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 SEPO Board Nominating & Election Committees 

 For 2021 Board Election 

Sunshine Estates Property Owners, Inc., (SEPO)

governs Sunshine Country Club Estates (SCCE).

(The following information is presented in chronological order within EACH Committee .)

Election Committee Actvity for 2021 (Complete)



 Newsletter 2021-01: Election Committee Chairman - 


Chuck McEvoy has graciously consented to help us with the process by chairing this committee.


Jim Kennedy

SEPO Board President

 Sent 2021-01-11: AMENDED - 2021 SEPO board nominees: - 


2021 SEPO board nominees (Amended):
Dana Weise
Beth Parrish
Larry Keller
Jean Burgoine
Lenore Combs

Chuck McEvoy, Election Chairman


 Sent 2021-01-11: NEED TO READ IMMEDIATELY: What Address do you want your SEPO Board Ballot sent to?- 


Please see below - And DO NOT reply to sepoenews as it make double work for your enews manager. Thx. Beth Parrish


Ballots for the 2021 SEPO Board of Directors of election will be mailed out on Saturday, January 16. If you would like your election packet sent to an address other than your Harlingen address, please send Valerie an email with that address. Her email address is:

Chuck McEvoy

SEPO 2021 Board Elections Committee Chairman




Nominating Committee Activity for 2021 (Complete)



 Oct 16, 2020: In preparation for the February 2021 SEPO Board election - 


The Nominating Committee is progressing very nicely. Dana Weiss will be heading the Committee and may be reached at 775-470-9057 by phone or text. We thank Dana for his help. The other committee members are Bill Peterson & Dan Danks.


There are four board positions open for election. The following board members are completing their first term (or ending their time as replacement for a member of the Board who resigned): Jim Kennedy, Frank Tewell, Neil Morehead and Jerry Drost.


Jim Kennedy

SEPO Board President


 Nov 3, 2020: The SEPO Board Nominating Committee for the 2021 Board election is - 

  • Dana Weise, Chairman: 775-470-9057

  • Bill Peterson: 309-945-2108

  • Dan Danks: 507-236-2951

  • Dave Fleiner: 808-269-0948

Please contact one of us if interested in running for the SEPO Board.


Dana Weise, Nominating Committee Chairman


 Nov 5, 2020 (via SEPO E-Mail E-News): SEPO Board Nominating Committee (2021) - Update and Request - 


Hi Everyone –


My name is Dana Weise and I am Chairing the 2021 SEPO Board Nominating Committee. Dan Danks and Bill Peterson are working with me on this committee. I know this e-mail is lengthy. However, I hope it gives everyone a better idea of our current situation. Please read through to the end and help us out, if at all possible.


To refresh everyone on how this committee works here is an excerpt from the Sunshine Country Club Estates (SCCE) By-Laws (located on the Web site HERE).


The following is from the -






1957 West Michigan Drive

Harlingen, TX 78550



Nominations and Ballots


6.01  The Board of Directors shall, at least sixty (60) days before the election, appoint a Nominating Committee of three (3) to five (5) members to submit a slate of nominees for Directors to be placed on a ballot for hand delivery or mailing to members. The nominating committee shall post its selection of Nominees at least ten (10) days prior to the January Meeting of Residents and Directors. The Committee shall submit its nominations to the members at the January meeting of Residents and Directors and nominations from the floor will be accepted. The Board shall thereupon validate the status of members, as defined under Article II herein, and cause the committee report to be posted on the Club House bulletin board for a ten (10) day period. At or about noon of the tenth day the report will be removed from the bulletin board. A paper ballot shall be prepared, under the direction of the Board of Directors, to include the nominations of Directors and other items authorized to appear on the ballot.


See this Web page ongoing for additional information and next steps.


To update you on our progress in getting possible Board nominees, our committee has been speaking to many residents about the upcoming ‘four’ positions that will be available on the Board. While attempting to recruit potential candidates, the responses have been less than favorable to take on this position/duty, at least in the number of residents I have personally spoken to.


I have gotten some good assistance and advise from residents who have lived here in Sunshine CCE for many years, who have either been previous Board members or have run for the Board in the past. The comments and advice I have received have been enlightening and have helped me better understand how the Board’s (volunteer positions) can be somewhat demanding and time consuming for many of them wanting or accepting to take the time they feel is required.


This is something I had expected when I was asked to head-up the committee. I graciously accepted the challenge and recruited a couple other residents to assist me with the search for (committed and reliable) residents who:

  • Would have some true and sincere interest in accepting a nomination.

  • Are willing to work together as a Team Player with the other Board Members.

  • Would put forth their best efforts to help and keep this fantastic community that we are all partnered with (as residents).

  • Would continue making this Development, in all aspects, the same beautiful and appealing community we all like and enjoy.

  • Would be Proud to be a part of the highly successful environment it is today.




I and the rest of the committee are asking ALL RESIDENTS if any of you have any interest at all in partaking in becoming a Board Member? I would like to make it a Private and Confidential sit-down/meet in person with me and the other committee members to discuss and answer each of your questions, concerns and responsibilities of the Position of becoming a Board Member. Hopefully, this may provide a more comfortable atmosphere for both those of you who have resided in Sunshine for some time, as well as the newer residents. Confidentiality, I believe, is the key ingredient so that no one will know who the nominees are until it is deemed necessary to announce them prior to election voting.


An isolated/private location will be determined at a later date. I am also willing to sit down with any resident (in Private) to listen to everyone’s advice and/or opinions to HELP make this a successful process.


Thank you for your assistance in helping our committee finalize the best possible Candidates for Sunshine Country Club Estates!


Kindest regards,

Dana Weise

SEPO Board Nominating Committee Chairperson (2020)

Address: 4312 N. Minnesota St

Phone: (775)-470-9057


 Sent Dec 24, 2020: REVISION, Meet and Greet: SEPO Board Candidates & Residents - 

The Nominating Committee for the SEPO Board of Directors will be hosting a “Meet and Greet” for the candidates and residents of Sunshine Estates on Wed, Dec 30, 2020 from 2:00  pm to 4:00 pm on Texas Ave.
This event is designed for the residents to meet the candidates, ask questions and have a conversation before the election is held. These elections directly affect every resident in this community, as the Board of Directors is tasked with making critical decisions for our community. Use your voice! We strongly encourage all residents to attend if possible.
Please mark your calendar and take advantage of this one-time opportunity to meet.

This event is being held outside, with COVID-19 guidelines being enforced. The plan is for the candidates to be in golf carts along Texas Ave. Don't forget your masks. Let's have a safe event!
Dana Weise
2021 SEPO Board Nominating Committee Chairman



 Sent Dec 26, 2020: 2021 SEPO Board Candidates - 

The 2020 SEPO Board Nomination Committee is pleased to submit the following candidate names in alphabetic order for the 2021 election of the SEPO Board of Directors.

We encourage the current Board of Directors to include their names in the 2021 ballot. The nominating committee will make that motion during the January 2021 Board of Directors meeting.

Dan Danks
Dawn Rae Leonard
William (Bill) Peterson
Dana Weise

Dana Weise
2020 SEPO Board Nomination Committee Chairman




Nominating & Election Committees Index
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Office: (956) 425-1420

FAX: (956) 425-1420


1957 W Michigan Dr

Harlingen, TX 78550

Information in this site is authorized by

Sunshine Estates Property Owners Association (SEPO) and its residents.

©2025 by Sunshine Country Club Estates

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