
Sunshine Country Club Estates
Neighborhood Watch & CERT
Info Oct 2020 thru Sep 2021
Sent 2021-09-26: Neighbor Watch Minutes from 09-20-2021 -
Sunshine Neighborhood Watch – CERT Team (Est. 2008)
SCCE - Harlingen’s premier NW & CERT Team.
Lights On -- Lock Up and Look Out for each other!
MINUTES – Monday - 20 September 2021 - 3pm - Retzlaff Hall
Lenore J. Combs, Coordinator 956 245 1276 LJCombs44@gmail.com
Officers Bravo and Moreno, NW HPD District Representatives
Dear NW- CERT Volunteers, Residents and Friends,
We had a small meeting with a large input yesterday. Thank you for taking your time.
Patrols are going well. Reminder, if any problems do occur or are of concern, please do not hesitate to call me. 956 245 1276 The recent initiatives taken have been outstanding – from action on Utility Poles being out to issues in the Storage Lot and an occasional resident concern where an astute NW Patroller did a big service for a resident. THANKS And these are the obvious things.
Please make sure the golf cart is correctly plugged in and the charger is humming. Thanks - If any issues, notify me ASAP 956 245 1276. I did check the batteries and they seemed OK.
Neighborhood Watch Patrol is an important contribution to our safety and security. But it is like teaching Safe Boating Classes. You may never know when the task has resulted in a treatment. An example can be is when I teach a “boating safety for on the water” class. Result – the lesson can potentially save a life because they “know before they row”. How many lives have been saved because of the boaters paying attention for their safety plan? Your job while on patrol is to be the “eyes & ears” of Sunshine”. How many times were you unconsciously aware of s & s and was that rotating light a deterrent and a reminder to the Bad Guys they could have a bad day?
And let’s not forget the support volunteers behind the scenes – schedules, flashlights, batteries etc. who make our mission easier. Special thanks to them too.
And remember we have an honor to uphold as Sunshine is the premier Neighborhood Watch in Harlingen and HPD tells us so. Now you have bragging rights!
The October Calendar is out and November is in the works. We can still use some volunteers – so call Linda Jones for your opportunity. You will be fully oriented. It is safer to go out in pairs even though I know you will practice safely.
Doggie Watchers, Bike Patrollers and Sunshine Street Strutters
Thanks for also being so astute in their daily walks. They share helpful hints and concerns.
Block Captains
Could use a few more volunteers. Easy job – eyes & ears, communication, observation.
What’s going on in your world of a few homes either side of you? The bigger streets can use several Co- Captains, you can serve all year or split the shift with the Winter Texans – they should be good and rested upon return. Communication is so important as some folks are avid users of new technology and some never hear the word that is out there. Some people say this is a good selling point too (on security).
Vendor Program:
This was curtailed a few years ago. Some folks have expressed interest in resurrecting it. I totally agree. Essentially – identify the traffic in here. Things happen in plain sight. Bad Guys are checking out the territory by just cruising or parking and looking busy in plain sight.
Your job “should you accept it”…..,-- example: Rudy the Roofer has a well identified work truck – but maybe he leaves his workers at your house and they drive their own private vehicle. If they would have an ORANGE ID card from you (and the NW) – on the dashboard – we would all know that is a legit vehicle. If someone is parked in front of your home without one – it may not be “suspect” but with that orange card on the dash it indicates they are invited by you. or - for the more frequent vendor – we give them a hanging tag for their front mirror (like a handicapped sign).
These hanging tags or temporary “Orange Cards” would be very available – just for the asking – from the NW or from the Office. It would come out of our budget – like the old days.
Another example - you have a faithful housekeeper - they would get a hanging tag. Azeal, David and other faithful vendors would get a “hanging tag”. If you – our resident, are having your roof done (temporary work), they would get an Orange Card (cardstock with some info on it and you have it for your workers). Then, when they are done, you collect it and dispose of it. Amen.
Also, SCCE is aware – the vendor is invited. Here’s a true story…..Years ago, one of our older residents was scammed for over $51,000 by a sweetheart Bad Guy posing as a helper. Yeah – he helped her to the bank x 3 - was caught on tape – but she made the withdrawal, What a surprise to her family! Feds could not intervene.
Let me know what you think!
Locking up the buildings – this is everyone’s responsibility. You open the door – please shut it. Wish I had a buck every time I checked a door and it was open. Thanks.
McGruffmobile – please make sure the golf cart is correctly plugged in and the charger is humming. Thanks If any issues, notify me 956 245 1276.
Clickers & Codes. They are for our use. Giving out our clickers and our code is not conducive to our safety and security. How do you know the Pizza Guy is not an undercover Bad Guy?
Check your Shed – periodically some doors are found not to be secure. Police your area for security, debris, stuff and possible flying items that could take off in a bad wind storm or flood and cause damage.
The RED Envelope:
This exclusive Red Envelope is one in which you place your brief, current Health History in case of….. These envelopes and pages are free and available c/o your NW-CERT Team & Sunshine Women’s Club. Complete the form, one for each family household member (even your Pet) and place it on your fridge.
This way, if the EMS is called, your current health papers are handy. If you have a DNR, be sure to mark that visibly on the RED envelope too. Then put your DNR papers inside with the Health History.
Valerie and I both have the RED envelopes and the Health History pages for you & pet..
Another good policy is to have a “BUDDY” (aka Be-A-Buddy) - Rationale – in the event you need to call EMS you will be on that phone til they arrive. You may become flustered gathering your loved one and stuff. Call your “Buddy” to minimize the anxiety. They can be a huge help assisting you - and possibly to send someone to the Front Gate to meet EMS, such as to have the AED on hand and someone to call who knows how to use it etc..
BTW John and I will teach anyone how to use it – and some First Aid and STOP THE BLEED – we can set up classes here.
Last but not least - We have a long standing history with the Harlingen Fire Department. They usually do our Finger Lickin’ Chicken NW fundraiser. COVID curtailed last years – but this year they will not rest until they come out for us. So, when is a good time? Let me know. Also, the devil is in the details – we need to be COVID safe.
Yesterday, we did discuss many strategies to hold this event – from HEB to Sam’s to Kentucky Fried. Point is - the Fire Dept wants to be out here with their grillin’ machine and do our chicken. It can be done safely – may not be as fancy but it will be safe and scrumpdelishous! Would like your input. Please contact me. Also, when? What about fixin’s ?
BTW – they (HFD) slow- grill the chicken for several hours (which has been purchased in a reputable butchers) Somehow the chicken comes from the grill to your plate. What about fixin’s ? – COVID safe (to have or not to have, that is the question).
New Business
1. NW Evening Patrols: Linda & Dick Jones
Thanks to Linda for her due diligence on making our Patrol Calendar happen. And thanks to those who help her make it happen. OCTOBER’s is out and November’s is in the works.
2. Block Captains: - We have 9 streets – the ratio of BCs and Co-Capts. depend on the number of homes there. A Block Captain and Co-Captains are eyes & ears and play a role is getting out information and sharing it. How ’bout signing up?
3. CERT Team:
We update our Sunshine Readiness Plan each April for PD, FD and EMT. You do not have to be a CERT member to assist. In March, we generally prepare some hints on how to get your home ready when heading “up North”.
October is Fire Prevention Month – good time to check Smoke Alarms and CO2 alarms.
Theme: Learn the Sounds of Safety (Hear a Beep – Get on your Feet)
5. McGruffmobile: NW Golf Cart (Lenore) Rich Debackere – winter Texan
6. Golf Cart Hand-held rechargeable Batteries - Tom Gossman
This requires the MagLite batteries to be charged weekly.
7. Vendor Program: Lenore
Do you wish for the Board to reinstate this project?
8. Dog Watch – Bike Patrol and Sunshine Street Strutters
Thanks for your input
9. Surveillance:
SEPO Sensaphone IR System (This is a Board responsibility) Tom Gossins
10. Front Gate Cameras – _________, _________ John Combs (back-up)
Still need 2 volunteers.
These cameras need to be checked occasionally and downloaded at times. John Combs needs a volunteer or two to assist. Any takers?
11. Locking up the Buildings
History - this has always been a Board responsibility. Jean is very efficient. But if you are scheduled to Patrol and cannot, - no problem – but please try to lock up the buildings. Security and safety is all about us as a community. Please make sure when you exit a building, your make sure the door is closed securely.
PS: According to Women’s Club there is a “honey-do” list for the Chairs of a Program committee having to do with responsibility involving their program – such things as put a/c on 82, check toilets, check stove, lock doors and turn out the lights etc. – see them for the complete list or view/print them on the Web site HERE.
Operation ID – Officer Bravo & Moreno HPD
Contact Lenore 956 245 1276 so we can make arrangements with you. First, complete your Personal Inventory List then we can set up the engraving process & give you the Operation ID decal. Additional Personal Inventory Lists are available in the Library next to the NW display.
Vial of L.I.F.E. decals - available. What about “Who’s Your Buddy” ?
RED Envelope - with current health history.
Complete the health hx, place in red envelope.
If you have a DNR make sure it is in there too.
“Sunshine Emergency Contact” forms are available in the Office. Please keep your info current. Has the Office a spare key or your designate here in case of ???
Refrigerator Magnets to call in at HPD 216 5940 report suspicious activity.
Have your story together – not an epistle. You will be speaking to an Officer who simply wants to know what, where, who and how (any drugs or guns?)
Sand bag sand – yours for Sand bags. Located next to the Can Cottage. There is a limited supply of sand so fill a few bags and save some for another neighbor. You can get these bags at Johnny’s for less than a buck apiece.
Do Not take the Golf Course Sand – we pay good money for it. It is kept in the bricked area in the corner by the fence.
Brush pile – referring to the area in the Storage Lot for resident’s convenience when removing your brush or tree trimming waste. Combes has an area and Harlingen has an area both back to back. Please put your stuff on the correct side. The reason is because we pay each of them for this disposal. Reminder - it is not for discarded trash. Please be supportive of this convenience. Thanks
Next meeting: Monday `18 October 2021 3pm Retzlaff Hall
October is Fire Prevention Month
Look up “sounds of safety".
Lenore J. Combs, Coordinator 956 245 1276 LJCombs44@gmail.com
Sent 2021-09-19: NW-CERT meeting Agenda for Monday 20 Sept at 3pm Retz Hall -
Dear Friends - This is an open meeting for all residents. Come and add your 2 Cents
Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276
NW-CERT Coordinator
Sunshine Neighborhood Watch – CERT Team (Est. 2008)
SCCE - Harlingen’s premier NW & CERT Team.
Lights On -- Lock Up and Look Out for each other!
Meeting Agenda – Monday - 20 September 2021 - 3pm - Retzlaff Hall
Lenore J. Combs, Coordinator 956 245 1276 LJCombs44@gmail.com
Officers Bravo and Moreno, NW HPD District Representatives
Dear NW- CERT Volunteers, Residents and Friends,
This is an open meeting and we welcome your constructive input. At the moment I am choosing to call an in person meeting to discuss the future of our NW-CERT program. Please wear your mask, we will practice social distance and take as many precautions as possible. There may be persons physically attending this event, who are not following CDC recommendations for unvaccinated persons, which means there is potential for exposure to Covid-19. Therefore, each person must decide for themselves if they wish to attend this or any of our SEPO events in person.
I wish to get as many helpful hints and opinions as possible. You matter. Sunshine matters. If you cannot attend, please send me your 2 Cents on this agenda.
Coffee & cookies
Pledge of Allegiance
Moment of Silence – Thoughts for your special intentions.
Introductions of Guests, new members and new volunteers
A huge heartfelt thanks to each and every NW – CERT volunteer YOU ARE APPRECIATED.
It’s been a long, hot summer and we welcome home the Winter Texans.
Treasurer’s report:
Bank statement available.
Old Business:
Audience choice
New Business:
If a Neighborhood Watch has been proven to be effective, what is your opinion on how we can improve ours, establish a more positive impact on our community and encourage more residents to participate? Spoke to a new resident recently. Refer to NW-CERT Welcome letter.
You are the first link in security and safety – Lock Up - Lights On – Look out for each other.
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. (Margaret Mead)
YOU Make a positive difference in SCCE
YOU are the Go-To person for neighbors in a time of need
Benefits: reduction in crime and fear of crime
Improved community spirit
Social events, partnerships with local Law Enforcement agencies (and Fire Dept. and EMS)
Better relationships with neighbors
Feelings of accomplishment
1. NW Evening Patrols: Linda & Dick Jones
Thanks to Linda for her due diligence on making our Patrol Calendar happen. And thanks to those who help her make it happen. OCTOBER’s is cookin’.
2. Block Captains: - We have 9 streets – Depending on the number of homes are there, a Block Captain and Co-Captains play a role is getting out information and sharing it How ’bout signing up?
3. CERT Team:
We update our Sunshine Readiness Plan each April for PD, FD and EMT. You do not have to be a CERT member to assist. In March, we generally prepare some hints on how to get your home ready when heading “up North”.
5. McGruffmobile: NW Golf Cart (Lenore) Rich Debackere – winter Texan
6. Golf Cart Hand-held rechargeable Batteries - Tom Gossman
This donated generator each month needs to be cranked and checked out mid month.
7. Vendor Program: Lenore
Do you wish for the Board to reinstate this project?
8. Surveillance:
SEPO Sensaphone IR System (This is a Board responsibility) Tom Gossins
Front Gate Cameras – _________, _________ John Combs (back-up)
Still need 2 volunteers.
These cameras need to be checked occasionally and downloaded at times. John Combs needs a volunteer or two to assist.
Locking up the Buildings
First of all, this has always been a Board responsibility. If you are scheduled to Patrol and cannot, - no problem – please try to lock up the buildings. Jean Burgoine is in charge of this area and she is most diligent about her job but security and safety is all about us as a community. Please make sure when you exit a building, your make sure the door is secure.
PS: According to Women’s Club there is a “honey-do” list for the Chair of a committee having to do with responsibility involving a program – such things as put a/c on 85, check toilets, check stove, lock doors and turn out the lights etc. – see them for the complete list or view it on the Web site HERE.
Operation ID – Officer Bravo & Moreno HPD
Contact Lenore 956 245 1276 so we can make arrangements with you. First, complete your Personal Inventory List then we can set up the engraving process & give you the Operation ID decal. Additional Personal Inventory Lists are available in the Library next to the NW display.
Vial of L.I.F.E. decals - available. What about “Who’s Your Buddy” ?
RED Envelope - with current health history.
Complete the health hx, place in red envelope.
If you have a DNR make sure it is in there too.
“Sunshine Emergency Contact” forms are available in the Office. Please keep your info current. Has the Office a spare key or your designate here in case of ???
Refrigerator Magnets to call in at HPD 216 5940 report suspicious activity.
Have your story together – not an epistle. You will be speaking to an Officer who simply wants to know what, where, who and how (any drugs or guns?)
Next meeting: Monday `18 October 2021 3pm Retzlaff Hall
Sent 2021-08-28: Neighborhood Watch/CERT Report - September 2021 -
Watch – CERT Team (Est. 2008)
SCCE - Harlingen’s premier NW & CERT Team.
Lights On -- Lock Up and Look Out for each other!
Lenore J. Combs, Coordinator 956 245 1276 LJCombs44@gmail.com
SEPO Board Report for Sunshine Neighborhood Watch - CERT Team Sept 2021
Dear Friends - Again a huge THANKS to all our volunteers - unsung heroes for being Sunshine’s eyes n’ ears, encouraging residents to stay alert and threatening fear into local Bad Guys,.
Meetings will resume the 3rd Monday monthly in Retzlaff Hall at 3pm. These are open meetings. Please join us on Monday the 20th of September as we can discuss and review plans for interventions, changes, schedules and etc. October is Fire Prevention Month and Harlingen’s bravest will visit with us at that meeting.
Would also like to discuss a Finger Lickin’ Chicken for November (or a better month) as a fund raiser. The Fire Dept will grill the chickens safely on their massive BBQ grill and we can be COVID-19 compliant with delivery and pick-up. Your input please.
National Night Out - was Tuesday the 3rd of August 6p – 9p at Lon C.Hill Park.
We were signed up with Officers Bravo and Moreno HPD. Many LE Agencies were represented as well as other groups like ours. There was plenty of food and entertainment and educational booths - even COVID-19 vaccines.
Harlingen Fire Department – CERT Team (Station 8)
Meetings have been reinstated - every 2nd Tuesday of the month at the Emergency Ops & Training Center on 24200 North FM 5092. You’re invited. Check out the web site on hgncert@myharlingen.us for an application and training etc.
The CERT Team - Learn how to “hold down the fort until profession help arrives”. This is a nationwide approach to volunteer training that civilian responders can rely upon during disaster situations. Some topics – Disaster Preparedness, Fire Safety, Light Search & Rescue, Team Organization, Disaster Medical Ops and more. This is a 20 hour course over two weekends with a fantastic Fire House BBQ to follow.
Check out IS 317 Intro to CERT - an independent study course on basic CERT training.
That’s all folks - see ya the 20th of September - 3pm.
Sincerely, Lenore J. Combs 956 245 1276 Coordinator NW-CERT
Sent 2021-07-23: Neighborhood Watch meeting notes (19 July 2021) -
Although the below provides the minutes/notes from the July 19 NW meeting, Lenore had some cool graphics in the document she sent me. So I encourage you to view that document from HERE.
Beth Parrish SEPO E-Mail E-News Manager
Watch – CERT Team (Est. 2008)
SCCE - Harlingen’s premier NW & CERT Team.
Lights On -- Lock Up and Look Out for each other!
Lenore J. Combs, Coordinator 956 245 1276 LJCombs44@gmail.com
Minutes: (notes) Monday, 19 July 3pm, Retzlaff Hall
Meet 'n Greet, Fellowship, Refreshments and…
Special Guests:
Harlingen Police Department:
Assistant Chief of Police - Miryam Anderson,
Sgt. Charles Fechner – Special Services District Representative, NW Liaison
Deputy Chief: Alfredo Alvear and Daniel Villarreal (old friends of NW & very supportive)
Officer Jose Lopez is newly assigned to us and will head up the Citizens Police Academy with Sgt Sal Carmona (starts 13 September 6p – 9p x 8 weeks)
Officers Orlando Gonzalez, Moreno and Bravo are our District Representatives and usually come to our meetings (and will be working with us for National Night Out).
Citizens Police Academy - Carolyn Floyd (& Lenore & Mary Ellen)
Some of these Police Officers are familiar friends and have been present at our meetings and teaching sessions and several were new to us.
Assistant COP Miryam Anderson had each HPD Representative speak on their position with HPD. Q & A followed.
Officer Orlando Gonzalez is our DR. His team wants to do a surprise Crime Prevention Walk for us. They will come in here and observe our “practice”, then come back with a report, and then we can have a discussion. Don’t get nervous – we are just checking on safety and security issues that should be common practice – like leaving your golf cart keys handy for a Bad Guy to drive off, or leaving your garage open with all kinds of temptation. They will also be checking our vehicles for the little orange Happy Face stickers – indicating this vehicle belongs here as opposed to a vehicle who may be observing his next unfortunate victim. This practice is called Crime Prevention Thru Environmental Design. It is a three-day course we have taken on how to protect our stuff from the Bad Guy’s dreams and excursions.
The Citizens Police Academy will stand up Class 43 on Monday 13 September at 6pm ‘til 9pm and I hope many of you will attend this informational program (from Penal Code to Handgun Safety, Traffic, SWAT, Gangs, Court procedures and more. It a great and ‘free’ opportunity. I have applications. Graduation 1 November.
National Night Out - is scheduled for Tuesday the 3rd of August 6p – 9p
Lon C. Hill Park -- off Fairview Blvd (across from the Harlingen Auditorium and adjacent to the Harlingen Police Department). We are signed up with Officers Bravo and Moreno and I hope everyone from SCCE comes for a visit as a show of support.
Many LE Agencies will be represented as well as other groups like ours. There is plenty of food and entertainment and educational booths.
Sunshine Neighborhood Watch - CERT will have a table – under big trees – showing off our program. Bring your lawn chair. We will have literature on our NW & CERT activities and will enjoy your fellowship and comradery. Chief Anderson will try to muster the other six NW teams in Harlingen so we can have a great time with them and all the Harlingen residents. It’s a big deal and lots of fun.
Harlingen Fire Department – CERT Team (Station 8) 109 Firefighters are responsible for Fire & Rescue Services. Admin Staff: Fire Chief Rafael Balderas.
CERT Team: Asst. Chief Ruben Balboa Bill Snyder CERT Team Leader, Mary Ellen Swartz & Caroline Floyd - members who were present.
The CERT Team should be starting up CERT Training too now that stuff is opening up. Learn how to “hold down the fort until profession help arrives”. This is a nationwide approach to volunteer training that responders can rely on during disaster situations. Some topics – Disaster Preparedness, Fire Safety, Light Search & Rescue, Team Organization, Disaster Medical Ops and more. This is a 20-hour course over two weekends with a fantastic Fire House BBQ to follow.
Oh – Chief Darrell Loftus HFD wants to do a fundraiser for us (NW & CERT)
Finger-Lickin’ Chicken will happen but let’s plan a date. We supply the chicken (NW) and the Firefighters do the cookin’ – slow roasted on a grill (yum-yum) – out by our Gazebo. We – you help plan to provide the rest – usually potato salad, cold slaw, bread, pickles, jalapenos, dessert etc. (We shall strongly consider COVID-19 precautions).
Harlingen Fire Department sent their monthly report. It is posted on our NW-CERT bulletin Board in the Library (where your Patrol Calendar is).
City of Combes Public Safety – Police Department
Chief of Police - Patrick Quill Sgt Brenda Lopez
While they may be small in numbers, they are huge in being our advocates. Under usual circumstances we would have done an NNO, a Breast Cancer Awareness Walk and maybe several other projects with them for the City of Combes. (Don’t forget, half of SCCE is in Combes).
BTW – got a thank you note from the Chief – he was happy to be welcomed here and meet us and for a moment to say they are strongly behind our NW and very supportive of our community and work very tight with HPD for fending off the Bad Guys.
South Texas EMS and Paramedic Service
Pete Moreno, Director of Support Services & Training and introduced two EMT Instructor -Trainers for the local EMT Program at the College.
Pete gave a run down on ambulance procedure, and what we can do to be prepared in case of. He is aware of our RED Envelope with our current health history and is an advocate of our “Be A Buddy” program (which is when your family asks my family to come over in case of….).
He was happy to see we had an AED and have “classes” periodically on First Aid, CPR and Stop The Bleed (STB) etc. He is aware of our three STOP THE BLEED bags in the Workers Shed, the Woodworkers Shop and in the library. They are to be used when needed. You can ask for training. (See Lenore). They are not to be used in place of a First Aid Kit because they have special STB products which we expect to be there.
There will be an ambulance “Area fam” this Monday as an opportunity for drivers to get familiar with SCCE, Encore RV Resort and Lakeside streets and addresses.
Lenore J. Combs 956 245 1276
Coordinator NW-CERT



Monday, 3 August 2021, 6p – 9p, Lon C. Hill Park
Sent 2021-07-14: Neighborhood Watch - CERT meeting Monday 19 July 3pm Retz Hall -
Dear Friends - Whether you are a volunteer or not, please come to our meeting. We will have a great show 'n tell and meet some special guests that I know you will enjoy. Refreshments served Coffee's on. 😊❤
Watch – CERT Team (Est. 2008)
SCCE - Harlingen’s premier NW & CERT Team.
Lights On -- Lock Up and Look Out for each other!
Lenore J. Combs, Coordinator 956 245 1276 LJCombs44@gmail.com
Invitation Reminder to SCCE:
Monday 19 July 3pm Retzlaff Hall
Meet n Greet, Fellowship, Refreshments and…
Special Guests:
Harlingen Police Department:
Assistant Chief of Police - Miryam Anderson,
Sgt. Charles Fechner – Special Services District Representative, NW Liaison
Harlingen Fire Department – CERT Team (Station 8)
Admin Staff and 109 Firefighters are responsible for Fire & Rescue Services
City of Combes Public Safety – Police Department
Chief of Police - Patrick Quill
South Texas EMS and Paramedic Service
Pete Moreno, Director of Support Services & Training
Our Neighborhood Watch – CERT Team members take this time to invite all of Sunshine to enjoy this visit. Please come for a short time to meet and welcome our heroes who serve and protect us. They also are staunch supporters of Sunshine’s premier NW-CERT Team. Prior to COVID-19, we had many an interesting meeting with them, classes, practical demonstrations and other joint opportunities such as National Night Out. Let’s take this opportunity to reunite friendships and begin a new start.
Great refreshments to be served. Coffee’s always on. You won’t regret this time.
We shall also set up a walkaround educational table for Neighborhood Watch, CERT, Citizens Police Academy and more. John will have the AED out, Hands-Only CPR info, First Aid, the STOP- THE - BLEED Bag and other educational information available.
Lenore J. Combs 956 245 1276
Coordinator NW-CERT
Sent 2021-06-28: Neighborhood Watch Patrol coverage + Misc -
Dear Friends - The JULY Patrol schedule is not properly covered due to unforeseen last minute changes. It may also reflect uncovered time until September or October....
If anyone could step up for the time, it would be appreciated. This is 1 shift at 9pm to lock up and check out the area.
I can orient you at your convenience and there is a thin manual for overall instructions you can read.
Also, for the JULY meeting on 19 July 2021 at 3pm - I am planning a meet 'n greet and social with our local Harlingen PD, Combes PD, Hgn Fire Dept and local EMS.
Retz Hall 3pm Everyone is welcome.
Police and Fire Depts. are having a Battle of the Badges Blood Drive today at Station 8 on Grimes St. Great time to go down and meet them.
Thanks for all you do to make SCCE a safe and secure place to live and play.
Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276 NW-CERT Coordinator
Sent 2021-06-21: NW-CERT information for June 2021 -
Sunshine Neighborhood Watch – CERT Team (Est. 2008)
SCCE - Harlingen’s premier NW & CERT Team.
Lights On -- Lock Up and Look Out for each other!
Sunshine NW-CERT notice NO Meeting on Monday 21 June 2021
Lenore J. Combs, Coordinator 956 245 1276 LJCombs44@gmail.com
A few words:
We will NOT have a June NW-CERT meeting this month but hope to resume in July. My plan is to have a brief meet ‘n greet open house in Retzlaff Hall for an introduction, fellowship and dessert. We can also plan some classes. I will invite the Harlingen PD, Combes PD, the local EMS and the Harlingen Fire Department.
The McGruffmobile: The “driver side” door came in and Charlie Gardner will put it on. The “passenger” side will be taken off and a new vinyl window replaced. May need some addition help with reassemble.
The McGruffmobile - The Black Case has current resident info. We will have two (2) new Fire Extinguishers. The First Aid Box is current.
The JULY schedule should be out soon, and Linda will send it to me.
Lesson for the day:
This season is forecasted to be wetter and warmer so Hurricane preparation may become a familiar part of our vocabulary. A word about our pets – Make sure you have a plan for Fluffy and Fido and other critters. If sudden emergencies arise there will be less stress if you include a plan for your pets. If evacuation is quick, having some extra supplies on hand is a good idea. Also, talking to your Veterinarian for other advice; being aware some public shelters may not be equipped to handle pets; some hotels do not allow pets etc. Is your pet microchipped? Maybe consider planning with neighbors, friends or relatives for availability to care or evacuate your pets if you are unable to do so. You can contact your local animal shelter if you are unsure how to care for your pet during an emergency.
How ‘bout an Emergency Kit for your pet? Think about the basics for survival – food, water, meds. Maybe have 2 kits – one if you are sheltering in place and a lightweight version if you are evacuating. Remember to ensure contents stay fresh.
Here’s a suggested list – several days of food, water, bowls, meds, collar w ID – harness, leash, crate or carrier, grooming needs, sanitations stuff- litter box, litter, newspapers, paper towels, trash bags etc. Don’t forget a picture of you and your pet together for ID purposes. And don’t forget their favorite toys.
One more thing….. John and I are up to specs with COVID-19 instruction guidelines and are offering several classes free in a COVID-safe environment for all NW-CERT volunteers.
We can review Hands-Only CPR and review the AED. First Aid and STOP-THE-BLEED are an option If we have a chance and maybe we can cover Near-drowning.
Can’t say THANKS loud or long enough for all your volunteer efforts to make Sunshine a safer place to live and play.
Next NW-CERT meeting -- Monday 19 JULY (3rd Monday) 3pm
Sent 2021-05-14: Reminder - Neighborhood Watch meeting/class Monday 17 May 3pm -
Dear Friends -
We shall hold a review of STOP THE BLEED and Hands-Only CPR and an AED review in Retzlaff Hall at 3pm this Monday.
Please sign up or call me if you can attend. Thanks
2. The McGruffmobile should be getting a new door in the next week or so. Can somebody help us get it on? Also, I will have new "windows" made for the passenger side.
3. AEP sent me about a dozen short interesting CDs on Electrical Safety. They will be available for you to view.
4. The new climate normals are here - are you ready - a warmer normal, a wetter normal?
5. Cometupdates - This is a free course supplement (like a weather watcher program) to download graphics - great info.
6. National Night Out 2021
We are a partner both Nationally and with our local Police. Don't know yet if Hgn or even Combes will have anything, but stuff is opening up. This program promotes police-community partnerships and neighborhood unity. We have a valued relationship with Harlingen and Combes. (and CERT with HFD)
Hoping things get back to some normalcy - Sunshine is a great community because you make it that way.
See ya Monday 😀 Lenore J. Combs, Coordinator 956 245 1276
Sent 2021-05-01: Neighborhood Watch - CERT class/meeting Monday 17 MAY 2021 3pm -
Sunshine Neighborhood Watch – CERT Team (Est. 2008)
Harlingen’s premier NW & CERT Team.
Lights On -- Lock Up and Look Out for one other!
Sunshine NW-CERT notice MAY 2021
Lenore J. Combs, NW-CERT Coordinator 956 245 1276 LJCombs44@gmail.com
A few words:
We will NOT have the usual “Virtual” NW-CERT meeting this month, but will have a class.
THANKS again to all who volunteered over the Fall months and thanks & welcome to those who will now cover the long, hot summer. We thank Cathy Wunderlich for her Utility Ride briefing last month – very interesting!
There will be a (driver side) door coming soon to a golf cart like McGruff in a few weeks. Perhaps some of you can assist on getting it back on. New “window” curtains will be replaced on the passenger side. Should look like new!
John and I will be gone for a week in the RV. Linda and Dick Jones will be your back-up. The MAY schedule will be out. If there needs to be any orientation, I will be available May 8th and after. If the AED needs to be used, there are after-action things to be done with it. Call me.
Main message: Monday, 17 May 2021 3pm sharp Retzlaff Hall
May is STOP THE BLEED month. We shall have a class on STOP THE BLEED and do a review of Hands-Only CPR and the AED. You are all cordially welcome. There will be a sign-up sheet in the library or you can call me. 956 245 1276
John and I are up to specs with COVID instruction guidelines and are offering this class free in a COVID-safe environment. For now, bring your mask and we shall decide best practice for class. There will be a sanitation station and tables & chairs will be a safe distance.
May is STOP THE BLEED month. We want to connect, engage and learn. Traumatic injury is a leading cause of death and training takes less than one hour. The more we learn STOP THE BLEED measures, become trained and equipped, the more lives will be saved.
STOP THE BLEED is one of the Nation’s largest public heath campaign designed to encourage bystanders to become trained, equipped and empowered to help in a bleeding emergency before professional help arrives. Its goal is to train you on how to stop traumatic bleeding.
This program is supported by the US Dept of Defense. The American College of Surgeons, the STOP THE BLEED Coalition. The American Red Cross, the American College of Emergency Physicians and many other public and private organizations.
Uncontrollable bleeding (hemorrhage) is a major cause of preventable death.
Approximately 40% of trauma-related deaths worldwide are due to bleeding and its consequences.
35% of pre-hospital deaths are due to blood loss.
80% of victims in a mass casualty event are transported to the hospital by a family member or a member of the public.
Emergency response time varies averaging 7 minutes in the USA.
Deaths due to traumatic bleeding can occur in less than 5 minutes.
We will also cover Hands-Only CPR and review the AED. If we have a chance, maybe we can cover Near-drowning.
Next NW-CERT meeting -- Monday 21 JUNE (3rd Monday) 3pm
Neighborhood Watch Utility Ride
Sent 2021-04-19: REMINDER: Neighborhood Watch Utility Ride this Tuesday 1pm -
Dear Friends - Reminder - tomorrow 1pm at Retzlaff Hall door. Use your golf cart. We will travel around SCCE checking out power poles, transformers and other stuff. Looks like good weather too.
Next month is STOP-THE-BLEED month. We can give a class if you like. - safely - very interesting.
Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276 Coordinator NW-CERT
Sent 2021-04-12: NW - CERT Utility Ride April 2021 -
Dear Friends:
We will NOT have the usual “Virtual” NW-CERT meeting this month of April.
BUT - Instead of our meeting,
we shall conduct our annual Utility Safety Ride on Tuesday 20 April at 1PM.
Everyone is invited. Meet us by the Retzlaff Hall side door on Michigan Avenue.
We will have an interesting Golf Cart ride viewing our Utility Pads, Transformers and etc. – most informative thanks to Kathy Wunderlich.
Back to “instead of our usual meeting”
We shall conduct our annual Utility Safety Ride on Tuesday the 20th of April at 1PM sharp.
Everyone is invited.
Meet us by the Retzlaff Hall side door on Michigan Avenue.
We will have an interesting Golf Cart ride viewing our Utility Pads, Transformers and etc. – most informative thanks to Kathy Wunderlich.
If Sunshine has an “issue” this summer, such as a power or flooding condition – we are in it until professional help arrives. So, sharpen up your learning curve and join us. See how we can immediately respond safely at the scene. For instance, stay away from downed power lines or report a downed line. On the other hand, if water is running wildly down the street or a gas odor is detected – take appropriate action. Your safety is job one. (Best to notify the Board or the Office before any action is taken. But if it is a case of serious emergency and if action was taken – make sure they become aware).
Another example - Did you know if you are in your car, if a power line falls on it, the car will channel electricity around you, so you will not get hurt? You get help by honking the horn or yelling out the window – even use your phone. Warn passersby NOT to come near your vehicle. If you would have to exit your vehicle that is touching a power line, you would have to jump out of the car with both feet touching, and landing with both feet together, to avoid getting shocked – then shuffle away with both feet touching.
Take a look at some of the CERT materials available (for free). IS 317 - Introduction To Community Emergency Response Teams is a great start.
Also, take a peek at the AEP Web site – good info. We shall all have fun learning about the dangers of Utility Poles, the anatomy of a Utility Pole, why they are dangerous – stray voltage, dangling wires, transformers and chemical toxins etc.
COVID commandments: Wear your mask- Wash your hands- Social Distance- Act Responsibly
Lenore J. Combs, Coordinator, 956-245-1276, LJCombs44@gmail.com
Sent 2021-04-12: NW - CERT information April 2021 -
Sunshine Neighborhood Watch – CERT Team (Est. 2008)
Harlingen’s premier NW & CERT Team.
Lights On -- Lock Up and Look Out for one other!
Lenore J. Combs, Coordinator, 956-245-1276, LJCombs44@gmail.com
Dear Friends:
A quick NW informational word:
The Summer Patrol schedule - it is fairly well set but there are still a few openings. If you wish to get on our volunteer list, please contact Linda Jones. You will be fully oriented.
Thanks to those who have recently contributed to the NW fund. Your kindness is appreciated.
The McGruffmobile will be getting new windows for the summer.
Tom Gossins replaced batteries in the IR (infrared) Sensaphone.
Debbie Gossins is keeping our Maglites charged on the McGruffmobile.
And on another note – COVID-19 has underscored the importance of financial resistance. Generally speaking, people want to spend their money on things that bring them hope – not necessarily plan spending on matters to protect themselves from negative things.
April is National Financial Capability Month. Just as the flowers bloom in the Spring it is now a good time to renew efforts to become financially resilient. This exercise can make you bounce back from unexpected emergencies such as pandemic-related money challenges and/or how to be prepared for and recover from natural disasters.
Here are some tips – Gather all your financial info at your fingertips. Organize and safeguard financial documents in a waterproof, airtight and fireproof container.
See Emergency Financial First Aid Kit (EFFAK) for forms & checklists.
Make sure you have the right insurance to protect your home so you can repair your home and other property. Review your policy to ensure the amount and types of coverage meet all types of coverage for all possible hazards.
See National Flood Insurance Plan (NFIP).
Be wary of identity scams, especially those around COVID-19 and tax filing. DO NOT click on links and emails from people you don’t know. Scammers create fake links to Web sites and take advantage of financial fears by calling with remote work opportunities, debt consolidation offers and student loan repayment plans.
Contact the Federal Trade Commission.
And for a moment, let’s not forget the mundane things in life such as Identity Theft. A recent study form the National Crime Victimization Survey revealed about 9% of persons 16 or older had been victims in the past year. For 90%, the most involved was only the misuse or the attempted misuse of at least one type of existing account (credit card, bank account). In monetary losses across all incidents however, the identity theft totaled over $15 billion dollars. There were some victims who resolved the financial and credit problems associated with identity theft but more than half of them did not.
Next NW-CERT meeting -- Monday 17 May 2021 3pm (3rd Monday) Open agenda
COVID commandments: Wear your mask- Wash your hands- Social Distance- Act Responsibly
Lenore J. Combs, Coordinator, 956-245-1276, LJCombs44@gmail.com
(Newsletter Apr, 2021)
Sunshine Neighborhood Watch – CERT Team (Est. 2008)
Harlingen’s premier NW & CERT Team.
Lights On -- Lock Up and Look Out for one other!
Lenore J. Combs, NW-CERT Coordinator 956 245 1276 LJCombs44@gmail.com
NW-CERT April 2021 Newsletter and March NW Minutes 2021
Our Neighborhood Watch virtual meeting was held Monday 15 March at 3pm. Pat Harvey assisted me in gathering you all. Hopefully there will be some sense of normalcy in the Fall when you all return and we can meet in person. The NW and CERT mission survives on many interactive meetings with our partners (HPD, Combes PD and Harlingen FD etc.) and with hands-on opportunities throughout the year.
You can view the March NW-CERT Minutes via the link:
Thanks to Rich for McGruff’s new orange electric cord, the front wheel bushings and the M-Cor part which has to do with the pedal. He had taken good care of McGruff. We will miss him when they leave.
Recently spoke with Linda Jones. Patrols go to one a night starting in April for the Summertime schedule. We can always use volunteers – just contact her.
To the volunteers heading “up north”, So long, farewell, alveterzane to you and you and you and you and you and you…..Via Con Dios, Happy Trails and hurry back. As a reminder - please tidy up your area both house and Storage Lot so flying flowerpots don’t do any harm. Is your Storage shed tied down for Hurricane strength winds and your lock secure?
Annual Utility Ride - Monday 19 April at 1 o’clock. Meet by Retzlaff Hall side door on Michigan. Everyone is invited for this guided Golf Cart event. Safe distancing. Have your mask available (in case we get out of the golf cart to see and say something).
The McGruffmobile had a boo-boo on the door. The metal brace was bent and the window was slit accidently. So, it is under repair at Mario’s Golf Carts. The finished product will be a new or repaired door complete with new clear windows. While I am at it, we will also have the other side (window) redone with new vinyl glass. The elements and the sun take a toll on our equipment, but the cover keeps the ability to Patrol in the elements.
For CERT enthusiasts, there is an updated Basic CERT training course you can take on-line about elementary response skills - FEMA Independent Study IS-317 and it is a relaxed, informal introduction class - to the point, enjoyable and most informative. CERT prepares us about disaster prep conditions such as Fire Safety, Light Search and Rescue, Team Organization and Disaster Medical Operations etc. Here’s how you learn to hang in there ‘til professional help arrives.
The Board is contemplating our NW research on the Cameras. We have a bid for a good surveillance set with coverage from the Front Gate to the Storage Lot. The bank of cameras would probably be set in the Office and that’s all I know at the moment.
The Vendor program – let’s try to reinstate it. Tony and I discussed it. He did not say NO. Admittedly, it’s a safety & security thing. All it entails is if a resident wants work done on their home, from a Vendor for a roof or whatever, that vendor will have a form of ID in his vehicle from Sunshine NW while on your premises. This Orange Card on his dashboard indicates he is invited. And then we all know he is not there taking down Bad Guy notes. You can get this Orange NW Card from me or the Office. It’s a good thing to take back these cards when they leave. Call me for questions.
Next NW-CERT meeting -- Monday 15 April 3pm -- Utility Ride reminder.
COVID rules: Wear your mask Wash your hands Social Distancing Act Responsibly
Sent 2021-03-14: Neighborhood Watch Meeting VIRTUAL Monday 3pm, March 15, 2021 -
Dear Neighborhood Watch volunteers and Friends - Please join us tomorrow for our monthly meeting. Harlingen PD will be with us. Just click on the invitational code below about 2:45 pm.
Lenore Combs has invited you to join a video meeting for Neighborhood Watch on Google Meet starting at 2:45 Monday 3/15/21. The actual meeting will begin at 3:00.
Or open Google Meet and enter this code:
Dial in (audio only): (US) +1 574-318-7442 PIN: 272 657 775#
More phone numbers: https://tel.meet/nnr-nrai-oyz?pin=4463819848281
Thanks-- Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276 😷❤ NW-CERT Coordinator
Sunshine Neighborhood Watch – CERT Team (Est. 2008)
Harlingen’s premier NW & CERT Team.
Lights On -- Lock Up and Look Out for one other!
NW – CERT Virtual Meeting Agenda – Monday – 15 March 2021 3pm
Lenore J. Combs, Coordinator 956 245 1276 LJCombs44@gmail.com
Welcome to our 3nd virtual meeting. Thanks for joining us. Just click on to get on.
You will receive or should have received a Moderator’s email instruction notice.
Opening & Welcome:
By now, hopefully all your clocks are changed for DST and you have checked your Smoke Alarms & CO2 alarms.
Virtual Coffee & Cookies Virtual Pledge of Allegiance Moment of Silence Thoughts for special intentions
Wishing you all a happy St Patrick’s Day…..
For every storm, a rainbow -- For very tear, a smile
For every care, a promise -- Find a blessing for each trial
For every problem life sends -- A faithful friend to share
For every sigh, a sweet song -- And an answer for each prayer.
Introduction of Guests, new members & volunteers
Sgt. Charles Fechner, District Representative - Harlingen Police Department
Game Plan for our meeting under COVID guidelines:
This “virtual” meeting agenda will be used via a “google meet” meeting format. You can refer your additional longer version for specific details. When we are all on, I will briefly go over the topics. You can have already read the details outlined in the pre-meeting notes under separate cover. Have your questions ready or call me.
Virtual meeting AGENDA:
Trea$ury Report:
The books are always open to scrutiny. March bank statement is available.
Thanks to those who are still contributing to our NW. Your generosity has been over the top. Thanks again.
NEW Business:
McGruff has a new electric cord attached from the Golf Cart to extend to the electric plug, new front bearings and a new M-COR part. I looked up M COR – has to do with our acceleration pedal and your mph speed.
Parts and repair are courtesy of our Pit Crew Rich & Terry Debackere. We appreciate Rich’s KSA – knowledge, skills and abilities because sending Mc Gruff out for repair would have created a charge. McGruff thanks you and we thank you. – Please also tell them thank you too.
OLD Business:
Vendor Program – now that the Easter exodus is upon us and after hearing repeated concerns expressed about “traffic” in here during the summer, I would like the Board to ok its reinstatement. I have not heard back on a decision yet but will press the issue since I am well acquainted with a Board member and just ask permission.
PATROLS - Linda Summer schedules are in the works – contact Linda if you are interested to volunter. For those of you who are leaving, please turn in your keys. Thanks
NW Dog Watch - NW Bike Patrol - Sunshine Street Strutters
– hope this stays a summertime mission. Thanks to those of you who have called in your concerns.
McGruffmobile Pit Crew - Rich
Flashlight volunteer Debbie and Tom Gossins have stepped up. Thanks
Vendor Program
Block Captains – Please consider this important mission. Very simple, you are especially needed during the summer. You are the extended “eyes and ears” of the community. Ideal number – small Street =1and longer streets = 3 or so.
Surveillance Assets: Camera Task Force is waiting for a decision
Operation ID: Hope you all will consider taking advantage. Be safe than sorry.
SEPO Emergency Contact Form – please update as needed. The Office really needs this updated regularly and appreciates your action.
RED envelopes with a Health HX for your convenience. Call me if you need them
Safety and security is everyone’s responsibility.
Once again, thanks again for your time. Over and Out.
Next mtg
Next NW-CERT meeting -- Monday 19 April (3rd Monday) – Virtual – we shall address Disaster Preparedness.
However, if possible, we may have a Utility Ride excursion in your Golf Cart
COVID rules: Wear your mask - Wash your hands - Social Distancing - Act Responsibly
Lenore J. Combs, Coordinator 956 245 1276
Sent 2021-02-17: NW-CERT Minutes of 15 Feb 2021 Virtual meeting -
Sunshine Neighborhood Watch – CERT Team (Est. 2008)
Harlingen’s premier NW & CERT Team.
Lights On -- Lock Up and Look Out for one other!
NW- CERT 15 February 2021 Virtual mtg Minutes
The NW-CERT virtual meeting was called to order at 3pm by Lenore who was technically assisted by Pat in getting us all on google meet.
Officer George Moreno, Harlingen Police Department was our guest. (“Back in the old days”, HPD always had a presence at our meetings with up- to- date training and great tips for safety and security). Thanks go to Chief Miryam Anderson and the District Representatives as we soon became the premier NW in Harlingen with a presence at many City functions and meetings.
(We will also be hearing from Patrick Quill, Chief of Police Town of Combes at one of our future meetings). In pre-COVID days, Sunshine was very active in programs such as National Night Out and Breast Cancer Awareness walks etc. They especially appreciated our Golf Cart brigade and gave us a Police escort up to their facility on Hand Road. Great fun while performing community service.) Chief Quill calls to see how we are doing especially if there is a disaster, flooding, bad weather etc…..
Anyway, back on track…. So, we began our meeting and welcomed about 12 interested viewers.
The virtual Finger Lickin’ Chicken fundraiser was a raging success. Over $1100.00 was raised. I was overwhelmed by the generosity and show of appreciation for our volunteer effort to “Take a Bite out of Crime”. Thank you. We will be good stewards for these funds.
NEW BUSINESS: The other night we attempted a “Welfare Check” on a resident because he was not seen or heard from lately, lives alone, cold weather etc. – so after multiple phone calls and banging on windows and doors, there was still no answer. We notified HPD and they sent a Police Officer out – Jay Reese. But – as good luck would have it, before we might have gone thru the door, our friend evolved – safe and sound and sleepy. Now the moral or lesson of the story – there was no emergency key in the Office. Our Board assisted by entering the Office and checked in the special place for these keys – and – no key. So – is your key there?????
B) This also brings up the “Be A Buddy” plan. Let’s say your friend or spouse develops a medical concern – call your “Buddy” to come over. This way, if you have to call 911 – you will be stuck on the phone but they are your extra hands.
C) Unlocked doors to our buildings. Every night, NW does a Patrol. Most times there is a door or two left unsecure. Please, if you enter the Special Purpose Room for a package, lock it up securely when you leave. If you exercise, play cards or use the Pool-Billiards room, lock it up securely when you leave. Potential damage from wondering Bad Guys could be messy or dangerous. Please double check the door behind you. Thanks.
Patrols – Linda is working on March and the Summer schedule.
Linda and Dick purchased NW orange Doggie Vests for our K-9s. They look great and Thanks for your thoughtfulness.
The McGruffmobile: Thanks to Rich for keeping an eye on our McGruffmobile NW Patrol Golf Cart. If a concern develops, Rich can evaluate it, perhaps fix it and sometimes SEPO can assist but if it is a major thing, it goes out for repair.
Flashlights: (rechargeable) There are 2 in the McGruffmoble and they need a recharge about once a week. Jean has been doing it for several months. Can we have another volunteer for this please? Marian volunteered but does several patrols a week. So, Debbie and Tom Gossins have volunteered. Thanks to all for attention to this project.
Sunshine Street Strutters & Bike Patrol & NW Dog Watch and good old fashioned nosey neighbors – just be extra eye n ears, if you see something, say something. Thanks.
To “Report Suspicious Activity” call 956 216 5940 at HPD. This is a live call.
Vendor Program: this program was shelved last year. But seems like lots of unmarked vehicles are in here. Stuff happens in plain sight. Perhaps we should reinstate the Vendor Program?
Block Captains: a common practice for NW. -- just be eyes n ears, tie in local communication with neighbors etc. Would like one for every Street (9). The longer streets should have some Co-Captains. There is an office Block Captain’s handbook. Call me if you are interested.
Surveillance assets: Cameras
a) Bill Peterson – Last month there was a NW Camera Task Force call out. As a result, about 12 resident volunteers in golf carts simply checked out hot spots. The focus - was surveillance there or should it be? What is the status of our current system etc. Harlingen PD was here to lend suggestions.
b) Tom Gossins and Debbie - InfaRed Sensaphone system (located in the Storage Lot area). Tom is evaluating it and will prepare an in-service for us.
Another strong consensus – if each homeowner would evaluate solar lighting possibilities for around their homes as some areas are extremely dark. These solar lights are inexpensive and are a real deterrence. (plus Bad Guys are allergic to light).
Operation ID – take photos then complete the Operation ID Inventory form then we can assist in getting your stuff engraved.
SEPO Emergency Contact form – your Emergency house key
RED envelopes w your brief health history
Safety and security is everyone’s responsibility.
Once again, thanks again for your time. Over and Out.
Next NW-CERT meeting -- Monday 15 March (3rd Monday) – Virtual
COVID rules: Wear your mask Wash your hands Social Distancing Act Responsibly
Lenore Combs
Sent 2021-01-17: CAMERA & Surveillance TASK FORCE 25 Jan 2021 1pm w HPD -
Sunshine Neighborhood Watch – CERT Team (Est. 2008)
SCCE - Harlingen’s premier NW & CERT Team.
Lights On -- Lock Up and Look Out for each other!
CAMERA & Surveillance TASK FORCE 25 Jan 2021 1pm w HPD
Lenore J. Combs, Coordinator 956 245 1276 LJCombs44@gmail.com
Dear NW-CERT Volunteers, Residents and Friends,
Yesterday, Monday, 25 January, we met with Harlingen Police, District Representatives led by Sgt. Charles Fechner and Officers Elizondo, Moreno and Bravo.
Last week, on Friday, 22 January about 12 SCCE interested volunteers did a “walk-about” via golf carts around SCCE. The mission was to become familiar with Bad Guy hot spots and explore surveillance possibilities for Sunshine. We wanted to be prepared to have a conversation with Harlingen Police on their recommendations based on our findings and their experience. We had a suggested “cheat sheet” from the Bureau of Justice and other like organizations and took notes.
We now shared our findings with the Police. They listened to our concerns, toured the Estates and made some recommendations. This is not meant to endorse any products but to be used as an example of what is out there. Many home-owners personally choose a “Ring” system which has many components designed for your needs – from simple to extravagant. There are several reputable vendors locally with other options. Bottom line – the responsibility is yours. A simple thing we can all do is place solar lighting around areas that are always dark. A specific report will be forthcoming from Bill Peterson and Tom Gossins on cameras etc. and on the Sensaphone System.
Included in this walk-about was aging cameras in the Woodshop, the IR Sensaphone system in the Woodshop and Storage Lot, Valerie’s cameras in the Office and the bank of Cameras at the Front Gate. The cameras belong to SEPO but once upon a time we had many various volunteers who shared the responsibility to “keep track of and etc.” “It takes a Village” By and by, we lost our faithful volunteers and the task fell by the wayside. So recently it was brought back to life.
This planning exercise surfaced in December 2020 over conversations regarding concern for our overall security in SCCE. It was further explored with the NW Camera Task Force volunteers who responded to a call-out. (some volunteers are not NW but were interested SCCE residents.) Even though we have had comparatively less criminal mischief disturbances than other similar communities we are not immune and should stay on top of security to keep us safe.
Respectfully, Lenore J. Combs
Sent 2021-10117: Code for the Neighborhood Watch Virtual Meeting (Jan 18. 2021) -
The January Neighborhood Watch meeting is Monday (1/18/21) at 3:00. Lenore sent a SEPOeNews that included the agenda to you a couple of days ago. As with most meeting you may want to check-in a little early, maybe between 2:45 and 3:00.
To "Join" the meeting just click on the following link: https://meet.google.com/qwt-peic-dez <https://meet.google.com/qwt-peic-dez> and once your browser shows you a screen be sure to click on the "Join"
button on the right side of the screen. As with most meetings, this meeting will be recorded to help the secretary with the meeting minutes. Any questions, please let me know.
Pat Harvey patharvey4169@gmail.com
Sent 2021-01-14: NW agenda January 18 2021 3pm VIRTUAL Meeting -
Dear Friends, Please take some time and review this info. Thanks
Lenore J Combs 956 234 1276 NW - CERT Coordinator 😷❤
Sunshine Neighborhood Watch – CERT Team (Est. 2008)
SCCE - Harlingen’s premier NW & CERT Team.
Lights On -- Lock Up and Look Out for each other!
VIRTUAL Agenda – Monday – 16 November 2020 3pm
Lenore J. Combs, Coordinator 956 245 1276 LJCombs44@gmail.com
Dear NW-CERT Volunteers and Friends,
Introduction: Good afternoon! Let’s treat this format as though we were really at our meeting.
Coffee and cookies – your treat. We may have the advantage of Google MEET. As instructions and plan progress, I will keep you informed. Anyway, let’s begin.
Thank you all for serving. In the summer it’s the ‘skitters, in the winter there is the cold but no matter what – your NW is out every night. Welcome our frozen friends from the North. Best Wishes for a healthy, Happy New Year.
NW-CERT meetings are open meetings – we welcome you whether or not you volunteer, and we welcome your constructive ideas. There are many varied NW projects in which to get involved – so call me. 956 245 1276
(Pledge of Allegiance, Moment of Silence,)
(Introduction of new residents, volunteers and guests)
Treasurer’s Report: copy available
Project Reports
Fundrai$er: Our VIRTUAL Finger Lickin’ Chicken is still underway. Any donation you can make will be greatly appreciated. We have a fundraiser every so often and now that the treasury is on the low side, you can help us out. Funds are used most judiciously for NW operating expenses such as the McGruffmobile (NW Golf Cart) and other items. Our books are always open. There is a designated, well-marked lock box for this fundraiser – in the library – with envelopes for your convenience.
Patrol Schedule: Linda Jones
Contact Linda if you wish to help out. January is posted. There is always room for you and we can always use temporary help. Give it come consideration, please.
McGruffmobile – please notify Lenore by phone if there are any concerns with the golf cart or its equipment rather than just leaving a note. Rich Debackere is our go to person (thanks).
Flashlights: I could use a volunteer to do the Flashlight batteries (to keep them charged) – simple job and very appreciated. We are doing 2 Patrols a night now and in the dark. Jean has kept them charged all summer and could use a break. Thanks to her.
NW Dog Watch - a new announcement to Sunshine’s assets. You are all deputized so make your own hours. You and your pup just keep an extra pair of eyes and ears out for suspicious or unusual behavior. If ya see somethin’ – say somethin’. To report SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY, Harlingen Police - call 956 216 5940. You will get a human dispatcher so have your story straight – who what when where – any drugs, any colors, direction of travel etc. Tell them you are NW from Sunshine.
Sunshine Street Strutters – you are back on duty. Your “strutting orders” are like Dog Watch.
Stay alert, call in suspicious activity. How ‘bout a NW Bike Patrol? – any takers?
Vendor Program:
This program was removed by a SEPO Board decision last year at a SEPO Informational meeting. (under protest by me). The game plan was that VENDORS and CONTRACTORS – must report to the Office. NW Orange Cards were issued especially if their vehicle was not clearly and visibly identified by a Business Logo on the vehicle. It was each resident’s responsibility to make sure they reported in. The homeowner could also get a supply or Orange Cards from me for their project. These Orange NW cards were placed in the worker’s vehicle (dashboard) to show they were invited. (stuff happens in plain sight).
Plan - Would like your feedback to resurrect this again.
Also, we have a sign NO SOLICITING – big as life on our Front Gate. That means no trespassing, no door-to-door activity. All “Vendors” should report to the Office. Authenticity can be verified by them having been issued a City of Harlingen Vendor ID tag.
Block Captains – who’s where? (I still don’t have a current list)
Each of our 9 streets should have a Block Captain and sufficient Co-Captains depending on the numbers of homes there. You are simply an extra pair of “eyes and ears”. There is an official NW guide available – not a heavy task.
Montana Nebraska Missouri Michigan Indiana Wisconsin Iowa Minnesota Kansas
Surveillance assets:
If anyone wants to volunteer to help with these duties, please call me.
*IR Sensaphone – Storage Lot - there will be an in-service soon on this by Tom Gossman.
*Cameras – Front gate – plans still under advisement – to keep or not, to get new or not.
Buzzers and solar lights….. resident responsibility - still a good idea – some areas are still very dark on streets and behind or in between homes. Bad Guys are allergic to light.
Operation ID – signup sheet Operation ID Inventory sheet
Get your stuff ID’d, take pictures and build an inventory – serial numbers and all. Make a CD. Then we can engrave your stuff and then the PD and you have this on a file in case of. Your Insurance company will luv it.
NEW BUSINESS: Free, for you: RED envelopes and a brief medical “health history” page are available in the Library, c/o Women’s Club. Upon going to the hospital, these concise, current medical forms are a handy tool with your medical history for MD or ER staff. There is one for Pets too.
Operation ID - Harlingen PD - forms are by the NW bulletin Board.
Complete your Inventory List, take a photo, we can assist in getting the ID engraving done and then you have a great asset for your insurance in case of.
Valerie has “EMERGENCY CONTACT” forms in the Office. Please keep these all up to date.
Lesson of the day:
Sunshine Community engagement – We are not the general public and our community is designed for safety and security by virtue of our faithful Neighborhood Watch under the guidance of our Harlingen Police & Combes Police. Our CERT Team works with the Harlingen Fire Department. But we understand it is everyone’s responsibility to be prepared, be smart and mess up the plans of the Bad Guys.
NW Block Captains are a great communication strategy – you are doorsteps away from the action or the concern. You can affect messaging and tactics. There are nine streets. The longer streets should have several Co-Captains and its covered. Encourage residents to express their experiences and offer a safe space to air concerns. And don’t forget in thinking of a project – remember it can be part of a social activity. (COVID-19 constrictions considered). Call me if you are interested.
Everybody: Responsibilities: Be alert. Know your neighbors and look out for each other. Strange things happen in plain sight. Cars, vans, trucks moving slowly thru streets with no apparent destination or without lights, a stranger sitting in a vehicle…. should cause concern.
Call 911 for emergencies or 956 216 5940 to report suspicious activity. You will talk with the Harlingen PD dispatcher -- explain what happened. Have your thoughts together. Describe the suspect – sex race age ht wt hair color clothing (gangs have tattoos, use colors to ID their gang), other distinctive characteristics – beard, mustache, scars, accent etc. Any guns or drugs – establishes a higher priority. Where were they headed? On foot, vehicle, bicycle etc. Do Not pick up their packages! Describe the vehicle – color make model year plate special features – bangs, dents, decals, stickers etc.)
FYI: You are invited -- as a sidebar, not NW, John and I watch over the AED and the Stop the Bleed bags. They are not a NW-CERT project. If you want a COVID-19 compliant orientation or would like to know more, please notify us. The AED is in a RED cabinet hanging on the wall facing the Pool (rear outer wall of the Library – Office building.
If you have to use it CALL 9 1 1 first.
Next NW-CERT meeting -- Monday 15 February (3rd Monday) – Virtual
Corvid commandments: Wear your mask Wash your hands Social Distancing Act Responsibly😷
Sent 2020-11-15: Neighborhood Watch VIRTUAL Meeting Monday 16 November 2020 -
Dear Friends, Please take some time and review this info. Thanks
Lenore J Combs 956 234 1276 NW - CERT Coordinator 😷❤
Sunshine Neighborhood Watch – CERT Team (Est. 2008)
SCCE - Harlingen’s premier NW & CERT Team.
Lights On -- Lock Up and Look Out for each other!
VIRTUAL Agenda – Monday – 16 November 2020 3pm
Lenore J. Combs, Coordinator 956 245 1276 LJCombs44@gmail.com
Dear NW-CERT Volunteers and Friends,
Introduction: Good afternoon! Let’s treat this format as though we were really at our meeting. The Corvid Commandments have cramped our style but not our spirit. Let’s give our NW-CERT Volunteers a big round of applause for their time and talent regarding NW responsibilities.
NW-CERT meetings are open meetings – we welcome you whether or not you volunteer and we welcome your constructive ideas. (Wow, I sure do miss having our meetings in person).
There are many varied NW projects in which to get involved – so call me.
(virtual) Welcome, Pledge of Allegiance, Moment of Silence – thoughts for special intentions,
Introduction of guests or new residents.
Anyway, the holidays are closing in and from our point of view, CORVID to Cybercrime, it can be a challenge to get past the obstacle course. Thoughts and prayers go out to one and all – stay strong and have a great Happy Thanksgiving.
The last two meetings covered Disaster Preparedness and Fire Prevention topics but this month let’s plan to outsmart the Bad Guys for the Holidays. Keep a few lights on for the Porch Pirates. They’ll be checking driveways for their Christmas presents.
Cybercrime is a serious concern. Pyramid schemes and Phishing scams are in fashion - keep a sharp eye out. Don’t be a statistic. (predicted over $189 billion dollars during the Holiday days will be secretly snatched). A few creative scams: - is for CORVID testing. The FDA does have some legit “Home Kits” but many are not approved nor are they accurate. Medicare beneficiaries are the perfect target. There are also fake “testing sites”.
Fake phishing scams, phone calls, emails claiming to be from the CDC, stimulus scams, charity scams, miracle cure scams, shopping scams, app scams, coupon scams from ads from retailer websites, Pet Adoption scams and the beat goes on. If it sounds too good to be true – follow your instincts. Don’t click on suspect links. Keep your personal info close (SS numbers, credit cards, bank account info etc.) Check your devices. Are your passwords strong? Are you using the 2-factor authentication? Only shop thru trusted sources. Is the deal the deal? If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck – It is a duck! Use safe methods for your purchases.
What is Ransomware? Ransomware is a type of malicious software (malware) that Cyber criminals love! They extort money from you – very easy. When activated, ransomware encrypts information stored on your computer and the attached network drive. It demands a ransom payment in exchange for the decryption key. Ransomware incidents can severely impact business processes and compromise the data they need to operate. (Very heavy subject but many good resources and training are available).
And now for something lighter and fun…….. How ‘bout we schedule a VIRTUAL Finger Lickin’ Chicken fundraiser for the Neighborhood Watch. These funds will be graciously welcomed and scrupulously used. We could schedule it for January or just make a check out to Neighborhood Watch. I need your feedback.
New Business:
Sgt. Michael Fechner HPD is our NW Liaison. Assistant Chief Miryam Anderson assigns an Officer to be our contact for consultation since PD does not currently come to our meetings. (Corvid stuff). The other day we did receive a “TOYS FOR TOTS” box. This is a partnership with the Marine Corps. A SEPO notification will come out with details. “Shop With A Cop” and other Christmas wrapping parties are in the works but no details yet.
Patrol Schedule: Linda Jones
Contact Linda if you wish to help out. There is always room for you and we can always use temporary help. Give it come consideration, please
McGruffmobile – please notify Lenore by phone if there are any concerns with the golf cart or its equipment rather than just leaving a note. I noticed a squeak in the rear driver side last night. Rich Debackere looks after the McGruffmobile for routine stuff – batteries, working condition etc. Thanks to him for a most appreciated job. SEPO has it insured as though it was SEPO equipment.
Flashlights: I could use a volunteer to do the Flashlite batteries (keep then charged) – simple job and very appreciated. We are doing 2 Patrols a night now and in the dark (sort of). Jean has charged them all summer and could use a break. Thanks to her.
NW Dog Watch - a new addition to Sunshine’s assets. You are all deputized. Make your own hours. You and your pup just keep an extra pair of eyes and ears out for suspicious or unusual behavior. If ya see somethin’ – say somethin’. To report SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY, call 956 216 5940. You will get a human dispatcher so have your story straight – who what when where – any drugs, any colors, direction of travel etc. Tell them you are NW from Sunshine.
Sunshine Street Strutters – you are back on duty. Your “strutting orders” are like Dog Watch.
Stay alert, call in suspicious activity. How ‘bout a NW Bike Patrol?
Vendor Program:
This program was removed by a SEPO Board decision last year at a SEPO Informational meeting. (under protest by me). The game plan was that VENDORS and CONTRACTORS – must report to the Office. NW Orange Cards were issued especially if their vehicle was not clearly and visibly identified by a Business Logo on the vehicle. It was each resident’s responsibility to make sure they reported in. The home-owner could also get a supply or Orange Cards from me for their project. These Orange NW cards were placed in the worker’s vehicle (dashboard) to show they were invited. (stuff happens in plain sight). Would like your input to resurrect this again. The SEPO Informational Meetings were the forum back in the old days.
As a word of caution, our Front Gate has not been on duty. More and more traffic is coming through by the nature of more folks here now.
Emphasis – (beg your indulgence, but worth repeating) - If there is a vehicle in here without ID – consider it suspicious. Inquire nicely as to the nature of their business – if it smells fishy – get the PLATE! If you see something – say something!
And – we have a sign NO SOLICITING – big as life on our Front Gate. That means no door-to-door bologna. If anything, “vendors” should report to the Office. Authenticity can be verified by them having been issued a City of Harlingen ID tag. (I’m sure you are aware but sometimes “official” shirts etc. that are carelessly left in a 2nd Hand Store and can be a Bad Guy’s dream. Once I even bought a Homeland Security shirt – official emblem and all).
Block Captains – who’s where? (I still don’t have a current list)
Each of our 9 streets should have a Block Captain and sufficient Co-Captains depending on the numbers of homes there. You are simply an extra pair of “eyes and ears”. There is an official NW guide available.
Montana Nebraska Missouri Michigan Indiana Wisconsin Iowa Minnesota Kansas
Surveillance assets:
If anyone wants to volunteer to help with these duties, please call me.
IR Sensaphone – Storage Lot
Cameras – Front gate
Buzzers and solar lights….. resident responsibility - still a good idea – some areas are still very dark on streets and behind or in between homes. Bad Guys are allergic to light.
They belong to SEPO but a NW volunteer to assist would be very welcomed.
Operation ID – signup sheet Operation ID Inventory sheet
Get your stuff ID’d, take pictures and build an inventory – serial numbers and all. Make a CD. Then we can engrave your stuff and then the PD and you have this on a file in case of. Your Insurance company will luv it.
Almost done- FYI (as a side bar, not NW) – John and I watch over the AED and the Stop the Bleed bags. They are not a NW-CERT project. If you want a CORVID compliant orientation or would like to know more, please notify us. The AED is in a RED cabinet hanging on the wall facing the Pool (rear outer wall of the Library – Office building).
If you have to use it CALL 9 1 1 first.
Next NW-CERT meeting -- Monday 21 December– Virtual
Corvid commandments: Wear your mask Wash your hands Social Distancing Act Responsibly
Sent 2020-10-18: NW - CERT virtual meeting for Monday 19 October 2020 -
Dear Friends, Please enjoy this virtual meeting. Our mission for NW-CERT is a sincere effort by all to keep Sunshine a safe place to live. Covid-19 Commandments have cramped our style for getting the word out. The new normalcy has had a weird effect on folks. With our comradery we can overcome frustrations and still give back to our community. I included a Fire safety test - thought it would add a new dimension to your skill set 😀 Thanks
-- Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276 Coordinator NW-CERT 😷❤🎃
Sunshine Neighborhood Watch – CERT Team
(Est. 2008)
SCCE - Harlingen’s premier NW & CERT Team.
Lights On -- Lock Up and Look Out for each other!
VIRTUAL Agenda – Monday -- 19 October 2020
Lenore J. Combs, Coordinator 956 245 1276 LJCombs44@gmail.com
Dear NW-CERT Volunteers and Friends,
Introduction: Good afternoon! Let’s treat this format as though we were really at our meeting. The Covid-19 Commandments have cramped our style but not our spirit. First let’s greet our NW-CERT Volunteers and give them a loud resounding round of applause for their time and talent concerning NW responsibilities.
SEPO residents are special too. Whether or not you are aware, you all are working “under cover”. We expect you to keep an extra eye out – this is our community. And especially we invite our newer residents – “be part of something that matters”. We miss meeting you for the personal touch and we hope the spirit of Sunshine will grab you because this is a great place.
NW-CERT meetings are open meetings – we welcome you whether or not you volunteer. However, here is a community opportunity to give back so that Sunshine can remain a safe place to live, play and retire. Safety and security are everyone’s responsibility. Your input is important to us. We have 304 homes here – if each family gave some support and/or time, it would make a dream come true.
(virtual) Welcome, Pledge of Allegiance, Moment of Silence – thoughts for special intentions, Introduction of guests or new residents.
We have patrols 365. Summer (April – September at 8:30pm) and two Winter patrols a night (October – March 8:30p and 10:30pm). You will be fully oriented and will not have a job for life. Linda Jones makes the schedules. Contact her for details and specifics (573-631-7849). We have almost every night covered but could always use a spare volunteer.
We have several other associated projects too. Call me. Lenore (956-245-1276).
OCTOBER is Fire Prevention Month. In 1922, the National Fire Protection Association named the second week of October in commemoration of the Great Chicago Fire in 1871. Let’s raise awareness, educate our families and our community.
Three out of every five home fire deaths resulted from fires in homes with no working smoke alarms.
Less than 50% of homeowners have an escape plan.
60% of consumers do not test their smoke and CO alarms in their home.
Our local Harlingen Fire Department (FD) cannot be here to teach us about fire safety. Last year, in Retz Hall, we practiced on a FD training tool for fire extinguishers. By the way – have you checked yours lately? What about your Smoke Alarms? Did you know hearing impaired types are also available? And how’s your CO2 alarms?
Daylight Savings Time goes bye-bye on 1 November – great time to check out your fire safety stuff!
And don’t forget to thank a firefighter – they are on the front line 24 x 7. Did you know many are also Paramedics? They have been pairing with EMS accompanying many calls as a safety issue.
Treasurer’s Report: (available for asking)
We have $1034.29 in Lone Star National Bank. Records are available upon request. I would like another volunteer signer, please. An annual audit would be appropriate now too.
The generator once donated to us many years ago from a dear Sunshine family was removed from our responsibility. It needed work and care. A patron offered us a donation of $100.00.
Food for Thought! Usually at this time of year we plan a Finger Lickin’ Chicken fundraiser for our Neighborhood Watch. -- The McGruffmobile - gets rode hard and put up wet! Funds acquired are for Golf Cart maintenance etc., items for the Golf cart (enclosed cover, flashlights, batteries, fire extinguishers, First Aid kit etc. and other NW needs.) These funds are overseen.
In the pre-Covid-19 days, Harlingen Firefighter volunteers did a spectacular FLC grilling activity out by our Gazebo. ½ chubby chicken surrounded in Mesquite wood slow cooked and all! Yum. And the neighbors knew the deal was on because of the tempting aroma along Texas Avenue.
The firefighters (on their day off) would begin at o’dark-thirty and finish up about 4pm. We had NW volunteers shuffle these yummy chickens back to Retz Hall. (HOT). The fixins’ were ready and furnished (Potato Salad, Slaw, authentic Mexican beans, bread, jalapenos, pickles and yummy desert, coffee, Iced Tea or water. Such a deal!
Let’s think about a VIRTUAL FLC if the real deal can’t be possible. The funds were graciously welcomed and scrupulously used. The real deal was usually held in January.
New Business
Sgt. Michael Fechner HPD is our NW Liaison. Assistant Chief Miryam Anderson will assign him to us for consultation since PD does not currently come to our meetings (Covid-19 stuff).
We are waiting to hear who will be our CERT contact from the Harlingen Fire Department as we have cancelled our CERT meetings at the Fire Station for now.
Throughout the year, whether it was weather or Bad Guys, Chief Anderson checked on us and so did the HFD CERT. We are especially lucky to have such Guardian Angels take an interest in us. And don’t forget the Town of Combes – Chief Patrick Quill has also been in touch with me by phone and or email – just checking in. How ‘bout you drop them a note to say Thanks.
NW and CERT literature is available from me if you would like more info.
The 2020 – 2021 Sunshine NW-CERT Welcome Letter is out for residents. It is also available on the Web site HERE.
I created a Neighborhood Watch tri-fold brochure and one for CERT for your consideration. If we move forward with the plan to print these, I would have to send them out and pay the fee. We would need discussion and a vote.
In the old days, we were represented at Harlingen Market Days on Jackson, Viva Streets, National Night Out and Welcome Home Winter Texan Festival plus other HPD, HFD and Combes events. Handouts and other materials were part of it.
NW Dog Watch is a new addition to Sunshine’s assets. You are all deputized. Wish we could get collars for this activity. – they are available for a fee.
Patrol Schedule: Linda Jones
October’s is out and November plus is in the works. Contact Linda if you wish to help out.
Thanks to all who covered patrols with heat, ‘skiters and knats.
McGruffmobile – please notify Lenore by phone if there are any concerns with the golf cart or its equipment rather than just leaving a note. Rich Debackere (Winter Texan) looks after the McGruffmobile for routine stuff – batteries, working condition etc. Thanks to him for a most appreciated job. SEPO has it insured as though it was SEPO equipment.
Flashlights: I could use a volunteer to do the Flashlight batteries (keep then charged) – simple job and very appreciated. Jean has done it all summer and could use a break. Thanks to her.
Vendor Program:
This program was removed by a SEPO Board decision last year at a SEPO Informational meeting. (under protest by me). The game plan was that VENDORS and CONTRACTORS – must report to the Office. NW Orange Cards were issued especially if their vehicle was not clearly and visibly identified by a Business Logo on the vehicle. It was each resident’s responsibility to make sure they reported in. The home-owner could also get a supply of Orange Cards from me for their project. These Orange NW cards were placed in the worker’s vehicle (dashboard) to show they were invited. (stuff happens in plain sight). Would like your input to resurrect this again.
Our motivation for the Vendor Program was that one of our Seniors was taken advantage of by a smooth-talking swindler, in broad daylight for $51,000, which her son later discovered. She drove him three times to the bank to remove the money. They were caught on tape but the scam could not be pursued because she was with him. Bank officials and Police looked into it.
Emphasis – if there is a vehicle in here without ID – consider it suspicious. Inquire nicely as to the nature of their business – if it smells fishy – get the PLATE!
Our Sunshine Street Strutters were most vigilant on this duty as well as those casually patrolling while on their morning walk. If you see something – say something!
And – we have a sign - NO SOLICITING – big as life on our Front Gate. That means no door-to-door bologna. If anything, “vendors” should report to the Office. Authenticity can be verified by them having been issued a City of Harlingen ID tag. (I’m sure you are aware but sometimes “official” shirts etc. that are carelessly left in a 2nd Hand Store and can be a Bad Guy’s dream. Once even bought a Homeland Security shirt – official emblem and all).
Block Captains – who’s where?
Each of our 9 streets should have a Block captain and sufficient Co-Captains depending on the numbers of homes there. You are simply an extra pair of “eyes and ears”. There is an official NW guide available. Contact me if you are be interested:
Montana Nebraska Missouri Michigan Indiana Wisconsin Iowa Minnesota Kansas
Surveillance assets:
IR Sensaphone – Storage Lot
Cameras – Front gate
Buzzers and solar lights….. resident responsibility - still a good idea – some areas are still very dark on streets and behind or in between homes. Bad Guys are allergic to light.
They belong to SEPO but a NW volunteer to assist would be very welcomed.
Operation ID – signup sheet Operation ID Inventory sheet
Get your stuff ID’d, take pictures and build an inventory – serial numbers and all. Make a CD. Then we can engrave your stuff and then the PD and you have this on a file in case of. Your Insurance company will luv it.
Almost done- FYI (as a side bar, not NW) – John and I watch over the AED and the Stop the Bleed bags. Sometimes funds for supplies for these items come from the Women’s Club or from SEPO as they are not a NW-CERT project. If you want an orientation, please notify us. The AED is in a RED cabinet hanging on the wall facing the Pool (rear outer wall of the Library – Office building). If you have to use it CALL 9 1 1 first.
John and I teach these classes and Pete Moreno, Supervisor for local EMS has evaluated our program several times.
One “Stop The Bleed” bag is in the Library, one is in the Woodshop and the third is at the Worker’s shop area. This “First Aid Kit on steroids” should not be used for simple cuts & bruises. Thank you. They contain special products for Stop – The – Bleed life threatening issues.
Next meeting -- Monday 15 November – Virtual
Should be much shorter because now you know the nuts ‘n bolts.
Covid-19 commandments: Wear your mask Wash your hands Social Distancing Act Responsibly
Have a Happy Spooktacular Quarantine -- O – Ween
NW – CERT Fire Prevention Quiz:
1. How many house fire deaths occur in homes with no working smoke alarms?
2. How many times should you check your smoke alarms?
Once a week
Once every 2 weeks
Once a month
Once every 6 months
3. How often should you check the battery?
Every year
Every 2 months
Every 6 months
Every 10 years
4. How often should you replace Smoke Alarms?
Every 5 years
Every 10 years
Every 20 years
5. How many escape routes should household members have?
6. When using a fire extinguisher what word should you remember?
7. Items should be how far away from places that produce heat (fireplaces, space heaters, etc.)?
One foot
Two feet
Three feet
Four feet
8. How many times should you practice an escape plan with your family?
One time a year
Two times a year
Three times a year
Four times a year
9. How many minutes do you have to escape a fire?
2 minutes
5 minutes
10 minutes
20 minutes
10. A Smoke Alarm should be replaced 10 years from the date of:
11. Smoke alarm date of manufacture is found:
On the back of the smoke alarm
Inside the smoke alarm
On the front of the smoke alarm
On the test button
12. To check the date of manufacture you need to:
Remove the smoke alarm
Test it
Turn it
Feel it
13. A closed door will slow the spread of:
All of the above
14. Interconnected smoke alarms are the best because:
If 1 sounds, they all sound
Only 1 will sound
Sound travels
They are installed in every room
15. A Smoke Alarm should be installed by:
A child’s bedroom
A Master bedroom
A guest room
Every sleeping room
16. If the Smoke Alarm sounds:
Check for a fire
Go outside and stay out
Look for smoke
Open windows and stay inside
17. Half of the home fires happen between:
7am – 11 am
11 am – 7pm
7pm – 11pm
11pm – 7am
18. About 60% of home fire deaths happen in home fires with:
Working smoke alarms
No working smoke alarms
No smoke alarms
No working or no smoking smoke alarms
19. When smoke alarms are present but do not operate, it is usually because they
Are defective
Have a dead battery
Have missing or disconnected batteries
Are improperly installed
20. The leading cause of home fires is:
21. Every home needs:
Working smoke alarms
Smoke alarms on every level
Inside each bedroom and outside each sleeping area
An escape plan
All of the above