you there. Sent from Deloris Pearcy ​ Sent 2022-02-15: SEPO Financials, 2022-01 - I am sending out the January 2022 SEPO Financials. A motion will be made in the Annual Shareholders Mtg @ 3 pm on Feb 15, 2022 (Hybrid mtg) to approve these documents. They are posted to the Web site HERE . Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks Mark Owen SEPO Board Treasurer Sent 2022-02-15: Video from Residents Mtg on 2022-02-14 - The video from the Feb 14, 2022 Residents meeting is now available for viewing: Directly from HERE From this Sunshine Web site page HERE The quality of the video is not that great (I believe due to the internet reception in the hall). However, you should be able to hear what is being said without any issues. I will be documenting the section concerning Speaker Requests in the minutes from the Shareholders' meetings scheduled to be held on Feb 15, 2022. Beth Parrish SEPO Board Secretary Sent 2022-02-14: Election - Vote Counting - Homeowners are welcome to come to the library between 1:15 and 2:45 PM Tuesday, February 15 to observe SEPO election vote counting. The only thing we ask is for observers not to talk during the counting process. Chuck McEvoy, Chairman Election Committee ​ Sent 2022-02-14: GARAGE SALE: Hockett-Garage - Garage Sale: Saturday 2/19 from 8-1, 1909 W Wisconsin Ave Furniture-Coffee Table & end table Household items-new bakers 18 mini loaf pan Talavera decorative pots/swan(s) Woodshop wood-free Much more! Larry & Edna Hockett ​ Sent 2022-02-14: NW report Feb 2022 - Sunshine Neighborhood Watch – CERT Team (Est. 2008) SCCE - Harlingen’s premier NW & CERT Team Lights On -- Lock Up and Look Out for each other! 14 February 2022 SEPO Board Report Lenore J. Combs, Coordinator 956 245 1276 Sgt Rebeca Cruz, Officers Bravo and Moreno, NW HPD District Representatives Dear Sunshine Community, Our next NW-CERT meeting will be Monday 21 February 2022 at 3pm NOT in Retzlaff Hall. We are going to have a combined Neighborhood Watch meeting at Friendship Hall – over in Encore RV Resort (beside the large parking lot) with the Harlingen Police Department and several other local NW organizations from Harlingen. Sgt..Rebeca Cruz is our newly assigned HPD NW liaison and she will be leading the February meeting (21 Feb 3pm) and giving information and instructions. Sgt. Cruz was promoted as the Sergeant for the HPD District Representatives and is also Liaison for the Citizens Police Academy Alumni Association. The District Officers wish to go over the new Texas Golf Cart laws, now referred to as low speed vehicles. It is an open meeting and it would be great if some of the owners of these vehicles would be present to share their 2 Cents. We are very lucky to have this group of Officers take our issues seriously and support our Neighborhood Watch, Please be there. Update: The NO SOLICITING sign grew legs and jumped off the Front Gate. It will be replaced. Sent 2022-02-14: Resident Passing: Jim Servos - Memorial service information update - On behalf of Shirley, wife of Jim Servos, she is announcing that there will be a Military Graveside Burial Service for him. You are invited. Thursday 17 February 2022 11 am (City of) Combes, TX Combes Memorial Cemetery Sid Jones Road and Business 77 Donations on behalf of the Servos family can be offered to ANGELCARE HAVEN 2509 CLIFFORD STREET HARLINGEN TX 78550 -- Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276 ​ Sent 2022-02-14: Calling All Dogs and Cats - Hi Everyone, Sandra Delaunay will be coming to the Estates on Wednesday, February 16, 2022 to take care of your pet's nails. Please text Sandra and she will schedule your appointment. Sandra's number is 956-226-9919. Sandra will come to your home. Thanks, Marian Young 719-468-4556 ​ Sent 2022-02-13: UPDATED: Sunshine Renters Directory - It's been a while since the Sunshine Renters Directory has been updated on the Web site. I just put a new one out there as of today, Feb 13, 2022. Please review it carefully and let Valerie and me know if anything isn't right. Thanks in advance for your diligence with this matter. The file can be found HERE . (password required) I will be working on putting all other updated directories on the Web very soon. Sent 2022-02-13: REMINDER: Multiple Meetings on Mon & Tue, Feb 14 & 15, 2022 - A few days have passed since the agendas were sent, so I just wanted to remind everyone about the various meetings that will be occurring this week in Retzlaff Hall. The Residents meeting agenda is HERE . The Board meeting agendas are HERE . Here are the meeting dates & times: Feb 14 @ 1 PM: Residents' Meeting Feb 15 @ 1 PM: Shareholders' Meeting (Quorum Determination) Feb 15 @ 3 PM: Shareholders' Meeting (Election Results) (Please note - The Google Meet session will not be available for anyone to be admitted into until 3 PM since the SEPO Board Elections Committee needs until that time to complete tallying all votes. The doors into Retzlaff Hall will be re-opened at 3 PM as well.) Feb 15 after 3 PM Mtg: 2022 SEPO Board 1st Meeting (Required) Beth Parrish SEPO Board Secretary & Governing Documents E-Mail: 314-960-6710 ​ S ent 2022-02-13: Resident Passing - James (Jim) Servos passed away Sat evening (Feb 12, 2022) peacefully. Memorial plans are in the works for Combes and Shirley will announce shortly. Jim is a U.S. Marine Veteran. God Bless the USA and God bless Jim ooh rah Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276 (See additional details above send on 2022-02-14) ​ Sent 2022-02-13: Resident Passing - I saw on the white board last week that Dianne Holten passed away on Feb 7, 2022. Beth Parrish ​ Sent 2022-02-12: WC: Mardi Gras Update (Change of Plans) - Mardi Gras Change of plans. We will have virtual payment in the library when you signup instead of collecting money at the door. The Box is available in the library with envelopes to put your money in. $10 per person. Costumes and prizes! Mary Hendrickson Mardi Gras Chair ​ Sent 2022-02-11: SEPO Name Tags - Name Tags are in for the Following Residents and are available for pickup in the office ... Bud Skye Paul Lucas Katheen Boyd James Boyd Carolyn Shewmaker Bob Wilson Sandra Smith Donald Thompson Allison Thompson Deborah Salemi Donald Van Ells David Foerste Gail Foerste Mary Hendrickson Karren Amos Colin Amos Steven Johnson Lisha Johnson -- Sincerely, Valerie Basaldua Office Manager Sent 2022-02-11: Meeting Minutes: Birding & Nature Club - Feb 7, 2022 - The Birding & Nature Club meeting minutes from Feb 7, 2022 can be found HERE . These minutes and other Birding & Nature Club info can be found HERE . Bill Peterson B&N Club Secretary ​ Sent 2022-02-09: WC: Superbowl Party Cancellation - Due to only mild interest in the Superbowl event at Retzlaff Hall and equipment malfunction (issue with TV Antenna so no reception), the Super Bowl event Sunday at Retzlaff Hall is being cancelled. Sue Swidryk ​ Sent 2022-02-08: CHANGE OF PLANS - WC: Invitation to Activities Planning Meeting for 2022-2023 Winter Season - This meeting originally scheduled for Thursday, Feb 17 @ 1PM is being moved to Tuesday, Feb 22 @ 10AM in Retzlaff Hall. Just want people to bring their ideas and if they are willing to chair or co-chair an event to please come and share their ideas with us. Thanks. Judy Stone Women's Club Activities Director ​ Sent 2022-02-08: B&N Club Field Trip - What: SCCE Birding & Nature Club is hosting a birding field trip When: Friday March 11th (Rain date: Friday March 18) Where: Resaca De La Palma State Park & World Birding Center 1000 New Carmen Ave, Brownsville, TX 78521 Meet in parking lot@10:30 Cost: B&NC Members $4. Non-Members $8.00 Who: Contact: Tom Stone @ 715-292-0360 to reserve you spot Reservations are limited ​ Sent 2022-02-08: REVISIONS: Multiple Agendas for Multiple Meetings on Mon & Tue, Feb 14 & 15, 2022 - I have made a couple of revisions to the Agendas sent out last night for the Residents and Board meetings scheduled for next week. The Residents meeting agenda is HERE . The Board meeting agendas are HERE . ​ The days, dates and times for each of the four meetings are: Monday, Feb 14 @ 1 PM: Residents' Meeting Tuesday, Feb 15 @ 1 PM: Shareholders' Meeting (Quorum Determination) Tuesday, Feb 15 @ 3 PM: Shareholders' Meeting (Election Results) Tuesday, Feb 15 after 3 PM Mtg: 2022 SEPO Board 1st Meeting (Required) Valerie is posting all agendas today in the SEPO Office, on the poolside door into Retzlaff Hall and by the Mailboxes. Beth Parrish SEPO Board Secretary & Governing Documents E-Mail: 314-960-6710 ​ Sent 2022-02-07: SEPO 2021 Final Financial Documents - The SEPO 2021 Final Formal Financial documents have been prepared for approval by the Board at the Feb 14, 2022 Shareholders' meeting at 3 PM. All monthly financials for 2021 can be found in the Residents Section of the Web site HERE . If you have any questions, please contact Mark Owen, SEPO Board Treasurer. Beth Parrish SEPO Board Secretary & Governing Documents E-Mail: 314-960-6710 ​ Sent 2022-02-07: MARKET: Household Items for Sale - Please go to the Sunshine Market to view details about various Household items I have For Sale. Edna Hockett ​ Sent 2022-02-07: TX Ave & Golf Carts - Due to all of the rain, please do not take golf carts onto the TX Ave grounds. Signs are being posted along with ropes being strung. Please adhere to this request until such time as the signs and ropes are removed. Thank you for your cooperation. Larry Keller SEPO Board Director ​ Sent 2022-02-07: WC: Invitation to Activities Planning Meeting for 2022-2023 Winter Season - Do you have any great activity ideas for next year? Plan to come to a Women's Club activity planning meeting with lots of ideas for next year, Thursday, Feb, 17th at 1:00pm at Retzlaff Hall. All Sunshine women are cordially invited to attend. Sue Swidryk ​ Sent 2022-02-07: WC: Superbowl Party - SUPER BOWL PARTY - SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 2022 - RETZLAFF HALL - 4:30 PM TILL ???? COME OUT FOR A FUN SUNDAY SUPPORTING YOUR SUPER BOWL TEAM, THE LOS ANGELES RAMS VERSUS THE CINCINNATI BENGALS. MEETING PLACE IS RETZLAFF HALL AT 4:30PM. BRING YOUR OWN DRINKS AND A FOOD DISH TO PASS. Sue Swidryk Sent 2022-02-07: Resident Passing - Sadly, resident Kenneth E. Dill passed away peacefully on Saturday, February 5th. His three children, also residents of Sunshine, were lovingly by his side. He was 97. -Heidi Dill ​ Sent 2022-02-07: WC: Invitation to Activities Planning Meeting for 2022-2023 Winter Season - Do you have any great activity ideas for next year? Plan to come to a Women's Club activity planning meeting with lots of ideas for next year, Thursday, Feb, 17th at 1:00pm at Retzlaff Hall. All Sunshine women are cordially invited to attend. Sue Swidryk ​ Sent 2022-02-06: REMINDER: Guys and Dolls - We want to remind everyone that the last full day to sign up for the tournament is Monday February 7th. The sheets will come down Tuesday morning so don’t miss out on the fun. There are Guys on the list that need a Doll to make a team, so ladies come in and sign up. It’s not too late! Deloris Pearcy ​ Sent 2022-02-06: GNGT: March 3, 4 & 5, 2022 - Thursday, Friday & Saturday - I am happy to announce Good news and Good news. The Good Neighbor Golf Tournament, and its name, is back. The event is scheduled for March 3, 4 & 5, 2022, which is a Thursday through Saturday. The GNGT committee has decided to forge ahead with this event with a few modifications because of Covid. It will be an outside event. We will be inviting our Neighbors to participate as in the past. We have plans to award daily prizes to both the morning players and the afternoon players. We will not, however, be having an awards dinner on Saturday evening. Sunshine Women's Golf League has again agreed to prepare hot dogs / brats / sloppy joe sandwiches for $5 on Thursday and Friday. It will be a Bring Your Own (alcoholic) Beverages (BYOB) for the tournament. Water and soda will be provided. We will have registration for Sunshine players in the library beginning Feb 21st. Registration will start for outside players on Feb 24th. We are giving Sunshine the first opportunity to get in the game. So please register early. The registration fee is $40 a player. This gets you three (3) days of competitive golf, along with cash and golf prizes being awarded. We will pay out closest to the pin each day for the morning and afternoon sessions. Saturday we will determine the overall tournament award winners, again for the morning and afternoon groups. The final day to register for our GNGT is Noon on February 28, 2022 in the Library. Tony Tramel, GNGT, Chair 2022, Cell 337-693-6344 ​ Sent 2022-02-06: REMINDER: Garden Club - Sunshine Garden Club - New Meeting Time: 6:30 - 7:30 pm. - February 8th in the library. We will have a Social at 6:15 with treats and coffee. Very interesting and informative topic for the night is "Cut Flower Arrangements" and tips of the trade by Terry DeBackere, florist. *** Covid precautions will be in place. *** Thank you, Sunshine Garden Club (by Susanne Ulrich) ​ Sent 2022-02-05: Pool and Hot Tub - The thermostats on the pool and hot tub were returned to normal around 8:30 this morning. The waters are heating up. Jean Burgoine ​ Sent 2022-02-05: NEED: Calendar of Events/Meetings for 2022-2023 Winter Season - I know some of you will think I'm jumping the gun, but trust me, the deadline for what I will be asking for will be upon us before you know it. For those of you who may not be aware, the Board approves the dates of various Events/Meetings for the next winter season during the final Regular Board meeting of a winter season. In 2022 that meeting date is Mar 9. Approval of dates takes place in a particular order. I will need 'names of' & 'dates for' Events/Meetings from the following Clubs/Committees: Board & Resident meetings. (in process by Board now) Good Neighbor Golf Tournament. Women's Club activities. Other Golf events – Women’s Golf League Men’s Golf League Other events/meeting (in no particular order) – Women's Club Meetings. Neighborhood Watch (NW) Meetings. All others – Will need to be requested through the SEPO Office by utilizing the 'Activity/Meeting Request ' documented on the Sunshine Web site. Now here's the kicker. I need this information (except for All Others) by End of Day on Mar 1 at the latest. That's because I need to get everything into the agenda for the Mar 9 meeting, which needs to be distributed to the community by 1 PM on Mar 3. Please call w/questions. Thx Beth Parrish SEPO Board Secretary & Governing Documents E-Mail: 314-960-6710 ​ Sent 2022-02-05: MARKET: Household Item for Sale - Dinette Set - Please go to the Sunshine Market to view details about a Dinette Set I have For Sale. Jerry Wetherbee ​ Sent 2022-02-03: Former Renter Passing - Agnes Zuback, former renter and sister of Fran Dierker passed away this morning. Many of us remember Aggie fondly from women’s golf and the many activities she helped in. Cathy Richmond ​ Sent 2022-02-03: Temperature of Pool and Hot Tub - During this unusually cold and rainy weather, the temperature of the pool and hot tub will be lowered to save on heating costs. The hot tub will be lowered to 90 and the pool to 80. The thermostats will be raised on Sunday morning and should be back to normal levels by late Sunday afternoon. Hopefully, this will not inconvenience too many people. Thanks, Jean Burgoine ​ Sent 2022-02-02: Activities 2-Pager updated - There have been recent changes (additions, deletions and updates) to several scheduled activities at Sunshine. You can access the 2-Pager directly from HERE or from these Web site pages: Activities Summary or Activity Meeting Request . Please call w/questions or updates. Beth Parrish SEPO Web site Admin E-Mail: 314-960-6710 Sent 2022-02-08: Multiple Agendas for Multiple Meetings on Mon & Tue, Feb 14 & 15, 2022 - The LAG updated agendas for all four meetings next week have been finalized and are available on this Web site. Residents Meeting are HERE . Board Meetings are HERE . All meeting dates and times are: Feb 14 @ 1 PM: Residents' Meeting Feb 15 @ 1 PM: Shareholders' Meeting (Quorum Determination) Feb 15 @ 3 PM: Shareholders' Meeting (Election Results) Feb 15 after 3 PM Mtg: 2022 SEPO Board 1st Meeting (Required) Valerie is posting all agendas today in the SEPO Office, on the poolside door into Retzlaff Hall and by the Mailboxes. Beth Parrish SEPO Board Secretary & Governing Documents E-Mail: 314-960-6710 Sent 2022-02-02: MARKET: Home For Sale (Pictures Added) - Yesterday I posted my Home for sale. Today I have added pictures. Please go the Sunshine MARKET to view info about my home, with pictures, that is For Sale. Edna Hockett ​ Sent 2022-02-02: Garden Cleanup Day Postponed - Monday, February 7th looks like rain and a high of 52. I will search out a better day once our chances of frost will be gone. Thank you all for offering to help. Susanne Ulrich ​ Sent 2022-02-02: SEPO Office Closure - The SEPO Office will be closed from noon on Thu (02-03) until noon on Fri (02-04). Beth Parrish SEPO Board ​ Sent 2022-02-02: Mahjong cards for 2022 - Hey there! It’s time to order your 2022 National League Mahjongg card! The large print card is $10 and the small, $9 each. If you would like me to order yours, please let me know: Call or text Heidi at 307-272-2440 I will be ordering them Friday, Feb 4th. They should arrive the first week of April. -heidi dill ​ Sent 2022-02-01: MARKET - Household Item For Sale: Freezer - Please go the Sunshine MARKET to view details about a freezer I have For Sale. Sandy Gades ​ Sent 2022-02-01: MARKET - Home For Sale - (see updated info sent on 2022-02-02 above) Please go the Sunshine MARKET to view info about my home that is For Sale. Edna Hockett Back to Top

  • Events Legend by Year | Sunshine Estates

    Legend Of: Activities / Meetings / Clubs / Committees Click on a bulleted item in this list to be taken to that section of THIS page. SEPO-Sanctioned Facebook Page Summer: Apr 2024 thru Sep 2024 Winter: Oct 2024 thru Mar 2025 (UNDER CONSTRUCTION) Oct 2023 thru Mar 2024 (COMPLETE) Apr 2023 thru Sep 2023 (COMPLETE) Oct 2022 thru Mar 2023 (COMPLTE) Apr 2022 thru Sep 2022 (COMPLETE) Oct 2021 thru Mar 2022 (COMPLTE) SEPO-Sanctioned Facebook Page SEPO-Sanctioned Facebook page. Click on 'underlined' items below to be taken to the pages that detail the various SEPO Activities/Mtgs in the differing timeframes. Summer: Apr 2024 thru Sep 2024 Summer: 04-01-2024 thru 09-30-2024 Mtgs/Activity/Clubs Details: Summary of Activities/Meetings Activities/Meetings Details Winter: Oct 2024 thru Mar 2025 (UNDER CONSTRUCTION) UNDER CONSTRUCTION Winter: 10-01-2024 thru 03-31-2025 Mtgs/Activity/Clubs Details: Summary Meetings (Includes 2024 Summer) Women's Club Back to Top Oct 2023 thru Mar 2024 (COMPLETE) COMPLETE Winter: 10-01-2023 thru 03-31-20 24 Mtgs/Activity/Clubs Details: Summary Activity Pictures (Some Events) Meetings (Includes 2023 Summer) Women's Club Golf Events Clubs/Committees Special Apr 2023 thru Sep 2023 (COMPLETE) Back to Top COMPLETE Summer: 04-01-2023 thru 09-30-2023 Things To Do Summary Mtgs/Activity/Clubs Details: Meetings (Includes 2023-2024 Winter) Golf Events Clubs/Committees Special Oct 2022 thru Mar 2023 (COMPLTE) Back to Top COMPLETE Winter: 10-01-2022 thru 03-31-2023 Mtgs/Activity/Clubs Details: Summary Activity Pictures Meetings (Includes 2022 Summer) Women's Club Golf Events Clubs/Committees Special Back to Top Apr 2022 thru Sep 2022 (COMPLETE) COMPLETE Summer: 04-01-2022 thru 09-30-2022 Things To Do Summary Mtgs/Activity/Clubs Details: Meetings (Includes 2023 Winter) Golf Events Clubs/Committees Special Oct 2021 thru Mar 2022 (COMPLTE) Back to Top COMPLETE Winter: 10-01-2021 thru 03-31-2022 Things To Do: Summary Mtgs/Activity/Clubs Details: Meetings Women's Club Golf Events Daily / Weekly / Monthly Clubs/Committees Special Back to Top

  • 2019-11 E-Mails | Sunshine Estates

    Here you will find E-Mails that have been sent to the SEPO Community in Nov 2019. Sent 2019-11-30: Packages in Office - I was just in the Office area and there are five packages (various shapes and sizes) on the table. I saw the names Parker and Bredvick but am unsure of the others. So go get your goodies. Beth Parrish 314-960-6710 Sent 2019-11-29: Bridge - ALL Bridge players - We will again be playing bridge on Wednesday. (Continuing on Monday as usual). As many of you are aware we have been going to another park on Wednesday so we would have enough players during the summer. But we now have enough players to restart here on Wednesday. You don’t need a partner or be concerned about how great a player you are. We start at 1:00 in the Card Room. Bring five nickels and play Party bridge. Jean Fredericks Sent 2019-11-27: Change to what can be put in e-mails - Hi All - I'm sending this info today and will resend as a reminder next week. Last summer I asked for a volunteer to send SEPO e-mails for a few days while I was unavailable. Pat Harvey was very quick to volunteer. Thanks again Pat. He will be sending the e-mails for me from next Thu (Dec 5 thru Dec 16). So when you send him articles to distribute to the community they need to be 'TEXT ONLY'. He won't be able to send any attachments or link to anything on the Web site. I want to thank everyone for your cooperation with this in advance. Beth Parrish SEPO E-mail Admin ( ) 314-960-6710 ​ Sent 2019-11-27: Sunshine Newsletter: Dec 2019 - HERE is your December 2019 Sunshine Newsletter. Valerie will also have printed copies in the library. Beth Parrish SEPO E-mail Admin ( ) 314-960-6710 Sent 2019-11-26: SEPO Microphone Policy - For scheduled events, microphones must be checked in and out in the office a day prior to event to avoid any inconvenience. Valerie Basaldua 956-425-1420 ​ Sent 2019-11-26: Office Hours over Thanksgiving Holiday - For those of you who are expecting packages during this time period, Marian Young will be in the office Dec 2 from 9am - 12pm to make them available for you. Valerie Basaldua 956-425-1420 ​ Sent 2019-11-26: Breakdown of SEPO Yearly Fees - As stated previously: Golf Cart, Storage and HOA fees are now being accepted in the SEPO Office. Here is a breakdown of the various fee amounts for 2020. Golf cart Trail fees are the same - $25. Storage fee have stayed the same as well. Fees range from $100-160 depending on the location of your lot. Availability can be discussed with myself or Mr. Utterback. HOA Fees Annual HOA fee payment before January 20 is $1294. After January 20 the annual assessment is $1320. You can pay quarterly ($330), but it must be paid at the beginning of each quarter (not the end). Monthly payments are $110.00 (A late fee will be added if not paid by the end of each month). ​Valerie Basaldua 956-425-1420 ​ Sent 2019-11-24: Pickle ball - We will be playing pickle ball tomorrow at 10 am after tennis if anyone is interested. Dave Pickett ​ Sent 2019-11-24: Crafty Creations for January 2020 - Hey there! Due to the holidays, sign-ups for January's class will begin on Wednesday, Nov. 27th and end on Friday, Dec 6th. NOTE: The information has been put on the Web site for you to view/download. You can also see the poster and sign-up using the form in the Library. Poster of items you can make in January is HERE : Registration Form is HERE . Thanks oodles!!! Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas to All!!! -heidi dill =0] Sent 2019-11-24: Crafty Creations Club Explained - For those of you who might not be familiar with Crafty Creations: The SEPO Board approved the startup of this club in early 2019. It is a not-for-profit SEPO club. All of the money that is collected from those attending the class is spent on purchasing the supplies for the class. It is necessary to close signup two weeks before each class in order to have time to purchase all of the needed supplies. This winter season's classes feature the following: The larger signs cost $50 each and can be made at any class. See examples: ​ The cost of each Dangler is $10. Each month there will be 3-4 danglers available you can pick from that depict something seasonal from the month the class is held. You can make 1 or more - you choose. For example, in December we will be making Christmas danglers. Some of the various designs available for this season are shown here. NOTE: If you have crafted one of the larger signs with a knob, the danglers can be hung from the knob and are, therefore, interchangeable throughout the various seasons. -heidi dill =0] Sent 2019-11-24: Help with trees - We will be decorating the Christmas trees in Retzlaff Hall and the library on Friday the 29th at 10 am. If you have a little time to spare please come help us. It will surely get you into the holiday spirit. Terry DeBackere ​ Sent 2019-11-24: REMINDER: Sunday Night Music - This is a reminder for those of you who like to listen/dance to good Classic Country music, you have the opportunity to do that every Sunday evening, from 6 to 8 PM in Retzlaff Hall. Roy Ridlon (resident), Chuck Penn (renter) and Jim Collins (Lakeside) provide the musical entertainment. They will also be having special guests join them throughout the season. The Women's Club provides Ice Cream for $1 during the band's break around 7 pm. So come on out and support this new Sunshine Activity. Beth Parrish (for Roy Ridlon) ​ Sent 2019-11-23: FINAL REMINDER: Dec Newsletter Articles Due by End of Day on Nov 24th - The is the FINAL reminder that if you have an article you would like published in the Dec 2019 Sunshine Newletter, the article needs to be submitted to by End of Day on the 24th of this month. I've only received four articles as of yesterday: The Gathering, Wall of Honor, Birding & Nature Club and Bible Study/Movie Group. If anyone else has sent me an article and it isn't listed here, let me know ASAP. The Newsletter is one of the best forms of communication we have at Sunshine. So please get that info to me so the entire community knows what's happenin'. Newsletter Guidelines are posted here . Please call with questions. Beth Parrish Sunshine Country Club Newsletter Editor E-Mail: 314-960-6710 ​ Sent 2019-11-23: Birding & Nature Club - The Birding and Nature Group will be meeting on Monday, Dec 2nd at 7p.m. in the library. The meeting is open to all residents. Hope to see you there. We will be discussing our upcoming events - - including our community wide pot luck dinner on Tuesday, January 7th. Be sure to reserve the date. A speaker from Laguna Atascosa will provide the program. A field trip to Laguna Atascosa will follow in February. If you want to help with the Annual Christmas Bird Count, please, attend the meeting on Dec. 2nd. The Christmas Bird Count is conducted throughout the U.S. on the same date. This census information is used to determine bird population trends in our country. Birding identification skills are not needed. An "expert" leads each group. Help is needed to spot and count the birds. Jean Burgoine Sent 2019-11-22: NEEDS & INFO: Christmas Bake & Craft Sale and Raffle - The Christmas Bake & Craft Sale and Raffle are rapidly approaching (Sat Dec 7th in Retzlaff Hall - 8 am to 11am). Sweet Rolls: Those of you who have eaten the sweet rolls at this event in the past know what good bakers we have here at Sunshine. We are requesting residents to step up and do some of that great baking again this year. Please contact Terry DeBackere (309-714-4743) to let her know if you will be baking and how many rolls you can make so she can get a count. Vendor Tables: There are still spots open for Vendors to set up a craft table ($5 each table). Contact Terry. Raffle: Anyone wishing to donate new or gently used items for the Raffle contact Marian Young (719-468-4556). She will be glad to pick up your items OR you can bring them to Retzlaff Hall Friday, Dec 6, between 6 and 8 pm. Bake Sale: Donations are appreciated for the bake sale, i.e. baked goods, candy, snacks, jams etc. Please have them wrapped in clear plastic wrap (with a bow or other Christmas decoration on them if you wish) and price them for sale. Please note any nuts of other allergens. Drop off your donations in Retzlaff Hall Friday, Dec 6, between 6 and 8 pm. A poster reflecting all detail for this event will be available in the Library in a couple of days. No signup is required. Just come and enjoy - buy baked goods/crafts - win a raffle drawing. Thank you Terry DeBackere and Debbie Robins (Co-Chairpersons) Sent 2019-11-21: HOA, Storage Lot & Golf Cart Fees - HOA, Storage Lot & Golf Cart Fees for 2020 are now being accepted in the SEPO Office. All checks will be cashed and deposited immediately. Valerie Basaldua Office Manager 956-425-1420 Sent 2019-11-20: Thursday Morning Coffee & Donuts in the Library - Everyone is invited to come to the Library on Thursday mornings, 7:30 AM to ?? to enjoy Coffee & Donuts and friendly conversation with your friends and neighbors. Donuts are $1 each. Questions should be addressed to Valerie in the Office. Valerie Basaldua Office Manager 956-425-1420 Sent 2019-11-20: Bell Ringers (Backups Needed) - Thanks to everyone who signed up to "Ring the Bells" for the Salvation at WalMart the day after Thanksgiving. We have all of the timeslots filled - BUT - would like to have some backups on call in case anyone on the sheet is not able to make it at their appointed time. If you haven't received the scheduling sheet so you know your time/door and who is before & after you, please contact either Lorraine Lewis or Arv Russell. Also contact either of them if you could be a backup on call. Thanks again. Lorraine Lewis/Arv Russell Sent 2019-11-20: Women's Club Meeting Minutes: 11-15-2019 - Please take note: Although these minutes are being distributed to the community today, they are the 'unapproved version'. These minutes will be officially approved at the next Women's Club meeting. They are available on the Sunshine Web site HERE Respectfully submitted, Linda Almond, Secretary Sent 2019-11-20: Women's Club - To better manage the Women’s Club monthly meetings, please notify me the Monday prior to the monthly meeting to be added to the agenda. You can call or text me with your request at (507-317-0296). Also, when making a motion & a second please stand when doing so. This will help us to identify you. Thank you, Eileen Anderson President 507-317-0296 Sent 2019-11-20: Directory (Owner/Renter) Directories & E-Mail Address List - Hi All - Some of our friends have been leaving us this year. And other folks have been moving in so that they can become our new friends. (At least I'm speculating that is their intention!) What this also means is that there have been many, many updates to all of the directories we use - Resident Directory, Renter Directory & E-Mail Address list. Valerie (SEPO Office) and I have been working diligently to keep these documents updated based on your input. I have just reloaded the latest ones to the Web site: ( ). The should all be dated 11-20-2019. If you see anything in any of them that needs to be added/changed please let Valerie ( ) and myself ( ) know and we will get them fixed. Oh - I almost forgot. John Chajec mentioned at last Monday's Resident meeting that even though the date on the printed documents in the library (the directory and 2-page activity sheet) hasn't reflected the current date, be assured, the data is correct. The date should be correct ongoing. Thx so much to all of you. Beth Parrish SEPO Web site Admin ( ) E-Mail: 314-960-6710 Sent 2019-11-20: SEPO Sprinkler System Timing - The sprinkler system in the common area near the SEPO office is set to go off every day at 12 noon and 4 PM. If you have your golf cart or other vehicle parked near the area at either of these times, it is very possible it will get wet. Sincere apologies to anyone who may have gotten wet recently. Valerie Basaldua 956-425-1420 Sent 2019-11-20: Thanksgiving - Dear Friends and Neighbors: Thanksgiving is a week from tomorrow. We would love to have you join us for our annual Thanksgiving dinner on the 28th. I need to have a count on who would like to attend by Monday at noon. I will need time to shop and plan table set ups. All are welcome, including family and friends from outside. The cost is $6 and includes white and dark meat turkey, ham, dressing, gravy and coffee, tea and water. You supply a dish to serve 12 that will enhance our meal. BYOB of course. This year, the turkey breast will be fresh and not processed. Last year we had some people who did not like the processed turkey. Sorry, it was an oversight by the committee. We try our best to make the holiday special for everyone attending. Social hour begins at 1 and dinner will be ready at 2 p.m. Please sign up before Monday if you care to join us. Sign up sheet and envelopes are in the library for your payment and space for what dish you will bring. The committee and I wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving, no matter what you choose to do. Any questions, please contact Cathy Chajec at 708-280-8910. Thank you ​ Sent 2019-11-19: Crafty Creations for Dec: Deadline for registration - Just a friendly reminder that registration for the Dec 4th class ends on Tues, Nov 19th. (I need to get all of the supplies ordered ahead of time.) HERE is the info for this class. You can find the Signup Sheet etc in the Library. Hope to see you there. -- Heidi Dill Sent 2019-11-17: NeighborhoodWatch - CERT Agenda for Monday 18 Nov 2019 - This is an open meeting - y'all are invited - Lots of info to share. See the Agenda HERE . Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276 Coordinator NW - CERT Team Sent 2019-11-17: REMINDER: Dec 2019 Newsletter Articles Due by End of Day on Nov 24 - This is a reminder - If you have an article you would like published in the Sunshine Dec 2019 Newsletter, the article needs to be submitted to by End of Day on the 24th of this month. Newsletter Guidelines are posted HERE . Please call with questions. Beth Parrish Sunshine Country Club Newsletter Editor E-Mail: 314-960-6710 Sent 2019-11-16: Bell Ringers needed - Sunshine has volunteered to Support the Salvation Army for many years in bringing hope and support to the disadvantaged in our community. And we are doing it again this year. We need some more volunteers to ring bells. We ring at the Walmart in Harlingen on November 29th (the Friday after Thanksgiving). We do one-hour shifts and need two people each at both the north and south doors. It is a time of joy as families and kids are in a holiday spirit. Please help if you can be a part of this worthwhile project by signing up on the Scheduling Sheet that is currently posted in the Library. Call Arv Russell 956 357 7302 or Lorraine Lewis 956 244 2094 if you have any questions. Thanks ​ Sent 2019-11-16: Christmas Craft Show & Bake Sale Info - The Christmas Bake Sale and Craft Show will be Sat Dec 7th in Retzlaff Hall - 8 am to 11am. Donations are appreciated for the bake sale, i.e. baked goods, candy, snacks, jams etc. Please have them wrapped in clear plastic wrap with a bow or other Christmas decoration on them if you wish and price them for sale. Please note any nuts of other allergens. Drop off your donations on Fri Dec 6th between 6 and 8 pm at Retzlaff. Donations for raffle prizes are also being accepted. SWEET ROLLS, LEFSE ( made by the Weatherbees) and coffee will be served for $1.00 . Craft tables are available for $5.00 . Call Terry DeBackere (309-714-4743) to reserve your space. We look forward to this fun event and hope you can contribute and help out. Thank you Terry DeBackere and Debbie Robins (Co-Chairpersons) Sent 2019-11-16: Craft Show & Bake Sale Mtg - There will be a planning meeting on Monday at 1:30 in the library for the Craft Show and Bake Sale. Anyone who didn't sign up on the committee signup sheet in the Library or at the Women's Club meeting last Friday is invited to attend. Thanks in advance for wanting to help make this event a fun (and tasty) event for everyone in the community. Terry DeBackere (Chairperson) ​ Sent 2019-11-16: OCT 2019 SEPO INCOME & BALANCE SHEETS - The SEPO Oct 31, 2019 Income Statement and Balance Sheet have been posted in the 'Resident's Only' section of the Sunshine Web site: Please review these documents and bring questions/comments to the Resident's meeting on Tuesday, Nov 19 at 1 PM in Retzlaff Hall. John Chajec Board President Sent 2019-11-16:Saturday Golf Scramble - Grace and I will start this traditional activity at 9:00 A. M. Saturday, December 7th. The sign-up sheet will be posted Monday, December 2nd and taken down at noon Friday. All skill levels are welcome and teams are balanced by handicap, as well as possible. Early sign-up helps. The cost is $1 and should be deposited in the Saturday Box in the lounge. If you need more information, please contact us personally or call 956-792-2931. The Clarks Sent 2019-11-14: HELP NEEDED: Do you know if these folks have/use e-mail? - I keep hearing: I DIDN'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT THAT. The Residents' E-Mail List (in the Resident's section of Web site) contains folks who are NOT currently receiving the Sunshine E-Mails. If you know anyone on this list and can help get them on the e-mail list, please do so. They (or you) can send a request to that contains their name, address and e-mail address and I can add them. Thanks to everyone for your help with this. Beth Parrish ​ Sent 2019-11-14: Resident's meeting & Popcorn - There will be free freshly popped popcorn at the next Resident's meeting. Cathy Richmond Sent 2019-11-14: BOARD / RESIDENT MEETING SCHEULING ERRORS - Well, I did it again! Next week's Resident Meeting, is actually Tuesday, Nov 19th at 1pm in Retzlaff Hall due to a scheduling conflict. ( The January board meeting, per the bylaws, must be held during the 1st week in January. Monday, Jan 6th 2020 is the meeting date. That also changes when the nominees must be posted. The new date for the posting of the board nominees is Friday, Dec 27th. This getting old stuff is a major pain. John Chajec SEPO President Sent 2019-11-13: Garage sale - everyone welcome - Friday and Saturday 9a - 2p or so. John, Share and I will have a garage sale. It is advertised in the Bargain Book. Everyone is welcome to participate. Weather looks good. --- Lenore J Combs Sent 2019-11-13: Women's Club Meeting - Friday November15th there will be a Women’s Club meeting in Retzlaff Hall at 9:00 am. Please remember to wear your name tag so you can be entered into the drawing. As always coffee & donuts will be provided. All women in our community are invited to attend. Hope to see you there. Eileen Anderson President Sent 2019-11-13:NOV RESIDENTS MTG MONDAY NOV 18TH 1PM - Just a reminder the November Residents meeting is this Monday, Nov 18th at 1pm in Retzlaff Hall. Hope to see you there. John Chajec SEPO President Sent 2019-11-12: NOVEMBER 2019 SEPO DIRECTORS MEETING MINUTES - Please take note: Although the minutes are being distributed to the community today, prior to the Residents' meeting scheduled for next Monday, Nov 18, they are the 'unapproved version'. These minutes will be officially approved at the next director's meeting. They are available on the Sunshine Web site HERE . John Chajec SEPO Board President Sent 2019-11-12: Crafty Creations: Dec 4, 2019 Class Info - Hey there! It's time to sign up for the next Crafty Creations class!! YAY!!!! It will be held on Wednesday, Dec. 4th, from 1:00-3:00pm in Retzlaff Hall. Please note that you will be required to pre-register in order to take a class. Registration will start tomorrow, Wed. Nov 13 at 4pm in the Library. It will close end of day Nov 19, two weeks prior to the class date. Payment is due at time of registration. NOTE: Since the E-mail system SEPO uses can't send attachments, they have been put on the Web site for you to view/download. You can also see the poster and sign-up using the form in the Library. Poster of items you can make: Registration Form: Thanks so very much for supporting me in my creative efforts. -heidi dill =0] Sent 2019-11-12: 2020 ASSOCIATION FEES - It was determined at today's board meeting that the SEPO association (maintenance) fees and storage fees will stay at the 2019 rate. There will be NO increase for 2020. John Chajec SEPO President Sent 2019-11-12: THANKSGIVING DINNER - Dear residents: Thanksgiving sign-up sheets will go up on the easel in the library this afternoon. There will be a box with envelopes near the easel for your virtual tickets. Tickets will be $6 per person and checks can be made out to SCCE Women's club. Please place your money in the envelope, fill out the information on the front and drop it in the slot on the box. Please also make sure you fill out the sheet on the easel with your information and what you plan to bring to share. Your names will be added to a master list which we will check off at the door. Doors will open at 1 pm with dinner being served at 2. The menu will consist of the committee making the turkeys, ham, dressing and gravy. Your contributions will round out our meal. We always have plenty of food. The sign-up sheet will come down by noon on November 25th so we can plan the shopping we need to do. Visiting family and friends are always welcome. Please make sure to follow the above instructions so we know how much food to prepare. This also gives us a count for table settings. We are so blessed to be able to share thanksgiving with all our friends and neighbors who do not have family here. Please don't be alone on this special holiday. Come join your neighbors for this celebration, make new friends, and eat till you are stuffed! Any questions, please contact Cathy Chajec at 708-280-8910. Sent 2019-11-11: NEED YOUR HELP: Sunshine Activity Details - I've been working to finalize the information on the Web site concerning Daily / Weekly / Monthy activities here at Sunshine this season. Please help me by providing information on the following by replying to Thank you so much for keeping our Web site up-to-date and accurate. Beth Parrish SEPO Web site Admin ( ) E-Mail: 314-960-6710 Sent 2019-11-11: Name Tags - Here is a list of the Name Tags that are now available for pick up in the office: Anita Smith, Spencer Smith, Tom Krahmer, Jeanne Krahmer, Dana Weise, Scherrie Pitreski, Roy Ridlon, Sharon Ridlon, Suzanne Gustafson, Robert Crouch, Margo Crouch, Dana Boettcher, Joan Boettcher, Mary Grandy, Lorraine Lewis, Nancy Lyne, Matt Lyne. Valerie Basaldua Office Manager 956-425-1420 Sent 2019-11-11: Sunday Night Music Update - I wanted to thank everyone who came to listen to me play last night in Retzlaff. It looked like everyone was having a good time - sure hope so. I know you were expecting a 3-man band and you ended up seeing me do my solo act. That was because the rest of the band isn't in the valley yet. However, my other two band members will be here by this Friday and will be playing with me next Sunday (1-17). Jim Collins plays base guitar and lives in Lakeside. Chuck Penn does vocals and plays rhythm guitar. He will be renting here in Sunshine this season. So hope to see you next Sunday. Roy Ridlon ​ Sent 2019-11-10: CHANGE OF PLAN: Veterans Day Tribute - There is a slight change of plan for the Veterans Day Tribute being held in Retzlaff Hall tomorrow (11-11), The program will be starting at 3:30 PM (instead of 3 PM). Social time will be at 4:30. Dinner will be at 5. Also, if you have a picture as or of a veteran you would like to post on the Bulletin Board during the ceremony & dinner, please bring it with you before the ceremony and we'll get it up there. Please spread the word about these changes as there are quite a few folks who still haven't provided an e-mail to Beth Parrish (e-mail admin) in order to start receiving the Sunshine E-mails. Questions - call Lenore Combs Sent 2019-11-09: Lost Glasses - Two pair of Glasses were turned into the office in the past couple of days. Valerie Basaldua Office Manager 956-425-1420 Sent 2019-11-09: TAKE NOTE: Weed Patrol - Weed Patrol will start Monday November 4th 2019. If you are a resident that is currently still up north, please contact the person is watching over your home and make sure that it meets the SEPO Covenants guidelines. - see below or here: Have a Blessed Day!! Valerie Basaldua Office Manager 956-425-1420 COVENANTS OF SUNSHINE ESTATES PROPERTY OWNERS, INC. ​ ARTICLE VI ​ USE RESTRICTIONS ​ SECTION 6.13 OWNER’S MAINTENANCE OF YARD ​ The OWNER shall keep and maintain his/her yard in good condition and will keep the grass cut and not allow an excessive amount of weeds or undergrowth to grow on the lot. ​ In the event the OWNER should fail to keep this condition and covenant, the DECLARANT is hereby authorized to have the grass cut on the OWNER’S lot and the OWNER agrees to reimburse the DECLARANT for the cost thereof. Sent 2019-11-09: UPDATE: Sunday Evenings - Ice Cream - With the start of music on Sunday evenings from 6-8 pm, the women’s club will be having ice cream available during intermission, approximately around 7 pm. The cost will be $1.00 a bowl per person Denny and Jean Eich will be getting the ice cream on a weekly basis but we need volunteers to : serve the ice cream make coffee do clean up There will be a sign-up sheet for someone or several people to take a Sunday evening and be responsible for this to happen. This is only a one-time commitment unless you sign up for several Sundays. The sign-up sheet will be available starting this Sunday at the music event in Retzlaff Hall. After that it will be in the library. We hope you will consider this fun event! If you have any questions please give me call. Vickie Jones, Women's Club Activity Director 262-689-7068 Sent 2019-11-08: Wood Shop Orientation Class on Thursday Nov 14th at 4 pm - There will be a Wood Shop Orientation Class on Thursday Nov 14th at 4 pm in the wood shop. A one time attendance is a requirement for use of the wood shop. The shop will be closed during the class. All residents are invited to attend. No signup is necessary. Any questions call John Chajec at 708-280-8940. ​ Sent 2019-11-08: Thanksgiving - Dear Residents: I, Cathy Chajec, have volunteered to Chair the Thanksgiving Dinner on November 28, 2019. I am desperately looking for volunteers to help make this a wonderful holiday for all those who are staying in the Estates. With many helpers, it is an easy dinner to put on. There is a sign-up sheet in the library area where you can place your name and contact number if you choose to help out. I will be looking for turkey bakers, kitchen help preparing the dressing & gravy, turkey carvers, decorating help, and clean up. If I receive enough help with the preparations, I will post a sign up sheet in the library on November 14th. Cost will be $6 per person and a dish to pass. One person, a dish to feed 6; and couple, a dish for 12. Such items as mashed or sweet potatoes, green beans, corn carrots or other vegetables, cranberry relish, deviled eggs, or other relish tray, or pie/dessert. There will be a women's club box and envelopes to fill out and put your money in. These are considered virtual tickets and we will have a list made up so we know who and how many are coming. The menu will consist of Turkey, Ham, Dressing, and Gravy prepared by the committee. For any new residents, this is a good way to get your "feet wet" and see what it takes to be part of a crew to host a party. Everyone in the Estates is welcome, as well as those family and friends who might be visiting. It is a nice way to enjoy Thanksgiving as a community, without having to do all the cooking and cleaning involved in a home party. I hope you will consider helping in some way to make this event possible for all of our residents. Thank you for your consideration. Cathy Chajec, 708-280-8910 if you have any questions. ​ Sent 2019-11-07: Thanksgiving (CORRECTED) - The Women’s Club is open to all women who live here in Sunshine. This club puts together various activities throughout the year, at least one or more activity each month, October thru March, per Article VI, Section 1 of the Women's Club By-Laws: Most of our activities are fund raisers. The Women’s Club provides our community with funding of different items throughout the year. Some of the items we have purchased or contributed toward the purchase of are; the pool furniture, the pavillon, tables and chairs, the televisions, benches for the golf course, coffee for all activities, items for the kitchen..... The activities for the season are posted in the library and we need many volunteers and co-chairs to make each event successful. Thanksgiving is right around the corner and we need co-chairs to head up this event. Grab a friend and sign up. This is a way that our residents can have Thanksgiving together as a Sunshine family when we are not celebrating with our individual families. If that is something that interests you, please contact me. Thank you! Vickie Jones Women's Club Activities Director 262-689-7068 Sent 2019-11-07:COMBES WATER BILL - A little FYI for Combes residents. In the past when I had my water turned on I would start getting bills at my TX address. This year no bill. I checked online, they now have website ( ), and I owe money. When I went to their office to pay my bill I discovered they were sending the bill to my summer address. or the first time in 14 yrs, I filled out an address change to my TX address. If your not getting a bill when you get back you may have the same problem. John Chajec PS by Beth Parrish: Those of you who have contacted 'Gina' in the past at Combes Waterworks, note - she is no longer there and there is a new person in the office. Sorry, I cannot think of her name right now. Sent 2019-11-07: Veteran's Day - This Monday, November 11th there will be a Veteran’s Day Program in Retzlaff Hall at 3 pm. Following the program there will be happy hour at 4:30 followed by a potluck at 5 pm. Everyone is welcome and there is a sign up sheet in the library so we can get a numbers count for setting up of tables and chairs. Come out and honor those who have given so much to make our country the best place to live! If you are interested in participating in the program on Monday, there will be a planning meeting on Friday, Nov 8th at 3 pm in the library. Lenore Combs will be organizing the program for Monday, but she needs volunteers to help with flags, readings ..... Hope to see you there! Vickie Jones Women's Club Activity Director Sent 2019-11-06: IMPORTANT: Sunday Night Music @ Retzlaff - Additional Details & Request for Assistance Those of you who used to attend the Sunday Night music activity in the past are aware that during the band's break there was Ice Cream (YUM) available for $1. Jean and Denny Eich have agreed, at least for this Sunday, there will be Ice Cream for sale at 7 PM during the band's break. However, if noone steps up to assist the Eich's with this ongoing , this Sunday will be the ONLY Sunday Ice Cream will be served. If several residents volunteer, that means the duties of having the pleasure of meeting new folks and conversing with others you already know - all while serving them a delicious treat - won't be your responsibility every week. It will only be periodically, that is unless you want to do it every week. LOL It is my understanding the duties consist of: purchasing the ice cream making coffee serving the ice cream cleaning up the kitchen afterwards The Ice Cream is a Women's Club activity so please step up and contact the Women's Club president Eileen Anderson at 507-317-0296 if you would like to volunteer. Beth Parrish, SEPO Communications, (for Eileen) Sent 2019-11-06: DIRECTORS MTG AGENDA 11/12/19 - Below is the agenda for the next Directors Meeting, Nov 12th, 1pm in the general purpose room. As of yet, no one has requested to speak at the meeting. The deadline for requests to speak at the meeting will be Monday Nov 11th, 12 noon. I will try to not make the mistake I made last meeting by allowing open discussion at the meeting, so please submit your requests to speak at the meeting. Thanks, John Chajec SEPO President SEPO MEEETING AGENDA 11/12/2019 Roll Call: John Chajec Mark Owen Dick Shelton Lyn Swonger Frank Tewell Jerry Utterback Clint Wunderlich Cathy Chajec taking minutes Guest speaker: none Committee reports: Architectural committee Memorial committee Nominating committee: Neil Moorehead Previous Directors meeting minutes, Oct 21, approval or disapproval Executive Directors meeting minutes, Nov 4th, approval or disapproval Officer reports: Treasurer: Mark Owen Area 1, 2 : Frank Tewell Area 3: Jerry Utterback Golf Course: Lyn Swonger Unfinished (old) business: Generators New Business: ​ Sent 2019-11-06: Care of the Gazebo Flower Beds - As you enter our neighborhood you are very familiar with the neat, tidy appearance. While we are now fortunate to have Lalo available to do the careful mowing / trimming, the bulk of the maintenance for that area has been the responsibility of the Birding and Nature club / enthusiasts (BNE). Part of that is the care of the flower beds around the Gazebo. The flower beds are planted with two varieties of material that are quite hardy here in south Texas and require relatively little attention. They do need a little hand weeding and perhaps other TLC from time to time. The beds are covered by dedicated sprinklers, on a timer, so watering is not a problem. So – If you have a semi-green thumb and a couple of hours a month you would be willing to donate, Please let me know. Many Thanks for thinking about it. Pat Harvey – VP BNE Sent 2019-11-05: PAINT CAN DISPOSAL - We have been finding paint splashes on the streets and some residents have paint splashes on their cars. It has been determined that the paint is being splattered throughout the Estates by the garbage trucks. Unfortunately, the root cause is the way we and/or construction workers are disposing of paint cans. There will be construction throughout most of the season so please use proper ‘paint can disposal’ methods. Any paint in the can should be allowed to dry by removing the cover. Only when the paint is dry should the cover be put back on and the can thrown in the garbage. Thank you, John Chajec SEPO President Sent 2019-11-05: Sunday Night Music @ Retzlaff - For those of you who like to listen/dance to good Classic Country music, you are going to get your chance to do that starting this Sunday, Nov 10 thru end of Mar 2020, from 6 to 8 PM in Retzlaff Hall. Roy Ridlon (new resident) and two other gentlemen who play with him will be providing musical entertainment for us here at Sunshine. They will also be having special guests join them in the band throughout the season. If any other information is provided, I will send it out via e-mail and post it on the Web site: ( ) So come out this Sunday and support this new Sunshine Activity. Beth Parrish (for Roy Ridlon) SEPO E-Mail E-News Admin E-Mail: 314-960-6710 Sent 2019-11-05: POOL CLOSING - The pool will be closed tomorrow (Nov 6) in the morning until noon for cleaning. Valerie Basaldua Office Manager Sent 2019-11-03: HOUSE AD - House for Sale, 4340 N Minnesota St - Contact: John Call: 708-280-8940 Description: 2 bedroom, 2 bath, large screen room, roll down hurricane shutters, 2 car garage, CAC 3 yrs old, ceramic tile throughout, remodeled bathrooms ​ John Chajec Sent 2019-11-02: Starting Shuffleboard - Hello Residents of Sunshine Estates! This coming Wednesday, November 6th, is the start of shuffleboard night. We will start at 6 pm and play for an hour or more depending on attendance. You don't have to be an expert to join. Everyone is welcome to come and play. The rules are fairly simple and easy to learn. Weather permitting, we will play every Wednesday night. If you have questions my number is 719-468-4556. Hope to see you there, Marian Young Back to Top

  • WC Bylaws_Proposed Amendments_2022 | Sunshine Estates

    Women's Club Rules Proposed Amendments to Bylaws for 2022 Vote Click on the links below to view/print the documents. ******************************************************************** ​ Proposed Bylaws Amendments for Review at the February 18, 2022 Women's Club Meeting BYLAWS OF THE WOMEN’S CLUB OF SUNSHINE COUNTRY CLUB ESTATES The Women's Club has been having difficulty conforming to the Bylaws as written. ​ The corrections and additions shown are to remove membership restrictions, lessen the requirement of the Board members and simplify the Rules & Regulations. These changes have been approved by the current Women's Club Board but must be ratified by your vote at the February 18, 2022 Women's Club meeting. Dee Novak Women's Club Bylaws Review Committee BYLAWS Current Bylaws Handwritten Docs Handed out at Jan 2022 meeting Proposed Amendments Same as Handwritten Docs except typed in Legislative Format Proposed Amendments Back to Top

  • Newsletters | Sunshine Estates

    Articles for the Monthly Newsletter (published Sep thru Mar) are due to ( ) by the 24th of each month in order to be published on the 1st of the following month. Newsletter Guidelines can be found here . Find Published Newsletters by clicking the icon below for the appropriate season. 2023-2024 2022-2023 2021-2022 Back to Top

  • Various (Summer 2020) | Sunshine Estates

    Activities: (2020: Summer ) Additional Details Garage Sale (2020-10-1/2/3) Garage Sale (2020-09-25/26) Labor Day Golf Cart Cavalcade (2020-09-07) July 4th Golf Cart Parade (2020-07-04) Memorial Day Program (2020-05-25) Golf Cart Parade (2020-04-26) Golf Cart Parade (2020-04-19) WC - Resident Photos on Web Bottom of Page GARAGE SALE (Fri, Sat & Sun - October 1-2-3, 2020) COMPLETE Sent 2020-09-30: Garage Sale in Sunshine - Dear Friends - Several familieS are planning a Garage Sale - Thurs Fri Sat 1 - 2- 3 October 9am - 3pm I would like some volunteers for Neighborhood Watch Patrol during this time. Contact me for questions, Thanks -- Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276 Coordinator SCCE NW - CERT Garage Sale (2020-10-1/2/3) Back To Top GARAGE SALE (Fri & Sat, September 25 & 26, 2020) COMPLETE Sent 2020-09-24: Neighborhood Watch Patrol needed for Garage Sale this weekend - Garage Sale (2020-09-25/26) Back To Top Labor Day Golf Cart Cavalcade (2020-09-07) LABOR DAY GOLF CART CAVALCADE (Monday, September 7, 2020) COMPLETE Sent 2020-09-01: LABOR DAY GOLF CART CAVALCADE - Dear Friends, We have permission for a tribute for labor Day. Everyone is invited. Hopefully we will have a great turn-out. Covid-19 restrictions prevail. This notice will be posted on the usual areas: White board at Office, Pool Doors, Women's Club Bulletin Board by the Mail Box, the Package Pick-up room, exercise Room and Card room. etc. Call me for concerns. -- Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276 😷❤ Back To Top July 4th Golf Cart Parade (2020-07-04) July 4th Holiday Parade (Saturday, July 4, 2020) COMPLETE Sent 2020-07-03: July 4th Holiday Parade Saturday 7pm - Dear Friends - 🎼 😊 We shall have a July 4th Celebration Parade in honor of Independence Day. Golf Cart Line up at Office 7pm 🕖 Covid rules are in order *social distance, have *masks available Corvid - 19 has challenged our lifestyle but not our spirit. Independence Day is an important holiday and a symbol of patriotism. Its most common image is our American Flag and the accompaniment of our National Anthem. George Washington issued double rations of rum to all his soldiers to mark the anniversary of Independence Day but we will savor a virtual Hot Dog and Root Beer Float 🌭🍧 yum yum God Bless America -- Lenore J Combs 956 1276 Back To Top Memorial Day Program (2020-05-25) Memorial Day Program (Monday - May 25, 2020) COMPLETE Sent 2020-05-23: Memorial Day 2020 Monday 25 MAY at 3pm sharp - Dear SEPO Friends, You are cordially invited and most encouraged to join us on Monday at the Flag Pole by the SEPO Office. Help get the word out, please. We shall start our brief Memorial Day remembrance at 3pm sharp. Come as you are - in a golf cart or lawn chair. Upon arrival, simply park in your social space and enjoy the ceremony. Dress for the heat and have a cool beverage handy. Social distancing is paramount. Masks are encouraged. SEPO rules are in effect for Corvid19. Randy Nicholas, John and I will lead a brief program honoring our deceased Veterans and our recently deceased SEPO friends. Memorial Day (Decoration Day) is a somber day to honor our military fallen and because of recent Covid restrictions, we shall also remember our SEPO family and friends who have passed this year. This National Moment of Remembrance at 3pm is to remind us and future generations about the real meaning of this holiday. Call me for questions. -- Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276. John & Lenore US Air Force Veterans Randy Nicholas US Army Veteran Sent 2020-05-18: SCCE Memorial Day plans Monday 25 May 3pm - This document outlines a Memorial Day Program for SCCE. This ceremony will be held next Monday, May 25 @ 3PM either by the Gazebo or the Flag Pole (depending on weather and mosquitos). All Social Distancing rules remain in effect. Please contact me if you have any issues viewing the program information. -- Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276 Back To Top Golf Cart Parade (2020-04-26) Golf Cart Parade (Sunday - Apr 26, 2020) COMPLETE Sent 2020-04-22: The Next Golf Cart Parade - We had so much fun last Sunday we're going to have another Golf Cart Parade this coming Sunday 4/26 at 6:30. Gather in front of the office - same as last week. Social distancing and the wearing of masks rules still apply. So come on out and join us. Kay Sluyter PS from Beth: Since last Sunday I have added a video and some pictures of the parade spectators to the Web site HERE . Thank you to Spencer Smith. Back To Top Golf Cart Parade (2020-04-19) Golf Cart Parade (Sunday - Apr 19, 2020) COMPLETE ​ Sent 2020-04-22: More Parade Pictures/Video - Since last Sunday I have added a video and some pictures of the parade spectators to the Web site HERE . Thank you to Spencer Smith. Beth Parrish ​ Sent 2020-04-19: Golf Cart Parade Pictures - I would say the Golf Cart Parade traveling throughout Sunshine this evening, organized by Kay Sluyter, was a success. I took several pictures and have posted them on the Web site. It appeared to me everyone was having a fun time even in this heat. If anyone has any other pictures I can post, please get them to me. Thanks Kay and the pictures are HERE . Beth Parrish (314-960-6710) ​ Sent 2020-04-16: Golf Card Parade - I recently put a message out on FB about a golf cart parade on Sunday 4/19 at 4:30. I’ve been told that the temperature is going to be 101. So I talked to a few people about changing the time to 6:30, hoping for a cooldown with a slight breeze! I hope this works for everyone and hope to see you at the front parking area in front of the office around 6:30. Should be fun and a way to get out and see our neighbors without breaking the social distancing rules. Wear your masks!! Kay Sluyter PS from Beth: Bring your cameras to take pictures for the Web site so that our friends who aren't here can enjoy the parade with us - just digitally. Beth Parrish SEPO Web site Admin E-Mail: 314-960-6710 Back To Top WC - Resident Photos on Web Women's Club Activity Resident Photo Directory - Web site (Summer 2020) COMPLETE ​ Sent 2020-04-16: YAY - Resident Photos on Web site - Well all - I hope you are as excited about the final product as I am. I will have to say I learned a lot about the Web site during this process. One thing is - I did find there's lots of Shapes, Sizes, Color etc that I can change if anyone wants to make constructive suggestions to anything I've done with the photos. I have uploaded all of the Resident Photos that were included in the 2020 Photo Book. This page also includes: any New Homeowners who were not yet our neighbors when the book was being created any Homeowners who have either sold their homes in Sunshine since there picture was taken or have passed away. I also created a page of ONLY new Sunshine Residents during 2020, provided to me by the Office Manager Valerie. For ease in finding these pages, I have included the direct links above. Ongoing these pages can be found by going to and following the links provided. If you need assistance with anything at all concerning this, please give me a call. Please feel free to let me know if you have any suggestions on the format, etc of these photo pages. And again, I hope you like them. ENJOY Beth Parrish SEPO Web site Admin E-Mail: 314-960-6710 Sent 2020-03-14: Resident Photos on Web site - Today I got copies from Debbie Robins of all of the resident photos that were put in the Photo Directory. My intent is to eventually get them on the Web site - somehow. With that said I will be working on this endeavor over the summer and will let everyone know when I have completed it. I'm just too pooped to work on it now and I want to do a good job with it. Thanks for your patience. Beth Parrish SEPO Web site Admin E-Mail: 314-960-6710 Bottom of Page Back To Top

  • Board Nom & Elect (2022) | sunshine

    SEPO Board Nominating & Election Committees For 2022 SEPO Board Election Sunshine Estates Property Owners, Inc., (SEPO) governs Sunshine Country Club Estates (SCCE). (The following information is presented in chronological order within EACH Committee.) Election Committee Activity for 2022 Election Nominating & Election Committees Index Nominating Committee Activity for 2022 Election (In Process) ELECTION COMMITTEE ACTIVITY ​ MMM DD,2022: ?? This section needs to be updated. Election Committee Activity for 2022 Election Nominating Committee Activity for 2022 Election (In Process) NOMINATING COMMITTEE ACTIVITY ​ Sent via SEPO E-News 2021-12-27: SEPO Board Nomination Committee Candidate Announcement - The SEPO Board Nomination Committee, consisting of Cathy Richmond (Chairperson), Jerry Drost, Share Nelson, Kathleen Sunders and Nancy Steele, are pleased to submit the following Candidate names in alphabetic order for the 2022 election of the SEPO Board of Directors. All of the Candidates have been interviewed by one or more Nominating Committee members and were considered by this Committee for nomination based upon their responses to the questions asked of them. We are pleased to announce the SEPO Residents who met the requirements and are in good standing in the Sunshine Estates Community. We encourage the current Board of Directors to include their names in the 2022ballot. The Nominating Committee will make that motion during the January 2022 Board of Directors Nominations meeting. Randy Davis David Fleiner Mark Owen Tony Tramel This list of candidates is currently posted outside the SEPO Office. Please contact Cathy Richmond (Chairperson) with any questions (303)990-2730 ​ Nov 15, 2021: SEPO Board Nominating Committee Roster - ​ The members of the SEPO Board Nominating Committee are made up of: Cathy Richmond (Chair) Jerry Drost Share Nelson Nancy Steele Kathleen Sunders The purpose of this committee is to identify and recommend SEPO Residents who would like to serve on the SEPO Board of Directors. There are three (3) positions to fill for the forthcoming SEPO Board election in February 2022. If you would like consideration and possibly be recommended by the Nominating Committee as a SEPO Board Candidate, please contact any member to set up an interview. Cathy Richmond SEPO Nominating Committee Chairperson ​ Nov 15, 2021: Why Become an HOA Board Member - ​ If you are undetermined as to whether you would like to serve on the SEPO Board, please ask yourself the following: ​ Do you have great ideas about how your community can be managed more efficiently? Would you like to become more involved in your HOA’s daily operations? Do you have the time, dedication, and enthusiasm to regularly volunteer your skills for the benefit of your community? If so, then you’re a perfect Candidate to run for a seat on the SEPO Board of Directors. If you’re still on the fence about whether or not to run, here are three reasons you should take the leap and “Become a SEPO Board member”. You’ll help to protect your investment. Board members are tasked with making important decisions on behalf of the homeowners’ association. These decisions have a major impact on the future of the community. You’ll make your community a nicer place to live. In addition to administrative and operational tasks board members can act to enrich community life through events and activities offered to the residents. You’ll bring valuable skills to the table. Your life skills and interests may be a good fit for the Board. Social skills, hobbies and training you have received all may be used in your role as a Board member to benefit the community. Running for a seat on your Board of Directors is a major decision. Before making a commitment, attend a few Board meetings to get a sense of how they operate. Reach out to current or past Board members and ask about their experiences and what they have learned. Also from them you can get a run-down of what would be expected of you in your new role. If occupying a seat on the SEPO Board of Directors sounds like a fun and challenging opportunity, please reach out to the Nominating Committee and they will assist you with the steps to take to get started. Cathy Richmond SEPO Nominating Committee Chairperson Board Nominating & Election Committees Index Nominating & Election Committees Index Back to Top

  • SEPO Newsletters: 2022-2023 | Sunshine Estates

    THIS PAGE CONTAINS SEPO NEWSLETTERS FROM THE 2022-2023 SEASON. Articles for the Monthly Newsletter (published Oct thru Mar) are due to ( ) by the 24th of each month in order to be published for the following month. Go directly to the Year-Month Newsletter you are looking for and click on the 'News Icon". *************************** SU NSHINE NEWSLETTER March 2023 (Corrected) HAPPY St. Patrick's DAY *************************** SU NSHINE NEWSLETTER February 2023 HAPPY VALENTINES DAY *************************** SU NSHINE NEWSLETTER January 2023 HAPPY NEW YEAR *************************** SUNSHINE NEWSLETTER December 2022 MERRY CHRISTMAS *************************** SUNSHINE NEWSLETTER November 2022 HAPPY THANKSGIVING *************************** SUNSHINE NEWSLETTER October 2022 Welcome Back Winter Texans & HAPPY HALLOWEEN Sent 2022-09-09: NEWSLETTER: New approach/info - I’m going to try something different for the Newsletter this first month of the 2022-2023 Winter season. We’ve had lots of new residents joining the community over the last 2-3 years. For a large portion of that time events/activities were curtailed due to Covid. We are now rolling full steam ahead to get back to normal – YAY. Let’s show everyone what’s available again. I’m thinking this first Newsletter would be a great opportunity for everyone who manages or participates in one of our clubs (like Women's Club or Rock Painting) or activities (like Golf) to ‘get the word out’ about them. I’m requesting that you provide the following types of information for this Newsletter: Club/Activity Name Contact Name(s) Is there a Board? Do you ‘meet’? If so, where and when? General Description. Some of this info has been provided for the Web site (but may be outdated) HERE & HERE . What else can be displayed on these pages? What additional pages do we need/want? This is a perfect opportunity: For you to review and become more familiar with the Web site For me to get the Web site updated with current and correct info. Remind the community of what a great place Sunshine is to live. As always: Please provide your articles to me – by September 24 at the latest the earlier the better When you have your article prepared, please submit it to . If you have any questions, issues, etc you can contact me at . Thank you all in advance for helping me get the word out and keeping the community informed. Beth Parrish SEPO Newsletter Mgr E-Mail: 314-960-6710 Back to Top

  • WC Minutes 2023-2024 | Sunshine Estates

    Women's Club Meeting Minutes (2023-2024 Winter Season) Minutes (2024-03-15) UNAPPROVED Minutes (2024-02-16) Minutes (2024-01-19) Minutes (2023-12-15) Minutes (2023-11-17) Minutes (2023-10-20) March 15, 2024 UNAPPROVED Minutes (2024-03-15) UNAPPROVED February 16, 2024 Minutes (2024-02-16) January 19, 2024 Minutes (2024-01-19) December 15, 2023 Minutes (2023-12-15) November 17, 2023 Minutes (2023-11-17) Minutes (2023-10-20) October 20, 2023 Back to Top

  • B&Nature Mtg Info Legend | Sunshine Estates

    Birding & Nature Club Meeting Information Find Published B&N Club Meeting Information by clicking the icon below for the appropriate season. 2023-2024 2022-2023 2021-2022

  • 2021-05 E-Mails | Sunshine Estates

    S EPO Community E-Mails: May 2021 Sent 2021-05-28: Missing Amazon Package - It appears an Amazon package was delivered to the doorstep of Raylene Kelley while she was out. She is currently renting our house at 4305 N Kansas. Is it possible that someone may have taken it to the office or to the mailroom knowing that we were not there right now? If so, please call me. Sue Clifton ​ Sent 2021-05-28: MARKETPLACE: All of 33 Records are SOLD - The Sunshine MARKETPLACE definitely worked. All of my '33 records' have sold. So please, no more calls. Kathy Owen ​ Sent 2021-05-28: REFRESHER: SEPO Communication Guidelines - Hi all - I hope everyone is having a nice summer. As a volunteer doing the SEPO Community e-mails and maintaining the Sunshine Web site, I definitely don't mind helping out the community this way. However, I think it's time for me to 1) send a refresher to some and 2) send what is possibly new info to others. Please review the guidelines on this Web site page to ensure you are getting your information to the right place for me to take action. I maintain three (3) separate gmail accounts - one for e-mails, one for the Web site and one for the Newsletter. Please do not send any communications related items to my Board gmail. Although I have been responding to texts and phone calls since I came up north from TX, I prefer not to operate that way. I may not interpret something correctly or I may totally forget to follow-up on a request. So please keep this Web site page handy. It's the easiest way for me to address your requests. Thx Let me know if you have any questions. Beth Parrish SEPO Communications ​ Sent 2021-05-27: UNAPPROVED: SEPO Board Meeting Minutes, May 20, 2021 - The UNNAPPROVED SEPO Board Meeting Minutes from May 20, 2021 are posted on the Sunshine Web site HERE . Or they can be viewed/printed HERE . Respectively Submitted, Beth Parrish SEPO Board Secretary Sent 2021-05-27: ADVANCE NOTIFICATION: SEPO Communications (e-mails, Web etc) - Just so everyone is aware, I will be taking a short vacation trip next week - June 1 thru June 4 . During that timeframe, although I should be able to address emergencies, I don't plan to monitor SEPO communications constantly as I do now. If you have an emergency , send me the info and also call me at the number below . Beth Parrish SEPO Communications 314-960-6710 ​ Sent 2021-05-27: MARKETPLACE: For Sale - 33 Records - See the items below and others For Sale/Free on the Sunshine Web site HERE . "FOR SALE" - 33 Records - (Added 05-27-2021) ​ Contact: Kathy Owen 972-742-4982 4137 N NE St. Description:​ About 50 old 33 Records Pricing: Cheap Sent 2021-05-27: Yard Sale - We are having an “Everything must go” kitchen, garage & yard sale June 4 & 5. 4348 N. Kansas St. Randy & Linda Nicholas “Make our old used stuff become your old & used stuff😄” ​ Sent 2021-05-26: Thursday Retzlaff Hall Potlucks - Good Morning all. We won’t be having Happy Hour in Retzlaff Hall this Thurs the 27th. We have been approved to have Happy hour in Retzlaff Hall. We will start next Thursday the third of June at 4:00 pm. Bring your beverage of choice and a snack or whatever food you wish to share. You may bring your own table service or there will be plates etc available. Everyone is invited to attend. Please wear name tags as we have so many new residents. Looking forward to seeing everyone again and some new faces. Ladonna Harvey ​ Sent 2021-05-26: Palm Trimming Postponed - Due to complications, the Palm Tree Trimming will not take place until this Saturday, May 29 and Sunday, May 30. You still have time until the end of the week to come by and drop off your payments for personal palms. I will stop taking payments Friday at Noon. $20 per palm. Sincerely, Valerie Basaldua Office Manager Sent 2021-05-25: Friday Night Cards - Friday Night Card Players - Cards will resume on June 11th at 6:45 pm. Play will begin at 7PM. To begin with I am limiting the players to the first 12 to show up. As time goes on I will increase the number of players. I look forward to seeing you guys then. Thanks Mecca Henry (469) 766-4245 ​ Sent 2021-05-24: UPDATED: 2-Pager Activity Sheet - Since the Board lifted the SEPO Covid-19 restrictions last week, summer activities will again be happening at SEPO. I have done another review of the 2-pager SEPO Recurring Activities & Meetings document and also put appropriate updates on the Web site. The document below can be viewed/printed from HERE . Valerie will post this update (dated 05-24-2021) in the Library soon. Beth Parrish SEPO Communications ​ Sent 2021-05-24: Save The Date: Upcoming Summer Potluck - Hey Everyone, Our first Summer Potluck will take place on Memorial Day! I have reserved Retzlaff Hall from 4 to 6 pm. Because May 27 and Memorial Day are so close together, I decided to start on the 31st. The Thursday night social hour in the pavilion will still take place. Date: Monday May 31, 2021 Social half-hour start time is 4:30 pm. So come and find a place to sit, and visit with your neighbors. Bring a dish, or two to share with everyone. Time to Eat: 5:00 pm At about ten minutes till five, we will introduce guests and new residents. The Women's Club provides coffee, iced tea, plates, napkins, plastic utensils, and serving utensils. Feel free to bring your own plates, drinks, and silverware if you wish. Call or text me with any questions. 719-468-4556. Hope to see everyone there! Marian Young Sent 2021-05-24: MARKETPLACE: For Sale - Paintings - "FOR SALE" - Original acrylic paintings by Ellen Johanson - (Added 05-24-2021) ​ Contact: Pat Skye 956-202-3778 1925 W Michigan Dr Details:​ Ocean Storm 44” w x 31 1/2” h Gold tone framing Price: $100 White Swan 27 1/2” w x 23” h White framing Price: $60 See Pictures on the Web site HERE . Pat Skye Sent 2021-05-24: MARKETPLACE: For Sale - Motorcycle - "FOR SALE" - Suzuki V-STrom 2012 (Until 05-29-2021) - ​ Contact: Pat Skye 956-202-3778 1925 W Michigan Dr Details:​ 1000 cc Only 4300 miles Excellent condition Clear Title $4,800 See Pictures on the Web site HERE . Pat Skye ​ Sent 2021-05-23: Videos of Board Mtgs have been relocated - The SEPO Board meetings starting on Feb 16, 2021 through May 20, 2021 have been held Virtual, using Google Meet, and were each recorded. The location of these videos has changed over the weekend due to technical difficulties with their prior location. Here are the links to the Board meeting recordings, starting Feb 16, 2021 through May 30, 2021. 02-16-2021: 02-25-2021: 03-08-2021: 03-22-2021: 05-20-2021: The links to the videos on the Sunshine Web site have also been updated to reflect this new location. If you have any questions about or issues with viewing any of these videos, please let me know. Beth Parrish, SEPO Board Secretary 314-960-6710 Sent 2021-05-22: Link to view Special SEPO Board Meeting held on May 20, 2021 - The Special SEPO Board meeting held on May 20, 2021 @ 1:30 PM was Virtual, using Google Meet, and was recorded. Here is the link to the recording, which everyone is welcome to view: The minutes from this meeting will be published within the next 2-3 days. If you have any questions about this video or issues with viewing it, please let me know. Beth Parrish, SEPO Board Secretary 314-960-6710 ​ Sent 2021-05-22: CORRECTION TO (UPDATE: SEPO & Covid-19 restrictions) - The following contains a correction to the date of the first activity scheduled after SEPO Covid-19 restrictions were removed this past week. Sorry for any confusion this may have caused. Beth Parrish, SEPO E-Mail E-News Admin E-Mail: 314-960-6710 ************************************ The SEPO Board met earlier today (May 20, 2021 @ 1:30 PM via Google Meet). One of the agenda items was as follows: Determine next steps (Review/Change or Not/Approve) SEPO Covid-19 Restrictions with discussion and potential Action. During the discussion of this item, each board member voiced his/her opinion on what the next step should be pertaining to the current SEPO Covid-19 restrictions. At the end of this discussion, a motion was made and seconded to ‘remove’ all current SEPO Covid-19 restrictions. A formal vote was taken with the following results – YES from Beth Parrish, Larry Keller, Lenore Combs and Jean Burgoine & NO from Mecca Henry and Lyn Swonger. Since the vote was not a tie, President Tony Tramel did not vote. The Board would like to thank everyone for being diligent over the past 16 or so months in helping keep our Sunshine Estates residents safe. Although, Sunshine is now starting our normal activities, we encourage you using your personal decision regarding mask use / attendance at meetings and other activities. We believe each person has to be responsible for themselves. Please do what YOU feel comfortable doing. It is my feeling that SEPO owners are highly vaccinated and have been so for more than a couple of months, which I believe, was a primary reason for the positive vote to remove our restrictions. Prior posted Covid-19 restrictions which have been posted on SEPO buildings and the Sunshine Web site will be removed. The May 27th Summer Potluck , chaired by Marian Young, will be the first activity that will not have SEPO Covid-19 restrictions. Refer to the Sunshine Web site Activity Summary page for additional scheduled Activities. It appears this is the beginning of the end for Covid-19 for SEPO, and hopefully the State and the Nation. Tony Tramel SEPO Board President ​ Sent 2021-05-18: Library - I will be gone from Sunshine from May 22 – early September. There will be nobody to process gift books. Please hold all gift books until mid-September or take them somewhere else. You are welcome to take all the books you want to read. I could use a volunteer to put books away on the shelves for the summer. Marsha Santow 269-267-1308 ​ Sent 2021-05-17: - AMENDEMENT: AGENDA for Board Meeting on Thursday, May 20, 2021 @ 1:30 PM I goofed in the Subject Line earlier. The meeting is this coming Thu, May 20, 2021 at 1:30 PM via Google Meet . Due to the number of pages in the Agenda and the fact that it contains several graphics, I am unable to copy and paste it into this e-mail. Therefore, you will need view it (and print it you wish) by clicking HERE . The agenda can also be viewed/printed on the Web site now by clicking HERE . Valerie has also be posted it outside of the SEPO office and on the poolside door to Retzlaff Hall today. Please contact me with any questions or issues you may have. Thx Beth Parrish SEPO Board Secretary 314-960-6710 ​ Sent 2021-05-16: Resident Passing - Current resident, Lori Hunt, has passed away. Catherine Richmond ​ Sent 2021---05-15: Saturday Golf Scramble - I will organize this event for next Saturday, May22nd, if at least 12 participants will sign up by next Friday noon. This would provide friendly competition of 3 teams. All normal rules apply. If you have questions, please call me at 956-792-2931. Grace Clark ​ Sent 2021-05-14: Reminder - Neighborhood Watch meeting/class Monday 17 May 3pm - Dear Friends - We shall hold a review of STOP THE BLEED and Hands-Only CPR and an AED review in Retzlaff Hall at 3pm this Monday . Please sign up or call me if you can attend. Thanks 2. The McGruffmobile should be getting a new door in the next week or so. Can somebody help us get it on? Also, I will have new "windows" made for the passenger side. 3. AEP sent me about a dozen short interesting CDs on Electrical Safety. They will be available for you to view. 4. The new climate normals are here - are you ready - a warmer normal, a wetter normal? 5. Cometupdates - This is a free course supplement (like a weather watcher program) to download graphics - great info. 6. National Night Out 2021 We are a partner both Nationally and with our local Police. Don't know yet if Hgn or even Combes will have anything, but stuff is opening up. This program promotes police-community partnerships and neighborhood unity. We have a valued relationship with Harlingen and Combes. (and CERT with HFD) Hoping things get back to some normalcy - Sunshine is a great community because you make it that way. See ya Monday 😀 Lenore J. Combs, Coordinator 956 245 1276 ​ Sent 2021-05-12: SEPO April 2021 Financials - Hello Homeowners, HERE you can find the April 2021 Financials. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks. Mecca Henry SEPO Board Treasurer (469) 766-4245 ​ Sent 2021-05-06: Dog Found Trapped in Encore: Is She Yours? - Lynnette (from Encore) has found the dog in the picture below and no one has claimed her over there. She can't get close to her to see her tag. And she is stuck by the leash under the tire. If she is yours you can claim her @ Encore 832-890-8779, Lot #226. Lynnette Sent 2021-05-01: Golf Scramble (commonly known as the "4 O'Clockers") - Time Change as of 05-03-21 We will be starting the afternoon Scramble at 6 PM starting Monday, May 3rd. Open to all golfers in the community. Every level of golfer welcome. No charge. Meet beside shuffleboard court at 5:45 for team assignments. Just out for a fun time. Donna Myers ​ Sent 2021-05-01: Palm Tree Trimming - Palm Tree Trimmings are being scheduled for May 26, 2021 (Wednesday). $20 per palm for Residents. Please stop by the SEPO office to sign up and drop off your payment or mail your check to: 1957 W. Michigan Drive Checks should be made out to Yuridia Oloarte. You will have until May 24 to make arraignments to have your Palms trimmed. Valerie Basaldua Office Manager Sunshine Country Club Estates 1957 W. Michigan Dr. Harlingen, TX 78550-3100 956-425-1420 Sent 2021-05-01: eye glasses and hearing aids - The Lions Clubs across the U.S. collect old glasses and hearing aids to redistribute in poorer nations. We have have a collection box in our library. On May 17 the items in the box will be collected. If you have old glasses and hearing aids you no longer need, please, place them in the box. Place hearing aids in a small baggies so all the parts stay together. Thank you. The box will remain in the library so all you Winter Residents can donate your items when you return in the Fall. Stay safe. We look forward to your return. Jean Burgoine Sent 2021-05-01: Neighborhood Watch - CERT class/meeting Monday 17 MAY 2021 3pm - Back to Top

  • Board Mtgs Exec: 2021 (Summer) | sunshine

    SEPO Board Meetings: Exective Notices - Notes: to Sunshine Community (Apr 2021 thru Sep 2021 Summer) Go directly to the Information you are looking for by clicking an item below. Board Mtg (Exec) Notes (2021-08-26) Board Mtg (Exec) Notice (2021-08-26) Board Mtg (Exec) Notes (2021-08-26) ******************** BOARD MEETING (Executive) Notes to Community Thu, Aug 26, 2021 @ 3 PM Board Members Only ******************** BOARD MEETING (Executive) NOTICE Thu, Aug 26, 2021 @ 3 PM Board Members Only Board Mtg (Exec) Notice (2021-08-26) Back to Top

  • Summary (2020-2021 Winter) | Sunshine Estates

    Things To Do: Summary Winter Season (2020-2021) Due to Covid-19 restrictions most planned activities were either CANCELLED or put ON HOLD. Click on a bulleted item in this list to be taken to that section of THIS page. Women's Club (2020-2021) Meetings Daily-Weekly-Monthly Golf-Clubs-Commitees-Special List of Clubs & Committees ******************************** Meetings (2020-2021) Click HERE for Details ​ SEPO Board & Residential Women's Club OTHER Clubs/Committees Meetings Back to Top Women's Club (2020-2021) ****************************** Some "SCHEDULED" Women's Club Activities were CANCELLED. Other "NEW" Activities were added and followed Covid-19 Guidelines. ​ See below for Schedule ​ Women's Club Activities Schedule (2020-2021) Click HERE for Details ​ Click HERE for a view of the Women's Club Committee Activities Committee Signup Sheets. ​ Date Day Event (Chairpersons) CANCELLED 10-30-20 Fri Mexican Fiesta Chair (Nancy Luellen) COMPLETE 10-31-20 Sat MASK-O-RADE Golf Cart & Costume Event (Sue Swidryk, Pam Lacy, Lenore Combs & Sylvia Nelson) COMPLETE 11-11-20 Wed Veteran’s Day (Lenore Combs & Marian Young) CANCELLED 11-22-20 Sun Goofy Golf Co-chairs (Derek & Janis McFee) CANCELLED 11-26-20 Thu Thanksgiving Dinner (NEED CHAIRs) CANCELLED 12-04-20 Fri Craft & Bake Sale (Terry Debackere & Debbie Robins) COMPLETE 12-19-20 Sat Golf Cart Scavenger Hunt (Sue Swidryk) CANCELLED 12-25-20 Fri Christmas Dinner (NEED CHAIRs) COMPLETE 01-22-21 Wed Glow Ball Night Golfing (Sue Swidryk) (Postponed from 01-20-21) CANCELLED 01-21-21 Thu New Homeowners' (Vickie Jones & Sherri Gardner) CANCELLED 02-07-21 Sun SuperBowl Party (Eileen Anderson & Pam Lacy) COMPLETE (Postponed from 02-16-21) 02-21-21 Sun Mardi Gras: Follow the Leader (Marian Young) CANCELLED 02-26-21 Fri Casino Night #1 (Roy & Debbie Robins) CANCELLED 02-27-21 Sat Casino Night #2 (Roy & Debbie Robins) CANCELLED 03-09-21 Tue Hillbilly Hog Roast (Carolyn Anderson) ​ Each WC Committee Signup Sheet is currently hanging in the Sunshine Estates Library and is also listed on the Web site HERE . If you would like to volunteer to be on one or more of the Committees, please contact Sue Swidryk (see contact info below). ​ Sue Swidryk Women’s Club Activities Director 847-452-7804 Back to Top Daily-Weekly-Monthly ****************************** Daily/Weekly/Monthly Activities Overview (2020-2021) Click HERE for Details ​ MONTHLY: 8:00 am, Woodshop Cleanup (Monthly on First Wed) SUNDAY: If Monitor is onsite, Woodshop open (daily) 4:00 pm, Golf Scramble (daily) ​ MONDAY: If Monitor is onsite, Woodshop open (daily) 8:00 am to 10 am, Tennis (Mon, Wed, Fri) 4:00 pm, Golf Scramble (daily) ​ TUESDAY: If Monitor is onsite, Woodshop open (daily) 8:00 am, Pickleball (Tue, Thu) 9:00 am, Men's Golf League Tee Time (weekly) Following golf, Men's Golf League Business Meeting (In Pavilion) (weekly) 4:00 pm, Golf Scramble (daily) WEDNESDAY: If Monitor is onsite, Woodshop open (daily) 8:00 to 9:00 am, Tennis (Mon, Wed, Fri) 9:00 am, Ladies' Golf League Tee time (weekly) 4:00 pm, Golf Scramble (daily) ​ THURSDAY: If Monitor is onsite, Woodshop open (daily) 8:00 am, Pickleball (Tue , Thu) 9:00 am, Quilting (The Killer Bees) (via Z00M video call) (weekly) 4:00 pm, Golf Scramble (daily) ​ FRIDAY: If Monitor is onsite, Woodshop open (daily) 8:00 am to 10 am, Tennis (Mon, Wed, Fri) 4:00 pm, Golf Scramble (daily) ​ SATURDAY: If Monit or is onsite, Woodshop open (daily) 9:00 am, Saturday Golf Scramble (weekly) 4:00 pm, Golf Scramble (daily) Back to Top Golf-Clubs-Commitees-Special ****************************** Golf, Clubs, Committees and Special Events Overview below (2020-2021) View DETAILS by clicking on GOLF or CLUBs & COMMITTEEs or SPECIAL ​ OCT 2020: 6 - Sunshine National Night Out (Special) 8 - Woodshop Orientation Class (Club) 28 - Woodshop Orientation Class (Club) 31 - MASK-O-RADE (Women's Club) ​ NOV 2020: 11 - Veterans Day Tribute (Women's Club) 15 - Toys for Tots (Special) 27 - Salvation Army Bell Ringing (Special) (CANCELLED) ​ DEC 2020: 19 - Golf Cart Scavenger Hunt (Women's Club) 30 - Woodshop Orientation Class (Club) 30 - Meet & Greet: SEPO Board Candidates (from Nominating Committee) & Residents (Special) ​ JAN 2021: 01-31 - Virtual Finger Lickin' Chicken Fundraiser 2 - Christmas Bird Count (Birding & Nature Group) 13 - Woodshop Orientation Class (Club) 20 - Woodshop Orientation Class (Club) 22 (postponed from 01-20) - Glow Ball Night Golf ( Women's Club) 27 - Woodshop Orientation Class (Club) 28 - Calling All Dogs (Special ) ​ FEB 2021: 23 - Calling All Dogs (Special ) ​ MAR 2021: 5 - Birding and Nature Club Outing (Birding & Nature Group) 01-02 - Men's Golf League Tournament (Golf) 27 - Gus Elliott 90th Birthday Celebration (Special) 29 - Woodshop Orientation Class (Club) 30 - Calling All Dogs (and Cats) (Special) ​ APR 2021: 9 - Going Home Party (Private - Danks) ​ Back to Top List of Clubs & Committees ****************************** CLUBs & COMMITTEEs (2020-2021) ​ BIBLE STUDY (Men) BIBLE STUDY (Women) BOOK CLUB GOLF: MEN'S LEAGUE GOLF: WOMEN'S LEAGUE QUILTING (KILLER BEES) LINE DANCING MEMORIAL COMMITTEE NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH SEPO BOARD NOMINATING COMMITTEE SUNSHINE NATURE & BIRDING CLUB SUNSHINE GARDEN COMMITTEE SUNSHINE VIDEO COMMITTEE VETERANS' HONOR WALL WOODWORKERS WOMEN'S CLUB Women's Club Standing Committees: Activities Bulletin Board Decorations Historian Ice Cream during Intermission at Sunday Night Music Librarian Newsletter New Homeowner’s Orientation New Homeowner’s Photos Purchasing Summer Potlucks Back to Top

  • D/W/M Details (Summer 2023) | Sunshine Estates

    Activities: Day/Week/Month (2023 Summer) Additional Details SUN 6:30 - 8:30 pm (currently), (time adjust s as seasons chg) , Golf Scramble: O'Clockers All Year: Daily / Golf Course) Contact: Donna Myers (or just Show Up) Ti me: (currently starting play at 6:30 PM) Location: Meet in the street by the Shu ffleboard Courts 15 minutes before start of play to pick teams and get your hole assignments. Details:​ ​ Tea ms are picked by drawin g cards. No charge, just a good time. All are welcome to join the fun. It is Scramble play for Fun & Exercise - no money or prizes. All skill levels welcome. Final scores are compared at the end if anyone hangs around ​​. MON 8 - 11 am, Tennis (All Year: Mon, Wed, Fri / Tennis Court) Contact: Vic Hillman Location: Tennis Courts Details: Furnish your own equipment Rotate foursomes, no teams Lots of skill levels, no problem Lots of fun. Not to serious. Come watch us. ​ 8:25 - 9:25 am, Water Aerobics: Session #1 (All Year: Mon thru Fri, except 1st Wed of Month / Pool) Contact: Jean Burgione Location: Pool Details: Everyone Welcome. We play Music CDs that contain the Workout Instructions. ​​ ​​ 9:30 - 10:30 am, Water Aerobics: Session #2 (All Year: Mon thru Fri, except 1st Wed of M onth / Pool) Contact: Vicky Krueger Location: Pool Details: Everyone Welcome. We p lay Music CDs that contain the Workout Instructions. ​ 9:30 am - 12:30 pm, Line Dancing (Advanced) (All Year: Weekly / Retzlaff) Contact/Instructor: Donna Myers Location: Retzlaff Hall Music: Dance to all kinds (Country, Rock 'N Roll, Tango, Mambo, Big Band etc.) Other Details: Most dances are intermediate. Class moves fast. Dancers are experienced. Would be too hard for ultra-beginners. ​ ​ 1 - 3 pm, Rock Painting (All Year: Monthly - 1st & 4th Monday / Retzlaff) (See 2024 Schedule HERE .) Contact: Karren Amos Location: Retzlaff Hall Participants: Open to all Sunshine Residents/Renters and their immediate adult family members. Cost: In order to cover the cost of rocks and painting materials being supplied, there is a $5 per participant fee per session. Details: We anticipate spreading joy and kindness throughout the community. The Sunshine Rock Painting Club would/could paint and distribute painted rocks to: friends, family & others nursing homes extended care facilities children's floors at local health facilities (if acceptable) schools (younger age) ​ 6:30 - 8:30 pm (currently), (time adjust s as seasons chg) , Golf Scramble: O'Clockers (All Year: Daily / Golf Course) Refer to Sunday info above for additional details. TUE ​8:25 - 9:35 am, Water Aerobics: Session #1 (All Year: Mon thru Fri, except 1st Wed of M onth / Pool Refer to Monday info above for additional details. 8:30 - 11 am, Pickleball (All Year: Tue & Thu / Tennis-Pickleball Court) Contact: Just Show Up Location: Tennis Courts (Pickleball nets are put up in place of the Tennis nets.) Details: All skill levels of players are invited to come out and enjoy the Fun and get some Exercise. We do have two Pickleball Courts (set up on the Tennis Court) which accommodate four players on each court at a time. Whoever arrives first usually starts the process of setting up the net. As more people arrive, we assess the need for another net to go up. Some like to play continuous and some like to take a rest between games. Wind: We have had some pretty windy days when we choose not to play. ​ ​ 9 - 10 am Men's Golf League, Summer: Only One Tee Time (Summer: W eekly / Golf Course) Golf C ourse closed to all - other than Men's Golf League - 9 AM until 11 AM - Play reverts back to two tee times when more residents are here - usually sometime in October. ​ Contact: Matt Lyne Location: Sunshine Golf Course. Open To: All men golfers are welcome. The Men’s Golf League (summer) resumed Tuesday, April 4, 2023.​ Meet at library by 9:00 am to draw for teams and starting positions. Handicaps used will be those established through the previous league. Cost & Prizes: Cost is $1.00 per week which will go toward flight prizes and CTP’s. Prizes and CTP’s will be based on the number of entries. An optional 27-hole tournament will conclude the league. 9:30 - 10:30 am, Water Aerobics: Session #2 (All Year: Mon thru Fri , except 1st Wed of M onth / Pool) Refer to Monday info above for additional details. 10 am - 11:30, Line Dancing: Beginners (Summer: Weekly / Retzlaff) Contact/Instructor: Donna Myers Location: Retzlaff Hall Music: Dance to all kinds (Country, Rock 'N Roll, Tango, Mambo, Big Band etc.) Other Details: Dances are perfect for beginners. ​ 12:30 - 2:30 pm, Billiards: Texas 8 Ball (All Year: Tue, Thu, Sat / Pool Room) Contact: Just Show Up Location: Pool Room Everyone welcome to play. 1 - 3:30 pm, Game - Mahjong (All Year: Weekly/ Card Room) Contact: Trudy Weitzel Location: Card Room Participants: Everyone is welcome to join in the fun. Newbies welcome to come learn the game ​ 6:30 - 8:30 pm (currently), (time adjusts as seasons chg) , Golf Scramble: O'Clockers (All Year: Daily / Golf Course) Refer to Sunday info above for additional details. ​ WED 8 - 11 am, Tennis (All Year: Mon, Wed, Fri / Tennis Court) Refer to Monday info above for additional details. 8:25 - 9:35 am, Water Aerobics: First Session (All Year: Mon thru Fri, except 1st Wed of Month / Pool) Refer to Monday info above for additional details. 9 am - Noon, Ladies' Summer Golf Tee time (Summer (Apr thru Oct): Weekly / Golf Course) Golf course closed to all - other than Women's Golf League - until Noon) NOTE: Summer Women's Golf starts first Wed in Apr and ends last Wed in Oct. Contact: Donna Myers Location: Sunshine Golf Course Be at the Library at 8:30 am for hole assignment and announcements. Play begins at 9 am. Cost: None More Details: Play is open to all residents/renters, no matter what skill level. 9:30 - 10:30 am, Water Aerobics: Session #2 (All Year: Mon thru Fri , except 1st Wed of M onth / Pool) Refer to Monday info above for additional details. 1 - 4 pm, Samba (All Year: Weekly / Card Room) Contact: Bev McIntosh Location: Card Room Participants: All residents/renters from Sunshine and their guests can attend. Details: It is card game like hand and foot but more advanced. You do not need a partner to participate. We try to include all who show up. We can have tables of 3, 4 or 6 players. As the amount of players increase, we do a blind draw of numbers which match numbers on the tables. This helps to discourage people who want to play only with their friends. The idea is to get to know each other and have an enjoyable time. 1 - 4 pm, Bridge (All Year: Weekly / Library)​ Contact: Jean Burgoine Location: Library​​ Details: There must be four (4) players at each table. If you already know how to play, recruit three (3) additional knowledgeable players and join us. We (sort of) have a signup sheet to make sure we have complete tables of four (4). Bridge is not a game one can learn in 10 minutes. If enough people are interested, we would start a series of lessons. ​ 6:30 - 8:30 pm (currently), (time adjusts as seasons chg) , Golf Scramble: O'Clockers (All Year: Daily / Golf Course) Refer to Sunday info above for additional details. 6:30 - 9:30 pm , Mexican Train (Dominos) (All Year: Weekly / Card Room) Contact: Mary Grandy Location: Card Room Participants: All Sunshine residents/renters Details: Mexican Train is a double 12 dominoes game. Easy to learn. No partners. Just show up everyone can play. How long depends on the players. Usually 630pm-830pm. THU 8:25 - 9:35 am, Water Aerobics: First Session (All Year: Mon thru Fri, except 1st Wed of M onth / Pool) Refer to Monday info above for additional details ​ 8:30 - 11 am, Pickleball ( All Year: Tue & Thu / Tennis Court) Refer to Tuesday info above for additional details. ​ 9:30 - 10:30 am, Water Aerobics: Second Session (All Year: Mon thru Fri , except 1st Wed of M onth / Pool) Refer to Monday info above for additional details for both sessions . 9:30 am - 2 pm, Quilters: Killer Bees (All Year: Weekly / Retzlaff Hall ) (Currently no sessions being held until Fall 2023.) Contact: Jan Baethke (NOTE - Contact Shirley Servos during summer 2023) Location: Retzlaff Hall Details - Meetings/Schedule: Meetings consist of every week briefly going over what is on our schedule. The schedule changes every year depending on what projects the members want to do/learn. The schedule is usually created in April and covers the next Nov through Apr. ​The days that we have a class/project scheduled we do bring our machines to the hall and sew after the meeting and our "Show and Tell", until about 2 pm. Of the 80-90 ladies throughout the RGV that come each Thursday, October - April, usually 15-20 will stay and sew. Our yearly retreat is to The Retreat House in Rockport (Quilting/Scrapbooking/The Retreat House) . We were booked thru 2024 for our stay; usually in Nov or Dec. Our group...The Killer very informal. 12:30 - 2:30 pm, Billiards: Texas 8 Ball (All Year: Tue, Thu, Sat / Pool Room) Refer to Tuesday info above for additional details. ​ 1 - 2:30 pm, Cards: Hand and Foot (All Year: Weekly / Card Room) Contact: Karen Baase Location: Card Room Details: Open to all ladies who wish to play. Partner helpful but not required. If too many show up, some offer to go home. We also call ladies if we need more players. If you have never played, experienced players are always willing to teach you. You can bring a snack, but don't have to every time. Coffee is available. Hand and Foot is an easy game to learn and doesn't take much concentration, so it's easy to visit with each other. ​ 4 - 6 pm, Happy Hour & Potluck (All year: weekly / Retzlaff Hall) Contact: Cathy Richmond or Dee Novak Location: Retzlaff Hall Details: Everyone is welcome. Please bring a dish to share. We provide coffee, iced tea, plates, utensils, and napkins, but you can bring your own drinks and eating utensils if you'd like. 4:00 - 10 pm, Happy Hour (w/finger food) (All Year: weekly / Pavilion) Contact: Just Show Up Location: Pavilion Details: Propane heaters (2 of them) are available if the weather gets on the chilly side. This event is NOT a potluck. B ring "finger food" to share if you plan to partake yourself. BYOB There are usually plates, utensils and napkins available for everyone. If you don't want to eat and/or drink, just come and join in the fun. We have a blast. 6:30 - 8:30 pm (currently), (time adjusts as seasons chg) , Golf Scramble: O'Clockers (All Year: Daily / Golf Course) Refer to Sunday info above for additional details. FRI 8 - 11 am, Tennis (All Year: Mon, Wed, Fri / Tennis Court) Refer to Monday info above for additional details. 8:25 - 9:35 am, Water Aerobics: First Session (All Year: Mon thru Fri, except 1st Wed of M onth / Pool) Refer to Monday info above for additional details. ​ ​ 9 am - noon, Woodshop open (Summer: When Monitor is Onsite / Woodshop) Contact: Chuck McEvoy Location: Woodshop Details: Summer hours are limited to (as long as a 'monitor' is available) Monday thru Friday from 9:00 am to noon and closed in the afternoon due to the heat. No fee (most HOAs, RV resorts charge a fee). Woodshop Orientation (Safety and Information) Class: This class is presented several times during the Winter season each year. A one-time attendance to this class is a requirement for using the woodshop. Members can work with power equipment after attending this class. ​The shop will be closed during the class. Call John Chajec 708-280-8940 with any questions. The Shop itself: Is open to residents/renters year-round. Is a 40' by 60' building and is located in the Sunshine Storage Lot. This Woodworking building holds the latest and some of the best woodworking tools around. The lathes are used often. ​ 9:30 - 10:30 am, Water Aerobics: Session #2 (All Year: Mon thru Fri , except 1st Wed of M onth / Pool) Refer to Monday info above for additional details 10:30 am - 12:30 pm, Jokers (Card/Board Game) (All year: Weekly / Card Room) Contact: Mary Grandy Location: Card / Board Game Participants: All Sunshine residents/renters Details: Joker is similar to the game sorry. Boards were made by my dad and others. Uses cards and marbles. Easy to learn. Just show up. Based on how many are there we do individual and partners. I have instructions printed out. 6:30 - 8:30 pm (currently), (time adjusts as seasons chg) , Golf Scramble: O'Clockers (All Year: Daily / Golf Course) Refer to Sunday info above for additional details. 7 - 9 pm, Hand & Foot (All Year: Weekly / Card Room) Contact: Connie Robertson Location: Card Room Participants: All Sunshine residents/renters Details: Open to all ladies who wish to play. Partner helpful but not required. If too many show up, some offer to go home. We also call ladies if we need more players. If you have never played, experienced players are always willing to teach you. You can bring a snack, but don't have to every time. Coffee is available. Hand and Foot is an easy game to learn and doesn't take much concentration, so it's easy to visit with each other. SAT 9 am, Golf Scramble (All Year: Weekly / Golf Course) Contact:​ There is not an existing committee or formal leader. These scrambles are conducted by volunteers among the players. The person in charge usually changes every month on a volunteer basis. Participants: Any Resident/Renter and any guest you wish to invite to play. Details: All skill levels are welcome. Please sign up in the library/lounge by noon on Friday. Teams are balanced by handicap, as best we can. Early signup helps. The cost is $1 and should be deposited in the Saturday Box in the library/lounge. Everyone meets in the library at 8:40 to find out which hole you start on. Tee off on your hole is at 9 am. Play lasts until around 10:30 am. If the weather is bad, play is cancelled until the next Saturday. 12:30 - 2:30 pm, Billiards: Texas 8 Ball (All Year: Tue, Thu, Sat / Pool Room) Refer to Tuesday info above for additional details 6:30 - 8:30 pm (currently), (time adjusts as seasons chg) , Golf Scramble: O'Clockers (All Year: Daily / Golf Course) Refer to Sunday info above for additional details. 6:30 - 9 pm , Game - Mahjong (All Year: Weekly / Library ) Contact: Jean Burgoinne Location: Library Participants: Everyone is welcome to join in the fun. Newbies welcome to come learn the game. 6:30 - 9:30 pm , Five Crowns (Cards) (All year: Weekly / Card Room) Contact: Mary Grandy Location: Card Room Participants: Participants: Everyone is welcome to join in the fun. Back to Top

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  • SEPO E-Mails: 2019-01 | Sunshine Estates

    Here you will find E-Mails that have been sent to the SEPO Community in Jan 2019. Sent 01-31-19: Good Neighbor Gift Baskets - If you have a gift basket or draw prize to donate, please deliver them to: Janis McFee 2028 W Michigan Dr. (Lion House) Ph# 651-271-8264 or call for pickup Sent 01-31-19: Birding & Nature Club Meeting - Monday at 7:00 in Library - The Sunshine Birding and Nature Club thanks everyone who came to our annual potluck dinner and program. The food was wonderful. A special thanks to Deb Warner for stepping up and providing us with an enjoyable program when our scheduled speaker had to cancel due to the government shut down. Have you noticed the new chairs out where the decorative log used to be? Lighting and plants will be added in the near future. Please, join us for our monthly meeting on Monday, February 4 at 7:00 p.m in the Library. Our field trip, possible removal of the old Cottonwood tree and the Carved log project will be discussed. Pat Harvey - B&N club VP Sent 01-31-2019: Found sunglasses - A pair of sunglasses were found by the Gazebo. Valerie has added them to her collection of lost glasses! Cathy Richmond ​ Sent 01-31-2019: Guest Day - The Women's Golf League is hosting their annual Guest Day Tournament on Wednesday, Feb. 13. There is a sign up sheet in the Lounge. If you are a member of the golf league and have a guest sign up for both of you. If you do not have a guest, sign up and we will match you with someone. Those of you who are not active League members are to sign up in the guest column and we will match you with a member. Sign up and pay $2 per person in provided envelope and put in Golf Box. Make sure you put your name or names on the envelop and amount enclosed. This is a fun day for all involved. The format will be a 4 or 6 person scramble team depending on how many sign up. We encourage all women golfers in our community to join in this event. We really do have a great time. I really encourage all of you who do not play in our league to come out and join us for this event. Meet in lounge at 8:45 for hole assignments, coffee, and treats. Play will begin at 9:30. There will be a salad luncheon following play in the Hall at 12:30. Members are providing the salads, desserts, or finger foods. If you have any questions call Donna Myers at 956 245 0188. Sent 01-31-2019: Good neighbor golf helpers - Next Wed Feb 6th I will need 4 or 5 kitchen helpers (after Women's Golf League ) to help prep for our lunch stand during the GN Tournament. Please give me a call if you can give an hour of your time. 309 714 4743. Thanks in advance...Terry D. ​ S ent 01-29-2019: Finding SCCE via Web Search - I felt I was ready to 'tell the world' about our Web site. Last night I linked us to Google Search. One of the searches I did was "55+ communities in texas" and low and behold we popped up at the top. Try it and see. John C told me about a site where I just submitted the application for us to be placed on it. I will continue researching other sites where we might be able to get listed on. If you know of any particular sites you think might be a good fit for people searching for retirement communities, send me the URL and/or other information. Hopefully this will help get some of the houses that are for sale in our community SOLD. Beth Parrish Sunshine Country Club Web site ( ) E-Mail: 314-960-6710 ​ Sent 01-29-2019: House For Sale - Russell & Linda Abernethy have their house at 4324 N Missouri St in SSCE for sale. Details can be viewed on Craigslist at: or on the REAL ESTATE board in the hall behind the Sunshine Office. Please call Linda at 713-239-1327 for information or appointment. Sent 01-29-2019: BIBLE STUDY/MOVIE GROUP - On Feb 4th at 6:00 p.m. we will be showing "The Nazareth that Jesus Knew" hosted by Kathy Griffith. In addition we will be continuing our discussion on the Feasts of the Old Testament. Questions, call Warren 314 719 6532 Sent 01-28-2019: MAINTENANCE AND STORAGE LOT FEE DEADLINE APPROACHING - Just a reminder to everyone. * The deadline for 2019 storage lot fees is this Thursday, Jan 31st. * Our books indicate 3 residents haven't paid as of today. * The deadline for Jan 2019 maintenance fees is Thursday, Jan 31st * Our books indicate 15 residents haven't paid as of today. Thank you, John Chajec Treasurer Sent 01-28-2019: SEPO Honor Wall - We held our first planning meeting for the SEPO Honor Wall today, January 28th. Participation was not what we expected but we want to thank those who attended. There will be a second meeting on February 11th at 10:00 AM in the Library. We need your help and input for this project to be successful. Mark your calendars and plan on attending. There is enough to do for everyone. Thank You Jim Tennant (616)866-9960 4161 N Missouri ​ Sent 01-28-19: Art Show - Wow, we had a great show this weekend, with approximately 115 pieces of artwork entered for our viewing pleasure! Our community artists entered a variety of fabulous work from jewelry to woodwork to porcelain painting ,encaustics, acrylics, alcohol inks, watercolors, and oils. I’d like to thank the committee for their hard work putting the show together, and the non-committee members Steve and Bill for pitching in as well. I’d also like to thank all the people who so generously donated to and bid on the silent auction that supported this event! Laurel Becker Sent 01-28-19: SEPO Feb 2019 Newsletter - This Newsletter can be found on the Web site here . Sent 01-27-19: Questionable CPL solicitation - I should have changed the 'subject line' before sending out Tiffany's info concerning the the three CPL solicitors. Those three guys had nothing to do with the Mr. Fit-It List. I received the below from Pat Harvey. Please read it carefully as it contains some very useful information. Thanks Pat Beth Parrish *******************************************************************************************I I have no doubt that Tiffany is correct about the 3 guys from CPL, but the subject of the e-mail that was sent to you refereed to the Mr. Fix It List. Those 3 guys had nothing to do with the Mr Fix It List. There are lots of other companies that do not engage in the questionable sales activities that apparently happened yesterday. The Mr. Fix It List does refer users to two different web sites to check the real facts of electricity usage and costs. Costs can be found at: which is a web site provided by the Texas Public Utilities Commission. Pat Harvey Sent 01-26-19: Out of Town - Please make note that I will be 'out of town' all day next Wed (01-30) and most of Thu (01-31). If you have a SEPO E-News E-mail that needs to be sent out during that timeframe, either send it to me before Wed or after Thu. Thank you in advance for your cooperation with my 'time off'. Beth Parrish Sunshine Country Club Web site ( ) E-Mail: 3 14-960-6710 Sent 01-26-19: Art Night/Silent Auction - Hey all, Had a great turn out tonight even with the rain and the competition at Sun & Fun! If you missed it tonight come out tomorrow from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. -we are still serving light refreshments and wine! Due to many requests we have decided to extend the silent auction until the show’s end at 4:00 on Sunday, hope to see you there! Laurel Becker Sent 01-26-19: Re: Updates to the Mr. Fix It List - There was a group of three guys from CPL Power soliciting for electricity contracts. The terms they were offering at 8.1 cents per kilowatt and being all inclusive is false. Please, if anyone signed up, check the electricity facts label before your three business days are up to cancel. It will actually be 13.1 cents to 15.1 cents per kilowatt. They have been reported and I was told they would be terminated. Tiffany Sent 01-26-19: Updates to the Mr. Fix It List - There is a newly updated Mr. Fix It List available (January 26, 2019 version). It has been uploaded to the Sunshine Web site here ( ). If you have used someone to do work for you and you are happy with the results, please share the good news. New entries to the Mr. Fix It List can be sent to: Pat Harvey Sent 01-24-19: Honor wall display - I am having a meeting in the library Monday the 28th of Jan to get a committee together for establishing a wall of honor for Veterans, Law Enforcement, Fire Fighters and First Responders who live in Sunshine CCE. Any one who is interested in being part of this project, the meeting will be from 9:00 am on the 28th in the library and should not take more than an hour. Jim Tennant (616)866-9960 4161 N MIssouri Sent 01-24-19: BIBLE STUDY MOVIE GROUP - On Monday Jan 28th, in Retzlaf Hall, at 6:00 p.m. we will be showing the movie "LET THERE BE LIGHT". If you missed it when it was in theaters, here's your chance. Questions: call Warren Hertel 314 719 6532 Sent 01-23-19: Women's Club By-Laws - I try not to tell you about all of the changes that are being made to the Web site. But trust me, there's been lots of them. This one is kind of a big one. I have added a page to house the Women's Club By-Laws. You can find them by clicking on the By-Laws 'button' under Women's Club Rules ( ). I would encourage all Sunshine Women to read them if you haven't done so previously. Web site questions can be directed to Beth Parrish. WC By-Laws questions should be directed to Eileen Anderson. Sent 01-22-19: February Newsletter - Residents, it's time again to send your newsletter articles to me at . The deadline is Thursday, the 24th. Once I've read your item I send you a return message telling you that I've received it. If you don;t get that message I have not gotten the article. I am now here so you may call me if necessary at 713-239-1327. Linda Abernethy Sent 01-22-19: Looking to BUY Tickets - We would like to buy two tickets for the Cadence Concert (which is part of the Harlingen Concert series at the Harlingen Auditorium) on Saturday February 9th. Anybody have two they won’t be using? Jean Lawrence Sent 01-22-19: WOODSHOP ORIENTATION CLASS - There will be a Tool Orientation Class on Wed., Jan 23rd at 4:30 pm in the wood shop. This class is a requirement for using the wood shop. A one time attendance is required. The shop will be closed during the class. Any questions call John Chajec at 708-280-8940 Sent 01-21-19: PROPOSED COVENANT CHANGE CLARIFICATION - It was brought to my attention that the wording of the proposed assessment covenant change is confusing. This is the current covenant which I believe was created when the SEPO was established. The $300.00 payable $25.00 per month was the original maintenance fee when SEPO was established. Current covenant: SECTION 4.3 ANNUAL ASSESSMENT Annual assessment shall be $300.00 payable $25.00 per month . The annual assessment may be increased each year by not more than $45.00 per year. Any such possible increases in assessments shall be non-cumulative. In any year following a year when there has been no increase, the assessment may not be increased by more than $45.00. The proposed covenant which you have the opportunity to vote on: Annual Assessment and annual maintenance fee are the same thing in my mind. The word "assessment" should have been used were "maintenance fees" are inserted. Sorry.about the confusion. Proposed Covenant: Covenant SECTION 4.3 ANNUAL ASSESSMENT Annual assessment shall be no more than 5% of annual maintenance fees payable per month or yearly. The annual assessment may be increased each year by not more than 5% of annual maintenance fees per year. John Chajec Sent 01-21-19: Resident Garage Sale - Hertels - The Hertels (1937 W Iowa Ave) have a Garage Sale going on today (Jan 21) and probably tomorrow morning (Jan 22). Come by and see what kind of treasures you can find. Sent 01-19-19: Young At Heart Art - We would like to thank everyone for their response to our call for entry— we have well over 100 pieces entered into the show. We would like to remind everyone to come out on Saturday the 26th from 6:00 to 9:00 to see what our friends and neighbors have been creating! Light refreshments will be served. We will have a silent auction on Saturday evening with some great donations, so bring your checkbooks! For those who can’t make it on Saturday the show will be open for viewing on Sunday the 27th from 10:00 to 4:00. The entries are now closed for the art show though we would be more than happy to accept any donations for the silent auction—if you would like to donate please contact Edna Hockett at 816-289-0442. ​ Sent 01-18-19: IMPORTANT: SEPO Maintenance Fees (last day for discount) - This is to remind everyone that it is the last day to pay maintenance fees and get the two percent discount. The office will be open until 4:15 to accept payments. Jean Lawrence SEPO Board President Sent 01-18-19: Re: NEED: Walker - Dear Sunshine Friends, Thank you so much for the quick positive responses. Our neighbor brought one over this morning! Y'all are the best! DiAnne F. Bredvick 214 789-8071 Sent 01-18-19: NEED: Walker - Dear Sunshine Friends, I have a dear friend visiting us from Tulsa and she forgot her walker. If anyone has one they are no longer using that we could borrow for the time she is here. I can be reached at 214 789-8071 we can pick it up, or if you are out and about we live at 1924 W Indiana Circle. Thank you. DiAnne Bredvick ​ Sent 01-18-19: SEPO E-News E-Mail Guidelines CORRECTION - OOOPs – As soon as I sent this out the previous e-mail (see below) I realized I had forgotten to list ‘Lost or Found’ as a CAN BE SENT item. The Web site has been updated. Beth Parrish Sunshine Country Club E-News E-Mail: 314-960-6710 ​ Sent 01-17-19: Spaghetti Supper - Dear Residents: I will be at the women's club meeting tomorrow morning at 9 a.m. If you are interested in purchasing tickets for the Sunshine Woodworkers Club spaghetti supper I will have them available. The supper will be on January 29th from 4:30 to 6 p.m. Tickets remain the same at $7 each. If paying by check please make the check out to Sunshine Woodworkers Club. Again thank you for your support. Cathy Chajec 708-280-8910 ​ Sent 01-17-19: SEPO E-News E-Mail Guidelines - Sending Community E-Mails started out as a ‘public service’ to Sunshine residents several years ago. Guidelines have been developed to help everyone know what WILL and what WON’T be sent ongoing to Sunshine residents on the E-News Distribution List. If you know of someone who isn’t on the distribution list, but you think they should or want to be, please tell them to send their request to . Thank you for your cooperation with this attempt to provide some structure to the information that will be distributed ongoing. I do believe the E-Mails are an excellent form of communication to the Community. See the Guidelines below. You can also view them on the Sunshine Web site at . Beth Parrish Sunshine Country Club E-News E-Mail: 314-960-6710 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SEPO E-News E-Mail Guidelines: Orig Document dated 01-17-2019 ​ Will be SENT via sepoenews: Information, reminders about, asking for help with, needing something for etc. pertaining to Sunshine Events / Committees / Clubs / Meetings and so forth that are listed on the Sunshine Web site (www ). Notice of a Garage Sale within Sunshine. You can list: Who is having the sale (with Contact Info Optional) Address Days, Dates & Times Items you may have for sale that have a deadline they need to be sold by, such as Concert Tickets (NOTE: Can’t send attachments at this time & does not include sale of other types of personal items.) Items that have been Lost or Found. Sunshine Resident Home for Sale: You can send out the following once a quarter: Contact Beth Parrish if you think it may be pertinent to send out info sooner than that. Your Name Who to contact (yourself or Reality Company) Include the phone number(s) and/or Web site address (if applicable) If you have told the community your home was for sale, it would be nice if you informed them again when/if it sells. Can be SENT with QUALIFICATIONS: E-mail from a resident that makes reference to the board having ‘said’ or ‘approved’ something: If it references a particular board member(s) - the e-mail sent to SEPO E-News for distribution must show that the board member(s) has approved that the e-mail can be sent to the Community. In other words, include the board member(s) e-mail(s) stating their approval. If it references the entire board - the e-mail sent to SEPO E-News for distribution must show that everyone on the board has approved that the e-mail can be sent to the Community. In other words, include all board member’s e-mails stating his/her approval. ​ Will NOT BE SENT via sepoenews: Personal opinions. Replies to SEPO E-News E-Mails sent to the Community, except if the e-mail says ‘Replies Welcome’ or something similar. Sent 01-17-19: Texas ave Stop sign - The new Texas ave Stop sign is installed as you reach Montana. The Texas / Minnesota / Montana intersection is now an "All Way" Stop intersection. Please be considerate and Stop at the signs. Regards Pat Harvey - SEPO Director of streets ​ Sent 01-17-19: WOODWORKERS SPAGHETTI DINNER - Tickets for the SEPO Woodworkers Spaghetti Dinner will go on sale Friday Jan. 18th. Only 250 tkts available, sells out fast, get your tickets early. $7 per ticket. Tkts available from your friendly Woodworkers. Tuesday Jan 29, 4:30 to 6 pm, Retzlaff Hall. Carry outs and delivery available. Any questions call Cathy Chajec 708-280-8910 Sent 01-16-19: Gate Status - There will be a ballot in your voting materials asking if you wish to have the board further explore the implementation of a new gate system. Please read your ballot carefully and mark your decision. Please vote and return with your other ballots. SEPO BOARD Sent 01-16-19: Web site: Governing Rules - I have spent the better part of this afternoon working on the Web site. The main page I've been working on is the 'Governing Rules' ( ). What prompted me to do that is the Women's Club Activity Guidelines were updated this month to contain the correct G-Mail addresses and Web site URL to use going forward. Those updated docs will be put in the Women's Club File Cabinet in the office by tomorrow 10 AM, if not before. I didn't change any of the other information on this page but did rearrange it and change the 'buttons' you click on to view the information. As always - your thoughts, suggestions etc are welcome. NOTE - Feel free to 'reply' to this e-mail since I (in the capacity of Web Admin) am asking for replies. Beth Parrish E-Mail: 314-960-6710 ​ Sent 01-16-19: BIBLE STUDY/MOVIE GROUP - On Monday Jan 21st at 6:00 p.m. in Retzlaf Hall we will be showing an exciting movie about archaeological discoveries made in Israel made by Ron Wyatt . This includes the Ark of the Covenant, Noah's Ark and others. Questions, call Warren Hertel 314 719 6532 ​ Sent 01-16-19:Texas Ave Stop Sign The new Stop sign will be installed at the corner of Texas ave and Minnesota / Montana tomorrow (Thursday the 17th). This will make the intersection an "All Way" Stop intersection. Please be alert for the new sign - and - Thank You all for being considerate of others at the intersection. Regards Pat Harvey - SEPO Director of streets ​ Sent 01-14-19: Women's Club Meeting - Please mark your calendars for January 18th, 2019 at 9:00 am to attend our monthly meeting in Retzlaff Hall. Coffee & donuts will be provided. Eileen Anderson President Sent 01-13-19: Art Show Deadline - To all our fabulous artists in the community, don’t forget the deadline to turn in your artwork is Jan. 15th. Please contact Laurel Becker at 575-640-1718 or Pam Pehl at 518-368-3162 about drop off. We have had a nice response so far but would sure love to see some more 3-D work (come on wood workers, ceramists, sculptors , jewelers, stained glass artists, etc...) as well as your 2-D creations. The only stipulation is that the artwork is original. Beginners are welcome too so don’t be shy- we are all friends here! Sent 01-13-19 : SEPO E-News Guidelines (2019-01-13) - FYI - Guidelines are in the process of being developed to define what types of information should and should not be sent to the SEPO E-News mailbox to be distributed to the Community. They will be sent to all as soon as they are finalized. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. Beth Parrish Sunshine Country Club E-News E-Mail: 314-960-6710 Sent 01-13-19: Please Do Not Reply to SEPOENEWS - At times something goes out via SEPO E-News to the Community and I know how it is. You just FEEL THE NEED to reply to or comment on the content. I am asking that you do not give in to that urge. Please "Do Not Reply" to the Community e-mailbox but find another outlet to voice your thoughts and comments if you so desire. If need be you can contact me via my private e-mail ( ) or by phone (314-960-6710). The exception to this rule is - If I contact you directly on a particular matter, activity etc or with a question using the E-News mailbox, yes, reply to it then. Thank you in advance for your cooperation with this matter. Beth Parrish Sunshine Country Club E-News E-Mail: 314-960-6710 Sent 01-13-19: Video Exercise Equipment - I asked and this great community responded. I was seeking at least a DVD Player for our exercise classes. I got six or more calls from people wanting to donate either a DVD player or a DVD/VCR combo player. Since I can't send attachments in these e-mails I would like to direct you to the Sunshine Web site to see the entire narrative and a picture of the new setup ( ). Thank you all so much. Beth Parrish Sent 01-13-19: Board & Secured Gate - This concerns the statement in the "Secured gate" e-mail sent Jan 12 which said: Therefore the board felt a more secure gate would be beneficial to our community. It has come to my attention that at least one member of the Board is not in agreement that a more secure gate would be beneficial. That person asked me to send out this e-mail. Also, everyone should know that nothing has been agreed to by or with anyone at this point. Beth Parrish ​ Sent 01-12-19: Various - After attending the information meeting on Tuesday, January 8/19, I was reminded why I have quit going over the last few years. But first, I want to thank the Board members for their time, effort and dedication that they freely give, to execute their positions for our community. As well as becoming more transparent with information to our residents, which I hope increases and continues. Being a Board member is a thankless job, that can cause animosity between fellow residents. But, it doesn't have to be that way if we remember that our Board members are elected by the residents that "choose" to vote. They may make decisions that we don't necessarily agree with, but they are doing so by following the rules and bylaws set before them. It may be beneficial for all residents to read and understand the bylaws that we have within our community. We all have our own ideas and opinions, which we are entitled to, but we still need to be respectful when treating and speaking to others. "Treat others as you would like to be treated"....hopefully that is with RESPECT!! SCCE resident Dale Hopfner Sent 01-11-19: re: Lillian Krusemark - Dear Friends, Lillian, our dear friend and neighbor (lived nextdoor) passed away peacefully this morning. She was 16 days away from her 100th birthday. Cards can be sent to Larrison Mortuary, 300 Country Club Road in Pratt KS 67124. Lenore J Combs 956-245-1276 ​ Sent 01-11-19: Konnie Gush - Konnie is now in room 1527 at Valley Baptist. ​ Sent 01-11-19: GNGT: 160 Player Roster Full BUT Standby Requests Remaining - We have completed registration for the 160 player event today. We are, however, accepting “standby requests”. The Standby list will be used to fill cancellations before the day of the event, and/or as substitute players during the tournament. ​ Contact Jerry Wetherbee via email or phone to get on the Standby List. Email: Cell: 425-418-3345 ​ Tony Tramel Chairperson for GNGT Cell 337-693-6344 ​ Sent 01-10-19: G N G T: Sign Up Tomorrow We Only Have a Limited Number of Spots Left - Today was the first day to register, (from 9:00AM to 1:00PM,) for the Good Neighbor Golf Tournament in the SEPO Library. The golf tournament is scheduled for February 7th, 8th and 9th here at our golf course. We had a great day. We had 137 registrants today. The maximum number of golfers for the tournament is 160 players. That means there are only 23 spots left! After we reach our maximum of 160 players, we will create a standby list of players, in case someone is unable to play on the days of the tournament. Historically this has occurred on more than one occasion. This is a first come, first serve registration. Hope to see you at 9:00 AM tomorrow, Friday, January 11th, in the Office/Library area, if you wish to play / register for the GNGT. Tony Tramel Chairman of GNGT Cell 337-693-6344 Sent 01-10-19: New Homeowners Party Signup - The Signup sheet is currently available in the Library for the "Welcome New Homeowners Fiesta" sponsored by the Women's Club. The party is being held on Tuesday, Jan 22. Social time starts at 5 PM with dinner scheduled for 5:30 PM. The menu consists of a Taco Bar, Chicken Fajitas and Sides. DJ Dug & His Lovely Assistant will be entertaining us from 6:30 - 9:30 PM with music and trivia. The party cost is $10 per person. New Homeowners are our guests for the evening. Therefore, their entry is free. Come and meet the new residents in our community and enjoy a fun evening of delicious food and great entertainment. Event Co-Chairs: Vickie Jones & Eileen Anderson Sent 01-09-19: Former Resident Death - The following was recently brought to our attention by Pauline McAdam's daughter Suzanne McAdam-Byeler. Pauline passed away on Nov 11, 2018. She was 97 and a former resident of Sunshine. Her late husband was Bill McAdam. The Men's Golf Tournament has been called the Bill McAdam golf tournament for many years and Pauline was responsible for paying for the Pizza for the tournament party for several years after his passing. ​ Sent 01-09-19: A New Stop sign will be installed as Texas Ave meets MN and MT - In case you missed the informational meeting yesterday - this is an early alert that there will be a new Stop sign installed in about a week. The new sign will require everyone to stop as we enter the Estates on Texas avenue. We will try to make it as clear as possible and hang flags on the new sign. This is in addition to the Stop signs on Minnesota and on Montana at that intersection. The intersection then will become an "All Way" Stop. ----- Pat Harvey - SEPO Director of Streets Sent 01-09-19: NEED: DVD Player - Over the past few years those of us who do Video Exercises in the pavilion mtg room have been using an 'old' TV (with built-in DVD & VCR players) donated by a former resident of Sunshine. And yes, we do have exercise VCR tapes that we use. We were concerned last year because that TV is on it's last leg. But, behold, two of our current residents have donated a nice new flat screen TV to us. Now we are looking for anyone who might have a DVD or a combination DVD/VCR player they no longer use and would like to donate to us. Please contact Beth Parrish (314-960-6710) if you can help us out. Thanks in advance for your quick reply to this request. Beth Sent 01-09-19: Video Exercises - Who's ready to starting moving to the beat of some lively music? Ooh La La. Along with this great activity (we don't like to use the word exercise) you get to have lots of fun and laugh with (but not at) your neighbors. And who knows, you might even drop a few lbs or tone up something in the process. So come join us at 8 AM Monday thru Friday in the meeting room next to the Pavilion. You can stay as long or short as you want. I will be there tomorrow and will have the room open when you arrive. If you ever arrive and the door isn't open, you just need to signout the key from Valerie in the office and return it to her when the room reservation time ends at 9 AM. There are DVDs in the room to use, but feel free to bring your favorite workout DVDs from home. Hope to see you there in the morning. Beth Parrish (314-960-6710) Sent 01-09-19: SEPO E-Mail Accounts Guidance - It has come to my attention that there is still come confusion among residents about where to send various types of information in order to get it published to the SEPO Community. And there are still some folks who need the password for the "Resident's Only" portion of the Web site. So here's the scoop. If you want an E-Mail sent out to the community concerning your upcoming event, meeting etc, send your info to . Beth Parrish is in charge of sending those out to everyone on the current contact list. If you know of any resident who isn't getting these e-mails and wants to start getting them, tell them to send an e-mail to with that request. If you want anything added to, deleted from or corrected on the Web site ( ) send it to . Beth Parrish is also in charge of this Web site. If you still need the Password for the "Resident's Only" portion of the Web site click on this link ( ) and follow the instructions. If you are still having difficulty after doing this, please call Beth at the number below. If you want your info in the Monthly Newsletter, send it to by the 24th of each month, September thru March. Linda Abernethy handles the Newsletter. If you don't receive a 'reply e-mail' from her with the word "received" in it, you need to contact her again to ensure your info makes it into her publication. Hopefully this helps any questions you may have. If not, give me a call at the number below. Thanks Beth Parrish (314-960-6710) Sent 01-09-19: Neighborhood Watch Mtg - Dear Friends: The January meeting for Neighborhood Watch - CERT is changed to Monday the 28th of January at 3pm in Retz Hall. 📝 🚔🕒.----- Winter Texan Appreciation Day is Monday the 21st of January at Casa De Amistad on Fair Park Blvd just up from the Harlingen Police Department. 1pm till 5pm.📝 🕐 🍔🍟🌭🌮🍰🎼 etc. ----- I did not want to have a conflict with this great Harlingen event. Don't miss it - lots of stuff! Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276 Coordinator SCCE NW-CERT Sent 01-08-19: Community News on Web site - Have you ever said to yourself - I know I read that somewhere, but I can't remember the details. Well, I'm here to help with that, hopefully. I have been working to put all of the SEPO E-Mails and Newsletters from the 2018-2019 Winter Season on the Sunshine Web site ( ). So far I have all of the Newletters out there and all of the e-mails from Dec, 2018 & Jan, 2019 (to date). You can find them by clicking on the "Community News" tab on the Web site ( ). I hope this is helpful. Your feedback will be greatly appreciated. Beth Parrish Sent 01-08-19: January Board Meeting Video - The issue with the video of the Jan 7, 2019 Board meeting video not being readily available on Facebook during the meeting has been resolved. If you have not previously requested to join the "SEPO Board" Facebook Group, here are the Instructions again. Instructions to see Board meetings on Facebook A new Facebook page has been created for our Board Meetings. This is a controlled group so only SEPO residents will be able to tune in. You will need to go to Facebook, type in SEPO BOARD and ask to join the group. You will be accepted as long as you are a SEPO resident. Please do this in advance of the meeting. Once you are accepted follow the directions on the day of the meeting. TO SEE BOARD MEETINGS ON I-PAD OR COMPUTER Log into Facebook. Search for SEPO BOARD. The SEPO BOARD facebook page should come up. There is a short delay before you will get the picture To get sound tap on the speaker icon at the bottom right of the picture. You can also make the picture larger by tapping on the arrow buttons. Sent 01-08-19:SEPO Informational Meeting Reminder - This is a reminder of the required SEPO Informational Meeting scheduled for today, Tuesday, Jan 8, 2019, at 1:30 PM in Retzlaff Hall. As stated in the ByLaws, this is a required meeting to be held during the first full week in January. At this meeting the SEPO Board Nominating Committee shall submit its Board candidate nominations and nominations from the floor will be accepted. So please try to attend this important meeting. Thank You SEPO Board Sent 01-08-19: Minutes from the Meeting of the Board of Directors from December 10, 2018 - The Dec 10, 2018 SEPO Board Meeting Minutes can be found here . ​ Sent 01-07-19: Good Neighbor Golf Tournament Gift Baskets and Draw Prizes - As in all tournaments-the more prizes the better! Our $50 “Hometown Gift Baskets” have been a huge success and have made us aware of the different backgrounds we each bring to Sunshine each winter. Last year this was broadened when an outside resident surprised us with a basket from their hometown. We encourage others to do the same — it’s all about “Good Neighbors”. Aside from these baskets, we appreciate donations of all door prizes ie smaller baskets, gift cards, new items but please no used or gag gifts. Baskets and prizes can be delivered to or picked up by: JANIS MCFEE / 2028 W. MICHIGAN DR. (the Lion House) / Phone or text: 651-271-8264 Sent 01-04-19 & 01-05-19 & 01-07-19: SEPO Financials - E-Mails containing the following were sent out by John Chajec, SEPO Treasurer. 2018 FINAL P&L vs BUDGET DECEMBER DIRECTOR EXPENSES 2018 SEPO OVER BUDGETED ACCOUNTS 2018 BANK BALANCES The documents containing this data can be found here . ​ Sent 01-05-19: Good Neighbor Golf Tournament Registration - Registration for the Good Neighbor Golf Tournament (GNGT) will occur in the Office/Library area, next Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, (January 10th-12th), between the hours of 9:00AM and 1:00PM. Remember the minimum age to play in the tournament is 55 years of age. The cost for this 3-day event is $50. This includes dinner at the awards banquet on Saturday evening (February 9th). If you are bringing someone to the dinner who was a non-playing member, (which include, but not limited to spouses, significant others, winter Texans, etc.,) the cost for the dinner only is $20. Paying by check is requested, however, we will accept cash. Checks should be made out to SEPO. If you know of persons who normally play in this event, but have not yet returned to Sunshine and wish to play in this event, feel free to register for them by providing their registration fees. The planned GNGT is February 7,8, and 9th. Tony Tramel 2019 GNGT Chairperson Cell 337-693-6344 ​ Sent 01-05-19: Ladies Friday Morning Bible Study - Ladies Friday morning Bible Study will start at 10:00AM in the Sunburst Room on Friday January 11th. We are studying Psalms this year. Our guide is Harriet Meier. We would love to have you join us. Any questions please call Harriet Meier at 815-977-0675 or Ladonna Harvey at 956-412-6132 for more information. ​ Sent 01-05-19: Lost mailbox key - Found a mailbox key and it has a Nokia bottle opener on it Contact Cathy Chajec - 708-280-8910. Sent 01-04-19: Casino Night Committee Meeting - Our Casino night meeting which was scheduled for Monday, January 7 has been changed to Tuesday the 8th @ 11:00 am in the library. Thanks Dale Hopfner ​ Sent 01-04-19: Casino Night - We are preparing for our 6th Annual Casino Night as well as "our" last. We have decided to step down as Casino night co-chairs. It has been an interesting and at times overwhelming experience. We feel we have it fine tuned now and it is a great fund raiser for the Women's Club. Therefore, it is our hope that someone else within our community would enjoy the challenge and continue this project and keep it going for the Women's Club! ​ We feel that if it is dropped at this point, it would be difficult to reestablish, as well could end up with higher costs. So, we are hoping there are a few of you out there in our community, that would be willing to shadow us in our last year and see what it takes to operate. Now would be a great time to step up and learn the ropes! You are welcome to attend our next meeting on Tuesday and discuss any questions you may have or give either one of us a call if you are interested. Thank you Sherri Gardner & Dale Hopfner (Current Casino Night Co-chairs) ​ Sent 01-04-19: Pot luck and Bird Count - Just a reminder: The Birding and Nature Club is hosting a community wide Pot Luck on Monday, January 7. Doors open at 4:30 and serving begins at 5. A brief program will follow the meal. If you are interested in joining us for the Annual Bird Count, meet at the Warner's house (4117 Minnesota) at 6:45 on Saturday, January 5th. We will divide into groups and head out to count all the birds in the area. Each group will consist of an expert in identifying birds, spotters and counters, and a recorder. No expertise required in 3 of the four positions. We hope to see all of you at the pot luck. Results of our bird count will be reported. Sent 01-03-19: STORAGE LOT FEE CORRECTION - Many thanks to Jerry Rounds for pointing out a mistake I made in the Newsletter on storage fees. The correct storage fee for lots 302 thru 315 is $150. Sorry about about fat fingers. John Chajec SEPO Treasurer Sent 01-03-19: Pot luck and Bird Count - Just a reminder: The Birding and Nature Club is hosting a community wide Pot Luck on Monday, January 7. Doors open at 4:30 and serving begins at 5. A brief program will follow the meal. If you are interested in joining us for the Annual Bird Count, meet at the Warner's house (4117 Minnesota) at 6:45 on Saturday, January 5TH. We will divide into groups and head out to count all the birds in the area. Each group will consist of an expert in identifying birds, spotters and counters, and a recorder. No expertise required in 3 of the four positions. We hope to see all of you at the pot luck. Results of our bird count will be reported. ​ Sent 01-03-19: SEPO OFFICE CLOSED THIS AFTERNOON - Yesterday, Jan 2nd, 55 checks were taken in and deposited, a total of $46,822.95. While some people had more than one check that's still a lot of business. This is a short work week and Monday is the board meeting. I need the books completed for 2018 so you and I can see where our money went. My goal is to email our expenses etc this weekend so you are prepared with questions and I can have answers. The office will be closed this afternoon, Thursday, Jan 3rd, so I can meet with Valerie. Take in a movie, go shopping and take your spouse to lunch. Happy New Year, John Chajec SEPO Treasurer ​ Sent 01-02-19: Woodshop Notice for Woodturning Classes - Don’t Forget the Great Opportunity to Learn How to Turn Wood!! On January 9 and 16, there will be a wood turning class given at the SEPO Woodshop from 6:30 p.m.- 8:00 p.m. There is no need to sign up; simply show up. These classes present a great opportunity for SEPO residents to take on a new hobby that will amaze even the woodworker! Hoping to see you on January 9. We’ll send out another reminder for the January 16 class. Suzie Sawyer ​ Sent 01-01-19: SUNSHINE ESTATES GOOD NEIGHBOR GOLF TOURNAMENT - Just a quick reminder of the Good Neighbor Golf Tournament scheduled for Thursday Feb 7th through Saturday, February 9th, 2019. NOTE: The information concerning dates of registration was in error in the Jan 2019 Newsletter, so please see the corrected dates below. The cost to register is $50. This includes three days of play at our golf course, liquid refreshments during the event, door prizes, which include gift baskets and golf equipment prizes, golf tournament cash prizes and a great Awards dinner on Saturday evening. One of the best deals in the valley! Besides getting your registration money in early, players will be required to have a fun time. This will be the 34th annual Sunshine Estates Good Neighbor Golf Tournament (SSEGNGT). Please register early. Registration will commence on Thursday, January 10th through Saturday January 12th from 9:00am until 1:00pm daily in the library. Hope to see all the SEPO golfers participating in this fun event. Tony Tramel 2019 Chairperson for Good Neighbor Golf Tournament Cell 337-693-6344 ​ Sent 01-01-19: STAINED GLASS - Stained Glass will start this Thursday, Jan 3rd at 6:30 pm in the wood shop. Never worked with stained glass, this is your opportunity to expand your knowledge. We will provide everything you need to get started including a skilled instructor. It's not "almost free" it is free!! Any questions call: Cathy Chajec 708-280-8910 / Warren Hertel 314-719-6532 ​ ​ Back to Top

  • Mtgs (2018-2019) | Sunshine Estates

    Meetings: SEPO (2018-2019) Board of Directors and Informational ​ Date Day Time Mtg Type Location 10-22-18 Mon 1:00 PM Board of Directors Pavilion Mtg Room 10-23-18 Tue 1:30 PM SEPO Informational Retzlaff Hall 11-12-18 Mon 1:00 PM Board of Directors Pavilion Mtg Room 11-13-18 Tue 1:30 PM SEPO Informational Retzlaff Hall 12-10-18 Mon 1:00 PM Board of Directors Library/Facebook 12-11-18 Tue 1:30 PM SEPO Informational Retzlaff Hall 01-07-19 Mon 1:00 PM Board of Directors Library/Facebook 01-08-19 Tue 1:30 PM SEPO Informational Retzlaff Hall 02-11-19 Mon 1:00 PM Board of Directors Library/Facebook 02-19-19 Tue 1:00 PM Annual Meeting Retzlaff Hall 03-18-19 Mon 1:00 PM Board of Directors Library/Facebook 03-19-19 Tue 1:30 PM SEPO Informational Retzlaff Hall SEPO Board Meetings on Facebook: ​ A Facebook page has been created for SEPO Board Meetings. This is a controlled group so only SEPO residents will be able to tune in. You will need to go to Facebook, type in SEPO BOARD and ask to join the group. You will be accepted as long as you are a SEPO 'resident'. Please do this in advance of the meeting. Once you are accepted follow the directions below on the day of the meeting. ​ INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO SEE BOARD MEETINGS ON YOUR COMPUTER, PAD OR SMART PHONE - Log into Facebook Search for SEPO BOARD. The SEPO BOARD facebook page should come up. There is a short delay before you will get the picture. To get sound, tap on the speaker icon at the bottom right of the picture. You can also make the picture larger by tapping on the arrow buttons. Meetings: Women's Club (2018-2019) ​ ​Meetings are held 3rd Friday of each month Oct thru Mar, 9-10 AM, Retzlaff Hall. All Female Sunshine Residents & Renters are welcome and encouraged to attend. Coffee & Donuts are available for free. A prize is awarded to one lucky lady each month who is wearing their Sunshine Name Tag. Dates: 10-19-18 11-16-18 12-21-18 01-18-19 02-15-19 03-15-19 ​ Meetings: Other Clubs & Committees (2018-2019) ​Sunshine Birding & Nature Club: Meetings are held the 1st Monday of each Month @ 7 PM in the Library. Open to all residents in the community. ​ Neighorhood Watch: Meetings are held the 3rd Monday of each Month @ 3 PM in Retzlaff Hall. NOTE: The Jan 2019 Mtg is being moved to Jan 28 @ 3 PM in Retzlaff Hall.​ Open to all residents in the community. Woodworkers: Meetings are held the 2nd and 4th Friday of each Month @ 1 PM in the Woodshop. ​ Men's Golf League Business Meeting: Meetings are held every Tuesday following the 8:30 AM tee time group in Retzlaff Hall. Ladies Golf League Business Meeting: Meetings are held t he 3rd Wed of each month??, after golf, in Retzlaff Hall. Killer Bees Quilting: Meet briefly every week at 9 AM in Retzlaff Hall. Rest of the morning is spent working on projects. Memorial Committee: Meetings are held as needed. Back to Top

  • Neighborhood Watch-CERT | Sunshine Estates

    Neighborhood Watch & CERT NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH DETAILS: Contact: Lenore Combs Meets: 3rd Monday of Month @ 3 PM in Retzlaff Hall ​ Location: Retzlaff Hall Purpose: Security and safety are part of our daily lives albeit not necessarily convenient. The SCCE Neighborhood Watch is a volunteer program, and you are cordially invited to support it. There are no fees or dues - just asking for your time and talent for our projects. There is a complete description of our mission and projects posted on the NW bulletin board in the library. Patrols can always use volunteers. Goals & Objectives: To assist with development and support of our NW To promote public awareness and increase resident participation in crime prevention To contribute to crime prevention practice and build a stronger Sunshine community To promote community cohesion and increase confidence in local policing To act as a forum - coordinate resources and partner with local Law Enforcement Agencies The CERT Team - Community Emergency Response Team: Volunteers trained in accordance with the Harlingen Fire Department "to hold down the fort until professional help arrives". We formed after Hurricane Dolly in 2008. We hold our annual Disaster Preparedness meeting each April. Everyone invited. The volunteer Harlingen CERT Team meets monthly at Station 8. Many of us also are members in the Citizens Police Academy Alumni and meet with HPD monthly. Sgt. Michael Brooks and Officer Alicia Garcia are CPA liaisons and meet frequently with our NW.​ The NW - CERT Welcome Letter 2020-2021 edition is available HERE . ************************* NW Details All Neighborhood Watch/CERT information prior to Oct 1, 2022 can be found at the following Links. NW-CERT (Oct 2021 thru Sep 2022) NW-CERT (Oct 2020 thru Sep 2021) NW-CERT (Prev to Oct 2020) The below is in the process of being updated. Neighborhood Watch/CERT information from Oct 1, 2022 to present can be found below. Sent 2024-02-19: NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH REMINDER - Don’t forget to attend the Neighborhood Watch Meeting today at 3:00 pm. in Retzlaff Hall. This wonderful organization needs and deserves all the support we can give. See you there! - Share Nelson, SEPO President ​ Sent 2024-01-25: NW-CERT: Minutes, Jan 15, 2024 - Please take the time to read the minutes from our meeting on Jan 15, which can be found HERE . -- Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276, Coordinator Sunshine NW-CERT Team ​ Sent 2024-01-23: Neighborhood Watch & 911/Ambulances - Neighborhood watch wanted to get this information out to people. Please watch this video ( ). Thanks - Rich Hulswit ​ Sent 2024-01-15: Reminder NW-CERT meeting Monday, Jan 15, 2024 - The meeting will take place in Retzlaff Hall adjacent to the swimming pool. See the agenda HERE . - Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276, Coordinator Sunshine NW-CERT Team Sent 2024-01-09: Neighborhood Watch - Dear NW Volunteers, benefit Helpers, Friends and Neighbors Well, we had an exciting event over the weekend and lost several chickens, but so far nobody has seen these Got-aways. 😁 For the beginning of our 2024 calendar year, as a reminder - back to business - our next NW-CERT meeting will be Monday - 15 January 2024 at 3pm in Retz Hall. Coffee and refreshments too! I expect it should also be a great opportunity to meet our Harlingen and Combes Police Officers. Perhaps you could consider joining our NW program - many hands make light work. You will be fully oriented. I want to sincerely thank those of you who have been so faithful in taking Patrol as it keeps the Bad Guys on their feet. Thanks to all who made our Finger Lickin' Chicken a success and we will get a facelift for the McGruffmobile from the proceeds - namely tires and some new style lighting. Your suggestions are welcome. The January and February schedules are out - thanks to Linda & Dick Jones. May you all have a safe, wonderful new year. Sincerely, -- Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276 Coordinator - Sunshine NW & CERT Sent 2023-09-20: National Night Out & Fall Fest in Combes - Sent 2023-09-03: Neighborhood Watch SEPT 2023 comms - Sent 2023-08-12: Neighborhood Watch - Sunshine Neighborhood Watch – CERT Team (Est. 2008) SCCE - Harlingen’s premier NW & CERT Team. Lights On -- Lock Up and Look Out for each other! 11 August 2023 Community Comms Lenore J. Combs, Coordinator 956 245 1276 Reminder, as I have said several times before, just want to get a few words out! The heat is not impacting the Bad Guys! They are still snooping around in the middle of the night checking to see if your car doors are locked and maybe there is other interesting stuff left out. And they are being rewarded because they are so successful. So – as a reminder……. Lights on and Lock up! We shall relive the Sunshine Vehicle Decal Program (previously endorsed by our Board). For several reasons, none worthwhile, it was sort of dropped during COVID times. But the Bad Guys have proven value and the Harlingen Police Department agrees. Jean Burgoine and I will begin this soon. We have decals for the vehicles and for our Golf Carts. Congrats to Mary Grandy and Nancy Johns who recently completed the Citizens Police Academy. Thanks to Carol and Miles who resigned for health reasons and who faithfully patrolled Sunshine for many schedules. And thanks again to those who continue to patrol. I recently completed the Activity/Meeting Request form for our NW-CERT meetings – 3rd Monday every month starting October – June (give or take summer months if necessary). What about Finger Lickin’ Chicken? (NW fundraiser) The city of COMBES Police Department will be hosting a National Night Out & Fall Fest on Thursday 12 October 5:30 PM – 9 PM at Combes Community Park located at 21626 Hand Road. FREE! In the past, our Neighborhood Watch provided a Safety Patrol for the area. Any volunteers. Let me know soon. I need a few volunteers with golf carts. Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276 Coordinator Neighborhood Watch - CERT Team Sent 2023-07-27: Invitation - NATIONAL NIGHT OUT Hgn community celebration - Dear Friends You are invited - National Night Out 40th Anniversary Lon C Hill Park (on Fairpark Blvd just up from the Police Dept) Tuesday 1 August - 6PM till 9PM Dear Neighborhood Watch and CERT Friends On Tuesday 1 August at 6pm, there will be a crime and drug prevention event in Harlingen. Bring your chair - sit a spell and share your ideas and stories. The NW and CERT will have a table, the Harlingen PD and the Citizens Police Academy will also have a table - amongst many other informational partners supporting this endeavor in our area. Goals of NNO: Heighten crime and drug prevention awareness, Generate support for, participation in local anti-crime efforts, Strengthen neighborhood spirit and police-community partnerships, and Send back a message to the Bad Guys letting them know who is in charge! We would appreciate your support so just show up and enjoy the fellowship and the evening's free activities. You may call me for questions. PS Many of you are aware John and I are members of the Citizen Police Academy Alumni Assn (Hgn PD) and members of CERT with the Hgn Fire Dept. We have learned alot from them at our meetings which help our community. Hurricane Donna showed up in 2008 and having this relationship with HPD & HFD - lessons learned were just the beginning. So come out and say THANKS and share the wealth. -- Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276, Coordinator Sunshine CC Estates NW-CERT ​ Sent 2023-06-30: Neighborhood Watch - Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276 Coordinator Neighborhood Watch - CERT Team ​ Sent 2023-05-15: Neighborhood Watch info: Harlingen Police Academy class - Neighborhood Watch and CERT and Sunshine residents Dear Friends, There will be a Harlingen Police Academy class held at the local Harlingen Police Dept.-- 1018 Fairpark Blvd, Hgn. It will start Monday the 5th of June 2023, 6pm - 9 or 10 pm x 8 or so weeks. Lots of good safety info. (no charge) Applications are in the Library on the Neighborhood Watch bulletin Board. I also have them. Get them in ASAP - class is limited. The curriculum and teaching methods are similar to the traditional Police Academy but you are not Police candidates. Classroom and hands-on instruction provide you with a working knowledge of Hgn PD such as HPD Operations, Policy, Procedure etc. and you will gain a deeper understanding of the problems and concerns they face daily. -- Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276 Coordinator - Neighborhood Watch - CERT Team ​ Sent 2023-05-13: Neighborhood Watch info - Neighborhood Watch and CERT and Sunshine residents Dear Friends, There will NOT be a scheduled Neighborhood Watch - CERT meeting in June. If anyone wishes to contact me, feel free. The only info I have for us is to be careful and light up and lock up!!!! --- Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276 Coordinator - Neighborhood Watch - CERT Team ​ Sent 2023-02-15: Reminder Monday 20 February 2023 - Dear Friends - This Monday at 3pm, in Retz Hall - the Neighborhood Watch Meeting will focus on Seniors Saving A Life. Everyone is invited. Please sign up (in the Library) so we have sufficient manikins etc. Please call me and or refer to your February Newsletter for more details. We will do a very quick review of any outstanding NW items we need to look at. That's all folks. See ya real soon. - Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276, NW - CERT Coordinator ​ Newsletter 2023-02: Neighborhood Watch & CERT - Sent 2023-01-09: Finger Lickin' Chicken CANCELED - I was diagnosed with COVID Sunday morning. No fever No chills Chest XRay is neg. I feel fine except for a little sore throat and body ache. Therefore, for the safety of all of us, I am calling off the Finger LIckin' Chicken Fundraiser until further notice. I have asked Jean Burgoine to clear the board in the Library, open the $$ box and give back your envelopes via Valerie at the Office. Please contact Valerie to pick up your envelope. Thanks for your generosity and Sorry for the disappointment but we will reschedule at a safer time. -- Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276 NW - CERT Coordinator ​ Sent 2023-01-05: Invitation and Fundraiser for Neighborhood Watch - Finger Lickin' Chicken - Dear Friends - Our Neighborhood Watch will soon hold a fundraiser - Monday 16 January 2023 about 4pm Retz Hall. Information and signup etc is in the Library. Eat in or Take out. If you would like to help with this project - please let me know. You do not have to be a NW volunteer to help. There are a variety of "jobs" - before - during & after. Thanks. - Lenore Combs 956 245 1276 ​ Sent 2022-11-19: NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH MEETING this Monday 21 November 2022 at 3:00 PM - Dear Friends - Wish you all a very wonderful Happy Thanksgiving. You are appreciated and we are grateful. Please mark your calendars for our important business meeting on Monday 21 NOV at 3pm in Retz Hall We will have the usual meeting and also discuss planning for Finger Lickin' Chicken for Jan 16th (Monday). This is a fundraiser for Neighborhood Watch. Thanks -- Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276 Coordinator NW - CERT Team Sent 2022-10-15: Reminder NW-CERT meeting Monday 17 October 3pm - The meeting will take place in Retzlaff Hall adjacent to the swimming pool. Refreshments served. -- Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276 Coordinator Sunshine NW-CERT Team Back to Top

  • Board Mtgs: 2021-2022 (Winter) | sunshine

    SEPO Board Meetings: Regular & Special Agendas & Minutes (10-2021 thru 03-2022 Winter Season) Go directly to the Information you are looking for by clicking an item below. Board Mtg (Special) Minutes (2022-03-25) Board Mtg (Regular) Minutes (2022-03-08) Board Mtg (Special) Agenda (2022-03-25) Board Mtg (Regular) Agenda (Rev2) (2022-03-08) Board Mtg (Special) Minutes (2022-02-21) Board Mtg (Special) Agenda (2022-02-21) Board Mtg (Required-1st of 2022 Board) Minutes (2022-02-15) Board Mtg (Required-1st of 2022 Board) Agenda (2022-02-15) Annual SH Mtg (3pm) Minutes (2022-02-15) Annual SH Mtg Minutes (Prev Yr) (2021-02-16) Annual SH Mtg (3pm) Agenda (2022-02-15) Annual SH Mtg (1pm) Minutes (2022-02-15) Annual SH Mtg (1pm) Agenda (2022-02-15) Board Mtg (Special) Minutes (2022-01-11) Board Mtg (Special) Agenda (2022-01-11) Board Mtg (Special) Minutes (2022-01-06) Board Mtg (Special) Agenda (2022-01-06) Res & Dir (Nominations) Mtg Minutes (2022-01-06) Res & Dir (Nominations) Mtg Agenda (2022-01-06) Board Mtg (Special) Minutes (2022-01-04) Board Mtg (Special) Agenda (2022-01-04) Board Mtg (Regular) Minutes (2021-12-14) Board Mtg (Regular) Agenda (2021-12-14) Board Mtg (Special) Minutes (2021-11-26) Board Mtg (Special) Agenda (2021-11-26) Board Mtg (Regular) Minutes (2021-11-09) Board Mtg (Regular) Agenda (2021-11-09) Board Mtg (Special) Minutes (2021-11-04) Board Mtg (Special) Agenda (2021-11-04) Board Mtg (Regular) Minutes (2021-10-12) Board Mtg (Regular) Agenda (2021-10-12) Board Mtg (Special) Minutes (2022-03-25) ******************** BOARD MEETING (Special) MINUTES Fri, Mar 25, 2022 @ 1 PM (A PPROVED at the Apr 21, 2022 Regular mtg ) ******************** BOARD MEETING (Special) NOTICE OF & AGENDA FOR Fri, Mar 25, 2022 @ 1 PM Board Mtg (Special) Agenda (2022-03-25) ******************** BOARD MEETING (Regular) MINUTES Tue, Mar 8, 2022 @ 1 PM (A PPROVED at the Mar 25, 2022 Special mtg ) Board Mtg (Regular) Minutes (2022-03-08) ******************** BOARD MEETING (Regular) (Revision 2) NOTICE OF & AGENDA FOR Tues, Mar 8, 2022 @ 1 PM Board Mtg (Regular) Agenda (Rev2) (2022-03-08) ******************** BOARD MEETING (Special) MINUTES Mon, Feb 21, 2022 @ 1 PM (A PPROVED at the Mar 8, 2022 Regular mtg ) Board Mtg (Special) Minutes (2022-02-21) ******************** BOARD MEETING (Special) AGENDA (Amended) Mon, Feb 21, 2022 @ 1 PM Board Mtg (Special) Agenda (2022-02-21) Board Mtg (Required-1st of 2022 Board) Minutes (2022-02-15) ******************** 2022 BOARD 1st MEETING (Required) MINUTES Tues, Feb 15, 2022 Immediately Following 3 PM Annual SH Mtg (A PPROVED at the Mar 8, 2022 Regular mtg ) Board Mtg (Required-1st of 2022 Board) Agenda (2022-02-15) ******************** 2022 BOARD 1st MEETING (Required) AGENDA Tues, Feb 15, 2022 Immediately Following 3 PM Annual SH Mtg Annual SH Mtg (3pm) Minutes (2022-02-15) ******************** ANNUAL SHAREHOLDERS MEETING MINUTES (Election Announcement & Mtg) Tue, Feb 15, 2022 @ 3 PM (A PPROVED at the Mar 8, 2022 Regular mtg ) ******************** ANNUAL SHAREHOLDERS MEETING MINUTES (Election Announcement & Mtg) Tue, Feb 16, 2021 @ 3 PM 'FORMALLY' APPROVED @ Tue, Feb 15, 2022 SH Mtg @ 3 PM Annual SH Mtg Minutes (Prev Yr) (2021-02-16) ******************** ANNUAL SHAREHOLDERS MEETING AGENDA (Election Announcement & Mtg) Tue, Feb 15, 2022 @ 3 PM Annual SH Mtg (3pm) Agenda (2022-02-15) Annual SH Mtg (1pm) Minutes (2022-02-15) ******************** ANNUAL SHAREHOLDERS MEETING MINUTES (Quorum Determination) Tue, Feb 15, 2022 @ 1 PM (A PPROVED at the Mar 8, 2022 Regular mtg ) ******************** ANNUAL SHAREHOLDERS MEETING AGENDA (Quorum Determination) Tue, Feb 15, 2022 @ 1 PM Annual SH Mtg (1pm) Agenda (2022-02-15) ******************** BOARD MEETING (Special) MINUTES Tue, Jan 11, 2022 @ 1 PM (A PPROVED at the Feb 15, 2022 SH Mtg ) Board Mtg (Special) Minutes (2022-01-11) ******************** BOARD MEETING (Special) AGENDA Thu, Jan 11 2022 @ 1 PM Board Mtg (Special) Agenda (2022-01-11) ******************** BOARD MEETING (Special) MINUTES Tue, Jan 6, 2022 @ 2:30 PM (A PPROVED at the Jan 11, 2021 Special mtg ) Board Mtg (Special) Minutes (2022-01-06) ******************** BOARD MEETING (Special) AGENDA Thu, Jan 6, 2022 @ 2:30 PM Board Mtg (Special) Agenda (2022-01-06) ******************** RES & DIR (Nominations) MEETING MINUTES Tue, Jan 6, 2022 @ 1 PM (A PPROVED at the Jan 11, 2021 Special mtg ) Res & Dir (Nominations) Mtg Minutes (2022-01-06) ******************** RES & DIR (Nominations) MEETING AGENDA Thu, Jan 6, 2022 @ 1:00 PM Res & Dir (Nominations) Mtg Agenda (2022-01-06) ******************** BOARD MEETING (Special) MINUTES & RESIDENTS MEETING SPEAKER REQUESTS Tue, Jan 4, 2022 @ 2:30 PM (A PPROVED at the Jan 11, 2021 Special mtg ) Board Mtg (Special) Minutes (2022-01-04) ******************** BOARD MEETING (Special) AGENDA Tue, Jan 4, 2022 @ 2:30 PM Board Mtg (Special) Agenda (2022-01-04) ******************** BOARD MEETING (Regular) MINUTES Tue, Dec 14, 2021 @ 1 PM (APPROVED at the 'Res & Dir" Mtg on Jan 6, 2022 ) Board Mtg (Regular) Minutes (2021-12-14) Board Mtg (Regular) Agenda (2021-12-14) ******************** BOARD MEETING (Regular) AGENDA Tue, Dec 14, 2021 @ 1 PM (w/Amendments from Mtg) ******************** BOARD MEETING (Special) MINUTES Fri, Nov 26, 2021 @ 3 PM (APPROVED via Electronic Vote on Nov 28, 2021) (APPROVED at the Dec 14, 2021 Regular mtg) Board Mtg (Special) Minutes (2021-11-26) ******************** BOARD MEETING (Special) AGENDA Fri, Nov 26, 2021 @ 3 PM Board Mtg (Special) Agenda (2021-11-26) ******************** BOARD MEETING (Regular) MINUTES Tue, Nov 9, 2021 @ 1:00 PM (APPROVED at the Nov 26, 2021 Special mtg) Board Mtg (Regular) Minutes (2021-11-09) ******************** "AMENDED" BOARD MEETING (Regular) AGENDA Tue, Nov 9, 2021 @ 1:00 PM CT Board Mtg (Regular) Agenda (2021-11-09) ******************** BOARD MEETING (Special) MINUTES Thu, Nov 4, 2021 @ 1:30 PM CT (APPROVED at the Nov 9, 2021 Regular mtg) Board Mtg (Special) Minutes (2021-11-04) BOARD MEETING (Special) AGENDA Thu, Nov 4, 2021 @ 1:30 PM CT Board Mtg (Special) Agenda (2021-11-04) ******************** BOARD MEETING (Regular) MINUTES Tue, Oct 12, 2021 @ 1:00 PM CT (APPROVED at the Nov 4, 2021 Special mtg) Board Mtg (Regular) Minutes (2021-10-12) BOARD MEETING (Regular) AGENDA Mon, Oct 12, 2021 @ 1:00 PM CT Board Mtg (Regular) Agenda (2021-10-12) Back to Top

  • 2011-2015 | Sunshine Estates

    In Memoriam (2011-2015) If a name is underlined click on it to see the Obituary. 2015 Deceased ​ Quentin Youngland - Nov 10 Judy Wiemann - Nov 8 Dick Acquard - Oct 11 Back To In Memoriam Page

  • Mtgs (2019-2020) | Sunshine Estates

    Meetings Info (2019-2020) Women'Club Bottom of Page SEPO Other Mtgs SEPO SEPO (2019-2020) Board of Directors and Residents ​ Please take note that the schedule of the various "Mtg Types" differs from past years. ​ Date Day Time Mtg Type Location 10-21-19 Mon 1:00 PM Board of Directors Pavilion Mtg Room 10-28-19 Mon 1:00 PM Residents Retzlaff Hall 11-12-19 Tue 1:00 PM Board of Directors Pavilion Mtg Room 11-19-19 Tue 1:00 PM Residents Retzlaff Hall 12-09-19 Mon 1:00 PM Board of Directors Pavilion Mtg Room 12-10-19 Tue 1:00 PM Residents Retzlaff Hall 01-06-20 Mon 1:00 PM Directors & Residents Retzlaff Hall 01-13-20 Mon 1:00 PM Board of Directors Pavilion Mtg Room 02-17-20 Mon 1:00 PM Board of Directors Pavilion Mtg Room 02-18-20 Tue 1:00 PM Annual Meeting Retzlaff Hall 03-09-20 Mon 1:00 PM Board of Directors Pavilion Mtg Room (*) 03-18-20 Wed 1:00 PM Residents Retzlaff Hall (*) Meeting Cancelled​ ​ Mar 18 Residents Meeting Cancelled - It has been decided by the board that the Residents Meeting scheduled for March 18th will be cancelled. The CDC recommend no large meetings durng the current health crisis. John Chajec SEPO President Women'Club Back to Top Women's Club (2019-2020) ​ ​Meetings are normally held the 3rd Friday of each month Oct thru Mar, 9-10 AM, Retzlaff Hall. (*) See exceptions below concerning mtg dates. (**) Mtg Cancelled All Female Sunshine Residents & Renters are welcome and encouraged to attend. Coffee & Treats are available for free. A prize is awarded to one lucky lady each month who is wearing their Sunshine Name Tag. Dates: (*) 10-11-19 11-15-19 (*) 12-20-19 01-17-20 02-21-20 (**) 03-20-20 Women’s Club Mtg, March 20, 2020 CANCELLED (due to Covid-19) - The Women’s Club meeting on Friday March 20 has been cancelled. The executive met and made this decision. Over the summer, the pool furniture will gradually be reupholstered under Linda Jones’s supervision. Thanks Linda and Dick! Vic and Ina Hillman have volunteered to welcome new homeowners over the summer. We appreciate that too! Please contact Marian Young if any resident (man or woman) is ill or bereaved and she will send a card. Most important—Have a Safe Summer and please stay healthy! I look forward to our reunion in the fall. Janis McFee President MEETING NOTICE: Womens' Club 2020-2021 Activities Planning - I know you enjoy attending the Womens' Club (WC) activities each season - RIGHT !!! Well - Those activities don't just 'come out of the blue' and magically happen. Each year we hold a 'planning' session, led by the current WC Activities Director. At this meeting, attendees are given the opportunity to present idea(s) for activities for the upcoming season. Then we discuss pros & cons of these ideas and decide what goes into the calendar. This list of WC proposed events must be presented to the SEPO Board for their approval by the next Board of Directors meeting on Mar 9, 2020. In order to meet this deadline, the planning session is scheduled for March 3rd at 10 AM in the Card Room. This is an open invitation for you to get your ideas out there on the table. And for those of you who are new, it's a great way to meet new residents and learn how this all works behind the scenes. Also - At this meeting it is customary to try and determine who would be willing to chair or work on the committees of these activites or have attendees put forth name(s) of people they think/know would be willing to chair or work on them. Never fear - There are WC Committee Guidelines to assist all Chairperson(s) and Committe members with what needs to be done to plan and carry out an event. These guidelines are availabe in the WC file drawer outside the SEPO Office and also on the Web site HERE . So please come and be heard. Thanks in advance for your assistance. Sue Swidryk Womens' Club Activities Director 847-452-7804 ​ Other Mtgs Back to Top Other Clubs & Committees (2019-2020) Sunshine Birding & Nature Club: (Contact - Jean Burgoine) Meetings are held the 1st Monday of each Month (Nov thru Apr) @ 7 PM in the Library. NOTE: No meeting on Jan 7, 2020. Community Potluck and Speaker from Laguna Atascosa National Wildlife Refuge in Retzlaff Open to all residents in the community. ​ Neighborhood Watch: (Lenore Combs) Meetings are held the 3rd Monday of each Month @ 3 PM in Retzlaff Hall. NOTE: Dec 16, 2019 & Jan 20, 2020 meetings cancelled Open to all residents in the community. ​ Woodworkers: Meetings are held the 2nd and 4th Friday of each Month @ 1 PM in the Woodshop. ​ Men's Golf League Business Meeting: (Steve Phillips) Meetings are held every Tuesday following the 8:30 AM tee time group in Retzlaff Hall. Ladies Golf League Business Meeting: (Contact - Bonnie Fransene) Meetings are held the 3rd Wed of each month (Nov thru Mar) in Retzlaff Hall. Nov 20 @ 10:30am Dec 18 @ 8:30am Jan 15 @ 8:30am Feb 19 @ 8:30am Mar18 @ 10:30am Killer Bees Quilting: (Contact - Diane Tewell) Meet every week on Thursday at 9 AM in Retzlaff Hall. Memorial Committee: (Contact - Irene Phillips) NOTE: This Committee is looking for NEW MEMBERS ASAP M eetings are held as needed. Bi ble Study/Movie Group: (Contact - Warren Hertel) Every Monday 6:00-8:00 p.m. in Retzlaff Hall Jan thru April Women's Club 2020-2021 Planning Session: (Contact - Sue Swidryk) Tuesday, March 3, 10 AM, Card Room Bottom of Page Back to Top

  • Covid-19 & SEPO (03-25-2022) | Sunshine Estates

    Covid-19 & SEPO Board Approved Announcement as of the March 25, 2022 Board meeting ​ There are no longer any Covid-19 restrictions within all SEPO Community Property. That includes all buildings, pool, pavilion, gazebo, golf course etc. ​ Also, the Board is no longer requesting the Covid-19 statement/disclaimer be read at SEPO meetings and events. ​ Everyone should feel free to wear a mask or take any other safety precautions they feel necessary to protect themselves. And, as is always suggested with a cold, flu, etc., if you feel sick, please stay home and do not expose others. ​ We thank you for your diligence these past months/years in doing everything possible to keep our Sunshine Community safe and protected. ​ NOTE: The justification for lifting any restrictions is based on current CDC recommendations and Cameron County statistics dated March 2022. It is stressed that everyone needs to be vigilant and that the Board could adjust the above accordingly if things change. ​ SEPO BOARD ​

  • Bd Mtgs: 2023-2024 (Winter) | Sunshine Estates

    SEPO Board Meetings (Regular & Special) & Executive Sessions (Agendas - Recordings - Minutes) (10-01-2023 thru 03-31-2024) (Winter Season) Bd Mtg (Reg) Minutes (2024-03-11) Bd Mtg (Reg) Video (2024-03-11) Bd Mtg (Reg) Agenda (2024-03-11) Bd Mtg (1st Required) Minutes (2024-02-20) Bd Mtg (1st Required) Video (2024-02-20) Bd Mtg (1st Required) Agenda (2024-02-20) ANNUAL Mtg Minutes (2024-02-20) ANNUAL Mtg (3 PM) Video (2024-12-20) ANNUAL Mtg (1 PM) Video (2024-12-20) ANNUAL Mtg Agenda (2024-02-20) Bd Mtg (Reg) Minutes (2024-02-13) Bd Mtg (Reg) Video (2024-02-13) Bd Mtg (Reg) Agenda (2024-02-13) Bd Mtg (Spec) Minutes (2024-02-09) Bd Mtg (Spec) Video (2024-02-09) Bd Mtg (Spec) Agenda (2024-02-09) Bd Mtg (Spec) Minutes (2024-01-11) Bd Mtg (Spec) Video (2024-01-11) Bd Mtg (Spec) Agenda (Amended) (2024-01-11) Residents & Directrs Mtg Minutes (2024-01-04) Residents & Directors Mtg Video (2024-01-04) Residents & Directors Mtg Agenda (2024-01-04) Bd Mtg (Reg) Minutes (2024-01-02) Bd Mtg (Reg) Video (2024-01-02) Bd Mtg (Reg) Agenda (2024-01-02) Bd Mtg (Spec) Minutes (2023-12-19) Bd Mtg (Spec) Video (2023-12-19) Bd Mtg (Spec) Agenda (2023-12-19) Bd Mtg (Reg) Minutes (2023-12-11) Bd Mtg (Reg) Video (2023-12-11) Bd Mtg (Reg) Agenda (2023-12-11) Bd Mtg (Spec) Minutes (2023-11-28) Bd Mtg (Spec) Video (2023-11-28) Bd Mtg (Spec) Agenda (2023-11-28) Bd Mtg (Reg) Minutes (2023-11-13) Bd Mtg (Reg) Video (2023-11-13) Bd Mtg (Reg) Agenda (2023-11-13) Bd Mtg (Spec) Minutes (2023-10-27) Bd Mtg (Spec) Video (2023-10-27) Bd Mtg (Spec) Agenda (2023-10-27) Bd Mtg (Reg) Minutes (2023-10-09) Bd Mtg (Reg) Video (2023-10-09) Bd Mtg (Reg) Agenda (2023-10-09) Bd Mtg (Reg) Minutes (2024-03-11) BOARD MEETING (Regular) VIDEO: Mon, Mar 11, 2024 @ 1 PM Bd Mtg (Reg) Video (2024-03-11) BOARD MEETING (Regular) AGENDA: Mon, Mar 11, 2024 @ 1 PM Bd Mtg (Reg) Agenda (2024-03-11) BOARD MEETING (1st Required) MINUTES: Tue, Feb 20, 2024 immediately after the 3 PM Annual Mtg Bd Mtg (1st Required) Minutes (2024-02-20) BOARD MEETING (1st Required) VIDEO: Tue, Feb 20, 2024 immediately after the 3 PM Annual Mtg Bd Mtg (1st Required) Video (2024-02-20) BOARD MEETING (1st Required) AGENDA: Tue, Feb 20, 2024 immediately after the 3 PM Annual Mtg Bd Mtg (1st Required) Agenda (2024-02-20) ANNUAL MEETING MINUTES: Tue, Feb 20, 2024 @ 1 PM & 3 PM ANNUAL Mtg Minutes (2024-02-20) ANNUAL MEETING (3 PM) VIDEO: Tue, Feb 20, 2024 ANNUAL Mtg (3 PM) Video (2024-12-20) ANNUAL MEETING (1 PM) VIDEO: Tue, Feb 20, 2024 ANNUAL Mtg (1 PM) Video (2024-12-20) ANNUAL MEETING AGENDA: Tue, Feb 20, 2024 @ 1 PM & 3 PM ANNUAL Mtg Agenda (2024-02-20) SEPO Email Sent 2024-02-18: Message to Homeowners - ATTENTION ALL HOMEOWNERS: ​ A time for us all to get together is our ANNUAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS . You MUST have placed your ballot envelope into the Ballot Box next to Valerie’s office before one o’clock, next Tuesday afternoon, February 20th, to have your vote counted in this election. THEN, be in Retzlaff Hall at 12:45 p.m. and go to the table that has the name of the street you live on and check in. The meeting will be called to order at 1:00 p.m., and we will learn if there is a quorum so the ballots can be counted. We will recess the meeting until 3:00 p.m. IN THE MEANWHILE, stay and enjoy the HISTORY OF SUNSHINE , a slide presentation of how we became what we are today. Oh, and popcorn will be available. - Share Nelson Bd Mtg (Reg) Minutes (2024-02-13) BOARD MEETING (Regular) MINUTES: Tue, Feb 13, 2024 @ 1 PM BOARD MEETING (Regular) VIDEO: Tue, Feb 13, 2024 @ 1 PM Bd Mtg (Reg) Video (2024-02-13) Bd Mtg (Reg) Agenda (2024-02-13) BOARD MEETING (Regular) AGENDA: Tue, Feb 13, 2024 @ 1 PM BOARD MEETING (Special) MINUTES + Executive Session Summary: Thu, Feb 9, 2024 @ 1 PM Bd Mtg (Spec) Minutes (2024-02-09) Bd Mtg (Spec) Video (2024-02-09) BOARD MEETING (Special) VIDEO: Thu, Feb 9, 2024 @ 1 PM BOARD MEETING (Special) AGENDA: Fri, Feb 9, 2024 @ 1 PM Bd Mtg (Spec) Agenda (2024-02-09) BOARD MEETING (Special) MINUTES + Executive Session Summary: Thu, Jan 11, 2024 @ 1 PM Bd Mtg (Spec) Minutes (2024-01-11) BOARD MEETING (Special) VIDEO: Thu, Jan 11, 2024 @ 1 PM Bd Mtg (Spec) Video (2024-01-11) Bd Mtg (Spec) Agenda (Amended) (2024-01-11) BOARD MEETING (Special) AGENDA (Amended): Thu, Jan 11, 2024 @ 1 PM "RESIDENTS & DIRECTORS" MEETING MINUTES: Thu , Jan 4, 2024 @ 1 PM Residents & Directrs Mtg Minutes (2024-01-04) Residents & Directors Mtg Video (2024-01-04) "RESIDENTS & DIRECTORS" MEETING VIDEO: Thu , Jan 4, 2024 @ 1 PM "RESIDENTS & DIRECTORS" MEETING AGENDA: Thu , Jan 4, 2024 @ 1 PM Residents & Directors Mtg Agenda (2024-01-04) Bd Mtg (Reg) Minutes (2024-01-02) BOARD MEETING (Regular) MINUTES: Tue , Jan 2, 2024 @ 1 PM BOARD MEETING (Regular) VIDEO: Tue , Jan 2, 2024 @ 1 PM Bd Mtg (Reg) Video (2024-01-02) BOARD MEETING (Regular) AGENDA: Tue , Jan 2, 2024 @ 1 PM Bd Mtg (Reg) Agenda (2024-01-02) BOARD MEETING (Special) MINUTES: Mon , Dec 19, 2023 @ 1 PM Bd Mtg (Spec) Minutes (2023-12-19) Bd Mtg (Spec) Video (2023-12-19) BOARD MEETING (Special) VIDEO: Tue , Dec 19, 2023 @ 1 PM BOARD MEETING (Special) AGENDA: Tue , Dec 19, 2023 @ 1 PM Bd Mtg (Spec) Agenda (2023-12-19) Bd Mtg (Reg) Minutes (2023-12-11) BOARD MEETING (Regular) MINUTES: Mon , Dec 11, 2023 @ 1 PM BOARD MEETING (Regular) VIDEO: Mon , Dec 11, 2023 @ 1 PM Bd Mtg (Reg) Video (2023-12-11) Bd Mtg (Reg) Agenda (2023-12-11) BOARD MEETING (Regular) AGENDA: Tue , Dec 11, 2023 @ 1 PM BOARD MEETING (Special) MINUTES: Mon , Nov 28, 2023 @ 1 PM Bd Mtg (Spec) Minutes (2023-11-28) BOARD MEETING (Special) VIDEO: Tue , Nov 28, 2023 @ 1 PM Bd Mtg (Spec) Video (2023-11-28) BOARD MEETING (Special) AGENDA: Tue , Nov 28, 2023 @ 1 PM Bd Mtg (Spec) Agenda (2023-11-28) BOARD MEETING (Regular) MINUTES: Mon , Nov 13, 2023 @ 1 PM Bd Mtg (Reg) Minutes (2023-11-13) BOARD MEETING (Special) VIDEO: Mon , Nov 13, 2023 @ 1 PM Bd Mtg (Reg) Video (2023-11-13) BOARD MEETING (Regular) AGENDA: Mon , Nov 13, 2023 @ 1 PM Bd Mtg (Reg) Agenda (2023-11-13) BOARD MEETING (Special): Mon , Oct 27, 2023 @ 1 PM Bd Mtg (Spec) Minutes (2023-10-27) BOARD MEETING (Special) VIDEO: Mon , Oct 27, 2023 @ 1 PM Bd Mtg (Spec) Video (2023-10-27) Bd Mtg (Spec) Agenda (2023-10-27) BOARD MEETING (Special) AGENDA: Fri , Oct 27, 2023 @ 1 PM BOARD MEETING (Regular) MINUTES: Mon , Oct 9, 2023 @ 1 PM Bd Mtg (Reg) Minutes (2023-10-09) BOARD MEETING (Regular) VIDEO: Mon , Oct 9, 2023 @ 1 PM Bd Mtg (Reg) Video (2023-10-09) BOARD MEETING (Regular) AGENDA: Mon , Oct 9, 2023 @ 1 PM Bd Mtg (Reg) Agenda (2023-10-09) Back to Top

  • Key Checkout Checkin (Res Emergency) | Sunshine Estates

    SEPO Resident Emergency Key Checkout/Checkin Click here for Request Form Click here for Request Process ​SEPO Resident Emergency Key Checkout/Checkin Process (Aug 25, 2022) - View/Print Checkout Process HERE - SUNSHINE ESTATES PROPERTY OWNERS, INC, 1957 W. Michigan Drive Harlingen, Tx. 78550 Directions to SEPO Office for providing Owners’ Emergency keys 08-25-2022 ​ At the Owner’s request (handwritten, e-mail or phone call – if at all possible) to the SEPO office, the office is authorized to furnish the Owner’s “Emergency” key(s) to the named recipient. The recipient shall sign the “Resident Emergency Key Checkout/Checkin” form when receiving the key(s). It is the Owner’s responsibility to see that the key(s) is returned to the office in a timely manner. Upon return of the key(s), the form will be completed indicating who the key(s) was turned in to and when. This form will be filed in the Owner’s file in the SEPO office. This procedure shall be followed, with the exception of a key(s) being furnished to an emergency responder. SEPO Board Click here for Request Process ​SEPO Resident Emergency Key Checkout/Checkin Process (Aug 25, 2022) - View/P rint Form HERE - Click here for Request Form Back to Top


Office: (956) 425-1420

FAX: (956) 425-1420


1957 W Michigan Dr

Harlingen, TX 78550

Information in this site is authorized by

Sunshine Estates Property Owners Association (SEPO) and its residents.

©2024 by Sunshine Country Club Estates

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