Sunshine Country Club Estates
In Memoriam Tributes
Marian Seelye (September 8, 2021)
It is with a sad heart to announce the passing of Marian Seelye, mother of JoAnne Anderson, and past resident of Sunshine. Marian had just come to stay with JoAnne and ultimately make a trip here. Marian laid down for a nap, JoAnne went to check later and she had gone peacefully with the Angels.
Marian was special - she was the SCCE Choir Director several years ago for many years and assisted putting on many wonderful shows here, especially at the holidays. She also had her Choir group sing occasionally with the Sunday Night Sunshine Jammers and was a presence in many of Lassey's productions. And she made some great dishes for our Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners.
We will miss you but remember the "Good Old Days".
God Bless American and God bless you and your family.
Condolences can be sent to JoAnne Anderson (daughter)
22931 185th Street Detroit Lakes, MN 56501
Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276
Steve Phillips (May 3, 2020)
Sorry for short email earlier, not thinking real clear. If I may share some more...
My husband, Steve, passed away hours ago....Saturday night. He had another pulmonary embolism, he had one about five years ago. He has not felt good for weeks, but the Dr couldnt do a MRI because of covid. (Only emergencies, and his wasnt at the time) I dont know that they would have discovered it if so, but they did last time. I followed the ambulance to the hospital, and was with him about a hour before the Drs told me there was nothing they could do, and he was gone.
He passed in the ambulance, but they recovered him, only to lose him in the hospital. The Drs said he had huge blood clot in both lungs and kidney failure. I'm still in shock. (I have asked family not to travel here, as it would be devastating to cause covid virus in anyone)
Steve and I were very private people, but we dearly love our family and friends...in Texas and Oklahoma, also our dear friends we have made in Harlingen. Steve was incredibly proud of being the President of the men's golf here in Sunshine Country Club Estates and his three best buddies he golfed with daily. Also, his music making pal Wade, who would attest to what an amazingly gifted musician Steve was.
Steve was the smartest person I've ever known and I will cherish our ten years together. We rock and rolled many nights away. His best friends in Dallas enjoyed his musical talents long before I met him, and were like family to him (and me).
I dont imagine there will be a service here, with covid virus...but in about a month I will take his ashes/remains to Dallas, hopefully, and celebrate his life with friends and family there.
I'm so sorry Steve's son, Jonathan has lost his father, along with Jonathan's wife and four children, and his other family members. Also, my family will miss him dearly. Ten years can make a lifetime of memories, and it did.
Please be patient if I dont answer calls or the door too quickly, I am still trying to figure out what life is now, and that will take some time. We all have losses, recovering from them is an individual journey.
My # is 214 549 3993 if any questions.
Tomorrow seems far away right now. ♡
Irene Phillips