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Women's Golf League


Women's Golf League

Sent 2023-03-17: SEPO Women’s Golf - 

We wanted to give a special thank you to Sam Davis for donating the golf club for our raffle. Patrice Ayala won it and we raised $90.00 for the league.

Our league season has ended for this spring, but will start again the first Wednesday of November (November 1 2023). All ladies in Sunshine Estates are welcome to join. It’s fun and a great way to socialize.

We will continue to play all summer at 9:00 a.m. every Wednesday. It’s very informal and a great way to improve your game and have fun doing it. (Bring $1 for a prize fund.)
- Deloris Pearcy


Sent 2023-03-06: Golf Course Closure - 

The golf course will be closed this Wednesday and Thursday (3/8 – 3/9), both mornings until noon, for the Women’s Golf League Tournament.

- Randy Davis,     Golf Course Director


Newsletter 2023-02: 

Golf Course Closure –  

The golf course will be closed next week (2/27 – 3/4) as follows:

  • Men’s League Tournament on Monday and Tuesday (all day).

  • Women’s League Golf on Wednesday until noon.

  • Good Neighbor Day Golf Tournament on Thursday and Friday (all day) and Saturday (until 4PM).

- Randy Davis, Golf Course Director, 214-783-4604


'Guest Day' Lunch - 

Knowing that the weather for this upcoming week is forecast to be much warmer, I'm sure lots of you will be flocking back to the pool.


I just wanted to give everyone a heads-up. The Ladies Golf League will be holding their 'guest day' play Wed morning. And then from 11 am to 1 pm we have reserved the Pavilion, through the SEPO Office, for our luncheon.

- Deloris Pearcy.     Women's Golf League President

Men's Golf League



Men's Golf League

(As of Mar 7, 2023, Need someone to run this League)


Sent 2023-03-11: Men's Golfing - 

The men will keep the 08:30 and 10:00 tee off times on Tuesdays. The only difference is that EVERYONE will need to go to the library for their assignment in which hole they will start at and pick up the score sheets to turn in after golf.

- Rocky Lockwood


Newsletter 2032-03: Men’s Golf: Tournament Awards Party - 

This is just a reminder that on March 7 after the 10 am players finish playing their round, there is the awards meeting and lunch at the pavilion from 12 noon until 2 pm. This will tell you who did what, as well as all 36 closest to the pins money will be handed out. Beer, soda, water and hamburgers and hot dogs will be provided. We are looking for some cookers and some help to clean up afterwards crews. Please see Rocky Lockwood or Matt Lyne please. Thanks guys.

- Rocky Lockwood


Newsletter 2032-03: Men’s Golf: Leader Replacements Needed on March 7 - 

It is time for myself, Rocky Lockwood, as well as Matt Lyne to inform the Men’s Golf League we are officially done with running the league effective March 7, 2023. Thanks for letting us run it for the last two years. So Men, please get together prior to the date listed with the new person or persons to take over for us. It has been a real honor and privilege.

- Rocky Lockwood


Newsletter 2023-02: 

Golf Course Closure –  

The golf course will be closed next week (2/27 – 3/4) as follows:

  • Men’s League Tournament on Monday and Tuesday (all day).

  • Women’s League Golf on Wednesday until noon.

  • Good Neighbor Day Golf Tournament on Thursday and Friday (all day) and Saturday (until 4PM).

- Randy Davis, Golf Course Director, 214-783-4604


Sent 2023-01-31: Men’s Golf League this Week - 

Because of the cold front that came in there was NO golf this morning (01-31). I am rescheduling Mens League Play for this  Friday, 02/03/23 same roster up now will be the same for Friday. Any questions call Rocky at 360-481-0124 or text me or contact Matt Lyne thanks.


Newsletter 2023-02: Men’s Golf: Various Information - 

A new Handicap Roster is out today (February 24) because it is a 5-week month. That means the January 31 scores will be calculated with the following 3 weeks in February, which will be updated after the round play on Feb 21. So, for our tournament on Feb 27 and 28 we’ll have an updated Handicap for everyone’s score. In noting that Feb 27 and 28 will be our end of year tournament, please, those who haven’t paid your dues, please pay. If you are unsure who you are, there is a list up in the library.


Also note that after play on Tuesday, March 7 we have reserved the pavilion from 11 am to 1 pm to hand out awards/money and eat and drink. So please put this your own schedule and plan on attending.

- Any questions contact Rocky Lockwood at 360-481-0124 or Matt Lyne.


Sent 2022-11-21: CANCELLED: Men’s Golf League, 11-22-2022 - 

Tuesday 22 November 2022 No golf due to weather condition and course will resume November 29 2022 any questions call Rocky Lockwood at 360-481-0124

Sent 2022-10-12: Men’s League Tuesday - 

Effective 10-18-22 there will be TWO tee off time’s first one at 08:30 and the second one at 10:00 and we like to welcome any and all new men to come out and join in we love to have you, like Tom Jean our newest person to join. Any questions please call Rocky Lockwood at 360-481-0124 or contact Matt Lyne thanks.
- Rocky Lockwood

O'clockers Golf Scramble



O'clockers Golf Scramble (Daily, Year-round)


Sent 2023-03-11: O'Clockers Golf - 

The O'Clockers golf scramble will move to 5:00 pm on Sunday March 12th due to time change.
Open to all golfers in community.
We meet beside the suffleboard court at 4:45 for hole assignments.
Come on out and have some fun.
Questions call Donna Myers at 956 245 0188.


Sent 2022-11-02: O'Clockers Golf - 

The O'Clockers golf scramble will move to 4:00 pm on Sunday Nov 6th due to time change.  
Open to all golfers in community.   
We meet beside the shuffleboard court at 3:45 for hole assignments.
Come on out and have some fun.
- Questions call Donna Myers at 956 245 0188


Sent 2022-10-11: Time Change: o'clockers golf - 

Due to sunset coming earlier in the evening the O'clockers golf scramble will move to 5:00 on Wednesday, Oct 12.  This is a daily golf event that is open to all golfers in the community. We will meet next to the shuffleboard court at 4:45 daily to receive team assignments. This is a fun event.  No cost.  Hope to see y'all there.
- Donna Myers

Saturday Golf Scramble



Saturday Golf Scramble (Year-round)


9 am, Golf Scramble (All Year: Weekly / Golf Course)

  • Contact:​

    • There is not an existing committee or formal leader. These scrambles are conducted by volunteers among the players. The person in charge usually changes every month on a volunteer basis.

  • Participants: Any Resident/Renter and any guest you wish to invite to play.

  • Details:

    • All skill levels are welcome.

    • Please sign up in the library/lounge by noon on Friday.

    • Teams are balanced by handicap, as best we can. Early signup helps.

    • The cost is $1 and should be deposited in the Saturday Box in the library/lounge.

    • Everyone meets in the library at 8:40 to find out which hole you start on.

    • Tee off on your hole is at 9 am. Play lasts until around 10:30 am.

    • If the weather is bad, play is cancelled until the next Saturday.

Guys & Dolls Tounament



Guys & Dolls Golf Tournament

(February 10-11, 2023 w/Rain Dates February 17-18, 2023)


Sent 2023-02-09: Guys and Dolls tournament: Team Sheets - 

The team sheets have been posted in the library. Arrive 15 min before your assigned tee times for hole assignments and score cards. We will also review tournament rules at that time. It is going to be a fun tournament.
- Deloris Pearcy


Sent 2023-03-08: Golf course closure - 

The golf course will be closed Friday and Saturday (2/10 and 2/11) from 9:30am – 3:45pm for the Guys and Dolls Golf Tournament.

- Randy Davis, Golf Course Director


Sent 2023-02-08: Guys and Dolls - 

Guys and Dolls

Sign-ups for the tournament have ended. Due to the weather forecast for the mornings, we have changed the starting times to be 11:00am & 1:30pm. Our awards and happy hour will be Saturday at 5:00pm. Bring your favorite finger food to share and BYOB!
- Deloris Pearcy


Sent 2023-01-31: GOLF: Guys & Dolls - 

Guys and Dolls
February 10 &11
Friday & Saturday

     Sign-up sheets will be posted in the library on January 31, 2023 by 10:00am.

  • There are 3 sign-up sheets. One for couples (a team) who already know they will play as a team. Another, for an unmatched GUY, and a third, for an unmatched DOLL.

  • These last two lists will include space for phone numbers so teams can be arranged by the individuals.


     Play will follow typical scramble format. The rules will be published to avoid any confusion.

     Cost is $10.00 per person (cash only) money is to be placed in the envelopes provided. Please put your name or names on the envelope. Start time for morning is 9:30am. Afternoon start time is 12:30pm. In case of bad weather, the tournament will be held the following week February 17 & 18.

     Saturday evening 5pm there will be an old fashion Happy Hour and awards ceremony. Bring your favorite finger food to share. BYOB. It will be a lot of fun!!!
- Guys and Dolls Committee, Sent from Deloris Pearcy


Newsletter 2023-02: Golf: Guys & Dolls Tournament - 

Attention Guys and Dolls:

   The Guys and Dolls tournament is coming up Friday and Saturday, February 10th and 11th with rain dates set for February 17th and 18th. So start making plans and finding your partners for two fun-filled days of golf. More information will be sent out to the community soon.

- Deloris Pearcy




Good Neighbor Golf Tournament (GNDGT)

& Banquet

(March 2-4, 2023 w/Rain Dates March 9-11, 2023)

Sent 2023-03-07: GNDGT (2023) Report - 

The final report for the 2023 Good Neighbor Day Golf Tournament is available directly from HERE 

- Tony Tramel,     GNDGT Chairperson


Sent 2023-03-07: Good Neighbor Day Golf Tournament Pairings are posted -

The pairings for the GNDGT are:

  • Physically posted:

    • ​On the front door into the library

    • In the library

  • Below

  • Available HERE

Note - the first name in each group is the captain and needs to be at captains meeting 30 minutes before tee time.


We are also looking for standby players, contact me if you can be one.

- Tony Tramel,     GNDGT Committee Chair   337-693-6344

Sent 2023-03-01: Pool Closure this Saturday - 

As you all know, the Good Neighbor Day Golf Tournament starts Thursday morning and concludes Saturday evening with a Happy Hour (HH) in the pool/pavilion area followed by an awards dinner in Retzlaff Hall.


Starting with setup for the HH and until everyone has entered the hall for dinner, the pool/pavilion area will be closed to only those participating in the tournament festivities. We are looking at a closure from 3-6 PM Saturday.


Thank you in advance for your understanding and cooperation.

- Tony Tramel,     GNDGT Chairperson


Newsletter 2023-02: 

Golf Course Closure –  

The golf course will be closed next week (2/27 – 3/4) as follows:

  • Men’s League Tournament on Monday and Tuesday (all day).

  • Women’s League Golf on Wednesday until noon.

  • Good Neighbor Day Golf Tournament on Thursday and Friday (all day) and Saturday (until 4PM).

- Randy Davis, Golf Course Director, 214-783-4604


Newsletter 2023-02: 

37th Annual Good Neighbor Day Golf Tournament


Early registration for Sunshine residents will be on February 23 and 24 in the library from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM.  The last registration day will be February 27 from 10:00 AM until noon.  Please mark your calendars for these dates and times. The event will be on March 2, 3 & 4, a Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. You will play three scramble-type rounds of golf as a team and have an awards dinner on Saturday evening in the 37th Annual Event. The cost is $60 per player.  Dinner-only tickets will be available for players’ significant others or guests for $20.


Another reminder will be sent out before the registration dates noted above. However, we want an early start on registration. 


Good Neighbor Day Golf Tournament Committee Chairman

- Tony Tramel

Sent 2023-01-26: Good Neighbor Day Golf Tournament (GNDGT) info - 

Hello Sunshine Friends and Neighbors,

The 37th annual Good Neighbor Day Golf Tournament (GNDGT) on March 2-4th is fast approaching. This is a 27-hole, 3-day golf scramble, with an awards dinner on Saturday evening. We have had more than 180 people participate in this event in the past. It is a fun tournament for 55+ aged persons. Each year we encourage Sunshine Country Club residents to participate in any way they are most comfortable. We know that everyone is not a golfer, but this event is a perfect way to get involved in our community and “Let the Sunshine In!”

Although the GNDGT Committee will purchase many gifts for the Award Dinner, in the past, we asked residents to consider preparing a gift basket and donating it for the drawing/awards dinner. Gift baskets have been a great success as a personal prize during the awards dinner. Many residents donated these baskets, which the recipients greatly appreciated during the drawing.

This year we would also like to open the possibility of Donations. If you would like to participate with a donation, here are some ideas: Gift baskets valued at $25- $50, filled with “new items,” (In past years, many of the baskets were filled with items of their favorite sports team or “New” items purchased from any local retailer or even your hometown). You might consider donating a Gift Card. You can donate any amount from local retailers, including restaurants. Direct monetary donations are also welcome; don’t hesitate to contact the committee chair to make this happen.

Gift baskets and other donations must be received before the March 2nd event date.

Our goal is to have fun before and during this event!

Don't hesitate to contact the GNDGT Chairperson, Tony Tramel, at 337-693-6344 or regarding donations and/or other questions.



Good Neighbor Day Golf Tournament Committee

GNDGT Ladies Golf Luncheon



Good Neighbor Golf Tournament (GNGT) Lunch Stand

(Sponsored by Women's Golf League)

(March 2-4, 2023)

Sent 2023-03-02: REMINDER: Lunches @ Pavilion Thu & Fri - 

The Women’s golf league will be serving lunch during the Good Neighbor Day Golf Tournament on Thursday and Friday, March 2nd and 3rd, from 11 am to 1 pm each day in the Pavilion.


For a price of $8 we will be serving:

  • Thursday: Sloppy Joes, Chips, Soda, Water.

  • Friday: Brats, Hot Dogs, Chips, Soda, Water.


You don’t have to be golfing in the tournament to come and have lunch with us.
- Terry DeBackere


Newsletter 2032-03: 

      Women’s golf league will be having their tournament this year on the 8th and 9th of March. Our awards banquet is scheduled for March 15th.

- Deloris Pearcy


      GNDGT: The Women’s golf league will be serving lunch for the Good Neighbor Day Golf Tournament on Thursday and Friday, March 2nd and 3rd, from 11 am to 1 pm each day in the Pavilion. For a price of $8 we will be serving:

  • Thursday: Sloppy Joes, Chips, Soda, Water

  • Friday: Brats, Hot Dogs, Chips, Soda, Water.

You don’t have to be golfing in the tournament to come and have lunch with us.

- Terry DeBackere


Office: (956) 425-1420

FAX: (956) 425-1420


1957 W Michigan Dr

Harlingen, TX 78550

Information in this site is authorized by

Sunshine Estates Property Owners Association (SEPO) and its residents.

©2025 by Sunshine Country Club Estates

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