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 Clubs & Committees (2022 Summer) 
 Additional Details 


Birding and Nature Club Bird Walk (Apr 12, 2022)


Sent 2022-04-13: Bird Walk Cancelled - 

The last Bird Walk of the season that was scheduled to be held on Tuesday, April 12 at 6:30PM has been cancelled.     Bill Peterson


Sent 2022-04-11: Bird Walk -

The last Bird Walk of the season will be Tuesday, April 12 at 6:30PM.  We will meet at the Gazebo to see if there are any migrants around. Please bring binos if you have them.  We will use the scopes at the lake. Golf carts are welcome for those who can't walk.     Debi Warner



Rock Painting

(Pictures from various sessions can be found HERE.)


Sent 2022-07-29: Rock Painting: Aug 1 session cancelled - 

Just wanted to let everyone know that the Rock Painting session scheduled for Monday, August 1 has been cancelled. Those who normally attend have been notified. However, I wanted to let anyone I hadn't contacted who might be planning to attend, know about the cancellation.     - Karren Amos


Sent 2022-07-24: REMINDER: Upcoming Rock Painting Sessions - 


Sunshine Estates Rock Painting Club classes are on this Monday,July 25th and also on August1st, 1 to 3pm.

Setup will start at 12:45pm Monday as all materials have been reorganized.

Thank you to all who have been helping with setup.

Looking forward to seeing all members on Monday.

Feel free to call me if you have any questions or suggestions. 309-781-3479.
- Karren Amos


Update on the July 11 Class:

*** FINAL UPDATE for our Sunshine Estates Rock Painting class today!

We'll have 2 guests, please wear your name tags today!

Door prize/raffles of ROCK PAINTING ITEMS!

Please bring that hair dryer if you have one!

See you at 1pm TODAY!

Thanks to all! I especially appreciate all of the rock painting preparation by Vicky and her friends for today's class!


*********** U P D A T E********

I'm asking everyone that has a HAIR DRYER to please bring it to ROCK PAINTING CLASS with you on Monday. It will help the paint drying of the flowers on the rocks! Thank you in advance.

Please come even if you don't have a hair dryer, we'll share!


REMINDER: ROCK PAINTING CLUB is meeting the 11th of July, this coming Monday!

I've invited a member of Harlingen Rocks to demonstrate painting flowers on rocks with brushes, blending colors for the flowered rocks etc.

Also, there will be periodic free raffles throughout the 2 hour class!

See you on Monday, July 11th @ 1pm to 3pm for the next Sunshine Rock Painting Club Class.

- Karren Amos   Ph 309-781-3479


Sent 2022-05-27: 2022 Sunshine Rock Painting Club meeting dates w/updates - 

I contacted the SEPO Office and changed two dates for the Rock Painting Club.
An "*" before the dates below indicate where I moved the Rock Painting to the following Monday (for July 4th and Labor Day holidays. This denotes the change from the 1st week to the 2nd week of those two months where there are holidays on the 1st Monday.
Note: my original suggestion only listed dates in May 2022. I overlooked the need to extend our meeting dates to the end of the year.  
Club meeting dates are: 

  • May 23rd

  • June 6th & 27th

  • *July 11th & 25th

  • Aug 1st & 22nd

  • *Sept 12th & 26th

  • Oct 3rd & 24th

  • Nov 7th & 28th

  • Dec 5th & 26th

We will determine 2023 dates later.     Karren Amos


Sent 2022-05-01: Update on Sunshine Rock Painting Dates - 

Yes, We are continuing our Sunshine Rock Painting! Thank you ALL for your interest and support!

There are lots of pictures from our first class posted on the Sunshine Web site HERE.

Next Rock Painting date is Monday, May 2nd, 2022 in Retzlaff Hall. - THIS COMING MONDAY!


On Monday we will demonstrate Puffy Paint painted rocks!! It is so much fun!
We will discuss painting supplies, how we will fund the supplies in the future, and attendees.

From thereafter, we will meet each month on 1st and 4th Monday, 1 to 3 pm.

Any questions,   Phone 309-781-3479


Sent 2022-04-19: ROCK PAINTING at SUNSHINE - First session is scheduled - 

It's approved, we're having our first ROCK PAINTING get-together April 27, 2022, 1:30pm to 3:30pm in Retzlaff Hall. For this first session, ALL painting supplies (and the rocks) will be provided. If you haven't already signed up in the Library, please send me an email at, or call me at 309-781-3479. Please share this information with anyone you know who might be interested and doesn't have an e-mail address on file in the SEPO Office.     Karren Amos


Sent 2022-04-12: ROCK PAINTING at Sunshine! - 

TO all:
I am trying to see if there's any interest in ROCK PAINTING at Sunshine!  It would be a good hobby during very hot periods of time.  You do not have to have any previous rock painting, or any painting talent at all.
Have you noticed painted rocks by the mailbox entry?  I left them for anyone that would want them.  They are always gone the next time I go check our mail, and leave another rock.  I've received feedback for a couple of the rocks I left there.  One is on its' way to WI by a Sunshine resident.  
If you are interested, please let me know by contacting me per my information below.
Depending on interest, or not, I will be providing further details on how this would work.  Best days, times, etc.  Those that are interested could go to FB Harlingen Rocks to get a glimpse of "painted rocks"!  Anyone could enjoy this activity with no previous painting or art experience.
Karren Amos     ph 309-781-3479   email
I look forward to hearing from you soon.


Office: (956) 425-1420

FAX: (956) 425-1420


1957 W Michigan Dr

Harlingen, TX 78550

Information in this site is authorized by

Sunshine Estates Property Owners Association (SEPO) and its residents.

©2025 by Sunshine Country Club Estates

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