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  • 2023-05 Emails | Sunshine Estates

    S EPO Community Emails: May 2023 Sent 2023-05-31: UPDATED: Directories on Web site - I want to send out a big thanks to all of you who replied to my last Directory email in mid-May about needing to know if your Resident / Renter / Email information on the SEPO Directories was up-to-date. I have taken everyone's responses and incorporated them into this most recent directory update that is now on the Web site. I have worked with Valerie on some new resident info as well. However, you will see (marked in DARK BLUE ) that there is still some info that Valerie is not aware of concerning some buying and selling of homes with Sunshine over the last few months. Please make sure you get with her and get your office files updated. All of the new directories can be found HERE . If anyone still sees info that needs tended to, please let me know ASAP by replying to this email ( ). If you have any questions or issues with accessing these directories, please contact me using info from my signature below. Beth Parrish SEPO Enews and Sunshine Website Manager 314-960-6710 Email: ​ Sent 2023-05-31: Rock Painting Class 5 June 2023 canceled - To all Sunshine Rock Club Members! --- The next Rock Painting Class meeting on Monday, 5 June 2023, is cancelled. - Karren Amos ​ Sent 2023-05-31: Memorial Day Festivities: THANK YOU - Dear Friends - I wish to thank everyone who participated in yesterday's Veterans Tribute. So many of you contributed - from the nuts & bolts of the Program, Parade, Potluck to the decorating and dirty dishes. I dare not start a Thank You list of names fearing leaving one out - so God Bless America and God bless you. And as Lee Greenwood sings - 🎵 I am proud to be an American..... 🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵 -- Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276 ************************************************************************** Hi - This is Beth Parrish. Thanks to those of you who sent me pictures and posted pictures on the Sunshine FB page so that I could post some of the festivities on the Sunshine Website HERE . - Beth Parrish, Sunshine Website Mgr ​ Sent 2023-05-29: RAIN PLANs - if necessary for Memorial Day Monday 29 May 2023 - Dear Friends - The show will go on....... If rain tries to mess our day, just go to Retzlaff Hall -- 1:30 PM. We will have the Memorial Day tribute there. If weather permitting, we will have the Golf Cart Parade as planned and the program will continue at the Gazebo. The Potluck plan has not changed. (4pm Retz Hall) Thanks - Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276 ​ Sent 2023-05-23: Clint Wunderlich celebration of life meeting - If any ladies are interested in helping with Clint’s celebration of life, we are going meet in the library on Wednesday May 24th at 2pm. Celebration will be held Saturday June 17th. - Women’s Club, Vicky Krueger ​ Sent 2023-05-23: Beginning line dance class - Just a reminder. We will have a beginner line dance class at 10:00 in the hall on Tuesdays thru the summer. Will extend into next season if enough interest. - Donna Myers, 956 245 0188 ​ Sent 2023-05-23: Golf: Aerating the Greens - It appears the weather will cooperate this week to allow us to begin aerating the greens. We will start around Wednesday noon and should be completed by Friday afternoon. The course will be open, but please play around the workers. - Randy Davis, Golf Course Director ​ Sent 2023-05-22: Memorial Day Tribute Monday 29 May 2023 - Dear Friends - Memorial Day is next Monday. Please mark your calendars for this event. Sunshine will present a Memorial Day Tribute on Monday the 29th Everyone is cordially invited. Memorial Day is a holiday originally called Decoration Day. It was designed to honor Armed Forces who gave their all during service to our Nation. And we are especially grateful to these families. We shall celebrate and give thanks. Golf Cart Parade 1:30 Meet at the Office If you please - decorate your Golf Cart and carry your Flag Hoppy will have music We will cover Michigan to Missouri heading to Iowa to Minnesota then - back to Michigan, going to Missouri to Montana and out to the Gazebo for the program. Gazebo - Program begins. If anyone would like to help with this piece, please notify me. I also need about 9 volunteers for the Branch Flags Lenore 956 245 1276 Flag bearers and script readers are needed. Potluck - 4pm Retz Hall See Jill Ventrello for any questions relevant to the Potluck. Bring your favorite dish and enjoy the fellowship. Thank you, God Bless you and God Bless the USA - Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276 ​ Sent 2023-05-22: Memorial Day memory board - I realize that Memorial Day is a day to honor those that lost their lives serving their country but personally I feel there are not enough days in the year to honor ALL veterans so with that being said I have made a bulletin board in Retzlaff Hall, for Memorial Day, for anyone that wants to display pictures, letters or any memories of their loved ones that have served or are now serving. If you want please let us know who these special veterans in your life are. Also make sure that you put your name and number on the back so I can get them back to you. Hope to see many of you there at the parade, the gazebo ceremony and the hall for potluck. - Jill Ventrello ​ Sent 2023-05-21: Wood Shop Orientation Class Thursday May 25th 5 pm - Woodshop Orientation Class Thursday May 25th 5 pm in the wood shop. This will be the last class until Fall. This class is a requirement for using the wood shop. A one time attendance is required. The shop will be closed during the class. Call John Chajec 708-280-8940 with any questions. ​ Sent 2023-05-20: Pool Update (Saturday May 20) - Hi: A Saturday morning update on pool. Pool is ready to use---Enjoy!! The hot tub can be used, but the jets are off! The motor that runs the jets is the one that has parts ordered. Hopefully by Monday!!! Thanks everyone for your patience. Jim Kennedy ​ Sent 2023-05-20: Pool Update (Saturday May 20) - Hi: A Saturday morning update on pool. Pool is ready to use---Enjoy!! The hot tub can be used, but the jet are off! The motor that runs the jets is the one that has parts ordered. Hopefully by Monday!!! Thanks everyone for your patience. - Jim Kennedy ​ Sent 2023-05-19: Pool Update - Hi: Quick progress report on pool and hot tub!! There was a tear in one of the filters and that has been ordered. Lalo has worked his tail off switching filters to get things in line as quickly as possible. To get things done the “right way” – let’s put off using the pool for another day. When I get the green light, I’ll let you know. Hope it will be worth the wait!!! Thanks again for you patience. Jim Kennedy ​ Sent 2023-05-19: Former Resident Passing - The office was informed by Kay Sluyter and Ina Hillman that Former resident Gene Nett passed away on 5/18. Valerie Basaldua, SEPO Office ​ Sent 2023-05-19: Resident Passing - Dan Boardman has informed the office that Bob Auclair passed away on Tuesday, 05/16. - Valerie Basaldua, SEPO Office ​ Sent 2023-05-19: Sunshine Rock Painting Meeting 22 May 2023 - The NEXT Sunshine Rock Painting Club meeting is Monday May 22nd, 1 to 3 pm at the hall. Rock painting will include Memorial Day rocks and others! Hope to see you there! Karren Amos Sent 2023-05-19: Pool Update - Hi: Because of weather and some glitches that have popped up with filters and pumps, am sorry to say the pool and hot tub will not be open Friday. The good news is that both the hot tub and pool look great! With the addition of some chemicals and tender care everything should be soon back to normal. Thank you everyone for your patience while this is being done!!!!! Jim Kennedy ​ Sent 2023-05-17: Memorial Day planning meeting Friday 19 May 11 am - Dear Friends - Anyone wishing to give their 2 CENTS for Memorial Day, please come with your ideas. Tentative Plans; MONDAY 29 May = Memorial Day Golf cart Parade 2pm, meet at the Office. Memorial day program - Gazebo to follow Potluck supper 4pm Jill Ventrello - sponsor -- Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276 Sponsor for Golf Cart Parade & Gazebo plans ​ Sent 2023-05-16: Beginning Line Dance Class - There has been some interest expressed in Line Dancing. I have set up a beginning class for Tuesday mornings at 10 in the Hall. It will begin May 23. I will be starting with the basic steps and start with beginner dances. I hope any of you that have ever thought about line dancing will give this a try. Should be fun and you will get a little exercise as well. Any questions call Donna Myers at 956 245 0188. Hope to see a bunch of you there. ​ Sent 2023-05-15: Resident Passing - Frank Tewell informed me Clint Wunderlich passed away on Sunday, May 14, 2023. - Valerie Basaldua, SEPO Office ​ Sent 2023-05-15: Neighborhood Watch info: Harlingen Police Academy class - Neighborhood Watch and CERT and Sunshine residents Dear Friends, There will be a Harlingen Police Academy class held at the local Harlingen Police Dept.-- 1018 Fairpark Blvd, Hgn. It will start Monday the 5th of June 2023, 6pm - 9 or 10 pm x 8 or so weeks. Lots of good safety info. (no charge) Applications are in the Library on the Neighborhood Watch bulletin Board. I also have them. Get them in ASAP - class is limited. The curriculum and teaching methods are similar to the traditional Police Academy but you are not Police candidates. Classroom and hands-on instruction provide you with a working knowledge of Hgn PD such as HPD Operations, Policy, Procedure etc. and you will gain a deeper understanding of the problems and concerns they face daily. -- Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276 Coordinator - Neighborhood Watch - CERT Team ​ Sent 2023-05-14: UPDATED: Sunshine Directories on Web - Hi All - I hope all mothers enjoyed their special day today - HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY And I hope everyone is enjoying the summer. I certainly have been. Anyway, it's been a looooong time coming, but I spent quite a bit of time this weekend updating all of the Sunshine Directories on the website: Resident Directory by - Name Address Resident Email Address Directory Renters Directory All of these directories are dated May 14, 2023 and can be found HERE . Earlier today I sent separate emails to several residents asking specific questions about what I had listed for them in the website directories. As soon as I hear back from those folks, I'll update the web again. Hopefully this will be occur in the next week or so. Now I'm asking something from all of you. Will you please take a couple of minutes to look at these updated directories and let me know if your info is 'CORRECT' or if 'CHANGES ARE NEEDED' by replying to this email ( ). Please remember, these are your directories, and I can only supply to you the info you have supplied to the Office. If anyone has questions or issues with accessing these directories, please contact me using info from my signature below. Beth Parrish SEPO Enews Email Manager E-Mail: 314-960-6710 Sent 2023-05-13: Neighborhood Watch info - Neighborhood Watch and CERT and Sunshine residents Dear Friends, There will NOT be a scheduled Neighborhood Watch - CERT meeting in June. If anyone wishes to contact me, feel free. The only info I have for us is to be careful and light up and lock up!!!! --- Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276 Coordinator - Neighborhood Watch - CERT Team ​ Sent 2023-05-13: MEMORIAL DAY Plans at Sunshine Monday 29 May 2023 - Dear Friends, Memorial Day has been and is a special day to honor all military members who died while serving in the U.S. Armed Forces. Aside from decorating Veterans graves, parades and services are often held but after WWII, the purpose broadened and now recognizes all those who have served in all American Wars. The National Remembrance Act - Moment of Silence - pause at 3pm local time. (We will incorporate this with the program at the Gazebo). Sunshine is a proud community and there are two parts to our Memorial Day program - the Veterans Tribute (Golf Cart Parade & Gazebo Program) and the Potluck which will follow shortly thereafter in Retz Hall. There is a signup sheet in the Library. For the Parade and Gazebo part, I am looking for volunteers to help with several facets. The Potluck Team are doing their thing at Retz Hall. John and I need Flag Bearers to carry the Branch Flags and two escorts with wooden rifles (that don't shoot). Hoppy will help with sound. John will help with the Flag ceremony. I need two Neighborhood Watch volunteers to mark the area by the Gazebo from where the Flags will enter. We appreciate your 2 CENTs and can have a brief meeting on Tue or Wed the 16th and/or 17th of May. Let's meet at the Office and go from there. Please call me for any questions 956 245 1276 Thanks -- Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276 ​ Sent 2023-05-11: Calling All Dogs and Cats too! - Hey Everyone, Sandra Delaunay will be coming to the Estates on Tuesday, May16th, 2023, to take care of your pet's nails. She will be starting at 11:00 am. The cost is ten dollars per pet. Please text Sandra and she will schedule your appointment. Sandra's number is 956-226-9919. Sandra will come to your home. - Thanks, Marian Young 719-468-4556 ​ Sent 2023-05-11: Open Gate - It is the consensus of your Board of Directors that the front gate on Texas Avenue will remain open during daytime and close during the evening as it normally does. We are all aware of a change in border procedure that may or may not affect us. Our local police have issued no warnings and we are hopeful for the best. Many of our residents are away from their homes in Sunshine. Please be watchful in your neighborhood and take every precaution to keep yourself and your property safe. A special thank you to our Neighborhood Watch team. May you have a happy and healthy summer. - SEPO Board of Directors ​ Sent 2023-05-10: TX Ave 'front' dog park path - I saw on the SEPO Facebook page that a new path had been constructed in the 'front' dog park on Texas Avenue. Even though I don't have a dog, I was curious as to what everyone was talking about. My request for pictures was answered and I'm sharing them with everyone below. Beth Parrish, SEPO Communications Sent 2023-05-10: Memorial Day Festivities - Memorial Day (Monday May 29th) is the unofficial start to summer so it's time to celebrate! We're starting by having a golf cart parade around the neighborhood at 2:00 pm followed by a short ceremony at the gazebo. We'll all meet back at Retzlaff Hall at 4:00 pm for a potluck. There is a signup sheet in the library for those of you who want to bring food. Also there's going to be a memorial board that you can use to put up pictures of your loved ones who have served in the past. Please put your name and number on the back to I can get them back to you. I'll send out a notice when the board is ready for you to start putting up your memories. Hope to see all of you there. Jill Ventrello ​ Sent 2023-05-10: O'clockers golf - The O'Clockers golf scramble will move to 6:00 pm on Sunday May 14 due to hot weather. Open to all golfers in community. We meet beside the shuffleboard court at 5:45 for hole assignments. Come on out and have some fun. - Questions call Donna Myers at 956 245 0188 ​ Sent 2023-05-09: THANKS - The email below from Lenore was inadvertently not sent in April. So here it is. *************************************************************** Dear Friends Do know that the two red lights (one at the Front Gate and the 2nd at the street entrance to Sunshine) are now working. The Neighborhood Watch checks these each evening while on Patrol. They are to be used in case of an emergency so that the EMS, Fire or Police know the emergency is in SCCE - not the RV Park next door. Thanks to our vigilant NW Team who Patrols every evening. Thanks to Tom and Lalo. Also, we love the new roadway into the Doggie area. BOW WOW & Thanks. -- Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276 Coordinator NW - CERT Team ​ Sent 2023-05-09: Pool and Hot Tub Closed - Pool And Hot Tub will be Closed for Cleaning ​ Pool and Hot Tub Is going to be completely drained and cleaned with Acid Solution next week Mon-Thurs May 15-18. We will update you on Thursday with the status of Maintenance. Thank you - Jim Kennedy ​ Sent 2023-05-07: Neighborhood Watch directive - Dear Neighborhood Watch - As of this transmission, and Jim Kennedy's request, he will take responsibility to lock the doors. You are not to check or lock the doors as this is his area as a SEPO Board Member. Jim's text and phone call x 2 support this message. Please continue on your Patrol as otherwise oriented. Thank you. -- Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276 Coordinator - Neighborhood Watch SCCE ​ Sent 2023-05-07: UNAPPROVED: SEPO Financials, 2023-04 (Apr) - The UNAPPROVED April 2023 SEPO Financials are posted on the Sunshine Website HERE . Please let me know if you have any questions. - Mark Owen SEPO Treasurer ​ Sent 2023-05-07: SEPO Communications Mgr is back in the USA - Hi Everyone - I just wanted to let you know that I have returned from my long and much needed vacation. I want to thank my SEPO Email backup for handling this duty while I was gone. But wouldn't you know it, the email system we use had a name change (from Send-In-Blue to BREVO) and I'm not sure of what other changes may have occurred to the system while I was gone. I will be reviewing things this week and sending emails using the updated system. Hopefully it's a smooth transition. i have one email from Lenore Combs and one from Mark Owen in the sepoenews inbox that I will try to get out this evening. If anyone else has sent anything else to sepoenews that might not have gone out to the community, please resend it to me. FYI - I'll also be updating the website and the directories in the next few days. Beth Parrish SEPO Enews Email Manager E-Mail: 314-960-6710 ​ Sent 2023-05-05: Texas Ave Gate Status - Good Morning: The Texas Ave gate was not closing last night, May 4th and the technician was scheduled today, May 5th, to try and solve this issue. Also, the SOS/Yelper has been installed, and the police/fire/ems have been notified. Thank you. - Tom Perrier Back to Top

  • Board Mtgs: 2022-2023 (Winter) | sunshine

    SEPO Board Meetings: Regular & Special Agendas - Videos - Minutes (10-2022 thru 03-2023 Winter Season) & SEPO Board Executive Sessions: Summaries (01-10-2023 thru 03-31- 2023) Go directly to the Information you are looking for by clicking an item below. Bd Mtg (Spec) Minutes & Exec Summary (2023-03-22) Bd Mtg (Spec) Video (2023-03-22) Bd Mtg (Spec) Agenda (2023-03-22) Bd Mtg (Reg) Minutes & Exec Summary (2023-03-13) Bd Mtg (Reg) Video (2023-03-13) Bd Mtg (Reg) Agenda (2023-03-13) Bd Mtg (1st Required) Minutes (2023-02-21) Bd Mtg (1st Required) Video (2023-02-21) Bd Mtg (1st Required) Agenda (2023-02-21) Annual Mtg Minutes (2022-02-21) Annual Mtg Video (3 PM (2022-02-21) Annual Mtg Video (1 PM) (2022-02-21) Annual Mtg Agenda (2023-02-21) Bd Mtg (Reg) Minutes & Exec Summary (2023-02-07) Bd Mtg (Reg) Video (2023-02-07) Bd Mtg (Reg) Agenda (2023-02-07) Bd Mtg (Reg) Minutes & Exec Summary (2023-01-10) Bd Mtg (Reg) Video (2023-01-10) Bd Mtg (Reg) Agenda (2023-01-10) Res & Dir Mtg Minutes (2023-01-05) Res & Dir Mtg Video (2023-01-05) Res & Dir Mtg Agenda (2023-01-05) Info Mtg Notice: Ballots (2023-01-03) Bd Mtg (Reg) Minutes (2022-12-13) Bd Mtg (Reg) Video (2022-12-13) Bd Mtg (Reg) Agenda (2022-12-13) Bd Mtg (Spec) Minutes (2022-12-12) Bd Mtg (Spec) Video (2022-12-12) Bd Mtg (Spec) Agenda (2022-12-12) Bd Mtg (Reg) Minutes (2022-11-15) Bd Mtg (Reg) Video (2022-11-15) Bd Mtg (Reg) Agenda (2022-11-15) Bd Mtg (Spec) Minutes (2022-11-01) Bd Mtg (Spec) Video (2022-11-01) Bd Mtg (Spec) Agenda (2022-11-01) Bd Mtg (Reg) Minutes (2022-10-11) Bd Mtg (Reg) Video (2022-10-11) Bd Mtg (Reg) Agenda (2022-10-11) Bd Mtg (Spec) Minutes & Exec Summary (2023-03-22) BOARD MEETING (Special) MINUTES: Wed, Mar 22 , 2023 @ 1 PM (Hybrid) & BOARD EXECUTIVE SESSION SUMMARY: Wed , Mar 22 , 2023, after 1 PM Board Mtg (Board Members Only BOARD MEETING (Special) VIDEO: Wed , Mar 22, 2023 @ 1 PM Bd Mtg (Spec) Video (2023-03-22) BOARD MEETING (Special) AGENDA: Wed , Mar 22, 2023 @ 1 PM Bd Mtg (Spec) Agenda (2023-03-22) Bd Mtg (Reg) Minutes & Exec Summary (2023-03-13) BOARD MEETING (Regular) MINUTES: Mon, Mar 13 , 2023 @ 1 PM (Hybrid) & BOARD EXECUTIVE SESSION SUMMARY: Mon, Mar 13 , 2023, after 1 PM Board Mtg ( Board Members Only) BOARD MEETING (Regular) VIDEO: Mon, Mar 13, 2023 @ 1 PM Bd Mtg (Reg) Video (2023-03-13) BOARD MEETING (Regular) AGENDA: Mon, Mar 13, 2023 @ 1 PM Bd Mtg (Reg) Agenda (2023-03-13) Bd Mtg (1st Required) Minutes (2023-02-21) BOARD MEETING (Required) MINUTES: (first 2023 Board 'Required' Meeting) Tue, Feb 21, 2023 after Annual Meeting Bd Mtg (1st Required) Video (2023-02-21) BOARD MEETING (Required) VIDEO: (first 2023 Board 'Required' Meeting) Tue, Feb 21, 2023 after Annual Meeting BOARD MEETING (Required) AGENDA: (first 2023 Board 'Required' Meeting) Tue, Feb 21, 2023 after Annual Meeting Bd Mtg (1st Required) Agenda (2023-02-21) Information above this line is from the '2023' SEPO Board. ​ Information below this line is from the '2022' SEPO Board. ANNUAL MEETING MINUTES: Tue, Feb 21, 2023 @ 1 PM & 3 PM Annual Mtg Minutes (2022-02-21) Annual Mtg Video (3 PM (2022-02-21) ANNUAL MEETING VIDEO: Tue, Feb 21, 2023 @ 3 PM ( Election Results +) Annual Mtg Video (1 PM) (2022-02-21) ANNUAL MEETING VIDEO: Tue, Feb 21, 2023 @ 1 PM ( Quorum Determination) Annual Mtg Agenda (2023-02-21) ANNUAL MEETING AGENDA: Tue, Feb 21, 2023 @ 1 PM & 3 PM BOARD MEETING (Regular) MINUTES: Tue, Feb 7, 2023 @ 1 PM (Hybrid) & BOARD EXECUTIVE SESSION SUMMARY: Tue, Feb 7, 2023, 2022 after 1 PM Board Mtg ( Board Members Only) Bd Mtg (Reg) Minutes & Exec Summary (2023-02-07) BOARD MEETING (Regular) VIDEO Tue, Feb 7, 2023 @ 1 PM Bd Mtg (Reg) Video (2023-02-07) BOARD MEETING (Regular) AGENDA Tue, Feb 7, 2023 @ 1 PM Bd Mtg (Reg) Agenda (2023-02-07) BOARD MEETING (Regular) MINUTES Tue, Jan 10, 2023 @ 1 PM & BOARD EXECUTIVE SESSION SUMMARY Tue, Jan 10, 2023, 2022 after 1 PM Board Mtg "Board Members Only" Bd Mtg (Reg) Minutes & Exec Summary (2023-01-10) Bd Mtg (Reg) Video (2023-01-10) BOARD MEETING (Regular) VIDEO Tue, Jan 10, 2023 @ 1 PM BOARD MEETING (Regular) AGENDA Tue, Jan 10, 2023 @ 1 PM Bd Mtg (Reg) Agenda (2023-01-10) RESIDENTS & DIRECTORS MEETING MINUTES Thu, Jan 5, 2023 @ 1 PM Res & Dir Mtg Minutes (2023-01-05) RESIDENTS & DIRECTORS MEETING VIDEO Thu, Jan 5, 2023 @ 1 PM Res & Dir Mtg Video (2023-01-05) Res & Dir Mtg Agenda (2023-01-05) RESIDENTS & DIRECTORS MEETING AGENDA Thu, Jan 5, 2023 @ 1 PM INFORMATION MEETING NOTIFICATION Tue, Jan 3, 2023 after Residents Mtg Sent 2022-12-30: NOTIFICATION OF "Information" Meeting on TUESDAY, Jan 3, 2023 - On TUESDAY, Jan 3, immediately after the 1 pm Residents meeting, in Retzlaff Hall only, there will be an Information Meeting to answer questions the community may have concerning the proposed amendments to the Bylaws & Covenants, that are being included in this year's voting ballot. This is NOT a Board meeting. It is an Open Forum for discussion between residents and Board members following many of the same guidelines as in a 'Residents' meeting. Residents can make comments and/or ask questions. When a resident is acknowledged to speak, he/she must wait to be presented with a microphone and then state his/her name before beginning. Anyone speaking should limit their speaking time to be reasonable (2-3 minutes max). If the answer to a question is unknown at meeting time, the topic will be researched and the answer provided to the questioner. There will be no debate with any SEPO Board member. There will be no ‘shout outs’ from residents who haven’t requested to speak. Vulgarity will not be allowed. The speaker shall not make any derogatory comments about any person(s). The speaker will simply state factually what his/her comments / concerns / questions are. SEPO Board Info Mtg Notice: Ballots (2023-01-03) BOARD MEETING (Regular) MINUTES Tue, Dec 13, 2022 after Residents Mtg Bd Mtg (Reg) Minutes (2022-12-13) BOARD MEETING (Regular) VIDEO Tue, Dec 13, 2022 @ 1:00 PM Bd Mtg (Reg) Video (2022-12-13) BOARD MEETING (Regular) AGENDA Tue, Dec 13, 2022 @ 1:00 PM Bd Mtg (Reg) Agenda (2022-12-13) BOARD MEETING (Special) MINUTES Tue, Dec 12, 2022 after Residents Mtg Bd Mtg (Spec) Minutes (2022-12-12) BOARD MEETING (Special) VIDEO Tue, Dec 12, 2022 after Residents Mtg Bd Mtg (Spec) Video (2022-12-12) BOARD MEETING (Special) AGENDA Mon, Dec 12, 2022 after Residents' Mtg Bd Mtg (Spec) Agenda (2022-12-12) BOARD MEETING (Regular) MINUTES Tue, Nov 15, 2022 @ 1:00 PM Bd Mtg (Reg) Minutes (2022-11-15) BOARD MEETING (Regular) VIDEO Tue, Nov 15, 2022 @ 1:00 PM NOTE: This first few minutes were accidentally muted in the video but are documented in the written minutes above. Bd Mtg (Reg) Video (2022-11-15) BOARD MEETING (Regular) AGENDA Tue, Nov 15, 2022 @ 1:00 PM Bd Mtg (Reg) Agenda (2022-11-15) Bd Mtg (Spec) Minutes (2022-11-01) BOARD MEETING (Special) MINUTES Tue, Nov 1, 2022 @ 1 PM BOARD MEETING (Regular) VIDEO Tue, Nov 1, 2022 @ 1:00 PM Bd Mtg (Spec) Video (2022-11-01) BOARD MEETING (Special) AGENDA Tue, Nov 1, 2022 @ 1:00 PM Bd Mtg (Spec) Agenda (2022-11-01) BOARD MEETING (Regular) MINUTES Tue, Oct 11, 2022 @ 1 PM Bd Mtg (Reg) Minutes (2022-10-11) Bd Mtg (Reg) Video (2022-10-11) BOARD MEETING (Regular) VIDEO Tue, Oct 11, 2022 @ 1:00 PM Bd Mtg (Reg) Agenda (2022-10-11) BOARD MEETING (Regular) AGENDA Tue, Oct 11, 2022 @ 1:00 PM Back to Top

  • PREV E-Mails | Sunshine Estates

    This page Is a placeholder for all E-Mails sent from Dec 2018 to the end of Dec prior to the current year. It is not visible in the TABs.

  • Board Min: 2021 (Summer) | sunshine

    SEPO Board Meeting Agendas & Minutes (Apr 2021 thru Sep 2021 Summer Season) ​ This WAS Original Page (see below) All Data concerning these meetings has been moved to HERE .

  • Club/Committee (Summer 2023) | Sunshine Estates

    Clubs & Committees (2023 Summer) Additional Details Rock Painting Club (ONGOING) WC: Easter Service (2023-04-09) COMPLETE WC: Labor Day (2023-09-04) COMPLETE Woodworkers (COMPLETE) WC: July 4th Party (2023-07-04) COMPLETE WC & NW: Memorial Day (2023-05-29) COMPLETE *************** ONGOING THROUGHOUT EACH YEAR Rock Paint ing (Meeting Info, Pictures and other items of interest can be found HERE .) Rock Painting Club (ONGOING) WC: Labor Day (2023-09-04) COMPLETE Back to Top *************** COMPLETE Labor Day (September 4, 2023 ) ​ Sent 2023-09-03 : REMINDER, LABOR DAY - MONDAY SEPT 4TH POTLUCK DINNER 5:00PM IN RETZLAFF HALL EATING AT 5:30PM WOMEN’S CLUB WILL SUPPLY SAMS CLUB BIG HOT DOGS WE WILL HAVE SIGNUP SHEETS IN THE LIBRARY FOR HELPERS AND WHAT YOU WILL BE BRINGING SO WE CAN GET A HEAD COUNT WE WILL ASK FOR A DONATION FOR THE BUNS AND HOT DOGS ​ Vicky Krueger WC: July 4th Party (2023-07-04) COMPLETE Back to Top *************** COMP LETE July 4th Party (Ju ly 4, 2023 ) ​ Sent 2023-06-28: Don’t forget to sign-up please for July 4th- ​ EVERYONE IS ASKING ABOUT THE 4TH OF JULY ​ Let's have an Indoor > Outdoor party at the Pool. We have the hotdogs > buns > chips donated. Doing a 4:00pm cookout by the pavilion. We will also have the hall opened-up because of the heat. ​ If everyone would sign up for side items in the library, no later than June 30, so we will have some kind of a head count. Bring your own drinks > but no glass by the pool please. Let's have FUN!!! Any questions text: - Vicky Krueger, 785-418-6208 ​ Sent 202 3-06-22: July 4th Party - ​ EVERYONE IS ASKING ABOUT THE 4TH OF JULY Let's have an Indoor > Outdoor party at the Pool. We have the hotdogs > buns > chips donated. Doing a 4:00pm cookout by the pavilion. We will also have the hall opened-up because of the heat. If everyone would sign up for side items in the library, no later than June 30, so we will have some kind of a head count. Bring your own drinks > but no glass by the pool please. Let's have FUN!!! Any questions text: - Vicky Krueger, 785-418-6208 WC & NW: Memorial Day (2023-05-29) COMPLETE Back to Top *************** COMP LETE Memoria l Day Festiv it i es (May 29, 20 23 ) ​ See pictures from this event HERE . ​ Sent 2023-05-31: Memorial Day Festivities: THANK YOU - Dear Friends - I wish to thank everyone who participated in yesterday's Veterans Tribute. So many of you contributed - from the nuts & bolts of the Program, Parade, Potluck to the decorating and dirty dishes. I dare not start a Thank You list of names fearing leaving one out - so God Bless America and God bless you. And as Lee Greenwood sings - 🎵 I am proud to be an American..... 🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵 -- Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276 ************************************************************************************** Hi - This is Beth Parrish. Thanks to those of you who sent me pictures and posted pictures on the Sunshine FB page so that I could post some of the festivities on the Sunshine Website HERE . - Beth Parrish, Sunshine Website Mgr ​ Sent 2023-05-29: RAIN PLANs - if necessary for Memorial Day Monday 29 May 2023 - Dear Friends - The show will go on.......If rain tries to mess our day, just go to Retzlaff Hall -- 1:30 PM. We will have the Memorial Day tribute there. If weather permitting, we will have the Golf Cart Parade as planned and the program will continue at the Gazebo. The Potluck plan has not changed. (4pm Retz Hall) Thanks - Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276 ​ Sent 2023-05-22: Memorial Day Tribute Monday 29 May 2023 - Dear Friends - Memorial Day is next Monday. Please mark your calendars for this event. Sunshine will present a Memorial Day Tribute on Monday the 29th Everyone is cordially invited. Memorial Day is a holiday originally called Decoration Day. It was designed to honor Armed Forces who gave their all during service to our Nation. And we are especially grateful to these families. We shall celebrate and give thanks. Golf Cart Parade 1:30 Meet at the Office If you please - decorate your Golf Cart and carry your Flag Hoppy will have music We will cover Michigan to Missouri heading to Iowa to Minnesota then - back to Michigan, going to Missouri to Montana and out to the Gazebo for the program. Gazebo - Program begins. If anyone would like to help with this piece, please notify me. I also need about 9 volunteers for the Branch Flags Lenore 956 245 1276 Flag bearers and script readers are needed. Potluck - 4pm Retz Hall See Jill Ventrello for any questions relevant to the Potluck. Bring your favorite dish and enjoy the fellowship. Thank you, God Bless you and God Bless the USA - Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276 ​ ​ Sent 2023-05-22: Memorial Day memory board - I realize that Memorial Day is a day to honor those that lost their lives serving their country but personally I feel there are not enough days in the year to honor ALL veterans so with that being said I have made a bulletin board in Retzlaff Hall, for Memorial Day, for anyone that wants to display pictures, letters or any memories of their loved ones that have served or are now serving. If you want please let us know who these special veterans in your life are. Also make sure that you put your name and number on the back so I can get them back to you. Hope to see many of you there at the parade, the gazebo ceremony and the hall for potluck. - Jill Ventrello ​ Sent 2023-05-17: Memorial Day planning meeting Friday 19 May 11 am - Dear Friends - Anyone wishing to give their 2 CENTS for Memorial Day, please come with your ideas. Tentative Plans; MONDAY 29 May = Memorial Day Golf cart Parade 2pm, meet at the Office. Memorial day program - Gazebo to follow Potluck supper 4pm Jill Ventrello - sponsor -- Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276 Sponsor for Golf Cart Parade & Gazebo plans ​ Sent 2023-05-13: MEMORIAL DAY Plans at Sunshine Monday 29 May 2023 - Dear Friends, Memorial Day has been and is a special day to honor all military members who died while serving in the U.S. Armed Forces. Aside from decorating Veterans graves, parades an d services are often held but after WWII, the purpose broadened and now recognizes all those who have served in all American Wars. The National Remembrance Act - Moment of Silence - pause at 3pm local time. (We will incorporate this with the program at the Gazebo). Sunshine is a proud community and there are 2 parts to our Memorial Day program - the Veterans Tribute (Golf Cart Parade & Gazebo Program) and the Pot Luck which will follow shortly thereafter in Retz Hall. There is a sign up sheet in the Library. For the Parade and Gazebo part, I am looking for volunteers to help with several facets. The Pot Luck Team are doing their thing at Retz Hall. John and I need Flag Bearers to carry the Branch Flags and 2 escorts with wooden rifles (that don't shoot). Hoppy will help with sound. John will help with the Flag ceremony. I need 2 Neighborhood Watch volunteers to mark the area by the Gazebo from where the Flags will enter. We appreciate your 2 CENTs and can have a brief meeting on Tues or Weds the 16th and/or 17th of May. Let's meet at the Office and go from there. Please call me for any questions 956 245 1276 Thanks -- Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276 ​ Sent 2023-05-10: Memorial Day Festivities - Memorial Day (Monday May 29th) is the unofficial start to summer so it's time to celebrate! We're starting by having a golf cart parade around the neighborhood at 2:00 pm followed by a short ceremony at the gazebo. We'll all meet back at Retzlaff Hall at 4:00 pm for a potluck. There is a signup sheet in the library for those of you who want to bring food. Also there's going to be a memorial board that you can use to put up pictures of your loved ones who have served in the past. Please put your name and number on the back to I can get them back to you. I'll send out a notice when the board is ready for you to start putting up your memories. Hope to see all of you there. Jill Ventrello ​ Sent 2023-03-30 : Memorial Day potluck - We're thinking of having a Memorial Day potluck on May 29th. If you'd be interested in attending there is a signup sheet in the library. - Jill Ventrello Back to Top *************** COMP LETE W C: Easter Service (April 9, 2023 ) Sent 2023-03-29 : WOMEN'S CLUB EASTER SERVICE - WC: Easter Service (2023-04-09) COMPLETE APRIL 9TH, 2023 EASTER SUNDAY / SUNRISE SERVICE AT THE GAZEBO (UNLESS THE WEATHER IS TOO BAD FOR IT TO BE OUTSIDE IT WILL BE RETZLAFF HALL) TIME: 7:30AM WE WILL TAKE-UP AN OFFERING FOR THE PASTOR AT THE GAZEBO GOLF CARTS OR LAWN CHAIRS ARE WELCOME (YOU MAY WANT A FLASHLIGHT) PARKING ON TEXAS AVE (PLEASE KEEP SAFETY IN MIND) WE WILL SERVE A POTLUCK BRUNCH AT RETZLAFF HALL TO FOLLOW THE SERVICE AT APPROXIMATELY 9AM Vicky Krueger *************** PERIODIC Woodshop Orientation ​ Sent 2023-05-21: Wood Shop Orientation Class Thursday May 25th 5 pm - COMPLETE Woodshop Orientation Class Thursday May 25th 5 pm in the wood shop. This will be the last class until Fall. This class is a requirement for using the wood shop. A one time attendance is required. The shop will be closed during the class. Call John Chajec 708-280-8940 with any questions. Woodworkers (COMPLETE) Back to Top Back to Top

  • Key Checkout Checkin | Sunshine Estates

    SEPO Key Checkout/Checkin Click here for Request Form Click here for Request Process Click here for Request Process ​SEPO Key Checkout/Checkin Process (Apr 11, 2022) - View/Print Checkout Process HERE - Please note - Retzlaff Hall is available for use by Sunshine residents/renters and it is not 'owned/managed' by any SEPO Club or Committee. The following is being provided to the Sunshine community in order: to clear up any misunderstanding and/or for anyone who - may not be familiar with or has forgotten about the 'key checkout & checkin' process when you are hosting/chairing an event in Retzlaff Hall. This pertains to Retzlaff Hall Kitchen Doors, the Supply Closets and the big Freezer in the Storage Room. These areas must remain locked at all times when not in use. You must sign out the key(s) you need from the SEPO Office. All keys must be returned either immediately when you leave the hall or the day following completion of your event. In the event you require emergency entrance to any of the affected areas, and the SEPO Office is closed, please contact the SEPO Board Director in charge of Retzlaff Hall. Exceptions to the 'immediate' return of keys are: If you require in and out access for multiple days during setup of your event, the person who signed out the keys will be in charge of them during the entire time period of setup and the actual event. If you have an event on a weekend, you may keep the key(s) until the Office reopens. A checkout / checkin form is now available in the Office and below. One final item: Do not duplicate any of these SEPO keys. If you have a duplicate of any of them in your possession at this time, you are requested to turn them in to the Office. We thank you in advance for being respectful of and adhering to the above. SEPO Board ​SEPO Key Checkout Form (Apr 11, 2022) - View/P rint Form HERE - Click here for Request Form Back to Top

  • Bd Mtgs: 2023 (Summer) | Sunshine Estates

    SEPO Board Meetings ( Regular & Special) & Executive Sessions (Agendas - Recordings - Minutes) (04-01-2023 thru 09-30-2023) (Summer Season) BOARD MEETING (Special) MINUTES: Wed, Apr 5, 2023 @ 2 PM BOARD MEETING (Special) VIDEO: Wed, Apr 5, 2023 @ 2 PM BOARD MEETING (Special) AGENDA: Wed , Apr 5, 2023 @ 2 PM Back to Top

  • Storage Lot | Sunshine Estates

    Storage Lot GOLF PRACTICE NET 2024-02-06: The practice golf net will be closed in the storage area on Wednesday until we replace the pads . Probably two or three days. Frank Tewell, SEPO Board ​ ROADBED 2023-08-31: It has come to my attention that one of your SEPO Board members, Frank Tewell, has been very busy sprucing up the Sunshine Storage Lot Roadbed. I'm not sure who, or how many, helpers he had, but thanks to all of you as well. As I'm not physically in TX at this time, I had asked Frank to send me some pictures, which he has done. And knowing lots more of you aren't there right now, I wanted you to get a view of this improvement as well. Thank you Frank for the great job you have done with the roadbed. I have posted the pics you sent me below. Beth Parrish SEPO Communications Mgr CAN COTTAGE ​​ ​​ The Can Cottage (previously called) the Can Shed underwent a fantastic Facelift in May/June 2021. This 'cottage' is where all of the cans that you might throw in your trash should go instead. Proceeds from the cans collected here go to help the upkeep of the Woodshop . Back to Top

  • Board Election Committee (2023) | sunshine

    SEPO Board Election Committee For 2023 SEPO Board Election Sunshine Estates Property Owners, Inc., (SEPO) governs Sunshine Country Club Estates (SCCE). (The following information is presented in reverse chronological order.) Election Committee Process Guide (APPROVED) Nominating & Election Committees Index Election Committee Activity for 2023 Election Election Committee Activity for 2023 Election ELECTION COMMITTEE ACTIVITY Additional information specific to the 2023 SEPO Board Candidates can be found HERE . ​ Additional information specific to the 2023 SEPO Ballots can be found HERE . ​ ​ Newsletter 2023-02: Election Committee (2023 Election) - All ballots that were not picked up in the library on the 16th or 17th of January were put in the mail on the 19th. We had a successful pickup on the two days listed and I would like to thank all who remembered to make an effort to save the committee time and the organization mailing fees. We would like feedback from those who did not pick up your ballots as to what we might do different in order to increase the numbers. ​ I will have a total in my report on the 21st of February also. PLEASE REMEMBER TO VOTE! Ballots must be turned in no later than 1:00 PM on Tuesday, February 21, 2023. And to reiterate - If you do not turn in your vote, it will be counted as a ‘disapprove’ vote. Thank You. - MARLENE HALL, Election Committee Chairperson ​ Sent 2023-01-25: NOTICE: 2023 Election Ballots - All ballots that were not picked up on the 16th or 17th of January were in the mail on the 19th. We had a successful pickup on the two days listed and I would like to thank all who remembered to make an effort to save the committee time and the organization mailing fees. We would like feedback from those who did not pick up their ballots as to what we might do different in order to increase the numbers. I will have a total in my report on the 21st of February also. Thank You. - MARLENE HALL, Election Committee Chairperson ​ Sent 2023-01-17: FINAL REMINDER - TIME SENSITIVE: SEPO 2023 Election Ballot Pickup in LIBRARY - Thanks to the over 100 Homeowners who picked up their ballots in the library today. We know there are many more Homeowners who are physically in Sunshine right now and we are hoping you will be able to pick your ballots up tomorrow. ​ Board ELection Ballots as well as Bylaws and Covenants ballots may be picked up in the library on: Tuesday- January 17, 2023 1:00pm - 3:00pm The Homeowner is the only person who will be given the envelope. It will require a signature of the homeowner verifying "pickup" and will be co-signed by a member of the election committee or chairperson. There will be a board member present to assist with any questions you may have regarding the process or ballot contents. --Marlene Hall Election Committee Chairperson ​ Sent 2023-01-16: REMINDER - TIME SENSITIVE: SEPO 2023 Election Ballot Pickup in LIBRARY - Thanks to those who have already picked up your ballots. This is a reminder, if you are physically here in Sunshine, please go to the Library to pick up your ballots. You have just under an hour left to do that this morning (Monday) and two hours tomorrow (Tuesday). See below for any additional details you may need. Beth Parrish (for Marlene Hall, Election Committee Chairperson) ********************************************************************************** Board Election Ballots as well as Bylaws and Covenants ballots may be picked up in the library on: Monday - January 16, 2023 9:00am - 11:00am Tuesday- January 17, 2023 1:00pm - 3:00pm The Homeowner is the only person who will be given the envelope.It will require a signature of the homeowner verifying "pickup" and will be co-signed by a member of the election committee or chairperson. There will be a board member present to assist with any questions you may have regarding the process or ballot contents. --Marlene Hall, Election Committee Chairperson ​ Sent 2023-01-14: TIME SENSITIVE: SEPO 2023 Election Ballot Pickup - Board Election Ballots as well as Bylaws and Covenants ballots may be picked up in the library on: Monday - January 16, 2023 9:00am - 11:00am Tuesday- January 17, 2023 1:00pm - 3:00pm The Homeowner is the only person who will be given the envelope.It will require a signature of the homeowner verifying "pickup" and will be co-signed by a member of the election committee or chairperson. There will be a board member present to assist with any questions you may have regarding the process or ballot contents. --Marlene Hall Election Committee Chairperson ​ Sent 2023-01-09: SEPO Office Closure - If you go into the office the next several days and the curtain is pulled closed, that indicates the office is closed to all traffic, except emergencies. This will enable Valerie and the Election Committee to work uninterrupted to create the SEPO 2023 Election ballot envelopes for the community. Thanks to the community for your understanding. - Share Nelson SEPO Board President ​ ​ Sent 2022-12-26: NEED VERIFICATION by noon, Dec 30, 2022: Directories in preparation for sending SEPO Ballots - Hi I'm Marlene Hall. I am the Chairperson for the 2023 SEPO Election Committee. The SEPO Directories (sorted by Name & by Address AND a listing of Resident's emails) were updated on the Sunshine Web site yesterday (Dec 25, 2022). You can find the following on the Sunshine Web site page HERE : Dir by Name Dir by Address Email Addresses ​ As first steps in preparing to send the ballots to you for the upcoming election, I'm asking you to do two (2) things. Will you please verify that both your Sunshine address AND your Away address (if you have one) are correct. Please reply 'yes' or 'no' to this item. If 'no' to either or both, please supply the correct information to myself at or to . We will be mailing ballots to all homeowners shortly after the Jan 5, 2023 'Residents & Directors' meeting. The ballots need to be in the Election Committee's hands no later than 1 PM on Feb 21, 2023 or they will not be included in the count. Please let us know if you WANT YOUR BALLOT MAILED TO YOUR SUNSHINE or AWAY ADDRESS. NOTE: It would be great if you would reply "send to Sunshine Address" OR "send to Away Address". That way we will know who we may need to contact with this question. ​ If you have any questions about any of the items above, please contact me @ 641-351-9973. ​ Marlene Hall 2023 SEPO Election Committee Chairperson Sent via SEPO E-News 2022-09-24: NEED: Volunteers for 2023 SEPO NOMINATING & ELECTION Committees - The Board is currently looking for volunteers for both the Nominating and Election Committees. Several residents in our community have previously served on one or both of these committees. The Board is confident they will either volunteer again or be available to assist this year's committee members with any questions / issues they may have. Nominating Committee: Primary Duties - After determining how many open positions are available for next year’s SEPO Board, the goal of the Nominating Committee is to identify and vet qualified candidates for these open positions. We need a committee chairperson and from two to four additional committee members. Election Committee: Primary Duties - The committee shall prepare the election ballots, stuff envelopes, man the registration tables at the Annual Shareholders Meeting and count votes cast in the ballots provided. We need a committee chairperson and from five to ten additional committee members. The plan is to have committee process documents / manuals available in the next couple of weeks to assist each committee. If you have any interest in being on either of these committees or just have questions right now, please contact any Board member at your earliest convenience. The Board looks forward to working with the committee volunteers and thanks you in advance for your assistance and supporting this wonderful community. SEPO BOARD ELECTION COMMITTEE PROCESS GUIDE Election Committee Process Guide (APPROVED) Board Nominating & Election Committees Index Nominating & Election Committees Index Back to Top

  • 2022 Emails | Sunshine Estates

    This page will direct you to the pages that contain Emails sent to the SEPO Community in 2022. Click on the ICON depicting the year and month the SEPO E-News Emails were sent. ​2022 - December ​2022 - November ​2022 - October ​2022 - September ​2022 - August ​2022 - July ​2022 - June ​2022 - May ​2022 - April ​2022 - March ​2022 - February ​2022 - January Back to Top

  • SEPO Board (Links to Previous) | Sunshine Estates

    PREVIOUS SEPO BOARD OF DIRECTORS ​ Current Board Each Director serves Two Years on the Board The Years a Director Serves is based on the Year Elected ​ 2019 - 2020 SEPO Officers ​ 2020 - 2021 SEPO Officers 2020 - 2021 SEPO Officers (History) ​ 2021 - 2022 SEPO Officers 2021 - 2022 SEPO Officers (History) 2022 - 2023 SEPO Officers ​ 2022 - 2023 SEP O O fficers (History) ​ 2023 - 2024 SEPO Officers ​ 2023 - 2024 SEPO Officers (History) ​ 2024 - 2025 SEPO Officers Back to Top

  • Guide Sale - Household etc | Sunshine Estates

    Household, Golf, Outdoor etc. Items "For Sale" Guidelines Revision #3 - Updated 01-21-2022 Print this Page There is currently a "For Sale" Web page for items other than Homes. It is located HERE . ​ If you are a resident or renter in Sunshine Country Club Estates and have personal items that you would like to advertise "For Sale" on the Sunshine Web site, you can do so by following the Guidelines below. ​ ​ Send an e-mail to containing - For Sale - Other along with the item(s) in the Subject of your e-mail. Contact info - Name(s), Phone (s), e-mail and/or other. A list of the item(s) you are Selling. Description and pictures (optional) of the item(s). Show the price you are asking for each item OR indicate the seller can be contacted for pricing. Key thing to remember about this process is - You need to keep the Web Administrator informed when your item(s) need to be removed from the listing page. Do this by sending an e-mail to . ​ Beth Parrish SEPO Web site Admin E-Mail: 314-960-6710 Back to Top

  • Special (2021-2022 Winter) | Sunshine Estates

    Activities: Special (2021-2022 Winter Season) Additional Details Karaoke (Periodic) Sunday Night Music (Cancelled) Grooming: Dogs & Cats (Periodic) Toys for Tots (Complete) St. Patrick's Day Party Wall of Honor (Ongoing) *************** COMPLETE St. Patrick's Day Party (Mar 17, 2022) Sent 2022-03-14: UPDATE: St. Pat's Party - Generous Leprechauns have donated Beer, Sodas and Margaritas for the St. Patrick's Party on March 17 @ 4 PM in the Pavilion. Derek McFee ​ Sent 2022-03-07: St. Patrick’s Party - St. Patrick's Day Party Karaoke (Periodic) *************** COMPLETE Karaoke Christmas Sing-A-Long (Dec 22, 2021) Sent 2021-12-24: VIDEOS: Karaoke Christmas Sing-A-Long - I wanted to give a personal shout-out of Thanks to Jerry Rash for hosting the Christmas Karaoke on Dec 22 in Retzlaff. It looked like everyone was enjoying themselves. Here's a couple of very short clips. Beth Parrish SEPO Communications Sent 2021-12-20: REMINDER: Karaoke Christmas Sing-A-Long - Retzlaff Hall, Wednesday, December 22, from 6:00 pm until 8:00 pm. There will be songs for everyone to sing, as well as individual singers. Everyone is welcome to sing. We will also have Root Beer floats available for a limited time. So come and enjoy some good sing-a-long and a treat. Thanks Jerry Rash ​ Sent 2021-12-06: Karaoke Christmas sing-along - Mark Your Calendars - Karaoke Christmas sing-along Retzlaff Hall, Wednesday, December 22, from 6:00pm until 8:00pm. Everyone welcome to sing. There will be songs for everyone to sing as well as individual singers. Thanks Jerry Rash *************** COMPLETE Karaoke Singing (Nov 13, 2021) ​ Sent 2021-11-15: Sunshine Talent at Last Saturday's Karaoke Event - I was out for a walk last Saturday late afternoon and passed by the Pavilion during the Karaoke event. I was intrigued by what I heard from a distance, so I popped in. Of course, I had my phone (with the video feature) with me. And wouldn't you know, I caught a couple of our talented residents singing. And you will see in the videos that I've linked to below, there were quite a few folks enjoying. I want to personally thank Jerry Rash for putting on this event. Deep in my heart I feel it's exactly what our community is needing right now - Fellowship and Fun. Hopefully, Jerry will do it again soon. Here are the three videos I took, each less than 30 seconds. And, believe it or not, the voice quality sounded even better in person. ENJOY! Video 1: Video 2: Video 3: Beth Parrish SEPO Web site Admin E-Mail: 314-960-6710 ​ Sent 2021-11-09: Karaoke Singing - Come join in on the fun, Saturday November 13th Karaoke singing from 3:00pm until 5:00pm at the Pavilion. Everyone is welcome. You can sing or just come and listen to the singers. Bring your own CD if you have a favorite song you would like to sing. Or we have several songs to choose from. If you need more information call 956-428-3741 Jerry & Phyllis Rash Sunday Night Music (Cancelled) *************** CANCELLED Sunday Night Music ​ Sent 2021-12-18: SUNDAY NIGHT MUSIC: Final Evening Cancelled - Dec 19, 2021 - Sorry for this late cancellation, but I am under the weather (so to speak) and should not be out in this nasty cold and rain today. Thank you for your understanding. Roy Ridlon ​ Sent 2021-12-18: Sunday Night Music: Final Night - We have decided tomorrow (Dec 19) will be our last night of Sunday Night Music. Roy Ridlon ​ Sent 2021-11-14: Sunday Night Music @ Retzlaff (starting Nov 14, 2021) - Sunday Night Music - w/Ice Cream @ Intermission Contact: Music - Roy Ridlon Coffee & Ice Cream - Marian Young (Women's Club) Location: Retzlaff Hall Frequency: Sunday Evenings Nov 14, 2021 thru Mar 12, 2022 6 PM to 8 PM Details: Music - Classic Country Music for listening/dancing. Special guests will join the band throughout the season. This is NOT a Jam Session. Coffee will be available for Free throughout the evening.​ Ice Cream Bars will be available during the Band's intermission for $1.00 *************** ​ COMPLETE Toys for Tots Sent 2021-11-25: Toys For Tots - Dear Friends, We briefly spoke about this at Women’s Club the other day – so as a reminder: Toys For Tots – is the premier community action program sending a message of hope through the gift of a new toy to help bring the joy of Christmas to the less fortunate children. The mission is to collect new toys each year and distribute them as Christmas gifts to these children in our community. The Harlingen Police Department becomes familiar with these families, and is currently collecting toys and hereby requests if anyone at Sunshine can please donate a gift ($10.00 or so). There is a “Toys For Tots” box in the Library They are waiving the “unwrapped” part since the Harlingen PD is most familiar with us and wrapping would be handy – just put GIRL/BOY and AGE __yrs. on the gift – on the bottom. The Officers will pick up the boxes in the next 2 weeks. THANK YOU Lenore J. Combs 956 245 1276 Resident and member of the Hgn. Citizens Police Academy Alumni Association Toys for Tots (Complete) Grooming: Dogs & Cats (Periodic) *************** ​ COMPLETE Grooming: Dogs and Cats ​ Sent 2021-12-14: Calling All Dogs and Cats - Hi Everyone, Sandra Delaunay will be coming to the Estates on Wednesday, February 16, 2022 to take care of your pet's nails. Please text Sandra and she will schedule your appointment. Sandra's number is 956-226-9919. Sandra will come to your home. Thanks, Marian Young 719-468-4556 *************** ​ COMPLETE Grooming: Dogs and Cats ​ Sent 2021-11-19: Calling All Dogs and Cats - Hey Everyone, Sandra Delaunay will be coming to the Estates to trim our pet's nails on Tuesday, and will come to your home. ​ Date: November 23, 2021 Time: Appointments begin at 1 pm Text or Call: Marian at 719-468-4556 to set up an appointment Cost: $10 Thanks, Marian Young *************** ONGOING ​ WALL OF HONOR (Started Jan 8, 2020) You can find previous information concerning this Project HERE . ​ Sent 2020-11-14: Sunshine Heroes Wall of Honor - Project Background - It was decided here at Sunshine that we would recognize our neighbors, not for a single act of heroism but their heroic service. We wanted to recognize the people from our community who made a commitment to give part of their lives for the benefit of others. This is what the SUNSHINE HEROES Wall of Honor represents. It is our way to recognize them and say thank you for your service. Last Spring in Retzlaff Hall, we unveiled our Sunshine Heroes Wall of Honor complete with their engraved names on an individual metal plate. There is also a Memory Book of photos of our heroes. This touching monument serves as a reminder that many of our residents sacrificed their lives for the freedom we enjoy today. (See picture below.) You may support this wall by completing an application and some brief information (form available at SEPO Office). We would like a photo in uniform. Jim Tennant is available for questions 616 866 9960. What is a Veteran? - whether retired, discharged, active duty or reserve – is someone who at one point in his or her life, wrote a blank check made payable to ”The United States of America” for an amount up to and including his or her life. (Author unknown) What Is A Hero? - defines a hero as a person noted for courageous acts or nobility of character. A true hero is someone who gives of themselves for the benefit of others, sometimes at great personal risk. There are many in our community who have given parts of their lives in the service of our country regardless of the risk. There are those who have chosen a career of community service – Law enforcement, First Responders and Fire Fighters are examples. All these people have given freely of themselves for the benefit of others. These are a few examples of what we can all recognize as heroes, but we do not usually honor them for their service. If you save a person from a car accident or give CPR to someone you would be recognized for heroism. The person who donates blood to help others is a hero. A person who may donate an organ or bone marrow is a hero. Are these very special people any more heroic then the others who served us? Jim Tennant Wall of Honor (Ongoing) Sent 2020-03-21: SUNSHINE HEROES - As another winter season comes to a close, I just want to give you all a reminder about the SUNSHINE HEROES wall. In case you haven’t seen it, the wall is up in Retzlaff Hall and has 41 names on it. Those of you who have made a pledge for this project, I will be coming around this week to collect. I want to thank all those who have donated to this project both monetarily and with their time and labor. The applications are still available from Valerie in the SEPO office. When you complete your application return it to Valerie along with your picture. If you do not have a picture or prefer a current picture be sure to check the box on the form that you will need a picture taken. I will be contacting you upon my return in the fall to take a current picture for this book. Remember as we travel home to be safe and when you get there find your favorite picture of you or your spouse, in uniform or not, to be placed in the book that is placed with the display wall. I want to have this SUNSHINE HEROS display to represent all of the people who served. ​ Jim Tennant 4161 N Missouri (616)866-9960 Email: Back to Top

  • Contact Us | Sunshine Estates

    Contacts Sunshine Country Club Estates Office 1957 W. Michigan Drive Harlingen, TX 78550-3100 ​ Email: Phone: (956) 425-1420 Fax: (956) 425-1420 ​ ​ Sunshine Web Site Administrator Beth Parrish Email: ​ ​

  • Summary (Winter 2022-2023) | Sunshine Estates

    Things To Do: Summary Winter Season (2022-2023) Calendar of Actvities/Mtgs Board/Residents & Club/Committee Mtgs Women's Club (2022-2023) Daily-Weekly-Monthly (Winter) Golf-Clubs-Commitees-Special Daily-Weekly-Monthly (Summer 2022) List of Clubs & Committees Calendar of Actvities/Mtgs Calendar of Activities (2022-2023 Winter) This is the 2-pager of Activities/Meetings (as of 03-18-2023) Back to Top Board/Residents & Club/Committee Mtgs ******************************** Meetings (Oct 1, 2022 thru Mar 31, 2023) Click HERE for Details ​ SEPO Board & Residents Women's Club OTHER Clubs/Committees Back to Top ****************************** Women's Club Activities Schedule (Winter: 2022-2023) Click HERE for Details ​ The Women's Club Committee Activities Committee Signup Sheets are be posted in the SEPO Library. Women's Club (2022-2023) Date Day Event (Chairpersons) ​ 10-22-22 Sat Shrimp Boil (Cathy Richmond) COMPLETE ​ 10-31-22 Mon Halloween Parade (Vicky Leroy Krueger) COMPLETE ​ 11-11-22 Thu Veteran’s Day (Lenore Combs) COMPLETE ​ 11-24-22 Thu Thanksgiving Dinner (Vicky LeRoy Krueger) COMPLETE ​ 12-10-22 Sat Bake & Craft Sale (Terry DeBackere) COMPLETE ​ 12-17-22 Sat Breakfast (Pam Adams) COMPLETE ​ 12-20-22 Tue Valley Voices (Jill Ventrello) COMPLETE ​ 12-22-22 Thu Caroling (Pam Lacy) COMPLETE 12-25-22 Sun Christmas Dinner (Lenore Combs) COMPLETE ​ 12-25-22 Sun Drama Skit (Nancy Steele) COMPLETE ​ 12-31-22 Sat NYE Party (Beth Parrish/Denise Utterback) COMPLETE ​ 01-13-23 Fri New Residents Party : How Sweet It Is COMPLETE (Pam Davis/Lisa Perrier) ​ 02-12-23 Sun Superbowl Party (Need Chairperson(s)) CANCELED ​ 02-14-23 Tue Bow-Tie Happy Hour (Pam Lacy) CANCELED ​ 02-23-23 Thu Taste of Sunshine & Cake Walk (Pam Davis/Vicky LeRoy Krueger) COMPLETE ​ 02-24-23 Fri Valley Voices (Jill Ventrello) COMPLETE ​ 03-12-23 Sun Concert: Rusty Rierson (Jill Ventrello) COMPLETE ​ 03-18-23 Sat Drama Skit (Nancy Steele) COMPLETE ​ 03-30-23 Thu Farewell: Hobo Party (Dee Novak) COMPLETE ​ If you would like to volunteer to Chair/Co-Chair OR be on one or more Committees, please sign up on the poster(s) in the Library or contact Jill Ventrello (see her contact info below). ​ Jill Ventrello Women’s Club Activities Director 720-660-8417 Daily-Weekly-Monthly (Winter) Back to Top ****************************** Daily/Weekly/Monthly Activities Overview (Winter: Oct 1, 2022 thru Mar 31, 2023) Click HERE for Details ​ SUNDAY: 2 - 4 pm, Cards/Games (All year: Weekly / Card Room) 5 - 7 pm (starting Mar 12, 2023), (time adjusts as seasons chg) , Golf Scramble: O'Clockers (All Year: Daily / Golf Course) ​ MONDAY: 8 - 11 am, Tennis (All Year: Mon, Wed, Fri / Tennis Court) 8:30 - 9:30 am, Water Aerobics: Session #1 (All Year: Mon thru Fri / Pool) 9 am - Noon, Woodshop open (as long as there is a monitor present) (Winter: Mon thru Fri / Woodshop) 9:30 - 10:30 am, Water Aerobics: Session #2 (All Year: Mon thru Fri / Pool) 9:30 am - Noon, Line Dancing (All Year / Retzlaff Hall) 1 - 3 pm, Rock Painting: (Monthly - 1st & 4th Monday / Retzlaff Hall) 1 - 4 pm, Woodshop open (as long as there is a monitor present) (Winter: Mon thru Fri / Woodshop) 5 - 7 pm (starting Nov 6, 2022), (time adjusts as seasons chg) , Golf Scramble: O'C lockers (All Year: Daily / Golf Course) 6:30 - 10 pm, Euchre (Winter / Card Room) 7 - 9 pm, POKENO (end date unknown / Card Room) ​ TUESDAY : 8:30 - 11 am, Pickleball (All Year: Tue & Thu / Tennis Court) 8:30 - 9:30 am, Water Aerobics: Session #1 (All Year: Mon thru Fri / Pool) 9 -10:15 am, Men's Golf League: Tee Time #1 (Winter, usually first Tuesday in Nov, when more residents return: W eekly / Golf Course) 9 - 11 am, Men's Golf League: Only Tee Time (Summer, usually sometime in Apr, when fewer residents are here: Weekly / Golf Course) 9 am - Noon, Woodshop open (as long as there is a monitor present) (Winter: Mon thru Fri / Woodshop) 9:30 - 10:30 am, Water Aerobics: Session #2 (All Year: Mon thru Fri / Pool) 10:30 am - Noon, Men's Golf League: Tee Time #2 (Winter, usually first Tuesday in Nov, when more residents return: W eekly / Golf Course) 12:30 - 2:30 pm, Billiards: Texas 8 Ball (Tue, Thu, Sat / Pool Room) 1 - 3:30, Mahjong (All Year / Card Room) 1 - 4 pm, Woodshop open (as long as there is a monitor present) (Winter: Mon thru Fri / Woodshop) 5 - 7 pm (starting Nov 6, 2022), (time adjusts as seasons chg) , Golf Scramble: O'C lockers (All Year: Daily / Golf Course) 6:30 - 7:30: Garden Club (Winter: 2nd Tue of month, Nov thru Mar / Library) 6:30 - 7:30 pm, Cards: Men's Poker (Tue & Thu / Card Room ) ​ WEDNESDAY : 8 - 11 am, Tennis (All Year: Mon, Wed, Fri / Tennis Court) 8:30 - 9:30 am, Water Aerobics: Session #1 (All Year: Mon thru Fri / Pool) 9:00 am, Ladies' Golf Tee time (Summer - Until 10-26-2022: Weekly / Golf Course) 9:00 am, Ladies' Golf Tee time (Winter - 11-02-2033 thru 03-29-23: Weekly / Golf Course) 9 am - Noon, Woodshop open (as long as there is a monitor present) (Winter: Mon thru Fri / Woodshop) 9:30 - 10;30 am, Water Aerobics: Session #2 (All Year: Mon thru Fri / Pool) 1 - 4 pm, Samba (Winter: Weekly / Card Room) 1 - 4 pm, Bridge (All Year: Weekly / Library) 1 - 4 pm, Woodshop open (as long as there is a monitor present) (Winter: Mon thru Fri / Woodshop) 5 - 7 pm (starting Nov 6, 2022), (time adjusts as seasons chg) , Golf Scramble: O'C lockers (All Year: Daily / Golf Course) 6:30 - 9:30 pm, Mexican Train/Dominos (All Year? / Card Room) ​ THURSDAY : 8 - 10 am, Coffee & Donuts (Winter: Weekly / Library) 8:30 - 11 am, Pickleball (All Year: Tue & Thu / Tennis Court) 8:30 - 9:30 am, Water Aerobics: Session #1 (All Year: Mon thru Fri / Pool) 9 am - Noon, Woodshop open (as long as there is a monitor present) (Winter: Mon thru Fri / Woodshop) 9:30 - 10;30 am, Water Aerobics: Session #2 (All Year: Mon thru Fri / Pool) 9:30 am - 2 pm, Quilting: Killer Bees (All Year: Weekly / Retzlaff Hall) 12:30 - 2:30 pm, Billiards: Texas 8 Ball (Tue, Thu, Sat / Pool Room) 1 - 2:30 pm, Cards: Hand & Foot - Ladies (All Year: Weekly / Card Room) 1 - 4 pm, Woodshop open (as long as there is a monitor present) (Winter: Mon thru Fri / Woodshop) 5 - 7 pm (starting Nov 6, 2022), (time adjusts as seasons chg) , Golf Scramble: O'C lockers (All Year: Daily / Golf Course) 4 - 6 pm, Happy Hour & Potluck (All year: Weekly / Retzlaff Hall) 4 - 9 pm, Happy Hour (finger food only) (All Year: Weekly / Pavilion) 6:30 - 8:30 pm, Stained Glass (Jan-Mar: Weekly / Woodshop ) 6:30 - 7:30 pm, Cards: Men's Poker (All year: Weekly / Card Room ) ​ FRIDAY : 8 - 11 am, Tennis (All Year: Mon, Wed, Fri / Tennis Court) 8:30 - 9:30 am, Water Aerobics: Session #1 (All Year: Mon thru Fri / Pool) 9 am - Noon, Woodshop open (as long as there is a monitor present) (Winter: Mon thru Fri / Woodshop) 9:30 - 10;30 am, Water Aerobics: Session #2 (All Year: Mon thru Fri / Pool) 10:30 am - 1 pm, Jokers (Card/Board Game) (All year: Weekly / Card Room) 1 - 4 pm, Woodshop open (as long as there is a monitor present) (Winter: Mon thru Fri / Woodshop) 5 - 7 pm (starting Nov 6, 2022), (time adjusts as seasons chg) , Golf Scramble: O'C lockers (All Year: Daily / Golf Course) 7:00, Hand & Foot & Samba (W eekly / Card Room) ​ SATURDAY : 9 - 10 am, Saturday Golf Scramble (All Year: W eekly / Golf Course) 12:30 - 2:30 pm, Billiards: Texas 8 Ball (Tue, Thu, Sat / Pool Room) 5 - 7 pm (starting Nov 6, 2022), (time adjusts as seasons chg) , Golf Scramble: O'C lockers (All Year: Daily / Golf Course) 6:30 - 9 pm, Game: Mahjong (All Year: Weekly / Library) 6:30 - 9:30 pm, Five Crowns (Card Game) (All Year: Weekly / Card Room) 6:30 - 9 pm, Mahjong (All Year: Weekly / Library) Golf-Clubs-Commitees-Special Back to Top Golf, Clubs & Committees and Special Events Ove rview below (Winter: Oct 1, 2022 - Mar 31, 2023) ​ View DETAILS by clicking on: ​ GOLF or CLUBs & COMMITTEEs or SPECIAL ​ O CT 2022 : 20 - Woodshop Orientation (Woodworkers / Woodshop) 22 - Shrimp Boil (Women's Club / Retzlaff Hall) 31 - Halloween Parade (Women's Club / Sunshine Streets) NOV 2022: 4 & 5 - Garage Sale 9 - Calling All Dogs and Cats (Special / Your Home) 11 - Veterans Day Tribute (Women's Club / Gazebo & Retzlaff Hall) 11 thru Dec 16 - Toys for Tots (Special / Library) 11 thru Dec 20 - Food Drive (Special / Library) 24 - Thanksgiving Dinner (Women's Club / Retzlaff Hall) ​ DEC 2022: 5 - Birding & Nature Presentation (B&N Club / Retzlaff Hall) 9 - Resident Appreciation (Employees / Library) 10 - Craft & Bake Sale (Women's Club / Retzlaff Hall) 10 - Art & Craft Sale (Personal / 4148 N MO) 17 - Breakfast (Women's Club / Retzlaff Hall) 20 - Valley Voices (Women's Club / Retzlaff Hall) 22 - Caroling (Women's Club / Streets of Sunshine) 25 - Christmas Dinner (Women's Club / Retzlaff Hall) 25 - Drama Skit (Women's Club / Retzlaff Hall) 31 - NYE Party (Women's Club / Retzlaff Hall) ​ JAN 2023 : 9 - Birding & Nature Club Potluck (B&N Club / Retzlaff Hall) (CANCELED) 13 - New Residents' Party (Women's Club / R etzlaff Hall ) 16 - Finger Lickin' Chicken (NW / Retzlaff Hall (or takeout) (CANCELED) 19 - Community Birdwalk (B&B Club / TX Ave) 19 - Woodshop Orientation (Woodworkers / Woodshop) 19, 20, 21 - Garage Sales (Various Residents / Throughout the Community) 24 - Spaghetti Dinner (Woodworkers / Retzlaff Hall (or takeout)) 28 - Private Event: Shuffleboard & Pavilion ​ FEB 2023: 10-11 - Guys & Dolls Golf Tournament (Golf / Golf Course) 11 - Guys & Dolls Golf Tournament After Golf Events (Golf / Retzlaff Hall) 12 - Superbowl Party (Women's Club / Retzlaff Hall) (CANCELED) 14 - Bow- T ie Happy Hour (Women's Club / Retzlaff Hall)) (CANCELED) 17-18 - Guys & Dolls Golf Tournament (Rain Dates) (Golf / Golf Course) (Not Needed) 18 - Guys & Dolls Golf Tournament After Golf Events (Rain Date) (Golf / Retzlaff Hall) (Not Needed) 22 - Ladies Golf: Guest Day Lunch (Ladies Golf League / Pavilion) 23 - Ta ste of Sunshine & Cake Walk (Women's Club / Retzlaff Hall) 24 - Valley Voices (Women's Club / Retzlaff Hall) 25 - Ladies Golf: Baked Potato Supper (Special / Retzlaff Hall) 27-28 - Men's Golf Tournament (Men's Golf League / Golf Course) MAR 2023: 2-3-4 - Good Neigh bor Day Golf Tournament (GNDGT) (Golf / Golf Course) 2-3-4 - Good Neigh bor Day Golf Tournament (GNDGT) Luncheon (Ladies Golf League / Pavilion) 5 - Warren Clark Memorial (Resident / Retzlaff Hall) 7 - Men 's Golf Lunch/ Awards Party (Men's Golf League / Pavilion) 8-9 - Ladies' Golf Tournament (Ladies Golf League / Golf Course) 9-10-11 - Good Neigh bor Day Golf Tournament (GNDGT) (Rain Dates) (Golf / Golf Course) (Not Needed) 9-10-11 - Good Neighbor Day Golf Tournament (GNDGT) Luncheon (Rain Dates) (Ladies Golf League / Retzlaff Halll or Pavilion) (Not Needed) 12 - Concert: Rusty Rierson (Women's Club / Retzlaff Hall) 13 - Ga rden Club / B&N Club Combined Mtg (Garden and B&N Clubs / Retzlaff Hall) 15 - Ladies' Golf Tournament (Day 2 if GNDGT uses Mar 9 as Rain Date) (Ladies Golf League / Golf Course) (Not Needed) 15 - Ladies' Golf Awards Banquet (Ladies Golf League / Retzlaff Hall or Pavilion) 17 - St. Pat's Day Party (sponsored by several Residents / Retzlaff Hall - Pavilion if bad weather) 18 - Outside Quilt Show (Killer Bees Quilting / All around Sunshine outside ) 18 - Drama Skit (Women's Club / Retzlaff Hall) 19 - MN Get-Together (Private / Retzlaff Hall) 25 - Concert (59.5 Min w/Brett) (Dana Boettcher / Retzlaff Hall) (CANCELED) 30 - Farewell: Hobo Party (Women's Club / Retzlaff Hall) Daily-Weekly-Monthly (Summer 2022) Back to Top The following were COMPLETED LAST SUMMER Golf, Clubs & Committees and Special Events Overview below (Summer: Apr 1, 2022 - Sep 30, 2022) View DETAILS by clicking on: GOLF or CLUBs & COMMITTEEs or SPECIAL (includes Potlucks) ​ APR 2022 : 7 - Calling All Dogs and Cats (Special / Your Home) 12 - Birding and Nature Club Walk (Club / TX Ave) CANCELLED MAY 2022 : 5 - Potluck: Cinco de Mayo (Special / Retzlaff Hall) 25 - Calling All Dogs and Cats (Special / Your Home) 27 - Men's Golf League (Rescheduled from 05-24 due to rain) (Golf / Golf Course) 30 - Potluck: Memorial Day Picnic (Special / Retzlaff Hall w/Games inside and outside) JUN 2022 : 16 - Potluck: June (Special / Retzlaff Hall) ​ JUL 2022 : 4 - Potluck: Fourth of July (Special / Retzlaff Hall) 7 - Calling All Dogs and Cats Too (Special / Your Home) ​ AUG 2022 : 18 - Potluck: August (Special / Retzlaff Hall) 31 - Calling All Dogs and Cats (Special / Your Home) ​ SEP 2022 : Back to Top List of Clubs & Committees ****************************** CLUBs & COMMITTEEs (2022-2023) ​ GOLF: MEN'S LEAGUE GOLF: WOMEN'S LEAGUE QUILTING (KILLER BEES) LINE DANCING NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH / CERT SEPO BOARD NOMINATING COMMITTEE SEPO BOARD ELECTION COMMITTEE SUNSHINE GIFT & MEMORIAL COMMITTEE SCCE FISHING ASSOCIATION SUNSHINE GARDEN CLUB SUNSHINE NATURE & BIRDING CLUB SUNSHINE ROCK PAINTING CLUB VETERANS' HONOR WALL WOODWORKERS WOMEN'S CLUB Women's Club Standing Committees: Activities Bulletin Board Decorations Historian Librarian Newsletter Purchasing Summer Potlucks Back to Top

  • WC Minutes 2022-2023 | Sunshine Estates

    Women's Club Meeting Minutes (2022-2023 Winter Season Minutes (2023-03-17) Minutes (2023-02-17) Minutes (2023-01-23) Minutes (2022-12-16) Minutes (2022-11-18) Minutes (2022-10-21) Minutes (2023-03-17) WC Minutes March 17, 2023 WC Minutes February 17, 2023 Minutes (2023-02-17) Minutes (2023-01-23) WC Minutes January 20, 2023 WC Minutes December 16, 2022 Minutes (2022-12-16) WC Minutes November 18, 2022 Minutes (2022-11-18) WC Minutes October 21, 2022 Minutes (2022-10-21) Back to Top

  • WC Min (2019-2020) | Sunshine Estates

    Women's Club Meeting Minutes (2019-2020 Winter Season 2020-01-17 (Approved) 2019-12-20 (Approved) 2020-02-21 (Approved) 2019-11-15 (Approved w/Corrections) 2019-10-11 (Approved) 2020-02-21 (Approved) Minutes of Women’s Club Meeting February 21, 2020 ​ The meeting was called to order at 9:00 a.m. by President Eileen Anderson. John Chajec, SEPO Board President addressed the group, thanking them for the support they provide the SEPO Board. He discussed efforts to cut costs and maintain the pool, and answered questions regarding golf course usage by those outside the Sunshine community. Susanne Ulrich led us in prayer. OFFICERS REPORTS Vice President Janis McFee stated she had sent out 2 get well cards and 2 sympathy cards. Minutes of the January 17, 2020 meeting was read by Glenda Wetherbee in the absence of Linda Almond Secretary. Minutes will stand approved as read. Treasurer Cathy Richmond presented the treasurers report of Income of $4821.36, and Expenses of $4022.85. Leaving a balance of $25,855.66. Report will be filed for audit. NEW RESIDENTS New residents present at today’s meeting were: Robin Fleiner, and Terry Mensing COMMITTEE REPORTS Lenore Combs reported on the Neighborhood Watch Activities. Areas of concern: Front gate code – Should it be changed and how frequently? Keypad entry at the Card and Exercise Rooms - Who should have and how often changed? Vender Patrol - currently disbanded Review of classes available and volunteer opportunities that are available. Vickie Jones thanked the attendees for all the help they had provided this year and reported on the past and upcoming activities. a. Remember When - Share Nelson reported will be this Saturday with tickets still available. b. You, Me and Alexa will be March 7, Lassey Dahlstorm C. Shrimp Boil - We now have a chairman. d. Sue Swidryk, Activity Director for next season, will be holding a meeting soon to work on ideas and dates. Beth Parrish - Media Communications: Communications Guidelines are being developed When setting up activity displays please send pictures to Beth. Send any Resident directory changes to Beth Any changes in Committee Guidelines should be forwarded to Beth. Pam Lacey reported the Super Bowl Party was a success with great food and over 70 people in attendance. OLD BUSINESS Carolyn Clements has purchased 70 patches for next seasons Veterans’ Day Event. We still need a chair for this event. Deb Robins and Sue Swidryk reported that the directory is ready and will be sent to the printer by Monday. Books will be ready by the end of March for distributing. The Directory will be full of pictures of events and around the community. We need a volunteer to take over the Historian position. Mary Dronen described the position responsibilities as taking pictures of events and writing a brief description of the event. President Eileen Anderson thanked the group for all their support and for the opportunity to serve on the Board. INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS Share Nelson read the duties of each office and presented flowers of each office. President - Janis McFee Vice President - Marian Young Secretary - Glenda Wetherbee Treasure - Diane Tewell New Board Members began their duties. NEW BUSINESS Linda Jones reported the purchase of a Hot Water Kettle Mari Tennant described the new Honor Wall representing those in our community who have served in the Military, as Police, Fire fighters and EMS. Lenore Combs made the motion to support the Honor Wall project by donating $500. Sally Hardy seconded the motion. Discussion ensued. Motion Carried. Lenore Combs made the motion that we give $1,100 to Neighborhood Watch to help with the recent expenses of new batteries for the AED of $28.00 and batteries for the Neighborhood Watch golf cart of $1,000 and new light for $82. A total of $1,100.00. Eileen Anderson seconded the motion. Discussion ensued. Cathy Richmond called for the vote. Motion carried. Jean Eich reported that on March 1 at 4:30 p.m. we will have a Potluck Dinner to thank the musicians who we have enjoyed every Sunday evening. Dale Hopfner made a suggestion that we look into good quality flooring for our kitchen. Heidi Dill reported that Crafty Creation will soon be having their final day of the season in March. She is contemplating whether to continue with the classes. She would appreciate any input. Winner of the gift for wearing her name tag was Judy Boyachek. Jean Eich made the motion that the meeting adjourn. Kathy Chajec seconded. Meeting adjourned at 10:30 a.m. Respectfully submitted, Glenda Wetherbee, Secretary Back to Top 2020-01-17 (Approved) ****************************************************************************** ​ Minutes of Women’s Club Meeting January 17, 2020 ​ The meeting was called to order at 9:00 a.m. by Vice President Janis McFee. John Chajec, SEPO Board President, stated he will start trying to attend the Women’s Club meetings for the purpose of hearing issues identified by the members. Two comments were presented to him: 1) the signage for the trees in the dog park are being damaged and, 2) reflective clothing or flashlights need to be used for the evening/night walkers. He announced that Valerie is off for 3 working days and Marion Young will be filling in at the office. The SEPO Board is working on the budget; one component will be evaluating current wages for SEPO employees. Nancy Luellen led us in prayer. Lenore Combs asked that a prayer be said for a local military member recently killed in combat. OFFICERS REPORTS Vice President Janis McFee stated that 2 get well, 4 sympathy and 1 thinking of you cards have been sent since the December 2019 meeting. The minutes of the December 20, 2019 meeting were read by Secretary Linda Almond. The minutes will stand approved as read. Vice president Janis McFee presented the treasurer report as submitted by Cathy Richmond. Total Income of $344.73, Total Expenses of $416.53 and the bank balance is $25057.15. The report will be filed for audit. New Residents New residents present at today’s meeting were: Genie Newsome, Deloris Pearcy, and Tracy Wagner COMMITTEE REPORTS Lenore Combs reported on the Neighborhood Watch activities. She announced the following: “Finger Lickin Chicken” was a big success. The code for the front gate has not been changed, to date. New lights and new batteries have been installed on the Neighborhood Watch golf cart. The January 20th Neighborhood Watch meeting is canceled due to the Winter Texan celebration being held on that date at the Harlingen Convention Center. Garage sales are being held on January 17 and 18th; anyone wishing to do a random patrol are encouraged to wear the Orange vests. Ambulances do periodic drive throughs to familiarize the drivers with the streets. Vickie Jones reported on the past and upcoming activities: New Homeowners party on January 13 was a great success; Marion Young reported there were 36 new homeowners present and thanked all members who volunteered to organize the event. The profit from this event was $735.68 A Valentine dance will be on February 14, 2020; the meal will consist of pizza, a salad bar and dessert. The cost will probably be $10.00; more information will forthcoming. The scheduled shrimp boil is still in need of a chairperson to head up the committee. Pam Lacy and Eileen Anderson will co-chair the Super Bowl Party on February 2nd. Share Nelson announced a “Back When” party will be February 22, 2020. More information will be announced in the near future. The new Activities Director, Sue Swidryk will be announcing a date and time for a planning meeting for developing the 2020-2021 activities. There was no report on Media Communications (Beth Parrish) or You, Me and Alexa (Lassey Dahlstorm) Deb Robins and Sue Swidryk are beginning work on the photo directory; there may be an option for a paper directory as well as a web-based/digital directory. Marion Young reported 89 residents attended the Christmas dinner; the profit from this event was $284.73 Deb Robins reported the media / tv instructions for the equipment in Retzlaff Hall has been developed, is laminated and they are posted on the wall by the tv. Cathy Chajec announced the Woodworkers spaghetti dinner will be January 21 from 4:30 – 6:30 p.m. For the individuals who have signed up to furnish dessert they should have them at the hall by 2 p.m. on the 21st. Old Business For new homeowner orientation materials, the new Executive Board will pick up this project once the installation of the new officers has taken place. New Business Mary Dronen announced her resignation as Historian and requested someone to step up to fill the position. Also, she is co-chair of the Memorial Luncheon committee and is also resigning from that position. Lenore Combs suggested a committee be formed to fulfill the needs of these two positions. No action was taken. Deb Robins suggested a telephone be placed by the pool to be used for any emergency situation (use of AED, etc). This item will be placed in the SEPO Board suggestion box. A gift was given to the individual randomly selected for wearing her name tag (Linda Jones). There being no further business a motion to adjourn was made by Val Hertel and seconded by Lorraine Lewis. The meeting adjourned at 9:50 a.m. Respectfully submitted, Linda Almond, Secretary Addendum: Following the meeting Lorraine Lewis volunteered to take Mary Dronen’s place on the Memorial Lunch Commmittee. 2019-12-20 (Approved) Back to Top ****************************************************************************** ​ Minutes of Women’s Club Meeting December 20, 2019 The meeting was called to order at 9:00 a.m. by Vice President Janis McFee. ​ Lois Humburg led us in prayer. ​ OFFICERS REPORTS Cathy Richmond, reported for Janis McFee, that 2 get well cards and 2 sympathy cards have been sent since the November 2019 meeting. ​ The minutes of the November 15, 2019 meeting were read by Secretary Linda Almond. The following corrections were made: The video being prepared is titled You, Me and Alexa; the photo directory will be digital/web based versus paper; and, the danglers for the Crafty Creations project will be available for $10.00. The minutes will stand approved as corrected. ​ Cathy Richmond presented the treasurer’s report stating Total Income as $1253.66, Total Expenses of $1132.39 and the bank balance is $24,828.95. The report will be filed for audit. ​ New Residents New residents present at today’s meeting are: Barbara Young and; Donna Magyar COMMITTEE REPORTS Lenore Combs reported on the Neighborhood Watch activities; the next Neighborhood Watch meeting will be January 20th at 3:00 p.m. She announced the following: Two (2) residents have completed 40 hours of study from the Citizens’ Police Academy. There may be a change in the code for the front gate; further information will be forthcoming. Vendors and contractors are required to get an orange card from the office if their company name is not displayed on their vehicle(s). In addition to safety patrols, include vendor patrols as part of that function. Reminder that the AED is located by the swimming pool. On January 10, 2020 the “Finger Lickin’ Chicken” will be prepared; this is a fundraiser for Neighborhood Watch; the cost is $10.00. The health history forms are available and should be placed in the red envelopes. The Winter Texan Appreciation Day will be held at the Harlingen Convention Center versus Casa de Amistad on January 20, 2020. The town of Combes wishes to involve our community more and more in their events such as National Night Out, Christmas Parade, etc. Upcoming activities: Marian Young announced the Christmas potluck is on December 25th; social time starts at 1:00 p.m. followed by the meal at 1:30 p.m. The New Homeowners Party will be January 13, 2020. The event is chaired by Denise Utterback and Carolyn Anderson. Social hour will be at 5:00 p.m., dinner at 5:30 p.m. followed by music with a DJ and a hat parade. The cost will be $10.00 per person. It was announced that the free will offering for Dr. Leibert’s HOPE performance netted $400.00 Beth Parish announced the Sunshine Web site has been updated as of December 19th. She also said the deadline for the next newsletter will be December 26th. ​ Sherri Gardner and Mecca Henry presented the findings from their research on the purchase of a new stove for the kitchen. The approximate cost would be $10,000 which includes a required new breaker box. Discussion ensued relative to the need to change from the current stove. Carolyn Anderson made a motion, seconded by Lassey Dahlstrom to not purchase a new stove. The motion carried. Sherri offered to provide instruction on safe and correct usage of the stove to anyone and particularly chairpersons of events which required its use. Cathy Chajec sent an email reporting on the Thanksgiving Dinner. 120 people attended and positive feedback was received from the attendees. This activity raised $336.68. Cathy also stated the Woodworkers spaghetti dinner is scheduled for January 21, 2020; tickets will go on sale on January 6th. Marian Young reported on the Craft/Bake Sale. The number of donations was down compared to previous years and indicated there may need to be consideration of a different date next year. The amount of money raised from this event was $1198.10. Lassey Dahlstrom stated the You, Me and Alexa program on March 7th will consist of 2 parts. Part one will be singing, dancing, magic, etc.; Part two will be the video of Sunshine activities. Janis McFee announced she will be taking photos for this program between 10 and 11 a.m. on December 21 on the streets between Minnesota and Michigan. Carolyn Anderson presented the Nominating Committee report. The nominees are Marian Young for Vice President (4 year commitment), Treasurer, Diane Tewell (2 year commitment) and Secretary, Glenda Weatherbee (2 year commitment). There were no nominations from the floor nor was there any opposition to the named nominees. The nominees were voted in by acclamation. ​ Old Business Deb Robbins was not present to discuss the development of instructions for the media / TVs in Retzlaff Hall. ​ Lorraine Lewis was thanked for requesting the SEPO Board purchase additional microphones; they approved the purchase but as of this date they have not yet arrived. ​ Beth Parrish indicated the committee working on the photo directory project, with her guidance as needed, will develop the guidelines for the digital/web based directory. ​ New Business There is a need to evaluate and update the Newcomer Orientation information. This will be discussed by the Women’s Club Executive Committee to determine further action. A gift was given to the individual randomly selected for wearing her name tag (Sue Ann Crapsey). ​ There being no further business a motion to adjourn was made and seconded. The meeting adjourned at 10:00 a.m. ​ Respectfully submitted, Linda Almond, Secretary 2019-11-15 (Approved w/Corrections) Back to Top ****************************************************************************** ​ Minutes of Women’s Club Meeting November 15, 2019 ( NOTE: The Nov 2019 minutes were approved with corrections at the Dec 20, 2019 meeting. The corrections are stated in the Dec 20, 2019 minutes above.) The meeting was called to order at 9:00 am by President Eileen Anderson. Terry DeBackere led us in prayer. OFFICERS REPORTS ​ Cathy Richmond, Acting Vice President, reported 2 get well cards, 1 sympathy card and 1 thinking of you card have been sent since the October 2019 meeting. The minutes of the October 11, 2019 meeting were read by Secretary Linda Almond. The minutes will stand approved as read. Cathy Richmond presented the treasurer’s report stating Total Income as $998.55, Total Expenses of $594.28 and the bank balance is $24,707.68. The report will be filed for audit. (Report attached) New Residents ​ New residents present at today’s meeting are: Janet Peterson and Sharon Ridlon COMMITTEE REPORTS Lenore Combs reported on the Neighborhood Watch activities ; the next Neighborhood Watch meeting will be November 18th at 3:00 p.m. She announced the following: A program on “Stop the Bleed” and a review of use of the AED will be presented at that meeting. The Golf Cart Parade, in conjunction with Encore RV park, will be on December 7, 2019. Details will be forthcoming. Vendors and contractors are required to get an orange card from the office if their company name is not displayed on their vehicle(s). Since the June flood many workers and contractors have been used to complete repairs; if you are satisfied / happy with their work have their name added to the Mr. Fixit list. On January 10, 2020 the “Finger Licking Chicken” will be prepared; details will be forthcoming. The Police Department is encouraging everyone to complete their Personal Inventory list. The Winter Texan Appreciation Day will be held at Casa de Amistad on January 20, 2020 ​ Vickie Jones, Activities Director , reported on the following: Thanked the committee members for the Octoberfest party; this activity made $980.00 for the Women’s Club. She announced that Dr. Leibert’s group will present a program/music in Retzlaff Hall on December 16, 2019 at 7 p.m. She encouraged members to sign up for the upcoming activities which are posted in the library. Cathy Chajec announced that the signup sheet for Thanksgiving Dinner is posted in the library; follow the instructions for using the virtual tickets. The committee will meet after completion of today’s Women’s Club meeting. No one was present from the committee evaluating the pros and cons of the current kitchen stove versus purchase of a new one. Lassey Dahlstrom was not present to report on the progress of the video presentation, You, Me, and Alexis. Old Business Terry DeBackere and Sue Swidryk volunteered to work on the Photo Directory. Beth Parrish indicated once the project is complete, she will post it on the SSCE website. Beth also reminded the members that she has sent an email requesting email addresses for several residents and asked for anyone to help getting that information back to her. ​ New Business Members of the Nominating Committee were announced by President Anderson; they are Carolyn Anderson, Pam Lacy and Denise Utterback. ​ Concern was expressed regarding a lack of microphones for use during meetings. Motion was made and voted upon and passed by majority vote that the SEPO Board be contacted regarding purchasing additional microphones. Lorraine Lewis volunteered to contact a Board member for this request. ​ Lorraine Lewis announced that for Friday November 29, 2019 bell ringers are needed for Salvation Army donations at Walmart; a signup sheet was circulated to the members present. ​ President Anderson received a request from the SEPO board to purchase four (4) sets of shuffleboard equipment (cues and discs); with a 10 percent discount the cost of 4 sets would be $600.00. A motion was made to donate $100.00 towards the purchase of this equipment; the motion failed to pass. A second motion was made, seconded and approved by a majority vote that the Women’s Club donate $600.00 towards the purchase of said equipment. Per Marion Young, this activity will be every Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. ​ It was stated that detailed instructions are needed for operation of the media system in Retzlaff Hall. President Anderson will contact Wade Prater to see if he would be willing to develop these instructions. ​ Terry DeBackere announced the Craft / Bake Sale will be December 7, 2019 from 8:00 to 11:00 Retzlaff Hall. The baked items are due the evening of December 6, 2019 and they should be wrapped and labeled. ​ Heidi Dill announced the next Crafty Creations will be December 4, 2019; members must pre-register in order to participate; the cost is $50.00. ​ Jean Eich announced that a signup sheet for serving ice cream at 7:00 p.m. for Sunday night music is posted in the library; the Eich’s will continue to purchase the ice cream. ​ Jean Burgoine said a new boom box that uses CD-R writable discs is needed for the swimming pool exercise activity. If anyone knows where one can be purchased or if someone would like to donate one, please contact her or Cathy Chajec. ​ A gift was given to the individual randomly selected for wearing her name tag (Bev McIntosh). ​ There being no further business a motion to adjourn was made and seconded. The meeting adjourned at 10:03 am. ​ Respectfully submitted, Linda Almond, Secretary ​ 2019-10-11 (Approved) Back to Top ******************************************************************************** ​ Minutes of Women’s Club Meeting October 11, 2019 The meeting was called to order at 9:00 am by President Eileen Anderson. Nancy Luellen led us in prayer. OFFICERS REPORTS Cathy Richmond was acting Vice President over the summer and sent out 27 cards since March. The minutes of the March 15, 2019 meeting were read by Vickie Jones. The minutes will stand approved as read. Cathy Richmond presenting the treasurer’s report stating Total Income as $150.00, Total Expenses of $2001.99 and the balance is $24,303.41. The report will be filed for audit. NEW RESIDENTS There were five new residents present at todays meeting. COMMITTEE REPORTS Lenore Combs invited the Sunshine community to participate in a teaching event lead by the Harlingen Fire Department. The event will take place on Monday, October 21 at 3 pm. She also announced the following: Neighborhood Watch is continuing and Linda Jones is the contact person for scheduling. Vendors and contractors must report to the Office for orange cards, to confirm they are doing work for a resident in our community. Red Envelopes are the new way to keep your history current for you and your pet. Save the date: Saturday, December 7, Golf Cart Parade. Breast Cancer Awareness Walk Saturday: October 26 starting at 9 am. The Combes PD needs a few volunteers to help with the event. Vickie Jones reported that there are many activities that still need co-chairs and volunteers. So please talk to your friends and sign up for an event. The Goofy Golf scheduled for November will be cancelled for this season because the co-chairs will not be here until after Christmas. Eileen Anderson and Vickie Jones will be in charge of the Oktoberfest party on October 30. Lassey Dahlstrom reported that the video presentation “You, Me and Alexa” is in the works and will hopefully be completed soon. OLD BUSINESS Photo Directory, no one volunteered to take this on. We needed to vote on an updated amendment to the WC Bylaws for Article V, Section 4, regarding an annual audit of the treasurer’s books. The proposed amendment would read: …official audit to be conducted on March 1st of each year and in the event the treasure changes, at the time the books are transferred to the new treasure. A motion was made and voted upon and passed by majority vote. NEW BUSINESS Bonnie Fransene, President of the Women’s Golf stated that league play would start November 6. The fee is $25.00 for the year. The women play every Wednesday morning at 9 am. There is no sign up, you just need to show up at 8:30 by the office and teams will be assigned. SEPO Informational Meetings – there was discussion as to how we felt about the change in the informational meetings not being open to all the residents. A vote was taken that a letter should be written to the SEPO Board encouraging them to have open informational meetings, so we keep the lines of communication flowing between the board and the residents. A gift was given to the individual randomly selected for wearing her nametag (Jan Baethke). There being no further business a motion was made to adjourn and seconded. The meeting adjourned at 10:00 am. Respectfully submitted, Vickie Jones, Acting Secretary Back to Top

  • All Others | Sunshine Estates

    Other Sunshine Amenities will be ​ displayed soon but are currently: THEY INCLUDE: SEPO Office Library Retzlaff Hall Pool & Hot Tub (w/Restrooms & Shower) Pavilion by Pool Shuffleboard Card Room Pool (Billiards) Room

  • Special (2022-2023) | Sunshine Estates

    Activities: Special (2022-2023 Winter Season) Additional Details Stained Glass Class (COMPLETE) Calling All Dogs & Cats (COMPLETE) Garage Sales (COMPLETE) Food Drive (2022-12) (COMPLETE) Toys for Tots (2022-12) (COMPLETE) Private: Shuffleboard & Pavilion (2023-01-28) (COMPLETE) Potato Bake Supper (2023-02-25) (COMPLETE) St. Pat's Day Party (2023-03-17) (COMPLETE) MN Get-Together (2023-03-19) (COMPLETE) Concert: Brett (2023-03-25) (CANCELLED) Stained Glass Class (COMPLETE) ************************************************************************ COMPLETE S tained Glass Clas s (Jan-March 2023) COMPLETE Sent 2023-01-09: Stained Glass class - I will begin the stained glass instructions this Thursday evening from 6:30 pm in the Woodshop. You will need your front gate clicker in order to enter the storage area. Class usually runs til about 8:30. The first couple weeks are usually large classes. If there are any experienced stained glass people, I could really use your help to break up the group into manageable sizes. There is no fee for your first project. If you have any questions, please call me at 708-280-8910. - Cathy Chajec Calling All Dogs & Cats (COMPLETE) Back to Top ************************************************************************ COMPL ETE Grooming: Calling All Dogs and Cats too (03-22-2023) COMPLETE ​ Sent 2023-03-18: Calling All Dogs and Cats too - Hey Everyone, Sandra Delaunay will be coming to the Estates on Wednesday, March 22nd, 2023, to take care of your pet's nails. She will be starting at 1:30 pm. The cost is ten dollars per pet. Please text Sandra and she will schedule your appointment. Sandra's number is 956-226-9919. Sandra will come to your home. Thanks, - Marian Young 719-468-4556 ​ Grooming: Calling All Dogs and Cats too (01-13-2023) COMPLETE ​ Sent 2023-01-10: Calling All Dogs and Cats too - Hey Everyone, Sandra Delaunay will be coming to the Estates on Friday, January13th, 2023, to take care of your pet's nails. She will be starting at 1:00 pm. The cost is ten dollars per pet. Please text or call Sandra and she will schedule your appointment. Sandra's number is 956-226-9919. Sandra will come to your home. Thanks, - Marian Young 719-468-4556 ​ Groomin g: Dogs an d Ca ts (08-31-2022) COM PLETE ​ Sent 2022-11-09: Calling All Dogs and Cats - Hey Everyone, Sandra Delaunay will be coming to the Estates on Wednesday, November 16th, 2022, to take care of your pet's nails. She will be starting at 1:00 pm. The cost is ten dollars per pet. Please text or call Sandra and she will schedule your appointment. Sandra's number is 956-226-9919. Sandra will come to your home. Thanks, Marian Young 719-468-4556 Garage Sales (COMPLETE) Back to Top ************* *********************************************************** COMPLETE ​ P atio /Garage Sales (Mar 11, 2023) COMPLETE ​ Sent 2023-03-11: Howard & Nancy Hecker Book Give Away Sat March 11, 2023 Patio/Garage Sale Bonus Giveaway – It Free! This Saturday March 11, 2023 from 8 AM - Noon Howard & Nancy Hecker, 4329 Minnesota Nancy and Howard Hecker are leaving Sunshine Estates, April 1st. Nancy has collected a small library of approximately 300 books that will not be making the move. These books could be classified as “Inspirational” , fiction and non-fiction. She has whole series of books in her library collection. For example, one title that was a popular and familiar series is “Left Behind ”. Howard is making these books available for free to anyone who would like them. You can view the available library and pick up one or more books this Saturday, March 11th, from 8 AM until Noon. The library is located inside Howard's house, so you will need to enter Howard's house to view them. Signs will be posted at his home, which is located at 4329 Minnesota Street. Nancy and Howard want these books to go to those who would enjoy them. - Howard & Nancy Hecker (by Tony Tramel for them) ​ Sent 2023-03-07: Patio Sales - There will be several patio sales this Saturday, March 11 from 8-12. - Linda Dabney ​ Garage Sale (Jan 19, 20 & 21, 2023) COMPLETE Sent 2022-11-17: Garage Sale: Multiple homes in Sunshine this weekend - There are multiple homes in Sunshine having garage sales on the following days/times. 8 AM - 4 PM, Thursday (01-19) & Friday (01-20) 8 AM - Noon, Saturday (01-21) Individual home addresses are not being published here. This will be a great opportunity for everyone to get out and drive around the community to find the homes having a sale and find yourself some bargains. - From: Those who are having a Garage Sale ​ Garage Sale (Nov 4 & 5, 2022) C OMPLETE ​ Sent 2022-11-03: REMINDER: Garage Sale: Nov 4 & 5, 2022 - As A Reminder: We have sold our home at 1920 W Iowa Ave and are having a garage sale Fri, Nov 4, and Sat, Nov 5 from 8 am to 1 pm both days. - Blanca Hiett Food Drive (2022-12) (COMPLETE) Back to Top ************************************************************************ COMPLETE Food Drive (Dec 2022) C OMPLETE ​ Sent 2022-11-22: Food drive - Once again we are having a food drive for Valley Haven Children's Home and Loaves and Fishes of Harlingen. Items needed include but are not limited to: canned vegetables, fruits and meats, packaged beans, rice and pasta, boxed dinners and fruit drinks, cereal and peanut butter. If you can help there are containers in the library for you to put your items in. We will be delivering all food collected on December 20th so please make sure you drop off your items before then. Thank you in advance for your kind generosity. - Deb Jones & Jill Ventrello Toys for Tots (2022-12) (COMPLETE) Back to Top ************************************************************************ COMPLETE Toys for Tots (Dec 2022) C O MPLETE ​ Sent 2022-11-30: HPD - Marines 2022 TOYS for TOTS 501 C3 - Dear Friends - Toys for Tots date of distribution for Harlingen is 16 December 2022. Some of the HPD Officers will be by to pick up this box tomorrow and leave another in its place. There are some gifts still to be wrapped - I did a bunch earlier. - Maybe one of the Sunshine elves can wrap one or two. Thanks - reminder to please put the age and Boy / Girl on the bottom for distribution purposes. Since the 1940's, the USMC program has assisted families nationwide who are struggling financially. The mission is to provide a tangible sign of hope for the disadvantaged children at Christmas. Wrapping the gifts with BOY / GIRL and age really speeds up the process. Thanks again. Makes the project easier for the PD. THANK YOU for Getting Involved and Making a Difference. God Bless you and God Bless the USA -- Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276 (Santa's helper) ​ Sent 2022-11-30: TOYS FOR TOTS - THANKS for your generosity with Toys For Tots. You are wonderful! and appreciated. We could have a quick wrapping party in the Library soon. I will be checking with Harlingen Police on their pickup day. Stay tuned. - Lenore Combs ​ Sent 2022-11-11: TOYS FOR TOTS - Dear Friends, We briefly spoke about this at Woman’s Club the other day – so as a reminder: Our Harlingen Police dropped off a TOYS FOR TOTS box. It is in the Library. Toys For Tots – is the premier community action program sending a message of hope through the gift of a new toy to help bring the joy of Christmas to the less fortunate children. The mission is to collect new toys each year and distribute these toys as Christmas gifts to these children in our community. The Harlingen Police Department becomes familiar with these families, currently is collecting toys and hereby requests if anyone at Sunshine can please donate a gift ($10.00 or so). They (HPD) are waiving the “unwrapped” part since the Harlingen PD is most familiar with us thru NW & CERT and wrapping would be handy – just put GIRL/BOY and AGE __yrs. on the gift – visibly on the bottom. The Officers will pick up the boxes in a few weeks. THANK YOU Lenore J. Combs 956 245 1276 Resident and member of the Hgn. Citizens Police Academy Alumni Association Coordinator NW - CERT at SCCE Private: Shuffleboard & Pavilion (2023-01-28) (COMPLETE) Back to Top ************************************************************************ C OMPLETE Private Event: Shuffleboard & Pavilion (Jan 28, 2023) COM PLETE ​ Sent 2023-01-25: Private Event: Shuffleboard & Pavilion - The Pavilion and Shuffleboard Courts have been reserved on Saturday, January 28, from 3:00 to 10:00 for a private event. - Janis McFee Potato Bake Supper (2023-02-25) (COMPLETE) Back to Top ************************************************************************ C OMPLETE Ladies Golf: P otato Bake Supper (Feb 25, 2023) COMPLETE ​ Sent 2023-02-17: Potato Bake - LADIES GOLF BAKED POTATO SUPPER ​ Sign up soon. We need to order those spuds! Saturday, February 25, 2023. 4:30-6:00 pm. ​ Large baked potato with lots of fixins to choose from. Chili, cheese, butter, sour cream, broccoli, jalapenos, bacon bits, onions. We tried to think of them all. Dessert too! $8:00 per person. Cash only please. Sign up in the library until Wednesday, February 22 at Noon. - Contact Glenda Wetherbee with questions. 425-418-3345 ​ Sent 2023-02-11: Women’s Golf Potato Bake - “Signup" for the Women’s Golf Potato Bake is now available in the Library. The event is Saturday, February 25. Happy Hour at 4:30 pm, Dinner served from 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm. $8.00 per person. Put your money (cash only) in an envelope with your name on the outside and place it in the drop box marked Potato Bake. Glenda Wetherbee, chairperson 425-418-0031 with questions ​ Newsletter 2023-02: Ladies Golf - Potato Back Supper - Glenda Wetherbee Back to Top ************************************************************************ COMPL ETE St. Pat's Day Party (Mar 17, 2023) COMPLETE Sent 2023-03-14: ST. PATRICK’S PARTY UPDATE - The party is still Friday March 17 at 4:00 and open to all residents. Beer, Wine and Margaritas are free while they last. Please bring Finger Foods for the Happy 2 Hours! We have made a couple changes: “PARTY CENTRAL” will be in Retzlaff Hall. It will alleviate concerns about weather, numbers, glass in pool area and food setup. Due to many generous donations, pizza has been added - while quantity lasts. They will be delivered at 6:00. SO, GET OUT YOUR GREEN AND WE’LL SEE YOU FRIDAY! - Janis McFee Sent 2023-03-07: St. Patrick’s Day Party - St. Patrick’s Day Party DATE: Friday March 17 TIME: 4:00 PLACE: THE PAVILION (Retzlaff Hall as backup) ALL RESIDENTS ARE WELCOME!! WINE, BEER and MARGARITAS are FREE until we run out! Please bring FINGER FOODS. These beverages are paid for by several residents who want a great party to honor the GREEN! Anyone who wishes to donate can drop off any amount to Derek (Dak) McFee at 2028 W. Michigan. HOSTED BY: Derek McFee, Friends, and the Pickett’s, Covey’s and Dierker’s in spirit. - Janis McFee St. Pat's Day Party (2023-03-17) (COMPLETE) Back to Top Concert: Brett (2023-03-25) (CANCELLED) Back to Top ************************************************************************ COMPL ETE MN Get-Toge t her (Mar 19, 2023) COMPLETE ​ Newsletter 2032-03 - Minnesota Get Together Sunday, March 19th, 2023, 1:00pm, Retzlaff Hall, Cost: $15.00 Menu 1 slice of brisket 1 piece of chicken 1 piece of sausage w/sides, dessert and a beverage Many door prizes will be drawn for after lunch. Ticket sales will start on March 3rd. I will start making phone calls then or you can call me and leave a message. We had a large turn out last year and I hope to see all of the current or former Minnesotan's again and all the new residents who just moved here. Thank you and hope to see you at the Get-Together. - Linda Ramsdell, 218-851-6353 MN Get-Together (2023-03-19) (COMPLETE) ************************************************************************ CANCELED Concert:59.5 Minutes w/Brett (Mar 25, 20 23) CANCELED Back to Top

  • 2021-02 E-Mails | Sunshine Estates

    S EPO Community E-Mails: February 2021 Sent 2021-02-28: Policies & Procedures Update, Feb 25, 2021 - An e-mail was sent containing the latest version of the SEPO Policies & Procedures document that was discussed and approved for update at the SEPO Board meeting on Feb 25, 2021. The section on 'FISCAL POLICIES' was added. ​ This document was sent to the SEPO Office for filing. It is also on the Sunshine Web site HERE and can be downloaded from there. You could have also download it from the e-mail using the link provided. Beth Parrish SEPO Board Secretary 314-960-6710 ​ Sent 2021-02-27: REPLY REQUESTED: Possible COVID-19 Shots here in the Estates - I've invited you to fill out a form: Possible COVID19 Shots here in the Estates The SEPO Board is attempting to bring COVID-19 shots to the Estates and provide them onsite for those who still want to receive their shots. You can use this form for either yourself, a family member or a SEPO neighbor who does not "do" e-mails. If you are responding for someone else, be sure to talk to them before responding. If you have questions about qualifying for the shots you can see the requirements for Phase 1B here: COVID-19 Vaccine Allocation, Phase 1B Definition ( We have a long way to go, but if we are successful in setting it up, would you want to receive your first shots here? If so, we need some information for planning purposes. We will need your e-mail address so we can keep you posted when we make progress. SEPO Board ​ Sent 2021-02-27: Link to view SEPO Board Meeting held on Feb 25, 2021 - The SEPO Board meeting held on Feb 25, 2021 was Virtual, using Google Meet, and was recorded (except for the first seven minutes). Here is the link to the recording, which everyone is welcome to view:!ArA0fRIwdohihKlAUoThhrC1elK7EQ The minutes from this meeting will be published within the next 3-4 days or sooner. If you have any questions about or issues with viewing this video, let me know. (And yes - I have ANOTHER e-mail strictly for board issues. But I am still monitoring all of the rest of the SEPO Communication e-mails.) Beth Parrish SEPO Board Secretary 314-960-6710 ​ Sent 2021-02-26: CORRECT, Men's Golf Tournament: Tee Times - Tee times for all golfers playing in the Men's League tournament will be at 9:30 AM (NOT 9 AM) and 12:30 PM on both Mon & Tue, Mar 1 & 2. Mark Owen ​ Sent 2021-02-26: PLEASE RETURN: for Men's Golf League Tournament - Whoever picked up the #3 hole CTP board and still has it, please return it. I need it for the Men's Leage Golf Tournament this coming Mon & Tues. Thanks Mark Owen Sent 2021-02-26: SUNSHINE NEWSLETTER: March 2021 - The Mar 2021 Newsletter has been posted on the Web site HERE . Valerie will have printed copies available in the Library sometime today. Beth Parrish ​ Sent 2021-02-25: Missing Package (Prater) - There was a package confirmed left in the package room that is missing> Could you please check if you accidentally picked it up? It was delivered Wednesday. Tiffany Prater 4344 N. Missouri St. ​ Sent 2021-02-25: Irrigations Pumps, Water & Street Maintenance - The irrigation pumps are out due to structural maintenance on the streets. The irrigation water will be out until Saturday, possibly Monday. We may need to borrow water line(s) to water the greens. A huge Thank You to those who are willing to help. Larry Keller Director of Common Area 2 ​ Sent 2021-02-24: LOST: another divot repair tool - I lost a divot repair tool a couple of months ago and would like it back also if found. It is metal and has a ball marker with a swirl design. I check the lost & found on occasion but it has not been turned in. Dan Crothers 901-491-2147 ​ Sent 2021-02-23: NOTICE: Executive Board Meeting on Feb 25, 2021 - President Tramel has called an Executive Board Meeting to be held this Thu, Feb 25, 2021 at 3:30 PM in Retzlaff Hall for all Board Members. Social distancing and masks are required. This is a closed session as permitted by Texas law since the meeting pertains to personnel and potential litigation issues. This Executive Board Meeting Agenda follows. Consideration of adjusting Annual Leave for SEPO employees who were unable to report to work the week, of February 15-19, 2021. Various alleged SEPO violations and agreeing on an action plan to address each issue. Examine a situation related to definition of “Renters”. Identify process of resolving complaints from Residents or others. Other related items from Directors regarding personnel and or litigation. Discussions, resolutions and / or identification of action plans regarding issues noted above. Tony Tramel SEPO Board President ​ Sent 2021-02-23: Missing Package - Missing Package - Addressed to: Hazel Livingston @ 4313 N Kansas Was delivered 2/11/2021 to General Purpose Room ... If you accidentally picked it up ... please call the office ASAP!! Valerie Basaldua Office Manager 956-425-1420 Sent 2021-02-23: LOST: divot repair tool - I lost a divot repair tool on our golf course about a week or so ago. It has a Casey's emblem, and was a gift from my former employer and has some sentimental value. If found, please call Howard Hecker at 515-205-8747. Thank you. ​ Sent 2021-02-23: Hot Tub - Some of the jet coverings in the hot tub were missing and have been replaced. All the jets are working properly -- just differently than before. Please, do not attempt to reposition the jets as that tends to break them. Thanks. Jean Burgoine ​ Sent 2021-02-23: FINAL REMINDER: MAR 2021 Newsletter Articles Due by End of Day on FEB 24 - This is the FINAL reminder. If you have an article you would like published in the MAR 2021 Sunshine Newsletter, it needs to be submitted to by End of Day on the 24th of the current month. Remember - This is the last official Newsletter for the 2020-2021 Winter Season. Newsletter Guidelines are posted HERE . Please call with questions. Beth Parrish Sunshine Country Club Newsletter Editor 314-960-6710 ​ Sent 2021-02-22: Sunburst Building Water tank - The small water heater in the Sunburst Building was replaced today. Hot water should be available now in that building. Jean Burgoine ​ Sent 2021-02-22: Pictures from Mardi Gras: Follow the Leader - I've been told I totally missed the Mardi Gras: Follow the Leader event last night. I went to my front porch at 5:30 but I guess it was already over. BUMMER. So, if anyone has pictures I can post on the Web site, please send them to me or contact me so I can get them off of whatever device you have them on. Thx Beth Parrish SEPO Web site Admin E-Mail: 314-960-6710 ​ Sent 2021-02-22: AGENDA for Board Meeting on Feb 25, 2021 - The agenda has been added to the Web site HERE and will be posted outside of the SEPO Office and on the poolside door into Retzlaff Hall. Tony Tramel SEPO Board President ​ Sent 2021-02-22: CORRECTED: UNAPPROVED Meeting Minutes from Feb 16, 2021 SEPO 2021 Board Meeting - The corrected document can be found HERE . Beth Parrish SEPO 2021 Board Secretary ​ Sent 2021-02-20: UNAPPROVED Meeting Minutes from Feb 16,2021 SEPO Board 2021 Meeting - NOTE - On 2021-02-22 these minutes were corrected and sent out to the community. The corrected document can be found HERE . Beth Parrish SEPO 2021 Board Secretary ​ Sent 2021-02-20: Annual Meeting of Shareholders, Feb 16, 2020 (Unapproved) - This documents can be found HERE . Tony Tramel SEPO Board Secretary ​ Sent 2021-02-20: Sunburst Building Water Pipe - There will be no hot water in the Sunburst building. Some pipes burst. The problem will be fixed early next week. Jean Burgoine SEPO Board Director Common Area 1 ​ Sent 2021-02-19: Mardi Gras: Follow the Leader - Because the air is still so cold, the committee decided to hold the Mardi Gras "Follow the Leader" on Sunday. Hopefully, this will be the last change we need to make. DAY/DATE: Sunday , February 21, 2021 TIME: 4:00 - Meet at the North side of Retzlaff Hall JUDGING: 4:30 to 5:00 - Prizes awarded and parade lineup There are six cash prizes: three for the best cart and three for the best costume. You can enter both or just one. The parade will start around 5:00 for those who are watching. Masks or a costume mask must be worn as usual. So decorate and make a costume! See you there! Marian Young Thanks to the other committee members: Eileen Anderson, Sue Swidryk, Lehua Keller, Lenore Combs, and Pam Lacy ​ Sent 2021-02-19: Resident Passing - Ron Salemi passed away today (Feb 19). Valerie Basaldua SEPO Office Manager ​ Sent 2021-02-19: Calling All Dogs - Our first dog nail clipping service with Sandra Delaunay was a success. Having one person come to the Estates, as far as Covid-19 is concerned, is better than 20 people going out to different places. We set appointments for everyone so there was never a crowd. In between each appointment, we used sanitizer and cleaned the table. Our next Spa Day for your Pup will be held this Tuesday. All sizes of dogs are welcome. DATE: February 23, 2021 TIME: 1 - 4 pm LOCATION: Dog park in the storage lot. CALL: Pam Lacy @ 218-443-3416 to set up an appointment COST: $10 Masks & SD Marian Young ​ Sent 2021-02-19: Resident Passing - David Preter passed away last evening, February 18, 2021. Our thoughts and Prayers to Gerri and Their Family. Kathy Wunderlich ​ Sent 2021-02-17: Web site has been updated - I was able to update the Sunshine Web site just now with the below. EOY 2020 SEPO Financials are HERE . Link to Video of Virtual SEPO Board meetings held on Feb 16, 2021 are HERE . Beth Parrish SEPO Web site Admin E-Mail: 314-960-6710 ​ Sent 2021-02-17: SEPO December 2020 Financials - Hello Homeowners, HERE are the financials for December. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks Mecca Henry SEPO Treasurer (469) 766-4245 ​ Sent 2021-02-17: Link to view SEPO "Annual Meeting of Shareholders" from Feb 16, 2021 - Both the SEPO Annual Board meeting and the first Board meeting of the new 2021 board were held on Feb 16, 2021 starting at 3 PM and ending at 3:38 PM. These meetings were both Virtual using Google Meet and were recorded. HERE is the link to the recording which everyone is welcome to view. I will be putting this link on the Web site HERE . However the Web site editor is currently down and I can't do any updating to it right now. If you have any questions about or issues with viewing this video, let me know. Beth Parrish SEPO Board Secretary 314-960-6710 ​ Sent 2021-02-17: NW-CERT Minutes of 15 Feb 2021 Virtual meeting - Minutes from this meeting are available HERE . Lenore Combs ​ Sent 2021-02-17: SEPO Office Manager Apologies/Situation - I would like to apologize to the community for not being in the office these past few days. I have been out of power at home and have been with my kids trying to stay warm. Thx for your understanding. Valerie Basaldua Office Manager Sent 2021-02-17: REMINDER: MAR 2021 Newsletter Articles Due by End of Day on Feb 24, 2021 - If you have an article you would like published in the Sunshine Mar 2021 Newsletter, the article needs to be submitted to by End of Day on the 24th of this month. Please note this will be the last Newsletter published for the 2020-2021 Winter Season. Newsletter Guidelines are posted HERE . Please call with questions. Beth Parrish SEPO Newsletter Editor E-Mail: 314-960-6710 ​ Sent 2021-02-16: Results of 2021 SEPO Board Elections - Here are the results of the election of the SEPO 2021 Board announced at the SEPO Annual meeting on Feb 16, 2021. There were a total of four positions that needed to be filled. Their terms expire in Feb 2023. The vote totals were as follows: Larry Keller (206) Jean Burgoine (202) Beth Parrish (202) Lenore Combs (199) Dana Weiss (81) Your returning SEPO Board members, whose terms expire in Feb 2022 are (in alphabetical order): Mecca Henry Lyn Swonger Tony Tramel After the Annual meeting was adjourned the new board convened their first meeting where elections were held to fill the Director positions for the 2021 Board. The results are as follows: President: Tony Tramel Director of Golf Course & 1st VP: Lyn Swonger Director of Common Area 1: Jean Burgoine Director of Common Area 2 & 2nd VP: Larry Keller Director of Common Area 3: Lenore Combs Treasurer: Mecca Henry Secretary: Beth Parrish Additional information about these positions and Board member phone numbers can be found on the Sunshine Web site HERE . Your 2021 SEPO Board ​ Sent 2021-02-15: MARKETPLACE: Home for Sale - Please note the below new listing, along with pictures, in the Sunshine Marketplace - Homes for Sale . 4168 N Missouri St - (New Listing 02-15-2021) Home Owner: Elwood and Mary Dronen Contact #: 701 361-5856 Description: Built 1984 960 Sq Ft 2 bedrooms / 2 baths Totally updated bricked over doublewide mobile home. Texas room, shed, carport Laminate floors thru-out (except baths are tiled) Sent 2021-02-15: CANCELLED: Men's Golf League on Tue, Feb 16 - Due to the weather Men's Golf League is cancelled for Tue, Feb. 16, 2021. Mark Owen ​ Sent 2021-02-15: Neighborhood Watch Meeting Details for Today (A Good Use of your time) - In case you haven't received this yet, it concerns the NW meeting info for today. You are no doubt just as bored as I am today - all locked in and tired of daytime TV. If you haven't been to a Neighborhood Watch meeting before, this afternoon (Monday 2/15) at 3:00 is your chance to do something different. Neighborhood Watch is that group of volunteers that patrol our streets in the evenings, offer Operation ID services and also operate the security cameras. Catalytic converter thefts are going wild in St. Paul MN these days and we can probably expect them to become popular here in Harlingen again. It was the IR perimeter monitoring of the storage lot that seems to have taught the locals to leave us alone, but memories are short. Neighborhood watch does a lot for us. This afternoon you may as well set in on the virtual meeting and learn a lot more about NW. About 5 or 10 minutes before 3:00, click on the following: and ask to be admittted to the meeting. Once admitted it might be good for you to mute your microphone unless you want everyone to hear what is happening in your house. The agenda can be found HERE . It will be time well spent and you may want to offer opinions or suggestions. Take Care and Stay Safe Pat Harvey ​ Sent 2021-02-15: REMINDER: "Annual Meeting of Shareholders" Mtg (02-16-2021, 3 PM) Google Meet Instructions - SEPO ANNUAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS 3:00 PM, Virtual Google Meet Only Tuesday, February 16, 2021 ​ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Because of Covid-19, only a Virtual Meeting will occur. Persons who wish to attend this meeting can do so by Clicking the following link beginning at 2:45 PM. Board members and SEPO residents will be connecting virtually, there will not be any physical meeting in Retzlaff Hall. Here is the link for the Annual Meeting. To join the video meeting, follow the instructions posted HERE .​ Please make your screen and microphone are available on your device by checking off the area shown on your screen to activate these features once connected. At the bottom of the screen, you will see a button noted as “Caption”, please turn this on so you might be able to see the text of words spoken by each person during the meeting. Tony Tramel SEPO Board Secretary ​ Sent 2021-02-15: POSTPONED: Mardi Gras - Follow the Leader - Hey Everyone, Since the weather is so, so cold, we have decided to have the Mardi Gras - Follow the Leader on Saturday. It will be more fun to decorate your cart in warmer weather. Sorry for the late notice. Here are the details for Mardi Gras. DAY/DATE: Saturday, February 20, 2021 TIME: 4:30 - Meet at the North side of Retzlaff Hall JUDGING: 5:00 to 5:30 - Prizes awarded and parade lineup There are six cash prizes: three for the best cart and three for the best costume. You can enter both or just one. The parade will start around 5:30 for those who are watching. Masks or a costume mask must be worn as usual. So decorate and make a costume! See you there! Marian Young Thanks to the other committee members: Eileen Anderson, Sue Swidryk, Lehua Keller, and Pam Lacy ​ Sent 2021-02-15: MARKETPLACE: Home for Sale by Owner - Please note the below new listing in the Sunshine Marketplace - Homes for Sale . ​ 1956 W Iowa Ave (New Listing 02-15-2021) - Homeowner: Art and Phaedra Serna Contact: Phaedra Serna (512-922-4101) Description: Built 1992, 1690 sq ft. 2 bedroom / 2 bath. Large family room. Fully remodeled in 2020 – Popcorn ceilings removed. Whole house tiled. New granite throughout. All new sinks and faucets. All new LED lighting throughout. New door handles, outlets and switches. Freshly painted cabinets, walls and trim. New shower in the master bath. Both toilets replaced with tall height. New stainless steel appliances. New fridge depth pantry. Home comes with all kitchen appliances. The rest will be unfurnished. Four new dusk to dawn exterior lights. New security system installed and owned (monthly monitoring service required). Wired for four security cameras (not included). Home has hurricane shutters on all windows. This home has never flooded since it sits on the higher side of the community. Comes with large owned on-site storage shed, which is currently located on Lot #6. The rent is $100 per year for this lot. NOTE: You would need to converse with the SEPO Office as to the availability of this lot or a different lot for this shed. Sent 2021-02-13: Letter of Appreciation - I just wanted to take a moment to express my appreciation for the wonderful job that our employees are doing here at Sunshine Estates. Along with a few residents who have contributed their time and efforts as well. Thanks to their hard work, we have been able to do a better job in serving our community and keeping up with what is expected here at Sunshine. You should know that I am grateful to everyone who has contributed up to this point. I sincerely want to thank them again in keeping us happy and safe. Frank Tewell 2nd Vice President , Director of Common Area ​ Sent 2021-02-10: Texas Ave Keypad - Part came in, keypad has been repaired !! If you need the code it is on the Web site HERE . Sincerely, Valerie Basaldua Office Manager ​ Sent 2021-02-10: Availability to Send SEPO E-Mails (UPDATE) - My schedule for the rest of the week up here in the Freezing Cold & Snowy Midwest has been set. After 7 PM today (02-10) I won't be able to send SEPO e-mails until Sunday morning. That is because I won't have internet availability until I return to TX late Sat evening. Unfortunately the mobile app for sending SEPO e-mails doesn't work correctly right now. If you have anything that is an emergency during that time, call me and I'll try to figure something out. Thx for your understanding during this time period. Beth Parrish SEPO E-Mail E-News Admin E-Mail: 314-960-6710 ​ Sent 2021-02-10: MARKETPLACE: Golf Bags/Clubs for Sale - MARKETPLACE has been updated to contain the following: "FOR SALE" - Golf Bags & Clubs (Added 02-10-2021) Contact: Althea Millsap 956-428-5865 (H) OR 956-792-9752 (C) Description: Lady's Golf Bag Men's Golf Bag Various Golf Clubs Asking Price: Various​ Please remember the above and other items your neighbors have For Sale or Free can be found HERE . Sent 2021-02-09: Slight Revisions to SEPO "ANNUAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS" Documents for February 16, 2021 - There have been some minor revisions made to the documents that will be used/discussed during the Feb. 16, 2021 SEPO Annual Meeting. Beth has updated the information on the Web site here . Tony Tramel SEPO Board Secretary Sent 2021-02-08: Mardi Gras: Follow the Leader - Just FYI - The title of the Mardi Gras event coming up on Feb 16 has been changed to "Mardi Gras: Follow the Leader". Beth has changed all references to this event on the Web site from "Parade" to "Follow the Leader". All other details and fun times remaining the same. Call with any questions. Marian Young (719) 468-4556 ​ Sent 2021-02-08: Cameron County Appraisal District - Heads Up - Cameron County Appraisal District will be walking around the community for the next couple of days inspecting the properties. Valerie Basaldua Office Manager 956-425-1420 Sent 2021-02-06: UPDATE: Mardi Gras: Follow the Leader - Hi Everyone, Thanks to Lenore Combs for planning a "Mardi Gras: Follow the Leader" event. The first email I sent out was written and researched by Lenore. Here are the details for Mardi Gras: Follow the Leader. DAY/DATE: Tuesday, February 16, 2021 TIME: 4:30 - Meet at the North side of Retzlaff Hall JUDGING: 5:00 to 5:30 - Prizes awarded and 'follow the leader' lineup ​ There are six cash prizes: three for the best cart and three for the best costume. You can enter both or just one. The 'follow the leader' event will start around 5:30 for those who are watching. Masks or a costume mask must be worn as usual. So decorate and make a costume! See you there! Marian Young Thanks to the other committee members: Eileen Anderson, Sue Swidryk, Lehua Keller, and Pam Lacy ​ Sent 2021-02-06: Non-Sunshine Event: Brownsville Boat Tour - From Beth - Although the below is a non-sunshine event, I am sending it out due to this season's Covid-19 restrictions, which puts very strict guidelines on the activities that can be participated in here at Sunshine. *************** Padre Island to Port of Brownsville Boat Trip I am thinking about putting together a Port of Brownsville boat trip on Wednesday, February 17, from 12:30pm to 4:30pm. It will be with the Original Dolphins Watch line who have been providing winter Texans with fun and informative tours for many years. You will see the giant oil platforms on the Gulf of Mexico and a wide assortment of international ships that ply their trade through the Port of Brownsville, The Port of Brownsville is the home to five of the nations largest ship-wrecking companies...who knew there was such a thing? It is also possible you will see native dolphins, local and migratory birds and learn about the shrimping industry. The boat will hold 40 people (actually the boat will hold 75 people, but because of Covid-19, I am limiting it to 40 people only). Beer, wine and shrimp will be offered. You can bring your own cooler. Afterwards, we might want to visit one of the restaurants on the island for dinner and/or drinks. The cost (if we have forty people) is $35.00 which incudes the beer, wine and shrimp. You can call or message me at 847 452-7804, or email at if you are interested. Sent 2021-02-06: MARKETPLACE: For Rent - 4121 N MO - The following item has been added to the "Marketplace: Home for Rent " on the Web site. 4112 N Missouri St - Home Owner: Mike Winner Contact: Sam Davis 956-244-4682 or 956-425-4193​ Renting For: 3 months minimum Description: 1 Bdrm-1 Bath,fully furnished Mobile with car port Cable TV included Golf Cart Included WiFi is available, but not included NO PETS NO SMOKING ON PROPERTY Sam Davis Sent 2021-02-05: Unapproved SEPO "Board Meeting Minutes" to be Considered at February 16, 2021 Annual Meeting of Shareholders AND SEPO "ANNUAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS" AGENDA for February 16, 2021 Both of these documents can be found HERE . Tony Tramel SEPO Board Secretary ​ S ent 2021-02-03: Former Resident/Renter Passing - Several of you knew Florence Parrish - or Flo - as she liked to be called when she was here at Sunshine. She lived in our house on Iowa during the winters until we were both retired. Then she rented down here for several seasons up until a couple years ago. We just wanted to inform everyone that she passed away peacefully at 10 AM this morning in the hospice center in Burlington, IA, where she had been residing since early last June. Beth & Dick Parrish ​ Sent 2021-02-03: Availability to Send SEPO E-Mails - As an FYI - I will be leaving Harlingen Thu morning to go up north for a week or so. I will still be able to send e-mails - but it may take me a while to send them out after I receive them from you. If you have anything that is an emergency, please text me at the number below. Note - I will be flying Thu morning and totally unavailable. Thanks for your understanding. Beth Parrish SEPO E-Mail E-News Admin E-Mail: 314-960-6710 ​ Sent 2021-02-02: DIRECTORIES: All have been UPDATED - Please Review - All of the Directories have been updated and contain a date of Jan 31, 2021. You can access the following directories Resident Directory (by Name) Resident Directory (by Address) E-Mail directory (Current Residents & Renters) Photo Directory index on the Sunshine Web site HERE . Please review them for accuracy and provide both me (at the e-mail address below) and Valerie ( ) with any needed changes. Beth Parrish SEPO Web site Admin E-Mail: 314-960-6710 ​ Sent 2021-02: Mardi Gras: Let's Have a 'Follow the Leader' event - MARDI GRAS: FOLLOW THE LEADER 16 FEBRUARY 2021 Mardi – is French for “Tuesday” and Gras means “Fat”. Carnival is another common name for Pre-Lenten festivities because in Latin carnelevarium means to take away or remove meat. Dear Friends, Mark your calendars for Tuesday - 16 February 2021. Our Women’s Club is the sponsor and Eileen Anderson and Marian Young are points of contact. Looking for lots of volunteers and great ideas – contact Eileen at 507 317 0296 and or Marian 719 468 4556. Eileen and Marian can plan a meeting. * This is an initial announcement for this Mardi Gras event – so start forming your ideas and Krewes - do your colors. Prizes will be awarded. Here’s a little history to get you in the spirit. Mardi Gras, is traditionally celebrated as “Fat Tuesday” before Ash Wednesday and is the start of Lent. It is a tradition dating back thousands of years to pagan spring and fertility rights. The first Mardi Gras took place in March 1699 when French explorers landed in New Orleans where they held a small celebration dubbed Port du Mardi Gras. In the decades that followed, New Orleans and other French settlements began marking the holiday with street parties, masked balls and lavish dinners. In 1857, a secret society of New Orleans businessmen called the Mistick Krewe of Comus organized a torch-lit Mardi Gras procession with marching bands and rolling floats setting the tone for future public celebrations. These iconic colors have meaning – Purple is for justice, gold is power and green stands for faith. Since then, these krewes have remained a fixture of the Carnival scene including throwing beads, wearing masks, decorating floats and eating King cake. Let’s add Sunshine to the map! Marian Young ​ Sent 2021-02-02: Resident Passing - Doug Schmidt - I was informed today that Sunshine resident Doug Schmidt passed away on Jan 31. I have no other details on his passing. Beth Parrish ​ Sent 2021-02-02: MARKETPLACE: Levolor Vertical Blinds - MARKETPLACE has been updated to reflect the below and other items your neighbors have For Sale or Free. Check it out HERE . ​ "FOR SALE" - Blinds Contact: Denise Utterback (618-546-1417) Description: 5 sets of Levolor vertical blinds. Measuring 71w x 59 in. Sierra stone. Can cut to length. Excellent condition. Asking Price: Reasonable Back to Top

  • SEPO Rules-Regs Fees | Sunshine Estates

    Print This Document Sunshine Country Club Estates, Inc. ​ RULES AND REGULATIONS PERTAINING TO NON-COMPLIANCE TO COVENANTS FEE SCHEDULE ​ (Below is the Original document dated September 1, 2021 which was filed with Cameron County, State of Texas) (As updates occur to this document, all previous copies are replaced by the update.) WHEREAS, the Board of Directors (the "Board") of Sunshine Country Club Estates, Inc., (SEPO/the "Association") finds that there is a need to establish orderly procedures and structure for the imposition of fees for non-compliance by a homeowner to the declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions, and all amendments thereto for Sunshine Country Club Estates, Inc. (the "Declaration") and the Bylaws of Sunshine Country Club Estates, Inc., (the "Bylaws"); and ​ WHEREAS, pursuant to Article II, Sections 2.1, of the COVENANTS, where the “DECLARANT or OWNERS ASSOCIATION shall be refer to SUNSHINE COUNTRY CLUB ESTATES PROPERTY OWNEERS, INC,” and Section 8.1, where the DECLARANT, (acting through its Board of Directors), shall have responsibility and authorization to prescribe Rules and Regulations covering the use of the Common Areas, streets, utilities and any other portions of the properties and to collect fees and fix assessments, and not specifically reserved to the membership by the Declarant, Articles of Incorporation, or by other provisions of the Declaration, Articles of Incorporation or by other provisions of the Declarations of these Bylaws; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Article IV Board of Directors, Section 4.01 of the Bylaws, “The affairs of the Sunshine Estates Property Owners, Inc. shall be managed by its Board of Directors.” ​ WHEREAS, the Board has determined that it is in the best interests of the Association for it to promulgate Rules and Regulations pertaining to fees and specifically establish a fee structure. ​ NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS RESOLVED that the following Rules and Regulations Pertaining to Non-compliance to Covenants Fee Schedule are established for the imposition of fees in Sunshine Country Club Estates, Inc., as follows: ​ I. NOTICE OF VIOLATION ​ For violations other than construction without Architectural Control Committee ("ACC") approval, the Board shall give an Owner written notice of the violation and opportunity to cure the violation before imposing a fee. The following notification procedure shall be followed: ​ A. First Notice: The Association shall notify the Owner of the violation by written letter sent by first class mail. The notice shall contain the following information: 1. A description of the violation and reference to the provision of the Declaration being violated, and the action that must be taken to cure the violation. ​ 2. A statement that the violation must be corrected within fifteen (15) days from the date of the "First Notice." ​ B. Second Notice: After issuance of the "First Notice" and expiration of the fifteen (15) day compliance period, the Association shall notify the Owner, by first class mail and certified mail, return receipt requested, if the violation described in the "First Notice" has not been resolved. The "Second Notice" shall contain the following information: ​ 1. A description of the violation and reference to the provision of the Declaration being violated, and the action that must be taken to cure the violation. 2. A statement that the violation must be corrected within fifteen (15) days from the date of the "Second Notice" or a fee will be applied to the Owner's account. 3. The amount of the fee that will be assessed if the violation is not cured within the time allowed. 4. A statement that the Owner will be charged attorney's fees and costs incurred by the Association in enforcing the Declaration and/or abating the violation if the violation is not cured within thirty (30) days from the date of the "Second Notice." 5. A statement that the Owner may request a hearing before the Board of Directors by submitting a written request for the same to the Board within thirty (30) days of the Owner's receipt of the "Second Notice." C. Third Notice: After the issuance of the "Second Notice" and expiration of the compliance period, the Association shall notify the Owner by first class mail and certified mail, return receipt requested, if the violation described in the "Second Notice" has not been resolved. The "Third Notice" shall contain the following information: 1. A description of the violation that is the basis for the fee and reference to the provision of the Declaration being violated, and the action that must be taken to cure the violation. ​ 2. A statement that the fee for non-compliance is being added to the Owner's account for not curing the violation within the specified period of time contained in the "Second Notice." ​ 3. A statement that there will be continuing fees in accordance with the "Fee Schedule" as each subsequent fifteen (15) day period elapses and the violation is not cured. ​ 4. A statement that there is no aggregate amount of the fees which may accrue for the same violation. Additionally, that if the matter is referred to legal counsel for further enforcement measures, all attorney's fees and costs incurred by the Association will be charged to the Owner's account in accordance with Chapter 209 of the Texas Property Code. ​ 5. A statement that the Owner may request a waiver of the fees by submitting a written request to the Board of Directors after the violation is cured. ​ 6. The amount of fees being assessed against the Owner. ​ II. HEARING ​ The Board shall follow the procedures stated in Chapter 209 of the Texas Property Code in conducting a hearing. Within ten (10) days of the hearing before the Board of Directors, any documents relied upon by the Board as to the violation shall be provided to the homeowner, and failure to meet such deadline shall result in an automatic fifteen (15) day extension of the board hearing on the Homeowner’s appeal. ​ III. FEE SCHEDULE ​ The imposition of fees will be on the following basis: ​ A. First Violation: $100.00 imposed for each fifteen (15) day period that the same violation continues to exist until cured. ​ B. Addition but Separate Violations of the Same Restriction Within Six Months of Receipt of the “Second Notice": $200.00, which may be imposed every fifteen (15) days that the violation continues to exist until cured. C. Aggregate Limit: There is no limit to the aggregate limit amount of fees imposed for the same violation. IV. CONSTRUCTION WITHOUT ACC APPROVAL ​ A. Pursuant the Declarations, Architectural Control Committee ("ACC") approval, in writing, is required prior to commencing construction or demolition, or making any changes to the exterior design or appearance of any improvement on a lot in the Association. ​ B. Any construction of exterior home improvements, modification and/or additions including but not limited to fencing, sheds, barns or other outbuildings started prior to written approval by the The Association and/or ACC will incur an immediate $500.00 fee. Notice of the violation and fee will be sent as soon as the violation is discovered by the ACC or Board. ​ C. If said construction does not halt immediately upon receipt of violation and fee notice, an additional fee of $100.00 will be imposed every day until construction ceases. V. INFORMATION REGARDING FEES ​ A. Fees will be imposed in addition to and not in lieu of any other rights or remedies of the Association allowed by the Declaration or other Rules and Regulations adopted by the Board. ​ B. Fees are imposed against the Owner and are the obligation of the Owner of the property. ​ C. An Owner should notify the Board when a violation is cured. Upon verification, the violation will be deemed to no longer exist. Unless fees are waived by the Board, the Owner will remain liable for all fees imposed under these Rules and Regulations. If the fees are not paid on demand, the account may be referred to legal counsel for collection. The Owner shall be responsible for all attorneys’ fees incurred in connection with the enforcement of any provision of the Declaration and/or the Rules and Regulations in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 209 of the Texas Property Code. ​ IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that the purpose of these Rules and Regulations Pertaining to Fees and Fee Structure is to provide a standard for the Association. Notwithstanding these Rules and Regulations, the Board may set fee amounts on a case-by-case basis, provided the fee is reasonable considering the nature, frequency, and effects of the violation. The Board may also establish a schedule of fees for certain types of violations. If circumstances warrant a variance from the Association's published Rules and Regulations, the Board will document the reasons for the variance in the minutes of its meeting. The amount and cumulative total of a fee must be reasonable in comparison to the violation and should be uniform for similar violations of the same provision of the Association's documents. Back to Top

  • Women's Golf Bylaws | Sunshine Estates

    BYLAWS OF THE WOMEN’S GOLF ASSOCIATION SUNSHINE COUNTRY CLUB ESTATES HARLINGEN, TEXAS ARTICLE 1: NAME AND OBJECTIVE This organization shall be known as the Women’s Golf Association of the Sunshine Country Club The objective of this organization shall be to bring into closer unity the women golfers of Sunshine Estates through a planned schedule of meetings and competitive events for the general purpose of encouraging a spirit of friendship, sportsmanship and fair play among ARTICLE II: MEMBERSHIP, DUES, MEETINGS Sec . 1. Membership shall be open to all property owners and renting residents of Sunshine Estates. Guests may play a maximum of two (2) times and are not eligible for prizes. Sec. 2. Annual dues shall be determined at the March meeting and voted on by the membership Sec. 3. To be considered a member eligible to compete and vote, dues must have been paid at the beginning date of league play or within two weeks of the member beginning league play. Sec. 4. Regular monthly meetings shall be held on the third Wednesday of the months of November through March, immediately after completion of play or as posted. Sec. 5. A quorum of 40% of the membership shall be required before business requiring votes can be Sec. 6. Special meetings may be called as required with proper notice being given. Sec. 7. Meetings of the Association and of the Executive Board shall be conducted in accordance With Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, when not inconsistent with these BYLAWS. ARTICLE III: OFFICERS Sec. 1 The elected officers of this organization shall be: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Handicap Chairman Sec. 2. These officers shall be elected at the regular March meeting. The President and Vice President Will be elected for a term of one year each with the Vice President moving to President the following year. The Secretary, Treasurer will serve two years each and the Handicap Chairman may serve an unlimited term. The officers shall assume the duties of their respective office following the election. Sec. 3. No officer shall be eligible to serve more than two years in succession in any one office. Sec. 4. In the event the President is unable to complete her term of office, the Vice President shall automatically assume the title and duties of that office. Vacancies occurring in any office other than that of President, shall be appointed by the remaining members of the Executive A. Duties of the President shall be: 1. To serve as Chief Executive Officer of the Association and ex officio member of all committees with the exception of the Nominating Committee. 2. To serve as official representative of the Association and to designate other necessary representation. 3. To preside at all meetings and functions of the Association and of the Executive 4. With the approval of the Executive Board, to make such appointments from the Membership as required and not otherwise provided for (such as three election Tellers, if needed, auditors, Chairman of Rules Committee, Guest Day, Chairman of the Championship tournament, etc.) 5. To cast an open vote at meetings whenever necessary to break a tie. 6. To maintain general supervision over all affairs of the Association and to report to the general membership on the activities for the year. B. Duties of Vice President shall be : 1. To serve in the absence of the President and to perform all duties that office as outlined above whenever required to do so. 2. To designate weekly hostesses when vacancies occur and post duties thereof. 3. To supervise, purchase and present each special awards programs such as Birdies and Chip-ins, Banks Award, or any special awards determined by the Executive C. Duties of the Secretary shall be: 1. To keep a record of all meetings of the Association and Executive Board. 2. To conduct correspondence as necessary for the Association or at the request of 3. To keep an up-to-date copy of the BYLAWS and have it available at all meetings. 4. To perform such duties as the President direct. D. Duties of the Treasurer shall be: 1. To assume full responsibility for receiving and dispensing of all Association’s funds. An assistant can be appointed to perform the duties of that office if necessary, such as during the summer months if the Treasure is not a year around resident. The Treasurer and assistant each being able to sign checks. 2. To keep a detailed accounting of all money received /expended. 3. To collect annual dues from each member joining the Association for the period of November through March. 4. To receive all money from special events or fund-raising functions and dispense as directed by the Board and /or general membership of the Association. 5. To pay all authorized Association bills and maintain all substantiating records. 6. To post in the Association bulletin board a current roster of all paid up members 7. To make a report of funds whenever called for by the President at the monthly 8. To pay all outstanding debts of the Association following the final golfing day in March so that said books may be closed in time for a report by the auditors. 9. To serve as Chairman of the Budget Committee. E. Duties of the Handicap Chairman: 1. To prepare and post on the Association bulletin board rules regarding handicapping procedures. 2. To keep record of all Wednesday scorecards and adjust handicaps accordingly thereto, based on the best four of the last six scores. 3. To post computation of handicaps weekly. 4. To compute a handicap for a beginning golfer based on four scores, either from league play and/or with another golfer. 5. In case of a temporary absence or the Handicap Chairman, the President can appoint an assistant to perform these duties as provided by the BYLAWS. ARTICLE 1V: NOMINATIONS & ELECTIONS This Committee shall be composed of three (3) members appointed early enough for their slate of officers to be present at the February monthly meeting with the election held at the March meeting. Nominations may be made from the floor with the prior consent of the one newly nominated. A. Election shall be by secret ballot if there are multiple nominations. No absentee B. In order to be elected, a nominee must receive a majority of the votes cast. C. The elected officers shall be announced by the Chairman of the Nominating Committee at the conclusion of the business meeting in March. ARTICLE V: ADMINISTRATION Sec. 1. The administration of the Women’s Golf Association shall be vested in and managed By the Executive Board which shall be comprised of the five elected officers, each of Whom shall make a report at the regular meetings. Sec.2 It shall be the duty of the Executive Board: A. To transact all detailed business of the Association. B. To propose plans and recommendations for the consideration of the members at C. To operate under the budget based on the dues collected and other fund raisers for Sec.3. At least three of the five elected officers must be present to constitute a quorum. ARTICLE VI: AMENDMENTS Sec. 1. Proposed amendments to these BYLAWS shall be posted on the Associations bulletin Board and a vote to approve same will be held at the following meeting. Sec.2. These BYLAWS may be amended at any regular meeting be a vote of a majority of Sec.3. These BYLAWS shall be reviewed at least every two years, even if no revision is made. ​ ​


Office: (956) 425-1420

FAX: (956) 425-1420


1957 W Michigan Dr

Harlingen, TX 78550

Information in this site is authorized by

Sunshine Estates Property Owners Association (SEPO) and its residents.

©2024 by Sunshine Country Club Estates

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