Sunshine Country Club Estates
Golf Events (Oct 1, 2025 thru Mar 31, 2026)
Additional Details

WINTER 2025-2026
Good Neighbor Day Golf Tournament (GNDGT)
From: trtramel@gmail.com <trtramel@gmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2025 4:01 PM
To: Valerie - Office <sepo.office@gmail.com>
Cc: Various
Subject: GNDGT Schedule shift for 2026
We have investigated shifting the three-day tournament by a day, so it would occur during the week, and not end on a Saturday. We also looked into conflicts this might entail as we pursued this potential. I went into the Women's Golf meeting a week ago and asked them if they would consider allowing the GNDGT to begin on a Wednesday and finish the following Friday. I stated this would depend upon their considering giving up one day of the Women's Golf. I indicated they could play on Monday, the week of the GNDGT.
I received a phone call from Dana Szretter, 2025 President of Women’s Golf, who indicated that they considered my request and had voted to defer Women's Golf on Wednesday, during the scheduled week of GNDGT, March 25, 2026. The golf course would be reserved as follows:
Women’s Golf on Monday, February 23, 2026,
Men's Golf on Tuesday, February 24, 2026
GNDGT on February 25, 26, and 27, 2026
I further confirmed that having Women's Golf on Monday for this last week of February appears to work based on my discussion with Scott Kronshage.
Please find attached modifications of the activity’s requests related to shifting the GNDGT from Thursday through Saturday to Wednesday through Friday for 2026.
The text in these requests mentions the Women’s League Golf shifting their typical day of play from Wednesday, February 25, to Monday, February 23, 2026.
I also want to make sure that we have historically kept open the possibility of a one-week delay for rain dates if the weather does not cooperate.
Don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.
Tony Tramel
Cell 337-693-6344
From: Tony Tramel
Sent: Monday, March 10, 2025 3:46 PM
To: 2025 SEPO Board
Subject: 2026 Good Neighbor Golf Tournament
Next year's 2026 GNDGT is planned for Thursday through Saturday, Feb 26th through Feb 28th, 2026. We are attempting to modify these dates by one day by having the tournament shift to Wednesday through Friday in the same week. We will advise you if we are successful in causing this change, which requires some rescheduling of other golf activities at Sunshine Estates Country Club.
Tony Tramel