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  • Bd Mtgs: 2024-2025 (Winter) | Sunshine Estates

    SEPO Board Meetings (Regular & Special) & Executive Sessions (Agendas - Recordings - Minutes) (10-01-2024 thru 03-31-2025) (Winter Season) Bd Mtg (Reg): 2025-03-10 Bd Mtg (Spec) & Exec Session: 2025-02-24 1st Bd Mtg (Required): 2025-02-18 Annual Mtg: 2025-02-18 Bd Mtg (Reg): 2025-02-10 "Res & Dir" Mtg: 2025-01-07 Bd Mtg (Reg): 2025-01-06 Bd Mtg (Reg): 2024-12-09 Bd Mtg (Reg): 2024-11-12 Bd Mtg (Spec): 2024-10-29 Bd Mtg (Reg): 2024-10-07 BOARD MEETING (Regular): Mar 10, 2025 @ 1 PM BOARD MEETING (Special): Mon, Feb 24, 2025 @ 11:30 AM 1 of 4 parts 2 of 4 parts 3 of 4 parts 4 of 4 parts 1st BOARD MEETING (Required): Tue, Feb 18, 2025 immediately after Annual Meeting ANNUAL MEETING: Tue, Feb 18, 2025 @ 1 PM & 3 PM 1 PM: Quorum Determination 3 PM: Election Results - Video starts with invocation 1 PM & 3 PM BOARD MEETING (Regular): Mon, Feb 10, 2025 @ 1 PM 1 PM Portion Only 3:15 PM Portion Only "RESIDENTS & DIRECTORS" MEETING: Mon, Jan 7, 2025 @ 1 PM Directors' Portion Only BOARD MEETING (Regular): Mon, Jan 6, 2025 @ 1 PM 1st '3' min of mtg Rest of mtg BOARD MEETING (Regular): Tue, Dec 9, 2024 @ 1 PM BOARD MEETING (Regular): Tue, Nov 12, 2024 @ 1 PM BOARD MEETING (Special): Tue, Oct 29, 2024 @ Noon BOARD MEETING (Regular): Mon, Oct 7, 2024 @ 1 PM Back to Top

  • Res Mtgs: 2024-2025 (Winter) | Sunshine Estates

    SEPO Residents Meeting Agendas & Videos (10-01-2024 thru 03-31-2025) (Winter Season) Res Mtg: 2025-03-11 "Res & Dir" Mtg: 2025-01-07 Res Mtg: 2024-12-10 Copy of Res Mtg: 2024-11-13 Res Mtg: 2024-10-08 RESIDENTS MEETING: Tue, Mar 11, 2025 @ 1 PM "RESIDENTS & DIRECTORS" MEETING: Mon, Jan 7, 2025 @ 1 PM Residents' Portion Only RESIDENTS MEETING: Tue, Dec 10, 2024 @ 1 PM RESIDENTS MEETING: Tue, Nov 13, 2024 @ 1 PM RESIDENTS MEETING: Tue, Oct 8, 2024 @ 1 PM Back to Top

  • Summary (Winter 2024-2025) | Sunshine Estates

    "WINTER" (2024-2025) DETAILED INFORMATION about the various SEPO Activities/Meetings below can be found by clicking on the links in each different section of events. Summary 2-Pager (2024-2025 Winter) Board/Residents & Club/Committee Mtgs Women's Club (2024-2025) Daily-Weekly-Monthly (Winter) Golf, Clubs, Committees, Special List of Clubs & Committees I will be continually updating this 2-pager as the SEPO Calendar is updated. See 'updates since last publication' in BLUE . If you would like to print the 2-pager without the BLUE updates click on this LINK . Back to Top ******************************** Meetings (WINTER: Oct 1, 2024 thru Mar 31, 2025) Click H ERE for Details SEPO Board & Residents Women's Club OTHER Clubs/Committees Back to Top ****************************** SEPO: Women's Club Activities Schedule (WINTER: Oct 1, 2024 thru Mar 31, 2025) Click HERE for Details The Women's Club Committee Activities Committee Signup Sheets are posted in the SEPO Library. Jill Ventrello Women’s Club Activities Director 720-660-8417 Back to Top ****************************** SEPO: Daily/Weekly/Monthly Activities Overview (WINTER: Oct 1, 2024 thru Mar 31, 2025) SUNDAY: 4 - 6 pm, Golf Scramble: O'Clockers (All Year: Daily / Golf Course) 7 - 9 pm, PO KE NO (All Year: Weekly / Library) MONDAY: 8 - 11 am, Tennis (All Year: Mon, Wed, Fri / Tennis Court) 8:25 - 9:25 am, Water Aerobics: Session #1 (All Year: Mon thru Fri / Pool) 9 am - Noon, Woodshop open (as long as there is a monitor present) (Winter: Mon thru Fri / Woodshop) 9:30 - 10:30 am, Water Aerobics: Session #2 (All Year: Mon thru Fri / Pool) 9:30 am - 12:30 pm, Line Dancing (Advanced) (All Year: Weekly / Retzlaff) 1 - 3 pm (through Mar 2025), Rock Painting: (Monthly - 1st & 4th Monday / Retzlaff Hall) 1 - 3:30 pm Bridge (All Year / Card Room) 1 - 4 pm, Woodshop open (as long as there is a monitor present) (Winter: Mon thru Fri / Woodshop) 4 - 6 pm, Golf Scramble: O'Clockers (All Year: Daily / Golf Course) 6:30 - 10 pm, Euchre (Winter / Card Room) TUESDAY : 8:30 - 11 am, Summer Golf League (Men & Women) (Summer: Tue thru 10-29-24 / Golf Course) 8:30 - 11:30 am, Pickleball (All Year: Tue & Thu / Tennis Court) 8:25 - 9:25 am, Water Aerobics: Session #1 (All Year: Mon thru Fri / Pool) 8:30 -10 am, Men's Golf League: Tee Time #1 (Weekly in Winter / Golf Course) 9 am - Noon, Woodshop open (as long as there is a monitor present) (Winter: Mon thru Fri / Woodshop) 9:30 - 10:30 am, Water Aerobics: Session #2 (All Year: Mon thru Fri / Pool) 10:15 - 11:45 am, Men's Golf League: Tee Time #2 (Weekly in Winter / Golf Course) 10:30 - 11:45 am, Line Dancing (Beginners) (All Year: Weekly / Retzlaff) 12:30 - 2:30 pm, Billiards: Texas 8 Ball (All Year: Tue, Thu, Sat / Pool Room) 1 - 3:30, Mahjong (All Year / Card Room) 1 - 4 pm, Woodshop open (as long as there is a monitor present) (Winter: Mon thru Fri / Woodshop) 4 - 6 pm, Golf Scramble: O'Clockers (All Year: Daily / Golf Course) 6:30 - 9 pm, Poker (Winter: Tue, Thu / Card Room) WEDNESDAY : 8 - 11 am, Tennis (All Year: Mon, Wed, Fri / Tennis Court) 8:25 - 9:25 am, Water Aerobics: Session #1 (All Year: Mon thru Fri / Pool) 9 am - Noon, Ladies' Golf Tee time (Winter: Weekly / Golf Course) 9 am - Noon, Woodshop open (as long as there is a monitor present) (Winter: Mon thru Fri / Woodshop) 9:30 - 10:30 am, Water Aerobics: Session #2 (All Year: Mon thru Fri / Pool) 9:30 am - Noon, Bible Study (Private) (Winter (11-13-24 thru 03-26-25) / Card Room) 1 - 4 pm, Bridge (All Year: Weekly / Library) 1 - 4 pm, Samba (All Year: Weekly / Card Room) 1 - 4 pm, Woodshop open (as long as there is a monitor present) (Winter: Mon thru Fri / Woodshop) 4 - 6 pm, Golf Scramble: O'Clockers (All Year: Daily / Golf Course) 6 :3 0 - 9 pm, Mexican Train (Dominos) (All Year: Weekly / Card Room) THURSDAY : 8 am - Coffee & Donuts, (Winter: Mon thru Fri / Library) 8:3 0 - 11:30 am, Pickleball (All Year: Tue & Thu / Tennis Court) 8:25 - 9:25 am, Water Aerobics: Session #1 (All Year: Mon thru Fri / Pool) 9 am - Noon, Woodshop open (as long as there is a monitor present) (Winter: Mon thru Fri / Woodshop) 9:30 - 10:30 am, Water Aerobics: Session #2 (All Year: Mon thru Fri / Pool) 9:30 am - 2 pm, Quilting: Killer Bees (All Year: Weekly / Retzlaff Hall) 12:30 - 2:30 pm, Billiards: Texas 8 Ball (All Year: Tue, Thu, Sat / Pool Room) 1 - 2:30 pm, Cards: Hand & Foot - Ladies (All Year: Weekly / Card Room) 1 - 4 pm, Woodshop open (as long as there is a monitor present) (Winter: Mon thru Fri / Woodshop) 4 - 6 pm, Happy Hour & Potluck (All year: Weekly / Retzlaff Hall) 4 - 9 pm, Happy Hour (finger food only) (All Year: Weekly / Pavilion) 4 - 6 pm, Golf Scramble: O'Clockers (All Year: Daily / Golf Course) 6:30 - 9 pm, Poker (Winter: Tue, Thu / Card Room) 6:30 - 8:30 pm, Stained Glass Class (Winter: Thu / Woodshop) FRIDAY : 8 - 11 am, Tennis (All Year: Mon, Wed, Fri / Tennis Court) 8:25 - 9:25 am, Water Aerobics: Session #1 (All Year: Mon thru Fri / Pool) 9 am - Noon, Woodshop open (as long as there is a monitor present) (Winter: Mon thru Fri / Woodshop) 9:30 - 10:30 am, Water Aerobics: Session #2 (All Year: Mon thru Fri / Pool) 10:30 am - 12:30 pm, Jokers (Card/Board Game) (All year: Weekly / Card Room) 1 - 3 pm, Table Tennis (Winter: Mon thru Fri / Retzlaff Hall) 1 - 4 pm, Woodshop open (as long as there is a monitor present) (Winter: Mon thru Fri / Woodshop) 4 - 6 pm, Golf Scramble: O'Clockers (All Year: Daily / Golf Course) 6:30 - 8:30 pm, Open Games (All Year / Card Room) SATURDAY : 9 - 10 am, Saturday Golf Scramble (All Year: W eekly / Golf Course) 12:30 - 2:30 pm, Billiards: Texas 8 Ball (All Year: Tue, Thu, Sat / Pool Room) 4 - 6 pm, Golf Scramble: O'Clockers (All Year: Daily / Golf Course) 6:30 - 9 pm, Mahjong (All Year: Daily / Card Room) 6:30 - 9 pm, Five Crowns (All Year: Daily / Card Room ) Back to Top SEPO: Golf, Clubs & Committees and Special Events Ove rview below (Winter: Oct 1, 2024 - Mar 31, 2025) View DETAILS of the Events Below by clicking on: G OLF or C LUBs & COMMITTEEs or SPECIAL or WC O CT 2024 : 4 - Health Fair (Women's Club / Retzlaff Hall) 4-5 - Garage Sale (Special / 4316 N Missouri St) 10 - Calling All Dogs and Cats too! (Special / Your Home) 16 - Oktoberfest (Women's Club / Pavilion Area & Retzlaff Hall ) 25 - Karaoke (Special / Retzlaff Hall) 31 - Halloween (Women's Club / Parade in Streets & Party in Retzlaff Hall) NOV 2024: 9 - Chili Cook-O ff (Women's Club / Retzlaff Hall) 11 - Veterans Day Tribute (Women's Club / Gazebo & Retzlaff Hall) 15 - Karaoke (Special / Retzlaff Hall) 18 - Palm Frond Paint Class (Special / Retzlaff Hall) 23 - Country Fair (Women's Club / Michigan Ave & Retzlaff Hall) 28 - Thanksgiving Dinner (Women's Club / Retzlaff Hall) 28 - Private Event (Special / Pavilion) DEC 2024: 4 - Private Event (Special / Retzlaff Hall) 7 - Craft/Bake Sale & Raffle (Women's Club / Retzlaff Hall) 14 - Private Event (Special / Retzlaff Hall) 18 - Karaoke (Special / Retzlaff Hall) 25 - Christmas Potluck (Women's Club / Retzlaff Hall) 29 - Celebration of Life: Jack Baethke (Special / Retzlaff Hall) 31 - NYE Party (Women's Club / Retzlaff Hall) JAN 2025 : 8 - Women's Golf Guest Day (CANCELLED) (Women's Golf / Golf Course) 11 - 2025 SEPO Election Ballot Pickup (SEPO / Library) 11 - New Homeowners' Party (Women's Club / R etzlaff Hall ) 13 - 2025 SEPO Election Ballot Pickup (SEPO / Library) 14 - Spaghetti Dinner (Woodworkers / Retzlaff Hal l) 15 - 2025 SEPO Election Meet & Greet (SEPO / Retzlaff Hal l ) 22 - Women's Golf Guest Day (Rain Date Used) (Women's Golf / Golf Course) 25 - Taste of Sunshine (Women's Club / R etzlaff Hall ) 28 - Karaoke (Special / Retzlaff Hall) FEB 2025: 1 - Potato Bake (Women's Golf / Retzlaff Hall) 2 - Private Event (Special / Pavilion & Retzlaff Hall) 4 - Brush & Bubbles (Women's Club / Retzlaff Hall) 7-8 - Guys & Dolls Golf Tournament (Golf / Golf Course) 8 - Guys & Dolls Golf Tournament Awards (Golf / Retzlaff Hall) 11 - Private Event: Fishing Club (Special / Pavilion ) 14-15 - Guys & Dolls Golf Tournament (Rain Dates Not Used) (Golf / Golf Course) 15 - Guys & Dolls Golf Tournament Awards (Rain Dates Not Used) (Golf / Retzlaff Hall) 16 - Concert: Brett Dana (Special / Retzlaff Hall) 18 - 2025 SEPO Election Ballot Counting (SEPO / Library) 19 - Private Event: Arts & Crafts (Special / Retzlaff Hall) 22 - Casino Night (Women's Club / Library & Retzlaff Hall) 27-28 - Good Neigh bor Day Golf Tournament (GNDGT): Days 1 & 2 (Golf / Golf Course) 27-28 - Good Neighbor Day Golf Tournament (GNDGT) Luncheon: Days 1 & 2 (Women's Golf / Retzlaff Hall) MAR 2025: 1 - Good Neigh bor Day Golf Tournament (GNDGT): Day 3 (Golf / Golf Course) 1 - Good Neigh bor Day Golf Tournament (GNDGT) Happy Hour (Golf / Pool & Pavilion) 1 - Good Neigh bor Day Golf Tournament (GNDGT) Awards Banquet (Golf / Retzlaff Hall) 3 to 4 - Men's League Golf Tournament (Golf / Golf Course) 4 - Fat Tuesday (Shrimp Boil) (Women's Club / Retzlaff Hall) 8 - Community Garage Sale (Special / Homes) 6 to 8 - Good Neighbor Day Golf Tournament (GNDGT) (Rain Dates Not Used) (Golf / Golf Course) 6 to 7 - Good Neighbor Day Golf Tournament (GNDGT) Luncheon (Rain Dates Not Used) (Women's Golf / Retzlaff Hall) 8 - Good Neigh bor Day Golf Tournament (GNDGT) Happy Hour (Rain Date Not Used) (Golf / Pool & Pavilion ) 8 - Good Neighbor Day Golf Tournament (GNDGT) Awards Banquet (Rain Date Not Used) (Golf / Ret zlaff Hall) 11 - Men's League Golf Lunch & Tournament Awards (Golf / Pavilion) 12 to 14 - Women's League Golf Tournament (Golf / Golf Course) 16 - Private: Minnesota Get-Together (Special / Retzlaff Hall) 17 - St. Pat's Party (Special / Retzlaff Hall) 19 - Women's League Golf Awards Banquet (If not needed for Tournament Rain Date ) (Golf / Pavilion & Retzlaff Hall) 19 to 21 - Women's League Golf Tournament (Rain Dates) (Golf / Golf Course) 23 - Women's High Tea (Women's Club / Retzlaff Hall) 28 - Women's League Golf Awards Banquet (Rain Date ) (Golf / Pavilion & Retzlaff Hall) 29 - Private Event (Special / Pavilion) 31 - WC Appreciation Luncheon (Special / Retzlaff Hall) APR 2025: 4 - End of Season Party (Women's Club / Retzlaff Hall) 22 - Earth Day Trash Pickup (Women's Club / Where ?) 23 - Private Event (Special / Retzlaff Hall) MAY 2025: 25 - Private Event (Special / Retzlaff Hall) Back to Top ****************************** SEPO: CLUBs & COMMITTEEs (20 24 - 2025) GOLF: MEN'S LEAGUE GOLF: WOMEN'S LEAGUE QUILTING (KILLER BEES) LINE DANCING NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH / CERT SEPO BOARD NOMINATING COMMITTEE SEPO BOARD ELECTION COMMITTEE SUNSHINE GIFT & MEMORIAL COMMITTEE SCCE FISHING ASSOCIATION SUNSHINE GARDEN CLUB SUNSHINE NATURE & BIRDING CLUB SUNSHINE ROCK PAINTING CLUB VETERANS' HONOR WALL WOODWORKERS WOMEN'S CLUB Women's Club Standing Committees: Activities Newsletter Historian Librarian Purchasing Back to Top

  • 2025-03 Emails | Sunshine Estates

    S EPO Community Emails: March 2025 Sent 2025-03-03: Community Wide Garage Sale - 🎉🌞 SUNSHINE GARAGE SALE ! 🌞🎉 Join us on March 8th for the Sunshine Country Club Estates Community Wide Garage Sale! 🏡✨ 🕙 Time: 7AM to 2PM 🛍️ Where: Throughout our lovely community 🙏 Sonshine Ministries will pick up all donated items at 2:15PM left on your curb. Get ready to hunt for treasures, snag some amazing deals, and connect with your neighbors! 👫 💛 Spread the word & get your friends! Let's make it a day to remember! Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. Sincerely, Pam Davis, 214–516–4844 Sent 2025-03-01: MARKET: Homes For Sale or Rent (Weekly Update) - This past week, the following updates were made to Homes for Sale / Rent on the Sunshine MARKET . For Sale On Mar 1, 2025: The home owned by Keith and Linda Axvig, 4248 North Minnesota Street , is For Sale - Beth Parrish, Sunshine Website Admin Email: 314-960-6710 Sent 2025-03-01: Shrimp Boil signup ends Monday morning - The Shrimp Boil signup sheet will be taken down on Monday morning. - Cindy Hulswit, 701 318-0444 Back to Top

  • 2025-02 Emails | Sunshine Estates

    S EPO Community Emails: Februry 2025 (In Process of adding rest of emails for this month.) Sent 2025-02-27: Birding & Nature Club: Upcoming Event - Notice: On behalf of the Garden Club and the Birding and Nature Club, I would like to extend my appreciation to our fellow neighbors who helped with the installation of the fence at Texas Ave. It was quite a project and the outcome could not have been better. Good work everyone! On Monday, March 3rd, we have the distinct pleasure of welcoming Naturalist and Valey Entrepreneur Keith Hackland as our guest speaker. Keith, along with his wife, Audrey Jones, own and operate the Alamo Inn, Alamo , Texas. Their Inn is a premier destination for birders from all around the world. Come join us as we welcome Keith to our birding club. See you soon, - Deb Jones, Secretary, Birding and Nature Club Sent 2025-02-26: GNDGT Afternoon Tee Time is 1:00 PM. Captains meet at 12:30 PM. - I made an error regarding the tee time for the PM group. The tee time is 1:00P M not 12 noon as previously posted. Also, the meeting time for the PM Captains was wrong. They will meet at 12:30 PM not AM. Please take note of my errors. The attached reflects the corrected pairings and the correct tee & captain meet times. I hope this gets to everyone in time for them to realize this error. - Tony Tramel, GNDGT Chair Sent 2025-02-24: REMINDER - MARK YOUR CALENDARS: Golf Course Closures during Feb/Mar 2025- Please make note of the Dates and Times below that the Sunshine Golf Course will be closed to anyone who is not participating in these events. - Scott Kronshage, Golf Course Director, SEPO Board Sent 2025-02-24: GNDGT: Pairings, Rules etc - The below has been provided to all players in the tournament and is also posted in the Library. In case you are interested in who is playing and the rules of play, see below. - Tony Tramel, GNDGT Chairperson Sent 2025-02-24: GNDGT Women's Golf Lunch Stand - The Women's Golf League will once again have a lunch stand on Thursday and Friday of the Good Neighbor Day Golf Tournament. Retzlaff Hall will be open for lunch from 11 to 2 for all golfers and any Sunshine resident/renter that would like to attend. Come one, come all. - Terry DeBackere Sent 2025-02-23: FINAL REMINDER: MAR 2025 Newsletter Articles Due by End of Day FEB 24, 2025 - Here's your FINAL reminder that next month's Newsletter articles are due by end of day on the 24th of this month. They should be submitted to . I've only received one article so far. I would encourage you to include any April events in this Newsletter, since this will be the final Newsletter for the 2024-2025 Winter Season. Even if you don't have all of the information finalized by the Newsletter deadline, send 'what you do know so far' or just 'Save the Date' . It's also a perfect opportunity to recap past events and/or thank those who helped you with prior events/activities. Newsletter Guidelines are posted on the website HERE . Prior Newsletters, which you can use as examples, can be found HERE . Please call with questions. - Beth Parrish, SEPO Newsletter Editor Email: 314-960-6710 Sent 2025-02-23: UNAPPROVED: WC - Minutes from 2025-02-22 - The 'UNAPPROVED' minutes from the Women's Club meeting on Friday, Feb 18, 2025 are below and also available on the Sunshine website HERE . - Lisa Perrier, WC Secretary Sent 2025-02-22: MARKET: Homes For Sale or Rent (Weekly Update) - This past week, the following updates were made to Homes for Sale / Rent on the Sunshine MARKET . For Sale On Feb 19, 2025: The home owned by Jim Bilot & Barbara Young, 1913 W Montana Avenue, is For Sale. On Feb 20, 2025: The home owned by Isabel Muller, 4108 4 N Nebraska Street, is For Sale. On Feb 21, 2025: The price has been reduced on the home at 4217 N Missouri, owned by Scott & Anita Woodward. - Beth Parrish, Sunshine Website Admin Email: 314-960-6710 Sent 2025-02-21: Saturday Scramble - Just to clarify, no Saturday Scramble Saturday February 22nd, 2025. The cold weather continues with a chance of rain through the day. Have a great weekend and see you next Saturday if not before. Thank you, - Nancy and Matt Lyne Sent 2025-02-21: Women's Club 2025-2026 Activities planning meeting - Hello ladies. I told those of you at the Women's Club meeting that the annual planning meeting was scheduled for March 5th in the library at 10:00 but that has changed. We have to have it before March 1st so therefore it will still be in the library at 10:00 but on the 26th of February. Those of you that were not at the meeting, we would love for you to attend if you have any ideas for what you like to see happen next year, especially if you'd like to chair an event. We look forward to seeing you there. - Jill Ventrello Sent 2025-02-21: ACTION REQUIRED: Activity Request Approval Process for 2025-2026 - In the minutes from the 2025 Board (1st Required) meeting on Feb 18, 2025, along with info about your 2025 Board members, the announcement concerning Activity Request processing for 2025-2026 events was explained. To emphasize - Activity Requests for 2025-2026 need to be given to Valerie by March 1, 2025 as explained in the process posted on the Sunshine website HERE . Priority requests will be approved at the March 10, 2025 Board meeting in the order stated on the website. All other requests also need to go to Valerie and will be approved by the Office on a first come / first processed basis. SEPO Board Sent 2025-02-11: ANNOUNCEMENT: 95th birthday for Grace Nolte Hedstrom - Dear Sunshine Country Club Estates, My mother Grace Nolte Hedstrom, who was a resident of Sunshine from 1999 to 2020, is celebrating her 95th birthday on March 6. We are hosting a card shower for her. I know she would love to hear from her Sunshine friends. - Susan Nolte Jacob, 641-330-9876 Sent 2025-02-11: REMINDER: WC Casino Night - Tickets will be: $25.00 each - And only 180 total tickets will be sold. Ticket sales dates will be in our library on - Wednesday Feb12th, 10am to11am > for casino night workers AND 11am to 2pm > for everyone else Thursday Feb 13th, 12pm to 2 pm for all tickets that are left until they are sold out. - Vicky LeRoy Krueger, 785-418-6208 & Cindy Hulswit. 701-318-0444 Sent 2025-02-11: VIDEO: Board Mtg (Reg) Feb 10, 2025 - NOTE: There are two videos from the Feb 10, 2025 Regular Board meeting. The first meeting was called to order at 1 PM. This meeting was adjourned around 2 PM and the Board went into Executive Session. There is never a video from an Executive Session. At approximately 3:15 PM the second portion of the Board Mtg (Reg) was called to order and is on video. The two videos are available on the Sunshine Web site HERE . Please contact Beth Parrish with any technical / website issues/questions. Please contact Randy Davis with any meeting content questions. - Randy Davis, SEPO Board Secretary Sent 2025-02-11: Have you voted yet? - Everyone should have received their 2025 SEPO Election Ballot packets by now. At 1 PM today (Feb 11, 2025) you will have exactly one week (seven days) to fill out your ballot and drop it into the locked Ballot Box in front of the SEPO Office. Please don't forget to fill out the 'Attendance' Proxy statement before submitting your ballot. In the next couple of days I'll be sending another email with some more details about exactly what you should expect and need to do prior to and on election day, which is Feb 18, 2025. Please call me with questions at any time. Beth Parrish, 2025 SEPO Election Committee Chairperson 314-960-6710 Sent 2025-02-10: AGENDA: ANNUAL Mtg - Tue, Feb 18, 2025 @ 1 & 3 PM - The agenda for the Tue, Feb 18 2025 ANNUAL Meeting at 1 & 3 PM can be viewed / printed directly from HERE and on the Sunshine website HERE . A paper copy of this agenda will also be posted in the SEPO office, on the poolside door into Retzlaff Hall and by the mailboxes. - Randy Davis, SEPO Board Secretary Sent 2025-02-10: Reminder of Garden Club speaker - Reminder: Sunshine Garden Club Speaker Tuesday, February 11th Retzlaff Hall at 6:30 Hope you can make the presentation about the healthy benefits of edible mushrooms. Our speaker is a teacher and coming from Pharr. Hope to see you Tuesday. Signup not needed. - Susanne Ulrich Sent 2025-02-08: UNAPPROVED: SEPO Financials, 2025-01 (January) - The UNAPPROVED January 2025 SEPO Financials are posted on the Sunshine Website HERE . If anyone has any questions, feel free to email them to . These financial reports are preliminary and may change when our CPA completes our 2024 tax return. See my explanations duly noted on the reports." - Tracy Wagner, Treasurer for Sunshine Estates Property Owners, Inc., Sent 2025-02-05: GUYS & DOLLS award banquet - Guys & Dolls Awards Banquet 5:00pm Saturday Feb. 8th Retzlaff Hall Saturday evening there will be a Happy Hour and awards ceremony. Everyone bring your favorite finger food to share, and also your favorite beverage. Play format & Rules: Teams exchange cards for scoring. Confirms scores after each hole. Team A tees off first. Team B next. Team farthest out hits after that…. NO mulligans! Any whiff is a stroke. NO”gimmies” at the hole the ball must be putted in. Team’s turn is over once the ball is in the hole. The partner cannot continue putting. The hole is done. Return cards to the library Friday and Saturday after play. Cards not returned will receive no score for the day. Advance 2 holes for Saturday tee off. Hope everyone has fun! - Sent from Deloris Pearcy Sent 2025-02-02: Casino Night February 22nd! - Casino night is just around the corner Saturday, February 22 from 6:30 PM to 9:30 PM Snacks and Popcorn, Wine, Beer and some adult drinks will be served. Tickets will be: $25.00 each and only 180 total tickets will be sold. Ticket sales dates will be in our library on Wednesday Feb12th 10am to11am for casino night workers and 11am to 2pm for everyone else. Tickets also available on Thursday Feb 13th, 12pm to 2 pm for any that are left until they are sold out. We are sill looking for donations. If you have something new and of good value please let us know. Or if you frequent a business and would like to ask them to donate that would be great. If you go shopping and would like to pickup a gift card or two to donate that would be much appreciated. This a fun event and a very costly event to put on. This is one of Women’s Club biggest events of the season and with everyone’s help it's lots of fun for all! Replies come direct to my email or any question’s please contact: Vicky LeRoy Krueger, 785-418-6208 & Cindy Hulswit, 701-318-0444 Back to Top

  • 2025-01 Emails | Sunshine Estates

    S EPO Community Emails: January 2025 (In Process of adding rest of emails for this month. ) Sent 2025-01-01: STAINED GLASS CLASS STARTS THURSDAY JAN 9TH - Stained glass classes will start Thursday, Jan 9th, from 6:30 to about 8:30 p.m. These sessions are for all residents and renters who are interested in trying your hand at stained glass. We have many donated items, such as patterns, tools, glass, etc., so you need nothing but your own imagination, and your two hands, and a desire to try this art form. Classes are held in the woodshop, which is located in the storage area, and you will need your front gate clicker in order to enter. There is no exact order for the classes, so if you miss a week, that is not a problem. I am hoping to have a few other glass artists to assist in helping people feel more comfortable working with the glass. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. If I don't answer, please leave me a voicemail and I will promptly return your call. - Cathy Chajec, 708-280-8910 Sent 2025-01-01: WC: New Homeowners' Party - Sent 2025-01-01: Pool has been reopened - Our pool has been reopened. - Tony Adams, SEPO Board Sent 2025-01-01: Birding and Nature Club Notice - Hey, Birding and Nature enthusiasts! Just a reminder, Mike Heep, our local expert on regional and indigenous plants along with Rio Grande Valley habitat, will be our featured speaker Monday, January 6 at 7PM in Retzlaff Hall. Please join us for this enjoyable and informative presentation. All Are welcome! - Deb Jones, Secretary, Birding and Nature Club Back to Top

  • Homes For Sale | Sunshine Estates

    Home For Sale in Sunshine Country Club Estates SUNSHINE PROPERTIES FOR SALE - All properties listed below are in Harlingen TX, 78550. - Please check back periodically for Update s to available Sunshine Properties for Sale. (NOTE: If you were directed to this page from a SEPO email and do not see the home the email referred to, that indicates the home has been sold. La st Updated 03-01-2025 *************** 4248 North Minnesota Street (Added 03-01-2025) Own er: Keith and Linda Axvig Contact (Marketed By): Cindy Shriver/Broker Dream Valley Properties, LLC 956-970-0449 Descripti on: This property is a spacious bricked over double wide with a Texas room addition and a double car garage on a corner golf course lot. Upon entering, open living room / dining room / kitchen areas, great for entertaining Living room features newer furniture Large dining room set to convey You will love this kitchen. Newer oak cabinets with rollouts, wonderful size pantry, also with rollouts. Nice sized island. White kitchen appliances Laundry room off kitchen. Additional pantry Split floor plan (master bedroom on one side and two additional bedrooms on opposite) Master features private bath and walk-in closet. Newer bedroom set to convey Additional bedrooms nice sized each with bifold closets Guest bath with newer shower Patio doors off dining room to good size Texas room French doors off Texas room to outside patio with fantastic views of golf course Laminate flooring Vaulted ceilings Some newer updated lighting and fans Two car attached garage with ample shelving and workbench areas Roof approximately 10 years old Newer, approximately 2 years old, AC unit and new duct work installed Newer water heater New electrical box outside and inside Hurricane shutters All appliances, furniture, and golf cart included 1700 ft² Built in 1984 2024 taxes: $3,679 Asking Price: $ 199,999 SEE PICTURES HERE: *************** 4113 N Nebraska Street (Updated 02-22-2025: Price Reduced) Own er: Gary and Chris Price Contact (Marketed By): Cindy Shriver/Broker Dream Valley Properties, LLC 956-970-0449 Descripti on: Updated and furnished two bedroom, two bath, two car garage furnished brick home on golf course. Freshly painted Nicely decorated Chair rails New plank flooring Panel doors throughout Hurricane shutters Newer furnace / AC unit Newer water heater Water filter system Upgraded ceiling fans/lights No popcorn ceilings Front master bedroom with: Updated ensuite bath Built-in shelving and cabinets Huge master walk-in closet with built-in dresser Berber carpet Spacious second bedroom with: Nice size walk-in closet with built-in shoe rack Main bath with some upgrades Formal dining room with: Great views to golf course Spacious kitchen with: Tons of kitchen cabinets and pantries many with roll out shelving Newer countertops Eat at counter snack bar Kitchen box window over sink Nice appliances Open floor plan to additional dining area Tile flooring Laundry room located between kitchen and garage entry Additional cabinets and pantry with roll out shelves Pull down ironing board Large 22 1/2' by 21' garage Oversized garage door Lots of storage cabinets Workbench Pull down ladder for extra storage Epoxy floor Tiled back patio slab Square feet: 1564 Year Built: 1989 2023 Taxes: $3,266 Asking Price: $285,000 (Price Reduced) SEE PICTURES HERE: *************** 4217 N Missouri Street (Updated 02-21-2025: Price Reduced) Own er(s): Owners: Scott & Anita Woodward Contact (Marketed By): Cindy Shriver/Broker Dream Valley Properties, LLC 956-970-0449 Descripti on: Beautiful Golf Course Home- Located behind 5th Tee Box Full View of 5th Hole & View of #1 & #2 Greens 2 Bedrooms -2 Full Baths with Large Master Walk-in Closet Roof- 2024 Top Line Atlas Lifetime roof system, shingle & algae resistance with Tx. Windstorm Certificate - Transferable Warranty Storm Shutters: 1-Electric & 1-Crank on Back Windows + metal for other windows Spacious Kitchen, Laundry Room, with Central AC & Heat in Sunroom Washer and Dryer included Lots of Windows for full views. Full Size 2 Car Garage with side door entrance with built in cabinets & workbench Nice Sized Front Sitting Porch Ample Cabinets in Kitchen, Laundry, Garage, Bedrooms & Bathrooms Interior Re-stained & Sealed Front Entry Door, both sides Ceilings scraped, textured, painted Fresh paint on walls Wood cabinets, trim & doors with fresh varnish top coat New ceiling lights in living room & sunroom with dimmer switches New living room fan and exhaust fans in bathrooms New chandelier in dining room New electrical outlets & switches throughout house Replaced toilets New tile & faucets in both baths with niches New carpet in bedrooms Good Sized interior Laundry Room Exterior Termite Bait System Removed rock yard & added concrete beam on side yard & golf course side Added dirt & planted bermuda grass in yard Crepe Myrtle in front yard Accent flower bed in front yard Additional information 2023 Water Heater Culligan Heavy Duty Water Softener with Kitchen RO Kenmore Refrigerator with filtered water and ice 2021 Dishwasher Electric Range and Microwave Newer Central AC & Heat Year built 1988 Sq. Ft. 1618 2024 Taxes: $3,537 no exemptions Asking Price: $278,000 (Price Reduced) SEE PICTURES BELOW: *************** 4108 N Nebraska Street (Added 02-20-2025) Owner: Isabel Patricia Muller Contact (Marketed By): Patricia Muller Coldwell Banker La Mansion Real Estate 956-200-5608 or office 956-504-2727 Description: Cozy stick built Home, open concept with spacious living area, vaulted ceilings, 2 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath. (Not mobile home) Updates in the last 2 years: New Refrigerator New Water Heater New Back door New Mini- split unit in Living area New Floors New Interior painting Water filters in kitchen and hall bath filter Newer fixtures in Kitchen and hall bath. New Living room sofas Other description: Grass area around the Home, great for pet area. Attached storage shed Roof installed 2020 by Economy roofing Vaulted ceilings in the main area. Nice size master bedroom with double bifold closets and vanity/counter area. Ample cabinet area and built in pantry Coat closet Conveys with home: All appliances, semi furnished :kitchen table and chairs, living area sofas and a Main bedroom set, Patio table. Rest of furniture and art on walls is negotiable. Year built: 1981 Addition: 2000 Square feet: 874 2024 Taxes approximately with exemptions: $750.00 Asking Price: $85,000 SEE PICTURES HERE: *************** 1913 W Montana Ave (Updated 02-16-2025) Own er: Jim Bilot & Barbara Young Contact (Marketed By): Cindy Shriver/Broker Dream Valley Properties, LLC 956-970-0449 Descripti on: Cozy two bedroom two bath mobile home. Open floor plan Nice front windows looking out living room New living room TV Living room features sofa sleeper Ample kitchen counters, pantry, and cabinets with newer range and standard appliances Nice size dining area Newer washer dryer Walkthrough main bath Master bedroom with wall to wall closet Addition features nice second bedroom with adjustable bed and walkout. Included is newer heat and air units for this area Updated second bathroom Attached outside shed behind addition Newer ceiling fans Two new mini splits recently installed in home Roof approximately 3 years old Appliances and all furniture stay, also household items and dishes Approximate SF: 925 Lot size: 71x40 Year built: 1982 2024 taxes: $699 Asking Price: $59,900 SEE PICTURES HERE: *************** 4104 N Missouri Street (Added 02-13-2025) Own er: Frank Leal & Diana Girard Contact (Marketed By): Cindy Shriver/Broker Dream Valley Properties, LLC 956-970-0449 Descripti on: Beautifully remodeled two bedroom, two bath mobile home located on corner lot. Cozy large living room with nice views Open floor plan featuring good sized dining room and kitchen Kitchen features ample white cabinets, newer appliances, reverse osmosis system, garbage disposal, and floating island Main area with vaulted ceilings Home interior freshly painted Newer double pane windows throughout Newer back door Updated white panel doors throughout Updated white vertical blinds Newer flooring New lighting fixtures and ceiling fans Updated bathrooms featuring newer commode, towel bars, grab bars, faucets Updated lighting in closets Repaired and cleaned ductwork in back corner bedroom Newer water heater and piping Newer outside AC unit with recently updated line Three brand new mini splits for energy efficiency Updated electrical and new exterior electrical box Metal roof recently sealed and repainted Exterior gutters New exterior shutters Two exterior sheds, 12x12 and 11x10, one remodeled into golf cart garage Newer white rock around exterior House recently releveled Exterior of home just power washed Property backs up to Resaca for no rear neighbors and more privacy and features a green area for your pet Some furniture to be removed or swapped out Square feet: 1196 Built: 1996 2024 taxes: $1,572 Asking Price: $148,500 SEE PICTURES HERE: *************** 4125 N Minnesota Street (Updated 02-12-2025: Price Reduced) Own er: Jerry and Sharon Hanson Contact (Marketed By): Cindy Shriver/Broker Dream Valley Properties, LLC 956-970-0449 Descripti on: Large bricked over double-wide mobile home on fantastic scenic lot Fully furnished and new outdoor furniture included Three bedrooms Two full bathrooms Oversized attached garage with plenty of room for golf cart and vehicle, storage, workshop area, utility and laundry room Nice size kitchen with abundant cabinets and large pantry. Eat-at-counter snack bar. Dine-in kitchen area Front huge formal dining room and living room with vaulted ceilings and wood beams Large attached four season porch Bonus room at rear of home Lots of newer flooring Roof approximately 6 to 7 years old with 25-year shingles Walkout to backyard situated with views directly to lake/pond. Enjoy beautiful sunsets Huge patio area for private entertaining Brand new pergola with roll down sunscreens Newly rocked yard Square feet: 1888 + 322 porch Lot size: approximately 75 by 60 2024 taxes: $3,580 Asking Price: $169,000 (Price Reduced) SEE PICTURES HERE: *************** 4328 N Kansas St (Updated 02-10-2025: Price Reduced) Own er: Patricia Jorgenson Contact (Marketed By): Lolly Burns 956-873-2686 Descripti on: Welcome to a remarkably clean and updated brick home on the golf course at Sunshine Country Club Estates. This two bedroom, two bath home is being sold completely furnished. It's had many updates and improvements in the last five years and is truly in move-right-in condition! There is a one car garage on one side plus a workshop/golf cart garage on the other. The back bedroom is oversized and used as a TV area, too. Enjoy the covered patio overlooking the golf course. The yard is no-maintenance! Sunshine Country Club Estates is an over-55 community with a pool, tennis, a woodshop and a large community hall in addition to the golf course. Annual HOA dues are $1455 ($121.25 monthly). This home is a real 'cream puff' and you could be the next lucky owner. Asking Price: $ 179,900 (Price Reducted) SEE PICTURES BELOW: *************** 4133 N Missouri Street (Updated 01-30-2025: Price Reduced) Own er: Don Van Ells Contact (Marketed By): Cindy Shriver/Broker Dream Valley Properties, LLC 956-970-0449 Descripti on: Nicely furnished brick home Large master bedroom with double windows, walk-in closet, and ensuite bath Second bedroom or den Huge front living room with Berber carpet L-shaped kitchen with light oak cabinets, full set of appliances, and large eat-in dining area Second full bath Nice size laundry room Walk out door to back Bricked-in attached carport, could easily be enclosed Built: 1999 Square feet: 1080 2024 Taxes: $2,341 Asking Price: $124,900 (Price Reduced) SEE PICTURES HERE: *************** 1944 W Wisconsin Ave (Updated 01-13-2025: Price Reduced) Own er: Mirtala Boman Contact (Marketed By): Sue Ann Taubert, Broker Associate RE/MAX Elite Cell: 956-245-4184 Office: 956-496-2012 Descripti on: Welcome to Sunshine Country Club Estates 55+ Retirement Community. Make this lovely 2 bedroom 1.5 bath home your own. The home has many updates including quartz counter tops, fresh paint, plumbing upgrades, hurricane shutters and more. A multi purpose bonus room on the back of the home has built in cabinets and is currently used as a den. Amenities to keep you busy include golf, swimming pool, pickle ball, billiards, shuffleboard, wood working shop, pot luck dinners, card games and more. For your fur babies, there is a dog park. This home is charming and ready for a new owner! Asking Price: $179,900 (Price Reduced) SEE PICTURES BELOW: *************** 2029 W Montana Ave (Updated 01-09-2025: Price Reduced) Own er: Deb Salemi Contact: Sue Ann Taubert (RE/MAX Elite, Associate Broker) 956-245-4184 email: Description: All title issues have been resolved and the home is ready to sell 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 2 living areas, covered carport, storage rooms Asking Price: $98,000 (Price Reduced) SEE PICTURES BELOW: *************** 4309 N Minnesota Street (Added 01-09-2025) Own er & Contact: Rosa B Allen @ 409-697-0055 or Descripti on: 1 bedroom, 2 bath, 1,090 sq ft, 5,662 sq ft lot, mobile 1984, primary bedroom shower only, bonus room, central air / heater, ceiling fans, carpet/tile floor, window curtains/drapes, dishwasher, electric range, refrigerator, laundry hook up, water heater, patio slab, slab foundation, workshop/storage room. Asking Price: $87,000 SEE PICTURES BELOW: *************** 4313 N Minnesota (Updated 01-08-2025) Own er & Contact: Nanci Cooley @ 956-596-1630 Descripti on: Hello there. Thank you for visiting my home. First of all if you are interested at all do not contact an agent. I am selling this house without an agent. Please contact me at my phone number 956-596-1630. Sunshine County Club Estates Beautiful open concept Mobile and you own your property. No rental dues. For this being a Mobile it really gives a lot of living space in the living room as well as the kitchen. And with having two bathrooms it allows privacy as well as convenience. The best thing about this house is that it has privacy. You're not back directly up to another person's house and it offers a very peaceful serene back patio that is a real plus in itself! A very big concrete slab offers many options for entertaining or just sitting out back to enjoy some peace and quiet and offers beautiful wildflowers during different seasons. The bedroom is also in the back of the house and has a large picture window. New ceiling fans with lights in the kitchen and bedroom and new Mini splits (3) throughout to offer temperature control throughout the home. The kitchen as you can see is very large with an eating and possible sitting area as well. This home has been well kept and updated. The bay windows in the kitchen and the bedroom are an added plus for a light and decor. A soft water system was installed this past summer. This keeps the appliances from getting deposits and makes all plumbing work better. Furniture is negotiable. Please forgive the pictures as I quickly took some to be able to post this. Try to look past the dishes and such !!! You know what they say location, location, location, and this is in a much desired location in this 55+ community. This community offers peaceful living along with a community swimming pool and clubhouse, workout room billiards room, and golf course. Check out their website to see all that it offers. I would also entertain the idea of a lease option to purchase or renting Please no call from realtors. I am also open to Renting. See Rental Details HERE . Asking Price: $87,000 SEE PICTURES HERE: *************** 1941 W Iowa Avenue (Updated 01-04-2025: Pictures) Own er: Nile & Marlene Hall Contact (Marketed By): Cindy Shriver/Broker Dream Valley Properties, LLC 956-970-0449 Descripti on: Very upgraded two bedroom, two bath, Texas room, two car garage, furnished brick home. Original copper piping removed and new Pex plumbing installed throughout 2023 Newer AC/furnace unit Roof 10 years old Newer windows including three large beautiful pictionary windows Custom "zebra" blinds No popcorn ceilings New lighting/ceiling fans Freshly painted interior Tile flooring Upgraded kitchen... Lightly gray painted cabinets with new hardware Newer countertops Eat-at-kitchen snack bar New subway tile backsplash New upgraded kitchen sink Kitchen window box Newer upgraded kitchen appliances -- convection/air fryer range Huge Texas room with large cabinet/closet, desk & book shelves Walk out to beautiful private fenced backyard Nice sized second bathroom Second bedroom with adjustable bed and wall mounted TV Master bedroom with King size bed Barn door to master bath Double bowl master bath vanity and walk-in shower Huge walk-in closet with built-in dresser Large front entry porch Spacious living room with wall mounted TV Laundry room with pantry, additional shelving, & cabinets Garage features lots of cabinets, pull down ladder for extra storage, insulated garage door and attic, garage door keypad, and mini split AC/heat system Irrigation system for property Culligan water softener New cement driveway and sidewalk 2022 Home built on higher elevation lot 1662 ft² Built in 1989 2023 taxes: $2,365 Asking Price: 279,900 SEE PICTURES HERE: *************** 2029 W Michigan Ave (Updated 01-03-2025: Price Reduced) Own er & Contact: Derrel Clubb @ (641) 799-6415 It is better to text me first rather than call. Descripti on: A 2 bedrooms & 2 full baths (with shower massage jets each), outside vinyl siding ,carpet, upscale wood flooring, ceiling fans and double panel windows. The kitchen with a spacious open floor plan and ample cabinet space. Enjoy also an extra living/office/dining area. Take care of your projects in your personal workshop and an extra storage room. As a plus, many pieces of furniture (love seat, recliner, tables, TV stand, dining set, bed, and all appliances) will convey. Asking Price: $187,000 (Price Reduced) SEE PICTURES HERE: *************** 4312 N Missouri Street (Updated 12-06-2024) Own er: Richard & Patrice Ayala Contacts: Richard Ayala @ 313-310-4132 or Patrice Ayala @ 313-613-3521 Descripti on: 2 bedrooms 2 baths Eat in kitchen Furnishings and appliances Storage shed with enough room for a golf cart Asking Price: $78,000 SEE PICTURES BELOW: *************** 4336 N Minnesota Street (Added 11-26-2024) Own er & Contact: Judy Albert : 956-264-0256 (Leave a message for a return call. Otherwise, it will go to spam.) Description: Updated Home For Sale Gated …Sunshine County Club Estates... on Minnesota St. 2 Beds 2 Baths 1 car garage Updates: New Roof 2020 New ceramic floor throughout New hot water heater Water filtration Home comes completely furnished, all appliances, including washer and dryer. Has most of the kitchen essentials …dishes, pans etc. Living room, essentials and dining room, essentials pictures below. Has storm shutters throughout. Has a New Murphy bed and queen mattress never used. Includes the bureau and TV. Master bedroom has a queen size bed and a wall TV. Interested, please leave a message for a return call otherwise it will go to spam Can be shown if interested. Asking Price: 229,000 SEE PICTURES BELOW: *************** 4332 N Minnesota Street (Corrected 11-11-2024) Own er: Nile & Marlene Hall Contact (Marketed By): Cindy Shriver/Broker Dream Valley Properties, LLC 956-970-0449 Descripti on: Custom built, furnished two bedroom, one and a half bath, one car garage brick home. Freshly painted interior Tile flooring Vaulted ceiling Updated ceiling fans Custom blinds/shutters Rounded corner walls Front bay/box window Panel doors Oak kitchen cabinets Upgraded kitchen appliances Tile backsplash Granite counters in kitchen and baths Large kitchen pantry Walkthrough bath features large walk-in shower (Italian tile) 1-year-old stackable washer dryer New garage door opener Approximate square feet: 1086 Year Built: 2002 2023 Taxes: $2,854 Asking Price: $169,900 SEE PICTURES HERE: *************** 2008 W Iowa Avenue (Added 10-13-2024) Own er & Contact: Suzzane Gustafson @ 956-656-0139 Descripti on: Located in Sunshine Country Club Estates, this 2 bedroom 2 bathroom home has an office that has been freshly painted. New vinyl flooring was installed in the office. Both bedrooms have walk-in closets. The garage has a golf cart garage plus a workshop. Asking Price: $229,000 SEE PICTURES BELOW: *************** 4344 N Missouri Street (Updated 10-09-2024) Own er: Margo & Bobby Crouch Contact (Marketed By): Jennifer Martinez for more information @ 956-252-0004 Descripti on: Stunningly Updated 2-Bed, 2-Bath Home with Modern Amenities! If you're searching for a home with all the bells and whistles, this is the one! Recently updated, this gorgeous 2-bedroom, 2-bath property is loaded with modern fixtures and conveniences. Key Features: Energy Efficiency: Equipped with solar panels and a tankless water heater for sustainable living. Comfort: Brand new interior and exterior A/C units to keep you cool year-round. Stylish Upgrades: New flooring, baseboards, ceiling fans, and lighting throughout the home. Luxury Touches: Beautifully updated bathroom fixtures that add a touch of elegance. Ample Parking: 3-car garage, offering plenty of space for vehicles, storage, and the EZGO 2017 Golf cart that is included in the sale Outdoor Oasis: The expansive lot-and-a-half features beautifully landscaped grounds, complete with a charming pergola for relaxing or entertaining in the backyard. This home truly has it all—schedule a showing today to experience it for yourself! Asking Price: Includes 2017 EZgo Golf Cart w/New Batteries - $335,000 (Price Reduction) SEE PICTURES AT THIS LINK & BELOW: Back to Top Back to Sale/Rent Page

  • Activity-Mtg Request | Sunshine Estates

    SEPO Activity/Meeting Room Request Print PROCESS From Here Print FORM From Here Click here for Acty/Mtg Request Process Click here for Acty/Mtg Request Form Click here for 2024-2025 Winter Activities Calendar Bottom of Page Click here for Acty/Mtg Request Process Sunshine Activities/Meeting Room Request Process (Revision 5 dated August 7, 2023) - View/Print Request Process HE R E - “PRIORITY” of Activities/Meetings for Approval each year – Board and Residents Meetings. Good Neighbor Day Golf Tournament & Awards Party/Banquet. Architectural Control Committee (ACC) Meetings. Women's Club Activities. Women’s/Men’s Golf ‘League’ Events. (First submitted are the first reviewed for approval.) Day(s)/Dates & Tee Time(s) Tournament Rewards Party All other activities/meetings. (First submitted are the first reviewed for approval.) Women's Club Meetings. Neighborhood Watch (NW) Meetings. All other activities (i.e., Other Golf events, Clubs, Quilters, Line Dancing, Cards etc). “WHEN” Activities/Meetings are Reviewed for Approval – NOTE: Anything “required” (2.a.) or any “other requests” (2.b.) for the next Winter Season , to be reviewed at the regular scheduled March Board Mtg, must be submitted to the SEPO Office by March 1 each year. Required to be submitted by March 1 each year: Board and Residents Meetings. Good Neighbor Day Golf Tournament & Awards Party/Banquet. Architectural Control Committee (ACC) Meetings (are held year-round). Women's Club Activities. Can be submitted by March 1 each year for review at the March Board Mtg: Women’s Club Meetings. Neighborhood Watch (NW) Meetings. Women’s/Men’s Golf ‘League’ Events Day(s)/Dates & Tee Time(s) Tournament Rewards Party After the March Board Mtg each year, as soon as dates become available. (First submitted are the first reviewed for approval.) Items in 2.b. above (if not already submitted). All other activities/meetings (i.e., Other Golf events, Quilters, Line Dancing, Cards, etc). “PROCESS” for getting an Activity/Meeting request approved. Requestor: Obtain Activity/Meeting Room Request Form from: SEPO office or Document Slot in the Library or Sunshine Web site HERE Submit completed request form to the SEPO Office Mgr as per the priority/time requirements defined in “Item 2” above. If the request form is not ‘required’ in 2.a. above, it should be submitted at least three (3) days prior to the event, if possible. The form should contain as much information as the submitter is aware of at the time of requested approval. As additional details are finalized, such as the actual time of the event versus prep and cleanup times, this new/revised information needs to be supplied to the Office by submitting a revised request form, if possible. This will ensure event conflicts don’t occur and both the SEPO Calendar and the Sunshine website are updated/accurate. When an activity/meeting is cancelled please inform the SEPO Office. For example, a request had been submitted to play a particular card game for a three month period and the group decides to cancel this activity after two months. A revised activity request form will trigger this change to be reflected in both the SEPO Calendar and the website and let residents know the location is now available for others to use. SEPO Board: The Board formally approves/rejects requests submitted for review at the March Board Mtg each year (see 2.a. and 2.b. above). Again, any requests submitted for review at the March Board Mtg need to be in the SEPO Office before March 1 to give the Board time to review them prior to the March mtg. SEPO Office Mgr: March Board meeting – Ensures all requests to be reviewed at the March Board meeting are forwarded to the Board as soon as received in the office. After March Board meeting – Reviews all other requests as they are submitted to ensure the date(s) and time(s) requested do not conflict with anything already approved and scheduled. For these requests the SEPO Office may contact the Board Secretary and/or the SEPO Communications Manager to get questions answered, issues resolved and/or obtain advice concerning approval/rejection of the request. Approves/rejects and dates the request. Notifies the Requestor of ‘Acceptance’ or ‘Rejection’ (and reason why, if rejected) of the request. (The requestor should be provided with and file a copy of his/her accepted/rejected Request Form for his/her records.) Files the Request Form in the SEPO Office (either electronically or physically). Records/Updates the activity/meeting in the SEPO Office calendar. Ensures the Sunshine Website Manager receives the information to post on the website. “Changes” after Approval. As stated previously, the requestor should provide as much information as possible on the original request form. The form should include days/times for all three of the following, as applicable: activity preparation (decorating, cooking etc) the activity itself (i.e., dinner and dance) cleanup (taking down decorations, rearranging tables/chairs etc) NOTE: Please avoid simply requesting to reserve the area(s) where you are holding your event for the ‘entire day’ – unless you will truly be needing the area(s) from 12 AM to 11:59 PM. As additional details, days/times etc, become final or are changed , please submit a ‘revised’ Activity Request Form and note on this revision the date of the original request, which was previously returned to you when it was approved. “Timeframes” on Activity Requests. When you are requesting an area for a recurring activity i.e., Cards and you don’t know what timeframe you will be needing the area for, you may leave the end day/time blank or say ‘unknown’. This will be entered into the SEPO Calendar and the website with no end date. However, when/if you do stop holding the event, you need to complete a revised form so that the office knows your reserved area is now open for others to reserve. This will trigger the office to inform the website manager and will consequently keep the community informed of which activities are occurring at any time. There has been confusion in the past about whether an activity that only occurs during the winter season, i.e., a SEPO Club meeting or a particular card game, needs an Activity Request form completed for each winter season. The answer is ‘yes’. Do Not Assume your ‘winter only’ activity will remain in the SEPO Calendar and on the website during upcoming winter seasons without being approved again. There may be other circumstances not addressed in this process about when you do or don’t need to submit an Activity Request form. When in doubt, submit a form to the office. If there are questions concerning any of the above, please contact the SEPO Office. SEPO BOARD Click here for Acty/Mtg Request Form Sunshine Activities/Meeting Room Request Form (Revision 4 dated July 5, 2023) - View/P rint Form HERE - Click on the icon for the Calendar of Activities (2-Pager) I will be continually updating this 2-pager as the SEPO Calendar is updated. See 'updates since last publication' in BLUE . If you would like to print the 2-pager without the BLUE updates click on this LINK . Back to Top

  • SEPO Newsletters: 2024-2025 | Sunshine Estates

    THIS PAGE CONTAINS SEPO NEWSLETTERS FROM THE 2024-2025 SEASON. Articles for the Monthly Newsletter (published Oct thru Mar) are due to ( ) by the 24th of each month in order to be published for the following month. Go directly to the Year-Month Newsletter you are looking for and click on the 'News Icon". *************************** March/April 2025 Revised 2025-02-26 HAPPY ST. PAT'S DAY & HAPPY SPRING *************************** February 2025 HAPPY VALENTINES DAY *************************** January 2025 HAPPY NEW YEAR *************************** December 2024 MERRY CHRISTMAS & HAPPY NEW YEAR *************************** November 2024 H APPY THANKSGIVING *************************** October 2024 Welcome Back Winter Texans & HAPPY HALLOWEEN IMPORTANT INFO CONCERNING SUNSHINE NEWSLETTERS 2024-2025. Sent 2024-09-10: REMINDER (first): OCT 2024 Newsletter Articles Due by End of Day SEP 24, 2024 - Yes - It's that time of year already. The Sunshine Community 2024-2025 Winter Season (10-01-2024 thru 03-31-2024) is almost here. And I've volunteered to create your Sunshine Newsletter again this year. I made an executive decision last weekend. Since some of this winter season's activities start right off the bang near the beginning of October, I think sending the first reminder that the October 2024 Newsletter articles are due by end of day on the 24th of this month (September) is warranted. All articles need to be submitted to . And, if at all possible, please don't wait until you get the next reminder (later in September) to send me your articles. But, if you are waiting for as many details as possible to be finalized, I totally understand. This is a super way to get the word out about upcoming activities. Even if you don't have all of the information finalized by the Newsletter deadline, at least put 'what you do know so far' or even just a 'Save the Date' sentence in the Newsletter. Updated Newsletter Guidelines , dated Aug 1, 2024 , are posted on the website HERE . Prior Newsletters, which you can use as examples, can be found HERE . Let's fill this Newsletter with all kinds of good info for the Sunshine Community. Please contact me with any issues/questions. Beth Parrish, SEPO Newsletter Mgr Email: 314-960-6710 Sent 2024-08-04: NEWSLETTER Guidelines Updated - I noticed last week the Newsletter guidelines still listed the previous sepoenews email in error. I have updated the guidelines to fix a couple of grammatical errors and also to reflect as the correct email for SEPO emails. You can find the updated document HERE . Please contact me with any questions. - Beth Parrish SEPO Newsletter Mgr Email: 314-960-6710 Back to Top

  • Garden Club | Sunshine Estates

    Sunshine Garden Club Contact: Susanne Ulrich, Chris Snyder and Educational Resource Liaison, Debbie Gossman Meets: 2nd Tuesday each Month (Nov thru Mar) @ 6:30 PM Location: Library Note: On special occasions, this meeting is held in other locations. You will be notified when this occurs. Details: Do you have an interest in gardening? We will be putting together meetings for our Sunshine residents/renters to celebrate the love of gardening. Together we can have fun taking care of some of the community gardens, organize plant or seed swaps, garden tours and especially tap into the Sunshine resident's knowledge of specifically how to garden. This will be a volunteer group with no dues or officers. The sky is the limit. Stay tuned. For Club Meetings, News, Events and Pictures click here . For Gardening Tips click here . For Club Projects & Pictures click here . Back to Top

  • 2023-06 Emails | Sunshine Estates

    S EPO Community Emails: June 2023 Sent 2023-06-30: Pool Update - Hi Everyone! Quick update on the pool area. As of this afternoon the new equipment will have been installed. This involves a new, and much needed heater for the hot tub. The old one was not reliable so this should solve our problem and give us even heat in the hot tub. Also, there will be a new sand filter for both hot tub and pool. Sand will give us a better filtering system and be more efficient. This will not only give us a better filtering system, but make the chemicals do a better job. Lalo did his usual great job in the installation. Pat him on the back when you see him!!! Everyone have a Safe 4th!!!!!!! - Jim Kennedy Sent 2023-06-30: Next Rock Painting Club meeting moved - Next Sunshine Rock Painting Club meeting is Monday, July 10th, 1pm to 3pm! I moved the 3 July meeting to the 10th of July because of July 4th holiday. See you there! Door prizes will be drawn. - Karren Amos ph 309-781-3479 Sent 2023-06-30: Calling All Dogs and Cats - Hey Everyone, Sandra Delaunay will be coming to the Estates on Wednesday, July 5th, 2023, to take care of your pet's nails. She will be starting at 1:00 pm. The cost is ten dollars per pet. Please text Sandra and she will schedule your appointment. Sandra's number is 956-226-9919. Sandra will come to your home. Thanks, - Marian Young, 719-468-4556 Sent 2023-06-30: Neighborhood Watch - Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276 Coordinator Neighborhood Watch - CERT Team Sent 2023-06-29: Don’t forget to sign-up please for July 4th - EVERYONE IS ASKING ABOUT THE 4TH OF JULY Let's have an Indoor > Outdoor party at the Pool. We have the hotdogs > buns > chips donated. Doing a 4:00pm cookout by the pavilion. We will also have the hall opened-up because of the heat. If everyone would sign up for side items in the library, no later than June 30, so we will have some kind of a head count. Bring your own drinks > but no glass by the pool please. Let's have FUN!!! Any questions text: - Vicky Krueger, 785-418-6208 Sent 2023-06-28: Resident Passing - The office has been informed by both Cathy Richmond and Gene Campbell that current resident, Arnie Thompson, passed away on June 14, 2023. - Valerie Basaldua, SEPO Office Sent 2023-06-23: UNAPPROVED: SEPO Financials, 2023-05 (May) - The UNAPPROVED May 2023 SEPO Financials are posted on the Sunshine Website HERE . Please let me know if you have any questions. - Mark Owen SEPO Treasurer Sent 2023-06-22: July 4th Party - EVERYONE IS ASKING ABOUT THE 4TH OF JULY Let's have an Indoor > Outdoor party at the Pool. We have the hotdogs > buns > chips donated. Doing a 4:00pm cookout by the pavilion. We will also have the hall opened-up because of the heat. If everyone would sign up for side items in the library, no later than June 30, so we will have some kind of a head count. Bring your own drinks > but no glass by the pool please. Let's have FUN!!! Any questions text: - Vicky Krueger, 785-418-6208 Sent 2023-06-21: FINAL REMINDER: Palm Tree Trimming Payments - Last call to turn in Palm Tree Trimming Payments. $25 per palm. Please turn in to office. Trimmers will start on SEPO palms Monday, June 26. Resident Palms will be taken care of after that... Make checks out to: Yuridia Oloarte. - Valerie Basaldua, SEPO Office Sent 2023-06-21: Fallen Tree on TX Ave - This is to inform you we are aware of the fallen tree on TX Ave. and Lalo is working to clear it / clean it up. - Valerie Basaldua, SEPO Office Sent 2023-06-21: MARKET: House For Rent - The house at 1933 W Iowa Ave is currently For Rent. Please see details on the Sunshine MARKET . - Steve Holten, 218-329-1635 Sent 2023-06-21: Karaoke this Friday - Karaoke is this Friday in the Hall. Doors open at 4 and singing begins around 4:30. BYOB, but their might be some free stuff, too. No need to bring food, but you can if you want. Dancing is encouraged and line-dancing will absolutely be happening. You don’t have to participate, but it sure is nice to have people there supporting those that are. Hope to see you there! - Randy Davis Sent 2023-06-14: UPDATE: Texas Gate - An update on the gate; Hurricane Fence was notified about issues with the gate cycling open and close multiple times before staying closed. It wasn’t happening all the time but was not what we were expecting. They had discussed it with the manufacturer and their techs and thought the SOS/Yelper was picking up sound coming from the gate and causing the gate to open, that’s what the codes in the opener were saying. So they’ve moved the SOS/Yelper further from the gate to see if that will solve that problem. If you see issues with the gate please note the time and date and let me know Thanks, Thomas Perrier Sent 2023-06-12: NEED VALIDATION OR CORRECTION: Sunshine website summer activities - Hi All - As time permits I have been trying to ensure I have accurate info on our website. Today I dove into the "Summer Activities Details " page. I have sent some of you personal emails with question(s). Thx to those who have already replied. However, I would greatly appreciate it if everyone would review the page at the above link and let me know if any updates are required. Send replies to . I will be using any info supplied to update the '2-pager for Summer Activities'. Thx in advance for your rapid replies. Beth Parrish, SEPO Web site Admin E-Mail: 314-960-6710 Sent 2023-06-12: Resident Passing - Diane Carlson passed away in the hospital on Saturday (June 10, 2023). Cathy Richmond Sent 2023-06-12: Clint Wunderlich celebration of life - Celebration of life for Clint Wunderlich Saturay June 17, 2023 At: Retzlaff Hall >>> 1:00pm The family would like everyone to join them even if you knew Clint or not. They want this to be a casual (party) and celebration because this is what Clint wanted done. With laughter and music! Please join with your smile in person or in spirit. There will be music and maybe a little Dancing to be enjoyed by everyone. The family has lots of food and drinks ordered for everyone so come hungry! And enjoy the many different drinks the families has ordered. Thank you, - Vicky Krueger, Woman’s Club Sent 2023-06-11: Sunshine Rock Painting Club - The next Sunshine Rock Club meeting is June 26th. Hope to see you there. - Karren Sent 2023-06-11: TX Ave Gate - Hello All, Earlier this week I was notified that the gate was not closing when it should. I contacted Hurricane Fence to service the gate and I believe they came on Friday. I asked Lalo to check on the gate Friday night and Saturday morning and he said it was working. I asked Frank Tewell to check on the gate Saturday night and he said it was working as of 7:05. Thank you Frank! If you see an issue with the gate opening or closing, please send me an email or text with the time and date. I am not in Texas at this time. If you have a question or concern please call/text/email me. Thank you - Tom Perrier, Director Area 2 Sent 2023-06-07: Tree Trimming - Tree Trimming normally scheduled in July could possibly take place at the end of June this year. For those residents that would like the palms in their property to be trimmed the charge will still be the same at $25 per palm . Please call the office at 956-425-1420 or email at to add you to the list along with the total of palms. You can send your payment via mail to : 1957 W. Michigan Dr., Harlingen, TX 78550 Valerie Basaldua, SEPO Office Sent 2023-06-07: Gift Baskets for 2024 Good Neighbor Day Golf Tournament (GNDGT) - Good Neighbor Golf Tournament 2024 Thursday, February 29th through Saturday, March 2, 2024 Gift Baskets Hello Sunshine Estates friends: As you may recall, as part of our Good Neighbor Day Golf Tournament’s Awards Banquet we have provided unique prizes provided by our Residents. This letter is to help remind you, while you are “back home in the northlands" , to consider maintaining this tradition for our 2024 Tournament. We are soliciting your help in continuing to prepare “Gift Baskets” of items found locally in your area during your summer stay. We suggest selecting things that set your home area apart from others. These gift baskets will be awarded as prizes during our Awards Banquet. I am aware of several recipients in the past of these unique gift basket prizes, who have indicated how blessed they were to receive these baskets, and they genuinely appreciated Sunshine Residents’ generosity. In our 2023 Awards Banquet, one of the people who received a Gift Basket in the prior year donated a beautiful quilt made by his wife to pay it forward. For example, I most recently lived in Lafayette, Louisiana. So, I will put together a basket of “Cajun items”; seasoning, rice, Tabasco /hot sauces, Beignet mix, cookbooks, and locally brewed beer/wine for our gift basket. Just think of items your area is famous for and start accumulating them to bring back with you. We want the baskets in the $30-$50 value range. - -By preparing the baskets we are also providing a showcase for various products that are in North America where: Sunshine Estate residents live during the summer time. I hope to see everyone in the Valley in a few months. Tony Tramel, 2024 - Good Neighbor Day Golf Tournament, Chairperson Cell 337-693-6344 June 6, 2023, 2023 Sent 2023-06-06: OFFICE OFF LIMITS - Valerie is under self-quarantine for these next five days. She is following all procedures required. HOWEVER, because she is feeling well enough, and because she feels she needs to tackle certain chores in the office (such as payroll, etc.) she plans to come to the office to work at later hours. She will wipe everything down as she has been trained when she leaves but it is best if our residents avoid the office area. If you need to make a payment, it can wait. And yes, she has been vaccinated. Share Nelson President, SEPO Board Sent 2023-06-03: Buying Rocks to paint at Southern Stone, Tuesday. June 6th - Sunshine Rock Painting Club Members - I'm tentatively planning on driving to Southern Stone & Soil, TUESDAY, 6 June 2023, 8am to buy rocks for myself. Anyone interested in taking a trip there to buy rocks? Southern Stone usually treats us very well, using a golf cart to and from the rocks, weigh them and put the rocks into the trunk. Just let me know. Karren 1-309-781-3479 Back to Top

  • ACC (2022-07-14) | Sunshine Estates

    ACC: Architectural Control Committee ACC Request Form (07-14-2021) ACC Members ACC Request Process The current ACC is made up of the following members - click HERE . ACC Members Architectural Control Committee Request Process (as of July 14, 2021) Where to Start – Refer to these documents. (Click each bullet point to view document.) DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS and RESTRICTIONS of Sunshine: EXHIBIT “B”, ARTICLEs V & VI AND POLICIES AND PROCEDURES: Sections ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL and STORAGE AREA BUILDINGS Process for Requests – Please read ALL items on the UPDATED "ACC Request and Approval Form" below Very Carefully as some of the processes involved have been changed. Prior to starting any EXTERIOR improvement, maintenance or structure, submit any required forms and information to the Office for approval by the ACC. Allow up to 25 days for approval/rejection notification. Plan your project accordingly. You will be notified by the SEPO Office of your approval/rejection status by email or phone. Dates when Requests are Reviewed by the ACC - The ACC is scheduled to meet monthly on the 1st and 15th of each month, except when the date falls on a Holiday or the Weekend. In that case, they meet on the next Business day. ACC Request Process Architectural Control Committee Request Form (as of July 14, 2021) - View/P rint Form HERE or obtain from SEPO Office ACC Request Form (07-14-2021) Back to Top

  • Birding & Nature Club | Sunshine Estates

    Birding & Nature Club Contact: Tom Stone Meets: 1st Monday each Month @ 7 PM (Nov - March) Location: Library Details: Do you have an interest in nature (expertise not required)? The Sunshine Birding and Nature Club is open to all residents of our community. We typically host a community-wide potluck and bring in a featured speaker for a very enlightening program in January. Watch for notices to be in the Sunshine Newsletter and SEPO E-mails for more information closer to that time. Later in the spring we try to have a field trip related to the program, which is also open to the community to participate. Some past trips have included; Port Aransas to see the whooping cranes, South Padre Island Birding boat tours, Laguna Atascosa tour, the Turtle center and the National Birding center. Occasionally a birding walk through our community is hosted by someone with experience in identifying birds. Watch the Sunshine Newsletter and SEPO E-Mails for announcements. Background on the Club: The Birding and Nature Club is an offshoot from the volunteers who cleared the area along Texas avenue after hurricane Dolly (July 2008). Prior to hurricane Dolly the brush and trees grew up all the way to the chain link fence in the area past the front gate. Further the swamp and bushes grew up along much of Texas avenue to your left as you drive into our neighborhood. After hurricane Dolly the residents / volunteers decided to clean up the area significantly. Besides clearing the area of brush and broken trees they also raised the money to plant 56 new trees. Those same volunteers built and funded the pergola, the gazebo and the park benches that you now see and enjoy. As you look at the gazebo you will notice that there are a group of panels below the railing. All of the birds shown in those panels have been seen in our Sunshine swamp. Tap HERE for the Bylaws Tap HERE for Meeting Information Tap the timeframe below you are interested in for Activities: Additional Details 2022-2023 (Winter) 2022 (Summer) 2021-2022 (Winter) 2021 (Summer) 2020-2021 (Winter) 2020 (Summer) 2019-2020 (Winter) 2019 (Summer) Other Info Prior to 2023 Sent 2022-06-05: Killdeer nest - I came across a Killdeer nest along the west fence in the storage area and put a block on either side to mark location. Parents back in attendance after blocking so no interruptions. Donn Perkins Newsletter 2022-02: The Sunshine Birding and Nature Club will meet in the library at 7:00pm on Monday, February 7, 2022. All are invited. We will be discussing the rescheduled field trip and planting trees. Questions? Text Debi Warner at 956-357-8999. Sent via SEPO E-News E-Mail 2021-08-29: Blackie has come back - We are in luck. An old friend has decided to come back and visit our neighborhood. Blackie has been seen a few times around the neighborhood recently and we haven't seen blackie for some time. That's really unfortunate because blackie is perhaps one of the best friends in nature that we can have. Blackie is officially known as a Texas indigo snake. Now you are probably repulsed by the idea of a snake being our best friend. But do not fear but rarher respect blackie because blackie eats other snakes, poisonous ones as well as a wide variety of other small creatures. Blackie is neither poisonous nor aggressive but really a very placid creature. Blackie is the subject of a Texas Parks and Wildlife brochure from which I will share some excerpts with you. _____ "Indigo snakes are big snakes. Most adult indigo snakes grow to between 5½ and 6½ feet in length. The longest recorded indigo snake was nearly 8½ feet long. Texas indigo snakes are diurnal predators, meaning they are active during the day. They will eat almost any vertebrate animal they can subdue with their strong jaws, including toads, frogs, salamanders, lizards, turtles, birds, small mammals and other snakes. One specimen was found with three mice, two Mexican burrowing toads and two juvenile snapping turtles in its stomach. They are also known to eat rattlesnakes and copperheads , which can be three to four times heavier than an indigo snake. “It’s a gorgeous snake, and it’s not aggressive,” says Andy Gluesenkamp, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department herpetologist. “If you’re nice to the snake, it’ll give you a chance to look at it.” Texas indigo snakes are listed by the state as a threatened species, and because of its protected status, it is illegal to harm, kill, collect or sell Texas indigo snakes. The Texas indigo snake is revered in South Texas, where many ranchers are aware of its propensity for eating predatory rattlesnakes. Ranchers have a fondness for the Texas indigo snake,” Gluesenkamp says. “It’s a true South Texan snake: charismatic, big and tough.” ____ So - since we have seen Blackie around the Estates lately, I would ask you to "just let it be" if you see it. It is your friend, even if it is a snake. Take Care Pat Harvey Birding and Nature Club ****************************** From: SEPO Community Sent: Monday, October 19, 2020 6:40 PM To: Subject: Birding and Nature Birding and Nature Club will be meeting on Monday, Nov. 2nd at 5:00 p.m. in the gazebo on Texas Avenue. Please, wear a mask, maintain social distancing, and wear your name tag. You may remain in your golf cart, if your prefer. A microphone will be used. Business to be discussed includes appointment of two officers, Christmas Bird Count, and plans for 2021. This group is open to anyone in Sunshine who enjoys birds and nature. No expertise is necessary. After the business meeting, we will stroll through the Texas Avenue area discussing whatever birds and vegetation we encounter. Perhaps, a brief history of the part the Birding and Nature Group played in the creation of this area will be given. Newcomers are always welcome. See you there. Jean Burgoine ****************************** From: SEPO Community Sent: Tuesday, January 21, 2020 11:13 AM To: Subject: Birding and Nature Enthusiasts The Birding and Nature Enthusiasts will hold their monthly meeting in the library on Monday, February 3rd at 7:00 p.m. Anyone interested is invited to attend. Items on the agenda include our February field trip and the upkeep of the Texas Avenue area. The fountain in the butterfly garden needs attention. See you at the meeting. Jean Burgoine ****************************** From: SEPO Community Sent: Tuesday, March 5, 2019 2:28 PM To: Subject: Texas Master Naturalist Joyce Hamilton of the Texas Master Naturalists will be giving a “BIRDS OF THE VALLEY/SPI” presentation on Thursday, March 7th, at 2 pm in Lakeside Main Room. Residents of SCCE are invited to attend. Light refreshments will be served. Questions can be directed to Ralph Peterson. ****************************** From: SEPO Community Sent: Thursday, March 21, 2019 5:25 PM To: Subject: Monarch Butterflies In our new Butterfly Garden at the former log site the Birding and Nature Club planted native milkweed. The photos, displayed below show Monarch caterpillars which have been feeding on the plants. If left alone by people and birds they will become Monarch Butterflies! Hurray! Mark Warner Back to Top

  • 2016-2020 | Sunshine Estates

    In Memoriam (2016-2020) If a name is underlined click on it to see the Obituary. If a name is BLUE click on it to see a Tribute. 2020 Deceased Andrew Demars - Dec 4 Clarence Eich (Former Resident) - Nov 25 Shirley Koory (Former Resident) - Nov 19 Carol Campbell - Nov 15 Betty Long - Nov 12 Arlene Keller (Former Resident) - Nov 5 Bill Schricker (Former Resident) - Oct 28 Jan Acquard (Former Resident) - Oct 15 JP Fisher (Former Resident) - Sep 23 Agnes (Aggie) Saylor - Jul 31 Lois Humburg - Jul 19 Doug Almond (Former Resident) - Jun 8 Steve Phillips - May 3 Gene Rice (Former Resident) - Apr 6 Ken Just - Apr 4 Bill Bond - Feb 24 Gil Burney - Feb 2 Duane Shriver - Jan 9 2019 Deceased Patricia Bass - Dec 20 Lucille Cathcart (Former Resident) - Nov 22 Carrie Schaubert (Former Resident) Oct 27 Anita Kurtz (Former Resident) - Oct 3 Bill Halbrook (Former Resident) - Oct Charlie Vickers - Aug 24 Dana Thornton - Aug 21 Dorothy Halbrook (Former Resident) - Aug Muriel Rognes (Former Resident) - Jul 30 Konnie Gush - Jun 29 Jerry Bressler - Jun 23 Brett Hamill (Former Resident) - May 31 Everett Kompelien - May 26 Ozzie Rognes (Former Resident) - Mar 27 Wally Anderson - Mar 23 Al Cathcart (Former Resident ) - Mar 4 Tony Trahan - Feb 12 Joe Millsap - Feb 10 Sue Trahan - Feb 2 Lillian Krusemark (Former Resident) - Jan 11 2018 Deceased Linda Huetten (Former Resident) - December 10 Pauline McAdam - November 11 Nancy Weir - November 3 Ginny Mills - October 17 Anita Bridges - September 28 David Bridges - September 10 Enos Hadley - May 26 Merlin Carolus - April 15 Clell Keller (Former Resident) - March 4 Ed Hubert (Former Resident) - February 25 Harold Schaubert (Former Resident) - February 20 John Senska - February 15 Sam Bright - January 19 Tim Heinle (Former Resident) - January 9 Bill Johns - January 8 2017 Deceased Paul Goble (Former Resident) December 27 Jim Nelson - December 7 Stan Santow - December 5 Ruth Adams (Former Resident) - September 14 Marilyn Carolus - September 2 Bob Nordin (Former Resident) July 11 Bob Wetherbee - June 27 Julie Grow (Former Resident) - May 28 Dick Huffman (Former Resident) - March 30 Bill Brooks - March 4 Jerry Clements - February 20 Betty Bischoff (Former Resident) - January 27 Gladys Chase - January 13 Dale Gunnels - January 10 Prenda Cook - (Former Resident) - January 9 2016 Deceased Art Schricker - (Former Resident) - December 22 Elmer Zinges - December 15 Nancy Clements - October 23 Arvil Stinett - October 23 Marylou Haege (Former Resident) - September 2 Bill Reynolds (Former Resident) - August 31 Barbara Parkison - August 30 Ken Olson - August 16 Robert King - June 27 Nick Kroninger - May 7 Harold Keidelbaugh - March 10 Darlene Fisher (Former Resident) - March 7 Ray Penrod - March 5 Steve Carlson - January 9 Back To "In Memoriam" Page Back To Top

  • Club/Committee (Winter 2023-2034) | Sunshine Estates

    Clubs & Committees (Oct 1, 2023 thru Mar 31, 2024) Additional Details Rock Painting Club (ONGONG) Woodworkers (PERIODIC) Birding & Nature Club Garden Club Fishing Association Quilters: Killer Bees NW: Finger Lickin' Chicken (2024-01-05) Rock Painting Club (ONGONG) *************** Rock Painting Club ONGOING THROUGHOUT EACH YEAR (Meeting Info, Pictures and other items of interest can be found HERE .) Woodworkers (PERIODIC) *************** PERIO DIC Sent 2024-02-07: Woodworker meeting Rescheduled to 1:00 PM February 19 - Due to scheduling conflicts, the decision was made to change the February woodworker meeting from Friday, February 9, to Monday, February 19. Hopefully more people will be able to attend and I’m sorry if I’ve inconvenienced anyone. - Chuck McEvoy, President Woodworkers Woodshop Orientation ( Jan 18, 2024 ) C OMPLETE Sent 2024-01-15: Wood Shop Orientation Class Thursday Jan 18th 5 pm - Woodshop Orientation Class Thursday Jan 18th 5 pm in the wood shop. This class is a requirement for using the wood shop. A one time attendance is required. The shop will be closed during the class. Call John Chajec 708-280-8940 with any questions. Woodshop Orientation (Dec 2 1, 2 02 3 ) C OMPLETE Sent 2023-12-16: Woodshop Orientation Class Thursday Dec 21st 5 pm in the Woodshop - Woodshop Orientation Class Thursday Dec 21st 5 pm in the Woodshop. This class is a requirement for using the Woodshop. A one time attendance is required. The shop will be closed during the class. Call John Chajec 708-280-8940 with any questions. *************** Birding & Nature Club Sent 2024-03-01: B and N Club meeting reminder - Greetings neighbors, Just an friendly reminder, the Birding and Nature Club monthly meeting will be held in the library, Monday, March 4 at 7PM. This will be the final meeting of the season so hope to see you all there. Also, coming up is our field trip to Resaca de Las Palmas State Park, March 14, 9 AM, admission $4.00. This is a guided tour led by Raul Garza, superintendent of the park. Everyone is welcome! See you there. - Deb Jones 2024-03 NEWSLETTER - Birding and Nature Club Field Trip Hello, Neighbors! The 2024 Bird Migration is upon us and we are very excited to announce our March 14 outing to Resaca de la Palma State Park, just outside Brownsville. We will be guided by Raul Garza, the superintendent of the State Park. We plan on meeting at Retzlaff Hall at 8 am to caravan to Resaca de la Palma or you can just meet us there at 9am. Entry fee is $4.00. Bring a snack or a sack lunch if you like. We anticipate great viewing of several species and even some species that are new to the valley. Contact Tom Stone (715) 292-0360 if you have any questions. So come join us as we learn about and enjoy our beautiful valley. Deb Jones, Secretary, Birding and Nature Club 2024-02 NEWSLETTER - The Birding and Nature Club would like to invite the community to our meeting at 7:00pm on Monday, February 5th, in Retzlaff Hall to hear a presentation by Tony Tramel on our bug eating friends, the Purple Martins. A regular meeting of the Birding and Nature Club meeting will follow the presentation and all are welcome to attend if so desired. Questions about the Club and its activities may be directed to - Ralph Peterson. Phone # 607-590-0606 Sent 2023-12-04: CHG OF PLANS: B&N Mtg & Guest Speaker on Dec 4, 2023 - The Birding and Nature Club will be holding their monthly meeting this evening (Dec 4) in Retzlaff Hall prior to speaker "Mike Heap" of Heaps Nursery. Mike will not start his portion of the evening until around 8 PM. - Bill Peterson Sent 2023-12-01: CORRECTION #2: Birding and Nature Club - Special Speaker - The Birding and Nature Club would like to invite the Gardening Club and anyone interested in the community to come and interact with our speaker "Mike Heap" of Heaps Nursery on Monday, Dec 4 @ 7pm in Retzlaff Hall. Mike is very knowledgeable on plants native to the RGV and insects and animals drawn to the native plants. We will be taking donations for bird seed. Please spread the word. - Bill Peterson & Tom Stone Sent 2023-11-30: CORRECTION: Birding and Nature Club - Special Speaker - The Birding and Nature Club would like to invite the Gardening Club and anyone interested in the community to come and interact with our speaker "Mike Heap" of Heaps Nursery on Monday, Dec 4 @ 7pm in the library. Mike is very knowledgeable on plants native to the RGV and insects and animals drawn to the native plants. We will be taking donations for bird seed. Please spread the word. - Bill Peterson Sent 2023-11-29: Special Speaker in Retzlaff Hall Monday Dec 6 @ 7:00 PM - The Birding and Nature Club would like to invite the Gardening Club and anyone interested in the community to come and interact with our speaker "Mike Heap" of Heaps Nursery. Mike is very knowledgeable on plants native to the RGV and insects and ani0mals drawn to the native plants. We will be taking donations for bird seed. Please spread the word. - Bill Peterson Birding & Nature Club Garden Club *************** Garden Club Sent 2024-03-08: Sunshine Garden Club Garage Sale - You are invited to stop by 4329 N Missouri Street for a Garden Club Garage Sale on Saturday, March 9th. Several garden items and a few plants will be available. All proceeds will go to help support the garden club for future projects within our community. Thank you, Susanne Ulrich S alinas Family Far m Tour ( Feb 13 , 2024 ) COM PLETE Sent 2024-02-08: Salinas Family Farm Tour - Sunshine Garden Club Tour Final details on our February Garden Tour in place of a regular garden meeting. Date: February 13th, Tuesday Speaker: Cruz Salinas, Agricultural Specialist Where: Salinas Family Farm, 7233 Simon Gomez Road, Lyford, Texas. Time: Meet by the library at 2:00pm. Let me know if you want to carpool. The tour will start about 2:30pm. We will have to limit to 20 people. A signup sheet will be in the library. If more than 20 we can schedule another tour, so put your name down and we can keep you informed. Cruz will be showing us his vegetable garden, fruit and citrus set up. He has strawberries planted and in the future you can schedule a "U Pick Day". Will discuss his raised beds, drip systems and custom made planting tunnels. - Susanne Ulrich Get-Together (Jan 9, 2024) COM PLETE Sent 2024-01-07: Garden Club Spe aker Tuesday afternoon- Sunshine Garden Get Together this Tuesday, January 9th. Speaker Dr. Julie Mustard will start our day at 3:30 with a tour of Texas Avenue at Butterfly Garden. She will point out what pollinators are present and how to attract more. (Bad weather cancels). Next at 4:30 in Retzlaff Hall, Julie will give a presentation of pollinator insects and is open to all our questions. Everyone is welcome, cookies and bars will be provided. A good will donation will be collected for UTRGV to purchase a few pollinator plants for their gardens. See you Tuesday, Susanne and Deb Get-Together (D ec 12 , 2023 ) COM PLETE 2024-02 NEWSLETTER - Garden Club Get Together for February. Debbie Gossman and I are working on a tour to Salinas Family Farm on February 13th. More details to follow. Salinas Family Farm is a small family owned business located in Lyford, Texas. Organic practices are used. They have "U Pick" for the strawberry season, but all depends on the weather. Also, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, celery, sweet potato, etc. Special note: Debbie is going to practice propagating bouquet roses that are left over from a special occasion or Valentine's Day. Should her experiment work we will have a class next season. So, before you throw, think of Debbie on Iowa Street and we will see what happens over the summer. - Thank you, Susanne Ulrich and Debbie Gossman Sent 2023-12-11: Garden Club Get-Tog ether - Garden Club Get-Together Save the date: Tuesday, December 12th Retzlaff Hall at 6:30 - 7:30 We will have an open discussion about weeding, plants, projects and possible tours. If you have an item to share or extra plants or clippings, please bring them. We can learn from each other and all are welcome. See you Tuesday. - Susanne Ulrich *************** Fishing Association 2024-02 NEWSLETTER - We plan to have a speaker from Breakaway cruises and possibly another speaker at our March meeting. Additionally, we are looking to set up some random fishing days based on the weather, high/low tide, etc. Once dates have been confirmed, we will send an email to participants as well as a Facebook message on the SEPO page to communicate the date(s)/times. We will try to provide as much advance notice as possible. - Submitted by Deb Eich on behalf of Paul Lucas. Hoof & Fin (Dec 1 3, 2023) COMPLETE Sent 2023-12-17: Sincere Thank You from, S CCE Fishing Association - The Board of Directors of the SCCE Fishing Association would like to give the sincerest Thank You to all the volunteers that helped plan, get donations, cooked, served, attended, and supported our fundraising efforts at the Hoof and Fin Event. - Bill Peterson, President SCCE Fishing Association Sent 2023-12-07: Announcement: Fishing Association - Hoof & Fin Event - Tickets for the Hoof and Fin Event hosted by the SCCE Fishing Association will be taken at the library in the lock box until Monday morning at 8:00AM. - Bill Peterson, Club President Sent 2023-12-04: SCCE Fishing Association: Hoof & Fin Event - The ticket sales for the "Hoof and Fin" event will be available Monday, Dec 4, Tuesday, Dec 5 and Wednesday, Dec 6 from 9:00 AM 'till Noon in the library. Virtual tickets, for a price of $12 per plate, will be available with a signup on a sheet and put money in an envelope with your printed name on it and how many tickets you would like. Drop the envelope in the locked box below the bulletin board. There will also be Fishing Association members going around the estates selling tickets. Sales will continue 'till Dec 10. If you have any questions, text Bill Peterson 309-945-2108. Fishing Association *************** Quilters: Killer Bees 2024-02 NEWSLETTER - The Killer Bees meet now at 9AM most Thursday mornings. Our February activities include: no meeting on 2/1 since the Hall will be setting up for the Casino Night; 2/8 the 2024 Mystery Quilt Clue #3 given, and then our members will have a garage sale of their quilting supplies in the hall; 2/16 and 2/17 is The Rio Grande Quilt Guild’s Quilt Show on the Island 9-4 each day, and our last project in February is a Paper Pieced Pineapple block. Lots of Quilty stuff to enjoy! Questions?? - Contact Jan Baethke Meeting Schedule for Winter 2023-2024: On the following day the Quilters will be staying in Retzlaff Hall until 3pm: 10/26 11/30 1/4 1/25 2/1 No Meeting 2/22 3/21 - Jan Baethke 956-357-2218 Quilters: Killer Bees *************** Neighborhood Watch Finger Lickin' Chicken (Jan 5, 2024 ) COMPLETE Sent 2023-12-18: Deadline for Finger Lickin" Chicken - The Neighborhood Watch Finger Lickin' Chicken fundraiser is scheduled for Friday, January 5. The Deadline for signing up for tickets is this Friday, Dec. 22nd. The signup sheet is on the West side of the library. The deadline is early due to the holidays and our chicken supplier taking time off. Tickets are $12 dollars and will be hand-delivered to you in early January. Thank you for signing up. - Jean Burgoine Sent 2023-12-11: Finger Lickin' Chicken Signup - Our Neighborhood Watch Finger Lickin' Chicken Fundraiser is Friday, January 5, 2024. Price is $12 a plate. You can eat in Retzlaff Hall or take it home. Signup sheets and envelopes are now available in the library in the Neighborhood Watch area along the West wall . Fill in the front of the envelope, insert money and drop in the lock box. You will be hand-delivered an actual ticket before the event. Firemen will set up near the gazebo early Friday morning to cook the chicken and charro beans. Menu includes 1/2 a chicken, charro beans, coleslaw, macaroni salad, bread, jalapenos, cake, and iced tea or water. Deadline to sign up is December 22nd. We encourage interested persons to sign up in advance. There is no guarantee that extra plates will be available at the door. Please, sign up so we know how many chickens to order. - Jean Burgoine Sent 2023-12-04: Finger Lickin' Chicken: Meal Signup Sheet - A decision has been made to temporarily remove the 'meal' signup sheet and money envelopes from the library for the Finger Lickin' Chicken dinner until Dec 13. Come back on/after this date and signup/pay. NOTE: The 'volunteer signup' sheet remains hanging in the library. Please consider helping us out with this NW annual fundraiser. - Lenore Combs Sent 2023-12-04: Finger Lickin' Chicken Info - Finger Lickin’ Chicken is a fundraiser for Neighborhood Watch. It will be held Friday, January 5, 2024 @ 4PM in Retzlaff Hall. You may eat at the hall or take your plate to go. The cost will be $12 per plate plus any extra donations are happily accepted. To purchase tickets there is a signup sheet in the library, along with envelopes, for those planning to attend. Concerning the envelopes, please write your name(s) on one and enclose the plate(s) cost. Lenore and John Combs will make sure you receive your ticket(s). We are excited that the Harlingen Fire Fighters will be spending the day cooking chicken by the gazebo in their big pit! We anticipate many local police and firefighters will be attending this event. There is also a Volunteer signup sheet in the Library for those willing to help. We are looking for helpers to transport the chicken from the gazebo area to Retzlaff Hall and also needing people to help serve. This will be an event full of fun and great food! Thank you! For any questions or concerns, please call Lenore Combs at 956-245-1276. NW: Finger Lickin' Chicken (2024-01-05) Back to Top

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  • 2024-01 Emails | Sunshine Estates

    S EPO Community Emails: January 2024 Sent 2024-01-25: Casino Night - Bakers - Reminder to all bakers and to anyone else who would like to donate, please have your dessert bars or cookies to the kitchen by 9:30 am this Friday, Feb. 2nd. If bringing bars - DO NOT CUT! Please line your pan with parchment paper and label your pan with your first and last name. Remember the bars need to be finger food so please make accordingly. If any questions please call Vickie Jones at 262-689-7068 . Thanks to all of you! Sent 2024-01-28: WC Minutes: 2023-12-15 (Approved) & 2024-01-19 (Unapproved) - The 'APPROVED' minutes from the Women's Club meeting on Friday, Dec 15, 2023 and the 'UNAPPROVED' minutes from the Women's Club meeting on Friday, Jan 19, 2024 available on the Sunshine website HERE . - Karen Baase, WC Secretary Sent 2024-012-26: CORRECTED-SUNSHINE NEWSLETTER: Feb 2024 - Yesterday the Feb 2024 Sunshine Newsletter was hot off the press. Today the Corrected Newsletter is available. I'm glad to know folks are reading it, but in my haste to get it out this month and the fact that I used last year's Feb Newsletter as my starting point, I reported some event dates incorrectly. I have updated everything and highlighted the fixes in YELLOW . It can be found at the links below. If you have questions about any of the information in this Newsletter, please contact the person who wrote the article . You can view/print a copy of the revised document directly from HERE or on the website HERE . Thanks so much for helping me 'get the word out' accurately! - Beth Parrish, SEPO Newsletter Mgr Email: 314-960-6710 Sent 2024-01-25: last Pool Update - Pool Update: Water temp as of 9:00 am was 86 degrees. Good to go. Enjoy!!! - Jim Kennedy, SEPO Board Sent 202401-25: SUNSHINE NEWSLETTER: Feb 2024 - This Feb 2024 Sunshine Newsletter is hot off the press with the latest and greatest (LAG) Sunshine News & Notes. Be sure to read it as there is great info in it concerning your 2024 SEPO Election Ballots and the multitude of great activities coming up. Thanks to everyone who contributed. If you have questions about any of the information in this Newsletter, please contact the person who wrote the article. You can view/print a copy of it on the website HERE . I will be placing a Master Copy of this Newsletter in the library sometime today and Valerie will make copies for anyone who wishes to read it from paper. Thanks so much all for helping to 'get the word out'. - Beth Parrish, SEPO Newsletter Mgr Email: 314-960-6710 Sent 2024-01-25: 2024 SEPO Election: Depositing your Ballots into the Box - When you take your ballot envelope to the Office/Library building to vote, please ensure you place it in the slot on top of the 'locked' ballot box that is sitting in front of Valerie's office. Ballot envelopes have been found pushed under Valerie's office plexiglass window and even deposited in the slot located just above the 'suggestion box', which you can see in the picture below. A Board member even found one that had been shoved under the Office door and just lying on the floor. And yes, the Ballot Box was in it's current position when the envelopes mentioned above were found. Please respect the SEPO Election rules. Call me with questions at any time. - Beth Parrish, 2024 Board Election Committee Chairperson Email: 314-960-6710 Sent 2024-01-25: NW-CERT: Minutes, Jan 15, 2024 - Please take the time to read the minutes from our meeting on Jan 15, which can be found HERE . -- Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276, Coordinator Sunshine NW-CERT Team Sent 2024-01-25: Retiring - Two things - in a Nutshell: SEPO emails will start coming to you from instead of . When sending information to this address for me to send to the community, please include your email address along with your name. If you want to know 'why', keep reading. FIRST: I have been informed by the SEPO email system we use (BREVO) that "gmail" and "google" are tightening up their restrictions on being able to send/receive bulk emails. They are doing this to prevent/cut down on the number of SPAM emails you receive. And that's a good thing. Since is definitely a bulk sender and the majority of the Sunshine community uses gmail to received SEPO emails, I'm currently working on retiring as the sending email address. I will keep this gmail account open for a while until I'm sure I have done everything I need to with the new one, which is . The only thing you, as the receiver, need to do is ensure the new sending email address is not considered spam when you receive it. I did send the 'pool update' email last evening using the new email, so if you didn't get it check, your spam folder. SECOND: BREVO has implemented a new feature that allows me to enter in the 'reply to' slot the email address of the person who sent me the information. That way when anyone replies to a SEPO email it will go the composer of the email and not back to me. I will be updating the email guidelines to request you include your email address along with your name when you send me something to email to the community. Otherwise, I will have to go to the directory to look you up every time I send an email for you. Just think of it as if someone was replying directly to you when you post something on Facebook, instead of a middle-man. So onward & upward. Please call with any questions or if you have any issues with this ongoing. - Beth Parrish, SEPO Enews Email Manager Email: 314-960-6710 Sent 2024-01-24: Wednesday pool update - Pool update as of 4:45 Wednesday, January 24, 2024. - Heater is running, thanks again to Lalo, and water temps are on the way up. Right now water temp is 73 on the way up to 90. Hopefully, most of that will take place during the evening. Will check again in the morning, and let folks know. Thank most of you for your patience and enjoy the pool again. - Jim Kennedy, SEPO Board Sent 2024-01-24: 2024 SEPO Election: Audio Recording from "Meet & Greet" - Technology bit us in the 'you know what' yesterday. We thought we were recording the "Meet & Greet" session via Google Meet, but have not received anything from Google. And I'm betting we don't. For my own benefit, I had turned on my tape recorder. Although you may hear some paper rustling in the background, I think for the most part, this will provide valuable information to those who could not attend the session yesterday. And to those who did, it can be a refresher. Here's another kicker - darn it. I didn't look down to see my recorder wasn't on until after the three candidates had introduced themselves. I so totally apologize for missing that section. The recording does start: When I opened the session up to questions to the Board candidates. That was followed by an explanation of the three ballots by the Board, followed by lots of very good questions. Then I spoke and also answered questions about the ballot / voting processes themselves. Again, lots of great questions were asked. And we munched on sweets provide by the Women's Club throughout the entire event. Yum. You can access the audio recording here: The file is very large, so please be patient when listening to it, as I had to store it in an area I don't normally use. If you have any questions, either with the technology or the election, please don't hesitate to contact me. Beth Parrish, 2024 Board Election Committee Chairperson Email: 314-960-6710 Sent 2024-01-23: Neighborhood Watch & 911/Ambulances - Neighborhood watch wanted to get this information out to people. Please watch this video ( ). Thanks - Rich Hulswit Sent 2024-01-23: Fishing Club Meeting - The fishing club will be meeting this Wednesday, the 24th at 5:30 in Retzlaff Hall. Members and those interested in joining are encouraged to attend. - Deb (Eich) Deslaurierseich (from SEPO Facebook) Sent 2024-01-23: Another Opportunity to Dump your Bulky Items - ATTENTION RESIDENTS/RENTERS The trial run of residents/renters in the community being able to get rid of items that they were unable to take to the city dump was a success in December. Therefore, this coming Thursday thru Sunday, Jan 25-28, you may place your bulky items in the storage area in the Sand Pit. There will be no need to lift it onto the SEPO Trailer. There are a few items that we are asking to not be placed there: No Glass No Batteries No Tires No items that may contain Hazardous Chemicals (Oil) No Household Trash I think you know the rest Please call me with questions. - Frank Tewell SEPO Board Sent 2024-01-23: WC Casino Night - Sold Out - Casino Night is Sold Out! Thank you everyone who purchased their tickets today! - Sherri Gardner Sent 2024-01-23: UNAPPROVED: Minutes from several Board Mtgs etc - The UNAPPROVED minutes from several Board meetings can be found on the Sunshine website HERE . They are from the following meetings: Jan 2, 2024 Board Meeting (Regular) Jan 4, 2024 "Residents & Directors" Meeting Jan 11, 2024 Board Meeting (Special) They will also be posted in the office. Please call with any issues or questions. - Tony Adams, SEPO Board Secretary Sent 2024-01-23: Looking for info - Hello community! We realize we are ultimately responsible for our own home; however, it would have been the neighborly and polite thing to do to let us know when this happened to our solar panel - see pic HERE . We are not always here and want to be able to generate as much power as possible. If this happens again…..PLEASE let us know! - Dick & Linda Jones, Tee/hole #1 956-264-2926 573-631-7849 Sent 2024-01-23: REMINDER: Karaoke this Friday (Jan 26, 2024) - Karaoke in the Hall this Friday. New resident, Phillip Lay, and I will be hosting. As usual, bring a snack if you’d like, but it is not required. I will be bringing the famous yard of beef. And remember, you don’t have to sing, but please come and support those who do. Also, dancing is encouraged. Doors open at four, and singing begins at 4:30. Hope to see you there. - Randy Davis & Phillip Lay Sent 2024-01-23: REMINDER: Meet & Greet Session - This is a reminder of the 'Meet and Greet' tomorrow, Tuesday, Jan 23, @ 1 PM in Retzlaff Hall. This will give you the opportunity to meet and ask any questions of your Board member candidates. Several current Board members will also be in attendance to answer any and all questions you may have concerning the proposed Covenants ballot changes and/or the election in general. And, of course, I'll be there. 😁 The Women's Club will be providing cookies and drinks. Please get your questions formulated and plan to attend this session so you may be as well informed as possible BEFORE you complete your ballots. You can contact me any time with questions about this upcoming session. See you there. - Beth Parrish, 2024 Board Election Committee Chairperson Email: 314-960-6710 Sent 2024-01-22: Sunshine Rock Club Meeting Cancelled Today - Due to illness our Rock Painting Club Meeting from 1 to 3 pm today has been cancelled. The next meeting is February 5th. I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. - Karren Amos Sent 2024-01-22: FINAL REMINDER: FEB 2024 Newsletter Articles Due by End of Day Jan 24, 2024 - I'm sending this a day early this month as I do need to get this Newsletter out ASAP after the 24th. So, please, no late entries this time. This is the FINAL reminder that next month's Newsletter articles are due by End of Day on Jan 24th. The Newsletter Guidelines are posted on the Web site HERE . Examples of previous Newsletters are HERE . Please call with questions. - Beth Parrish, SEPO Newsletter Editor Email: 314-960-6710 Sent 2024-01-21: Need Your Help: Treats for Meet & Greet session this Tuesday - Women’s Club has been asked to provide the treats for this "meet and greet". This meeting is Tuesday 1/23/2024 in the hall starting at 1pm. If you can make some cookies or bars that would be great! Please let myself or Jill Ventrello know if you can help with this so we will have some kind of idea on what we should have coming in. You can just put them in the kitchen by 12pm - that would be great. If you have any questions call or text me 785-418-6208. Thank you, Vicky Krueger Sent 2024-01-21: Sunshine Website - Residents Only: Password change occurring now - As promised in the SEPO email on Jan 16, I am going to change the website password this morning. Give me until 10:30 AM to ensure everything is complete. The new password has been provided to all Current Residents/Renters. As always, this password should be kept confidential to only 'current' Sunshine Residents and Renters , due to the personal information that is on these pages. Thank you for your cooperation with this request. Please call w/questions. - Beth Parrish, SEPO Web site Admin Email: 314-960-6710 Sent 2024-01-21: QUESTION TO COMMUNITY: Saturday Morning Golf Scramble - Even though this isn't an 'emergency' email, I thought maybe lots of you would be home on this dreary day and read it - and respond. I was doing some cleanup to the Website this morning and noticed the Winter 2023-2024 'Golf Events' page didn't have an explanation for the Sat morning Golf Scramble that takes place each week. I managed to find an old explanation and am asking those of you who play in this event to confirm or update the 'old' explanation below. If I get a reply from several of you, because I know there are several of you who play in this, that's fine. If I get no replies, that will be very disappointing.😢. Also - Concerning a Thursday evening Scramble . There is nothing in the SEPO Calendar and I haven't heard any talk of this event this winter. Can I conclude this previous weekly Thu golf event is no longer being played? (Notice I didn't say assume!) Please reply to the email below. Thanks in advance for helping me keep your Sunshine Website accurate. - Beth Parrish, SEPO Web site Admin Email: 314-960-6710 Sent 2024-01-21: Women's Club cash boxes - We're missing the two cash boxes that belong to the Women's Club. If anyone knows where they are, could you please return them to me. We needed them for the breakfast and didn't have them. You're more than welcome to use them for your Women's Club event but please return them to me when you're done. Thanks! - Jill Ventrello Sent 2024-01-20:Storage Lot Yard Waste Area - NO DUMPING!!! Yard Waste Area in the Storage Los is for tree Limbs and yard waste only. - Director of Common Area Frank Tewell Sent 2024-01-20: Birding and Nature Club February Meeting - The Birding and Nature Club would like to invite the community to our meeting at 7:00pm on Monday, February 5th, in Retzlaff Hall to hear a presentation by Tony Tramel on our bug eating friends, the Purple Martins. A regular meeting of the Birding and Nature Club Club will follow the presentation and all are welcome to attend, if so desired. Questions about the Club and its activities may be directed to Ralph Peterson. Phone # 607-590-0606 Sent 2024-01-19: pool update - A quick update on the pool situation!! A new heater has been ordered------because of the weather all over the country, they are in demand!! We have one coming in from Phoenix and should be here by Wednesday. We will try to have it installed as quickly as possible, so hopefully it will be up and running by the end of next week. Thank you for your patience and the way this weather has been, haven’t noticed a line of folks trying to get into the pool. Hot tub is working Great!!!!! Will keep you up to date. - Jim Kennedy, SEPO Board Sent 2024-01-19: 2024 Women's Club Board Election Results - From the SEPO Facebook page and for WC Election Committee Chair, Judy Stone. Wow!!!! 81 women attended the Women’s Club meeting this morning (Jan 19)! Thank you so much to our outgoing Board of Directors: Vicky LeroyKrueger, President Judy Stone, Vice President Karen Baase, Secretary Dee Novak, Treasurer and also to our Activities Director, Jill Ventrello. Thank you to the incoming Women’s Club Board members for stepping up to the plate! The following persons will be sworn in and take over their new responsibilities starting at the Feb 16, 2024 meeting. Pam Davis, President Pam Lacy, Vice President Lisa Perrier, Secretary Marlene Parker, Treasurer Jill Ventrello has volunteered to serve another year as Activities Director. - Beth Parrish, SEPO Email Mgr Sent 2024-01-19: Table Tennis - We have several people interested in playing table tennis. We would like to announce the startup of table tennis in Retzlaff Hall on Saturday afternoons at 1 PM. We have reserved Saturdays from 1 PM to 3 PM, starting tomorrow, January 20 (will not play when other events are scheduled). Give me a call if you need. - Jan Kawecki, 719-334-6493 Sent 2024-01-19: LINK FIXED - B&N Club: Meeting Minutes from Jan 8, 2024 - That's what I get for hurrying this morning. The link to the minutes on the Web page below has been fixed just now. - Beth Parrish ****************************************** The minutes from the Birding & Nature (B&N) Club meeting on Jan 8, 2024 have been uploaded to the Sunshine Website HERE . - Judy Stone Sent 2024-01-19: MANDATORY MEETING: Casino Night Workers - Mandatory Meeting All workers and dealers, there will be a mandatory meeting on Monday, Jan. 22 at 11 am in the library. You need to purchase your tickets and to get last minute instructions and assignments. Contact one of the co-chairs if not able to make the meeting so other arrangements can be made. - Sherri Gardner 215-260-2110 - Vickie Jones 262-689-7068 Sent 2024-01-18: pool heater - Just a quick note to let everyone know the heater for the pool is giving us some problems. The pool temp might be a little chilly for the next few days. Will be taken care of a quickly as possible. - Jim Kennedy, SEPO Board Sent 2024-01-18: Women’s Club Meeting Friday - Just a reminder there is a Women’s Club meeting in the hall at 9AM on Friday 1/19/2024. Please don’t miss this one if possible we will be having the election for our Women’s Club Officers along with other business. Beth was supplied us with the Candidate list and created a Web page in the "Residents Only" section where you can view/read the BIOS she received from the Candidates. This will be blind Election and the election committee will tally the votes and announce the outcome. Hope to see all you ladies on Friday Morning! Thank you, - Vicky LeRoyKrueger Sent 2024-01-18: 2024 SEPO ELECTION: 'MEET & GREET" - The remaining Ballot Packets not physically picked up were taken to the Post Office this morning. As you were previously informed (on Jan 10) the next step in the election process is to hold a 'Meet and Greet' session in Retzlaff Hall. The day/time has been set and is next Tuesday, Jan 23, @ 1 PM in Retzlaff Hall. This will give you the opportunity to meet and ask any questions of your Board member candidates. Several current Board members will also be in attendance to answer any and all questions you may have concerning the proposed Covenants ballot changes and/or the election in general. And, of course, I'll be there. 😁 The Women's Club will be providing cookies and drinks. Please get your questions formulated and plan to attend this session so you may be as well informed as possible BEFORE you complete your ballots. You can contact me any time with questions about this upcoming session. See you there. - Beth Parrish 2024 Board Election Committee Chairperson Email: 314-960-6710 Sent 2024-01-17: REMINDER: FEB 2024 Newsletter Articles Due by End of Day JAN 24, 2024 - Here's your first reminder that next month's Newsletter articles are due by end of day on the 24th of this month. They should be submitted to . This is a super way to get the word out about upcoming activities. Even if you don't have all of the information finalized by the Newsletter deadline, at least put 'what you do know so far' or even just a 'Save the Date' sentence in the Newsletter. It's also a perfect opportunity to recap past events and/or thank those who helped you with prior events/activities. The Newsletter Guidelines are posted on the Web site HERE . Prior Newsletters,which you can use as examples, can be found HERE . Please call with questions. - Beth Parrish SEPO Newsletter Editor Email: 314-960-6710 Sent 2024-01-17: Women’s Club breakfast reminder - Reminder: January 20th Women’s Club breakfast from 7:30 to 10:00 a.m. Mark your calendar to join us for a delicious breakfast. We look forward to seeing everyone there. - Lisa Perrier Sent 2024-01-16: Former Residents Passing - The SEPO Office has received the following information. Two former residents have passed away. Carolyn Clements on Jan 15, 2024: Informed by Bryan Lord Fran Twesten on Nov 10, 2023: Informed by Nancy Johns Sent 2024-01-16: Sunshine Website - Residents Only: Password change to occur this weekend - As is done in January every year, I will be updating the Sunshine Website "password" to the Residents Only section sometime in the next few days. I will send an email containing the new password just before I start working on this task. It will probably take about 30 minutes to complete. As always, this password should be kept confidential to only 'current' Sunshine Residents and Renters , due to the personal information that is on these pages. Thank you for your cooperation with this request. Please call w/questions. - Beth Parrish, SEPO Web site Admin Email: 314-960-6710 Sent 2024-01-16: UPDATED: Website Directories (as of 2024-01-15) - Since I implemented the new Website process for updating Resident/Renter Directories a few months ago, I haven't been sending emails about the updates. I just do them. However, because of the numerous updates I received while verifying information as it related to the SEPO Election, I wanted to let everyone know I just now put all new directories on the Website. Valerie and I are working together to ensure she and I are in sync. The files are all dated Jan 15, 2024, and can be found HERE .As always, if you see anything at all that needs fixed, let me and the office know right away. Thx - Beth Parrish, SEPO Web site Admin Email: 314-960-6710 Sent 2024-01-15: Programming the Gate Codes - If your car/truck has a garage opener pad built in we can program it for the gates if you haven’t done it already. Let me know if you need help with that. - Tom Perrier SEPO Board Sent 2024-01-15: Your Household Trash - It was brought to my attention that the drainage ditches have been getting some trash in them, with the winds we’ve been having lately. Some of it has been blowing in from outside our community. But I thought I would remind you to put your household trash in bags that can be closed, before going into your cart. I’ve noticed paper products blowing around on pickup days lately. Your attention to this helps much. Thx - Tom Perrier SEPO Board Sent 2024-01-15: 2024 Election Status - The day and time for the "Meet & Greet" session has been finalized. It will be next Tuesday, Jan 23 @ 1 PM in Retzlaff Hall. This is your opportunity to meet and ask questions of the Candidates and also to have the ballots fully explained to you. And the Women's Club are providing cookies and drinks for us. We hope to see lots of you attend. Ballot Packet status is: All ballot packets not picked up in the Library today by noon will be stamped on Tuesday afternoon and mailed Wednesday morning. The Ballot Box will be set out in front of the SEPO Office at 8:15 AM Thursday. - Beth Parrish 2024 Board Election Committee Chairperson Email: 314-960-6710 Sent 2024-01-15: UNAPPROVED: SEPO Financials, 2023-12 (Dec) - The UNAPPROVED December 2023 SEPO Financials are posted on the Sunshine Website HERE . Please let me know if you have any questions. - Mark Owen SEPO Treasurer Sent 2024-01-15: 2024/2026 Women's Club Board Candidates: Get to Know Them - This coming Friday, Jan 19, 2024 is the next Women's Club (WC) meeting. The voting and election of Women's Club Officers for the period of 2024-2026 will take place at this meeting. The Women's Club “Board Nominating Committee” wanted you to have an opportunity to get to know the candidates for the four offices; President, Vice President, Secretary & Treasurer prior to the WC meeting so you can make an informed decision when voting. The candidates running for each office are as follow (in alphabetical order in each office): President - Pam Davis Vice President - Pam Lacy Secretary - Karen Baase and Lisa Perrier Treasurer - Dee Novak and Marlene Parker The BIOs I have received so far are in the “residents” section on the Sunshine website HERE . You will see at the bottom of the Web page that Jill Ventrello has volunteered to be the Women's Club Activities Directory for another year. We hope to see a big turnout at the meeting this Friday, when we hold the election for your new 2024-2026 Women's Club Board members. The swearing-in ceremony will take place at the Feb 2024 meeting. If you have any questions, please contact me. - Judy Stone, SEPO Women's Club Board Nominating Committee Sent 2024-01-15: Reminder NW-CERT meeting Monday, Jan 15, 2024 - The meeting will take place in Retzlaff Hall adjacent to the swimming pool. See the agenda HERE . - Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276, Coordinator Sunshine NW-CERT Team Sent 2024-01-15: FINAL REMINDER (Time Sensitive) - TODAY IS THE FINAL DAY - 2024 Election Ballots: Physical Pickup in Library - The information below is TIME SENSITIVE. I know it's cold, but TODAY IS THE LAST DAY you will be able to come to the Library from 10 AM to 12 NOON and physically pick up your 2024 Election ballot packets. Mailing these packets is not cheap. The more packets picked up, the more of your SEPO dollars are saved. We still have around 200 packets that weren't picked up on Saturday. Our hope is to see lots of you picking up your ballot packets today. The Homeowner is the only person (no exceptions) who may pick up the materials. The homeowner must: Provide proof of identity (drivers license, etc). AND Sign for the materials to verify "pickup". This will be followed by the chairperson or a member of the Election Committee co-signing. When you enter the library you will see signs of each Sunshine street hanging on the book shelves. Find your street and see the person in front of that sign who will be handing out the packets for your street. Any ballots not picked up by NOON today, Monday, January 15, will need to be stamped and taken to the Post Office to be mailed to your Sunshine address (unless you previously requested it be mailed to a different address). Each packet contains the Board of Directors ballot and three Covenants ballots. It also contains 'voting instructions' and other pertinent information you will need to complete and submit your ballots by the absolute deadline of Tuesday, Feb 20, 2024 at 1 PM. At least two SEPO Board members will be present today to answer any questions you may have regarding the process or ballot contents. Please contact me at any time if you have any questions about any of the above. Bundle up and I'll see you in the Library in a few hours. - Beth Parrish 2024 Board Election Committee Chairperson Email: 314-960-6710 Sent 2024-01-15: Wood Shop Orientation Class Thursday Jan 18th 5 pm - Woodshop Orientation Class Thursday Jan 18th 5 pm in the wood shop. This class is a requirement for using the wood shop. A one time attendance is required. The shop will be closed during the class. Call John Chajec 708-280-8940 with any questions. Sent 2024-01-13: (Currently Happening) REMINDER - 2024 Election Ballots: Physical Pickup in Library - Your Election Committee team is currently in the Library with the SEPO Election ballot packets just waiting for you to come and pick yours up. Thanks to all of you who have been in already. The Homeowner is the only person (no exceptions) who may pick up the materials. The homeowner must: Provide proof of identity (drivers license, etc). AND Sign for the materials to verify "pickup". This will be followed by the chairperson or a member of the Election Committee co-signing. Mailing these packets at the Post Office is not a cheap undertaking. So the more packets picked up the more of your SEPO dollars are saved. We hope to see lots more of you picking up your ballot packets. - Beth Parrish 2024 Board Election Committee Chairperson Email: 314-960-6710 Sent 2024-01-12: REMINDER (Time Sensitive) - 2024 Election Ballots: Physical Pickup in Library - The Election Committee team completed the preparation of your 2024 SEPO Election ballot packets in record time and we are ready for distribution to Homeowners. The information below is TIME SENSITIVE. You will be able to come to the Library and physically pick up your 2024 Election ballot packets again this year. Each packet contains the Board of Directors ballot and three Covenants ballots. It also contains 'voting instructions' and other pertinent information you will need to complete and submit your ballots by the absolute deadline of Tuesday, Feb 20, 2024 at 1 PM. You may physically pick up your ballots IN THE LIBRARY on: Saturday - January 13, 2024, 12 noon - 2 PM Monday - January 15, 2024, 10 AM - 12 noon. The Homeowner is the only person (no exceptions) who may pick up the materials. The homeowner must: Provide proof of identity (drivers license, etc). AND Sign for the materials to verify "pickup". This will be followed by the chairperson or a member of the Election Committee co-signing. The committee has organized the envelopes numerically by Street. So look for the table that has the Sign showing your Street. At least two SEPO Board members will be present each day to assist with any questions you may have regarding the process or ballot contents. Any ballots not picked up by Monday, January 15, at noon will be taken to the Post Office the next day and mailed to your Sunshine address (unless you previously requested it be mailed to a different address). Mailing these packets at the Post Office is not a cheap undertaking. So the more packets picked up Sat and Mon the more of your SEPO dollars are saved. We hope to see lots of you picking up your ballot packets. Please contact me at any time if you have any questions about any of the above. See you in the Library - Beth Parrish 2024 Board Election Committee Chairperson Email: 314-960-6710 Sent 2024-01-10: 2024 SEPO ELECTION: 'MEET & GREET / INFORMATIONAL' SESSION - NEXT OPPORTUNITY CONCERNING THE 2024 SEPO ELECTION IS: 'MEET & GREET / INFORMATIONAL' SESSION: The next step in the election process is to hold a 'Meet and Greet & Informational' session in Retzlaff Hall sometime a few days after the ballots are mailed. I'm still working on the logistics of this session and will notify everyone as soon as the day / time has been decided. This will give you the opportunity to meet and ask any questions of your Board member candidates and also to get any questions answered you may have concerning the proposed Covenants ballot changes. The Women's Club has agreed to participate again this year. And you know what that means - there may be goodies involved! (No promises though.) Please get your questions formulated and plan to attend this session so you may be as well informed as possible BEFORE you complete your ballots. You can contact me any time with questions about this upcoming session. Beth Parrish 2024 Board Election Committee Chairperson Email: 314-960-6710 Sent 2024-01-10: 2024 Election Ballots: Save the Dates(s) - Physical Pickup in Library - The information below is dependent upon the Election Committee completing all of the Ballot Envelope preparation by end of day this Thursday, which I don't anticipate will be a problem. You will be notified immediately if anything stated below changes. This information is TIME SENSITIVE. Please mark the following Days & Times in your Calendar that you will be able to come to the Library and physically pick up your 2024 Election Ballot envelopes. Each envelope contains the Board of Directors Ballot and three Covenants ballots. It also contains 'voting instructions' and other pertinent information you will need to complete and submit your ballots by the absolute deadline of Tuesday, Feb 20, 2024 at 1 PM. The plan is for you to be able to physically pick up your ballots on: Saturday - January 13, 2024, 12 noon - 2 PM Monday - January 15, 2024, 10 AM - 12 noon. The Homeowner is the only person (no exceptions) who may pick up the materials. The homeowner must: Provide proof of identity. Sign for the materials to verify "pickup". This will be followed by the chairperson or a member of the Election Committee co-signing. The plan is to have one or more SEPO Board members present to assist with any questions you may have regarding the process or ballot contents. Any ballots not picked up by Monday, January 15, at noon will be taken to the Post Office the same or next day and mailed to your Sunshine address (unless you previously requested it be mailed to a different address). We hope to see lots of you picking up your ballots. Please contact me at any time if you have any questions about any of the above. Beth Parrish 2024 Board Election Committee Chairperson Email: 314-960-6710 Sent 2024-01-09: IMPORTANT-More Info: Combes Water Shutoff this Thursday, Jan 11 - UPDATE 2024-01-09: From SEPO Office The water will be shut off for a few hours in the Combes area this Thursday, Jan 11, starting at 9 AM for a 'master meter change out'. Sunshine streets affected will be Kansas, Iowa, Missouri & Wisconsin) - Valerie Basaldua Sent 2024-01-08: IMPORTANT: Combes Water Shutoff this Thursday, Jan 11 - I received the information below via email just now concerning shutoff of Combes water in SCCE this Thursday, Jan 11, 2024. - Beth Parrish Sent 2024-01-09: Karaoke in late January - We will have Karaoke at the Hall on Friday, January 26 at 4pm. New resident Phillip Lay will be using his equipment. He has hosted karaoke for years and I’m excited to help him into the karaoke mix. Come join the fun. - Randy Davis Sent 2024-01-09: WC: New Homeowner's Party (additional update) - Reminder to buy your admission (in the library) to our New Homeowner's Party that is this Friday! Come meet your 2023 new neighbors! And, as a BONUS, after intros and dinner Share Nelson, assisted by John Combs will be showing a video collection of productions we have had in the past, produced by Lassey Dahlstrom! You will see some familiar faces, we have been waiting for this! - Irene Phillips Sent 2024-01-09: WC: New Homeowner's Ticket Sales ending Today - Tomorrow, Tuesday will be the last day to purchase admission to Sunshine New Homeowner's Party! - Irene Phillips Sent 2024-01-09: Neighborhood Watch - Dear NW Volunteers, benefit Helpers, Friends and Neighbors Well, we had an exciting event over the weekend and lost several chickens, but so far nobody has seen these Got-aways. 😁 For the beginning of our 2024 calendar year, as a reminder - back to business - our next NW-CERT meeting will be Monday - 15 January 2024 at 3pm in Retz Hall. Coffee and refreshments too! I expect it should also be a great opportunity to meet our Harlingen and Combes Police Officers. Perhaps you could consider joining our NW program - many hands make light work. You will be fully oriented. I want to sincerely thank those of you who have been so faithful in taking Patrol as it keeps the Bad Guys on their feet. Thanks to all who made our Finger Lickin' Chicken a success and we will get a facelift for the McGruffmobile from the proceeds - namely tires and some new style lighting. Your suggestions are welcome. The January and February schedules are out - thanks to Linda & Dick Jones. May you all have a safe, wonderful new year. Sincerely, -- Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276 Coordinator - Sunshine NW & CERT Sent 2024-01-09: Women’s Club breakfast - Sent 2024-01-08: CORRECTION: AGENDA for Board Mtg (Special) on Thursday, Jan 11, 2024 @ 1 PM IN THE LIBRARY- The agenda for the 1 PM, Jan 11, 2024 SEPO Board (Special) meeting WHICH IS BEING HELD IN THE LIBRARY is HERE and also posted on the Web site HERE . This agenda was posted in the normal three spots this morning by Valerie. - Tony Adams, SEPO Board Secretary Sent 2024-01-07: ATTENTION: TX AVE Fenced In Dog Park - Good morning! We’re starting to install the fence in the Texas Ave fenced dog area and we’re going to have the big gate open for most of the day. If you could walk your dogs elsewhere it would be appreciated and give us today and tomorrow to complete it. Thanks - Tom Perrier, SEPO Board Sent 2024-01-06: Garden Club Speaker Tuesday afternoon - Sunshine Garden Get Together this Tuesday, January 9th. Speaker Dr. Julie Mustard will start our day at 3:30 with a tour of Texas Avenue at Butterfly Garden. She will point out what pollinators are present and how to attract more. (Bad weather cancels). Next at 4:30 in Retzlaff Hall, Julie will give a presentation of pollinator insects and is open to all our questions. Everyone is welcome, cookies and bars will be provided. A good will donation will be collected for UTRGV to purchase a few pollinator plants for their gardens. See you Tuesday, Susanne and Deb Sent 2024-01-05: SEPO Office Closure, Monday afternoon, Jan 8 2024 - If you go to the SEPO office next Monday afternoon, Jan 8, 2024 and the curtain is pulled closed, that indicates the office is closed to all traffic, except emergencies . This will enable Valerie and the Election Committee to work uninterrupted to create the SEPO 2024 Election ballot packets for the community. Thanks to the everyone for your understanding. - Share Nelson, SEPO Board President Sent 2024-01-05: VIDEO: Residents' Mtg from Jan 4, 2024 - The video from the Jan 5, 2024 Residents' Meeting is now available for viewing HERE AND and directly from HERE . Please contact me with any issues/questions.- Tony Adams, SEPO Board Secretary Sent 2024-01-05: VIDEO: "Residents & Directors" Mtg, Jan 4, 2024 - The video from the Jan 4, 2024 "Residents & Directors" meeting is now available for viewing HERE AND and directly from HERE . Please contact me with any issues/questions.- Tony Adams, SEPO Board Secretary Sent 2024-01-04: MARKET Update: Home For Sale - See my home at 1937 West Montana Avenue that is for sale on the Sunshine MARKET . - Jim & Helen Perry - by Cindy Shriver, Broker/Owner, Dream Valley Properties, LLC 956-970-0449 Sent 2024-01-03: MARKET Update: Homes For Sale - Two homes have been added to the Sunshine MARKET just now. ********** See my home at 4329 N Minnesota Street that is for sale on the Sunshine MARKET . - Donavon & Marlene Parker by - Cindy Shriver, Broker/Owner, Dream Valley Properties, LLC 956-970-0449 ********** See my home at 4104 N Missouri Street that is for sale on the Sunshine MARKET . - Charles Jeanblanc by - Cindy Shriver, Broker/Owner, Dream Valley Properties, LLC 956-970-0449 Sent 2024-01-03 - CORRECTED - WC: New Homeowners Party - Info & Signup - Here's a CORRECTED FLYER with the info for the New Homeowners Party. I forgot to put that Stefanos is providing a lasagna dinner so here's the corrected flyer. - Jill Ventrello Sent 2024-01-02 - VIDEO: Board Mtg (Reg) Jan 2, 2024 - The video from the Jan 2, 2024 Regular Board meeting is now available for viewing on the Sunshine Web site HERE AND and directly from HERE . Please contact me with any issues/questions. - Tony Adams, SEPO Board Secretary Sent 2024-01-02: AGENDA for Residents' Meeting on Thu, Jan 4, 2024 after 1 PM "Res & Dir" Meeting - The agenda for the 'Hybrid' Jan 4, 2024 Residents' Meeting, which will be held immediately after the 1 PM "Residents & Directors" meeting in Retzlaff Hall can be accessed on the Sunshine website HERE AND directly from HERE . This agenda will also be posted outside the SEPO office, on the poolside door to Retzlaff Hall and by the mailboxes today. Please call with any questions / issues. - Tony Adams, SEPO Board Secretary Sent 2024-01-02: Neighborhood Watch information - Finger Lickin' Chicken - Dear Friends - Friday - the 5th of January is Finger Lickin' Chicken Day (a fundraiser for Neighborhood Watch) I still have some tickets left - call me 956 245 1276 if you wish one. The Plan: Early Friday,8 am or so - the Firefighters will be at the Gazebo with BBQ grill handy. John and I will pick up the Chickens at that time too - fresh and ready for the grill. About 4pm - they should be done. In the meantime, please have a visit by the Gazebo - where the action is.......... Bring your chair and sit a spell. About 4pm: The Chicken team will get the done chickens to Retz Hall in coolers (to keep them hot) The Chicken helpers will have had RETZ Hall ready.....Eat In or Take Out. Pick up your Finger Lickin' Chicken here. YWe will also have Ice Tea and dessert. Menu: Finger Lickin Chicken Potato Salad Cole Slaw yum yum Mexican Beans, Iced Tea and fresh made cake for dessert. - Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276, Coordinator Neighborhood Watch Sent 2024-01-02: REMINDER-NEED VERIFICATION by noon, Jan 4, 2024: Directories in preparation for sending 2024 SEPO Election Ballots - First off - I want to thank all of you who have already replied to this email from last week (around 33%). Although that's a good number, now that the holidays are behind us, I'm hoping this reminder motivates more of you to reply by the deadline (this Thu @ noon). FYI - The directory below is still the 'old' one. I'm meeting tomorrow with one of my committee members to compile all of the replies so far in order to update the directory. Thanks again. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ From: SEPO Community - 2024 Election Committee Sent: Friday, December 29, 2023 6:27 AM To: Subject: NEED VERIFICATION by noon, Jan 4, 2024: Directories in preparation for sending 2024 SEPO Election Ballots Hi I'm Beth Parrish. I am the Chairperson for the 2024 SEPO Election Committee. The SEPO Directory sorted by Name has been updated and can be viewed by clicking HERE . If all goes according to plan, I would like to have the Ballot Envelopes ready for distribution sometime between Jan 10 and Jan 12, if not sooner. To ensure you receive your ballot envelope timely in order for you to return everything to the Office by 1 PM (at the absolute latest) on Feb 20, 2024, please return your answers to the following TWO QUESTIONS by noon, Jan 4, 2024. Will you please verify that both your Sunshine address AND your Away address (if you have one) are correct. Please reply 'yes' or 'no' to this item. If 'no' to either or both, please supply the correct information. Please let the committee know if you WANT YOUR BALLOT MAILED TO YOUR SUNSHINE or AWAY ADDRESS. Please send your reply to the TWO QUESTIONS above by sending an email to HERE . Thanks again for helping out the committee by supplying this information timely. - Beth Parrish (2024 SEPO Election Committee Chairperson) Sent 2024-01-02: Found bracelet - We found a bracelet this morning after the New Year's Eve party. If you lost one please contact me. - Jill Ventrello Sent 2024-01-02: NEED HELP: Sunshine Christmas Tree Takedown - What goes up must come down!! The Women’s Club would appreciate any and all help to take down our beautiful Christmas trees and decorations in the Hall tomorrow, January 2nd at 3 PM. Thanks in advance! - Pam Davis Back to Top

  • 2023-05 Emails | Sunshine Estates

    S EPO Community Emails: May 2023 Sent 2023-05-31: UPDATED: Directories on Web site - I want to send out a big thanks to all of you who replied to my last Directory email in mid-May about needing to know if your Resident / Renter / Email information on the SEPO Directories was up-to-date. I have taken everyone's responses and incorporated them into this most recent directory update that is now on the Web site. I have worked with Valerie on some new resident info as well. However, you will see (marked in DARK BLUE ) that there is still some info that Valerie is not aware of concerning some buying and selling of homes with Sunshine over the last few months. Please make sure you get with her and get your office files updated. All of the new directories can be found HERE . If anyone still sees info that needs tended to, please let me know ASAP by replying to this email ( ). If you have any questions or issues with accessing these directories, please contact me using info from my signature below. Beth Parrish SEPO Enews and Sunshine Website Manager 314-960-6710 Email: Sent 2023-05-31: Rock Painting Class 5 June 2023 canceled - To all Sunshine Rock Club Members! --- The next Rock Painting Class meeting on Monday, 5 June 2023, is cancelled. - Karren Amos Sent 2023-05-31: Memorial Day Festivities: THANK YOU - Dear Friends - I wish to thank everyone who participated in yesterday's Veterans Tribute. So many of you contributed - from the nuts & bolts of the Program, Parade, Potluck to the decorating and dirty dishes. I dare not start a Thank You list of names fearing leaving one out - so God Bless America and God bless you. And as Lee Greenwood sings - 🎵 I am proud to be an American..... 🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵 -- Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276 ************************************************************************** Hi - This is Beth Parrish. Thanks to those of you who sent me pictures and posted pictures on the Sunshine FB page so that I could post some of the festivities on the Sunshine Website HERE . - Beth Parrish, Sunshine Website Mgr Sent 2023-05-29: RAIN PLANs - if necessary for Memorial Day Monday 29 May 2023 - Dear Friends - The show will go on....... If rain tries to mess our day, just go to Retzlaff Hall -- 1:30 PM. We will have the Memorial Day tribute there. If weather permitting, we will have the Golf Cart Parade as planned and the program will continue at the Gazebo. The Potluck plan has not changed. (4pm Retz Hall) Thanks - Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276 Sent 2023-05-23: Clint Wunderlich celebration of life meeting - If any ladies are interested in helping with Clint’s celebration of life, we are going meet in the library on Wednesday May 24th at 2pm. Celebration will be held Saturday June 17th. - Women’s Club, Vicky Krueger Sent 2023-05-23: Beginning line dance class - Just a reminder. We will have a beginner line dance class at 10:00 in the hall on Tuesdays thru the summer. Will extend into next season if enough interest. - Donna Myers, 956 245 0188 Sent 2023-05-23: Golf: Aerating the Greens - It appears the weather will cooperate this week to allow us to begin aerating the greens. We will start around Wednesday noon and should be completed by Friday afternoon. The course will be open, but please play around the workers. - Randy Davis, Golf Course Director Sent 2023-05-22: Memorial Day Tribute Monday 29 May 2023 - Dear Friends - Memorial Day is next Monday. Please mark your calendars for this event. Sunshine will present a Memorial Day Tribute on Monday the 29th Everyone is cordially invited. Memorial Day is a holiday originally called Decoration Day. It was designed to honor Armed Forces who gave their all during service to our Nation. And we are especially grateful to these families. We shall celebrate and give thanks. Golf Cart Parade 1:30 Meet at the Office If you please - decorate your Golf Cart and carry your Flag Hoppy will have music We will cover Michigan to Missouri heading to Iowa to Minnesota then - back to Michigan, going to Missouri to Montana and out to the Gazebo for the program. Gazebo - Program begins. If anyone would like to help with this piece, please notify me. I also need about 9 volunteers for the Branch Flags Lenore 956 245 1276 Flag bearers and script readers are needed. Potluck - 4pm Retz Hall See Jill Ventrello for any questions relevant to the Potluck. Bring your favorite dish and enjoy the fellowship. Thank you, God Bless you and God Bless the USA - Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276 Sent 2023-05-22: Memorial Day memory board - I realize that Memorial Day is a day to honor those that lost their lives serving their country but personally I feel there are not enough days in the year to honor ALL veterans so with that being said I have made a bulletin board in Retzlaff Hall, for Memorial Day, for anyone that wants to display pictures, letters or any memories of their loved ones that have served or are now serving. If you want please let us know who these special veterans in your life are. Also make sure that you put your name and number on the back so I can get them back to you. Hope to see many of you there at the parade, the gazebo ceremony and the hall for potluck. - Jill Ventrello Sent 2023-05-21: Wood Shop Orientation Class Thursday May 25th 5 pm - Woodshop Orientation Class Thursday May 25th 5 pm in the wood shop. This will be the last class until Fall. This class is a requirement for using the wood shop. A one time attendance is required. The shop will be closed during the class. Call John Chajec 708-280-8940 with any questions. Sent 2023-05-20: Pool Update (Saturday May 20) - Hi: A Saturday morning update on pool. Pool is ready to use---Enjoy!! The hot tub can be used, but the jets are off! The motor that runs the jets is the one that has parts ordered. Hopefully by Monday!!! Thanks everyone for your patience. Jim Kennedy Sent 2023-05-20: Pool Update (Saturday May 20) - Hi: A Saturday morning update on pool. Pool is ready to use---Enjoy!! The hot tub can be used, but the jet are off! The motor that runs the jets is the one that has parts ordered. Hopefully by Monday!!! Thanks everyone for your patience. - Jim Kennedy Sent 2023-05-19: Pool Update - Hi: Quick progress report on pool and hot tub!! There was a tear in one of the filters and that has been ordered. Lalo has worked his tail off switching filters to get things in line as quickly as possible. To get things done the “right way” – let’s put off using the pool for another day. When I get the green light, I’ll let you know. Hope it will be worth the wait!!! Thanks again for you patience. Jim Kennedy Sent 2023-05-19: Former Resident Passing - The office was informed by Kay Sluyter and Ina Hillman that Former resident Gene Nett passed away on 5/18. Valerie Basaldua, SEPO Office Sent 2023-05-19: Resident Passing - Dan Boardman has informed the office that Bob Auclair passed away on Tuesday, 05/16. - Valerie Basaldua, SEPO Office Sent 2023-05-19: Sunshine Rock Painting Meeting 22 May 2023 - The NEXT Sunshine Rock Painting Club meeting is Monday May 22nd, 1 to 3 pm at the hall. Rock painting will include Memorial Day rocks and others! Hope to see you there! Karren Amos Sent 2023-05-19: Pool Update - Hi: Because of weather and some glitches that have popped up with filters and pumps, am sorry to say the pool and hot tub will not be open Friday. The good news is that both the hot tub and pool look great! With the addition of some chemicals and tender care everything should be soon back to normal. Thank you everyone for your patience while this is being done!!!!! Jim Kennedy Sent 2023-05-17: Memorial Day planning meeting Friday 19 May 11 am - Dear Friends - Anyone wishing to give their 2 CENTS for Memorial Day, please come with your ideas. Tentative Plans; MONDAY 29 May = Memorial Day Golf cart Parade 2pm, meet at the Office. Memorial day program - Gazebo to follow Potluck supper 4pm Jill Ventrello - sponsor -- Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276 Sponsor for Golf Cart Parade & Gazebo plans Sent 2023-05-16: Beginning Line Dance Class - There has been some interest expressed in Line Dancing. I have set up a beginning class for Tuesday mornings at 10 in the Hall. It will begin May 23. I will be starting with the basic steps and start with beginner dances. I hope any of you that have ever thought about line dancing will give this a try. Should be fun and you will get a little exercise as well. Any questions call Donna Myers at 956 245 0188. Hope to see a bunch of you there. Sent 2023-05-15: Resident Passing - Frank Tewell informed me Clint Wunderlich passed away on Sunday, May 14, 2023. - Valerie Basaldua, SEPO Office Sent 2023-05-15: Neighborhood Watch info: Harlingen Police Academy class - Neighborhood Watch and CERT and Sunshine residents Dear Friends, There will be a Harlingen Police Academy class held at the local Harlingen Police Dept.-- 1018 Fairpark Blvd, Hgn. It will start Monday the 5th of June 2023, 6pm - 9 or 10 pm x 8 or so weeks. Lots of good safety info. (no charge) Applications are in the Library on the Neighborhood Watch bulletin Board. I also have them. Get them in ASAP - class is limited. The curriculum and teaching methods are similar to the traditional Police Academy but you are not Police candidates. Classroom and hands-on instruction provide you with a working knowledge of Hgn PD such as HPD Operations, Policy, Procedure etc. and you will gain a deeper understanding of the problems and concerns they face daily. -- Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276 Coordinator - Neighborhood Watch - CERT Team Sent 2023-05-14: UPDATED: Sunshine Directories on Web - Hi All - I hope all mothers enjoyed their special day today - HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY And I hope everyone is enjoying the summer. I certainly have been. Anyway, it's been a looooong time coming, but I spent quite a bit of time this weekend updating all of the Sunshine Directories on the website: Resident Directory by - Name Address Resident Email Address Directory Renters Directory All of these directories are dated May 14, 2023 and can be found HERE . Earlier today I sent separate emails to several residents asking specific questions about what I had listed for them in the website directories. As soon as I hear back from those folks, I'll update the web again. Hopefully this will be occur in the next week or so. Now I'm asking something from all of you. Will you please take a couple of minutes to look at these updated directories and let me know if your info is 'CORRECT' or if 'CHANGES ARE NEEDED' by replying to this email ( ). Please remember, these are your directories, and I can only supply to you the info you have supplied to the Office. If anyone has questions or issues with accessing these directories, please contact me using info from my signature below. Beth Parrish SEPO Enews Email Manager E-Mail: 314-960-6710 Sent 2023-05-13: Neighborhood Watch info - Neighborhood Watch and CERT and Sunshine residents Dear Friends, There will NOT be a scheduled Neighborhood Watch - CERT meeting in June. If anyone wishes to contact me, feel free. The only info I have for us is to be careful and light up and lock up!!!! --- Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276 Coordinator - Neighborhood Watch - CERT Team Sent 2023-05-13: MEMORIAL DAY Plans at Sunshine Monday 29 May 2023 - Dear Friends, Memorial Day has been and is a special day to honor all military members who died while serving in the U.S. Armed Forces. Aside from decorating Veterans graves, parades and services are often held but after WWII, the purpose broadened and now recognizes all those who have served in all American Wars. The National Remembrance Act - Moment of Silence - pause at 3pm local time. (We will incorporate this with the program at the Gazebo). Sunshine is a proud community and there are two parts to our Memorial Day program - the Veterans Tribute (Golf Cart Parade & Gazebo Program) and the Potluck which will follow shortly thereafter in Retz Hall. There is a signup sheet in the Library. For the Parade and Gazebo part, I am looking for volunteers to help with several facets. The Potluck Team are doing their thing at Retz Hall. John and I need Flag Bearers to carry the Branch Flags and two escorts with wooden rifles (that don't shoot). Hoppy will help with sound. John will help with the Flag ceremony. I need two Neighborhood Watch volunteers to mark the area by the Gazebo from where the Flags will enter. We appreciate your 2 CENTs and can have a brief meeting on Tue or Wed the 16th and/or 17th of May. Let's meet at the Office and go from there. Please call me for any questions 956 245 1276 Thanks -- Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276 Sent 2023-05-11: Calling All Dogs and Cats too! - Hey Everyone, Sandra Delaunay will be coming to the Estates on Tuesday, May16th, 2023, to take care of your pet's nails. She will be starting at 11:00 am. The cost is ten dollars per pet. Please text Sandra and she will schedule your appointment. Sandra's number is 956-226-9919. Sandra will come to your home. - Thanks, Marian Young 719-468-4556 Sent 2023-05-11: Open Gate - It is the consensus of your Board of Directors that the front gate on Texas Avenue will remain open during daytime and close during the evening as it normally does. We are all aware of a change in border procedure that may or may not affect us. Our local police have issued no warnings and we are hopeful for the best. Many of our residents are away from their homes in Sunshine. Please be watchful in your neighborhood and take every precaution to keep yourself and your property safe. A special thank you to our Neighborhood Watch team. May you have a happy and healthy summer. - SEPO Board of Directors Sent 2023-05-10: TX Ave 'front' dog park path - I saw on the SEPO Facebook page that a new path had been constructed in the 'front' dog park on Texas Avenue. Even though I don't have a dog, I was curious as to what everyone was talking about. My request for pictures was answered and I'm sharing them with everyone below. Beth Parrish, SEPO Communications Sent 2023-05-10: Memorial Day Festivities - Memorial Day (Monday May 29th) is the unofficial start to summer so it's time to celebrate! We're starting by having a golf cart parade around the neighborhood at 2:00 pm followed by a short ceremony at the gazebo. We'll all meet back at Retzlaff Hall at 4:00 pm for a potluck. There is a signup sheet in the library for those of you who want to bring food. Also there's going to be a memorial board that you can use to put up pictures of your loved ones who have served in the past. Please put your name and number on the back to I can get them back to you. I'll send out a notice when the board is ready for you to start putting up your memories. Hope to see all of you there. Jill Ventrello Sent 2023-05-10: O'clockers golf - The O'Clockers golf scramble will move to 6:00 pm on Sunday May 14 due to hot weather. Open to all golfers in community. We meet beside the shuffleboard court at 5:45 for hole assignments. Come on out and have some fun. - Questions call Donna Myers at 956 245 0188 Sent 2023-05-09: THANKS - The email below from Lenore was inadvertently not sent in April. So here it is. *************************************************************** Dear Friends Do know that the two red lights (one at the Front Gate and the 2nd at the street entrance to Sunshine) are now working. The Neighborhood Watch checks these each evening while on Patrol. They are to be used in case of an emergency so that the EMS, Fire or Police know the emergency is in SCCE - not the RV Park next door. Thanks to our vigilant NW Team who Patrols every evening. Thanks to Tom and Lalo. Also, we love the new roadway into the Doggie area. BOW WOW & Thanks. -- Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276 Coordinator NW - CERT Team Sent 2023-05-09: Pool and Hot Tub Closed - Pool And Hot Tub will be Closed for Cleaning Pool and Hot Tub Is going to be completely drained and cleaned with Acid Solution next week Mon-Thurs May 15-18. We will update you on Thursday with the status of Maintenance. Thank you - Jim Kennedy Sent 2023-05-07: Neighborhood Watch directive - Dear Neighborhood Watch - As of this transmission, and Jim Kennedy's request, he will take responsibility to lock the doors. You are not to check or lock the doors as this is his area as a SEPO Board Member. Jim's text and phone call x 2 support this message. Please continue on your Patrol as otherwise oriented. Thank you. -- Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276 Coordinator - Neighborhood Watch SCCE Sent 2023-05-07: UNAPPROVED: SEPO Financials, 2023-04 (Apr) - The UNAPPROVED April 2023 SEPO Financials are posted on the Sunshine Website HERE . Please let me know if you have any questions. - Mark Owen SEPO Treasurer Sent 2023-05-07: SEPO Communications Mgr is back in the USA - Hi Everyone - I just wanted to let you know that I have returned from my long and much needed vacation. I want to thank my SEPO Email backup for handling this duty while I was gone. But wouldn't you know it, the email system we use had a name change (from Send-In-Blue to BREVO) and I'm not sure of what other changes may have occurred to the system while I was gone. I will be reviewing things this week and sending emails using the updated system. Hopefully it's a smooth transition. i have one email from Lenore Combs and one from Mark Owen in the sepoenews inbox that I will try to get out this evening. If anyone else has sent anything else to sepoenews that might not have gone out to the community, please resend it to me. FYI - I'll also be updating the website and the directories in the next few days. Beth Parrish SEPO Enews Email Manager E-Mail: 314-960-6710 Sent 2023-05-05: Texas Ave Gate Status - Good Morning: The Texas Ave gate was not closing last night, May 4th and the technician was scheduled today, May 5th, to try and solve this issue. Also, the SOS/Yelper has been installed, and the police/fire/ems have been notified. Thank you. - Tom Perrier Back to Top

  • 2023-11 Emails | Sunshine Estates

    S EPO Community Emails: November 2023 Sent 2023-11-30: CORRECTION: Birding and Nature Club - Special Speaker - See corrected info in the 'CORRECTION #2' email sent on Dec 1, 2023 HERE . Sent 2023-11-30: UPDATE: Street Cleaning Rescheduled - Hello Sunshine owners, Harlingen street maintenance had equipment issues Wednesday and were not able to wash the oil spills on the streets. But they have told me they will be here Friday to clean those spots, please try and keep those areas open for them. Thank you - Thomas Perrier Sent 2023-11-30: CORRECT FORM: Acty/Mtg Requests - First, Valerie and I would like to say Thank You to everyone for being diligent with filling out Activity/Meeting Request Forms in order to avoid having conflicts with the many events and meetings that are taking place these days here in Sunshine. These forms are used to keep both the SEPO Calendar and the Sunshine Website up-to-date. We just want to make sure that everyone uses the most recent request form - dated July 5, 2023 . It is form Revision #4 . A picture of the form is below. It can be downloaded from the website HERE and is also available from Valerie in the office. If you have any questions about how and/when you need to fill out this form, the Process is on the website on the same page as the form (see link above). Thank you in advance for your cooperation with this process. Valerie Basaldua, SEPO Officer Mgr & Beth Parrish, SEPO Website Manage r Sent 2023-11-30: UNAPPROVED: SEPO Board Mtg (Spec) Minutes, Nov 28, 2023 - The UNAPPROVED minutes from the Nov 28, 2023 Board Meeting (Special) can be found on the Sunshine website HERE AND viewed/printed directly from HERE . They will also be posted outside the office today. - Kerry Howard (for the SEPO Board) Sent 2023-11-30: MARKET: Home For Sale - See my home at 2029 W Montana Ave that is for sale on the Sunshine MARKET . - Deb Salemi by - Sue Ann Taubert (RE/MAX Elite, Associate Broker), 956-245-4184 email: Sent 2023-11-29: Special Speaker in Retzlaff Hall Monday Dec 6 @ 7:00 PM - See corrected info in the 'CORRECTION #2' email sent on Dec 1, 2023 HERE . Sent 2023-11-28: VIDEO: Board Mtg (Spec) Oct 27, 2023 - The video from the Nov 28, 2023 Special Board meeting is now available for viewing on the Sunshine Web site HERE AND directly from HERE . Please contact me with any issues/questions. - Beth Parrish (for Share Nelson, SEPO Board President) Sent 2023-11-28: SUNSHINE NEWSLETTER: Dec 2023 - This Dec 2023 Sunshine Newsletter is hot off the press with the LAG Sunshine News & Notes. Thanks to everyone who contributed. If you have questions about any of the information in this Newsletter, please contact the person who wrote the article. You can view/print a copy of it directly from HERE or on the website HERE . Valerie will be placing copies in the library area this afternoon. - Beth Parrish SEPO Newsletter Mgr Email: 314-960-6710 Sent 2023-11-28: REMINDER: Street Cleaning - Hello - Here's the REMINDER email, as promised. On Monday the 13th of November, the Harlingen trash truck leaked hydraulic fluid in several places around the community. On Wednesday the 29th, they will be here power washing those areas. If you know you have an area that needs cleaning, please keep that part of the street clear. Thank you - Thomas Perrier SEPO Board Sent 2023-11-27: WC New Year's Eve planning meeting - There's going to be a short meeting this Friday, December 1st at 10:00 am in the library, for anyone that is interested in helping with the New Year's Eve party. If you can't make it but are interested in helping out, call or text me so I can get your name and number. - Jill Ventrello Sent 223-11-25: UPDATED: Sunshine Activities 2-Pager - I've updated the Sunshine Activities 2-Pager with all of the info I know as of this date. It can be accessed directly from here: I'm in the process of updating the website as well. - Beth Parrish SEPO Web site Admin E-Mail: 314-960-6710 Sent 2023-11-25: VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Christmas Decorating - Hi neighbors! The Woman’s Club is looking for volunteers to help decorate Christmas trees in Retzlaff Hall on Saturday, December 2nd at 12PM. It will be a great time of community spirit and camaraderie. All help will be greatly appreciated! Thank you! - Pam Davis Sent 2023-11-24: AGENDA for Board Mtg (Special) on Tuesday, Nov 28 @ 1 PM - The agenda for the 1 PM, Nov 28, 2023 SEPO Board (Special) meeting is HERE and also posted on the Web site HERE . Valerie will also be posting a paper copy in her office, on the poolside door into Retzlaff Hall and by the mailboxes today. - Share Nelson SEPO Board President Sent 2023-11-24: SEPO Communications back at 100% - Hi all - I hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving. I actually did get turkey and pumpkin pie here in the hospital. I just wanted to let you all know my laptop has found its way to the hospital and I can now do all of the SEPO Communications duties I was performing before my accident. I started working on getting the website up-to-date yesterday, so bear with me on that task over the next few days. Go ahead and send me any and all updates for emails and the website per normal. I will also be working on the Newsletter this weekend. Questions? Give me a call. - Beth Parrish SEPO Communications 314-960-6710 Sent 2023-11-24: Women's Golf League Meeting - Our second Women's Golf League Meeting will be held Wednesday, December 20th, 2023, at 9:00 am in Retzlaff Hall. Meeting will be held even if too cold to play or raining. Coffee and donuts will be available to enjoy during meeting. Our last meeting was attended well, appreciated those who attended and participated in group discussion. We follow an agenda as close as we can and hope to speed up each meeting. We will need to follow-up regarding the Potato Bake, as well as the lunch for the Good Neighbor Day Golf Tournament event for our two money-making events. Please plan to attend. We still need some of you to signup to be hostesses. If you are a new player and wish to learn, we have several who would be willing to assist you. I personally want to thank each of you for your attendance, your participation in discussions, and most of all your attention during the meeting. Each of you are an important reason we continue to have our Women's League. Reminder: At each league play, the hostess will announce the teams, and tee number. Please do not leave until each team member has been announced. Remember to bring in the CTP's and score cards to the library to the hostesses once your team is done playing. Look forward to our next meeting. Nancy Lyne President- Nancy Lyne Vice-President- Deloris Pearcy Secretary- Marlene Hall Treasurer- Glenna Boardman Handicap Monitor- Donna Myers One more item - Thank you Glenna for getting the donuts!!! Sent 2023-11-24: Street Cleaning - Hello - On Monday the 13th of November, the Harlingen trash truck leaked hydraulic fluid in several places around the community. On Wednesday the 29th, they will be here power washing those areas. If you know you have an area that needs cleaning, please keep that part of the street clear. There will be a REMINDER email sent on the 28th. Thank you - Thomas Perrier SEPO Board 2023-11-22: Follow-up from Men's Golf League Meeting: Input Requested - At the Men's League meeting of 11/21 a committee was formed to collect and organize suggested changes to any and all aspects of the SEPO Tuesday Men's Golf League. Please communicate suggested ideas to any of the following members (emails below) of the committee ASAP. A follow-up meeting to consider and vote on the received suggestions will be held in Retzlaff Hall at 11:30 AM Tuesday 11/28. Please consider changes to By-Laws , Rules-of-Play , League play format, awards, dues, or any other aspect of the League that will result in easier administration and enjoyment of play. Paper copies of the By-Laws and Rules of Play can be found on the table in the library near the sign-up sheet. Randy Davis " " Jim Tennant " " Larry Keller " " Rocky Lockwood " " Dan Boardman " " Thank You. Dan Boardman Sent 2023-11-21: Market: House for Rent - The house at 1933 W Iowa Ave is currently For Rent. Wishing to rent out on a long term basis. Looking for two year lease, renters insurance required, renter pays all utilities, at $800.00/month. Pictures have been added to the Sunshine MARKET since this email was sent. - Steve Holten 218-329-1635 Sent 2023-11-22: FINAL REMINDER: DEC 2023 Newsletter Articles Due by End of Day Nov 24, 2023 - Happy Thanksgiving to all from my hospital bed. Hope everyone has a super day. And enjoy that Pumpkin pie, which I'm sure I won't be getting any. Boo Hoo. :( This is the FINAL reminder that next month's Newsletter articles are due by the 24th of this month. I haven't received much of anything yet. I know there are lots of great activity updates that need to be shared with the community. So get out your pens & papers and get that info to me. If you would like to include information about future Sunshine Activities beyond Dec 2023, please feel free to send me those as well. I will update the guidelines soon with this expanded scope. All articles need to be submitted to by End of Day on Nov 24, at the latest. The current Newsletter Guidelines are posted on the Web site HERE . Please call with questions. - Beth Parrish SEPO Newsletter Editor E-Mail: 314-960-6710 Sent 2023-11-20: REMINDER: IMPORTANT Men's League Meeting - Important Men's League Meeting There will be a very important meeting regarding the future of the SEPO Tuesday Men's league on 11/21/23 in Retzlaff Hall immediately after the 10:00 AM tee time players conclude - approximately 11:15-11:30 start. A brief agenda is below. As indicated there will be only one decision item - if and how to proceed with the Men's League. Most of the agenda is informational only - go through existing By-Laws and Rules of Play. Copies of these documents are available in the library (on the table near the signup sheet) and will be available at the meeting. If you are interested in continuing to have a Men's League please try to attend this meeting. Agenda for Men's League 11/21 meeting. Brief explanation of why meeting was necessary and what is hoped to be accomplished - Boardman Review of existing By-laws (information only) - all Review of existing Rules-of-Play (information only) - all Vote - decision item - choose one of the following: a. Remain as is with current By-Laws. If this option is chosen then an election will be held 11/28 for the officers identified in the By-Laws. Officers will then suggest changes to By-Laws, Rules of Play, etc. as outlined in By-Laws and provide suggestions at 11/28 follow-up meeting. Same time, same place. b. Form a volunteer committee (4-5 + members) to review By-Laws, Rules of Play, how the league operates, etc. The committee will provide options (everything can be considered) for members to vote on at 11/28 follow-up meeting. Same time, same place. c. Disband formal League entirely. A small committee of 3 or 4 volunteers will work on how to accomplish this and suggest possible options to replace League format. Report at follow-up meeting 11/28. Same time, same place. d. Other options?? Thanks. Dan Boardman Sent 2023-11-19: UNAPPROVED: SEPO Board Mtg (Reg) Minutes, Nov 13, 2023 - Until Beth Parrish lets you know differently, the UNAPPROVED Minutes from the SEPO Board Mtg (Reg) on Nov 13, 2023 are located here:!ArA0fRIwdohil61V5Uj9uSE5j1IoEw . They will also be posted outside the SEPO Office when it reopens on Monday. Please contact Share Nelson, SEPO Board President, with any questions. - Kerry Howard (for the SEPO Board) Sent 2023-11-18: WC: BAKE Sale - The planning committee and anyone else interested in helping will meet Tues am at 10 am at the library. Hope you can attend. - Terry DeBackere 309 714 4743 Sent 2023-11-18: IMPORTANT Men's League Meeting - Important Men's League Meeting There will be a very important meeting regarding the future of the SEPO Tuesday Men's league on 11/21/23 in Retzlaff Hall immediately after the 10:00 AM tee time players conclude - approximately 11:15-11:30 start. A brief agenda is below. As indicated there will be only one decision item - if and how to proceed with the Men's League. Most of the agenda is informational only - go through existing By-Laws and Rules of Play. Copies of these documents are available in the library (on the table near the signup sheet) and will be available at the meeting. If you are interested in continuing to have a Men's League please try to attend this meeting. Agenda for Men's League 11/21 meeting. Brief explanation of why meeting was necessary and what is hoped to be accomplished - Boardman Review of existing By-laws (information only) - all Review of existing Rules-of-Play (information only) - all Vote - decision item - choose one of the following: a. Remain as is with current By-Laws. If this option is chosen then an election will be held 11/28 for the officers identified in the By-Laws. Officers will then suggest changes to By-Laws, Rules of Play, etc. as outlined in By-Laws and provide suggestions at 11/28 follow-up meeting. Same time, same place. b. Form a volunteer committee (4-5 + members) to review By-Laws, Rules of Play, how the league operates, etc. The committee will provide options (everything can be considered) for members to vote on at 11/28 follow-up meeting. Same time, same place. c. Disband formal League entirely. A small committee of 3 or 4 volunteers will work on how to accomplish this and suggest possible options to replace League format. Report at follow-up meeting 11/28. Same time, same place. d. Other options?? Thanks. Dan Boardman Sent 2023-11-17: VIDEO: Residents' Mtg from Nov 14, 2023 - After I finally received the Video from Google, I've been working on this daily with no success on getting a good link to send. I do think now everyone should be able to access it. Click here to give it a try: . Let me know if you have issues by replying to this email. - Beth Parrish for SEPO Board Sent 2023-11-17: REMINDER: DEC 2023 Newsletter Articles Due by End of Day Nov 24, 2023 - Here's the first reminder that next month's Newsletter articles are due by the 24th of this month. This is a super way to get the word out about upcoming activities. If you have an article you would like published in the Sunshine Dec 2023 Newsletter, the article needs to be submitted to by End of Day on Nov 24, at the latest. The Newsletter Guidelines are posted on the Web site HERE . Please call with questions. - Beth Parrish SEPO Newsletter Editor E-Mail: 314-960-6710 Sent 2023-11-15: SEPO 2024 HOA Assessment Fees - If you have any questions concerning this information, please contact me. SEPO 2024 HOA Assessment Fees are here:!ArA0fRIwdohil6gekHOmkEUOkceonw - Share Nelson SEPO Board President Sent 2023-11-15: WC: Thanksgiving Day Dinner 1pm Retz Hall - Dear Friends - Happy Thanksgiving to one and all. Thanks to Beth to put the word out. Helpers are needed - turkey Bakers (4) Turkey carvers Set up and take down and etc help needed We will get more turkeys if needed - depends on signup count In The past we have sold left over turkey 4 Turkeys will be purchased (unless we need more) then we will buy more We will eat at 1pm Tables in Retz Hall will be set 8 style There will be a "food" table, (potluck) ,dessert and beverage table etc Bring a dish to pass - please Stamped Envelopes will be in the Library $5.00 per person A signup sheet is in the Library - to bring a side or etc If there is left over turkey, we will bag it and sell it. -- Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276 Mari Tennant Mary He Sent 2023-11-15: Men's Golf League: Hole-in-one payout mistake - It has been brought to my attention, and clearly stated in the By-Laws, that the official start to the Men's Tuesday Golf League is November 1st. Therefore the hole-in-one I made on 10/31/23 was NOT eligible for the payout. Because of this I have returned the payout and those who have submitted their $2 shall have the choice of getting it refunded or remain on the books as paid in advance for the next hole-in-one. Let me know which you prefer. I apologize for the inconvenience. - Dan Boardman Sent 2023-11-15: Women’s Club Meeting - Don’t Forget! This Friday Morning 9am is our next Women’s Club meeting. Nov 17th in the hall. We will be going over the upcoming events and other business. This will include Thanksgiving next week. For our gift giveaway this month we will be doing a little Christmas craft project. If you have any extra color pens or small Christmas decorations. Please bring them with you. Hope to see everyone there! Women’s Club President Vicky LeRoy Krueger Sent 2023-11-14: Women's Golf League - A reminder we will be having our first Women's Golf League Meeting Tomorrow Wednesday November 15th, 2023, at 9:00 am in Retzlaff Hall. An inspiration there will be donuts and hopefully coffee. Meeting will be held regardless of the golf course remaining closed. This is Randy Davis's decision, if open for play, we will then play right after our meeting and after each member is assigned a team/starting hole we then will go to our assigned tee box. Please stay until we know all have been assigned a team/hole. Meetings are important to attend and to have everyone's attention to go over the year's set dates, events, to answer any questions, reports to be given and to welcome our newest members as well as our established members. Please plan to attend. Let's make this a fun year let's all work together to make this happen. A reminder fees are due of $25.00, if not paid please plan to pay your fee's, for those who have not paid. Small bills are welcome, 1's if able. While we are conducting meeting the hostesses' sheets will be passed around to sign up to host. We need two per week for league play. Look forward to seeing everyone!!! Board members this year 2023-2024 President- Nancy Lyne Vice President- Deloris Pearcy Secretary- Marlene Hall Treasurer- Glenna Boardman Handicap- Donna Myers Rules/Regulations- Karen Peterson Thank you for your attention. - Nancy Lyne Sent 2023-11-14: Garden Club Tonight (2023-11-14) - Garden Club Speaker Tonight Retzlaff Hall at 6:30-7:30 Container Gardening and Display by, Rosie Garza Martinez, Master Gardener. One of her displays will be the door prize. All are welcome. Susanne Ulrich Sent 2023-11-13: Video: Board Mtg (Reg) from Nov 13, 2023 - I think everyone should be able to access this video. Click here to give it a try: Let me know if you have issues by replying to this email. - Beth Parrish for SEPO Board Sent 2023-11-13: SEPO BUDGET 2024 (APPROVED) - The 2024 SEPO BUDGET was approved at the Board Mtg (Reg) on Nov 13, 2023 and can be found here until it is moved to the website. Beth will send the new links at that time. Page 1 is here:!ArA0fRIwdohil6QcqhXe6msX92CpWQ Page 2 is here:!ArA0fRIwdohil6Qbja22HBn7EEbgMw - Share Nelson SEPO Board President Sent 2023-11-13: Men's Golf League - Although there will be no golf tomorrow (Nov 14) I will be available in the library from 8:30 to 10:00 to collect yearly fee ($20), hole-in-one ($2) fee (if interested) and answer any questions that I can about the Tuesday Men's League. - Dan Boardman Sent 2023-11-13: Sending 'SIMPLE' SEPO Emails - Hi all. I wanted to let everyone know that I am able to SEND SEPO Emails containing verbiage only AND Also if u want to send me ur info in a pdf file I can link to it. I know there r events coming up this week and next so feel free to send the info to me. If I can't get it out I will let u know. I won't b able to do any web updates until I can get back on my laptop. Hoping next week or even b4. Can u tell I'm bored in this hospital. - Beth Parrish 314-960-6710 Sent 2023-11-13: Agenda for 11-14-23 Residents Mtg - Agenda is located here for time being:!ArA0fRIwdohil6QUm-FbqsUhWnx22g - Share Nelson SEPO Board President Sent 2023-11-07: Link Included: AGENDA: BOARD (Reg) Mtg on Mon, Nov 13, 2023 @ 1 PM - Here's the best I can do for now for everyone to get to the agenda online:!ArA0fRIwdohil6NLyDzoHEDA_YclrQ - Beth Parrish SEPO Communications ***************************************** The agenda is physically posted in the normal three locations. It may or may not get sent via email or posted on the web today. If you wish to have a paper copy, you can get one from the office. - Share Nelson SEPO Board President Sent 2023-11-03: It's Party Time - Date: Nov 15, 2023 Time: 5 - 9 PM Place: Retzlaff Hall Entertainment: DJ Doug and his Lovely Assistant Cost: ZERO Food & Drink: Bring your own drinks and snacks Brought to you by the "Class of '69" Questions: Contact Steve Fransene Sent 2023-11-03: Wood Shop Orientation Class Tuesday Nov 7 at 5 pm - Woodshop Orientation Class Tuesday Nov 7th 5 pm in the woodshop. This class is a requirement for using the woodshop. A one time attendance is required. The shop will be closed during the class. Call John Chajec 708-280-8940 with any questions. Sent 2023-11-02: REMINDER: WC: Chili Cook-Off - Howdy Neighbors! Just a reminder of The Women’s Club Chili Cook-Off this Saturday, November 4th in Retzlaff Hall. The doors will open at 3:45 for those making chili and at 4PM for everyone attending. We will start eating around 4:30. The cost will be $5 per person for this event (pay at the door) . The Women’s Club will provide diced onions, jalapeños, sour cream, crackers, corn chips, cheese, butter, ketchup, coffee, tea, and water. Please BYOB. We will be selling ice cream sandwiches for dessert. The chili will be judged by three (3) Harlingen Firefighters. There will be prizes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd place and for whackiest chili. The winners will be announced around 5 to 5:30PM. We will have a “Share the Wealth” and we’ll be selling tickets and having drawings throughout the event. There will be music, dancing, games with prizes and LOTS OF FUN! Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns. We hope to see you there! The Chili Committee Pam Davis, Pam Lacy, Pam Adams, and Lisa Perrier Sent 2023-11-02: Celebration of Life - A Celebration of Life will be held for Duane Dyer on Friday, November 10th, at 2:30 in Retzlaff Hall. - Karen Baase Sent 2023-11-02: MONDAY NIGHT EUCHRE - Monday night euchre has started. Mondays 6:30 pm in the card room. All are welcome. Questions: John Chajec 708-280-8940 Sent 2023-11-01: Thursday morning Coffee & Donuts in the Library - The tradition starts up again here at Sunshine - Thursday morning Coffee & Donuts in the Library. The first one will be this Thursday, Nov 2nd from 8 am-10 am. Grab a donut and a hot cup of coffee for only $1. Please come check it out. Visit with current friends/neighbors and possibly make some new friends. - Valerie Basaldua, SEPO Office Back to Top

  • 2022-08 E-Mails | Sunshine Estates

    S EPO Community E-Mails: August 2022 Sent 2022-08-31: Rock Painting Club: Rock Sale - The Rock Painting Club will be selling rocks in the Hall on Friday, September 2nd from 12:30 to 1:30. We understand that many members are unable to drive to get rocks so we are selling them at cost. Rocks will be $1 each. Please try to bring exact change. There will be a limit of 5 rocks per person at this time so we will have enough rocks for anyone who wants them. They will be unwashed. - Karren Amos Sent 2022-08-27: Potluck - Sept 5, 2022 - From: Cathy Richmond Sent 2022-08-26: NEED HELP: Preparing the Web for upcoming 2022-2023 Winter Season - Hi all - I have spent several hours this week updating the Sunshine Web site in preparation of our upcoming 2022-2023 Winter Season. I would like a volunteer to work with me on making sure I'm getting all of the 'links' pointing to the correct pages. I will instruct you next week, at your convenience, in what you need to do. The actual verification process I'm asking for help with will probably take you an hour or so. Then I will make any corrections that may be needed and have you verify everything again. Please contact me if you can help me out with this (please). I'm so close to all of the updates I may not catch some minor errors - which a fresh eye could catch. Thanks in advance to whomever volunteers. Beth Parrish SEPO Web site Admin E-Mail: 314-960-6710 Sent 2022-08-25: Calling All Dogs and Cats - Hey Everyone, Sandra Delaunay will be coming to the Estates on Wednesday, August 31st, 2022 to take care of your pet's nails. She will be starting at 1:00 pm. The cost is ten dollars per pet. Please text or call Sandra and she will schedule your appointment. Sandra's number is 956-226-9919. Sandra will come to your home. Thanks, Marian Young 719-468-4556 Sent 2022-08-24: SEPO Newsletter Info - I wanted to give everyone an update concerning the SEPO Newsletter. For the time being, I will be retaining the position of SEPO Newsletter Manager. Therefore, I have taken this opportunity to update the SEPO Newsletter Guidelines and have posted them on the Sunshine Web site HERE : For those of you who are new to Sunshine and have not viewed previous Newsletters or have not been involved in creating articles for the Newsletter, please read these guidelines carefully, and give me a call with any questions. And, of course, those of you who are familiar with all of this, please read the 'updated' guidelines. As stated in the guidelines, our first Newsletter for this upcoming winter season (2022-2023) will be published in Oct, 2022. So your articles will be due to by Sep 24 at the latest. See the guidelines for when reminders will be sent concerning the deadline for your articles. Beth Parrish SEPO Newsletter Mgr E-Mail: 314-960-6710 Sent 2022-08-22: FOUND: Break-ins at Sunshine - I found a car plug-in for usb and electric plug in my driveway today. Let me know if you’re missing. - Vicki Carroll 1949 w montana Sent 2022-08-21: Break-ins at Sunshine - Sent 2022-08-21: Music at the Pool - The Board has received complaints about loud music being played at the pool. People have left the pool area because the music interfered with their enjoyment of the area. People go to the pool to swim, sunbathe, read, relax, etc. If you are alone at the pool, feel free to play your music. When another person enters the area, please, be considerate and ask that person if he/she objects to your music or the volume level of your music. If it bothers him/her, please, turn your music off or use earbuds. The reverse is true as well. If there is someone in the pool or lounging in the area, the "music lover" should request permission before turning on his/her music. I regret having to address a situation that should simply be a matter of consideration of others' peaceful enjoyment. Sincerely, Jean Burgoine Director of the pool area Sent 2022-08-18: CORRECTION: Women's Club (WC): Taste of Sunshine Event Date - Taste of Sunshine Event 🌞 We hope everyone is having a wonderful summer and look forward to seeing everyone’s safe return this fall. As a reminder, we will be having a new unique event this season (Saturday, February 25, 2023) in which we will be asking everyone to prepare your favorite dish from your home state, country or a place that you have lived and loved. We feel this would be a wonderful way to get to know each other better through the joy of food! That being said, please think about what you would like to make and please be sure to bring any ingredients you may need from your travels back to Sunshine with you. We are looking forward to learning more about each other through food. Also, as a bonus, we will be offering a cake walk during this event so please let us know if you are interested in donating a baked good. If you have any questions or concerns about this event, please feel free to contact Pam Davis 214-516-4844. Sincerely, Pam Davis and Vicky LeRoy Krueger Sent 2022-08-18: Name Tags Available in Office - Nametags for several residents are available in the SEPO Office. This list of names is HERE. Tom Eich Deb Eich Yolanda Mendez Freddy Mendez Lorrie Fortune Sharyl Belka Douglas Taylor Charla Taylor Curtis Whittlesey Thomas Jean Doug Snyder Chris Snyder Jon Humburg Bob Wilson Randy Voth Gloria Voth Ann Everett Jill Heinerikson Pat Heinerikson -- Sincerely, - Valerie Basaldua Office Manager 956-425-1420 Sent 2022-08-17: Women's Club (WC): Taste of Sunshine Event - Taste of Sunshine Event 🌞 We hope everyone is having a wonderful summer and look forward to seeing everyone’s safe return this fall. As a reminder, we will be having a new unique event this season (February 23, 2023) in which we will be asking everyone to prepare your favorite dish from your home state, country or a place that you have lived and loved. We feel this would be a wonderful way to get to know each other better through the joy of food! That being said, please think about what you would like to make and please be sure to bring any ingredients you may need from your travels back to Sunshine with you. We are looking forward to learning more about each other through food. Also, as a bonus, we will be offering a cake walk during this event so please let us know if you are interested in donating a baked good. If you have any questions or concerns about this event, please feel free to contact Pam Davis 214-516-4844. Sincerely, Pam Davis and Vicky LeRoy Krueger Sent 2022-08-17: SUNSHINE ROCK PAINTING CLUB CLASS - REMINDER - NEXT SUNSHINE ROCK PAINTING CLUB CLASS - Mon, Aug 22nd, 1-3pm! Any questions? Please phone me at 309-781-3479 Karren Amos Sent 2022-08-15: Sunshine Web site Updates - I have been periodically making updates to the Sunshine Web site over the last 2-3 weeks and will be continuing to do so more often as the 2022-2-23 winter season approaches. Sometimes I forget to check the site layout for phones and tablets to ensure they look ok - as they do on the computer I'm using to make the changes. If you see anything when viewing the site on your phone or tablet that looks 'not quite right', please let me know so I can get it fixed. Remember, the Web site is a window into our Sunshine world, so I really want to make sure it looks professional and contains accurate data. Thanks to all of you for helping me do that. - Beth Parrish SEPO Web site Admin E-Mail: 314-960-6710 Sent 2022-08-15: August Potluck - Our August potluck will be this coming Thursday, the 18th. Doors open at 4 and we’ll eat between 4:30 and 5. Iced tea, coffee and ice will be provided. Bring a dish to pass, wear your name tag and we’ll see you there! - Cathy Richmond Sent 2022-08-15: Sunshine Mr. Fix-It List - This is for both those who are newer to our great Sunshine community and also as a reminder to those who have lived there for a while. If you are looking for help with repairs etc, the Mr. Fix-It list is available on the Sunshine Web site HERE . Simply go to this page and click on the 'Mr. Fix-It List' button. Also, if you have had work performed by someone who is not currently on this list, please let Mike Bricker know if you 'liked' them or 'did not like' them, so Mike can update this list. - Beth Parrish SEPO Web site Admin E-Mail: 314-960-6710 Sent 2022-08-15: Golf Course: Looks Great - Manny and Joe have done a great job at keeping our golf course green. It’s a beautiful thing and great to play on! - Randy Davis SEPO Board - Golf Course Director I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It's easy. Sent 2022-08-14: Rock Painting Club: Received Letter of Appreciation - Sunshine Country Club Estates - Rock Painting Club! I am pleased to share with Sunshine Country Club Estates Rock Painting Club & residents - the Estates Rock Painting Club received a Letter of Appreciation from "Veterans Affairs", Harlingen TX, for the painted rocks we donated this past Veterans Day. Copies of the letter will be available at our next Rock Painting Club session on August 22nd. Spreading Kindness - One Rock at a Time!" - Karren Amos Sent 2022-08-14: Former Resident Passing - Betty Schlinder,95, passed away on August 7th. She lived on Wisconsin for many years. Cathy Richmond Sent 2022-08-12: SEPO - July 2022 Financials - The July 2022 Financials are posted on the website HERE . Please let me know if you have any questions. - Mark Owen SEPO Treasurer Sent 2022-08-07: MARKET: Home For Sale - Please visit the Sunshine Market to view information about our home that is For Sale. - Margo & Bobby Crouch 512.423.7855 Sent 2022-08-06: Thank You - Thank you for your thoughts and prayers during the loss of my husband Paul. They were all very much appreciated! Viola (Oley) Reuter Sent 2022-08-06: ATTENTION: Overwatering of lawn during a time of drought - Some farmers in this area have had their water allotments cancelled due to the drought. They cannot grow crops without irrigating. You may have noticed when you drive down our streets that there is standing water in them due to residents over-watering. Anyone who is watering their lawn should limit it to twice a week. Watering more often than that saturates the ground, and it will not be able to soak up water when it rains. This adds to our flooding situation. Thank you for your cooperation. - SEPO Board Sent 2022-08-04: MARKET: Home For Sale - Please visit the Sunshine Market to view information about my home that is For Sale. - Tiffany Prater Call or text 956-574-1010 Sent 2022-08-01: SEPO Activities Calendar - Last spring it was suggested by more than one resident that the 2-pager that has been used for years wasn't very 'friendly' to read/interpret. After some research, it was decided to start adding all of the SEPO activities, meetings etc that were requested (see request process HERE ) to the SEPO G-Mail Office Calendar. I do believe Valerie has been posting that calendar (by month) in the library all summer. Although I had never gotten around to putting it on the Web site - low and behold - both August & September are out there as of yesterday. (see this page ) When you look at it for the first time you will probably say - I can't read that!! Simply enlarge the document on your computer or other smart device to view the details. I have also included the 'color legend' of where the activities take place on page one of each month's calendar. Please review the calendar carefully to ensure the activites, etc you have previously requested are listed correctly - days, dates, times, descriptions etc. Please let the office know if something needs added, deleted or changed. I know things are pretty much status quo for the next couple of months, so I probably won't be updating these two documents on the Web site. However, with the winter season rapidly approaching, I need to figure out a 'not so labor intensive' method of keeping the updated monthly calendars on the Web site. Please contact me with any questions or issues you may have. Beth Parrish SEPO Web site Admin E-Mail: 314-960-6710 Back to Top

  • Summary (2020-2021 Winter) | Sunshine Estates

    Things To Do: Summary Winter Season (2020-2021) Due to Covid-19 restrictions most planned activities were either CANCELLED or put ON HOLD. Click on a bulleted item in this list to be taken to that section of THIS page. Women's Club (2020-2021) Meetings Daily-Weekly-Monthly Golf-Clubs-Commitees-Special List of Clubs & Committees ******************************** Meetings (2020-2021) Click HERE for Details SEPO Board & Residential Women's Club OTHER Clubs/Committees Meetings Back to Top Women's Club (2020-2021) ****************************** Some "SCHEDULED" Women's Club Activities were CANCELLED. Other "NEW" Activities were added and followed Covid-19 Guidelines. See below for Schedule Women's Club Activities Schedule (2020-2021) Click HERE for Details Click HERE for a view of the Women's Club Committee Activities Committee Signup Sheets. Date Day Event (Chairpersons) CANCELLED 10-30-20 Fri Mexican Fiesta Chair (Nancy Luellen) COMPLETE 10-31-20 Sat MASK-O-RADE Golf Cart & Costume Event (Sue Swidryk, Pam Lacy, Lenore Combs & Sylvia Nelson) COMPLETE 11-11-20 Wed Veteran’s Day (Lenore Combs & Marian Young) CANCELLED 11-22-20 Sun Goofy Golf Co-chairs (Derek & Janis McFee) CANCELLED 11-26-20 Thu Thanksgiving Dinner (NEED CHAIRs) CANCELLED 12-04-20 Fri Craft & Bake Sale (Terry Debackere & Debbie Robins) COMPLETE 12-19-20 Sat Golf Cart Scavenger Hunt (Sue Swidryk) CANCELLED 12-25-20 Fri Christmas Dinner (NEED CHAIRs) COMPLETE 01-22-21 Wed Glow Ball Night Golfing (Sue Swidryk) (Postponed from 01-20-21) CANCELLED 01-21-21 Thu New Homeowners' (Vickie Jones & Sherri Gardner) CANCELLED 02-07-21 Sun SuperBowl Party (Eileen Anderson & Pam Lacy) COMPLETE (Postponed from 02-16-21) 02-21-21 Sun Mardi Gras: Follow the Leader (Marian Young) CANCELLED 02-26-21 Fri Casino Night #1 (Roy & Debbie Robins) CANCELLED 02-27-21 Sat Casino Night #2 (Roy & Debbie Robins) CANCELLED 03-09-21 Tue Hillbilly Hog Roast (Carolyn Anderson) Each WC Committee Signup Sheet is currently hanging in the Sunshine Estates Library and is also listed on the Web site HERE . If you would like to volunteer to be on one or more of the Committees, please contact Sue Swidryk (see contact info below). Sue Swidryk Women’s Club Activities Director 847-452-7804 Back to Top Daily-Weekly-Monthly ****************************** Daily/Weekly/Monthly Activities Overview (2020-2021) Click HERE for Details MONTHLY: 8:00 am, Woodshop Cleanup (Monthly on First Wed) SUNDAY: If Monitor is onsite, Woodshop open (daily) 4:00 pm, Golf Scramble (daily) MONDAY: If Monitor is onsite, Woodshop open (daily) 8:00 am to 10 am, Tennis (Mon, Wed, Fri) 4:00 pm, Golf Scramble (daily) TUESDAY: If Monitor is onsite, Woodshop open (daily) 8:00 am, Pickleball (Tue, Thu) 9:00 am, Men's Golf League Tee Time (weekly) Following golf, Men's Golf League Business Meeting (In Pavilion) (weekly) 4:00 pm, Golf Scramble (daily) WEDNESDAY: If Monitor is onsite, Woodshop open (daily) 8:00 to 9:00 am, Tennis (Mon, Wed, Fri) 9:00 am, Ladies' Golf League Tee time (weekly) 4:00 pm, Golf Scramble (daily) THURSDAY: If Monitor is onsite, Woodshop open (daily) 8:00 am, Pickleball (Tue , Thu) 9:00 am, Quilting (The Killer Bees) (via Z00M video call) (weekly) 4:00 pm, Golf Scramble (daily) FRIDAY: If Monitor is onsite, Woodshop open (daily) 8:00 am to 10 am, Tennis (Mon, Wed, Fri) 4:00 pm, Golf Scramble (daily) SATURDAY: If Monit or is onsite, Woodshop open (daily) 9:00 am, Saturday Golf Scramble (weekly) 4:00 pm, Golf Scramble (daily) Back to Top Golf-Clubs-Commitees-Special ****************************** Golf, Clubs, Committees and Special Events Overview below (2020-2021) View DETAILS by clicking on GOLF or CLUBs & COMMITTEEs or SPECIAL OCT 2020: 6 - Sunshine National Night Out (Special) 8 - Woodshop Orientation Class (Club) 28 - Woodshop Orientation Class (Club) 31 - MASK-O-RADE (Women's Club) NOV 2020: 11 - Veterans Day Tribute (Women's Club) 15 - Toys for Tots (Special) 27 - Salvation Army Bell Ringing (Special) (CANCELLED) DEC 2020: 19 - Golf Cart Scavenger Hunt (Women's Club) 30 - Woodshop Orientation Class (Club) 30 - Meet & Greet: SEPO Board Candidates (from Nominating Committee) & Residents (Special) JAN 2021: 01-31 - Virtual Finger Lickin' Chicken Fundraiser 2 - Christmas Bird Count (Birding & Nature Group) 13 - Woodshop Orientation Class (Club) 20 - Woodshop Orientation Class (Club) 22 (postponed from 01-20) - Glow Ball Night Golf ( Women's Club) 27 - Woodshop Orientation Class (Club) 28 - Calling All Dogs (Special ) FEB 2021: 23 - Calling All Dogs (Special ) MAR 2021: 5 - Birding and Nature Club Outing (Birding & Nature Group) 01-02 - Men's Golf League Tournament (Golf) 27 - Gus Elliott 90th Birthday Celebration (Special) 29 - Woodshop Orientation Class (Club) 30 - Calling All Dogs (and Cats) (Special) APR 2021: 9 - Going Home Party (Private - Danks) Back to Top List of Clubs & Committees ****************************** CLUBs & COMMITTEEs (2020-2021) BIBLE STUDY (Men) BIBLE STUDY (Women) BOOK CLUB GOLF: MEN'S LEAGUE GOLF: WOMEN'S LEAGUE QUILTING (KILLER BEES) LINE DANCING MEMORIAL COMMITTEE NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH SEPO BOARD NOMINATING COMMITTEE SUNSHINE NATURE & BIRDING CLUB SUNSHINE GARDEN COMMITTEE SUNSHINE VIDEO COMMITTEE VETERANS' HONOR WALL WOODWORKERS WOMEN'S CLUB Women's Club Standing Committees: Activities Bulletin Board Decorations Historian Ice Cream during Intermission at Sunday Night Music Librarian Newsletter New Homeowner’s Orientation New Homeowner’s Photos Purchasing Summer Potlucks Back to Top

  • ACC | Sunshine Estates

    ACC: Architectural Control Committee ACC Members ACC Request Form (2022-05-01) ACC Request Process (2022-05-01) ACC Permit Form Example (2022-05-01) The current ACC is made up of the following members - click HERE . ACC Members Architectural Control Committee Request Process (as of May 1, 2022) Where to Start – Refer to these documents. (Click each bullet point to view document.) DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS and RESTRICTIONS of Sunshine: EXHIBIT “B”, ARTICLEs V & VI AND POLICIES AND PROCEDURES: Sections ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL and STORAGE AREA BUILDINGS Process for Requests – Please read ALL items on the UPDATED "ACC Request and Approval Form" below (dated May 1, 2022) Very Carefully . Prior to starting any EXTERIOR improvement, maintenance or structure, submit any required forms and information to the SEPO Office for approval by the Architectural Control Committee (ACC). Allow up to 25 days for approval/rejection notification. Plan your project accordingly. You will be notified by the SEPO Office of your approval/rejection status by email or phone. Please note the following Form and Process changes once your request has been approved. A new generic ‘project permit’ form has been developed, which does not display any of the owners’ personal information. The SEPO Office has laminated several of these forms with different permit numbers and different street names. After a resident's ACC request has been approved, the office writes the street number and date over the laminate on the Permit form and gives it to the resident. This form is to be posted near the front door of the address on the permit, so it is clearly visible from the street curb during the entire time of the project. When the project is completed, the resident returns the laminated form to the office and the work is logged in the office as completed. The street number and date are wiped from the form, so it can be used again by another resident. Dates when Requests are reviewed by the ACC – The ACC is scheduled to meet monthly on the 1st and 15th of each month, except when the date falls on a Holiday or the Weekend. In that case, they meet on the next Business day. ACC Request Process (2022-05-01) Architectural Control Committee Request Form (as of May 1, 2022) - View/P rint Form HERE or obtain from SEPO Office ACC Request Form (2022-05-01) Architectural Control Committee Permit Form (as of May 1, 2022) - This form is supplied to the Resident upon approval of the ACC Request Form Below is an 'example' of a 'completed form. ACC Permit Form Example (2022-05-01) Back to Top

  • Board Nom & Elect (2020) | Sunshine Estates

    SEPO Board Nominating & Election Committees For 2020 Board Election Sunshine Estates Property Owners, Inc., (SEPO) governs Sunshine Country Club Estates (SCCE). (The following information is presented in chronological order within EACH Committee .) ELECTION COMMITTEE ACTIVITY Jan 7, 2020: Board & Residents Meeting Minutes - John called Chuck McEvoy, election committee chairman to speak. Chuck explained the ballot process. Please read instructions carefully and deposit your signed proxy envelope with ballot envelope inserted inside the proxy envelope . Please only vote for 4 candidates. Spoiled ballots will not be counted. Ballot box is located outside Valerie’s office. Do not give to Valerie, but place envelope in ballot box. Jan 9, 2020: SEPO Election: Nominee Update - Clint Wunderlich has withdrawn his nomination for election to the SEPO board. Chuck McEvoy Election Chairman Jan 9, 2020: VERY IMPORTANT - ACTION MAY BE REQUIRED, SEPO Election - We are preparing to mail ballots out for the annual SEPO election next week. Your ballot material will be mailed to your Sunshine Country Club address unless you instruct us differently. If you would like your ballot sent to another address please email that address to the SEPO office before 4:00 PM on Wednesday January 15, 2020. The SEPO office email is . CHUCK MCEVOY ELECTION CHAIRMAN *********************************************************************************** NOMINATING COMMITTEE ACTIVITY Oct 2019: In preparation for the February 2020 SEPO board election - A nominating committee needs to be appointed by the December board meeting. Anyone interested in serving on this committee please see a board member. There are four board positions open for election. The following board members are completing their first term: John Chajec, Dick Shelton, Lynn Swonger and Clint Wunderlich. John Chajec SEPO Board President Oct 28, 2019: The SEPO nominating committee for the 2020 board election is - Neil Morehead, Chairman: 815-535-3271 Jerry Drost: 231-588-6354 John Whitley: 956-551-0266 Please contact one of them if interested in running for the SEPO Board. John Chajec SEPO Board President ************************* The following is from the - BYLAWS OF SUNSHINE ESTATES PROPERTY OWNERS, INC. A PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATION A NON-PROFIT CORPORATION 1957 West Michigan Drive Harlingen, TX 78550 ARTICLE VI-COMMITTEES Nominations and Ballots 6.01 The Board of Directors shall, at least sixty (60) days before the election, appoint a Nominating Committee of three (3) to five (5) members to submit a slate of nominees for Directors to be placed on a ballot for hand delivery or mailing to members. The nominating committee shall post its selection of Nominees at least ten (10) days prior to the January Meeting of Residents and Directors. The Committee shall submit its nominations to the members at the January meeting of Residents and Directors and nominations from the floor will be accepted. The Board shall thereupon validate the status of members, as defined under Article II herein, and cause the committee report to be posted on the Club House bulletin board for a ten (10) day period. At or about noon of the tenth day the report will be removed from the bulletin board. A paper ballot shall be prepared, under the direction of the Board of Directors, to include the nominations of Directors and other items authorized to appear on the ballot. The ballot must be hand delivered or mailed to all members of record (Article II) along with notice of the Annual Meeting. Each returned ballot will be held unopened until the Annual Meeting. A tally committee of which no member shall be an interested person or related to an interested person, will be appointed by the Board of Directors, from the attending members to count the ballots for Directors and other items that may be on the ballot. A PLURALITY VOTE, which is the largest number of votes to be given any candidate when three (3) or more choices are possible, will be the basis for election to the S.E.P.O. Board of Directors. A majority vote will be needed for all other By-Law changes. Results are to be announced at the proper time in the meeting. All votes cast shall be by ballot only. ************************* December 1, 2019: SEPO Election - The following is from the December Sunshine Newsletter: There are 4 board positions open for election in February 2020. The following board members are completing their first term: John Chajec, Dick Shelton, Lyn Swonger and Clint Wunderlich. Anyone interested in running for the board please contact our nominating committee; Neil Morehead, Jerry Drost or John Whitley. John Chajec SEPO Board President December 12, 2019: SEPO Board Nominees - The 2019 SEPO Board Nomination Committee, consisting of Neil Morehead (Chairman), Jerry Drost and John Whitley, are pleased to submit the following candidate names in alphabetic order for the 2020 election of the SEPO Board of Directors. All of the candidates have been interviewed by one or more committee members, and were considered by the committee for nomination based upon their responses to the ‘SEPO Nomination Committee Board Candidate Interview Questions Guideline’ and their willingness to sign the ‘SEPO Board Candidate Pledge’. We are pleased to announce these residents who met the requirements and are in good standing in the Sunshine Estates Community. We encourage the current Board of Directors to include their names in the 2020 ballot. The nominating committee will make that motion during the January 2020 Board of Directors meeting. John Chajec Ron Clark Mecca Henry Lyn Swonger Tony Tramel Clint Wunderlich Neil Morehead 2019 SEPO Board Nomination Committee Chairman January 6, 2020: Directors & Residents Meeting - Nominating committee chairperson, Neil Morehead, along with John Whitley and Jerry Drost, were thanked by John for their service. Neil presented the candidates for the 2020 election. Mecca Henry, John Chajec, Lyn Swonger, Ron Clark, Clint Wunderlich, Tony Trammel. John asked for nominations from the floor. No one came forward. John Chajec SEPO Board President *********************************************************************************** Board Nominating & Election Committees Index Back to Top

  • WC Bylaws (Proposed Amendments-2024-03) | Sunshine Estates

    Women's Club Bylaws Current & Proposed for Amendment For the March 15, 2024 Mtg Click on the 'strips' below to Read/Print each type of document. WC Bylaws: Current as of Feb 18, 2022 - Read/Print From Here WC Bylaws: Proposed Updates w/Explanations - Read/Print From Here WC Bylaws: If all Updates are Approved on Mar 15, 2024 - Read/Print From Here Back to Top

  • Memoriams | Sunshine Estates

    In Memoriam Please note that the SEPO Office will be keeping a list of names of all 'Residents' or 'former Residents' we lose during the year. If you know of anyone who passes, please notify Valerie in the Office @ To see a list of the persons who will be missed by their many friends and family click on the Years below. 2021-2024 2016-2020 ***************************** Also please remember that the SUNSHINE GIFT & MEMORIAL COMMITTEE is in charge of the "Gift and Memorial Fund". When either a Current or Former resident of Sunshine passes, everyone has the opportunity to donate funds in their memory. You will find everything you need in order to do this in the Lounge area of the Office Building - on the left as you exit the front door. The Purpose of the Sunshine Gift & Memorial Committee is defined in the S EPO ByLaws. The below is a synopsis. All funds accumulated shall be administered by a committee of five members appointed by the Board of Directors. Duties of this committee include the keeping of detailed records of contributors and the amount given. The committee shall act as advisories to the Board of Directors in the use of these funds. You can view addition details about this committee and it's members HERE . Back To Top


Office: (956) 425-1420

FAX: (956) 425-1420


1957 W Michigan Dr

Harlingen, TX 78550

Information in this site is authorized by

Sunshine Estates Property Owners Association (SEPO) and its residents.

©2025 by Sunshine Country Club Estates

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