Sunshine Country Club Estates
Clubs & Committees (Winter 2020-2021)
Additional Details
Due to Covid-19 Restrictions most Club & Committee
non-recurring Activities were Cancelled this season.
Birding and Nature Club Outing (Apr 5, 2021)
Sent 2021-04-02: REMINDER: Monday Birding Trip to Estero Llano State Park in Weslaco -
Just a quick reminder of the Birding and Nature Club outing to Estero Llano SP in Weslaco on Monday. In the past we have been able to eat a lunch on the covered deck overlooking the wetlands. However, because of COVID-19, all the tables have been removed from the deck. My wife and I are planning on eating lunch at Nana’s, a Mexican Restaurant about a half mile north of the park on rte 1015. All are welcome to join us. We will depart for the park promptly at 8:30 am from in front of our office/library area. Questions? Call Ralph Peterson @ 607-590-0606. Ralph Peterson
Sent 2021-03-15: Birding and Nature Club Outing -
The SCCE Birding and Nature Club has scheduled its annual Spring outing on Monday, April 5th to Estero Llano Grande state park in Weslaco. Due to the ongoing pandemic, the park will not offer any guided tours and no shuttle carts. All tours will be self guided. Masks will be required as well as social distancing. The cost for park entrance is $5.00 per person unless you have a park pass. The park features a variety of habitats for birds and wildlife to include a beautiful covered deck overlooking a very active pond scene. A variety of birds to be seen at the park include the rare Elegant Trogan, Pauraque, Crimson-collared Grosbeak, Audubon’s Oriole and the usual south Texas specialties. For those that desire to eat lunch at the park, it is a bring your own. The deck offers very relaxing spot to eat and chat. For those caravaning over, we will meet at the parking area outside our library at 8:15am and depart for the park promptly at 8:30. To sign up for the trip or for questions about the trip contact Ralph Peterson at 607-590-0606 or email at ralphpete@frontier.com.
Woodshop: Orientation Class (Mar 29, 2021)
Sent 2021-03-25: Wood Shop Orientation Class Monday March 29th 4:30 pm -
Wood Shop Orientation Class Monday March 29th
4:30 pm in the wood shop.
This will be the last class for the season.
This class is a requirement for using the wood shop.
A one time attendance is required.
The shop will be closed during the class.
Limited class size due to Covid-19 restrictions.
Face Masks required.
Call John Chajec 708-280-8940 to register.
Neighborhood Watch: Virtual Finger Lickin' Chicken Fund Raiser (Jan 1-31, 2021)
Sent 2021-01-24: NW: Alternative to Finger Lickin' Chicken Fund Raiser -
At Beth Parrish's suggestion, here is a reminder of your opportunity to help with our Neighborhood Watch program.
Currently we are having a Neighborhood Watch fundraiser. It is a virtual Finger Lickin’ Chicken dinner. Back in the old days, before COVID-19, our Firefighters would come out to SCCE at o’dark:30 and stoke the mesquite and coals for a scrupdelicious dinner. Volunteers provided the fixin’s. But – new times and COVID-19 Commandments prevail.
So, as an alternative for a donation - In the Library there is a supply of designated envelopes and a lock box in which to $how your $upport. You can please make your check payable to Neighborhood Watch. This opportunity will end 31 January and I hope you will take advantage to support us. Thanks.
Lenore J. Combs, Coordinator 956 245 1276 LJCombs44@gmail.com
Woodshop: Orientation Class (Jan 27, 2021)
Sent 2021-01-24: Wood Shop Orientation Class Wednesday Jan 27th -
Wood Shop Orientation Class
Wednesday Jan 27th
5:00 pm in the wood shop.
This class is a requirement for using the wood shop.
A one time attendance is required.
The shop will be closed during the class.
Limited class size due to covid-19 restrictions.
Face Masks required.
Call John Chajec 708-280-8940 to register.
Woodshop: Orientation Class (Jan 20, 2021)
Sent 2021-01-18: Wood Shop Orientation Class Wednesday Jan 20th -
Wood Shop Orientation Class
Wednesday Jan 20th
5:00 pm in the wood shop.
This class is a requirement for using the wood shop.
A one time attendance is required.
The shop will be closed during the class.
Limited class size due to covid-19 restrictions.
Face Masks required.
Call John Chajec 708-280-8940 to register.
Woodshop: Orientation Class (Jan 13, 2021)
The Jan 13th Woodshop class has met the Covid-19 maximum attendance. Next class will be based on interest. Contact me to be on a future list. John Chajec 708-280-8940
Sent 2021-01-10: Wood Shop Orientation Class Wednesday Jan 13th 5:00pm -
Wood Shop Orientation Class
Wednesday Jan 13th
5:00 pm in the wood shop.
This class is a requirement for using the wood shop.
A one time attendance is required.
The shop will be closed during the class.
Limited class size due to covid restrictions.
Face Masks required.
Call John Chajec 708-280-8940 to register.
Sunshine Birding and Nature Group: Christmas Bird Count (Jan 2, 2021)
Sent 2020-12-20: Christmas Bird Count -
Anyone interested in participating in the Christmas Bird Count, please, meet at the gazebo this Wednesday (Dec. 23) at 1 p.m. We will formalize plans for the Bird Count which will take place on Saturday, Jan. 2nd. You do not need to be able to identify the birds. Volunteers are needed to spot the birds, count the birds, record the results, and identify the birds. An expert will be assigned to each group to identify the birds. Please, wear your mask and socially distance while in the gazebo. The event is coordinated by the Sunshine Birding and Nature Group.
Jean Burgoine
Woodshop: Orientation Class (Dec 30, 2020)
Sent 2020-12-27: Wood Shop Orientation Class Wednesday Dec 30th 5:00pm -
Wood Shop Orientation Class
Wednesday Dec 30th
5:00 pm in the wood shop.
This class is a requirement for using the wood shop.
A one time attendance is required.
The shop will be closed during the class.
Limited class size due to covid restrictions.
Face Masks required.
Call John Chajec 708-280-8940 to register.
Woodshop: Orientation Class (Oct 28, 2020)
Sent 2020-10-24: Woodshop Orientation Class on Wednesday, October 28th at 5 pm -
There will be a Woodshop Orientation Class on Wednesday, Oct 28th at 5 pm in the wood shop. A one-time attendance is a requirement for use of the wood shop. The shop will be closed during the class. All residents are invited to attend. Limited attendance due to Covid-19 restrictions. Call John Chajec at 708-280-8940 to register.
Woodshop: Orientation Class (Oct 8, 2020)
Sent 2020-10-02: Woodshop Orientation Class -
Any new resident wishing to take the Woodshop orientation class contact JOHN CHAJEC at 708-280-8940. Class will be next Thursday, Oct 8th at 4 PM in the Woodshop. Class will be limited to six people. Reserve your spot. Wear your mask. John Chajec