Sunshine Country Club Estates
SEPO Community Emails: June 2023
Sent 2023-06-30: Pool Update -
Hi Everyone!
Quick update on the pool area. As of this afternoon the new equipment will have been installed. This involves a new, and much needed heater for the hot tub. The old one was not reliable so this should solve our problem and give us even heat in the hot tub.
Also, there will be a new sand filter for both hot tub and pool. Sand will give us a better filtering system and be more efficient. This will not only give us a better filtering system, but make the chemicals do a better job.
Lalo did his usual great job in the installation. Pat him on the back when you see him!!!
Everyone have a Safe 4th!!!!!!!
- Jim Kennedy
Sent 2023-06-30: Next Rock Painting Club meeting moved -
Next Sunshine Rock Painting Club meeting is Monday, July 10th, 1pm to 3pm!
I moved the 3 July meeting to the 10th of July because of July 4th holiday.
See you there! Door prizes will be drawn.
- Karren Amos ph 309-781-3479
Sent 2023-06-30: Calling All Dogs and Cats -
Hey Everyone,
Sandra Delaunay will be coming to the Estates on Wednesday, July 5th, 2023, to take care of your pet's nails. She will be starting at 1:00 pm. The cost is ten dollars per pet.
Please text Sandra and she will schedule your appointment. Sandra's number is 956-226-9919. Sandra will come to your home. Thanks,
- Marian Young, 719-468-4556
Sent 2023-06-30: Neighborhood Watch -

Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276
Coordinator Neighborhood Watch - CERT Team
Sent 2023-06-29: Don’t forget to sign-up please for July 4th -
Let's have an Indoor > Outdoor party at the Pool.
We have the hotdogs > buns > chips donated.
Doing a 4:00pm cookout by the pavilion.
We will also have the hall opened-up because of the heat.
If everyone would sign up for side items in the library, no later than June 30, so we will have some kind of a head count.
Bring your own drinks > but no glass by the pool please.
Let's have FUN!!!
Any questions text:
- Vicky Krueger, 785-418-6208
Sent 2023-06-28: Resident Passing -
The office has been informed by both Cathy Richmond and Gene Campbell that current resident, Arnie Thompson, passed away on June 14, 2023.
- Valerie Basaldua, SEPO Office
Sent 2023-06-23: UNAPPROVED: SEPO Financials, 2023-05 (May) -
The UNAPPROVED May 2023 SEPO Financials are posted on the Sunshine Website HERE. Please let me know if you have any questions. - Mark Owen SEPO Treasurer
Sent 2023-06-22: July 4th Party -

Let's have an Indoor > Outdoor party at the Pool.
We have the hotdogs > buns > chips donated.
Doing a 4:00pm cookout by the pavilion.
We will also have the hall opened-up because of the heat.
If everyone would sign up for side items in the library, no later than June 30, so we will have some kind of a head count.
Bring your own drinks > but no glass by the pool please.
Let's have FUN!!!
Any questions text:
- Vicky Krueger, 785-418-6208
Sent 2023-06-21: FINAL REMINDER: Palm Tree Trimming Payments -
Last call to turn in Palm Tree Trimming Payments. $25 per palm. Please turn in to office.
Trimmers will start on SEPO palms Monday, June 26.
Resident Palms will be taken care of after that...
Make checks out to: Yuridia Oloarte.
- Valerie Basaldua, SEPO Office
Sent 2023-06-21: Fallen Tree on TX Ave -
This is to inform you we are aware of the fallen tree on TX Ave. and Lalo is working to clear it / clean it up.
- Valerie Basaldua, SEPO Office

Sent 2023-06-21: MARKET: House For Rent -
The house at 1933 W Iowa Ave is currently For Rent. Please see details on the Sunshine MARKET.
- Steve Holten, 218-329-1635
Sent 2023-06-21: Karaoke this Friday -
Karaoke is this Friday in the Hall. Doors open at 4 and singing begins around 4:30. BYOB, but their might be some free stuff, too. No need to bring food, but you can if you want. Dancing is encouraged and line-dancing will absolutely be happening. You don’t have to participate, but it sure is nice to have people there supporting those that are. Hope to see you there!
- Randy Davis

Sent 2023-06-14: UPDATE: Texas Gate -
An update on the gate;
Hurricane Fence was notified about issues with the gate cycling open and close multiple times before staying closed. It wasn’t happening all the time but was not what we were expecting.
They had discussed it with the manufacturer and their techs and thought the SOS/Yelper was picking up sound coming from the gate and causing the gate to open, that’s what the codes in the opener were saying.
So they’ve moved the SOS/Yelper further from the gate to see if that will solve that problem.
If you see issues with the gate please note the time and date and let me know
Thanks, Thomas Perrier
Sent 2023-06-12: NEED VALIDATION OR CORRECTION: Sunshine website summer activities -
Hi All - As time permits I have been trying to ensure I have accurate info on our website. Today I dove into the "Summer Activities Details" page.
I have sent some of you personal emails with question(s). Thx to those who have already replied. However, I would greatly appreciate it if everyone would review the page at the above link and let me know if any updates are required. Send replies to sunshinecountryclubweb@gmail.com.
I will be using any info supplied to update the '2-pager for Summer Activities'.
Thx in advance for your rapid replies.
Beth Parrish, SEPO Web site Admin E-Mail: sunshinecountryclubweb@gmail.com 314-960-6710
Sent 2023-06-12: Resident Passing -
Diane Carlson passed away in the hospital on Saturday (June 10, 2023). Cathy Richmond
Sent 2023-06-12: Clint Wunderlich celebration of life -
Celebration of life for Clint Wunderlich
June 17, 2023
At: Retzlaff Hall >>> 1:00pm
The family would like everyone to join them even if you knew Clint or not.
They want this to be a casual (party) and celebration because this is what Clint wanted done. With laughter and music!
Please join with your smile in person or in spirit. There will be music and maybe a little Dancing to be enjoyed by everyone.
The family has lots of food and drinks ordered for everyone so come hungry!
And enjoy the many different drinks the families has ordered.
Thank you,
- Vicky Krueger, Woman’s Club
Sent 2023-06-11: Sunshine Rock Painting Club -
The next Sunshine Rock Club meeting is June 26th. Hope to see you there. - Karren
Sent 2023-06-11: TX Ave Gate -
Hello All,
Earlier this week I was notified that the gate was not closing when it should. I contacted Hurricane Fence to service the gate and I believe they came on Friday. I asked Lalo to check on the gate Friday night and Saturday morning and he said it was working.
I asked Frank Tewell to check on the gate Saturday night and he said it was working as of 7:05.
Thank you Frank!
If you see an issue with the gate opening or closing, please send me an email or text with the time and date.
I am not in Texas at this time. If you have a question or concern please call/text/email me.
Thank you
- Tom Perrier, Director Area 2
Sent 2023-06-07: Tree Trimming -
Tree Trimming normally scheduled in July could possibly take place at the end of June this year.
For those residents that would like the palms in their property to be trimmed the charge will still be the same at $25 per palm .
Please call the office at 956-425-1420 or email at sepo.office@gmail.com to add you to the list along with the total of palms.
You can send your payment via mail to :
1957 W. Michigan Dr., Harlingen, TX 78550
Valerie Basaldua, SEPO Office
Sent 2023-06-07: Gift Baskets for 2024 Good Neighbor Day Golf Tournament (GNDGT) -
Good Neighbor Golf Tournament 2024
Thursday, February 29th through Saturday, March 2, 2024
Gift Baskets
Hello Sunshine Estates friends:
As you may recall, as part of our Good Neighbor Day Golf Tournament’s Awards Banquet we have provided unique prizes provided by our Residents. This letter is to help remind you, while you are “back home in the northlands", to consider maintaining this tradition for our 2024 Tournament.
We are soliciting your help in continuing to prepare “Gift Baskets” of items found locally in your area during your summer stay. We suggest selecting things that set your home area apart from others. These gift baskets will be awarded as prizes during our Awards Banquet. I am aware of several recipients in the past of these unique gift basket prizes, who have indicated how blessed they were to receive these baskets, and they genuinely appreciated Sunshine Residents’ generosity.
In our 2023 Awards Banquet, one of the people who received a Gift Basket in the prior year donated a beautiful quilt made by his wife to pay it forward.
For example, I most recently lived in Lafayette, Louisiana. So, I will put together a basket of “Cajun items”; seasoning, rice, Tabasco /hot sauces, Beignet mix, cookbooks, and locally brewed beer/wine for our gift basket.
Just think of items your area is famous for and start accumulating them to bring back with you. We want the baskets in the $30-$50 value range.
-By preparing the baskets we are also providing a showcase for various products that are in North America where: Sunshine Estate residents live during the summer time.
I hope to see everyone in the Valley in a few months.
Tony Tramel,
2024 - Good Neighbor Day Golf Tournament, Chairperson
Cell 337-693-6344
June 6, 2023, 2023

Sent 2023-06-06: OFFICE OFF LIMITS -
Valerie is under self-quarantine for these next five days. She is following all procedures required. HOWEVER, because she is feeling well enough, and because she feels she needs to tackle certain chores in the office (such as payroll, etc.) she plans to come to the office to work at later hours. She will wipe everything down as she has been trained when she leaves but it is best if our residents avoid the office area. If you need to make a payment, it can wait. And yes, she has been vaccinated.
Share Nelson
President, SEPO Board
Sent 2023-06-03: Buying Rocks to paint at Southern Stone, Tuesday. June 6th -
Sunshine Rock Painting Club Members -
I'm tentatively planning on driving to Southern Stone & Soil, TUESDAY, 6 June 2023, 8am to buy rocks for myself.
Anyone interested in taking a trip there to buy rocks?
Southern Stone usually treats us very well, using a golf cart to and from the rocks, weigh them and put the rocks into the trunk.
Just let me know.