Sunshine Country Club Estates
Golf (Summer 2021)
Additional Details
Summer Golf (Women's)
Ladies’ Summer Golf starts the first Wednesday in April. Tee Time is 9 AM. Tee Time is 8:30 AM when it get warmer. Meet at the Pavilion 1/2 hour before play starts.
Donna Myers
Golf Scramble (Saturdays)
I will organize this event for next Saturday, May 22, if at least 12 participants will sign up by next Friday noon. This would provide friendly competition of three (3) teams. All normal rules apply. If you have questions, please call me at 956-792-2931. Grace Clark
(w/Time Changes throughout the Year)
Golf Scramble (O'Clockers)
(Guidelines for this Event are HERE.)
We will be starting the afternoon Scramble at 6 PM starting Monday, May 3rd. Open to all golfers in the community. Every level of golfer welcome. No charge. Meet beside shuffleboard court at 5:45 for team assignments. Just out for a fun time.
Donna Myers
Golfing & Potluck
(July 3, 2021)
Sent 2021-06-21: Golfing and Pot Luck -- Saturday JULY 3rd 2021 -
Dear Friends,
Mark your calendars - Everyone invited.
There will be a Sunshine Saturday Golf scramble on Saturday 3 JULY 2021.
Tee time 9am - to be followed by a community Potluck at 5pm (social 4:30pm).
We hope to see many of you participate.
Per Marian Young:
The JUNE Community Potluck is still on for the 24th of June.
The JULY Potlucks are now as follows:
The July 4th Community Potluck is being moved to July 3rd.
The second Community Potluck for JULY is still on for the 29th of July.
Back to the 3rd of July.........
You can do one or both events -- Golf Scramble and/or Potluck OR both.
There is a sign-up sheet in the Library for the Golf and for the Potluck.
Judy Parker and Lenore Combs will do Golf sign-up.
Grace and Warren Clark will do the Golf Pairings.
There is a $5.00 Golf Entry Fee for awards - and an envelope provided.
Please put your name and $5.00 for each Golfer in the envelope.
Drop your envelope in the designated locked box.
Social 4:30pm & Potluck 5pm in Retzlaff Hall - Marian Young
Business as usual, thanks to Marian.
The reason for the sign-up sheet is for us to set out enough tables etc.
There is no fee, but bring a dish to pass to serve 6 - 8 folks, please.
One more thing: FYI
The City of Harlingen is hosting Freedom Fest on July 3rd 4pm - 9pm.
Lon C. Hill Park
Fireworks begin at 9pm.
So who says Harlingen is a sleepy little town with nothing to do ?????
God Bless America 😊❤ Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276 (scribe)