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  • 2021-02 E-Mails | Sunshine Estates

    S EPO Community E-Mails: February 2021 Sent 2021-02-28: Policies & Procedures Update, Feb 25, 2021 - An e-mail was sent containing the latest version of the SEPO Policies & Procedures document that was discussed and approved for update at the SEPO Board meeting on Feb 25, 2021. The section on 'FISCAL POLICIES' was added. ​ This document was sent to the SEPO Office for filing. It is also on the Sunshine Web site HERE and can be downloaded from there. You could have also download it from the e-mail using the link provided. Beth Parrish SEPO Board Secretary 314-960-6710 ​ Sent 2021-02-27: REPLY REQUESTED: Possible COVID-19 Shots here in the Estates - I've invited you to fill out a form: Possible COVID19 Shots here in the Estates The SEPO Board is attempting to bring COVID-19 shots to the Estates and provide them onsite for those who still want to receive their shots. You can use this form for either yourself, a family member or a SEPO neighbor who does not "do" e-mails. If you are responding for someone else, be sure to talk to them before responding. If you have questions about qualifying for the shots you can see the requirements for Phase 1B here: COVID-19 Vaccine Allocation, Phase 1B Definition ( We have a long way to go, but if we are successful in setting it up, would you want to receive your first shots here? If so, we need some information for planning purposes. We will need your e-mail address so we can keep you posted when we make progress. SEPO Board ​ Sent 2021-02-27: Link to view SEPO Board Meeting held on Feb 25, 2021 - The SEPO Board meeting held on Feb 25, 2021 was Virtual, using Google Meet, and was recorded (except for the first seven minutes). Here is the link to the recording, which everyone is welcome to view:!ArA0fRIwdohihKlAUoThhrC1elK7EQ The minutes from this meeting will be published within the next 3-4 days or sooner. If you have any questions about or issues with viewing this video, let me know. (And yes - I have ANOTHER e-mail strictly for board issues. But I am still monitoring all of the rest of the SEPO Communication e-mails.) Beth Parrish SEPO Board Secretary 314-960-6710 ​ Sent 2021-02-26: CORRECT, Men's Golf Tournament: Tee Times - Tee times for all golfers playing in the Men's League tournament will be at 9:30 AM (NOT 9 AM) and 12:30 PM on both Mon & Tue, Mar 1 & 2. Mark Owen ​ Sent 2021-02-26: PLEASE RETURN: for Men's Golf League Tournament - Whoever picked up the #3 hole CTP board and still has it, please return it. I need it for the Men's Leage Golf Tournament this coming Mon & Tues. Thanks Mark Owen Sent 2021-02-26: SUNSHINE NEWSLETTER: March 2021 - The Mar 2021 Newsletter has been posted on the Web site HERE . Valerie will have printed copies available in the Library sometime today. Beth Parrish ​ Sent 2021-02-25: Missing Package (Prater) - There was a package confirmed left in the package room that is missing> Could you please check if you accidentally picked it up? It was delivered Wednesday. Tiffany Prater 4344 N. Missouri St. ​ Sent 2021-02-25: Irrigations Pumps, Water & Street Maintenance - The irrigation pumps are out due to structural maintenance on the streets. The irrigation water will be out until Saturday, possibly Monday. We may need to borrow water line(s) to water the greens. A huge Thank You to those who are willing to help. Larry Keller Director of Common Area 2 ​ Sent 2021-02-24: LOST: another divot repair tool - I lost a divot repair tool a couple of months ago and would like it back also if found. It is metal and has a ball marker with a swirl design. I check the lost & found on occasion but it has not been turned in. Dan Crothers 901-491-2147 ​ Sent 2021-02-23: NOTICE: Executive Board Meeting on Feb 25, 2021 - President Tramel has called an Executive Board Meeting to be held this Thu, Feb 25, 2021 at 3:30 PM in Retzlaff Hall for all Board Members. Social distancing and masks are required. This is a closed session as permitted by Texas law since the meeting pertains to personnel and potential litigation issues. This Executive Board Meeting Agenda follows. Consideration of adjusting Annual Leave for SEPO employees who were unable to report to work the week, of February 15-19, 2021. Various alleged SEPO violations and agreeing on an action plan to address each issue. Examine a situation related to definition of “Renters”. Identify process of resolving complaints from Residents or others. Other related items from Directors regarding personnel and or litigation. Discussions, resolutions and / or identification of action plans regarding issues noted above. Tony Tramel SEPO Board President ​ Sent 2021-02-23: Missing Package - Missing Package - Addressed to: Hazel Livingston @ 4313 N Kansas Was delivered 2/11/2021 to General Purpose Room ... If you accidentally picked it up ... please call the office ASAP!! Valerie Basaldua Office Manager 956-425-1420 Sent 2021-02-23: LOST: divot repair tool - I lost a divot repair tool on our golf course about a week or so ago. It has a Casey's emblem, and was a gift from my former employer and has some sentimental value. If found, please call Howard Hecker at 515-205-8747. Thank you. ​ Sent 2021-02-23: Hot Tub - Some of the jet coverings in the hot tub were missing and have been replaced. All the jets are working properly -- just differently than before. Please, do not attempt to reposition the jets as that tends to break them. Thanks. Jean Burgoine ​ Sent 2021-02-23: FINAL REMINDER: MAR 2021 Newsletter Articles Due by End of Day on FEB 24 - This is the FINAL reminder. If you have an article you would like published in the MAR 2021 Sunshine Newsletter, it needs to be submitted to by End of Day on the 24th of the current month. Remember - This is the last official Newsletter for the 2020-2021 Winter Season. Newsletter Guidelines are posted HERE . Please call with questions. Beth Parrish Sunshine Country Club Newsletter Editor 314-960-6710 ​ Sent 2021-02-22: Sunburst Building Water tank - The small water heater in the Sunburst Building was replaced today. Hot water should be available now in that building. Jean Burgoine ​ Sent 2021-02-22: Pictures from Mardi Gras: Follow the Leader - I've been told I totally missed the Mardi Gras: Follow the Leader event last night. I went to my front porch at 5:30 but I guess it was already over. BUMMER. So, if anyone has pictures I can post on the Web site, please send them to me or contact me so I can get them off of whatever device you have them on. Thx Beth Parrish SEPO Web site Admin E-Mail: 314-960-6710 ​ Sent 2021-02-22: AGENDA for Board Meeting on Feb 25, 2021 - The agenda has been added to the Web site HERE and will be posted outside of the SEPO Office and on the poolside door into Retzlaff Hall. Tony Tramel SEPO Board President ​ Sent 2021-02-22: CORRECTED: UNAPPROVED Meeting Minutes from Feb 16, 2021 SEPO 2021 Board Meeting - The corrected document can be found HERE . Beth Parrish SEPO 2021 Board Secretary ​ Sent 2021-02-20: UNAPPROVED Meeting Minutes from Feb 16,2021 SEPO Board 2021 Meeting - NOTE - On 2021-02-22 these minutes were corrected and sent out to the community. The corrected document can be found HERE . Beth Parrish SEPO 2021 Board Secretary ​ Sent 2021-02-20: Annual Meeting of Shareholders, Feb 16, 2020 (Unapproved) - This documents can be found HERE . Tony Tramel SEPO Board Secretary ​ Sent 2021-02-20: Sunburst Building Water Pipe - There will be no hot water in the Sunburst building. Some pipes burst. The problem will be fixed early next week. Jean Burgoine SEPO Board Director Common Area 1 ​ Sent 2021-02-19: Mardi Gras: Follow the Leader - Because the air is still so cold, the committee decided to hold the Mardi Gras "Follow the Leader" on Sunday. Hopefully, this will be the last change we need to make. DAY/DATE: Sunday , February 21, 2021 TIME: 4:00 - Meet at the North side of Retzlaff Hall JUDGING: 4:30 to 5:00 - Prizes awarded and parade lineup There are six cash prizes: three for the best cart and three for the best costume. You can enter both or just one. The parade will start around 5:00 for those who are watching. Masks or a costume mask must be worn as usual. So decorate and make a costume! See you there! Marian Young Thanks to the other committee members: Eileen Anderson, Sue Swidryk, Lehua Keller, Lenore Combs, and Pam Lacy ​ Sent 2021-02-19: Resident Passing - Ron Salemi passed away today (Feb 19). Valerie Basaldua SEPO Office Manager ​ Sent 2021-02-19: Calling All Dogs - Our first dog nail clipping service with Sandra Delaunay was a success. Having one person come to the Estates, as far as Covid-19 is concerned, is better than 20 people going out to different places. We set appointments for everyone so there was never a crowd. In between each appointment, we used sanitizer and cleaned the table. Our next Spa Day for your Pup will be held this Tuesday. All sizes of dogs are welcome. DATE: February 23, 2021 TIME: 1 - 4 pm LOCATION: Dog park in the storage lot. CALL: Pam Lacy @ 218-443-3416 to set up an appointment COST: $10 Masks & SD Marian Young ​ Sent 2021-02-19: Resident Passing - David Preter passed away last evening, February 18, 2021. Our thoughts and Prayers to Gerri and Their Family. Kathy Wunderlich ​ Sent 2021-02-17: Web site has been updated - I was able to update the Sunshine Web site just now with the below. EOY 2020 SEPO Financials are HERE . Link to Video of Virtual SEPO Board meetings held on Feb 16, 2021 are HERE . Beth Parrish SEPO Web site Admin E-Mail: 314-960-6710 ​ Sent 2021-02-17: SEPO December 2020 Financials - Hello Homeowners, HERE are the financials for December. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks Mecca Henry SEPO Treasurer (469) 766-4245 ​ Sent 2021-02-17: Link to view SEPO "Annual Meeting of Shareholders" from Feb 16, 2021 - Both the SEPO Annual Board meeting and the first Board meeting of the new 2021 board were held on Feb 16, 2021 starting at 3 PM and ending at 3:38 PM. These meetings were both Virtual using Google Meet and were recorded. HERE is the link to the recording which everyone is welcome to view. I will be putting this link on the Web site HERE . However the Web site editor is currently down and I can't do any updating to it right now. If you have any questions about or issues with viewing this video, let me know. Beth Parrish SEPO Board Secretary 314-960-6710 ​ Sent 2021-02-17: NW-CERT Minutes of 15 Feb 2021 Virtual meeting - Minutes from this meeting are available HERE . Lenore Combs ​ Sent 2021-02-17: SEPO Office Manager Apologies/Situation - I would like to apologize to the community for not being in the office these past few days. I have been out of power at home and have been with my kids trying to stay warm. Thx for your understanding. Valerie Basaldua Office Manager Sent 2021-02-17: REMINDER: MAR 2021 Newsletter Articles Due by End of Day on Feb 24, 2021 - If you have an article you would like published in the Sunshine Mar 2021 Newsletter, the article needs to be submitted to by End of Day on the 24th of this month. Please note this will be the last Newsletter published for the 2020-2021 Winter Season. Newsletter Guidelines are posted HERE . Please call with questions. Beth Parrish SEPO Newsletter Editor E-Mail: 314-960-6710 ​ Sent 2021-02-16: Results of 2021 SEPO Board Elections - Here are the results of the election of the SEPO 2021 Board announced at the SEPO Annual meeting on Feb 16, 2021. There were a total of four positions that needed to be filled. Their terms expire in Feb 2023. The vote totals were as follows: Larry Keller (206) Jean Burgoine (202) Beth Parrish (202) Lenore Combs (199) Dana Weiss (81) Your returning SEPO Board members, whose terms expire in Feb 2022 are (in alphabetical order): Mecca Henry Lyn Swonger Tony Tramel After the Annual meeting was adjourned the new board convened their first meeting where elections were held to fill the Director positions for the 2021 Board. The results are as follows: President: Tony Tramel Director of Golf Course & 1st VP: Lyn Swonger Director of Common Area 1: Jean Burgoine Director of Common Area 2 & 2nd VP: Larry Keller Director of Common Area 3: Lenore Combs Treasurer: Mecca Henry Secretary: Beth Parrish Additional information about these positions and Board member phone numbers can be found on the Sunshine Web site HERE . Your 2021 SEPO Board ​ Sent 2021-02-15: MARKETPLACE: Home for Sale - Please note the below new listing, along with pictures, in the Sunshine Marketplace - Homes for Sale . 4168 N Missouri St - (New Listing 02-15-2021) Home Owner: Elwood and Mary Dronen Contact #: 701 361-5856 Description: Built 1984 960 Sq Ft 2 bedrooms / 2 baths Totally updated bricked over doublewide mobile home. Texas room, shed, carport Laminate floors thru-out (except baths are tiled) Sent 2021-02-15: CANCELLED: Men's Golf League on Tue, Feb 16 - Due to the weather Men's Golf League is cancelled for Tue, Feb. 16, 2021. Mark Owen ​ Sent 2021-02-15: Neighborhood Watch Meeting Details for Today (A Good Use of your time) - In case you haven't received this yet, it concerns the NW meeting info for today. You are no doubt just as bored as I am today - all locked in and tired of daytime TV. If you haven't been to a Neighborhood Watch meeting before, this afternoon (Monday 2/15) at 3:00 is your chance to do something different. Neighborhood Watch is that group of volunteers that patrol our streets in the evenings, offer Operation ID services and also operate the security cameras. Catalytic converter thefts are going wild in St. Paul MN these days and we can probably expect them to become popular here in Harlingen again. It was the IR perimeter monitoring of the storage lot that seems to have taught the locals to leave us alone, but memories are short. Neighborhood watch does a lot for us. This afternoon you may as well set in on the virtual meeting and learn a lot more about NW. About 5 or 10 minutes before 3:00, click on the following: and ask to be admittted to the meeting. Once admitted it might be good for you to mute your microphone unless you want everyone to hear what is happening in your house. The agenda can be found HERE . It will be time well spent and you may want to offer opinions or suggestions. Take Care and Stay Safe Pat Harvey ​ Sent 2021-02-15: REMINDER: "Annual Meeting of Shareholders" Mtg (02-16-2021, 3 PM) Google Meet Instructions - SEPO ANNUAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS 3:00 PM, Virtual Google Meet Only Tuesday, February 16, 2021 ​ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Because of Covid-19, only a Virtual Meeting will occur. Persons who wish to attend this meeting can do so by Clicking the following link beginning at 2:45 PM. Board members and SEPO residents will be connecting virtually, there will not be any physical meeting in Retzlaff Hall. Here is the link for the Annual Meeting. To join the video meeting, follow the instructions posted HERE .​ Please make your screen and microphone are available on your device by checking off the area shown on your screen to activate these features once connected. At the bottom of the screen, you will see a button noted as “Caption”, please turn this on so you might be able to see the text of words spoken by each person during the meeting. Tony Tramel SEPO Board Secretary ​ Sent 2021-02-15: POSTPONED: Mardi Gras - Follow the Leader - Hey Everyone, Since the weather is so, so cold, we have decided to have the Mardi Gras - Follow the Leader on Saturday. It will be more fun to decorate your cart in warmer weather. Sorry for the late notice. Here are the details for Mardi Gras. DAY/DATE: Saturday, February 20, 2021 TIME: 4:30 - Meet at the North side of Retzlaff Hall JUDGING: 5:00 to 5:30 - Prizes awarded and parade lineup There are six cash prizes: three for the best cart and three for the best costume. You can enter both or just one. The parade will start around 5:30 for those who are watching. Masks or a costume mask must be worn as usual. So decorate and make a costume! See you there! Marian Young Thanks to the other committee members: Eileen Anderson, Sue Swidryk, Lehua Keller, and Pam Lacy ​ Sent 2021-02-15: MARKETPLACE: Home for Sale by Owner - Please note the below new listing in the Sunshine Marketplace - Homes for Sale . ​ 1956 W Iowa Ave (New Listing 02-15-2021) - Homeowner: Art and Phaedra Serna Contact: Phaedra Serna (512-922-4101) Description: Built 1992, 1690 sq ft. 2 bedroom / 2 bath. Large family room. Fully remodeled in 2020 – Popcorn ceilings removed. Whole house tiled. New granite throughout. All new sinks and faucets. All new LED lighting throughout. New door handles, outlets and switches. Freshly painted cabinets, walls and trim. New shower in the master bath. Both toilets replaced with tall height. New stainless steel appliances. New fridge depth pantry. Home comes with all kitchen appliances. The rest will be unfurnished. Four new dusk to dawn exterior lights. New security system installed and owned (monthly monitoring service required). Wired for four security cameras (not included). Home has hurricane shutters on all windows. This home has never flooded since it sits on the higher side of the community. Comes with large owned on-site storage shed, which is currently located on Lot #6. The rent is $100 per year for this lot. NOTE: You would need to converse with the SEPO Office as to the availability of this lot or a different lot for this shed. Sent 2021-02-13: Letter of Appreciation - I just wanted to take a moment to express my appreciation for the wonderful job that our employees are doing here at Sunshine Estates. Along with a few residents who have contributed their time and efforts as well. Thanks to their hard work, we have been able to do a better job in serving our community and keeping up with what is expected here at Sunshine. You should know that I am grateful to everyone who has contributed up to this point. I sincerely want to thank them again in keeping us happy and safe. Frank Tewell 2nd Vice President , Director of Common Area ​ Sent 2021-02-10: Texas Ave Keypad - Part came in, keypad has been repaired !! If you need the code it is on the Web site HERE . Sincerely, Valerie Basaldua Office Manager ​ Sent 2021-02-10: Availability to Send SEPO E-Mails (UPDATE) - My schedule for the rest of the week up here in the Freezing Cold & Snowy Midwest has been set. After 7 PM today (02-10) I won't be able to send SEPO e-mails until Sunday morning. That is because I won't have internet availability until I return to TX late Sat evening. Unfortunately the mobile app for sending SEPO e-mails doesn't work correctly right now. If you have anything that is an emergency during that time, call me and I'll try to figure something out. Thx for your understanding during this time period. Beth Parrish SEPO E-Mail E-News Admin E-Mail: 314-960-6710 ​ Sent 2021-02-10: MARKETPLACE: Golf Bags/Clubs for Sale - MARKETPLACE has been updated to contain the following: "FOR SALE" - Golf Bags & Clubs (Added 02-10-2021) Contact: Althea Millsap 956-428-5865 (H) OR 956-792-9752 (C) Description: Lady's Golf Bag Men's Golf Bag Various Golf Clubs Asking Price: Various​ Please remember the above and other items your neighbors have For Sale or Free can be found HERE . Sent 2021-02-09: Slight Revisions to SEPO "ANNUAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS" Documents for February 16, 2021 - There have been some minor revisions made to the documents that will be used/discussed during the Feb. 16, 2021 SEPO Annual Meeting. Beth has updated the information on the Web site here . Tony Tramel SEPO Board Secretary Sent 2021-02-08: Mardi Gras: Follow the Leader - Just FYI - The title of the Mardi Gras event coming up on Feb 16 has been changed to "Mardi Gras: Follow the Leader". Beth has changed all references to this event on the Web site from "Parade" to "Follow the Leader". All other details and fun times remaining the same. Call with any questions. Marian Young (719) 468-4556 ​ Sent 2021-02-08: Cameron County Appraisal District - Heads Up - Cameron County Appraisal District will be walking around the community for the next couple of days inspecting the properties. Valerie Basaldua Office Manager 956-425-1420 Sent 2021-02-06: UPDATE: Mardi Gras: Follow the Leader - Hi Everyone, Thanks to Lenore Combs for planning a "Mardi Gras: Follow the Leader" event. The first email I sent out was written and researched by Lenore. Here are the details for Mardi Gras: Follow the Leader. DAY/DATE: Tuesday, February 16, 2021 TIME: 4:30 - Meet at the North side of Retzlaff Hall JUDGING: 5:00 to 5:30 - Prizes awarded and 'follow the leader' lineup ​ There are six cash prizes: three for the best cart and three for the best costume. You can enter both or just one. The 'follow the leader' event will start around 5:30 for those who are watching. Masks or a costume mask must be worn as usual. So decorate and make a costume! See you there! Marian Young Thanks to the other committee members: Eileen Anderson, Sue Swidryk, Lehua Keller, and Pam Lacy ​ Sent 2021-02-06: Non-Sunshine Event: Brownsville Boat Tour - From Beth - Although the below is a non-sunshine event, I am sending it out due to this season's Covid-19 restrictions, which puts very strict guidelines on the activities that can be participated in here at Sunshine. *************** Padre Island to Port of Brownsville Boat Trip I am thinking about putting together a Port of Brownsville boat trip on Wednesday, February 17, from 12:30pm to 4:30pm. It will be with the Original Dolphins Watch line who have been providing winter Texans with fun and informative tours for many years. You will see the giant oil platforms on the Gulf of Mexico and a wide assortment of international ships that ply their trade through the Port of Brownsville, The Port of Brownsville is the home to five of the nations largest ship-wrecking companies...who knew there was such a thing? It is also possible you will see native dolphins, local and migratory birds and learn about the shrimping industry. The boat will hold 40 people (actually the boat will hold 75 people, but because of Covid-19, I am limiting it to 40 people only). Beer, wine and shrimp will be offered. You can bring your own cooler. Afterwards, we might want to visit one of the restaurants on the island for dinner and/or drinks. The cost (if we have forty people) is $35.00 which incudes the beer, wine and shrimp. You can call or message me at 847 452-7804, or email at if you are interested. Sent 2021-02-06: MARKETPLACE: For Rent - 4121 N MO - The following item has been added to the "Marketplace: Home for Rent " on the Web site. 4112 N Missouri St - Home Owner: Mike Winner Contact: Sam Davis 956-244-4682 or 956-425-4193​ Renting For: 3 months minimum Description: 1 Bdrm-1 Bath,fully furnished Mobile with car port Cable TV included Golf Cart Included WiFi is available, but not included NO PETS NO SMOKING ON PROPERTY Sam Davis Sent 2021-02-05: Unapproved SEPO "Board Meeting Minutes" to be Considered at February 16, 2021 Annual Meeting of Shareholders AND SEPO "ANNUAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS" AGENDA for February 16, 2021 Both of these documents can be found HERE . Tony Tramel SEPO Board Secretary ​ S ent 2021-02-03: Former Resident/Renter Passing - Several of you knew Florence Parrish - or Flo - as she liked to be called when she was here at Sunshine. She lived in our house on Iowa during the winters until we were both retired. Then she rented down here for several seasons up until a couple years ago. We just wanted to inform everyone that she passed away peacefully at 10 AM this morning in the hospice center in Burlington, IA, where she had been residing since early last June. Beth & Dick Parrish ​ Sent 2021-02-03: Availability to Send SEPO E-Mails - As an FYI - I will be leaving Harlingen Thu morning to go up north for a week or so. I will still be able to send e-mails - but it may take me a while to send them out after I receive them from you. If you have anything that is an emergency, please text me at the number below. Note - I will be flying Thu morning and totally unavailable. Thanks for your understanding. Beth Parrish SEPO E-Mail E-News Admin E-Mail: 314-960-6710 ​ Sent 2021-02-02: DIRECTORIES: All have been UPDATED - Please Review - All of the Directories have been updated and contain a date of Jan 31, 2021. You can access the following directories Resident Directory (by Name) Resident Directory (by Address) E-Mail directory (Current Residents & Renters) Photo Directory index on the Sunshine Web site HERE . Please review them for accuracy and provide both me (at the e-mail address below) and Valerie ( ) with any needed changes. Beth Parrish SEPO Web site Admin E-Mail: 314-960-6710 ​ Sent 2021-02: Mardi Gras: Let's Have a 'Follow the Leader' event - MARDI GRAS: FOLLOW THE LEADER 16 FEBRUARY 2021 Mardi – is French for “Tuesday” and Gras means “Fat”. Carnival is another common name for Pre-Lenten festivities because in Latin carnelevarium means to take away or remove meat. Dear Friends, Mark your calendars for Tuesday - 16 February 2021. Our Women’s Club is the sponsor and Eileen Anderson and Marian Young are points of contact. Looking for lots of volunteers and great ideas – contact Eileen at 507 317 0296 and or Marian 719 468 4556. Eileen and Marian can plan a meeting. * This is an initial announcement for this Mardi Gras event – so start forming your ideas and Krewes - do your colors. Prizes will be awarded. Here’s a little history to get you in the spirit. Mardi Gras, is traditionally celebrated as “Fat Tuesday” before Ash Wednesday and is the start of Lent. It is a tradition dating back thousands of years to pagan spring and fertility rights. The first Mardi Gras took place in March 1699 when French explorers landed in New Orleans where they held a small celebration dubbed Port du Mardi Gras. In the decades that followed, New Orleans and other French settlements began marking the holiday with street parties, masked balls and lavish dinners. In 1857, a secret society of New Orleans businessmen called the Mistick Krewe of Comus organized a torch-lit Mardi Gras procession with marching bands and rolling floats setting the tone for future public celebrations. These iconic colors have meaning – Purple is for justice, gold is power and green stands for faith. Since then, these krewes have remained a fixture of the Carnival scene including throwing beads, wearing masks, decorating floats and eating King cake. Let’s add Sunshine to the map! Marian Young ​ Sent 2021-02-02: Resident Passing - Doug Schmidt - I was informed today that Sunshine resident Doug Schmidt passed away on Jan 31. I have no other details on his passing. Beth Parrish ​ Sent 2021-02-02: MARKETPLACE: Levolor Vertical Blinds - MARKETPLACE has been updated to reflect the below and other items your neighbors have For Sale or Free. Check it out HERE . ​ "FOR SALE" - Blinds Contact: Denise Utterback (618-546-1417) Description: 5 sets of Levolor vertical blinds. Measuring 71w x 59 in. Sierra stone. Can cut to length. Excellent condition. Asking Price: Reasonable Back to Top

  • SEPO Rules-Regs Fees | Sunshine Estates

    Print This Document Sunshine Country Club Estates, Inc. ​ RULES AND REGULATIONS PERTAINING TO NON-COMPLIANCE TO COVENANTS FEE SCHEDULE ​ (Below is the Original document dated September 1, 2021 which was filed with Cameron County, State of Texas) (As updates occur to this document, all previous copies are replaced by the update.) WHEREAS, the Board of Directors (the "Board") of Sunshine Country Club Estates, Inc., (SEPO/the "Association") finds that there is a need to establish orderly procedures and structure for the imposition of fees for non-compliance by a homeowner to the declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions, and all amendments thereto for Sunshine Country Club Estates, Inc. (the "Declaration") and the Bylaws of Sunshine Country Club Estates, Inc., (the "Bylaws"); and ​ WHEREAS, pursuant to Article II, Sections 2.1, of the COVENANTS, where the “DECLARANT or OWNERS ASSOCIATION shall be refer to SUNSHINE COUNTRY CLUB ESTATES PROPERTY OWNEERS, INC,” and Section 8.1, where the DECLARANT, (acting through its Board of Directors), shall have responsibility and authorization to prescribe Rules and Regulations covering the use of the Common Areas, streets, utilities and any other portions of the properties and to collect fees and fix assessments, and not specifically reserved to the membership by the Declarant, Articles of Incorporation, or by other provisions of the Declaration, Articles of Incorporation or by other provisions of the Declarations of these Bylaws; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Article IV Board of Directors, Section 4.01 of the Bylaws, “The affairs of the Sunshine Estates Property Owners, Inc. shall be managed by its Board of Directors.” ​ WHEREAS, the Board has determined that it is in the best interests of the Association for it to promulgate Rules and Regulations pertaining to fees and specifically establish a fee structure. ​ NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS RESOLVED that the following Rules and Regulations Pertaining to Non-compliance to Covenants Fee Schedule are established for the imposition of fees in Sunshine Country Club Estates, Inc., as follows: ​ I. NOTICE OF VIOLATION ​ For violations other than construction without Architectural Control Committee ("ACC") approval, the Board shall give an Owner written notice of the violation and opportunity to cure the violation before imposing a fee. The following notification procedure shall be followed: ​ A. First Notice: The Association shall notify the Owner of the violation by written letter sent by first class mail. The notice shall contain the following information: 1. A description of the violation and reference to the provision of the Declaration being violated, and the action that must be taken to cure the violation. ​ 2. A statement that the violation must be corrected within fifteen (15) days from the date of the "First Notice." ​ B. Second Notice: After issuance of the "First Notice" and expiration of the fifteen (15) day compliance period, the Association shall notify the Owner, by first class mail and certified mail, return receipt requested, if the violation described in the "First Notice" has not been resolved. The "Second Notice" shall contain the following information: ​ 1. A description of the violation and reference to the provision of the Declaration being violated, and the action that must be taken to cure the violation. 2. A statement that the violation must be corrected within fifteen (15) days from the date of the "Second Notice" or a fee will be applied to the Owner's account. 3. The amount of the fee that will be assessed if the violation is not cured within the time allowed. 4. A statement that the Owner will be charged attorney's fees and costs incurred by the Association in enforcing the Declaration and/or abating the violation if the violation is not cured within thirty (30) days from the date of the "Second Notice." 5. A statement that the Owner may request a hearing before the Board of Directors by submitting a written request for the same to the Board within thirty (30) days of the Owner's receipt of the "Second Notice." C. Third Notice: After the issuance of the "Second Notice" and expiration of the compliance period, the Association shall notify the Owner by first class mail and certified mail, return receipt requested, if the violation described in the "Second Notice" has not been resolved. The "Third Notice" shall contain the following information: 1. A description of the violation that is the basis for the fee and reference to the provision of the Declaration being violated, and the action that must be taken to cure the violation. ​ 2. A statement that the fee for non-compliance is being added to the Owner's account for not curing the violation within the specified period of time contained in the "Second Notice." ​ 3. A statement that there will be continuing fees in accordance with the "Fee Schedule" as each subsequent fifteen (15) day period elapses and the violation is not cured. ​ 4. A statement that there is no aggregate amount of the fees which may accrue for the same violation. Additionally, that if the matter is referred to legal counsel for further enforcement measures, all attorney's fees and costs incurred by the Association will be charged to the Owner's account in accordance with Chapter 209 of the Texas Property Code. ​ 5. A statement that the Owner may request a waiver of the fees by submitting a written request to the Board of Directors after the violation is cured. ​ 6. The amount of fees being assessed against the Owner. ​ II. HEARING ​ The Board shall follow the procedures stated in Chapter 209 of the Texas Property Code in conducting a hearing. Within ten (10) days of the hearing before the Board of Directors, any documents relied upon by the Board as to the violation shall be provided to the homeowner, and failure to meet such deadline shall result in an automatic fifteen (15) day extension of the board hearing on the Homeowner’s appeal. ​ III. FEE SCHEDULE ​ The imposition of fees will be on the following basis: ​ A. First Violation: $100.00 imposed for each fifteen (15) day period that the same violation continues to exist until cured. ​ B. Addition but Separate Violations of the Same Restriction Within Six Months of Receipt of the “Second Notice": $200.00, which may be imposed every fifteen (15) days that the violation continues to exist until cured. C. Aggregate Limit: There is no limit to the aggregate limit amount of fees imposed for the same violation. IV. CONSTRUCTION WITHOUT ACC APPROVAL ​ A. Pursuant the Declarations, Architectural Control Committee ("ACC") approval, in writing, is required prior to commencing construction or demolition, or making any changes to the exterior design or appearance of any improvement on a lot in the Association. ​ B. Any construction of exterior home improvements, modification and/or additions including but not limited to fencing, sheds, barns or other outbuildings started prior to written approval by the The Association and/or ACC will incur an immediate $500.00 fee. Notice of the violation and fee will be sent as soon as the violation is discovered by the ACC or Board. ​ C. If said construction does not halt immediately upon receipt of violation and fee notice, an additional fee of $100.00 will be imposed every day until construction ceases. V. INFORMATION REGARDING FEES ​ A. Fees will be imposed in addition to and not in lieu of any other rights or remedies of the Association allowed by the Declaration or other Rules and Regulations adopted by the Board. ​ B. Fees are imposed against the Owner and are the obligation of the Owner of the property. ​ C. An Owner should notify the Board when a violation is cured. Upon verification, the violation will be deemed to no longer exist. Unless fees are waived by the Board, the Owner will remain liable for all fees imposed under these Rules and Regulations. If the fees are not paid on demand, the account may be referred to legal counsel for collection. The Owner shall be responsible for all attorneys’ fees incurred in connection with the enforcement of any provision of the Declaration and/or the Rules and Regulations in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 209 of the Texas Property Code. ​ IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that the purpose of these Rules and Regulations Pertaining to Fees and Fee Structure is to provide a standard for the Association. Notwithstanding these Rules and Regulations, the Board may set fee amounts on a case-by-case basis, provided the fee is reasonable considering the nature, frequency, and effects of the violation. The Board may also establish a schedule of fees for certain types of violations. If circumstances warrant a variance from the Association's published Rules and Regulations, the Board will document the reasons for the variance in the minutes of its meeting. The amount and cumulative total of a fee must be reasonable in comparison to the violation and should be uniform for similar violations of the same provision of the Association's documents. Back to Top

  • Women's Golf Bylaws | Sunshine Estates

    BYLAWS OF THE WOMEN’S GOLF ASSOCIATION SUNSHINE COUNTRY CLUB ESTATES HARLINGEN, TEXAS ARTICLE 1: NAME AND OBJECTIVE This organization shall be known as the Women’s Golf Association of the Sunshine Country Club The objective of this organization shall be to bring into closer unity the women golfers of Sunshine Estates through a planned schedule of meetings and competitive events for the general purpose of encouraging a spirit of friendship, sportsmanship and fair play among ARTICLE II: MEMBERSHIP, DUES, MEETINGS Sec . 1. Membership shall be open to all property owners and renting residents of Sunshine Estates. Guests may play a maximum of two (2) times and are not eligible for prizes. Sec. 2. Annual dues shall be determined at the March meeting and voted on by the membership Sec. 3. To be considered a member eligible to compete and vote, dues must have been paid at the beginning date of league play or within two weeks of the member beginning league play. Sec. 4. Regular monthly meetings shall be held on the third Wednesday of the months of November through March, immediately after completion of play or as posted. Sec. 5. A quorum of 40% of the membership shall be required before business requiring votes can be Sec. 6. Special meetings may be called as required with proper notice being given. Sec. 7. Meetings of the Association and of the Executive Board shall be conducted in accordance With Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, when not inconsistent with these BYLAWS. ARTICLE III: OFFICERS Sec. 1 The elected officers of this organization shall be: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Handicap Chairman Sec. 2. These officers shall be elected at the regular March meeting. The President and Vice President Will be elected for a term of one year each with the Vice President moving to President the following year. The Secretary, Treasurer will serve two years each and the Handicap Chairman may serve an unlimited term. The officers shall assume the duties of their respective office following the election. Sec. 3. No officer shall be eligible to serve more than two years in succession in any one office. Sec. 4. In the event the President is unable to complete her term of office, the Vice President shall automatically assume the title and duties of that office. Vacancies occurring in any office other than that of President, shall be appointed by the remaining members of the Executive A. Duties of the President shall be: 1. To serve as Chief Executive Officer of the Association and ex officio member of all committees with the exception of the Nominating Committee. 2. To serve as official representative of the Association and to designate other necessary representation. 3. To preside at all meetings and functions of the Association and of the Executive 4. With the approval of the Executive Board, to make such appointments from the Membership as required and not otherwise provided for (such as three election Tellers, if needed, auditors, Chairman of Rules Committee, Guest Day, Chairman of the Championship tournament, etc.) 5. To cast an open vote at meetings whenever necessary to break a tie. 6. To maintain general supervision over all affairs of the Association and to report to the general membership on the activities for the year. B. Duties of Vice President shall be : 1. To serve in the absence of the President and to perform all duties that office as outlined above whenever required to do so. 2. To designate weekly hostesses when vacancies occur and post duties thereof. 3. To supervise, purchase and present each special awards programs such as Birdies and Chip-ins, Banks Award, or any special awards determined by the Executive C. Duties of the Secretary shall be: 1. To keep a record of all meetings of the Association and Executive Board. 2. To conduct correspondence as necessary for the Association or at the request of 3. To keep an up-to-date copy of the BYLAWS and have it available at all meetings. 4. To perform such duties as the President direct. D. Duties of the Treasurer shall be: 1. To assume full responsibility for receiving and dispensing of all Association’s funds. An assistant can be appointed to perform the duties of that office if necessary, such as during the summer months if the Treasure is not a year around resident. The Treasurer and assistant each being able to sign checks. 2. To keep a detailed accounting of all money received /expended. 3. To collect annual dues from each member joining the Association for the period of November through March. 4. To receive all money from special events or fund-raising functions and dispense as directed by the Board and /or general membership of the Association. 5. To pay all authorized Association bills and maintain all substantiating records. 6. To post in the Association bulletin board a current roster of all paid up members 7. To make a report of funds whenever called for by the President at the monthly 8. To pay all outstanding debts of the Association following the final golfing day in March so that said books may be closed in time for a report by the auditors. 9. To serve as Chairman of the Budget Committee. E. Duties of the Handicap Chairman: 1. To prepare and post on the Association bulletin board rules regarding handicapping procedures. 2. To keep record of all Wednesday scorecards and adjust handicaps accordingly thereto, based on the best four of the last six scores. 3. To post computation of handicaps weekly. 4. To compute a handicap for a beginning golfer based on four scores, either from league play and/or with another golfer. 5. In case of a temporary absence or the Handicap Chairman, the President can appoint an assistant to perform these duties as provided by the BYLAWS. ARTICLE 1V: NOMINATIONS & ELECTIONS This Committee shall be composed of three (3) members appointed early enough for their slate of officers to be present at the February monthly meeting with the election held at the March meeting. Nominations may be made from the floor with the prior consent of the one newly nominated. A. Election shall be by secret ballot if there are multiple nominations. No absentee B. In order to be elected, a nominee must receive a majority of the votes cast. C. The elected officers shall be announced by the Chairman of the Nominating Committee at the conclusion of the business meeting in March. ARTICLE V: ADMINISTRATION Sec. 1. The administration of the Women’s Golf Association shall be vested in and managed By the Executive Board which shall be comprised of the five elected officers, each of Whom shall make a report at the regular meetings. Sec.2 It shall be the duty of the Executive Board: A. To transact all detailed business of the Association. B. To propose plans and recommendations for the consideration of the members at C. To operate under the budget based on the dues collected and other fund raisers for Sec.3. At least three of the five elected officers must be present to constitute a quorum. ARTICLE VI: AMENDMENTS Sec. 1. Proposed amendments to these BYLAWS shall be posted on the Associations bulletin Board and a vote to approve same will be held at the following meeting. Sec.2. These BYLAWS may be amended at any regular meeting be a vote of a majority of Sec.3. These BYLAWS shall be reviewed at least every two years, even if no revision is made. ​ ​

  • Club/Committee (2021-2022 Winter) | Sunshine Estates

    Clubs & Committees (2021-2022 Winter ) Additional Acty Details Birding & Nature Club Sunshine Garden Club BIRDING & NATURE CLUB ​ Sent 2022-03-15: Birding and Nature Walk - You are all invited to meet at the Gazebo at 8:30am on Friday, March 18 for a birding and nature walk. "Walk" is a non-specific term: golf carts and bicycles are welcome also. We will observe and talk about the birds we find but will also be pointing out the native trees and plants in our nature area and around the community. Please bring binoculars if you have them, but don't stay home just because you don't! We will have scopes set up for better viewing. Questions? ​ Sent 2022-03-03: Birding and Nature Club Event - Birding and Nature Club Event The Birding and Nature club is pleased to bring you a program presented by one of our new residents, Gail Foerste. The topic is Birds of North America and their habitat. There is no charge for the program but we would like for you to sign up in the library, on the easel, if you are coming. That way we will know how many to prepare for. Cookies, ice tea & coffee will be served. Monday, March 7th, 7:00 PM in Retzlaff Hall. Ladonna Harvey ​ Sent 2022-02-08: B&N Club Field Trip - What: SCCE Birding & Nature Club is hosting a birding field trip When: Friday March 11th (Rain date: Friday March 18) Where: Resaca De La Palma State Park & World Birding Center 1000 New Carmen Ave, Brownsville, TX 78521 Meet in parking lot@10:30 Cost: B&NC Members $4. Non-Members $8.00 Who: Contact: Tom Stone @ 715-292-0360 to reserve you spot Reservations are limited ​ Newsletter 2022-02: The Sunshine Birding and Nature Club will meet in the library at 7:00pm on Monday, February 7, 2022. All are invited. We will be discussing the rescheduled field trip and planting trees. Questions? Text Debi Warner at 956-357-8999. ​ Sent 2022-01-06: Birding and Nature Club Event - (CANCELLED) What & Where: Field trip to “Resaca De La Palma” State Park 1000 New Carman Ave Brownsville TX 78521 The tour through the park will be on a tram so there is not a lot of walking When: January 21 @11:00AM (Meet at Park) ($5 to $8 Est Cost) Why: See and Identify and Birds and wildlife native to the RGV Who can Go: Anyone B&N Club member, Guest, or Sunshine CC Resident renter or immediate family. ($5 to $8 Est Cost) For additional info call 309-945-2108. Bill Peterson ​ Sent 2021-12-23: Annual Christmas Bird Count - The annual Christmas Bird Count for the Harlingen area will occur on Saturday, January 1st. Anyone interested in participating in the count should meet at the Gazebo on Texas Ave. at 7:30 Saturday morning to be assigned to a count group. Questions about the count can be addressed to Ralph Peterson at 607-590-0606. People who have bird feeders may also contribute by counting species and numbers that show up at the feeders during the count day. ​ Sent 2021-12-02: Birding and Nature Club Meeting - It's time for the second Meeting of the season for the Sunshine Birding and Nature Club. This meeting, our By-Laws will allow us to conduct business. The forecast is for a nice warm day on Monday December 6th, so what better place for the “Nature “ club to meet than in the Gazebo next to Texas Ave. So the meeting will be at 1:00 Monday the 6th in the Gazebo. Should Mother Nature surprise us with a nasty day, as a fallback, we will meet in the Library at 7:00. The first real business to conduct will be the appointment of a new club President and a new club Secretary. Mostly we need to talk about events. We need your input on what events to plan for the upcoming season. One of our members has been researching the possibilities. Since we will be outdoors, I'm not too sure how applicable the standard SEPO disclaimer is, but here it is anyway: Everyone attending this event “in person”, by their presence, acknowledges potential exposure to Covid-19. Each person is responsible for his/her own choice as it relates to attending events. Let's have a good “Out in Nature” meeting Monday at 1:00 in the Gazebo Pat Harvey Acting President ​ Sent 2021-10-29: Birding and Nature Club Meeting - It's time for the first Meeting of the season for the Sunshine Birding and Nature Club. The forecast is for a beautiful day on Monday November 1st, so what better place for the “Nature “ club to meet than in the Gazebo next to Texas Ave. So the meeting will be at 2:00 Monday Nov 1st in the Gazebo. Should Mother Nature surprise us with a nasty day, as a fallback, we will meet in the Library at 7:00. Mostly we need to talk about events. We need your input on what events to plan for the upcoming season as well as elections to fill some vacancies on our board. Since we will be outdoors, I'm not too sure how applicable the standard SEPO disclaimer is, but here it is anyway: Everyone attending this event “in person”, by their presence, acknowledges potential exposure to Covid-19. Each person is responsible for his/her own choice as it relates to attending events. Let's have a good “Out in Nature” meeting Monday at 2:00 in the Gazebo. Pat Harvey Acting President Birding & Nature Club Sunshine Garden Club SUNSHINE GARDEN CLUB ​ Sent 2022-03-06: Reminder of Garden Club Tuesday, March 8 - Garden Club News Welcome to all residents/renters to The Garden Club Event, Tuesday, March 8th at 6:30pm in Retzlaff Hall. Topic of interest: Best RGV Plants for your landscape. Special guest speaker is a Master Gardener from Cameron County Extension Office, in San Benito. Coffee, tea, bars and cookies will be available. See you Tuesday evening. Thank you, Susanne ​ Sent 2022-02-06: REMINDER, Garden Club - Sunshine Garden Club - New Meeting Time: 6:30 - 7:30 pm. - February 8th in the library. We will have a Social at 6:15 with treats and coffee. Very interesting and informative topic for the night is "Cut Flower Arrangements" and tips of the trade by Terry DeBackere, florist. *** Covid precautions will be in place. *** Thank you, Sunshine Garden Club (by Susanne Ulrich) ​ Sent 2022-02-02: Garden Cleanup Day Postponed - Monday, February 7th looks like rain and a high of 52. I will search out a better day once our chances of frost will be gone. Thank you all for offering to help. Susanne Ulrich ​ Newsletter 2022-02: New Meeting Time: 6:30 - 7:30 pm. February 8th in the library. Very interesting and informative topic for the night is "Cut Flower Arrangements" with our very own Terry DeBackere. *Community volunteers needed. I am planning a garden cleanup day on Monday, February 7th, meet at gazebo at 10:00am. Inclement weather will cancel. Area's we will focus on is the plantings around the gazebo and the community office garden. Tasks will include, weeding, deadheading, planting seeds and rearranging of small plants. I have a few tools, but feel free to bring what you may have. Your help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you. Susanne Ulrich ​ Sent 2021-11-05: SUNSHINE GARDEN CLUB - If you like or find gardening interesting come join us Tuesday, Nov. 9th, 7:00pm in the library. All residents/renters are invited. Topic of evening is container planting. Looking forward to fun, prizes and desserts. Susanne Ulrich Garden Club NEWSLETTER 2021-10-01: We are looking forward to our first “Meet and Greet" evening on November 7, 2021 in the library at 7:00 pm. Main topic will be “Filler, Thriller, Spiller”. Finished display will be the door prize. Each monthly gathering is open to all residents/renters, we will have a main topic, suggested monthly “To Do's" for zone 9 and time for open discussion. We look forward to seeing you in November. Some zone 9 suggestions for October are: Begin planting for cooler weather (sounds good about now), such as dianthus, petunia, pansy. Plant bulbs, like lilies for blooms next spring/summer. Start herbs from seeds like parsley, cilantro, chives, garlic, and sage. Also crops like broccoli, kale, collards, and lettuce. Happy Gardening, Susanne Ulrich, Brenda Crothers, Glenna Boardman, Terry DeBackere and Sue Swidryk Back to Top

  • Board Nominating Committee (2024) | sunshine

    SEPO Board Nominating Committee For 2024 SEPO Board Election Sunshine Estates Property Owners, Inc., (SEPO) governs Sunshine Country Club Estates (SCCE). (The following information (from various emails, etc) is presented in reverse chronological order.) Nominating Committee Activity for 2024 Election Nominating Committee Process Guide (2023-12-08) Nominating & Election Committees Index Nominating Committee Activity for 2024 Election NOMINATING COMMITTEE ACTIVITY FOR 2024 ELECTION ​ Sent via SEPO Enews Email - 2023-12-27: AMENDED LIST OF NOMINEES FOR ELECTION TO THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS The SEPO Board Nomination Committee, consisting of Pam Adams (Chairperson), Pam Lacy and Patrick Heinerikson, are pleased to submit the following Candidate names, in alphabetical order, for the 2024 SEPO Board of Directors election. These SEPO Residents have met the requirements and are in good standing in the Sunshine Estates Community. All Candidates have been interviewed by one or more Nominating Committee members and were considered by the Committee for nomination based upon their responses to the questions asked of them. The BIOs we receive from each Candidate will be sent via separate email in the next day or two. During the January 2024 SEPO Residents & Directors meeting the Nominating Committee will move that the SEPO Board place the names of these nominees on the 2024 ballot. Randy Davis Scott Kronshage Tracy Wagner This announcement is currently posted outside the SEPO Office. The Candidates’ BIOs will also be posted there, once they are all received by the committee. Please contact Pam Adams, Chairperson, with any questions. 615 668 3145 ​ Sent via SEPO Enews Email - 202 3-12-14: SEPO Board Nominating Committee Roster & Request for Potential Candidates ​ Members of the SEPO Board Nominating Committee are made up of: Pam Adams 615-668-4145 (Chairperson) Patrick Heinerikson 816-810-2862 Pam Lacy 218-443-3416 We have met and are in the process of locating talented SEPO Resident volunteers who would like to serve on the SEPO Board of Directors or would maybe be willing to assist in any of these positions. Experience and willingness to learn and grow is a plus for homeowners wishing to volunteer. Three of the current Board Directors’ terms are ending in the forthcoming SEPO Board election in February 2024. There are a total of seven positions that make up the SEPO Board and they are: Officers: President, Secretary and Treasurer Director Golf Course Director Common Area 1 (SEPO Buildings) Director Common Area 2 (Streets, Drainage & Irrigation Ditches and Texas Ave) Director Common Area 3 (Storage & Shop Area, Tennis/Shuffleboard). These positions are elected and appointed at the Organizational Meeting held immediately following the Annual Meeting in February each year. This means a Board member may hold a position this past year but may not necessarily retain that position during their second year. It’s up to the Board members to make this determination amongst themselves. Share Nelson, Mark Owen and Randy Davis are not planning to run again but are willing to mentor anyone taking the positions currently held by them. Please contact any of the above Nominating Committee if you'd like to learn more, volunteer, have interest or know homeowners who may have talent in any and /or all positions. Together we can achieve so much! Thanking you all in advance. ​ Pam Adams SEPO Nominating Committee Chairperson NOMINATING COMMITTEE PROCESS GUIDE FOR 2024 ELECTION Nominating Committee Process Guide (2023-12-08) Board Nominating & Election Committees Index Nominating & Election Committees Index Back to Top

  • Pool - Hot tub - Pavillion

    Pool - Hot tub - Pavilion The open air Pavilion next to the Pool and Hot tub plays host to many neighborhood gatherings and parties. ​ The pool is always available to Swimming, Sunbathing and Just enjoying the company of Friends & Neighbors. Email Sent 2024-01-19: pool update - A quick update on the pool situation!! A new heater has been ordered------because of the weather all over the country, they are in demand!! We have one coming in from Phoenix and should be here by Wednesday. We will try to have it installed as quickly as possible, so hopefully it will be up and running by the end of next week. Thank you for your patience and the way this weather has been, haven’t noticed a line of folks trying to get into the pool. Hot tub is working Great!!!!! Will keep you up to date. - Jim Kennedy, SEPO Board ​ Email Sent 204-01-18: pool heater - Just a quick note to let everyone know the heater for the pool is giving us some problems. The pool temp might be a little chilly for the next few days. Will be taken care of a quickly as possible. - Jim Kennedy, SEPO Board ​ Email Sent 2023-09-16: pavilion floor - Hi! Hope everyone is having a fantastic summer!! Starting next Monday. September 18th, the Pavilion will be closed because we are going to refinish the floor. This should take most of the week and again thank you for your patience. Something to look at when you all (Y’all) return!! - Jim Kennedy ​ Email Sent 2023-07-17: Pool Jets - Hi pool users. Need your help!! The jets in the pool are adjusted to make the skimmers work more efficiently. They steer any floating objects like leaves towards the skimmers. If you try adjusting these jets it just cuts the way the water is moving towards the skimmers. We would like to ask you to leave the jets in the position they are in now. Thank you and your cooperation is much appreciated. - Jim Kennedy ​ Email Sent 2023-06-30: Pool Update - Hi Everyone! Quick update on the pool area. As of this afternoon the new equipment will have been installed. This involves a new, and much needed heater for the hot tub. The old one was not reliable so this should solve our problem and give us even heat in the hot tub. Also, there will be a new sand filter for both hot tub and pool. Sand will give us a better filtering system and be more efficient. This will not only give us a better filtering system, but make the chemicals do a better job. Lalo did his usual great job in the installation. Pat him on the back when you see him!!! Everyone have a Safe 4th!!!!!!! - Jim Kennedy ​ Email Sent 2023-05-20: Pool Update (Saturday May 20) - Hi: A Saturday morning update on pool. Pool is ready to use---Enjoy!! The hot tub can be used, but the jet are off! The motor that runs the jets is the one that has parts ordered. Hopefully by Monday!!! Thanks everyone for your patience. - Jim Kennedy ​ Email Sent 2023-05-19: Pool Update - Hi: Quick progress report on pool and hot tub!! There was a tear in one of the filters and that has been ordered. Lalo has worked his tail off switching filters to get things in line as quickly as possible. To get things done the “right way” – let’s put off using the pool for another day. When I get the green light, I’ll let you know. Hope it will be worth the wait!!! Thanks again for you patience. - Jim Kennedy ​ Email Sent 2023-05-19: Pool Update - FYI - Jim sent this to me yesterday at 4 PM but I was unable to get it sent out. Beth ******************* Hi: Because of weather and some glitches that have popped up with filters and pumps, am sorry to say the pool and hot tub will not be open Friday. The good news is that both the hot tub and pool look great! With the addition of some chemicals and tender care everything should be soon back to normal. Thank you everyone for your patience while this is being done!!!!! - Jim Kennedy ​ Email Sent 2023-05-09: Pool and Hot Tub Closed - Pool And Hot Tub will be Closed for Cleaning Pool and Hot Tub Is going to be completely drained and cleaned with Acid Solution next week Mon-Thurs May 15-18. We will update you on Thursday with the status of Maintenance. Thank you - Jim Kennedy ​ Email Sent 2023-03-06: Pool Cleaner - Good Morning: We have acquired a Robotic Pool Cleaner. We gave it a test run early this morning and it looks like it is going to do a great job. The cleaner will run when no one is in the pool. Therefore, it will do its’ work in the middle of the night. The cleaner will be set up and put in the pool at approximately 9:00 pm. It is OK to be in the pool at this time, just be careful of the cords. At about 4:00 am the cleaner will start and run for about 2 ½ hours. Lupe will then be here to remove the cleaner from the pool. During that run time, please stay out of pool. Thank you very much for you cooperation. This does not involve the hot tub, so that can be used as usual. It is in the plan to give the hot tub a special cleaning, and you will hear more about that later. Thanks again - Jim Kennedy ​ Email Sent 2023-03-02: NO GLASS CONTAINERS IN POOL OR PAVILION AREA - Attention to all Residents: The above is a reminder that is posted in the area of the swimming pool and pavilion. There are to be no glass containers brought into this area. This is for obvious reasons. For your safety and others, this is a rule that MUST be followed. If glass drops and shatters, which it does, and you are barefoot, you will very much regret stepping on it. It is almost impossible to completely clean up and if it goes into the pool or hot tub, they must be drained and cleaned. Known offenders will be made accountable. - SEPO Board ​ Email Sent 2023-03-01: Pool Closure this Saturday - As you all know, the Good Neighbor Day Golf Tournament starts Thursday morning and concludes Saturday evening with a Happy Hour (HH) in the pool/pavilion area followed by an awards dinner in Retzlaff Hall. Starting with setup for the HH and until everyone has entered the hall for dinner, the pool/pavilion area will be closed to only those participating in the tournament festivities. We are looking at a closure from 3-6 PM Saturday. Thank you in advance for your understanding and cooperation. - Tony Tramel, GNDGT Chairperson See the result of Pool Shower renovations. What a calm soothing place to be at night. Pool-Hot tub-Pavilion at night Play Video Facebook Twitter Pinterest Tumblr Copy Link Link Copied Back to Top

  • 2024-02 Emails | Sunshine Estates

    S EPO Community Emails: February 2024 Sent 2024-02-27: SUNSHINE NEWSLETTER: Mar 2024 - The Mar 2024 Sunshine Newsletter, which is the final one for this season, is hot off the press. You will see this month there are three (3) attachments, which makes the Newsletter look very lengthy. So don't freak out when you pull up the file to read. There is lots of info in it from the contributors concerning the multitude of great activities coming up. If you have questions about any of the information in this Newsletter, please contact the person who wrote the article. You can view/print a copy of it Directly from HERE or On the website HERE . Valerie will be making copies for the Library for anyone who wishes to read it from paper. Thanks so much all for helping to 'get the word out'. - Beth Parrish SEPO Newsletter Mgr Email: 314-960-6710 ​ Sent 2024-02-27: Resaca Water​ - The resaca water pump house will be off this Thursday through Saturday. No irrigation water will be available. Please prepare accordingly. Sorry for the inconvenience. - Randy Davis Golf Course Director ​ Sent 2024-02-26: 2024 SEPO Election Results: Board & Covenants - The results of the 2024 SEPO Election were presented during the 3 PM portion of the Annual meeting on Feb 20, 2024. Each of the three Board Candidates, Tracy Wagner, Randy Davis and Scott Kronshage were elected to fill the three open Board positions. Immediately after the Annual meeting the 2024 Board members held the Required Board meeting and determined which members would fill which Board positions. This document is available on the Sunshine Website HERE at the SEPO Board 'Contact Us' button. ​ To see the proposed Covenants descriptions and the tallies of the Ballots submitted and 'not' submitted' for all three proposals go HERE . To change a Covenant requires 205 'approvals' of the 306 possible ballots. As was emphasized before the election, if you did not submit a ballot for a Covenants proposal, it is an automatic 'DISAPPROVE' vote. Beth Parrish 2024 SEPO Board Election Committee Chairperson Email: 314-960-6710 ​ Sent 2024-02-26: Good Neighbor Day Golf Tournament - Let’s start “Leap Day and the month of March off with good weather and the 38th Annual Good Neighbor Day Golf Tournament (GNDGT). Registration was held in the pool area last week. If you are reading this on Monday, Feb 26, and still want to play we need immediate action to make contact. We have a few slots open and need standby players. For more information, please contact: Randy Davis @ 214-782-4604 or Dick Parrish @ 314-402-0219 Or myself: Tony Tramel GNDGT Committee Chair @ 337-693-6344 or ​ Sent 2024-02-23: Neighborhood garage sale - We will be having a neighborhood garage sale Friday, March 8th and Saturday, March 9th from 8:00am to 2:00pm. If there are any leftover items that you want to get rid of, please set them on the curb and a local charity organization will pick them up on Saturday the 9th at 3:00pm. If you have any large ticket items, such as furniture left, let me know and I will contact Aguilar's to come pick them up. - Jill Ventrello ​ Sent 2024-02-23: UPDATE: political signs - In addition to the note I put out yesterday (see below) pertaining to political signs, this was passed onto me by the city. We have some additional restrictions. In our covenants (Section 6.8) This was added in 2023k per Texas Property Code: * One sign per candidate * Sign not larger than 4’ X 6’ SEPO may remove a sign in violation of this covenant. Hope this covers this subject. Thanks in advance for you cooperation. - Jim Kennedy, SEPO President ​ Sent 2024-04-23: FINAL REMINDER: MAR 2024 Newsletter Articles Due by End of Day Feb 24, 2024 - This is the FINAL reminder that next month's Newsletter articles are due by the 24th of this month. It doesn't seem possible already, but this is the FINAL Newsletter for this 2023-2024 Season. If you would like to include information about future Sunshine Activities beyond Mar 2024, please feel free to send me those as well. I know lots of the winter activities do continue on into the summer for those of you who stay here. All articles need to be submitted to by End of Day on Feb 24, at the latest. The current Newsletter Guidelines are posted on the Web site HERE . Please call with questions. - Beth Parrish, SEPO Newsletter Editor 314-960-6710 ​ Sent 2024-04-22: Women's Club Activities - I would like to start by thanking everyone who volunteered this past year for all our successful events. We couldn't do it without you! And if I can be so bold, I'd like to thank those of you in advance, that have volunteered or plan to volunteer for the upcoming year. Unfortunately I was sick last week and wasn't able to attend the Women's Club activity planning meeting but Judy Stone and Pam Davis informed me of all the planned activities and all the fun activity ideas that were proposed. What a lot of fabulous ideas! I'm excited for a fun new year! This will be my 2nd year as the Women's Club activity director and like I said I'm excited for a new year of fun times. I have learned a lot along the way and will no doubt continue to learn new ways to help our volunteers. One way is that I plan on attending each activity committee's first meeting. That way I can get to know the volunteers better and go over the revised activity guidelines with the chairperson. A lot of activities/events already have a chairperson but there are some that are still in need of one. Once the proposed planned events are approved we will be posting them once again in the library. Please come in and take a look at what you might be interested in helping out with. We have one more Women's Club event planned for this year and that is the Farewell/Luau party on March 23rd. More details will follow the closer we get to that event. I hope everyone has a fun and safe summer! Come back rested and refreshed and ready to make the 2024-25 year the best ever! - Jill Ventrello, Women's Club Activities Director ​ Sent 2024-04-22: Table Tennis Cancellation - Table Tennis has been cancelled due to other activities on Saturday, February 24. Thanks. - Jan ​ Sent 2024-02-22: Guys & Dolls Tournament - Guys & Dolls Tournament will start tomorrow. We will be gathering in the pavilion not the library. The morning session will gather at 9:15 to go over rules, get hole assessments and scorecard. The afternoon session will gather at 12:15 for the same. Saturday evening will be our Happy Hour and awards ceremony. Everyone bring your favorite finger foods to share and as always BYOB. We still need one lady to fill up the roster! - Deloris Pearcy, 417-830-1816 ​ Sent 2024-02-22: Missing American Flags​ - Hi All – I am baffled by the disappearance of the American Flag that I proudly display on one of my vehicles. It has come up missing – not only once, but twice – recently. I know we have had a lot of wind, but I vigilantly remove the flag and bring it into my house when I know it is going to be windy. I’m asking for your help. If you have by any chance seen an American flag(s) on the ground somewhere or otherwise know of the location of either of them, please contact me. Thank you in advance for helping me out with this issue. - Steve Valmassoi, 313-407-5826 4212 N MO St ​ Sent 2024-02-22: political signs - POLITICAL SIGNS At yesterdays meeting, the question came up about political signs. Here is what I found: Political signs come under Chapter 394 of the Texas Transportation Code (TXDOT). This pertains mostly to Right-of-Way on highways and signs on poles etc. It states if signs are in a municipality, refer to city for codes and ordinances. ​ Did that------ and the City of Harlingen has no restrictions as far as size or number of signs on a private lot. The only restrictions are -----signs are to be put up 90 days before the election and removed within 10 days after the election. My hope is that folks in our Community will use a little “common sense” if you want to put up these signs. Thanks in advance!!! - Jim Kennedy, SEPO Board President ​ Sent 2024-02-22: UNAPPROVED: WC - Minutes from 2024-02-16 - The 'UNAPPROVED' minutes from the Women's Club meeting on Friday, Feb 16, 2024 are available on the Sunshine website HERE . - Karen Baase, WC Secretary ​ Sent 2024-02-22: WC Bylaws: Proposed Updates for Review & to be voted on at the Mar 15, 2024 Mtg - As was discussed in the Feb 16, 2024 Women's Club meeting, the WC Bylaws have been reviewed and updates are being proposed. As promised, the proposals have been added to the Sunshine website for you to review prior to the next meeting on Mar 15, 2024. This website page contains: the current Bylaws as of Feb 18, 2022 a document showing comments of why each of the changes are being proposed the Bylaws as they would look if all changes are approved. If you have any questions about the proposed updates, please contact Lisa Perrier or Pam Davis. If you have any technical issues concerning the website, please contact Beth Parrish. We hope to see all of you ladies at the Mar 15 meeting when the vote will take place. - Lisa Perrier & Pam Davis Sent 2024-02-21: Guys & Dolls Tournament - LADIES, WE DESPERATELY NEED ONE MORE DOLLS TO FILL IN FOR A DROP OUT. CALL ME - DELORIS PEARCY @ 417 830-1816 ​ Sent 2024-02-21: VIDEOs: Annual & 2024 Board (1st Required) Mtgs - Both on Feb 20, 2024 - The videos from the following meetings held on Feb 20, 2024 are now available for viewing on the Sunshine website HERE . Annual Meeting (1 PM): Annual Meeting (3 PM): 2024 Board (1st Required) Meeting: - Tony Adams & Scott Kronshage (with assistance from Beth Parrish) SEPO Board ​ Sent 2024-02-21: REMINDER: Valley Voices - Just a reminder that the Valley Voices will be performing in Retzlaff Hall this Friday at 2:30 pm. Doors will be open at 2:15 pm. Women's Club will be providing cookies, popcorn and for $2 you can cool off with an ice cream sandwich. Join us for an afternoon of great music. - Jill Ventrello ​ Sent 2024-02-21: GNDGT Registration - See the poster below for info about the GNDGT Registration on Tues, Wed, and Thursday this week. Please register early, do not wait until the last day, as you might be placed on a standby list. We will be in the pool area on Tue and Wed and the Library on Thursday from 1:00 PM until 4:00 PM. Tony Tramel Chair of Good Neighbor Day Golf Tournament. Sent 2024-02-21: NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH REMINDER - Don’t forget to attend the Neighborhood Watch Meeting today at 3:00 pm. in Retzlaff Hall. This wonderful organization needs and deserves all the support we can give. See you there! - Share Nelson, SEPO President ​ Sent 2024-02-18: Tennis Players - Susanne Ulrich sent me a pic yesterday of the Tennis regulars. Two were missing (Nancy & Dave). It is such a great pic I not only wanted to put it on the website HERE but also send it in this email. Tennis: All Year: Mon, Wed, Fri / Tennis Court) 8 - 11 am - Beth Parrish (for the Tennis activity) ​ Sent 2024-12-18: AGENDA for 2024 Board First 'Required' Meeting on Tue, Feb 20, 2024 - The agenda for the Tue, Feb 20 1st Required Board Meeting of your 2024 Board is posted on the Sunshine website HERE . A paper copy of this agenda will also be posted in the SEPO office, on the poolside door into Retzlaff Hall and by the mailboxes. - Share Nelson (for Tony Adams), SEPO Board ​ Sent 2024-02-18: AGENDA: ANNUAL Mtg - Tue, Feb 20, 2024 @ 1 & 3 PM - The agenda for the Tue, Feb 20 2024 ANNUAL Meeting at 1 & 3 PM is posted on the Sunshine website HERE . A paper copy of this agenda will also be posted in the SEPO office, on the poolside door into Retzlaff Hall and by the mailboxes. - Share Nelson (for Tony Adams), SEPO Board ​ Sent 2024-02-18: Garden tour: Salinas Farm (& Pics) - Thank you all for joining us at Salinas Family Farm in Lyford on Tuesday. It was a beautiful day and very informative for vegetable and fruits. Cruz Salinas shared some of his experiences and garden secrets with us. One I can share is: he has good luck planting celery with tomatoes. In the valley we have a problem with white fly. This has proven to help with his crop. Some went home with celery, tomatoes, strawberries, cabbage, purple sweet potato and oranges. They have a Facebook page and will announce "U Pick" for their produce when available. See pictures of your fellow residents enjoying this experience HERE . - Garden Club, Susanne and Debbie ​ Sent 2024-02-18: Garden Club Speaker: Pictures - If you remember this announcement or even if you don't, the Sunshine Garden Club welcomed speaker Dr. Julie Mustard on Jan 9. The day started with a tour of Texas Avenue at the Butterfly Garden. She pointed out what pollinators were present and how to attract more. Very Informative. See pictures of the participants intensely listening to Julie HERE . ​ ​ Also Beth Parrish (Website Mgr) wanted me to remind you that she also posts our Garden Club News, Pictures etc on the Website HERE . If you haven't visited those pages recently or never, please take a peek. - Susanne and Deb ​ Sent 2024-12-18: Gazebo Garden Clean Up - Seems the Good Neighbor Day Golf Tournament is a good reason to spruce up the community. The woodworkers have saved their very best wood shavings to reuse by the gazebo. If you are able to help clean up freeze damaged plants by the gazebo on Thursday, the 22nd, at 10:30 it will be greatly appreciated. Once plants are trimmed we can put down the wood shavings. I always appreciate the help. Thank you. - Susanne Ulrich ​ Sent 2024-02-18: Message to Homeowners - ATTENTION ALL HOMEOWNERS: ​ A time for us all to get together is our ANNUAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS . You MUST have placed your ballot envelope into the Ballot Box next to Valerie’s office before one o’clock, next Tuesday afternoon, February 20th, to have your vote counted in this election. THEN, be in Retzlaff Hall at 12:45 p.m. and go to the table that has the name of the street you live on and check in. The meeting will be called to order at 1:00 p.m., and we will learn if there is a quorum so the ballots can be counted. We will recess the meeting until 3:00 p.m. IN THE MEANWHILE, stay and enjoy the HISTORY OF SUNSHINE , a slide presentation of how we became what we are today. Oh, and popcorn will be available. - Share Nelson ​ Sent 2024-02-17: REMINDER: MAR 2024 Newsletter Articles Due by End of Day FEB 24, 2024 - Here's your first reminder that next month's Newsletter articles are due by end of day on the 24th of this month. They should be submitted to . This will be the FINAL Sunshine Newsletter for this Winter Season . This is a super way to get the word out about upcoming activities. Even if you don't have all of the information finalized by the Newsletter deadline, at least put 'what you do know so far' or even just a 'Save the Date' sentence in the Newsletter. It's also a perfect opportunity to recap past events and/or thank those who helped you with prior events/activities. The Newsletter Guidelines are posted on the Web site HERE . Prior Newsletters,which you can use as examples, can be found HERE . ​ Please call with questions. - Beth Parrish, SEPO Newsletter Editor Email: 314-960-6710 ​ Sent 2024-02-16: Guys & Dolls - Guys & Dolls Tournament The tournament has been postponed until next weekend February 23 & 24. I will send out more information later. Contact me at (417) 830-1816 if this doesn’t fit in your schedule. We will take some new signups if we have dropouts We can’t change the weather! Deloris Pearcy ​ Sent 2024-02-16: UNAPPROVED: SEPO Financials, 2024-01 (Jan) - The UNAPPROVED January 2024 SEPO Financials are posted on the Sunshine Website HERE . Please let me know if you have any questions. - Mark Owen, SEPO Treasurer ​ Sent 2024-02-16: UNAPPROVED: SEPO Board Mtg (Reg) Minutes, Jan 16, 2024 - The UNAPPROVED minutes from the Jan 13, 2024 Board Meeting (Regular) can be found on the Sunshine website HERE AND viewed/printed directly from HERE . They will also be posted in the office. Please call with any issues or questions. - Tony Adams, SEPO Board Secretary - Assisted by Share Nelson ​ Sent 2024-02-15: 38th - 2024 Good Neighbor Day Golf Tournament Feb 29 - Mar 2, 2024 - Registration for the 38th - 2024 Good Neighbor Day Golf Tournament will be: ​ Tuesday and Wednesday, February 20-21st. in the pool area from 1:00 – 4:00 PM and Thursday, February 22, where it will be in the Library. ​ Golfers must be 55 or older. This is a 27-hole, 3-day scramble with Prizes and an Award Dinner. The cost per golfer is $60. Checks should be made out to SEPO. Guests of a participating golfer can attend the award dinner for $20. Monetary and door prizes will be awarded. Several of you will be preparing unique gift baskets for the Awards Dinner. Please deliver your gift basket to Janis or Derek McFee at 2028 W Michigan before Saturday, March 2, 2024 Tony Tramel, Chair The Good Neighbor Day Golf Tournament Committee Cell 337-693-6344 ​ Sent 2024-02-15: Come say HI to Lassey Dahlstrom and Family - Hi folks! If you are out and about this Sunday (18th) between 4:00 and 6:00 pm stop by Lassey Dahlstrom’s house and say hi to her family and drink a toast to her health! All six (6) of her kids will be there and assorted grandkids and great grandkids—so stop by and enjoy the craziness! Laurel Becker, Lassey's daughter and former Sunshine Resident ​ Sent 2024-02-15: Sunshine Activities/Events - LOTS OF UPCOMING ACTIVITIES: In case you haven't noticed there are LOTS AND LOTS of activities/events scheduled for us here at Sunshine to take part in between now and the end of March. Frankly, it's been a nightmare for me this today making sure everything has been updated correctly on the website. I know, I volunteered to manage the website. ANY TAKERS ONGOING? 🤩 ACTIVITY REQUESTS: Anyway - Enough about me. The reason for this email is to remind everyone that since there is sooooo much going on, please please please, remember to complete an Activity Request form for anything new that hasn't already been requested and approved by the SEPO Office. And if 'anything' with your original request changes, please resubmit a new form in order for the Office to approve your changes and update the SEPO Calendar appropriately. The process and form to do this can be obtained from either the Office or from the website HERE . WEBSITE UPDATE: I concentrated on updating the following pages. But if you see ANYTHING out of whack on any of the web pages, contact me ASAP so I can get it corrected. Winter Season Activities Summary : FYI - The 2 pager was updated on this page. You will see on Page 2 I have color coded an event and it's Rain Date(s) this time. Hope that helps keep things straight. Winter Season Golf Events . ​ SEPO EMAIL LEGEND: In order not to have to send an additional email, here is a reminder that if you think you may have missed reading a SEPO Email or if you need an information refresher, I always post all of the emails I send out HERE (currently going back to Jan 2021). ​ Sorry this got so long, but I hope all of the above is clear as mud 😃to everyone. Thx for your attention. Bye for now. - Beth Parrish, SEPO Communications 314-960-6710 ​ Sent 2024-02-15: Dates for Women's Golf Events - REMINDER: WOMEN'S GOLF MEETING AT 9:00 AM FEBRUARY 21ST IN HALL, DOUNTS AND COFFEE WILL BE PROVIDED. WE NEED TO RECAP SOME INFORMATION. WE WILL BE AS BRIEF AS POSSIBLE. MEETING HELD REGARDLESS OF WEATHER. ​ FEBRUARY 29TH - MARCH 1ST - GOOD NEIGHBOR DAY GOLF TOURNAMENT LUNCH FUNDRAISER- TERRY DEBACKERE - CHAIR. MARCH 6TH - WOMEN'S GOLF GUEST DAY- START GOLFING AT 9:00-SIGNUP SHEETS WILL BE POSTED IN THE LIBRARY, PLEASE PLAN TO SIGNUP FOR COUNT. LEAGUE PLAYERS, PLEASE PLAN TO BRING A SALAD-AND/OR FINGER FOODS (PAVILLION). BOXED DRINK WILL BE PROVIDED - PLEASE REMEMBER NO GLASS IN POOL AREA. MARCH 13TH, 14TH, 15TH - WOMEN'S GOLF TOURNAMENT 9:00 TO 11:00 AM - SIGNUP SHEETS WILL BE POSTED FOR BOTH TOURNAMENT AND BANQUET TO GET A COUNT. MARCH 20TH, 21ST, 22ND - ALTERNATE DATES FOR TOURNAMENT. MARCH 22ND - WOMEN'S AWARDS BANQUET- AT PAVILLION 11:30 TO 1:00 PM- SANDWICHES/BOXED DRINK/DESERT WILL BE PROVIDED. MARCH 27TH - ALTERNATE DATE FOR AWARDS BANQUET. Thank you for making this year a fun one! - Nancy Lyne ​ Sent 2024-02-15: Guys & Dolls - Tomorrow morning (weather permitting) the "Guys & Dolls" Tournament will begin. If you don't know when you are assigned to play the listing is posted in the Library. Tomorrow the morning session will meet in the library at 9:15 to get your score cards, hole assignments and to go over the rules. We will do the same for the afternoon session to meet at 12:15. The weather forecast does not look favorable for play, but we have rain-out dates for next weekend February 23 & 24, so the tournament will go on. ​ See you there! - Deloris Pearcy, ​ Sent 2024-02-15: TX Ave Front Gate Hours - The hours for the TX Ave front gate are: Opens at 6 AM - Closes at 7 PM. Beth has just now posted this info in the 'Residents' Section of the website. This web page is listed under the "Residents" Tab / "Front Gate" . - Tom Perrier, SEPO Board ​ Sent 2024-02-15: FREE Rose Bushes - As part of the preparation for sprucing up the entrance to the Community for the upcoming Good Neighbor Day Golf Tournament, Lalo will be removing the rose bushes at the TX Ave front gate entrance. He will be putting them in buckets and they are free for you to come get - first come, first served. Unfortunately, I can't give you an exact time when they will be available since Lalo is working this job into his schedule sometime today. - Tom Perrier, SEPO Board ​ Sent 2024-02-15: 2024 SEPO Election: GENTLE REMINDER RE: VOTING - GENTLE REMINDER - Voting for 2024 Election: The absolute deadline is 1 PM next Tuesday, Feb 20. Put completed ballots in the envelope marked Ballot Envelope. Ballot Envelope goes inside ‘Attendance Proxy’ envelope. 'Attendance Proxy' envelope goes in the Ballot Box in the office. Don’t bring ballots into the hall for the 1 PM meeting on the 20th. It’s critical if you don’t sign the ‘attendance proxy’, you need to come early (starting at 12:30 PM) to the 1 PM Tuesday meeting on the 20th to ‘check in’ in order to be included in the QUORUM number. 156 is required for a quorum. I and and two Election Committee members will be doing ‘early’ proxy counting this Friday, Feb 16, at 1 PM. The more ballots submitted prior to then, the less time it will take to determine if we have a quorum at 1 PM on the 20th. Please call w/questions, etc. ​ Beth Parrish, 2024 SEPO Board Election Committee Chairperson Email: 314-960-6710 ​ Sent 2024-02-15: REMINDER: 59 1/2 Minutes w/Brett Dana - Just a gentle reminder of my concert this coming Sunday in Retzlaff Hall. No Charge. See other details below. Hope to see you there. - Fellow Resident Dana Boettcher (aka Brett Dana) Sent 2024-02-14: Women's Club activity planning meeting - This is a final reminder of the upcoming Women's Club activity planning meeting. It will be this Friday, February 16th following the Women's Club meeting in Retzlaff Hall. Please come help plan a fun and exciting new season of activities here in Sunshine Estates. We already have a lot of great ideas, but your input is always valuable and wanted. Hope to see many of you there! - Jill Ventrello, Women's Club Activities Director ​ Sent 2024-02-12: B&N Club: Meeting Minutes from Feb 5, 2024 - The minutes from the Birding & Nature (B&N) Club meeting on Feb 5, 2024 have been uploaded to the Sunshine Website HERE . - Deb Jones ​ Sent 2024-02-12: VIDEO & UNAPPROVED MINUTES: SEPO Board Meeting (Special), Feb 9, 2024 - The VIDEO and the UNAPPROVED MINUTES from the Jan 9, 2024 Board Meeting (Special) can both be found on the Sunshine website HERE . They will also be posted in the SEPO Office. Please call with any issues or questions. - Tony Adams, SEPO Board Secretary ​ Sent 2024-02-12: Guys and Dolls - Sign-up for Guy & Dolls Tournament will be closing on Wednesday February 14, 2024 by 12:00pm. We may adjust the starting times if the weather requires it. We will meet in the library before the start of each session to pick up your score cards and go over rules. You will turn in your scorecard each day at the end of your round. Hope to see you out there. For questions or concerns contact - Deloris Pearcy at 417-830-1816 or Nancy Lyne 308-870-4286 ​ Sent 2024-02-12: WC: Valley Voices - It's almost Spring which means it's time for Valley Voices to come back and entertain us in Retzlaff Hall. They will be here on Friday, February 23rd at 2:30 pm. The cost is free but donations are gladly accepted. Women's Club will be providing refreshments. Doors will open at 2:15 pm. For those of you who haven't been able to make it to one of their concerts, join us for an afternoon of beautiful music. - Jill Ventrello ​ Sent 2024-02-12: Speeding - Hi All! I’ve been getting calls and having conversations with residents about vehicles speeding on our streets. I’m looking into those things I can do to encourage people to slow down, but it truly comes down to recognizing that our streets have walkers, joggers, bikers and lots of golf carts! Plus many folks have work being done on their homes by contractors currently. This means equipment and employees vehicles crowding the streets. (side note make sure your contractors have checked in with Valerie before starting work to get a permit for their vehicles) I’ll be adding more signs and other visual and physical items, to remind drivers to keep their speed down. But at the end of the day the majority of the people here are retired, what’s your rush! lol 20 mph is the speed limit but slower is safer. Thx - Tom Perrier, SEPO Board ​ Sent 2024-02-12: MARKET: Home For Sale - See my home at 1944 W Wisconsin Ave that is for sale on the Sunshine MARKET . - Mirtala Bowman by - Dana Weise, ​ Sent 2024-02-11: Karaoke, Friday, Feb 16 - Karaoke in the Hall on Friday, February 16th. Please note a couple of changes. First, doors will open at 5:30 and singing will start at 6pm. Second, the Women’s Club will have a concession stand selling pulled pork sandwiches and chips for $5 (while supplies last), as well as, Fat Boy ice cream sandwiches for $2. As always, bring a snack if you’d like, but not necessary. BYOB. They’ll be dancing and remember, you don’t have to sing. Phillip and Patricia Lay will be your hosts and I will be running around like a crazy person as usual. If you’re looking for a good time that’s a golf cart ride away, don’t miss this event. - Randy Davis ​ Sent 2024-02-11: Calling All Dogs and Cats - Hey Everyone - Sandra Delaunay will be coming to the Estates on Saturday, February 17th, 2024, to take care of your pet's nails. She will be starting at 11:30 am. The cost is ten dollars per pet. Please text Sandra and she will schedule your appointment. Sandra's number is 956-226-9919. Sandra will come to your home. Thanks, - Marian Young, 719-468-4556 ​ Sent 2024-02-10: Former resident passing - Former resident Fran Twesten passed away on Nov 10, 2023 at the age of 95. - Nancy Johns ​ Sent 2024-02-10: Tx Ave - Hi all! Just a reminder, the Texas Ave area is available for everyone to use and enjoy in Sunshine. So please do your best to keep track of where your dog relieves it self and pick it up. Nobody likes to drag that around on their shoes. We’re going to setup another bag station near the intersection of Tx/Mn/Mt so no one should have to go searching for a bag. Thank you - Tom Perrier, SEPO Board ​ Sent 2024-02-10: Soda/Pop in the Card Room - Hi friends! Just a gentle reminder to please pay the 50 cents for a soda/pop in the card room. Several sodas/pops have been unaccounted for in the past several days. Please remember that this money goes towards buying more sodas/pops, so that we don’t have to go out of the community to buy them. If the sodas/pops continue to disappear, we will have to stop having them in the card room. Thank you so much for your cooperation in this matter. - Pam Davis ​ Sent 2024-02-09: Practice golf net - The practice golf net in the storage area is open for use now. - Frank Tewell, SEPO Board ​ Sent 2024-02-08: FOUND: Earring - I found this earring on the golf course today after league play. - Contact Deloris Pearcy at 417 830-1816 Sent 2024-02-08: Salinas Family Farm Tour - Sunshine Garden Club Tour Final details on our February Garden Tour in place of a regular garden meeting. Date: February 13th, Tuesday Speaker: Cruz Salinas, Agricultural Specialist Where: Salinas Family Farm, 7233 Simon Gomez Road, Lyford, Texas. Time: Meet by the library at 2:00pm. Let me know if you want to carpool. The tour will start about 2:30pm. We will have to limit to 20 people. A signup sheet will be in the library. If more than 20 we can schedule another tour, so put your name down and we can keep you informed. Cruz will be showing us his vegetable garden, fruit and citrus set up. He has strawberries planted and in the future you can schedule a "U Pick Day". Will discuss his raised beds, drip systems and custom made planting tunnels. - Susanne Ulrich ​ Sent 2024-02-08: Women's Club planning meeting: Activities for 2024-2025 Season - Just a reminder of the upcoming Women's Club meeting next Friday the 16th @ 9:00am in Retzlaff Hall. And following that meeting is our annual Women's Club planning meeting . This is your opportunity to have a say in what activities and events you would like to see scheduled for the 2024-25 season. Come and share your ideas! - Jill Ventrello, Women's Club Activity Director ​ Sent 2024-02-07: FOUND: Golf clubs - Found 2 golf clubs today after 1:00 pm. near hole 9. Stop at 4329 N. Missouri Street to claim. Thanks - Susanne Ulrich ​ Sent 2024-02-07: Trash in the Storage Lot - Please - No more trash dumping in the Storage Lot area until further notice. - Frank Tewell, SEPO Board ​ Sent 2024-02-07: Woodworker meeting Rescheduled to 1:00 PM February 19 - Due to scheduling conflicts, the decision was made to change the February woodworker meeting from Friday, February 9, to Monday, February 19. Hopefully more people will be able to attend and I’m sorry if I’ve inconvenienced anyone. - Chuck McEvoy, President Woodworkers ​ Sent 2024-02-07: Fishing meeting changed from Feb 14th to Feb 12th - The fishing club meeting was scheduled for February 14th at 6:00 pm which is the second Wednesday of the month. Due to the Valentines Day holiday on February 14th, we have rescheduled the meeting to Monday, February 12th at 6:00 pm in Retzlaff hall. Thank you. - Deb DesLauriers-Eich on behalf of Paul Lucas, Vice President 715-821-4552 ​ Sent 2024-02-07: REMINDER: SEPO Election Voting - I wanted to remind everyone that your ballots for the 2024 SEPO Election (1 for Board members and 3 for SEPO Covenants) are due to be deposited in the Ballot Box in front of the SEPO Office or mailed to the SEPO Office by 1 PM on Tuesday, Feb 20, 2024, AT THE ABSOLUTE LATEST . At that time another member of the committee and I will be determining if we have a quorum. A quorum is defined as the majority of the votes of the homeowners who are signed in as present at the 1 PM mtg that day along with the signed ‘Attendance’ proxies . ​ If you haven't voted yet and still have any questions about the ballots, please contact one of your Board Members . Also, the recording from the Jan 23 'Meet & Greet' session, where lots of great questions were answered, is also available here: PLEASE NOTE: If you DO NOT vote, it's a NO vote. ​ Beth Parrish 2024 Board Election Committee Chairperson Email: 314-960-6710 ​ Sent 2024-02-06: Golf practice net - The practice golf net will be closed in the storage area on Wednesday until we replace the pads . Probably two or three days. - Frank Tewell, SEPO Board ​ Sent 2024-02-06: AGENDA: Board Mtg (Regular) - Tue, Feb 13, 2024 @ 1 PM - The agenda for the Tue, Feb 13 2024 SEPO Board (Regular) meeting at 1 PM is posted on the Sunshine website HERE . ​ PLEASE NOTE: This is a NEW Google Meet code for everyone to use for this meeting and for all Board & Residents meetings going forward is: A paper copy of this agenda will also be posted in the SEPO office, on the poolside door into Retzlaff Hall and by the mailboxes by 1 pm Wed, Feb 7, at the latest. Share Nelson (for Tony Adams), SEPO Board ​ Sent 2024-02-06: AGENDA: Board Mtg (Special) - Fri, Feb 9, 2024 @ 1 PM - The agenda for the Fri, Feb 9, 2024 SEPO Board (Special) meeting at 1 PM is posted on the Sunshine website HERE . ​ PLEASE NOTE: This is a NEW Google Meet code for everyone to use for this meeting and for all Board & Residents meetings going forward is: ​ A paper copy of this agenda will also be posted in the SEPO office, on the poolside door into Retzlaff Hall and by the mailboxes today.Share Nelson (for Tony Adams), SEPO Board ​ Sent 2024-02-05: Missing cash boxes - I had put out a notice a few weeks ago concerning two missing cash boxes from Women's Club but I still have not received them. So I'm putting out another notice. The last event I am personally aware of them being used is the craft/bake sale back in December. Please, if anyone has them or know who might have them, please contact me at 720-660-8417. Thank you. - Jill Ventrello ​ Sent 2024-02-03: REMINDER: Potato Bake - The Womens' Golf Potato bake is Scheduled for next Saturday, February 10. We need those wishing to attend to sign up in the library by noon on Tuesday, February 6. This is necessary so we can order potatoes. The cost is $5.00 each. If you have questions contact Glenda Wetherbee at 425-418-0031 ​ Sent 2024-02-02: Golf Course Cart Path - If you see this on the golf course cart path, it’s an indication that you’re 50 yards from the center of the green. The one pictured is on # 4, but we’ll be adding more holes later this week. - Randy Davis: SEPO Board (from SEPO Facebook) Sent 2024-02-02: Sunshine Community Gardens/Flowers - We cleaned up what we could. Now fingers crossed no more freeze temps. Thank you Tom Perrier and staff for the mulch and transporting it to our sites. Thank you Tony Adams for the plantings of the passion vine along wooden fence. We are training them now to climb the fence. Should be beautiful. They were not affected by the freeze. - Susanne Ulrich (Garden Club from Facebook) Sent 2024-02-02: Resaca Water available again - Just so the community knows what is going on with the Resaca Water and the Pump now and in a few weeks. Randy had posted this on SEPO Facebook yesterday . It appears there is a major issue with the pump for our resaca water. We may be without the irrigation water for an unknown amount of days. There may be a “patch” done to get us to next week and an overhaul later, but prepare for the worst. We will keep you informed of the status. This will affect the golf course and your home systems. - Randy Davis Last hour Randy posted this all is well message . The pump is working, so we have irrigation water. In a few weeks, we will shut it down for a couple of days for an overhaul. We will give you notice when this occurs so that you can plan accordingly. - Randy Davis ​ Sent 2024-02-02: Casino Night: Thank You Cards Missing - Missing thank you cards! Has anyone seen a box of these blank cards. I used them in 2019 after the last Casino night and they got stored. Please let me know if you have seen them or if they got thrown out. Thanks - Dale Hopfner 431-739-2524 Sent 2024-02-01: Guys & Dolls Golf Tournament - GUYS & DOLLS TOURNAMENT FEBRUARY 16 & 17, Friday & Saturday ​ Signup sheets will be posted in the library tomorrow morning Feb. 2, 2024 by 10:00am. There are 3 signup sheets: One for couples, (a team) who already know they will play together. Another for unmatched Guys. A third for unmatched Dolls. ​ The last two will include space for phone numbers so teams can be arranged by the individuals. ​ Play will follow typical scramble format, the rules will be posted to avoid any confusion. Cost is $10.00 per person (cash only). Money is to be placed in the envelopes provided. Please put your name or names on the envelope. Start time for the morning is 9:30am, afternoon start time is 12:30pm. Saturday evening there will be a Happy Hour and awards ceremony. Everyone bring your favorite finger food to share, and also BYOB. It is always lots of fun!!! ​ Guys and Doll Committee Contact Deloris Pearcy at ​ Sent 2024-02-01: Providing many new rock painting materials at the 5 February meeting - Rock painting materials donated includes: Paint pens (mostly new and some gently used) Including: 4 new artistro paint pens (× 2 black and 2 white) 2 new paint pen sets 7 new small chalk Acrylic paint (2 lg & 3 sm 2oz) Rubber gloves Brief instructions on painting rocks Hope to see all Sunshine Rock Club members, current & new, women and men, Monday, Jan 5th in the hall at 1pm. - Karren Amos Back to Top

  • Golf Events (2019-2020) | Sunshine Estates

    Golf Events (2019-2020: Winter) Additional Details COMPLETE (Cancelled in March 2021, due to Covid-19) Saturday Golf Scramble ​ Sent 2019-11-16: Saturday Golf Scramble - Grace and I will start this traditional activity at 9:00 A. M. Saturday, December 7th. The sign-up sheet will be posted Monday, December 2nd and taken down at noon Friday. All skill levels are welcome and teams are balanced by handicap, as well as possible. Early sign-up helps. The cost is $1 and should be deposited in the Saturday Box in the lounge. If you need more information, please contact us personally or call 956-792-2931. The Clarks ​ ************************* CANCELLED (Mar 20 & 21, 2020) Guys & Dolls Golf Tournament Tournament: Mar 20-21(CANCELLED) Awards Dinner: Mar 21 (CANCELLED) Sent (2020-03-17): Guys & Dolls Tournament CANCELLED / Read for Refund Info - The committee met just now and decided to CANCEL the Guys & Golls Golf Tournament. Refunds will be handed out this Thu and Fri, March 19 & 20, from 9 AM to Noon in the Library. The Committee ​ Sent 2020-03-17: Guys & Dolls, Rewards Dinner - Today the Guys & Dolls Golf Tournament committee will be paying for the meals ordered from Dave's BBQ for Sat evening. Anyone opting out of the tournament after 1 PM TODAY will not be able to receive a reimbursement. SAT EVENING PROGRAM CHANGES ARE AS FOLLOWS: Tournament Awards will be handed out at the Pavilion at 4:30 pm while you are enjoying free adult beverages (if you wish) The dinner will be served by Dave's BBQ in Retzlaff Hall at 5:30 pm ToGo boxes will be available for anyone not wishing to eat at the hall. Thanks for your understanding with this matter. Dave & Val Pickett and Dick & Joyce Smith Guys & Dolls Tournament Chairs Original Announcement concerning the Turnament Do you need a partner? - We had a Partner List (see below) hanging in the library for anyone who was looking for a golfer to play with in the Guys & Dolls tournament. All you had to do was list your name and contact number. Dave Pickett Sent 2020-03-11: Guys & Gals Tournie Update: Day 2 Sales - We had 7 more teams sign up this am. That puts us at 80%. We have room for 11 more teams. You don't have to be an avid golfer to participate. This is a get to know your neighbors and have fun tournie. So come on in tomorrow and sign up. All monies collected, minus the cost of the meals, will be paid out. The more players we have, the more money we pay out. And the more fun you have. Only one more day to sign up; tomorrow Thu, Mar 12, 9am till noon in the library. If you need a partner, please be sure to check our the "need a partner" list posted in the Library. There's a couple of guys on there who need gals to play with. (no pun intended) For golfers who have a spouse or friend who doesn't golf, there is still room on the "meal only" list. Dave & Val Pickett and Dick & Joyce Smith Guys & Dolls Tournament Chairs ​ Sent 2020-03-10: Guys & Gals Tournie Update - We had 36 teams sign up this am. That's almost 70%. We have room for 18 more teams. Only two more days to sign up. Tomorrow Wed, Mar 11, 9am till noon & Thu, Mar 12, 9am till noon. If you need a partner, please be sure to check out the "need a partner" list posted in the Library. For golfers who have a spouse or friend who doesn't golf, there is still room on the "meal only" list. the Guys & Dolls committee Sent 2020-03-10: REMINDER: Guys & Dolls Tournie Signup - REMINDER - Signup: Begins today Tuesday, Mar 10 at 9 AM in the Library. See details on poster If you need a partner: See poster hanging in Library ​Don't delay signing up or you might get left out of this fun time!!! Dave & Val Pickett and Dick & Joyce Smith (Guys & Dolls Tournament Chairs) ​ Sent 2020-03-06: INITIAL NOTICE - Guys & Dolls Golf Tournament: Days/Times course is being utilized - The Guys & Dolls golf tournament is being held on March 20 & 21. This tournament will be utilizing the course on these days from 8:30 am until 3:30 pm. Thank you in advance for respecting these hours and planning other golf around these times. Another reminder will be sent out as we get closer to the tournament. Dave & Val Pickett and Dick & Joyce Smith, Guys & Dolls Tournament Chairs ​ Sent 2020-03-06: Golf: Guys & Dolls Tournie Info - The Guys & Dolls Golf tournament, open to Owners & Renters only, will be held on Friday and Saturday March 20 and 21. Awards Dinner will be Saturday evening. It will be a Scramble format. Tee time will be assigned and be the same for each day. The cost for golfers is $20 per person and limited to 108 golfers. A meal by Dave’s BBQ (price included in the entry fee) will follow on Saturday evening: 4:45 Social Time (Pavilion) & 5:30 Dinner/Awards (Retzlaff). The cost of meal only, if you don’t golf, is $12 each. This year we are also offering a ‘Share the Wealth’ prize for a ‘Hole in One’ that any team(s) makes. This OPTIONAL 'Hole In One’ contest has an entry fee of $10 per team . Payout will be a portion of the total ‘Hole In One’ entry fees. If only one team get a ‘Hole In One’ they get half of the entry fee. Two or more teams getting a “Hole In One” each get an even portion of half of the entry fee. The other half of the entry fee will be paid out as prize money for the overall tournament. NOW – HERE’S THE VERY IMPORTANT PART. Signup will be from 9am 'til noon on March 10, 11, and 12 in the library. Please bring cash - no checks . If you haven’t found a partner to play with yet, you better get going. Dave & Val Pickett and Dick & Joyce Smith Guys & Dolls Tournament Chairs ​ Sent 2020-02-17: Guys & Dolls Golf Tournament - The Guys & Dolls Golf Tournament will be held on Friday and Saturday of March 20 and 21. Open to SEPO owners and renters only. The cost will be $20 per person and limited to 108 golfers, a meal by Dave’s BBQ will follow on Saturday and meals only will cost $12 each. More info will be coming later but you may start looking for a partner if your better half doesn’t want to golf. Thx. Dave Pickett ​ ************************* COMPLETE (Cancelled as of Mar 19, 2020, due to Covid-19) Thursday Golf Scramble (Starting Thu, Feb 20,2020) ​ Sent 2020-02-17: Thursday Golf Scramble - The Thursday Golf Scramble is starting up again - which costs one dollar and includes a beverage after. It begins at 3 pm every Thursday (weather permitting) and signup sheets are on the bulletin board near the Office, beside Saturday’s sheets. Dave Pickett ​ ************************* COMPLETE (Mar 4-6 & 11, 2020) WOMEN'S GOLF LEAGUE YEARLY TOURNAMENT Tournament: Mar 4-6 / Awards Party: Mar 11 ​ Sent 2020-03-02: Women's Golf League Awards Party - The Women's Golf League Awards Party will be held in Retzlaff Hall on March 11th at 12:30. Signup sheet is in library. All current and past Women's Golf League members are invited. Connie Robertson Women's Golf League Treasurer ​ Sent 2020-02-27: Women’s Golf Tournament - Reminder: League members please sign up for our tournament next Wednesday, Thursday and Friday by tomorrow (2/28). The signup sheet will come down Friday evening and the lineup for the tournament will be posted Monday. If you have any questions please call me at 303-990-2730. Thanks Cathy Richmond, tournament chair ​ Sent 2020-02-24: Women's golf Tournament - Times course is being utilized - The SCCE women’s golf league will be holding their annual championship tournament on March 4,5 and 6. The ladies will be using the course each day from 9 am to approximately noon. Thank you in advance for respecting these hours and planning other golf around these times. Cathy Richmond, tournament chair ​ ************************* COMPLETE (Mar 2-3 & 6, 2020) MEN'S GOLF LEAGUE YEARLY TOURNAMENT Tournament: Mar 2 & 3 (COMPLETE) Awards Party: Mar 6 (COMPLETE) ​ Sent 2020-02-25: MEN'S GOLF LEAGUE YEARLY TOURNAMENT - The Men's Golf League will hold it's yearly free tournament on March 2nd and 3rd. We play four rounds of golf with rounds starting at 8:30 am, 10:15 am, 12:30 pm and 2:15 pm. All members have signed up for round placements. Tournament prizes will be handed out Friday, March 6th at 4:30 pm in the Pavilion. We will have - all free: beer, margaritas, hamburgers and brats. Thanks, Steve Phillips ​ ************************* COMPLETE (Feb 12, 2020) Golf: Ladies Golf Guest Day (02-12-2020) ​ Sent 2020-02-11: Seurity Keypad on Retzlaff Hall Door - Tonight the Security Keypad on the Retzlaff Hall door will be disabled and all doors will be locked for the Women's Guest Day Golf Tournament Feb.12, 2020. Valerie Basaldua Office Manager Sent 2020-02-04: Ladies Golf Guest Day - Save the date and invite your friends for a fun day of golf! Our annual fun golf day is February 12th. We play a scramble so you really don’t need to be a “golfer”! We meet at 8:45 for coffee, donuts and fellowship. Golfing starts at 9:30. After golf at about 12:30 we have lunch provided by the women’s golf league consisting of salads, finger foods and desserts. Prizes will be given out after lunch! All this fun costs only $2.00 a person!!! Ask your friends from inside Sunshine and outside the community. Signup sheet will be in the library. Golf guest day committee (by Cathy Richmond) ​ ************************* COMPLETE (Feb 6 thru 7, 2020) Golf: Good Neighbor Lunch Stand (02-06 thru 02-07) Sent 2020-01-20: REMINDER, Women's Golf Lunch Stand - The Sunshine Women’s Golf Lunch Stand was a big hit today even though it was held inside Retzlaff Hall due to the weather. If you missed it, the plan for Friday (as long as the weather improves) is to serve lunch under the pool pavilion from 11 am to 1 pm. If the weather is still too chilly, it well be held in Retzlaff Hall again. This is open to everyone whether you play in the Good Neighbor Tournament or not. Cost is $5.00. Friday we will have brats, hot dogs, chili and sloppy joes. It aslo includes chips and a drink. Extra sandwiches or bowl of chili will be available for an additional $2.00. Please pass the word and support the Women’s Golf League. See you there! Terry DeBackere (by Beth Parrish) ​ NEWSLETTER 2020-01: Women’s Golf, GNGT Lunch Stand - The Sunshine Women’s Golf will host a Lunch Stand at the pool pavilion on Thu, Feb 6th and Fri, Feb 7th from 11am to 1 pm. This is open to everyone whether you play in the Good Neighbor Tournament or not. Cost will be $5.00. Thursday lunch will be a barbeque sandwich, chips and a drink. Friday we will have brats or hot dogs, chips and a drink. Extra sandwiches will be available for an additional $2.00. Please pass the word and support the Women’s Golf League. Thank you Terry DeBackere ************************* COMPLETE (Feb 6 thru 8, 2020) Golf: 35th Annual Good Neighbor Golf Tournament 2020 (02-06 thru 02-08) Sent 2020-02-04: Good Neighbor Golf Tournament (GNGT) - The 35th Annual Good Neighbor Golf Tournament starts this Thursday and ends Saturday, with an awards and dinner banquet. We have great participation. Best of all, great weather is forecast for all 3 days. Yea! You should anticipate a lot of pedestrian and parking activity at the office area, Retzlaff Hall, and the Pavilion. So drive carefully in these areas. This is also last call for Gift Baskets for the Awards portion of the program for participants. Please deliver any basket and / or appropriate donation to Janis McFee at 2028 W Michigan Dr before Friday at noon. Looking forward to another successful GNGT for 2020! Tony Tramel Chairman of GNGT ​ Sent 2020-01-31: Loaner pull carts for good neighbot - A few golfers from outside our community are in need of pull carts for the Good Neighbor Day Golf Tournament next Thurs, Fri, and Sat, Feb 6,7,8. Also there are some players who have requested loaner riding carts. If you would be willing to loan a player either a riding cart or a pull cart, please contact Jerry Wetherbee at 425-418-3345 or . Thank you Jerry Wetherbee Sent 2020-01-18: GNGT Gift Baskets - The Good Neighbor Golf Tournament (GNGT) is a 35-year tradition of Sunshine Estates Country Club. There are many prizes and awards during the Good Neighbor Golf Tournament banquet on Saturday. A few years ago residents started a tradition of preparing gift baskets as great prizes during the banquet.These baskets have been prepared in the past with the donor’s hometown in mind and with new items valued between $30 and $50. We hope both residents and non-residents will continue this donation practice.The baskets do not, however, need to be from your hometown region. To lessen your costs, you might want to consider creating a basket together with friends or neighbors.We would also be grateful for separate gift certificates or items that we could assemble into joint baskets. Janis McFee and Eileen Anderson have taken on the mission of receiving and storing gift basket donations for the GNGT. If you and or your neighbors would like to prepare and or share in preparing a gift basket, we encourage you to do so by providing them to Janis McFee and / or Eileen Anderson prior to the scheduled event dates. Based on history, the recipients of these unique gift basket prizes welcome this approach and truly appreciate everyone's generosity. Eileen Anderson 2024 W Montana Ave 507-317-0296 Janis McFee 2020 W Michigan Dr 651-271-8214 Sent 2020-01-07: Registrations for Good Neighbor Good Tournament this Week! - The Good Neighbor Golf Tournament (GNGT) is a 35-year tradition of Sunshine Country Club Estates. Registration for players will begin this Thursday (Jan 9) thru Saturday (Jan 11) from 9 AM to 1 PM each day in the Library at the Office. First come first served. Don’t forget and get shut out. Come see us and bring your money; checks (made out to SEPO) preferred. Dates of Play are: Thursday, February 6 through Saturday, February 8, 2020. Cost is $50 per player, and one golfer’s guest meal ticket is $20. Tony Trammel GNGT Chairman Sent 2019-12-27 in Newsletter: 35th Annual Good Neighbor Golf Tournament 2020 - Gift Baskets Hello Sunshine Estates Friends: The Good Neighbor Golf Tournament (GNGT) is a 35-year tradition of Sunshine Estates Country Club. This article is to let new, as well as “old”, (not taken literally,) residents of Sunshine Estates, be aware and encourage the participation in this fun 3-day event. For non-players, “participation” also includes providing support during play. Registration for players will be 9 AM to 1:00 PM, January 9th through the 11th in the Library of the Office. There are many prizes and awards during the dinner banquet on Saturday. Residents started a tradition of preparing gift baskets as great prizes during the banquet. These baskets have been prepared in the past with the donor’s hometown in mind and with new items valued between $30 and $50. We hope residents will continue this donation practice. The baskets do not, however, need to be from your hometown region. To lessen your costs, you might want to consider creating a basket together with friends or neighbors. We would also be grateful for separate gift certificates or items that we could assemble into joint baskets. Janis McFee and Eileen Anderson have taken on the mission of receiving and storing gift basket donations for the GNGT . If you and or your neighbors would like to prepare and or share in preparing a gift basket, we encourage you to do so by providing them to Janis McFee and / or Eileen Anderson prior to the scheduled event dates. Based on history, the recipients of these unique gift basket prizes welcome this approach and truly appreciate Sunshine Country Club’s generosity. Get ready for registration and basket preparation! Eileen Anderson 2024 W Montana Ave 507-317-0296 Janis McFee 2020 W Michigan Dr 651-271-8214 ​ Tony Tramel 2020 GNGT Chairman Cell 337-693-6344 December 2019 ​ ************************* COMPLETE (Jan 24 & 25, 2020) ​ Golf: Las Vegas Scramble and Potato Bake (01-24-2020 & 01-25-2020) ​ Signups for two great events are in the Library! Please be aware (pictured below): There are two separate sets of envelopes & two separate boxes for these events. ALSO: Signup sheets for each event are on the Library bulletin board. LAS VEGAS SCRAMBLE - 2 fun filled days!! Fri, Jan 24th & Sat, Jan 25th Two tee times - 9am & 11:30am Open to residents & renters $7.00 per person (cash only please) Prize money given out at the Potato Bake Supper ($6.00 per person) so be sure to sign up for that too! Questions? Joyce Smith (507-236-6302), Bonnie Fransene (309-335-4251), Judy Parker (956-245-4156) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- POTATO BAKE SUPPER with all the fixins Jan 25, 2020 SOCIAL at 4:30pm, DINNER at 5:00pm $6.00 per person (cash only please) Open to residents & renters Questions? Glenda Wetherbee (425-418-0031) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sent 2020-01-20: Potato Bake - The Potato Bake sponsored by Ladies Golf is Saturday, January 25. The price is $6.00 per person. You can signup in the Library through Thursday, January 23. Refer questions to Glenda Wetherbee at 424-418-0031. Glenda Wetherbee Sent 2020-01-19: Las Vegas Scramble signup - The last day for our Las Vegas Scramble signup will be Tuesday, Jan. 21st. The signup sheets will be taken down at 6 pm. If you haven't signed up yet, now is the time to do it. Don't miss out on all the fun!. Two days of fun for only $7! If you signed up, but have not paid, please do ASAP! All of the details for signing up and the event itself are above. If you have any questions, please call Joyce Smith 507-236-6302. ​ Sent 2019-12-27 in Newsletter: Las Vegas Scramble & Potato Bake - NEWS FLASH FROM WOMENS GOLF Mark your calendars for January 24&25, 2020. Women’s golf will be hosting a Las Vegas Scramble and Potato Bake. Open to all SEPO residents, renters and guests. More details to follow: Joyce Smith—Scramble Glenda Wetherbee—Potato Bake ************************* Back to Top

  • SEPO Financials: By Year | Sunshine Estates

    SEPO Financial Statements This page will direct you to the statements distributed to the SEPO Community since Jan 2022. Click on the ICON depicting the year you are interested in. 2024 2023 2022

  • SEPO Board (2020-2021) History | Sunshine Estates

    PREVIOUS SEPO BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2020 - 2021 SEPO Officers History Terms Vary based on Year Elected SEPO Board of Directors 2020 - 2021 (History): John Chajec (term expired Feb 2022) (NOTE: John resigned April 16, 2020) President Jerry Utterback (term would have expired 2021) (NOTE: Jerry resigned April 5, 2020) Director - Common Area 3 ​ Storage Lot​ Shuffleboard Court Tennis Court Back to Top

  • Men's Golf Rules of Play_2008 | Sunshine Estates

    SSCCE MEN'S LEAGUE RULES OF PLAY Updated 03/25/08 Fairways: Fairways are defined as any portion of the course not considered to be "Out of Bounds", a "Hazard" (sand or water), or the "Green". 1. Ball may be moved 12 inches on the fairways at any time (no closer to the pin). 2. Ball may be moved off of bare ground (no closer to the pin). 3. Ball may be "Picked, Cleaned and Placed" at any time. An unplayable ball may be moved 2 club lengths from the following: (no closer to the pin). In bounds but next to "Out of Bounds" marker or wall. Ground under repair. Short of going into water or where Water Hazard impedes stance. Man made objects. On hole #2, a ball between the sidewalk and the water may be moved 2 club lengths east or south of the sidewalk but not closer to the pin. 5. "Out of Bounds" and "Water Hazards" Course boundaries are indicated by white posts and/or low cement or wood barriers. A ball must be completely beyond the boundary line to be considered "Out of Bounds". Water hazard boundaries are considered to be the inside vertical face, and it's vertical extension, of the cement sand bag walls of the hazard. A ball hitting the vertical face of the sand bag wall and falling into the water without touching ground beyond the vertical extension is deemed to be in the hazard and not be the point at which it entered the hazard. A Ball lodging in the wall (space between cement sand bags) of a water hazard is deemed to be in the hazard. Drop point for lodged ball will be where it last crossed the hazard boundary before lodging. All balls "Out of Bounds" or in a "Water Hazard" will be played from the point they cross the "Out of Bounds" boundary or "Water Hazard" boundary. The ball will be dropped no more than 2 club lengths from the point where it crossed the boundary line (no closer to the pin) (1 penalty stroke). If the shot that enters "Out of Bounds" or a "Water Hazard", from a teed ball, the player has the option to re-tee and incur the standard "Stroke and Distance" penalty. Ie. Player hits ball OB or in the water, re-tees and lands in the "fairway". The player now lies 3. Exception to above rule. If a ball is hit from the 7th tee into the "Out of Bounds" behind the 6th green, the ball may be put into play by dropping in front of the 7th tee with a one stroke penalty or may be reteed with utilizing the standard "Stroke and Distance" rule. On hole #9, if a ball enters the water left of the green or past the bridge on the right side of the green or over the green, use the nearest drop zone. The drop zones are located in front of the lake on the left side and past the bridge on the right side. Drop zones will be marked during tournaments (l stroke penalty). On hole #2, a ball in the water may be moved 2 club lengths east or south of the sidewalk but not closer to the pin (l stroke penalty). 6. Sand Traps Grounding club except for your down swing (2 stroke penalty). Picking up your ball (2 stroke penalty). A ball may be picked up and marked when 2 balls are side by side in a trap. The ball may not be cleaned and must be placed as close as possible to the original position and condition of lie after the first player hits (no penalty). 7. Casual Water "Casual Water" is defined as any water pooling on the course in any place not designated as a "Water Hazard". Pooling can be considered to occur if water is evident around the sole of your shoe when you stand in a wet spot. When in doubt, consult with playing partners. If doubt still exists, play the original and a provisional and consult with the tournament director when the round is completed. When in "Casual Water", the ball may be moved back or laterally to gain complete relief (no closer to pin). No penalty. 8. Bridges All bridges will be treated as cart paths. If a ball comes to rest on a bridge the ball may be played as it lies or it may be dropped at the closest point of relief, no closer to the hole, and be played without penalty. Tee Box: The "Tee Box" is defined as the area on the teeing ground between the tee markers. The "Tee Box" extends from the front edge of the tee markers to a point two clubs lengths behind the front edge of the tee markers. Only the ball must be within the tee box when teeing off. If the ball is outside the Tee Box when put into play a one stroke penalty will be assessed and the ball must be re-teed and put into play from the Tee Box. 1. When teeing off, a tee must be used. 2. All whiffs are counted. A whiff is when you address the ball, swing and miss. 3. If a struck ball does not clear the tee ground, the ball will be played as it lies. Greens: The "Green" is that area of closely mowed grass surrounding the cup. The "Fringe" is the slightly longer grass surrounding the green. For our purposes, the "Fringe" shall be treated as "Fairway". When marking a ball, the marker should be placed behind the ball. If the marker is in the line of another player's putt the marker may be moved to the side as far as deemed necessary by the player whose line is infringed. The ball will be returned to its original position before putting. Failure to return the ball to the original position will result in a one stoke penalty. If the penalty is assessed for failure to putt from the original position, the ball must be placed in the original position and putted. A two stroke penalty will be assessed if, while putting on the green, you play from another player's marker. A two stroke penalty is assessed for your ball striking another player's ball that is lying on the "Green" while putting your ball from any spot on the "Green". A two stroke penalty is assessed for hitting a club or flagstick lying on the "Green" when putting. 5. The flag may be in or out when chipping or putting from the fringe. If your ball is on the "Green" and the hole cannot be clearly seen, you may ask to have it attended. The flag must be removed before the ball gets to the hole. 7. A player may putt out ahead of turn if it is agreeable with the next player. Effective Nov. 1st, 2007, ALL PUTTS MUST BE HOLED IN LEAGUE PLAY. THERE WILL BE NO GIMMEES! Approved by a membership vote on February 20th 2007. Other Rules or Situations Not Covered by Above Rules: USGA rules will deem to be in place when situations or rulings not covered by the afore mentioned rules occur. In all situations the Rules Committee, made up of the League Officers, or their designee(s), will make the final ruling when disputes or rules questions occur. If, while playing, a situation occurs that the players are unsure of, playa provisional ball with deemed relief as well as the original ball as it lies and the Rules Committee will make a determination of the correct score for the hole after the round. Common Golf Courtesy: 1. Exit the "Green" as soon as all golfers have finished putting. 2. Record your scores on the next tee. 3. Do not drive or park carts within 15 feet of the fringe of the "Green". 4. REPAIR ARE ALL BALL MARKS ON "GREEN". 5. Repair and replace all divots on the "Tee Box" or fill them with available sand. 6. Share carts when possible! 7. Rake sand traps after use. 8. Do Not run golf carts through casual water. 9. No practice chipping to the "Greens". Do not spend excessive time looking for a lost ball (5 minutes should be Maximum limit). 11. No loud noises while a golfer is taking a shot. 12. Golfers 90 years or older may hit from the women's "Tee Box" if they desire. 13. Do not drive golf carts between sand traps and "Greens". 14. Practice putting only on the PRACTICE GREEN. Be respectful of workers. Wait till they have completed their task, have waved you up, or are aware of you hitting at them. Revised 4/15/07

  • WC Acty Signup (2019-2020) | Sunshine Estates

    Women's Club Activities Committee Signup Sheets (2019-2020 These are the Women's Club Activities Committee Signup Sheets that were hanging on the WC Bulletin Board in the Library during the 2019-2020 Winter season. If you would like to volunteer to Co-Chair or be a helper on any of these committees, signup in the Library OR contact: ​ Vickie Jones, Women’s Club Activities Director (262) 689-7068 or ​ COMPLETE Eileen Anderson Vickie Jones COMPLETE Lenore Combs CANCELLED COMPLETE Cathy Chajec Terry DeBackere Deb Robins COMPLETE Lenore Combs COMPLETE Vickie Jones COMPLETE Mary Hendrickson CANCELLED Marian Young COMPLETE Need Co-Chairs CANCELLED Denise Utterback COMPLETE Eileen Anderson Pam Lacy COMPLETE Debbie Robins Vickie Jones COMPLETE Share Nelson Back When COMPLETE Lassey Dahlstrom You, Me & Alexa COMPLETE Cathy Chajec Linda Jones COMPLETE Back to Top

  • Golf (Summer 2021) | Sunshine Estates

    Golf (Summer 2021) Additional Details Ongoing Complete Ongoing ************************* ONGOING Summer Golf (Women's) ​ Ladies’ Summer Golf starts the first Wednesday in April. Tee Time is 9 AM. Tee Time is 8:30 AM when it get warmer. Meet at the Pavilion 1/2 hour before play starts. Donna Myers ************************* ONGOING Golf Scramble (Saturdays) ​ I will organize this event for next Saturday, May 22, if at least 12 participants will sign up by next Friday noon. This would provide friendly competition of three (3) teams. All normal rules apply. If you have questions, please call me at 956-792-2931. Grace Clark ************************* ONGOING (w/Time Changes throughout the Year) Golf Scramble (O'Clockers) (Guidelines for this Event are HERE .) ​ We will be starting the afternoon Scramble at 6 PM starting Monday, May 3rd. Open to all golfers in the community. Every level of golfer welcome. No charge. Meet beside shuffleboard court at 5:45 for team assignments. Just out for a fun time. ​ Donna Myers Complete Back to Top ************************* COMPLETE Golfing & Potluck (July 3, 2021) Sent 2021-06-21: Golfing and Pot Luck -- Saturday JULY 3rd 2021 - Dear Friends, Mark your calendars - Everyone invited. There will be a Sunshine Saturday Golf scramble on Saturday 3 JULY 2021. Tee time 9am - to be followed by a community Potluck at 5pm (social 4:30pm). We hope to see many of you participate. Per Marian Young: The JUNE Community Potluck is still on for the 24th of June. The JULY Potlucks are now as follows: The July 4th Community Potluck is being moved to July 3rd. The second Community Potluck for JULY is still on for the 29th of July. Back to the 3rd of July......... You can do one or both events -- Golf Scramble and/or Potluck OR both. Sign-up: There is a sign-up sheet in the Library for the Golf and for the Potluck. Judy Parker and Lenore Combs will do Golf sign-up. Grace and Warren Clark will do the Golf Pairings. There is a $5.00 Golf Entry Fee for awards - and an envelope provided. Please put your name and $5.00 for each Golfer in the envelope. Drop your envelope in the designated locked box. Social 4:30pm & Potluck 5pm in Retzlaff Hall - Marian Young Business as usual, thanks to Marian. The reason for the sign-up sheet is for us to set out enough tables etc. There is no fee, but bring a dish to pass to serve 6 - 8 folks, please. One more thing: FYI The City of Harlingen is hosting Freedom Fest on July 3rd 4pm - 9pm. Lon C. Hill Park Fireworks begin at 9pm. So who says Harlingen is a sleepy little town with nothing to do ????? God Bless America 😊❤ Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276 (scribe) Back to Top

  • Club/Committee (2023-2024) | Sunshine Estates

    Activities: Clubs & Committees (2022-2023 Winter) Additional Details Woodshop Orientation (Periodic) B&N Club (Ongoing) Woodworkers - Spaghetti Dinner (2023-01-24) NW - Finger Lickin' Chicken (2023-01-16) CANCELED B&N Club (Ongoing) ***************** ONGOING Bi r ding & Nature Club ​ Sent 2023-03-09: Reminder of Butterfly Speaker - Reminder of Birding and Nature & Garden Club Speaker Monday The Garden and Birding and Nature Clubs will be joining together for a March speaker on "Attracting Butterflies-All Year Long". Anita Westervelt, Texas Master Naturalist, author, blogger, photographer and much more, will share colorful butterfly photo's and how to bring beautiful butterflies to your landscape. Date: March 13th Time: 6:00pm. *Note earlier than usual. Place: Retzlaff Hall If you want, a good will donation will be collected to continue Anita's research. Birding and Nature will hold monthly meeting after Anita's presentation. - Susanne Ulrich & Tom Stone ​ Sent 2023-02-15: B&N Events - The birding event scheduled for the 16 & 17 of Feb has been cancelled due to high winds and cold temps. The event will take place on Feb 23. The field trip to Estero Llano Grande State Park Will be on February 23. If you are interested in carpooling or caravanning, meet at Retzlaff Hall @8:00AM. - Bill Peterson, Acting Secretary of the Birding & Nature Club ​ S ent 2023-01-17: Community Bird Walk - There will be a community Bird Walk for all interested community residents starting at 9:00am at the gazebo on Texas Ave. on Thursday, Jan. 19th. Anyone interested in learning about our local bird population is welcome to attend. Tour will include some walking and some carting as we will be going over to Lake Side to view species there. Questions, call Ralph Peterson at 607-590-0606. ​ Sent 2023-01-02: Birding and Nature Club Pot Luck Canceled - Due to unforeseen circumstances, the Birding and Nature Club community Pot Luck supper scheduled for Jan. 9th has been canceled. Instead, the club will hold a regular meeting in the Library at 7:00pm on Jan. 9th. Ralph Peterson ​ Sent 2022-12-28: Christmas Bird Count - The Christmas Bird Count will take place this Saturday, December 31. The Bird Count is a national volunteer event. Every species and bird is counted. Results are tabulated throughout the United States. The results are an indication of how well or poorly the bird population is doing. The Sunshine Birding and Nature Group has participated in this event for many years. We will assemble at the Gazebo on Texas Avenue at 7:30 a.m. We will be divided into groups with assigned areas to cover. We need bird identifiers, bird sighters, and tally keepers. No special talent is needed for the last 2 jobs listed. We will go out on foot, in golf carts, and in cars. Bring binoculars. This event is open to anyone in the community. Please join us. For more information contact Ralph Peterson. Woodshop Orientation (Periodic) Back to Top ******************** PERIODIC Woodshop Orientation ​ Sent 2023-05-21: Wood Shop Orientation Class Thursday May 25th 5 pm - Woodshop Orientation Class Thursday May 25th 5 pm in the wood shop. This will be the last class until Fall. This class is a requirement for using the wood shop. A one time attendance is required. The shop will be closed during the class. Call John Chajec 708-280-8940 with any questions. ​ Sent 2023-03-06: Wood Shop Orientation Class Thursday March 9th 5 pm - Woodshop Orientation Class Thursday March 9th 5 pm in the wood shop. This class is a requirement for using the wood shop. A one time attendance is required. The shop will be closed during the class. Call John Chajec 708-280-8940 with any questions. ​ Sent 2023-01-14: Wood Shop Orientation Class Thursday January 19th 5 pm - Woodshop Orientation Class Thursday Jan 19th 5 pm in the woodshop. ​ This class is a requirement for using the woodshop. A one time attendance is required. The shop will be closed during the class. Call John Chajec 708-280-8940 with any questions. ​ Sent 2022-10-18: Wood Shop Orientation Class Thursday October 20th 5 pm - Woodshop Orientation Class Thursday Oct 20th 5 pm in the wood shop. This class is a requirement for using the wood shop. A one-time attendance is required. The shop will be closed during the class. Call John Chajec 708-280-8940 with any questions. Woodworkers - Spaghetti Dinner (2023-01-24) Back to Top ******************* COMPLETE Woodworkers Spaghetti Dinner (Jan 24, 2023) ​ Newsletter 2023-02: Woodworkers - Spaghetti Supper - The woodworkers would like to thank everyone who supported our Spaghetti Supper fundraiser. We had a great turn out and everyone seemed to have a great time. Thanks to all the volunteers who made it possible. Those who baked cakes, cooked for two days, kitchen help, hall set up, all the servers and cleanup crew. This endeavor could not happen without all your support. We hope you all enjoyed your meal and look forward to seeing you in the woodshop. - Cathy Chajec, Woodworker Club Treasurer ​ Sent 2023-01-17: SPAGHETTI DINNER UPDATE - Sunshine Estates Woodworkers Spaghetti Fundraiser ​ $10 per person Tuesday Jan. 24th 4:30 to 6 pm Carry outs and delivery available. Spaghetti w/meat sauce, salad, garlic or non-garlic bread, dessert, iced or hot tea, coffee, water. Spaghetti dinner tickets are still available. Contact John Chajec, Pat Harvey, Vic Hillman or Neil Moorehead for tickets. Delivery: 956-893-2508 from 4 to 5:30pm the night of the dinner Or, better yet, 708-280-8940 for advance notice. Carryouts: a server will be at the north door (street) and will assist you. Dining: you may come at any time between 4:30 and 6 pm Process: before taking your seat, pick up your salad and dessert. Your drinks and spaghetti will be served at your table. Please fill out the back of your ticket: name, table# and garlic or nongarlic bread. (pencils will be at the table) A server will pick up your ticket and bring your spaghetti back. Hope to see you there, Cathy Chajec ​ Sent 2023-01-06: WOODWORKERS SPAGHETTI DINNER JAN 24TH - Sunshine Country Club Estates Woodworkers Spaghetti Dinner Tuesday January 24th 4:30 to 6 pm Retzlaff Hall Spaghetti w/meat sauce, salad, garlic or nongarlic bread, dessert, iced or hot tea, coffee, water $10 per ticket Carryouts and delivery available Only 250 tkts available, sells out fast, get your tickets early Tkts available from your friendly Woodworkers. Any questions call Cathy Chajec 708-280-8910 Back to Top NW - Finger Lickin' Chicken (2023-01-16) CANCELED ******************** CANCELED Neighborhood Watch Finger Lickin' Chicken Dinner (Jan 16, 2023) ​ Sent 2023-01-09: Finger Lickin' Chicken CANCELED - I was diagnosed with COVID Sunday morning. No fever No chills, Chest X-Ray is neg. I feel fine except for a little sore throat and body ache. Therefore, for the safety of all of us, I am calling off the Finger LIckin' Chicken Fundraiser until further notice. I have asked Jean Burgoine to clear the board in the Library, open the $$ box and give back your envelopes via Valerie at the Office. Please contact Valerie to pick up your envelope. Thanks for your generosity and Sorry for the disappointment but we will reschedule at a safer time. -- Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276 NW - CERT Coordinator ​ Sent 2023-01-05: RE: Invitation and Fundraiser for Neighborhood Watch - Finger Lickin' Chicken - Dear Friends - Our Neighborhood Watch will soon hold a fundraiser - Monday 16 January 2023 about 4pm Retz Hall. Information and signup etc is in the Library. Eat in or Take out. If you would like to help with this project - please let me know. You do not have to be a NW volunteer to help. There are a variety of "jobs" - before - during & after. Thanks. Lenore Combs 956 245 1276 Back to Top

  • ACC Committee | Sunshine Estates

    ACC: Architectural Control Committee (2020-2024) ​ In Alphabetical Order Brad Anderson Terry Lacy Matt Lyne Back to Top

  • Fishing Assoc (Mtgs) | Sunshine Estates

    Fishing Association Meetings Fishing Assoc Home Page Go directly to the Information you are looking for by clicking an item below. FA Mtg Notice (2024-01-24) FA Mtg Cancelled (2023-02-11) FA Mtg Notice (2022-11-09) FA Mtg Agenda & Financials (2022-10-12) FA Mtg Docs (2022-09-21) FA Mtg Docs (2022-08-10) FA Mtg Docs (2022-07-13) FA Mtg Docs (2022-06-08) FA Mtg Docs (2022-05-11) FA Mtg Docs (2022-04-13) FA Mtg Notice (2022-04-13) Sent 2024-02-07: Fishing meeting changed from Feb 14th to Feb 12th - The fishing club meeting was scheduled for February 14th at 6:00 pm which is the second Wednesday of the month. Due to the Valentines Day holiday on February 14th, we have rescheduled the meeting to Monday, February 12th at 6:00 pm in Retzlaff hall. Thank you. - Deb DesLauriers-Eich on behalf of Paul Lucas, Vice President 715-821-4552 ​ Sent 2024-01-23: Fishing Club Meeting - The fishing club will be meeting this Wednesday, the 24th at 5:30 in Retzlaff Hall. Members and those interested in joining are encouraged to attend. - Deb (Eich) Deslaurierseich (from SEPO Facebook) FA Mtg Notice (2024-01-24) Sent 2023-01-11: Jan 2023 Fishing Association meeting canceled - ATTENTION ALL PARTICIPANTS- THIS MONTHS SEPO Fishing Association meeting has been canceled 'till Feb 8 due to the recent covid cases around Sunshine Estates. Thank you - Bill P ​ Sent 2022-11-04: Upcoming SCCE Fishing Association Meeting - On Wednesday Nov 9 @ 7:00 the SCCE Fishing Association will have its first seasonal meeting for all the participants and newcomers that may be interested in learning more about the many styles of saltwater fishing and tackle to use and places to go and everything related to fishing and outdoor activities in the RGA This meeting we will be taking orders for shirts Hats and collecting the Lifetime due of $10. We are having a speaker from Hook Line and Sinker to enlighten us on Angling items of all sorts. Please come and Join us we would like you input for future meeting topics Hope to see you their - Bill Peterson, President Email: 309-945-2108 FA Mtg Notice (2022-11-09) FA Mtg Cancelled (2023-02-11) ************************ Wed, October 12, 2022 @ 6 PM Agenda & Financials FA Mtg Agenda & Financials (2022-10-12) FA Mtg Docs (2022-09-21) ************************ Wed, September ??, 2022 @ 6 PM Agenda & Minutes (Need Financials to Post Here) ************************ Wed, August ??, 2022 @ 6 PM Agenda, Financials, Minutes FA Mtg Docs (2022-08-10) ************************ Wed, July 13, 2022 @ 6 PM Agenda, Financials, Minutes FA Mtg Docs (2022-07-13) ************************ Wed, June 8, 2022 @ 6 PM Agenda, Financials, Minutes FA Mtg Docs (2022-06-08) ************************ Wed, May 11, 2022 @ 6 PM Agenda, Financials (Need Minutes to Post Here) FA Mtg Docs (2022-05-11) FA Mtg Docs (2022-04-13) ************************ Wed, Apr 13, 2022 @ 6 PM Agenda, Financials, Attendance & Minutes Sent 2022-04-12: 1st Fishing Club Meeting Wednesday April 13 - Folks - Please Join us for our first SCCE Fishing Club Meeting When: Apr 13 @ 6:00 PM Where: Retzlaff Hall Who: Any and All interested in any kind of fishing or fishing related activities Join in person or Virtually address of Link (Google Meets) FA Mtg Notice (2022-04-13) Back to Top

  • ACC (2022-07-14) | Sunshine Estates

    ACC: Architectural Control Committee ACC Request Form (07-14-2021) ACC Members ACC Request Process The current ACC is made up of the following members - click HERE . ACC Members ​Architectural Control Committee Request Process (as of July 14, 2021) Where to Start – Refer to these documents. (Click each bullet point to view document.) DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS and RESTRICTIONS of Sunshine: EXHIBIT “B”, ARTICLEs V & VI AND POLICIES AND PROCEDURES: Sections ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL and STORAGE AREA BUILDINGS Process for Requests – Please read ALL items on the UPDATED "ACC Request and Approval Form" below Very Carefully as some of the processes involved have been changed. ​Prior to starting any EXTERIOR improvement, maintenance or structure, submit any required forms and information to the Office for approval by the ACC. Allow up to 25 days for approval/rejection notification. Plan your project accordingly. You will be notified by the SEPO Office of your approval/rejection status by email or phone. Dates when Requests are Reviewed by the ACC - The ACC is scheduled to meet monthly on the 1st and 15th of each month, except when the date falls on a Holiday or the Weekend. In that case, they meet on the next Business day.​ ACC Request Process ​Architectural Control Committee Request Form (as of July 14, 2021) - View/P rint Form HERE or obtain from SEPO Office ACC Request Form (07-14-2021) Back to Top

  • Pics & Videos from Activities | Sunshine Estates

    See What Happened at the Activities This page is slowly but surely being worked on, but is still: So check back often to see lots more of the wonderful memories we are making here at Sunshine. ************************************************************** Event: Golf Cart Parade Date: 04-19-2020 Day / Time: Sunday / 6:30 PM Details: See details and pictures below. *************** YOU'RE INVITED: Golf Cart Parade Let's have a Golf Cart Parade on Sunday 4/19 at 6:30. I’ve been told that the temperature is going to be 101 on Sunday so we are starting at 6:30, hoping for a cooldown with a slight breeze! I hope this works for everyone and hope to see you at the front parking area in front of the office around 6:30. Should be fun and a way to get out and see our neighbors without breaking the social distancing rules. Wear your masks!! Kay Sluyter ​ I think everyone should be able to view this video. If you can't please contact Beth (314-960-6710) ​ See Participants Here (Spectators are after Participants) See Spectators Here ************************************************************** Event: Quilt Show (via Cart, Car, Bike or Foot) Date: 04-13-2020 Day / Time: Monday / 4 to 7 PM Club: Killer Bees Quilters Details: See details and a few pictures below. Pictures: Click HERE to see all of the pictures sent to the Web site Admin *************** YOU'RE INVITED: Outdoor Quilt Show On Monday, April 13 from 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm, the Killer Bees will try to bring some cheer to Sunshine Estates. We will be having an outdoor, drive-by (walk-by, bicycle-by) Quilt Show. Please keep in mind that this is for Estates residents only and please keep in mind social distancing. With the new Cameron County rules, face masks are needed if you are outdoors. Also, keeping safety in mind, PLEASE DO NOT TOUCH THE QUILTS . Even if you have not registered with us, you are welcome to join us by hanging a quilt on your porch, etc. ​ Below you will see just a FEW of the beautiful quilts that were on display. Click HERE to see many, many more. REMEMBER: Click HERE to see all of the pictures sent to the Web site Admin ************************************************************** Event: Shrimp Boil and Mardi Gras Date: 03-13-2020 Day: Friday Club: Women's Club Co-Chairs: Cathy Chajec & Linda Jones ************************************************************** Event: Goofy Golf & Picnic Date: 11-18-2018 Day: Sunday Club: Women's Club Co-Chairs: Janis & Derek McFee ​ Watch a video of some of the Goofy Golf efforts. ************************************************************** Event: Saying Goodbye to the Tree on TX Ave Date: Dec 2018 Day: Monday Organizer: Pat Harvey ************************************************************** Event: Casino Night Date: 02-23-2019 Day: Saturday Club: Women's Club Co-Chairs: Dale Hopfner & Sherri Gardner ​ Thanks to all of the great volunteers and especially the Co-Chairs, who helped make this Another Successful Casino Night! ************************************************************** Event: Crafty Creations by Heidi (Lighthouse) Date: 03-18-2019 & 03-29-2019 Day: Wednesday & Friday Club: Crafty Creations by heidi Chairperson: Heidi Dill ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Currently all other Lighthouse pictures can be found by clicking here . ​ Back to Top

  • SEPO Board (2023-2024) History | Sunshine Estates

    PREVIOUS SEPO BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2023 - 202 4 SEPO Officers History Terms Vary based on Year Elected SEPO Board of Directors 2023-2024 (History): Linda Davis ( term would have expired Feb 2025) Secretary & Governing Documents Lind a r esigned July 1, 2023. ​ Sent 2023-07-03 : SEPO Board Resignation - Regretfully, The SEPO Board has accepted the resignation of Linda Davis as Secretary and member of the Board of Directors. We thank her for her service and wish her well. SEPO Board Back to Top

  • Sunday Night Music | Sunshine Estates

    Sunday Night Music w/Ice Cream @ Intermission (This event has been cancelled as of Dec 19, 2021.) Contact: Music - Roy Ridlon Coffee & Ice Cream - Marian Young Location: Retzlaff Hall Frequency: Sunday Evenings Nov 14, 2021 thru Feb 19, 2022 (Has been cancelled as of Dec 19, 2021) 6 PM to 8 PM Details: Music - Classic Country Music for listening/dancing. Special guests will join the band throughout the season. This is NOT a Jam Session. Coffee will be available for Free throughout the evening.​ Ice Cream Bars (by the Women's Club) will be available during the Band's intermission for $1.00 ******************** News & Notes Sent 2021-12-19: SUNDAY NIGHT MUSIC: Final Evening Cancelled - Dec 19, 2021 - Sorry for this late cancellation, but I am under the weather (so to speak) and should not be out in this nasty cold and rain today. Thank you for your understanding. Roy Ridlon ​ Sent 2021-12-18: Sunday Night Music: Final Night - We have decided tomorrow (Dec 19) will be our last night of Sunday Night Music. Roy Ridlon Sent 2021-11-14: Sunday Night Music @ Retzlaff (starting Nov 14, 2021) - Sunday Night Music - w/Ice Cream @ Intermission Contact: Music - Roy Ridlon Coffee & Ice Cream - Marian Young (Women's Club) Location: Retzlaff Hall Frequency: Sunday Evenings Nov 14, 2021 thru Mar 12, 2022 (Has been cancelled as of Dec 19, 2021) 6 PM to 8 PM Details: Music - Classic Country Music for listening/dancing. Special guests will join the band throughout the season. This is NOT a Jam Session. Coffee will be available for Free throughout the evening.​ Ice Cream Bars will be available during the Band's intermission for $1.00 Information about this Activity "PRIOR TO" Winter 2021 ​ Sent 2020-02-27: Reminder -- Band Appreciation Potluck - Band Appreciation Potluck In Retzlaff Hall on Sunday, March 1. Doors open at 4:30 p.m. We will eat at 5 p.m. The band will play from 6 to 8 p.m. Donations will be taken at the door for the musicians that have played for free on Sunday evenings during the winter season. Jean Eich ​ Sent 2020-02-24: Save the Date: SUNDAY NIGHT BAND APPRECIATION - On Sunday, March 1, we will have a finger food potluck appreciation night for the musicians who have played classic country music every Sunday evening, except for Super Bowl Sunday, during this winter season. Doors will open at 4:30 p.m. and we will eat at 5 p.m. They have played country music and entertained us for our listening and dancing pleasure, and they have done it all for free! Other places in the Valley they would be paid. Donations will be taken at the door; let's show them how much we appreciate all their efforts. Bring finger food for the buffet; coffee, iced tea, water, paper plates and plastic silverware will be provided. The Band will play for us from 6 to 8 p.m. So, put it on your calendar, March 1, 4:30 p.m., bring finger food. And then come and enjoy the fellowship and the music. ​Look for more information in the March Newsletter. Jean Eich ​ ******************** ​ Sent 2020-02-09: LOOKING FOR SOMETHING TO DO TONIGHT (Sunday, Feb 9)? - ​ ​​ For those of you who like to listen/dance to live Classic Country music, you can do that every Sunday evening at Retzlaff Hall from 6 pm - 8 pm. This week the band has a special guest: Kiley & Company There's NO Cover Charge. Just BYOB and have some fun. OH - And during the band's break, the Women's Club serves Ice Cream for $1. YUM Beth Parrish (for Roy Ridlon & the Women's Club) ​ ******************** ​ Sent 2019-11-11: Sunday Night Music Update - I wanted to thank everyone who came to listen to me play last night in Retzlaff. It looked like everyone was having a good time - sure hope so. I know you were expecting a 3-man band and you ended up seeing me do my solo act. That was because the rest of the band isn't in the valley yet. However, my other two band members will be here by this Friday and will be playing with me next Sunday (1-17). Jim Collins plays base guittar and lives in Lakeside. Chuck Penn does vocals and plays rhythm guittar. He will be renting here in Sunshine this season. So hope to see you next Sunday. Roy Ridlon ​ ******************** ​ Sent 2019-11-09: UPDATE: Sunday Evenings - Ice Cream - With the start of music on Sunday evenings from 6-8 pm, the women’s club will be having ice cream available during intermission, approximately around 7 pm. The cost will be $1.00 a bowl per person Denny and Jean Eich will be getting the ice cream on a weekly basis but we need volunteers to: serve the ice cream make coffee do clean up There will be a sign-up sheet for someone or several people to take a Sunday evening and be responsible for this to happen. This is only a one-time commitment unless you sign up for several Sundays. The sign-up sheet will be available starting this Sunday at the music event in Retzlaff Hall. After that it will be in the library. We hope you will consider this fun event! If you have any questions please give me call. Vickie Jones, Women's Club Activity Director 262-689-7068 ​ ******************** Sent 2019-11-06: IMPORTANT: Sunday Night Music @ Retzlaff - Additional Details & Request for Assistance Those of you who used to attend the Sunday Night music activity in the past are aware that during the band's break there was Ice Cream (YUM) available for $1. Jean and Denny Eich have agreed, at least for this Sunday, there will be Ice Cream for sale at 7 PM during the band's break. However, if noone steps up to assist the Eich's with this ongoing, this Sunday will be the ONLY Sunday Ice Cream will be served. If several residents volunteer, that means the duties of having the pleasure of meeting new folks and conversing with others you already know - all while serving them a delicious treat - won't be your responsibility every week. It will only be periodically, that is unless you want to do it every week. LOL It is my understanding the duties consist of: purchasing the ice cream making coffee serving the ice cream cleaning up the kitchen afterwards The Ice Cream is a Women's Club activity so please step up and contact the Women's Club president Eileen Anderson at 507-317-0296 if you would like to volunteer. Beth Parrish, SEPO Communications, (for Eileen) ​ ******************** ​ Sent 2019-11-05: Sunday Night Music @ Retzlaff - For those of you who like to listen/dance to good Classic Country music, you are going to get your chance to do that starting this Sunday, Nov 10 thru end of Mar 2020, from 6 to 8 PM in Retzlaff Hall. Roy Ridlon (new resident) and two other gentlemen who play with him will be providing musical entertainment for us here at Sunshine. They will also be having special guests join them in the band throughout the season. If any other information is provided, I will send it out via e-mail. So come out this Sunday and support this new Sunshine Activity. Beth Parrish (for Roy Ridlon) SEPO E-Mail E-News Admin E-Mail: 314-960-6710 Back to Top

  • 2022-12 Emails | Sunshine Estates

    S EPO Community E-Mails: December 2022 Sent 2022-12-31: PLEASE READ NOW - DETAIL UPDATE: WC NYE Party - TIME CHANGE FOR OPENING OF DOORS: Doors will open at 7:30 this evening. As always there will be no reserving of spots at a table. First Come - First to Pick a Spot. Beth Parrish (314-960-6710) & Denise Utterback (618-553-1417) Women's Club NYE Party Co-Chairs ​ Sent 2022-12-31: REMINDER: Details for tonight (since some of you have been calling) - As a reminder - Here are the details for tonight's WC NYE Party. ​ Time: 8 PM to 11 PM (witness the East Coast ball drop @ 11) Doors will open at 7:45 sharp for you early birds. Where: Retzlaff Hall FOOD: Please bring a favorite appetizer or dessert to share. (And please label if it contains nuts, shellfish or other items people may be allergic to.) Tables will be set up to hold your goodies. BEVERAGES: Coffee, Water and Ice provided. Everything else is BYO. TABLEWEAR: Paper plates, plasticware and napkins provided. BACKDROP FOR PICTURE TAKING: You are encouraged to capture some ‘kodak moments’ of the evening. We’ll have multiple ‘props’ available to spruce up your pictures. MUSIC & DANCING: You will hear some of your favorite tunes (both oldies and newbies) all night long. SUPRISES: So as not to spoil the fun, we're not going to go into any details about this portion of the evening. But we think it’ll be a ‘hoot’. ​ Beth Parrish (314-960-6710) & Denise Utterback (618-553-1417) Women's Club NYE Party Co-Chairs ​ Sent 2022-12-31: WC: New Residents Party Info - Dear Neighbors, Each year to welcome our new residents, the Woman’s Club hosts a new homeowner resident’s party. Our theme this year is How Sweet It Is! We will be having this event on Friday, January 13th, 2023. The doors of Retzlaff Hall will open at 4 PM. We plan on having new resident introductions around 4:30, followed by a meal catered by the Koffee Klatch. We will have music and dancing provided by DJ Doug and his Lovely Assistant. Plus, a few door prizes for our new residents. As always, the new homeowners will receive a hand delivered invitation soon with instructions on how to RSVP to the event at no cost. We will have virtual tickets available for $12 in the library with a sign up sheet about 10 days prior to the event. We look forward to a fun night of fellowship with all of our neighbors. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. Sincerely Yours, Pam Davis 214-516-4844 Lisa Perrier 651-485-7293 Sent 2022-12-30: Wind Screen Installation for Tennis/Pickleball - A few years ago some of our giving residents purchased a netting to put up around the tennis/pickleball court in order to allow us to play on those really windy days. That original net has since been replaced by SEPO. ​ A few of us went to the courts a couple of weeks ago and hoisted that screen up. This is not an easy job as you can see from the pictures on the Web site HERE . But then we had a picnic in the pavilion. So the day wasn't all work. And although those of you who used to watch us play from the outside of the fence can't do that anymore, we are able to actually play now on those windy days. ​ If you are so inclined, come join us and play tennis and/or pickleball. Tennis starts at 8 am on Mon, Wed & Fri. Pickleball starts at 8:30 am on Tue & Thu. Just show up to play. We have a great time and get lots of 'fun' exercise. - Lisha & Steve Johnson ​ Sent 2022-12-30: Better LATE than NEVER: WC Caroling Pics - I knew this was going to take some time - and it surely did this evening. It was still light out when I started this endeavor. But, I finally got pictures and videos that a lot of you sent me (and that I took myself) from that wonderful night of Caroling around the streets of Sunshine. ​ I personally want to give a huge thanks to EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU who participated in this festive night of singing, dancing and smiling. It sure did look like great fun. ​ And without further delay, I have posted everything on the Sunshine Web site under the Events Tab HERE . ​ !!!!! ENJOY !!!!! - Beth Parrish SEPO Web site Admin E-Mail: 314-960-6710 ​ Sent 2022-12-30: Sunshine Home for Rent - Please go to the Sunshine MARKET to see our home that is for rent. Sam Davis ​ Sent 2022-12-30: NOTIFICATION OF "Information" Meeting on TUESDAY, Jan 3, 2023 - On TUESDAY, Jan 3, immediately after the 1 pm Residents meeting, in Retzlaff Hall only, there will be an Information Meeting to answer questions the community may have concerning the proposed amendments to the Bylaws & Covenants, that are being included in this year's voting ballot. This is NOT a Board meeting. It is an Open Forum for discussion between residents and Board members following many of the same guidelines as in a 'Residents' meeting. Residents can make comments and/or ask questions. When a resident is acknowledged to speak, he/she must wait to be presented with a microphone and then state his/her name before beginning. Anyone speaking should limit their speaking time to be reasonable (2-3 minutes max). If the answer to a question is unknown at meeting time, the topic will be researched and the answer provided to the questioner. There will be no debate with any SEPO Board member. There will be no ‘shout outs’ from residents who haven’t requested to speak. Vulgarity will not be allowed. The speaker shall not make any derogatory comments about any person(s). The speaker will simply state factually what his/her comments / concerns / questions are. SEPO Board ​ Sent 2022-12-30: AGENDA for "Residents" Meeting on Tuesday, Jan 3, 2023 @ 1PM - The agenda for the Jan 3, 2023 "Residents" meeting can be accessed directly from HERE OR on the Web site HERE . It will be posted outside the SEPO office, on the poolside door to Retzlaff Hall and by the mailboxes soon. Beth Parrish 2022 SEPO Board Secretary & Governing Documents E-Mail: 314-960-6710 ​ Sent 2022-12-30: AGENDA for "Residents & Directors" Meeting on Thursday, Jan 5, 2023 @ 1PM - The agenda for the Jan 5, 2023 'Residents & Directors" meeting can be accessed directly from here OR on the Web site here . I have also posted this agenda outside the SEPO office, on the poolside door to Retzlaff Hall and by the mailboxes. Beth Parrish 2022 SEPO Board Secretary & Governing Documents E-Mail: 314-960-6710 ​ Sent 2022-12-28: WC: NYE setup in the hall - I just wanted to remind everyone that signup for the NYE party is closed. ​ And also, with so many things going on even this last week of the year, if there is anything that will be taking place in the hall between now and 4 PM NYE, please do not disturb the table setup in the hall. Those who did the Christmas dinner were nice enough to leave it the way they had it since the NYE party will be using the same format. NYE - Here we come !!! - Beth Parrish WC NYE Party Co-Chair ​ Sent 2022-12-28: Christmas Bird Count - The Christmas Bird Count will take place this Saturday, December 31. The Bird Count is a national volunteer event. Every species and bird is counted. Results are tabulated throughout the United States. The results are an indication of how well or poorly the bird population is doing. The Sunshine Birding and Nature Group has participated in this event for many years. We will assemble at the Gazebo on Texas Avenue at 7:30 a.m. We will be divided into groups with assigned areas to cover. We need bird identifiers, bird sighters, and tally keepers. No special talent is needed for the last 2 jobs listed. We will go out on foot, in golf carts, and in cars. Bring binoculars. This event is open to anyone in the community. Please join us. For more information contact Ralph Peterson. ​ Sent 2022-12-28: AED Automatic External Defibrillator - Dear Friends - Now that the weather is better, I have returned the AED to its normal location - this being - by the pool and more precisely on the wall to the right of the double doors - as you look at the Library / Office from the pool. It is in a box mounted on the wall - and it is so marked. The equipment is up to date. Any questions - call me Lenore 956 245 1276 PS: Drowning Victims items: (not toys) - preferred safety items Long pole with curved top (Shepherd's Crook) Ring Buoy with throw with a tow rope Remember THROW - Don't go! and Call 911 -- Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276 Sent 2022-12-27: SEPO Election 2023 Ballots: Ready for Resident Review (and questions for the Board) - Your SEPO Board of Directors have spent many hours reviewing our governing documents (Covenants and Bylaws) in order to ensure they are in accordance with TX law. We have also been busy preparing changes which we have agreed will benefit our community and that you will have the opportunity to vote on for the Feb 21, 2023 election. You will be receiving your ballots sometime after the Jan 5, 2023 "Residents & Directors" meeting. They are currently available for you to review from the Sunshine Web site HERE . Links to the current Covenants and Bylaws documents can also be found on this Web page. An informational meeting will be held next Tuesday, Jan 3, immediately after the Residents meeting is adjourned to explain these possible changes and to answer any questions you might have. I urge you to be as fully informed as possible before you return your ballots. SEPO Board ​ Sent 2022-12-26: To Clarify - NEED VERIFICATION by noon, Dec 30, 2022: Directories in preparation for sending SEPO Ballots - Thanks so much to those of you have replied already. However, we do need everyone to reply to both questions. Will you please verify that both your Sunshine address AND your Away address (if you have one) are correct. Please reply 'yes' or 'no' to this item. If 'no' to either or both, please supply the correct information to myself at or . Please let us know if you WANT YOUR BALLOT MAILED TO YOUR SUNSHINE or AWAY ADDRESS. Please reply "send to Sunshine" OR "send Away". Thanks again for helping us to ensure you receive your ballot envelope timely in order for you to return them to the Office by 1 PM on Feb 21, 2023. Marlene Hall (2023 SEPO Election Committee Chairperson) Beth Parrish (SEPO Board Secretary) ​ &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& ​ Hi I'm Marlene Hall. I am the Chairperson for the 2023 SEPO Election Committee. The SEPO Directories (sorted by Name & by Address AND a listing of Resident's emails) were updated on the Sunshine Web site yesterday (Dec 25, 2022). You can find the following on the Sunshine Web site page HERE : Dir by Name Dir by Address Email Addresses ​ As first steps in preparing to send the ballots to you for the upcoming election, I'm asking you to do two (2) things. Will you please verify that both your Sunshine address AND your Away address (if you have one) are correct. Please reply 'yes' or 'no' to this item. If 'no' to either or both, please supply the correct information to myself at or to . We will be mailing ballots to all homeowners shortly after the Jan 5, 2023 'Residents & Directors' meeting. The ballots need to be in the Election Committee's hands no later than 1 PM on Feb 21, 2023 or they will not be included in the count. Please let us know if you WANT YOUR BALLOT MAILED TO YOUR SUNSHINE or AWAY ADDRESS. NOTE: It would be great if you would reply "send to Sunshine Address" OR "send to Away Address". That way we will know who we may need to contact with this question. ​ If you have any questions about any of the items above, please contact me @ 641-351-9973. ​ Marlene Hall 2023 SEPO Election Committee Chairperson ​ Sent 2022-12-26: LOST: My cat's Red Harness - I guess my cat got spooked yesterday and wandered off, but fortunately she has been found. However, she must have pulled out of her harness. It was attached to a small board. If anyone comes across it, my number is 218 329 1635. Thanks. Steve Holten ​ Sent 2022-12-26: FINAL REMINDER: WC NYE Party - Ticket Sales ending - We hope that everyone had a great Christmas !!! But now that Christmas is in the rear view mirror, it's time to look ahead to bringing in the New Year this coming Saturday evening in Retzlaff Hall. This is your FINAL REMINDER to purchase your NYE Party tickets. We will be taking down the signup sheets in the Library this Wed (12-28) at 8 PM. Tickets are $5 per person. It's simple; signup on the attendance sheet, put your money in the envelope provided and drop it into the NYE Party box. All other details about this exciting event are below. Please call either of us with any questions. Hope to see you all there. ​ Beth Parrish (314-960-6710) & Denise Utterback (618-553-1417) Women's Club NYE Party Co-Chairs ​ Sent 2022-12-24: Activities: SEPO Calendar & 2-pager - I spent most of yesterday and three hrs this morning working on Web site updates. I was sooooo far behind on this due to my work on a little Board task of preparing for the upcoming Feb election. So I hope you can cut me some slack. :) I have made a lot of progress on the Web site but do have a way to go yet. If you see anything currently on the site that needs correcting, please let me know. I did want to let everyone know that the SEPO Calendar and the 2-pager are both new on the Web site as of this hour. We've just gone through a Super Busy December, with some more events still to come before yearend. And during the upcoming months of Jan thru Mar things don't look like they will be slowing down any. What Fun!!! ​ I'm asking everyone to please look at these two documents carefully to make sure your activities / events are listed correctly on each of them. If something needs added, adjusted etc. please let Valerie (she does the calendar) and/or me (I do the 2-pager based on the calendar) know. ​ Thx in advance for doing this for me (and her). - Beth Parrish SEPO Web site Admin E-Mail: 314-960-6710 ​ Sent 2022-12-23: Communicating SEPO and non-SEPO Activities/Events - Your SEPO Board does NOT sanction the facebook page titled "Sunshine CCE Residents". And it was not created at the request of the Women's Club. It is a private group created and controlled by a resident. The Board is looking at develop something, i.e. a facebook page, to meet Sunshine residents needs of announcing social events in and around Sunshine. And to wish your friends Happy Birthday, Happy Anniversary etc. A fun place to post. A few days ago, the SEPO Board created a new area on a bulletin board in the library where offsite activities can be advertised, and signup sheets displayed. It is located just to the right of the Women's Club activities signup area. Each offsite item posted must include who is organizing the event, location, cost, date and telephone number of who to contact for more information. As a final Note: Any new communications channels DO NOT take the place of current SEPO communications channels; emails, Web site and Newsletter (HERE ). ​ Stay tuned for more to come concerning this. - SEPO Board ​ Sent 2022-12-23: AED & Cold Weather: It is being moved - The AED cannot withstand these cold temps without a suitable cabinet per care and operation. Cold weather can significantly affect its performance for a rescue situation. Therefore, I am taking it (4137 North Minnesota Street) for a few days. We do not expect to not be at home - in case of..... If anyone has an emergency - you should immediately call 911 as you would have done anyway if you had needed the AED! -- Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276 ​ Sent 2022-12-22: WC: Valley Voices - The Women's Club sponsored the 'Valley Voices' Christmas Concert in the Retzlaff Hall earlier this week. Thanks to Jill Ventrello (WC Activities Director) who brought this group to the attention of SEPO. It was very professionally done - Tuxes and everything. And it was fantastic. You can also see pictures (complementary from one of your neighbors) on the Sunshine Web site HERE . - Beth Parrish SEPO Communications 314-960-6710 ​ Sent 2022-12-22: WC Minutes: Oct, Nov & Dec 2022 - The Women's Club meeting minutes from Oct 2022 (approved) Nov 2022 (approved) Dec 2022 (unapproved) have all been placed on the Sunshine Web site HERE . - Karen Baase WC Secretary ​ Sent 2022-12-22: Residents (Former) Passing - Joy Moore, former resident, passed away on Nov 23, 2022. (SEPO Office) Millie Noonan, former resident and multi-year renter after residing here, passed away on Dec 21, 2022 (by Nancy Johns). ​ Sent 2022-12-22: WC Caroling: Need Pics and Videos to share Hi all - I took lots of pictures last year when the carolers were out, but I'm not sure I'm going to be able to that this year. I'm asking any of you who will be out and about this evening 'singing in' or 'just around' the carolers to take pictures and / or videos and send them to me at so I can share them with the community. Thx. - Beth Parrish SEPO Communications 314-960-6710 ​ Sent 2022-12-22: FINAL REMINDER: JAN 2023 Newsletter Articles Due by End of Day on Dec 24, 2022 - Due to the Newsletter article submission deadline being on Christmas Eve, Dec 24, I'm sending the FINAL reminder that next month's Newsletter articles are due by the 24th of this month a day earlier than normal. If you have an article you would like published in the Sunshine Jan 2023 Newsletter, the article needs to be submitted to by End of Day on Dec 24, at the latest. The Newsletter Guidelines, which were updated on August 23, 2022, are posted on the Web site HERE . Please call with questions. - Beth Parrish SEPO Newsletter Editor E-Mail: 314-960-6710 Sent 2022-12-22: REMINDER - WC: NYE Party - I know everyone is busy getting ready for primarily two things: Christmas (what fun) and the approaching cold weather (boooo). But I wanted to remind everyone to be sure and take time out of your busy day and get over to the library to signup for the WC NYE Party. I took the signup stuff to the Women's Club meeting last Friday and then posted everything in the library after the meeting. We've got quite a few on the signup sheet. But there's certainly room for lots more. In case you missed the original email, I've repeated all of the details again. We hope to see your bright and shining faces there. Day/Date: Saturday, Dec 31, 2022 (DUH) Time: 8 PM to 11 PM (witness the East Coast ball drop @ 11) Where: Retzlaff Hall Price: $5 per person FOOD: Please bring a favorite appetizer or dessert to share. (And please label if it contains nuts, shellfish or other items people may be allergic to.) Tables will be set up to hold your goodies. BEVERAGES: Coffee, Water and Ice provided. Everything else is BYO. TABLEWEAR: Paper plates, plasticware and napkins provided. BACKDROP FOR PICTURE TAKING: You are encouraged to capture some ‘kodak moments’ of the evening. We’ll have multiple ‘props’ available to spruce up your pictures. MUSIC & DANCING: You will hear some of your favorite tunes (both oldies and newbies) all night long. SUPRISES: So as not to spoil the fun, we're not going to go into any details about this portion of the evening. But we think it’ll be a ‘hoot’. SIGNUP: In the library. Signup Sheet on the Easel - Sign your name(s), # of persons attending and check off if you have paid or not. Envelope (which has been moved directyly under the signup sheet) - Fill out the stamped area. Don’t forget to insert your money. ($5/person) Drop it into the box marked New Years Eve Party (and NOT Christmas Dinner) Beth Parrish (314-960-6710) & Denise Utterback (618-553-1417) Women's Club NYE Party Co-Chairs ​ Sent 2022-12-22: SEPO Employees Time Off - The SEPO Employees will be taking time off for the holidays (as per the Employee Handbook) as follows: For Christmas they will be off - Fri, Dec 23 and Mon, Dec 26 For New Years they will be off - Fri, Dec 30 and Mon, Jan 2 The office will be closed on those days. - SEPO Board ​ Sent 2022-12-21: Rock Painting Club: Mtg Info & Pics - Thank you to all that attended our 19 Dec Sunshine Rock Club. Our next meeting is January 9th, Monday, from 1-3 pm in Retzlaff Hall. Waynette Kennedy provided "Mandalas" (otherwise known as "dot painting") instructions, on the 19th of December. Pictures are on the Sunshine Web site on the Rocking Painting page (which is under the Amenities tab) - HERE . Lots of talented ladies in our Rock Club! Thank you Waynette! - Karren Amos ​ Sent 2022-12-20: Garden Club: Tips (Before & After a Freeze) - It's disheartening, but we do have a need for the knowledge provided in this email. I want to thank one of our Sunshine neighbors, Debbie Gossman, for supplying me with two documents concerning Plants and Freezing: What to do 'before' and 'after' a freeze. They are on the Web site HERE where they can be both viewed or printed. The Garden Club Web page (under the Amenities Tab) is also in the process of being spruced up by Beth. So watch for more info and pics getting placed out there. - Susanne Ulrich ​ Sent 2022-12-20: SEPO 2023 Election: Board Candidates & BIOs The SEPO Board Nomination Committee, consisting of Janis McFee, Derek McFee, Sue Swidryk, Marian Young, are pleased to submit the following Candidates names, in alphabetical order: Linda Davis, Jim Kennedy, Thomas Perrier, Lyn Swonger and Frank Tewell, for the 2023 election of the SEPO Board of Directors. All candidates have been interviewed by one or more Nominating Committee members and were considered by this Committee for nomination based upon their responses to the questions asked of them. We have attached the BIOs we received from each Candidate. We are pleased to announce the SEPO Residents who met the requirements and are in good standing in the Sunshine Estates Community. We encourage the current Board of Directors to include their names in the 2023 ballot. The Nominating Committee will make that motion during the January 2023 SEPO Residents & Directors meeting. Linda Davis Jim Kennedy Thomas Perrier Lyn Swonger Frank Tewell This announcement, along with the Candidates’ BIOs, are being posted outside the SEPO Office and on the Sunshine Web site HERE today. Please Contact Janis McFee with any questions - 807-598-1715 ​ Sent 2022-12-20: REMINDER & Route: Christmas Caroling this Thursday, Dec 22 - The practices are complete, and it is just about time for the carolers to show off their Christmas spirit and their voices. The fun and frivolity will be this Thursday, Dec 22 starting about 4:30pm. The route is set and we will be stopping at the Sunshine homes listed here: First stop: 1945 W Montana Second stop: 4140 Missouri Third stop: 4117 Nebraska Fourth stop: 1941 Indiana Cir Fifth stop: 1916 Iowa Sixth stop: 4329 Minnesota Seventh stop: 4217 Minnesota Eighth stop: 1945 Michigan We sure do hope everyone will enjoy! - Pam Lacy ​ Sent 2022-12-18: Rock Painting Club Info for Mon, Dec 19 - To all Sunshine Rock Club members, our next Rock Club meeting is December 19th. ​ NOTE: Meeting will be from 12:30pm to 2:30pm, for this meeting ONLY. We will need to evacuate promptly as there is a previously scheduled event that starts at 3pm. Our own Waynette Kennedy will be demonstrating "beginner" Mandalas! Stylist tool & other materials will be available for all. QUESTIONS? Please feel free to contact me @ 309-781-3479. P.S I forgot to mention there will be nice "door prizes"! Come join the fun! - Karren Amos ​ Sent 2022-12-18: REMINDER - WC: Valley Voices Concert this Tuesday, Dec 20 - Just a reminder to come join us this Tuesday. See below for details. - Jill Ventrello Sent 2022-12-18: REMINDER: Toys for Tots - final pickup on Monday - As a reminder, Harlingen PD is coming Monday, Dec 19, for the last pick-up of your Toys for Tots donations. And many thanks to the Sunshine community's generosity so far. Thanks - Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276 ​ Sent 2022-12-17: REMINDER: Food Drive ending Monday - Monday will be the last day to donate food. Thank you to all who participated in the holiday food drive. - Deb Jones ​ Sent 2022-12-17: UNAPPROVED: SEPO Board Meeting (Regular) Minutes, Dec 13, 2022 - The UNAPPROVED minutes from the Dec 13, 2022 Board Meeting (Regular), can be found HERE . The minutes can also be viewed/printed directly from this link . They will be posted in the office on Monday (12-20). Please call with any issues or questions. - Beth Parrish SEPO Board Secretary & Governing Documents 314-960-6710 ​ Sent 2022-12-17: REMINDER - WC: Breakfast on Dec 17, 2022 - ​ Pam Adams cell 615-668-3145 and text Sent 2022-12-17: REMINDER: JAN 2023 Newsletter Articles Due by End of Day Dec 24, 2022 - Here's the first reminder that next month's Newsletter articles are due by the 24th of this month. If you have an article you would like published in the Sunshine Dec 2022 Newsletter, the article needs to be submitted to by End of Day on Dec 24, at the latest. The Newsletter Guidelines, which were updated on August 23, 2022, are posted on the Web site HERE . Please call with questions. - Beth Parrish SEPO Newsletter Editor E-Mail: 314-960-6710 ​ Sent 2022-12-15: WC: NYE Party - Details and Signup Info - Hi All – We hope you have your calendars marked to attend the Women's Club NYE Party. Day/Date: Saturday, Dec 31, 2022 (DUH) Time: 8 PM to 11 PM (witness the East Coast ball drop @ 11) Where: Retzlaff Hall Price: $5 per person FOOD: Please bring a favorite appetizer or dessert to share. (And please label if it contains nuts, shellfish or other items people may be allergic to.) Tables will be set up to hold your goodies. BEVERAGES: Coffee, Water and Ice provided. Everything else is BYO. TABLEWEAR: Paper plates, plasticware and napkins provided. BACKDROP FOR PICTURE TAKING: You are encouraged to capture some ‘kodak moments’ of the evening. We’ll have multiple ‘props’ available to spruce up your pictures. MUSIC & DANCING: You will hear some of your favorite tunes (both oldies and newbies) all night long. SUPRISES: So as not to spoil the fun, we're not going to go into any details about this portion of the evening. But we think it’ll be a ‘hoot’. SIGNUP: Virtual Signup starts at 11 AM - Friday, Dec 16, in the library. Signup Sheet on the Easel - Sign your name(s), # of persons attending and check off if you have paid or not. Envelope - Fill out the stamped area. Don’t forget to insert your money. ($5/person) Drop it into the box marked New Years Eve Party (and NOT Christmas Dinner) We have limited space available, so get over there and sign up early. Beth Parrish (314-960-6710) & Denise Utterback (618-553-1417) Women's Club NYE Party Co-Chairs ​ Sent 2022-12-15: REMINDER: Women’s Club Meeting this Friday & Ugly Sweater Contest - Women’s Club Meeting Friday 12/16/2022 Starting at 9am We will have coffee and apple fritters and donuts.  But something for holiday fun! We're going to do an “Ugly Sweater Contest” So please join in the fun! At Retzlaff Hall - Vicky Leroy-Krueger ​ Sent 2022-12-15: VIDEOS & MINUTES from Various Meetings/Exec Sessions - The minutes from the Dec 6, 2022 Board Executive Session are now available HERE . The minutes from the Dec 12, 2022 Special Board meeting are now available HERE . The minutes from the Dec 13, 2022 Regular Board meeting are still 'in process'. The videos from both the Dec 12, 2022 Special Board meeting and the Dec 13, 2022 Regular Board meeting are now available HERE . The video from the Dec 12, 2022 Residents meeting is now available HERE . Please contact me with any issues/questions. - Beth Parrish SEPO Board Secretary & Governing Documents E-Mail: 314-960-6710 ​ Sent 2022-12-13: Thank You & Reminder - Thank you to all who attended our Residents’ Meeting yesterday. In the rush of a very busy day, I didn’t take the time to thank Vicky Leroy Krueger and our Women’s Club for the refreshments they provided in honor of our employees. Everything looked beautiful and was very well done. Another thanks to Eileen Anderson who provided the beautifully decorated card box for cards for the employees. It will remain in the office for awhile in the event there are those who have not had an opportunity to add their cards. As a reminder, that card box is for you to show how much you appreciate all that our employees do for us here at SEPO. Please address your card(s) to the employee(s) you are recognizing. When the time is right, all items collected will be gathered and distributed to whoever it is addressed to. It was so good to see you and hear from you. Be sure to join in for club activities and events that are coming. - Share Nelson ​ Sent 2022-12-15: Women’s Club Meeting this Friday & Ugly Sweater Contest - Women’s Club Meeting Friday 12/16/2022 Starting at 9am We will have coffee and apple fritters and donuts.  But something for holiday fun! We're going to do an “Ugly Sweater Contest” So please join in the fun! At Retzlaff Hall - Vicky Leroy-Krueger Sent 2022-12-12: REMINDER: Garden Club mtg - Garden Club Speaker at Retzlaff Hall Tuesday, December 13th 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm Topic: Protecting Plants from Frost and Freeze Conditions Everyone is welcome, see you Tuesday evening. - Susanne Ulrich and the rest of the Garden Club ​ Sent 2022-12-12: Notification about SCCE FA Meeting - On Wednesday Dec 14 @ 5:30 in Retzlaff Hall the SCCE Fishing Association will having its monthly meeting for, participants and newcomers that may be interested in learning more about the many styles of saltwater fishing, tackle to use, places to go and everything related to fishing and outdoor activities in the RGA. This meeting we will be taking orders for shirts Hats and collecting the Lifetime due of $10. We are having a speaker Charter Captain Joseph From Port Mansfield to enlighten us on Angling styles. Please come and Join us. We would like your input for future meeting topics. Hope to see you there. All are welcome. Bill Peterson President if you have any questions feel free to call me @ 309-945-2108 ​ Sent 2022-12-12: Christmas Dinner planning meeting - Dear Friends If you have signed up to help or would like the opportunity: Please join us in the Library for a review of Christmas dinner plans. Wednesday 14 December 2022 3:30pm Thanks PS The Head Elf at the Police Dept sends warm regards & thanks for all the wonderful gifts. for Toys For Tots/ We have filled 3 boxes plus. -- Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276 Mari Tennent 616 260 0506 Elves, Inc ​ Sent 2022-12-11: Please come to the Residents' Mtg on Monday @ 1 PM for ...... - Please come to the Resident’s Meeting on Monday, Dec 12 @ 1 PM in Retzlaff Hall where we will be introducing our employees and will hear a brief statement from each as to their life and experience here at Sunshine. Women’s Club is providing refreshments following the meeting in their honor. There will be a card box for any of you who wish to give them a short note or otherwise express your appreciation to them. I’m sure knowing our residents value them will mean a lot to Valerie, Lupe, Manny, Lalo and Joe. - SEPO Board ​ Sent 2022-12-09: AGENDA for BOARD (Special) Meeting on Monday, Dec 12, 2022 after Residents' Mtg - The agenda for the 'Hybrid' Dec 12, 2022 Board meeting (Special) that will immediately follow the Residents' meeting can be accessed directly from HERE or on the Web site HERE . Valerie will also be posting this agenda outside her office, on the poolside door to Retzlaff Hall and by the mailboxes by 1:30 PM today. - Beth Parrish 2022 SEPO Board Secretary & Governing Documents E-Mail: 314-960-6710 ​ Sent 2022-12-08: MARKET: Home for Sale - Please go to the Sunshine Market: Homes for Sale page to see a picture from our Deck and several Videos of our home that is for sale. - Roy & Deb Robins 4129 N MN 956-230-3115 ​ Sent 2022-12-08: WC: Breakfast on Dec 17, 2022 - Pam Adams Office 615-895-8000 PREFERRED cell 615-668-3145 and text Sent 2022-12-08: Art and Craft Sale - You're invited to my Art and Craft Sale! Sat Dec 10th. 9 am to 1 pm. 4148 No. Missouri St - Shirley Servos ​ Sent 2022-12-08: WC: New Residents' party - Dear Neighbors, Each year to welcome our new residents, the Women’s Club hosts a new homeowner residents' party. Our theme this year is How Sweet It Is! We will be having this event on Friday, January 13th, 2023. The doors of Retzlaff Hall will open at 4 PM. We plan on having new resident introductions around 4:30, followed by a meal catered by the Koffee Klatch. We will have music and dancing provided by DJ Doug and his Lovely Assistant. Plus, a few door prizes for our new residents. As always, the new homeowners will receive a hand-delivered invitation soon with instructions on how to RSVP to the event at no cost. We will have virtual tickets available for $12 in the library with a signup sheet about 10 days prior to the event. We look forward to a fun night of fellowship with all of our neighbors. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. Sincerely Yours, Pam Davis 214-516-4844 Lisa Perrier 651-485-7293 ​ Sent 2022-12-07: SEPO Staff Recognition - If you have read the Agenda for next Monday's (Dec 12) Residents' meeting (or even if you haven't read it yet), a portion of this meeting includes SEPO employee introductions. This is a perfect time for you to show how much you appreciate all they do for us here at SEPO by dropping a card, note etc into the box provided at the meeting. Please address your item(s) to the employee(s) you are recognizing. All items collected will be gathered after the meeting and distributed to whoever it is addressed to. Thx in advance for taking part in this little piece of giving back to them. Share Nelson & the rest of the SEPO Board ​ Sent 2022-12-07: REMINDER: Coffee & Donuts in the Library every Thursday, 8 am to 10 am - As a reminder, there will be Coffee & Donuts available in the Library from 8 am to 10 am every Thursday for $1. This will continue thru March 2023. Please come check it out. Visit with current friends/neighbors and possibly make some new friends. - Valerie Basaldua, SEPO Office ​ Sent 2022-12-07: AGENDA for BOARD (Regular) Meeting on Tuesday, Dec 13, 2022 @ 1 PM - The agenda for the 'Hybrid' Board Meeting (Regular) on Dec 13, 2022 at 1 PM can be accessed directly from HERE and on the Web site HERE . Valerie will also be posting this agenda outside her office, on the poolside door to Retzlaff Hall and by the mailboxes by 1 PM today. - Beth Parrish, 2022 SEPO Board Secretary & Governing Documents E-Mail: 314-960-6710 ​ Sent 2022-12-07: AGENDA for Residents Meeting on Monday, Dec 12, 2022 @ 1 PM - The agenda for the 'Hybrid' Dec 12, 2022 Residents meeting at 1 PM can be accessed directly from HERE and on the Web site HERE . Valerie will also be posting this agenda outside her office, on the poolside door to Retzlaff Hall and by the mailboxes by 1 PM today. PLEASE NOTE: In Agenda Item #7 - SEPO CLUB/COMMITTEE INFORMATION/REPORTS – Please notify the SEPO Board Secretary prior to the meeting if you WILL NOT be at the meeting. Women’s Club – President, Vicky Krueger - Club information (Purpose, Officers, Mtgs, etc) Activities Director, Jill Ventrello – Information about upcoming events. Neighborhood Watch/CERT – Lenore Combs Architectural Control Committee (ACC) – Terry Lacy Rock Painting Club – Karren Amos Fishing Club – Bill Peterson Sunshine Garden Club – Susanne Ulrich Sunshine Birding & Nature Club – Tom Stone Quilting (Killer Bees) – Jan Baethke Sunshine Gift & Memorial Club – Vickie Jones Woodshop – Chuck McEvoy Golf Events – Men’s Golf League – Rocky Lockwood/Matt Lyne Women’s Golf League – Deloris Pearcy Special Golf Events/Tournaments (i.e., GNDGT) – Event Chairperson SEPO Communications – Beth Parrish - Beth Parrish, 2022 SEPO Board Secretary & Governing Documents E-Mail: 314-960-6710 ​ Sent 2022-12-07: SEPO: November 2022 Financials The November 2022 Financials are posted on the Sunshine Website HERE . Please let me know if you have any questions. - Mark Owen SEPO Treasurer ​ Sent 2022-12-06: Resident Appreciation Event (from the SEPO Employees) - I am pleased to announce that myself and the staff here at the Sunshine Estates would like to show our gratitude for everything that this community has done for us. The Community has always gone out of their way to make us feel valued and appreciated. Truly giving us the opportunity to make connections and build relationships with most of you. For that we are forever grateful. We would like to invite you to come out Friday Dec 9, 2022 8am-10am to the Library for Tamales From Delias along with coffee and other beverages. Sincerely, - Valerie Basaldua Office Manager ​ Sent 2022-12-05: Sunshine Activities: Details Updated - Are you getting confused about what activities are coming up and what the details concerning them are. Well, I hope I can help with that. ​ I spent most of Sunday updating the Web site with lots of info. In reference to the above I believe the WC Activities page now contains, in chronological order, all of the info sent to you previously in SEPO emails. There's lots going on in December and on into 2023. The summary page is also a great spot to get info on all of the other type of activities going on here in Sunshine. Be sure and click on the various links on this page to go to more detailed info. ​ Anytime when you are out there working your way through the Web site, please take note of any missing or inaccurate information. As I always say, this is YOUR Web site to let the world know about us and how much fun we have here. Help me to promote it for all of you. Please call w/questions or issues. - Beth Parrish SEPO Web site Admin E-Mail: s 314-960-6710 ​ Sent 2022-12-05: WC: Bake Sale Reminder about Donations - In case you might have missed the below in the December Newsletter AND as a reminder that we need your 'goodies' donations this Friday, please read on. ​ Mark your calendar for the Women's Club Bake Sale on Sat Dec 10th from 8 to 11 am in Retzlaff Hall. Get out those cookbooks and favorite recipes and make your favorite holiday goodies for this event. Donations must be labeled* and priced. *(Note any nuts) and may be dropped off at Retzlaff Hall between 5 and 7 pm on Fri Dec 9th. Thanks in advance for your generous donations. On Saturday morning come purchase these holiday goodies including homemade candy ..cookies ..jams ..jellies ..salsa and so much more. There will also be sweet rolls and coffee served for a $1 donation. The Wetherbees will once again be making Lefse for us during the Bake Sale. There will be a raffle and door prizes to add to the fun! Come join us for a fun filled morning - visit with your Sunshine neighbors and enjoy the goodies and fellowship. - Terry DeBackere.. chairman ​ Sent 2022-12-05: 2023 HOA Assessments (now on Web site) - This is a follow-up to a SEPO email sent to everyone on Nov 17 concerning the 2023 HOA Assessments. I have put all of that information on the Sunshine Web site under the Residents' section in the "SEPO Financials: By Year" tab . Hope this helps everyone to have this info handy to reference at any time. Call w/questions or issues. - Beth Parrish SEPO Web site Admin E-Mail: 314-960-6710 ​ Sent 2022-12-04: WC: NYE Party - For a Good Time: Come Party With Us - Can you believe it! Four short weeks from today we'll be shuffling out the Old Year and hosting in the New Year. WOW - 2023 is almost here. So be sure and mark your calendars, and plan to attend, the Women's Club NYE Party. The committee is currently in the planning stages. We do know it won’t be fancy, but it should be a fun time for everyone. I can tell you the party is: Sunday, Dec 31 (DUH) From 8 PM to 11 PM (see below) In Retzlaff Hall Music, Dancing and other Surprises (definitely still planning) And what would a party be without food and drink Virtual signup will begin soon in the Library I know some of you might be asking - why end at 11 and not midnight? Ending this party a little early will give everyone the opportunity to; go home and go to bed OR watch the central time zone ball drop on TV in the comfort of their own homes in their jammies OR go to another party! 😊 Please watch for event details in sepoenews as they are finalized. Hope to see you there!!! - Denise Utterback & Beth Parrish (Committee Co-Chairs) ​ Sent 2022-12-04: SEPO Calendar & 2-Pager - I have printed a copy of the SEPO Calendar and put it on the Sunshine Web site HERE . You will notice the link to the 2-Pager isn't working right now as I'm in the process of updating that document and, rather than have inaccurate info out there, I have disabled the link. It will be back out there by EOD Tues next week, if not before. If you have any questions with what is scheduled on the SEPO Calendar please contact the Office. - Beth Parrish, Web site Admin 314-960-6710 ​ Sent 2022-12-04: REMINDER: Scheduling of SEPO Activities, Meetings etc. - The Winter Season here are Sunshine is always very busy. And particularly in the month of December there seems to be something going on every week - if not more often. ​ This is a 'reminder' to everyone to be sure and complete an Activity Request form , per the 'Activity Request Process' defined HERE . ​ This is the only way to ensure there are no conflicts with 'when' and 'how' you want to utilize various areas throughout Sunshine. This is also how the SEPO Calendar and the Sunshine Web site are kept up-to-date. You may think, I'll just pop into the library or other area for a quick mtg, and oooops, someone else has already reserved that area. Or you may set a date for a Club event without first checking with the Office and the day/time you want isn't available. The SEPO Office would have informed you of the conflict had you submitted an Activity Request. It all boils down to - Please be considerate of everyone and reserve what you need by using the process. Thanks everyone. ​ Beth Parrish, SEPO Board Secretary & Web site Admin 314-960-6710 ​ Sent 2022-12-03: CALLING ALL CHRISTMAS CAROLERS & WANT - TO - BE ELVES - All are welcome. You don't have to be a great singer or have elf experience. It will all be a lot of fun for our residents. First meeting and practice will be Sunday, Dec 4th at 1pm in Retz Hall. Come and join in the fun! At this time the Carolering will be Thursday Dec 22nd Starting about 4:30pm. - Pam Lacy ​ Sent 2022-12-03: NOTICE of Board Executive Session, Tuesday, Dec 6, 2022 - The below was posted in the SEPO Office, on the poolside door to Retzlaff Hall and by the mailboxes at 3:10 PM yesterday (Friday). SEPO BOARD EXECUTIVE SESSION NOTICE to Community Tuesday, December 6, 2022 @ 1 PM (Board members Only) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ​ This is a formal notice to the SEPO community that Board President, Share Nelson, has called a SEPO Board Executive Session, for Board members only, to be held Tuesday, December 6, 2022, at 1 PM in Retzlaff Hall. There will be no access permitted into Retzlaff Hall, other than Board members, during this Executive Session. This is a closed session as permitted by Texas law. As stated in Section 4.03 of the SEPO Bylaws, the Board may discuss: Possible violations pertaining to SEPO Club rules in the Policies & Procedures. Various Bylaws violations. SEPO Communications. (Confidential by request of the affected parties and agreement of the Board) Employee time off. - Share Nelson, SEPO Board President ​ Sent 2022-12-02: Birding & Nature Club - The next meeting is December 5, 2022 Retzlaff Hall @ 7;00 pm. The speaker is David Lund the topic is Tropical birds refreshments will be served. Members if you would like to view min from our last meeting docs for/from our Nov 7, 2022 meeting they have been added to the site HERE . - Tom Stone, President Birding & Nature Club ​ Sent 2022-12-01: SEPO Board Nominations - The Nominating Committee needs your help! Many of the residents, who we know, have already served terms on the Board. Many residents have arrived in the last three years that we don’t know. Please- if you have a desire to work with a team to maintain or improve our beautiful community, please contact Janis or Derek McFee, 651-271-8214, Marian Young or Sue Swidryk. The Nominating Committee would also appreciate names of people we could approach. In the meantime, remember to thank our present SEPO Board members for the time and effort they donate on our behalf. Janis McFee- Nominating Committee Chairperson ​ Sent 2022-12-01: Birding & Nature (B&N) Docs from Nov 7, 2022 mtg - If you are interested in Birding & Nature please check out our Sunshine Web site page under the 'Amenities' Tab for information about our Club. The meeting docs for/from our Nov 7, 2022 meeting have been added to the site today HERE . Please contact Tom Stone with inquiries. - Beth Parrish (for the B&N Club) Back to Top

  • 2021-06 E-Mails | Sunshine Estates

    S EPO Community E-Mails: June 2021 Sent 2021-06-28: Neighborhood Watch Patrol coverage + Misc - Dear Friends - The JULY Patrol schedule is not properly covered due to unforeseen last minute changes. It may also reflect uncovered time until September or October.... If anyone could step up for the time, it would be appreciated. This is 1 shift at 9pm to lock up and check out the area. I can orient you at your convenience and there is a thin manual for overall instructions you can read. Also, for the JULY meeting on 19 July 2021 at 3pm - I am planning a meet 'n greet and social with our local Harlingen PD, Combes PD, Hgn Fire Dept and local EMS. Retz Hall 3pm Everyone is welcome. Police and Fire Depts. are having a Battle of the Badges Blood Drive today at Station 8 on Grimes St. Great time to go down and meet them. Thanks for all you do to make SCCE a safe and secure place to live and play. -- Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276 NW-CERT Coordinator ​ Sent 2021-06-27: Video of Special SEPO Board Meeting held on June 24, 2021 - The Special SEPO Board meeting held on June 24, 2021 @ 1:00 PM was a Hybrid meeting. Retzlaff Hall was open to Board members and those who wished to attend in person. This meeting was recorded and can be viewed from HERE . This same file can also be viewed from the Sunshine Web site HERE . The minutes from this meeting will be published soon. If you have any questions about this video or issues with viewing it, please let me know. Beth Parrish SEPO Board Secretary 314-960-6710 ​ Sent 2021-06-26: Thanks for the POTLUCK + other Misc stuff - Dear Friends - Thanks to all who came out to our community Potluck. The food looked gorgeous and tasted fantastic. There were almost 80 residents present. With several little tasks, the entire plan came together, thanks to Marian's coaching, and Lupe and Valerie's assistance. Vic Hillman gave the invocation. Irene Philips did some of the decorations. Your hosts were Cathy Richmond, Judy Parker, Joy Olson, Brenda Crothers, Kathleen Sunders, Mary Grande and Nancy Lyne. Several newer residents introduced themselves, their new abode and their furry friends. (BTW Marian is 1st VP of our Women's Club and Cathy is the Treasurer). The helpers prepared the Hall, dressed the tables and assisted in placing the dishes when brought in by our residents. Clean up was easy as many chipped in. It was a huge success - THANKs - to all. Hope to see you at the Golf and Potluck on Saturday 3 July. There is a sign-up sheet in the Library. You may play golf, attend the Potluck or both. Details and sign-up are in the Library conveniently posted for you. The awards will be presented to the Golfers after the meal - It is optional to stay for these awards and you are welcome. The next Community Potluck is Thursday 29 July. Per usual Doors open - 4pm Social - 4:30 Serving - 5pm. Since this team set such a good example, hopefully more residents will step up and most importantly, more residents show up. This is the Sunshine way and we are all excited about activities starting up again. It was a long year without fellowship. Thanks everybody -- Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276 😊❤ ​ Sent 2021-06-24: Shower renovation - Our pool showers will be getting a facelift starting tomorrow, June 25. The tiles will be replaced. The work will take at least 2 days. The pool and hot tub will remain open. While the showers are out of commission, please, use the shower in the Pavilion restroom before entering the pool or hot tub. Thank you. Jean Burgoine Sent 2021-06-24: Thursday 6/24 potluck - Reminder! Tomorrow’s community potluck starts at 4PM in the hall! Bring a dish to pass and enjoy the fellowship! All are invited! See you there! Cathy Richmond ​ Sent 2021-06-22: CALL ME TODAY PLEASE: POTLUCK help/volunteers needed - Dear Friends This note is a call-out for assistance with POTLUCKS . Your help will only be needed for a short duration while Marian Young is tending her leg injury. There is s POTLUCK scheduled for this Thursday 24 JUNE 2021. Please let me know TODAY where you can help to make it happen. Many hands make light work. Note - We can use some help with the Golf Potluck piece on Saturday 3 JULY too, please. HONEY-DO list: I will get the key to Retzlaff from Valerie today. Put out table numbers - Lenore or someone can call Table numbers. They are in the Storage Room with the deck of cards. (The last 2 tables called usually get their choice of dessert first.) Friendly reminder to all - take what you will eat. Invocation ????? who Ice - 1 bag 20 lbs - put in cooler with a scoop Iced Tea - Make in advance - 5 pitchers (make ahead of time and keep in fridge in Retzlaff). Coffee - Make coffee in the Bunn - someone keep an eye to refill as needed. Tables - Set up 3 tables down the middle for food - serving pieces etc. Card Table - 1 card table at the beginning for plates, KFS etc napkins S&P. ** Leave 1 table by the Kitchen window for desserts. Just cut them up - let the guests pick what they want. People tables - usually 7 with Table numbers on them. Air Conditioning - Usually we have it on 75 or so to cool off Retz - then about 2p or so check the temp - may have to be set at 70 degrees. Someone for dessert monitoring - when desserts come in - set them out etc. POTLUCK FOOD - Helpers to assist guests with food to place on table. Clean-up crew - 1. Utensils need to be washed and put up. We do not wash the dishes of the guests - they take them home to wash. 2. Wipe down tables. 3. Take the garbage out to the back of the Kitchen for proper disposal. Misc: check toilets, lights out. a/c to 79 degrees and Lock up AMEN Leave the Hall as it was found - neat and clean. Thanks. No help - no Potluck - hope this is not the case. -- Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276 Sent 2021-06-21: New 'Big Blue' Mailbox in Sunshine - Haven't most of you at one time or another needed to mail something from the USPS Big Blue mailbox located in front of the Tennis/Pickleball courts? Now when you need to do that, you will notice a much more appealing look to that box. In other words, a NEW box. It has taken a couple of months working with the Harlingen Postmaster to procure this new box. And it finally happened last week. See the 'before' and 'current' pictures below. SEPO Board BEFORE CURRENT Sent 2021-06-21: Golfing and Pot Luck -- Saturday JULY 3rd 2021 - Dear Friends, Mark your calendars - Everyone invited. There will be a Sunshine Saturday Golf scramble on Saturday 3 JULY 2021. Tee time 9am - to be followed by a community Potluck at 5pm (social 4:30pm). We hope to see many of you participate. Per Marian Young: The JUNE Community Potluck is still on for the 24th of June. The JULY Potlucks are now as follows: The July 4th Community Potluck is being moved to July 3rd. The second Community Potluck for JULY is still on for the 29th of July. Back to the 3rd of July......... You can do one or both events -- Golf Scramble and/or Potluck OR both. Sign-up: There is a sign-up sheet in the Library for the Golf and for the Potluck. Judy Parker and Lenore Combs will do Golf sign-up. Grace and Warren Clark will do the Golf Pairings. There is a $5.00 Golf Entry Fee for awards - and an envelope provided. Please put your name and $5.00 for each Golfer in the envelope. Drop your envelope in the designated locked box. Social 4:30pm & Potluck 5pm in Retzlaff Hall - Marian Young Business as usual, thanks to Marian. The reason for the sign-up sheet is for us to set out enough tables etc. There is no fee, but bring a dish to pass to serve 6 - 8 folks, please. One more thing: FYI The City of Harlingen is hosting Freedom Fest on July 3rd 4pm - 9pm. Lon C. Hill Park Fireworks begin at 9pm. So who says Harlingen is a sleepy little town with nothing to do ????? God Bless America 😊❤ Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276 (scribe) Sent 2021-06-21: NW-CERT information for June 2021 - Sunshine Neighborhood Watch – CERT Team (Est. 2008) SCCE - Harlingen’s premier NW & CERT Team. Lights On -- Lock Up and Look Out for each other! Sunshine NW-CERT notice NO Meeting on Monday 21 June 2021 Lenore J. Combs, Coordinator 956 245 1276 A few words: We will NOT have a June NW-CERT meeting this month but hope to resume in July. My plan is to have a brief meet ‘n greet open house in Retzlaff Hall for an introduction, fellowship and dessert. We can also plan some classes. I will invite the Harlingen PD, Combes PD, the local EMS and the Harlingen Fire Department. The McGruffmobile: The “driver side” door came in and Charlie Gardner will put it on. The “passenger” side will be taken off and a new vinyl window replaced. May need some addition help with reassemble. The McGruffmobile - The Black Case has current resident info. We will have two (2) new Fire Extinguishers. The First Aid Box is current. The JULY schedule should be out soon, and Linda will send it to me. Lesson for the day: This season is forecasted to be wetter and warmer so Hurricane preparation may become a familiar part of our vocabulary. A word about our pets – Make sure you have a plan for Fluffy and Fido and other critters. If sudden emergencies arise there will be less stress if you include a plan for your pets. If evacuation is quick, having some extra supplies on hand is a good idea. Also, talking to your Veterinarian for other advice; being aware some public shelters may not be equipped to handle pets; some hotels do not allow pets etc. Is your pet microchipped? Maybe consider planning with neighbors, friends or relatives for availability to care or evacuate your pets if you are unable to do so. You can contact your local animal shelter if you are unsure how to care for your pet during an emergency. How ‘bout an Emergency Kit for your pet? Think about the basics for survival – food, water, meds. Maybe have 2 kits – one if you are sheltering in place and a lightweight version if you are evacuating. Remember to ensure contents stay fresh. Here’s a suggested list – several days of food, water, bowls, meds, collar w ID – harness, leash, crate or carrier, grooming needs, sanitations stuff- litter box, litter, newspapers, paper towels, trash bags etc. Don’t forget a picture of you and your pet together for ID purposes. And don’t forget their favorite toys. One more thing….. John and I are up to specs with COVID-19 instruction guidelines and are offering several classes free in a COVID-safe environment for all NW-CERT volunteers. We can review Hands-Only CPR and review the AED. First Aid and STOP-THE-BLEED are an option If we have a chance and maybe we can cover Near-drowning. Can’t say THANKS loud or long enough for all your volunteer efforts to make Sunshine a safer place to live and play. Next NW-CERT meeting -- Monday 19 JULY (3rd Monday) 3pm ​ Sent 2021-06-20: FOUND: Keys - (Update - the Keys have been claimed.) A large set of keys with a whistle was found somewhere along Minnesota Avenue. Jean Burgoine has them at her house and will turn them into the office by 8:30 in the morning. You may call Jean before 11 tonight if they are yours and you want them. Jean Burgoine ​ Sent 2021-06-20: AGENDA for Board Meeting on Thursday, June 24, 2021 @ 1:00 PM CT - The Agenda for this meeting can be viewed/printed HERE . Valerie will be posting it outside of her office and on the poolside door to Retzlaff Hall on Monday morning. Beth Parrish SEPO Board Secretary 314-960-6710 ​ Sent 2021-06-15: UNAPPROVED: SEPO Board Meeting Minutes, June 10, 2021 - The UNNAPPROVED SEPO Board Meeting Minutes from June 10, 2021 are posted on the Sunshine Web site HERE . Or they can be viewed/printed HERE . Respectively Submitted, Beth Parrish SEPO Board Secretary 2021-06-15: Hot Tub - Yeah. Finally, the hot back is back in operation. Just give it a few hours to heat back up to 102 degrees. Thanks for your patience. Jean Burgoine ​ 2021-06-14: SEPO May 2021 Financials - Hello Fellow Homeowners, I am sending you the May Financials. They can be found HERE . Please let me know if you have any questions. Mecca Henry SEPO Board Treasurer (469) 766-4245 ​ 2021-06-11: Video of Special SEPO Board Meeting held on June 10, 2021 - The Special SEPO Board meeting held on June 10, 2021 @ 1:30 PM was a Hybrid meeting. Retzlaff Hall was open to Board members and those who wished to attend in person. Some Board members and others attended this meeting “virtually”. This meeting was recorded and can be viewed from HERE . This same file can also be viewed from the Sunshine Web site HERE . The minutes from this meeting will be published next week. If you have any questions about this video or issues with viewing it, please let me know. Beth Parrish SEPO Board Secretary 314-960-6710 ​ 2021-06-09: Thursday Night Happy Hour - Our Thursday night Happy Hour starts at 4:00 pm in Retzlaff Hall. Bring your own beverage and if you wish an appetizer to share. Plates, silverware and napkins will be provided or you can bring your own. If your a golfer you can come and still have time to play with the O'Clockers. Everyone is Welcome. Ladonna Harvey ​ 2021-06-09: UPDATE: Palm Tree Trimming - We apologize for the setbacks on the trimming, the weather has been unpredictable. And now with the wind, trimming of the residential palms is still pending. They are going to try to get through them by the end of this week. Thank you for your patience... Valerie Basaldua SEPO Office ​ Sent 2020-06-08: VOLUNTEER NEEDED: Women's Club SEPO Newsletter Editor - Hi All. I hope everyone’s summer is going well. I’ve waited before sending this out to see what my time allocation between SEPO communications and being on the Board would turn out to be. What I anticipated was going to happen is happening. Between the Board and doing all SEPO communications I’m approaching overload. And knowing how much effort I will need to put forth to keep the Sunshine Web site up-to-date this coming winter season (now that the Covid-19 restrictions have been lifted within Sunshine) I am resigning as Women's Club Primary Newsletter Editor . Both I and Janis McFee (Women's Club President) are hoping that one of you kind, friendly and willing female Sunshine residents will volunteer to take over this position starting with the next Newsletter. What I’m proposing ongoing is that the Primary Newsletter Editor : Prepare the SEPO E-News e-mails they want sent out for – * the initial e-mail notice that Newsletter articles are due by the 24th of the Month. * the final e-mail notice that Newsletter articles are due by the 24th of the Month. These e-mails generally don’t change much, if any, from month to month. Ensure the sender of the article is notified that it was received (This is a canned response). Review the article (content and accuracy of data) and work with the requestor to get the article finalized (if any revisions to the original are needed). I’ll be honest - Sometimes that’s a smooth process and sometimes it’s not. Take all of the finalized articles and format/create the Newsletter. Send the ‘final’ document to me (Beth Parrish). The Primary Editor will also be responsible for maintaining the Newsletter Guidelines on the Web site HERE . The next steps I’m proposing is that I (as the Secondary Newsletter Editor & SEPO Communications): Review the final Newsletter sent to me by the Primary Editor. Add any applicable Web site links or anything else that may be applicable (i.e. attachments). Send out the Newsletter to the community via SEPO E-News e-mail prior to the first of the following month. Post it on the Sunshine Web site HERE . The Women's Club ByLaws state the Newsletter is published for the months of September thru March. Since I have been Editor, I have been sending them the end of September thru the end of March. I don’t believe I have ever published anything 'for' September. I will be requesting this change be made to the Women's Club ByLaws this coming winter season. With all of that said, I will be willing to work with the new Primary Editor for as long as it takes for that person to feel comfortable doing it on her own. The first e-mail that needs to be sent soliciting articles doesn’t need to go out until September 17. I would love to start working with a volunteer by September 1, 2021 at the latest . Please feel free to call me at any time with questions. I look forward to working with one of you ladies on this. Beth Parrish SEPO Newsletter Editor E-Mail: 314-960-6710 Sent 2020-06-08: 4 O'Clockers NEW NAME & Play Guidelines - The board had previously questioned whether the "4 O'Clockers Golf Scramble" was a SEPO-sanctioned golf event. Tony found a document describing it – what, who, when etc - but wasn’t sure if it had been previously approved by a Board or if anyone, other than those who gave it to him, had ever seen it. Beth updated it and requested the Board approve it at the May 20 meeting. Due to the start time of this event varying depending on how long it stays light and how hot it is, the following occurred at the Board meeting. Jean moved we change the name to the “O’Clockers Golf Group”. Beth seconded it. It was approved unanimously by acclamation. Jean then moved to approve the document, with the name change. Larry seconded it. It was approved unanimously by acclamation. Since then: 1) Beth updated the document accordingly 2) Tony distributed it to - * Those residents who run/guide this event (George Moore & Donna Myers) * the SEPO Office 3) Beth - * put it on Web site HERE . * is distributing it to the community via this e-mail SEPO Board ​ Sent 2021-06-08: Name Tags Available in the SEPO Office - Sunshine Name Tags for those listed HERE have been received and are available for pickup in the SEPO Office. If you aren't physically at Sunshine right now, please contact the office so your nametag can be put away for a later pickup date. Sincerely, Valerie Basaldua Office Manager Sunshine Country Club Estates ​ Sent 2021-06-08: CHECK THIS OUT: The Can Shed in the storage lot is no more - The Can Shed in the storage lot is no more, It's now the Can Cottage !! ​ The old can shed in the storage lot has been replaced by the Can Cottage. Under the direction of Lenore Combs (SEPO Board member in charge of the storage lot) a committee was appointed by the Woodworker's club to consider the condition of the can shed. The committee (Vic Hillman, Tony Tramel and Pat Harvey) checked the old building and it was solid, even if it had been badly mistreated over time. The committee, working with Lenore decided to make it a “Fun” project and it just sort of happened from there. Vic offered the pickets, a new door handle, stepping stones and trim boards along the front. Sam Davis offered the porch (steps), Pat supplied the paint and Heidi Dill did the signs / art work. It's amazing what we can accomplish as we work together. As nice as it may look, it is still the place to bring your empty aluminum beverage cans for recycling. Regards Pat Harvey *************************** WOW WOW WOW What a great thing for SCCE - makes me proud to live here. As Director of Storage Lot - can't say THANKS enough Lenore Combs SEPO Board **************************** The next time you start to throw your cans in the Trash, take a minute and remember what your fellow Sunshiners did to spruce up what was previously called the 'Can Shed'. It's now the 'Can Cottage'. See the pictures below. Also see the Sunshine Web site for information pertaining to the Storage Lot . Beth Parrish SEPO E-Mail E-News Admin Sent 2021-06-06: REVISED: AGENDA for Board Meeting on Thursday, June 10, 2021 @ 1:30 PM CT - The REVISED Agenda for this meeting can be viewed/printed HERE . Valerie will be posting it outside of her office and on the poolside door to Retzlaff Hall on Monday morning (June 7). Beth Parrish SEPO Board Secretary 314-960-6710 Sent 2021-06-04: Hot Tub - Bad news. The hot tub will be out of commission till mid-June. Something broke in the heater. The new part has been ordered and is expected to arrive between June 9-14. As soon as the part arrives we will get it installed. Sorry for the inconvenience. The swimming pool will remain open. Jean Burgoine Sent 2021-06-04: Calling All Dogs and Cats - Summer Addition - Hey Everyone - Sandra Delaunay will be available once again to trim our pet's nails. Sandra will come to your home instead of everyone going to the dog park. Any size dog, or any cat, is welcome. Date: Tuesday, June 8, 2021 Time: Starts at 1 pm until finished Place: Your home Cost: $10 Contact: Marian Young to set up an appointment, 719-468-4556 Thanks, Marian Back to Top

  • Mtgs (2020-2021) | Sunshine Estates

    Meetings Info (2020-2021) SEPO (2020-2021) Board of Directors and Residents ​ Date Day Time Mtg Type Location 10-12-20 Mon 1:00 PM Board of Directors N/A (Cancelled: Status Update was sent to Community and can be found HERE .) 10-20-20 Tue 1:00 PM Residents N/A (Cancelled) 11-09-20 Mon 1:30 PM Board of Directors N/A (Postponed to 11-23-20) 11-17-20 Tue 1:00 PM Residents N/A (Cancelled) 11-23-20 Mon 1:30 PM Board of Directors Retzlaff Hall (Mtg held - Commenced & Immediately Adjourned) 11-30-20 Mon 3:00 PM Board of Directors Retzlaff Hall (Mtg held) 12-07-20 Mon 1:00 PM Board of Directors N/A (Postponed to 12-14 -20 ) 12-14-20 Mon 1:00 PM Board of Directors Virtual (Mtg held - Moved from 12-07-20) 12-14-20 Mon 1:00 PM Residents N/A (Cancelled) 01-05-21 Mon 1:30 PM Nominations Virtual (Mtg Held) 02-16-21 Tue 1:00 PM Annual Meeting of Shareholders Virtual (Mtg Held) 02-16-21 Tue 1:30 PM Board of Directors Virtual (Mtg Held) 02-25-21 Thu 1:30 PM Board of Directors Virtual (Mtg Held) 02-25-21 Thu 3:30 PM Board Executive Mtg Retzlaff Hall (Mtg Held) 03-08-21 Mon 1:00 PM Board of Directors Virtual (Mtg Held) ​ ​ 03-08-21 Mon 3:00 PM Board Executive Mtg Retzlaff Hall (Mtg Held) 03-22-21 Mon 1:30 PM Board of Directors Virtual (Mtg Held) Back to Top Women's Club (2020-2021) Meetings are CANCELLED until further notice. ​ Pre Covid-19: ​ Meetings are normally held: the 3rd Friday of each month Oct thru Mar 9-10 AM Retzlaff Hall All Female Sunshine Residents & Renters are welcome and encouraged to attend. Coffee & Treats are available for free. A prize is awarded to one lucky lady each month who is wearing her Sunshine Name Tag. ​ During Pandemic: No Meetings are being held. Dates: 10-16-20 11-20-20 12-18-20 01-15-21 02-19-21 03-19-21 ​ Back to Top Other Clubs & Committees (2020-2021) ​ Meetings are CANCELLED until further notice except for any specific info listed below. Sunshine Birding & Nature Club: (Contact - Jean Burgoine) Pre Covid-19: ​ Meetings are held the 1st Monday of each Month (Nov thru Apr) @ 7 PM in the Library. ​ Open to all residents in the community. ​​ During Pandemic: ​​ Meeting being held Monday, Nov 2 at 5pm in the gazebo on Texas Avenue No meeting on Monday, Dec 7. A special meeting will be called a little later to finalize our plans for participating in the Christmas Bird Count. A notice will be sent out of the time and place. ​ Neighborhood Watch (NW): (Lenore Combs) Pre Covid-19: ​ Meetings are held the 3rd Monday of each Month @ 3 PM in Retzlaff Hall. ​ Open to all residents in the community. During Pandemic: ​ Starting in Feb 2021, meetings are being held using Google Meet ​ Woodworkers: (Jerry Wetherbee) ​ Pre Covid-19: Meetings are held the 2nd and 4th Friday of each Month @ 1 PM in the Woodshop. During Pandemic: Meetings are held either by Google Meet or in the Pavilion (weather permitting). ​ Men's Golf League Business Meeting: (Mark Owen but Need Volunteer(s)) ​ Pre Covid-19: Meetings are held every Tuesday following the 8:30 AM tee time group in Retzlaff Hall. During Pandemic: ​ Meetings are held every Tuesday following the 8:30 AM tee time group in the Pavilion. Ladies Golf League Business Meeting: (Contact - Terry DeBackere) ​ Pre Covid-19: ​ Meetings are held the 3rd Wed of each month (Nov thru Mar) in Retzlaff Hall. Nov 20 @ 10:30am Dec 18 @ 8:30am Jan 15 @ 8:30am Feb 19 @ 8:30am Mar18 @ 10:30am​​ ​During Pandemic: At this time all meetings are cancelled for the 2020-2021 Winter season. Killer Bees Quilting: (Contact - Diane Tewell) ​ Pre Covid-19: Meet every week on Thursday at 9 AM in Retzlaff Hall. During Pandemic: ​Meeting are being held every week on Thursday at 9 am via ZOOM. Memorial Committee: (Contact - Irene Phillips) NOTE: This Committee is looking for NEW MEMBERS ASAP ​ Pre Covid-19: ​ Meetings are held as needed. During Pandemic: No Meetings are being held. Bi ble Study/Movie Group: (Contact - Warren Hertel) ​ Pre Covid-19: ​ Every Monday 6:00-8:00 p.m. in Retzlaff Hall Jan thru April During Pandemic: At this time all meetings are cancelled for the 2020-2021 Winter season. Back to Top

  • Special (2020-2021) | Sunshine Estates

    Activities: Special (2020-2021 Winter Season) Additional Details Due to Covid-19 Restrictions MOST SPECIAL Activities are CANCELLED or ON HOLD until further notice. Click on a Bullet below to be taken to that Activity Wall Of Honor (Ongoing) Calling all Dogs (and Cats) (2021-03-30) 90th B-Day: Gus Elliott Calling All Dogs (2021-02-23) (Complete) Calling All Dogs (2021-01-28) (Complete) Meet & Greet: SEPO Board Candidates & Residents (2020-12-30) (Complete) Toys for Tots (2020-11-15 thru 12-16) (Complete) Salvation Army Bell Ringing (2020-11-27) (Cancelled) Sunshine National Night Out (2020-10-08) (Complete) Wall Of Honor (Ongoing) ONGOING ​ WALL OF HONOR (Started Jan 8, 2020) You can find previous information concerning this Project HERE . ​ Sent 2020-11-14: Sunshine Heroes Wall of Honor - Project Background - It was decided here at Sunshine that we would recognize our neighbors, not for a single act of heroism but their heroic service. We wanted to recognize the people from our community who made a commitment to give part of their lives for the benefit of others. This is what the SUNSHINE HEROES Wall of Honor represents. It is our way to recognize them and say thank you for your service. Last Spring in Retzlaff Hall, we unveiled our Sunshine Heroes Wall of Honor complete with their engraved names on an individual metal plate. There is also a Memory Book of photos of our heroes. This touching monument serves as a reminder that many of our residents sacrificed their lives for the freedom we enjoy today. (See picture below.) You may support this wall by completing an application and some brief information (form available at SEPO Office). We would like a photo in uniform. Jim Tennant is available for questions 616 866 9960. What is a Veteran? - whether retired, discharged, active duty or reserve – is someone who at one point in his or her life, wrote a blank check made payable to ”The United States of America” for an amount up to and including his or her life. (Author unknown) What Is A Hero? - defines a hero as a person noted for courageous acts or nobility of character. A true hero is someone who gives of themselves for the benefit of others, sometimes at great personal risk. There are many in our community who have given parts of their lives in the service of our country regardless of the risk. There are those who have chosen a career of community service – Law enforcement, First Responders and Fire Fighters are examples. All these people have given freely of themselves for the benefit of others. These are a few examples of what we can all recognize as heroes, but we do not usually honor them for their service. If you save a person from a car accident or give CPR to someone you would be recognized for heroism. The person who donates blood to help others is a hero. A person who may donate an organ or bone marrow is a hero. Are these very special people any more heroic then the others who served us? Jim Tennant Sent 2020-03-21: SUNSHINE HEROES - As another winter season comes to a close, I just want to give you all a reminder about the SUNSHINE HEROES wall. In case you haven’t seen it, the wall is up in Retzlaff Hall and has 41 names on it. Those of you who have made a pledge for this project, I will be coming around this week to collect. I want to thank all those who have donated to this project both monetarily and with their time and labor. The applications are still available from Valerie in the SEPO office. When you complete your application return it to Valerie along with your picture. If you do not have a picture or prefer a current picture be sure to check the box on the form that you will need a picture taken. I will be contacting you upon my return in the fall to take a current picture for this book. Remember as we travel home to be safe and when you get there find your favorite picture of you or your spouse, in uniform or not, to be placed in the book that is placed with the display wall. I want to have this SUNSHINE HEROS display to represent all of the people who served. ​ Jim Tennant 4161 N Missouri (616)866-9960 Email: Calling all Dogs (and Cats) (2021-03-30) COMPLETE Calling All Dogs (and Cats) (Mar 30, 2021) ​ Sent 2021-03-27: Calling All Dogs (and Cats) - Hey Everyone, Sandra Delaunay will be available once again to trim our pet's nails. Sandra also works on cats. If you want Sandra to come to your home, the cost is $15. Some dogs or cats will be more comfortable at home. For many of our furry friends, having their nails clipped is a stressful situation. Any size dog, or any cat, is welcome. For special needs, the dog can remain in your vehicle. Date: Tuesday, March 30, 2021 Place: Dog Park in the RV parking lot Time: 1 to 4 pm Contact: Text Pam Lacy @ 218-443-3416 to set up an appointment Cost: $10 Masks as always Thanks, Marian Young, Pam Lacy, Marge Sandusky COMPLETE 90th Birthday - Gus Elliott (Mar 27, 2021) ​ Sent 2021-03-30: Thank You for saying Happy 90th Birthday - I would like to thank all of my Friends and Neighbors who came by Saturday to help me celebrate my 90th birthday. Almost all of the beer was consumed, but we had cake left over. What does that tell you about this neighborhood. Seriously, it was a lot of fun and I again, I thank you. Gus ​ Sent 2021-03-24: Come say Happy 90th Birthday - WOW - Gus Elliott is turning 90. Gus is opening up his garage (and as much of the street as possible without hindering traffic) so that you can come by his house (4333 N Minnesota) this coming Sat, Mar 27, from 2pm to 4pm and wish him a Happy 90th Birthday. He said he'd also offer you a beer if you came by to see him. Sounds like bribery to me - HA - But also a good offer. He will appreciate your visit thoroughly. Beth Parrish (for Gus Elliott) 90th B-Day: Gus Elliott Calling All Dogs (2021-02-23) (Complete) COMPLETE Calling All Dogs (Feb 23, 2021) ​ Sent 2021-02-23: Calling All Dogs - Our first dog nail clipping service with Sandra Delaunay was a success. Having one person come to the Estates, as far as Covid-19 is concerned, is better than 20 people going out to different places. We set appointments for everyone so there was never a crowd. In between each appointment, we used sanitizer and cleaned the table. Our next Spa Day for your Pup will be held this Tuesday. All sizes of dogs are welcome. DATE: February 23, 2021 TIME: 1 - 4 pm LOCATION: Dog park in the storage lot. CALL: Pam Lacy @ 218-443-3416 to set up an appointment COST: $10 Masks & SD MarianYoung Calling All Dogs (2021-01-28) (Complete) COMPLETE Calling All Dogs (Jan 28, 2021) ​ Sent 2021-02-23: Calling All Dogs - Hello Dog Lovers, Sandra Delaunay has offered to come to our community to clip our dogs' nails. Sandra loves dogs, and has over 20 years of experience. All sizes of dogs are welcome. PLACE: Small Dog Park in the Storage Lot Date: Thursday, January 28, 2021 Time: 1 to 4 pm Contact: Text Pam Lacy @ 218-443-3416 to set up an appointment Cost: $10 Masks as always Thanks, Pam Lacy, Marge Sandusky, Marian Young Meet & Greet: SEPO Board Candidates & Residents (2020-12-30) (Complete) COMPLETE Meet & Greet: SEPO Board Candidates & Residents (Dec 30 , 2020) ​ Sent 2020-12-24: REVISION, Meet and Greet: SEPO Board Candidates & Residents - The Nominating Committee for the SEPO Board of Directors will be hosting a “Meet and Greet” for the candidates and residents of Sunshine Estates on Wed, Dec 30, 2020 from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm on Texas Ave. This event is designed for the residents to meet the candidates, ask questions and have a conversation before the election is held. These elections directly affect every resident in this community, as the Board of Directors is tasked with making critical decisions for our community. Use your voice! We strongly encourage all residents to attend if possible. Please mark your calendar and take advantage of this one-time opportunity to meet. This event is being held outside, with COVID-19 guidelines being enforced. The plan is for the candidates to be in golf carts along Texas Ave. Don't forget your masks. Let's have a safe event! Dana Weise 2021 SEPO Board Nominating Committee Chairman Toys for Tots (2020-11-15 thru 12-16) (Complete) COMPLETE ​ Toys for Tots (Nov 15 thru Dec 16, 2020) Sent 2020-11-15: Toys for Tots - Dear Friends - I recently received permission to place this box in the Sunshine Library for our convenience. Contact me if you have any questions etc. Thanks Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276 ___________________________________________________________________________________________ TOYS FOR TOTS - 2020 Hello Everyone here at Sunshine, Earlier today, the Harlingen Police Department dropped off a Toys For Tots box. It will be in the Sunshine Library for the next few weeks just waiting to overflow. If you can find it in your heart to donate a toy for this cause, it would be deeply appreciated. The mission is to provide a tangible sign of hope to economically disadvantaged children at Christmas. It is one of the top rated charities and our PD teams up with the local Marine Corps League. It is also a 501 C (3). A donated ~ ten dollar toy of your choice will make some child’s day. Just wrap it simply with a ribbon and place “BOY" or "GIRL" and the age visibly on the bottom. Ultimately, Harlingen PD, with its partners, has access for the distribution plan which is usually mid December. I have worked a bunch of these and they are breathtaking – to see the kid’s eyes light up for a gift – and to see them sit on Santa’s lap for a photo op – wow! Thanking you in advance for your marvelous generosity. Lenore J. Combs 956 245 1276 Harlingen Citizens Police Academy Alumni Member ​ Newsletter 2021-01: Toys for Tots - Hello everyone here at Sunshine, December 2020 – Congrats - Thanks and Blessings to each and every one who participated in this year’s Toys For Tots initiative via the Harlingen Police Department. Mission accomplished! The goal is and has been to bring the joy of Christmas and send a message of hope to America’s less fortunate children, in particular for children in our area. HPD came to Sunshine with some toys to be wrapped. They took back the equivalent of at least four topped-off huge boxes stuffed with beautifully wrapped donated gifts. On behalf of Assistant Chief of Police Miryam Anderson and Sgt. Fechner, our HPD District Representative, they are most grateful. You all outdid yourselves with love and generosity – but that has always been the Sunshine way. Thanks again. I have a few photos that Beth Parrish (SEPO Communications Manager) has posted below. Lenore (SCCE contact) Salvation Army Bell Ringing (2020-11-27) (Cancelled) CANCELLED ​ Salvation Army Bell Ringing (Nov 27, 2020) Sent 2020-11-22: Bell Ringing - Hi Everyone, Due to a lack of interest, we will not be ringing bells at Wal-Mart on the 27th. If you're feeling generous this year, please remember the Salvation Army. Thanks, Marian and Sally ​ Sent 2020-11-14: Salvation Army Bell Ringing - Hello Everyone, For several years, we here at Sunshine have been bell ringers for the Salvation Army. Our usual day is the day after Thanksgiving. This year, Sally Dronen and I will be coordinating this event. Due to covid-19 and people being laid off, the food banks are low on food. 100% of the money collected stays in the valley. The North and South side doors at Wal-Mart have been reserved for our group. One or two people at each door, for one hour, are needed to ring the bells. The times are from 10:00 am to 8:00 pm. There will be a signup sheet in the library on the 14th. The date to ring bells is Friday, November 27, 2020. The Salvation Army will provide PPE (Personal Protective Equipment like gloves, masks, hand sanitizer), but if we supply our own, they can save their supply for others. Questions: Sally Dronen 479-531-3421 or Marian Young 719-468-4556 Thanks in advance, Marian ​ Sent 2020-10-01: Sunshine National Night Out - COMPLETE ​ Sunshine National Night Out: (Oct 8, 2020) Sunshine National Night Out (2020-10-08) (Complete) Back to Top


Office: (956) 425-1420

FAX: (956) 425-1420


1957 W Michigan Dr

Harlingen, TX 78550

Information in this site is authorized by

Sunshine Estates Property Owners Association (SEPO) and its residents.

©2024 by Sunshine Country Club Estates

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