Sunshine Country Club Estates
SEPO Board Meeting Agendas & Minutes and Periodic Updates
(Oct 2020 thru Mar 2021 Winter Season)
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Monday, March 22, 2021
1:30 PM, Virtual Google Meet Only
(APPROVED at the May 20, 2021 Mtg)
CALL TO ORDER President Tony Tramel called the meeting to order at 1:30 PM.
ROLL CALL was taken. Tony Tramel, Mecca Henry, Beth Parrish, Lenore Combs, Jean Burgoine and Larry Keller were present. Lyn Swonger was absent, due to technical difficulties.
On March 17 2021 @ 10:15 AM the Agenda for the meeting was sent via e-mail to the community and also posted on the Sunshine Web site, outside the SEPO office and on the poolside door into Retzlaff Hall. The meeting was recorded and can be viewed by clicking on (or copying and pasting) this link:
President Tony Tramel asked if there were any amendments or additions to the posted Agenda.
Larry Keller asked to include a proposal from some of the residents to start a Sunshine Gardening Club. Everyone present at the meeting agreed by acclamation that it be added to the Agenda.
President Tony Tramel asked the board if there were any items to discuss prior to approving the minutes from the March 8, 2021 Board meeting.
Beth indicated the ‘unapproved’ minutes published to the community previously had two proposed amendments that needed to be considered prior to approving them.
Item 1: concerned New Business - Martin houses placed on the golf course.
Tony would like the minutes to be revised and state the following:
Two New purple martin houses have been placed on the golf course. Under our Policy and Procedures, Property and Yard Maintenance, paragraph 4 states; ”No placement of any type of enhancement on the golf course area (flag pole, bird house, tree, shrub, flower, etc.) is allow without approval of the SEPO Board. Tony requested these two martin houses be approved after the fact, to conform to Board Policy. Tony asked the Board to approve the two new bird houses (which were installed as directed by Lyn) located between number 1 and 2 greens and between number 8 and 9 fairways on the golf course. Mecca Henry motioned we approve the houses already installed. Lenore seconded the motion. It was approved unanimously by all present at the meeting.
Item 2: concerned Lenore’s Director report.
The suggestion she had received from a resident was to give a facelift to the recycle bin for ‘cans’ (and not cardboard). The minutes have been revised as follows under
REPORTS OF OFFICERS, 4) Lenore Combs, c) Resident Suggestions, iv) –
Recycle bin for cans needs a facelift.
Beth moved both of these items be incorporated into the Mar 8, 2021 minutes as amendments. Lenore seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously by those present at the meeting.
Covid-19 & SEPO Restrictions -
President Tony Tramel explained the primary purpose of today’s meeting was to review the proposal of Lenore’s Covid-19 & SEPO review committee results and vote on whether to implement them.
Lenore thanked everyone for the opportunity, everyone who worked with her on this and the community for being patient with this process. Lenore had many discussions with people both on and off the committee. This resulted in a series of policies which are relatively consistent with what we are doing today. But at the same time a hard look was taken at what possibilities might exist that would allow some modifications.
SEPO Common Areas were identified. The spreadsheet that the board had been given prior to this meeting defined for each common area –
Area name.
Who could utilize those areas by owner/renter, immediate family and guests.
Identified social distancing and masks specifications for each area.
It was also noted some changes had already been implemented that were approved at the Mar 8, 2021 meeting:
Effective Immediately after the Mar 8, 2021 Board meeting:
The following areas were reopened to Resident’s family and overnight guests –
The Golf Course – providing:
Greens Fees are paid for the non-residents as specified in our Policies & Procedures.
The residents and family/guests play together (in isolation from other golfers)
Residents’ family/guests may not participate in organized Golf Events, including the 4 O’Clockers.
Shuffleboard court (equipment is stored near the hot tub)
Tennis and Pickleball courts
Lenore reviewed the recommendations for each Common Area. Tony asked if there was any discussion after Lenore moved and Jean seconded the motion to accept the committee’s recommendations.
Larry Keller wanted a clarification on why the pool was proposed to remain closed to family and guests, but the Library and Gazebo no longer had that restriction. He also questioned who was going to monitor social distancing. Lenore explained it was their hope that those in Sunshine would judiciously follow the restrictions and not need to be monitored. It is much easier to social distance at the Gazebo than it is in the pool with potential splashing and the playing of water games. The committee questioned whether travelers might have been exposed. Lenore indicated Sunshine residents/renters have been for the most part very judicious with shopping, traveling etc. Every family she spoke with was sympathetic to both sides of the issue. The committee looked at the age of our residents and comorbidities and that is what tilted the scale. Lenore hoped everyone knew these decisions were made with a very heartfelt effort to make a fair judgement. Lenore indicated since the Covid-19 situation is fluid we can re-evaluate things down the road.
Larry stated that if any of us leave Sunshine and go to HEB, etc and come back here, we could have been exposed. It’s the same as if someone travels from AZ to here or HEB to here. He thought the chances of being exposed outside is very limited.
Tony asked if Larry would like to amend the proposed pool recommendation. Larry made the motion to make an amendment that the pool, hot tub and pavilion be available to everyone, with social distancing required and masks optional. Beth seconded the motion. A vote was taken with these results. NO - Mecca Henry, Lenore Combs and Jean Burgoine. YES - Larry Keller and Beth Parrish. Lyn Swonger was not present at the meeting. The motion was denied three to two.
The motion to accept the original proposal was reinstated. The vote was unanimous to accept by all present at the meeting. The adopted Covid-19 & SEPO amendments will be published to the community via e-mail and placed on the Web site later today.
UPDATE: They can be found on the Web site HERE.
AGENDA – Addition:
Sunshine Gardening Club –
Larry Keller had received a proposal from Susanne Ulrich, Brenda Crothers, Terry DeBackere and Glenna Boardman to start an organized, voluntary Sunshine Gardening Club. Their Goals and Objectives to start would be to take care of established community gardens; the circle garden by the office and at the front gate. They would hold monthly meetings for SEPO residents at no charge, which would include “How To” workshops, plant exchanges and speakers from inside and outside of the community. They are asking the SEPO board to approve the formation of this club. If approved they would honor all Covid-19 restrictions.
Larry Keller made the motion to acknowledge receipt of this request and approval of same. They would also need to coordinate any meetings etc with the SEPO office to schedule them to ensure no conflicts with anything else. Lenore seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously by those present at the meeting. Larry will inform Susanne that the board took affirmative action of their request.
Capital Improvement Plan:
Tony had sent an e-mail to the board wanting to establish a 2-3 member board-only panel to develop a Capital Improvements plan. He proposed himself, Lyn Swonger and Larry Keller be on the panel. The output would be a 2-3 page document identifying various kinds of capital improvements that need to be identified and addressed over a period of time. Some items may be cost intensive, i.e. street rehab. Other major items would include irrigation and the security system Lenore has spoke about. Tony indicated that unless anyone objects, this will be the committee that works on the plan. Once completed it will be presented to the board to review. There were no objections voiced by those at the meeting.
Covenant Violations:
Tony said the board is currently looking into what we believe to be Covenants violations. We have initiated discussion and direct contact with these residents. We will probably have an Executive Board meeting relating to these issues within the next couple of weeks.
Memorial Committee:
Mel Wendel has offered to serve on the Memorial committee and is also looking for some other people to help him. He will be working with Irene Phillips on this.
Larry Keller made a motion to do adjourn. Beth Parrish seconded it. The motion was approved unanimously by all present at the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 2:05 PM.
Respectively Submitted,
Beth Parrish
SEPO Board Secretary
Monday, March 22, 2021
Link to Virtual Google Meet Video
The SEPO Board held a special meeting on Mar 22, 2021 which was Virtual, using Google Meet, and it was recorded.
The Board has been notified that if you use an Apple device to access the video, but don’t have a Google account, it requires you to set up an account. To resolve this issue, the video is now available to everyone, without restrictions, HERE.
If you still can’t access the video please let me know. Thx for your patience with this issue.
Beth Parrish SEPO Board Secretary 314-960-6710
Monday, March 22, 2021
1:30 PM, Virtual Google Meet Only
Because of Covid-19, only a Virtual Meeting will occur. Persons who wish to attend this meeting can do so by Clicking the following link beginning at 2:45 PM. Board members and SEPO residents will be connecting virtually, there will not be any physical meeting in Retzlaff Hall. This is a a new link for the Annual Meeting.
To join the video meeting, click HERE.
Please make your screen and microphone are available on your device by checking off the area shown on your screen to activate these features once connected. At the bottom of the screen, you will see a button noted as “Caption”, please turn this on so you might be able to see the text of words spoken by each person during the meeting.
Call to Order.
Roll Call
Tony Tramel Mecca Henry Lyn Swonger Jean Burgoine
Larry Keller Lenore Combs Beth Parrish
Verify the Agenda for this meeting was sent to the community via e-mail, posted on the Sunshine Web site and physically posted in both the SEPO Office and on the door to Retzlaff Hall.
Consideration / Adoption of any Amendments to the Posted Agenda for this meeting by Board Members.
Review and consideration of approving the March 8, 2021 Board Meeting Minutes
(Attachment 1)
Unfinished Business:
Board – Review of Sunshine Covid-19 policies.
March 8, 2021 Unapproved Minutes of Board Meeting (click this link).
SEPO Board Meeting (Executive) Notes to Community (print from HERE)
Thursday, March 8, 2021
3:00 PM, Retzlaff Hall (Board Only w/Social Distancing)
This Executive Board Meeting was a closed session as permitted by Texas law since the meeting pertained to personnel and potential litigation issues.
Call to Order President Tony Tramel called the meeting to order at 3:00 PM.
Roll Call was taken. Tony Tramel, Mecca Henry, Beth Parrish, Lenore Combs, Jean Burgoine and Larry Keller were present. Lyn Swonger was on the phone.
The Notice for this meeting was made available to the community and met the 72-hour pre-Board Executive meeting requirement for posting.
The Board approved the February 25, 2021 Board Executive Meeting Minutes.
New Business
A resident violation of the Architectural Control Committee process was discussed and appears may have been resolved.
Unfinished Business:
How to pay employees for the “Bad Weather” work week of February 15-19, 2021 was resolved.
The Board discussed various alleged SEPO Covenants & Bylaws violations and what has been done since the Feb 25,2021 Executive Meeting. A meeting with the SEPO Attorney has been held concerning these issues and he has provided direction.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:50 PM.
Respectively Submitted,
Beth Parrish
SEPO Board Secretary
SEPO BOARD MEETING (EXECUTIVE) Notice to Community (print from HERE)
Monday, March 8, 2021
3 PM, Retzlaff Hall (Board Only w/Social Distancing & Masks)
This is a formal notice to the Sunshine community that SEPO Board President Tony Tramel has called an Executive Board Meeting to be held next Monday, March 8, 2021 at 3 PM in Retzlaff Hall for all Board Members. Social distancing and masks are required.
This is a closed session as permitted by Texas law since the meeting pertains to personnel and potential litigation issues.
This meeting will consist of discussions, resolutions and / or identification of action plans regarding issues noted above.
Tony Tramel
SEPO Board President
Monday, March 8, 2021
1:00 PM, Virtual Google Meet Only
(AMENDED then APPROVED at the March 22, 2021 Mtg)
CALL TO ORDER President Tony Tramel called the meeting to order at 1:00 PM
ROLL CALL was taken. Tony Tramel, Mecca Henry, Beth Parrish, Lenore Combs, Jean Burgoine and Larry Keller were present. Lyn Swonger was absent, due to technical difficulties.
On March 5, 2021 @ 1:30 PM the Agenda for the meeting was sent via e-mail to the community and posted on the Sunshine Web site. On March 5, 2021 @ 4 PM it was posted outside the SEPO office and on the poolside door into Retzlaff Hall. The meeting was recorded and can be viewed by clicking on (or copying and pasting) this link:!ArA0fRIwdohihKlO98BSAKkFn6hMSw
President Tony Tramel asked if there were any amendments or additions to the posted Agenda. There were none.
President Tony Tramel asked the board if there were any items to discuss prior to approving the minutes from the February 25, 2021 Board meeting.
Fiscal Policy addition to the Policies & Procedures -
Beth Parrish reported a question had arisen from a resident as to what the discussion was around adding the Fiscal Policy to the Policies & Procedures. Beth has revised those minutes to add that discussion. The approved minutes will be sent to the community and posted on the Web site. (Attachment 1)
Beth then moved these amended minutes, which had already been sent to the board for review prior to this meeting, be approved without being read at this meeting. Mecca Henry seconded the motion, and it was approved by all in attendance.
Lyn Swonger - Golf Course
Lyn & Dan Boardman are communicating daily about the Golf Course.
Jean Burgoine (Common Grounds/Maint. Area 1) SEPO Buildings
Everything is running smoothly in her area and there have been no expenditures.
There was a slight incident today where a family and teenagers were swimming at the pool. She informed them they could not be there. They were very nice and left.
Larry Keller (Common Grounds/Maint. Area 2) Streets, Drainage & Irrigation Ditches, Texas Ave
We continue to look for contractors to address paving issues.
The sprinklers on the north side of Retzlaff have been adjusted to minimize the amount of water on the street on Michigan. He will follow-up to see if that improves the area.
Lenore Combs (Common Grounds/Maint. Area 3) Storage & Woodshop, Tennis/Pickleball & Shuffleboad
Lenore reminded us that Easter is coming up and people will be leaving. Everyone needs to tidy up their storage lot areas and their residences and secure everything before exiting the valley.
Repair the golf practice tee netting.
Restripe all of the storage lots.
Consider laying a roadbed from the gate up to about row 6.
NOTE: Tennis/Pickleball & Shuffleboard are all fine.
Resident Suggestions:
One resident wants to plant high thorny plants on the North fence area to hide the storage lot from view of the highway and possibly plant along the Kilbourne roadside as well.
Use storage lot fees for improvements.
Place lot # on your shed because the bricks with the numbers sometimes ‘disappear’.
Recycle bin for cans needs a facelift.
Mecca Henry - Treasurer - Financial Status / Reports
Mecca has several things going on right now.
Financials –
Jan 2021 Financials were sent out and posted on Web site.
Feb 2021 Financials should come out by the end of this week after some final tweaking.
HOA Fees - We have a few people who still haven’t paid anything toward these fees. Mecca will have Valerie send out a gentle reminder that they need to start paying them.
Employee timecards – All board members who are in charge of an employee need to ensure they have reviewed and signed off on timecards either late Thu or early Fri each week before Valerie does the payroll and Mecca reviews it.
Timeclock – Mecca and Valerie are looking at purchasing a timeclock for the maintenance shed that is just like the one in the office. It’s slightly under $300. Valerie is going to order ink cartridges so printing is darker and get the right timecards so the timecards print correctly.
Mecca made the motion that we accept the Jan 2021 financials as posted on the Web site. Beth seconded it. The motion was passed unanimously by all present at the meeting.
Beth Parrish – Secretary
Beth hopes everyone can view/review the documents sent to the community for the Board meetings. The Web site is pointed to often because the e-mail system we use is kind of antiquated. It’s a lot easier to use links to the documents rather than sending them in the body of the e-mails. If anyone has any issue with retrieving the documents, Beth can send them via her personal e-mail account (rather than the sepoenews account).
Tony Tramel – President
Tony didn’t report anything at this time since he has been involved in many of the items below under New and Unfinished business.
Board – Determine/Review/Approve Dates for 2021-2022 Activities:
It is customary for the board to approve various events/meetings for the next Winter Season at the last meeting of the current Winter Season. The priority order for events/meetings is:
Board & Resident meetings.
Good Neighbor Golf Tournament.
Women's Club activities.
Other Golf events –
Women’s Golf League
Men’s Golf League
Other events/meeting (in no particular order) –
Women's Club Meetings.
Neighborhood Watch (NW) Meetings.
All others – Will need to be requested through the SEPO Office.
The exact Request Process will be documented by Beth Parrish and Valerie (SEPO Office) and distributed to the community.
Larry Keller moved the dates identified by Beth and Mecca be put in the 2021-2022 calendar. Jean Burgoine seconded the motion. It was approved unanimously by all present at the meeting. The calendar is now available. (Attachment 2)
Mecca, Treasurer – Change the executives on the Wells Fargo Account.
An Executive can close and view activity on the account. John Chajec and Pat Harvey (both previous board members) are the current executives. Mecca Henry motioned the current executives be removed and the current Board President (Tony Tramel) and Board Treasurer (Mecca Henry) be named as the new executives. Beth seconded the motion. It was approved unanimously by all present at the meeting.
Mecca Henry has the form for all board members to sign before we go into executive session.
Mecca, Treasurer – Company credit cards.
Lupe and Manny use the SEPO Chase Credit Card. They can get it from Valerie when they need it during the week from 8 to 4. However, if they need to make any purchases over a weekend, they use their own money and get reimbursed. Mecca monitors this credit card on the SEPO laptop. She would like to see a card given to both Lupe and Manny to keep in their possession. Larry Keller made the motion to give a Chase Credit Card to both Lupe and Manny. Lenore Combs seconded the motion. It was approved unanimously by all present at the meeting.
Mecca, Treasurer - Consideration to amend the Employee Handbook.
Employee Lunch Breaks –
The Employee Handbook states the maintenance workers and grounds keeper (Manny, Lalo and Joe) should be working 7-4, taking an unpaid hour for lunch and two paid 15-minute breaks. However, they work 7-3, skipping the unpaid lunch hour and using their two 15 minutes breaks together for lunch. This is not legal.
Mecca Henry suggested we change the Handbook to say they work 7-3:30, taking an uninterrupted and unpaid 30-minute lunch break. The other option is to leave the Handbook as it is now and make them work 7-4.
Beth Parrish made a motion to change the Employee Handbook. Larry Keller seconded the motion. It was approved unanimously by all present at the meeting.
When to pay overtime (OT) –
The Employee Handbook says you get paid OT if you are paid for a holiday in a week and end up reporting over 40 hours. A holiday is counted as worked hours. Vacation and personal time are not addressed. The options were to either pay or not pay OT for hours over 40 if vacation or personal time was taken during the normal 40-hour workweek. Beth moved we change the Employee Handbook to pay them OT. Larry seconded the motion. Jean abstained. Beth, Larry, Lenore and Mecca voted yes. The motion passed.
Beth – Clarification of Heading on SEPO Policies & Procedures. (Attachment 3)
After the Policies & Procedures were updated at the Feb 25, 2021 meeting a Resident asked - What exactly did this nullify and void on Feb 25, 2021? Beth is proposing we change the text in the header to say: (All previous Policies & Procedures are replaced by this Update of Month Day, Year.)
Mecca Henry moved to approve the text chg. Beth seconded the motion. It was approved unanimously by all present at the meeting.
Tony – Martin houses placed on the golf course.
Two New purple martin houses have been placed on the golf course.
Under our Policy and Procedures, Property and Yard Maintenance, paragraph 4 states; ”No placement of any type of enhancement on the golf course area (flag pole, bird house, tree, shrub, flower, etc.) is allow without approval of the SEPO Board. Tony requested these two martin houses be approved after the fact, to conform to Board Policy. Tony asked the Board to approve the two new bird houses (which were installed as directed by Lyn) located between number 1 and 2 greens and between number 8 and 9 fairways on the golf course. Mecca Henry motioned we approve the houses already installed. Lenore seconded the motion. It was approved unanimously by all present at the meeting.
Board – Review of Sunshine Covid-19 policies. Click HERE.
The restrictions on the Web site, which were piecemealed over time by the previous board and haven’t been updated since Dec 20, 2020. There are a variety of things happening in TX right now, so these need to be revisited. We can continue the current rules if we want, or we can change some things.
Jean Burgoine made a motion to do the following. Larry seconded the motion. Mecca Henry abstained. Beth, Larry, Lenore and Jean voted yes. The motion passed.
Effective Immediately:
The following areas will be reopened to Residents’ family and overnight guests –
Shuffleboard court (equipment is stored near the hot tub)
Tennis and Pickleball courts
Remaining Closed to Visitors:
Hot tub
SEPO buildings
3. Jean Burgoine made a motion to do the following. Mecca seconded the motion. It was approved unanimously by all present at the meeting.
Effective Immediately:
The following areas will be reopened to Resident’s family and overnight guests –
The Golf Course – providing:
Greens Fees are paid for the non-residents as specified in our Policies & Procedures.
The residents and family/guests play together (in isolation from other golfers)
Residents’ family/guests may not participate in organized Golf Events, including the 4 O’Clockers.
4. Lenore requested she be allowed to quickly form and ad-hoc committee of nurses from the community for the purpose of creating a bonafide, professionally done recommendation on the remaining Board Covid-19 restrictions, taking into account Judge Trevino’s opinion. This will take a couple of days to complete.
5. In the meantime, Beth will send out an e-mail to the community notifying them of the decisions made above to open up various areas of the community (with some additional restrictions).
8. Tony & Architectural Control Committee (ACC) – What is the ACC review and subsequent notification to the resident process.
We want to be sure there’s a formal process for someone to follow when an ACC ruling is made. Tony will develop this and ensure residents are responded to quickly.
9. Tony - Discussion on the need to establish a formal means of addressing SEPO complaints and resolution of same.
This in part ties in to item (8) above. A formal process needs to be established and adhered to.
Lenore – Update on ‘assisting’ Sunshine residents to obtain their Covid-19 vaccines.
This was a huge success. 60 people from Sunshine got their first shot. Lenore thanked everyone who was a part of this. She has had requests to do this again for additional residents who have yet to receive this first vaccine. It will be simpler this time because she has a process. The board agreed that she proceed.
Tony – Update on Rules Review Committee selection and next steps.
Five residents were nominated by the board to serve on this committee. They have all been contacted and have agreed to take on this effort. Those residents are: Steve Fransene, Share Nelson, Earl Weir, Pat Harvey and Jerry Wetherbee.
Tony will send an e-mail to these five confirming they have been appointed by the Board and charged with this responsibility. He will attempt to set up the first meeting with this group and lay out some of the deliverables the Board is expecting to receive within 60 days. Once the Board receives the committee’s report, we will decide what should be addressed and decide next steps.
Tony – Requested approval to obtain feedback with google forms or other methods:
The items we were originally going to gather residents’ opinions on were resolved earlier during this meeting. We are still considering some other issues to obtain feedback on. More about this ongoing.
Lenore would like to resurrect the Suggestion Box. Beth and Lenore will visit this and come up with a process to bring it back.
Tony - Recommend a committee to develop a 3–5-year capital improvement program.
Tony would like volunteers from the board or names of others who would be good for this committee.
Jean Burgoine made a motion to do adjourn. Beth Parrish seconded it. The motion was approved unanimously by all present at the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 2:38 PM.
Respectively Submitted,
Beth Parrish
SEPO Board Secretary
Addition to the Feb 25, 2021 minutes of “discussion” surrounding the Fiscal Policies that were added to the Policies & Procedures at the Feb 25, 2021 Board meeting.
Approved Calendar of Events for 2021-2022 Winter Season
Text change to the heading of the Policies & Procedures
Attachment 1
Information added to the Feb 25, 2021 meeting minutes and submitted for approval by the Board.
New Business – Item 2:
Mecca, Treasurer - Consider amending our Policy and Procedures to provide for a section noted as “Fiscal Policies.”
Mecca Henry read her Fiscal Policy proposal (Attachment 2). Discussion of her proposal follows:
All checks should be signed by the Treasurer unless the Treasurer is unavailable. If that occurs, the next available persons, in the following sequential order shall be sought out to sign requested check(s): President, 1st VP, then 2nd VP.
(Discussion) This is more of a clarification of the ByLaws. They already state this but it is just not quite as determined.
Invoice related payments will normally be issued only once a week on Fridays. In the case of a COD or an emergency, accommodations will be made to issue payment. Ideally this needs to be coordinated with the Treasurer.
(Discussion) Mecca wanted to put it in writing - write checks once a week. We don’t really have consistent items where we need to be writing checks all the time. It makes it easier for Mecca Henry and Valerie to plan their time.
Invoices and timecards must be approved by a Board Member.
(Discussion) Mecca Henry wanted to make sure that whoever is in charge of employees is looking at their timecards and can sign off on them. Same thing with invoices. Whoever’s responsibility should confirm that – Yes, we need to pay this. Mecca isn’t comfortable with invoices being paid without this verification.
Credit card charges must have a receipt.
(Discussion) This has sometimes been an issue sometimes. Receipts have been lost. A copy can be requested. We need this backup, especially if something come up tax-wise. These are things we need to be doing. Mecca just wanted to get it in writing.
Board Members should not, under normal circumstances, use their personal funds and later seek to be reimbursed by SEPO. Only in emergencies should this occur.
(Discussion) Mecca’s point is, it doesn’t look very good if, on a monthly basis, we are cutting big checks to board members. She’s not saying they are doing anything wrong. It just has the appearance of looking a little funny and she would like to cut down on this.
All backup documentation should be reviewed by the check signer prior to signing checks.
(Discussion) Prior to now Valerie was giving a board member the checks to sign. If they had a question, she answered it. Mecca has instructed her, from now on, she wants to see all backup documentation to ensure it’s been signed off by a board member. It should be for something reasonable before it is signed off on. Also, if it is coded to the wrong line item, Mecca can fix it immediately and she won’t have to go back a week or a month later and try to find it.
(Attachment 2)
2021-2022 Calendar of Events approved by the Board during the March 8, 2021 meeting. Click HERE to view/print.
(Attachment 3)
February 25, 2021
All previous standing rules are null and void after this date.
February 25, 2021
(All previous Policies & Procedures are replaced by this Update of February 25,2021.)
Monday, March 8, 2021
Link to Virtual Google Meet Video
The SEPO Board meeting held on Mar 8, 2021 was Virtual, using Google Meet, and was recorded. (Note: There were some technical difficulties at the beginning of the meeting for around 6 or so minutes. You can fast forward through the silence.) HERE is the link to the recording, which everyone is welcome to view.
The minutes from this meeting will be published within the next 2-3 days or sooner. If you have any questions about or issues with viewing this video, please let me know.
Beth Parrish SEPO Board Secretary 314-960-6710
Monday, March 8, 2021
1 PM, Virtual Google Meet Only
Because of Covid-19, only a Virtual Meeting will occur. Persons who wish to attend this meeting can do so by Clicking the following link beginning at 2:45 PM. Board members and SEPO residents will be connecting virtually, there will not be any physical meeting in Retzlaff Hall. This is a a new link for the Annual Meeting.
To join the video meeting, click HERE.
Call to Order.
Roll Call
Tony Tramel
Mecca Henry
Lyn Swonger
Jean Burgoine
Larry Keller
Lenore Combs
Beth Parrish
2. Verify the Agenda for this meeting was sent to the community via e-mail, posted on the Sunshine Web site and physically posted in both the SEPO Office and on the door to Retzlaff Hall.
3. Consideration / Adoption of any Amendments to the Posted Agenda for this meeting by Board Members.
4. Review and consideration of approving the February 25, 2021 Board Meeting (Attachment 1)
5. Reports of Officers:
Lyn Swonger - Golf Course
Jean Burgoine (Common Grounds/Maint. Area 1) SEPO Buildings
Larry Keller (Common Grounds/Maint. Area 2) Streets, Drainage & Irrigation Ditches, Texas Ave
Lenore Combs (Common Grounds/Maint. Area 3) Storage & Shop Area, Tennis/Shuffleboard
Mecca Henry - Treasurer - Financial Status / Reports
Beth Parrish - Secretary
Tony Tramel - President
6. New Business:
Board – Determine/Review/Approve Dates for the following 2021-2022 Activities:
SEPO Board Meetings & Resident Informational Meetings (TBD)
Will Board Meetings continue to be on Monday?
Will there be a need for Informational meetings if we continue to use Google Meet for the Board meetings?
Good Neighbor Golf Tournament: Feb 3-5, 2022 with rain dates of Feb 7-10, 2022.
Women's Club Activities (Attachment 2)
Any other activities that need to be approved at this meeting.
Mecca, Treasurer – Change the executives on the Wells Fargo Account.
Mecca, Treasurer – Company credit cards.
Mecca, Treasurer - Consideration to amend the Employee Handbook concerning the definition of overtime.
Beth – Clarification of Heading on SEPO Policies & Procedures. (Attachment 3)
Tony – Martin houses placed on the golf course.
Board – Review of Sunshine Covid-19 policies. ( (Attachment 4)
Open discussion about impacts of Texas Governor changes in mask mandates and related restrictions.
Tony & Architectural Control Committee (ACC) – What is the ACC review and subsequent notification to the resident process.
Tony - Discussion on the need to establish a formal means of addressing SEPO complaints and resolution of same
8. Unfinished Business.
Lenore – Update on ‘assisting’ Sunshine residents to obtain their Covid-19 vaccines.
Tony – Update on Rules Review Committee selection and next steps.
Tony – Requested approval to obtain feedback with google forms or other methods:
Allowing immediate family to play golf in insolation and/or
Allow immediate family to utilize the pool and hot tub.
If approved, the information would be compiled and would be reported back to Board for potential reconsideration.​
Tony - Recommend a committee to develop a 3–5-year capital improvement program.
Committee could be Directors only or a mix of resident and Directors. Document deliverable is a 2-3 page Excel Spreadsheet listing equipment and other capital-intensive projects, like; pavement repairs, golf course improvements, rehabilitation of Retzlaff exterior, pool shower tiles replacement, hot tub rehabilitation, motors and pumps for golf course and the pool, additional lighting around office, etc.
The spreadsheet should contain a timeframe for such expenditures.
We need to identify a method to fund / replace expenditures within our reserve fund.
8. Adjournment
February 25, 2021 Unapproved Minutes of Board Meeting
Women's Club Activities (2021-2022)
Policies & Procedure – proposed heading change
SEPO & Covid-19
(Attachment 1)
February 25, 2021 Unapproved Minutes of Board Meeting (click this link)
(Attachment 2)
Sue Swidryk
Women's Club Activities Director
(Attachment 3)
February 25, 2021
All previous standing rules are null and void after this date.
February 25, 2021
Previous Policies & Procedures are replaced by this Update of February 25,2021
(Attachment 4) SEPO & Covid-19
SEPO Board Meeting (Executive) Notes to Community (print from HERE)
Thursday, February 25, 2021
3:30 PM, Retzlaff Hall (Board Only w/Social Distancing)
Call to Order President Tony Tramel called the meeting to order at 3:30 PM
Roll Call was taken. Tony Tramel, Mecca Henry, Beth Parrish, Lenore Combs, Jean Burgoine and Larry Keller were present. Lyn Swonger was on the phone.
This notice is to inform the community that an Executive Board Meeting was held on Thu, Feb 25, 2021 at 3:30 PM in Retzlaff Hall for all Board Members. Social distancing and masks were required.
This was a closed session as permitted by Texas law since the meeting pertained to personnel and potential litigation issues.
The board defined several issues/problems, discussed them at length and determined either a resolution or action plan to address.
Respectively submitted,
Beth Parrish SEPO Board Secretary 314-960-6710
SEPO BOARD MEETING (EXECUTIVE) Notice to Community (print from HERE)
Thursday, February 25, 2021
3:30 PM, Retzlaff Hall
President Tramel has called an Executive Board Meeting to be held this Thu, Feb 25, 2021 at 3:30 PM in Retzlaff Hall for all Board Members. Social distancing and masks are required.
This is a closed session as permitted by Texas law since the meeting pertains to personnel and potential litigation issues. This Executive Board Meeting Agenda follows.
Consideration of adjusting Annual Leave for SEPO employees who were unable to report to work the week, of February 15-19, 2021.
Various alleged SEPO violations and agreeing on an action plan to address each issue.
Examine a situation related to definition of “Renters”.
Identify process of resolving complaints from Residents or others.
Other related items from Directors regarding personnel and or litigation.
Discussions, resolutions and / or identification of action plans regarding issues noted above.
Tony Tramel
SEPO Board President
Thursday, February 25, 2021
1:30 PM, Virtual Google Meet Only
(APPROVED on Mar 8, 2021 w/Amendments)
Call to Order President Tony Tramel called the meeting to order at 1:30 PM
Role Call was taken. Tony Tramel, Mecca Henry, Beth Parrish, Lenore Combs, Jean Burgoine and Larry Keller were present. Lyn Swonger was absent, due to medical treatments.
On Feb 22,2021 @ 4 PM the Agenda for the meeting was sent via e-mail to the community and posted on the Sunshine Web site. On Feb 23, 2021 @ 1 PM it was posted outside the SEPO office and on the poolside door into Retzlaff Hall. The meeting was recorded (except for the first seven minutes) and can be viewed by clicking on this link:!ArA0fRIwdohihKlAUoThhrC1elK7EQ.
President Tony Tramel asked if there were any amendments or additions to the posted Agenda.
a. Mecca Henry asked that the following items be added:
i. Address the approving of check signers. This needs to be in the minutes in order for the bank to accept/make any changes.
i. Obtain a Sam’s Club membership.
b. Mecca Henry motioned these two items be added to the agenda. Lenore Combs seconded the motion. The vote was a unanimous yes from those present at the meeting.
Discussion of Added Agenda Items
Check Signers:
Jean Burgoine asked that the various accounts be explained. Mecca Henry indicated we have our Checking account at Wells Fargo, CD at BBV, Checking and Money Market at Frost and Money Market at Rio. President Tony Tramel asked that Mecca Henry provide a listing what each account is, the dollar amount of each account and how often the accounts are used. (Attachment 1)
Mecca Henry made a motion and Beth Parrish seconded it to list the following Board members on these accounts as follows:
Wells Fargo Check signers would be in order of 1st to 4th: Tony Tramel (president), Lyn Swonger (1st VP), Larry Keller (2nd VP) and Mecca Henry (Treasurer).
BBVA, Frost and Rio: Tony Tramel (president) and Mecca Henry (Treasurer)
The vote was a unanimous yes from those present at the meeting.
2. Sam’s Club Membership:
Often times items needed for SEPO, such as chlorine pellets and office supplies, can be purchased at Sam’s cheaper than at other stores. This would be a Business Account and Lupe and Manny would be given Sam’s credit cards.
Mecca Henry moved we open a Sam’s Club business account so that items can be purchased there for SEPO. Jean Burgoine seconded the motion and it passed unanimously by those present at the meeting.
Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes
President Tony Tramel noted that it was not a requirement to approve the Feb 16, 2021 Annual Meeting of Shareholders minutes at this meeting, although that could be done. Mecca Henry moved we approve the minutes as posted from the Feb 16, 2021 Annual Meeting of Shareholders. Lenore Combs seconded the motion and it passed unanimously by those present at the meeting.
Mecca Henry moved we approve the minutes as posted from the Feb 16, 2021 SEPO Board Meeting. Lenore Combs seconded the motion and it passed unanimously by those present at the meeting.
Reports of Officers:
Lyn Swonger - Golf Course
Lyn Swonger was not present at the meeting. However, Tony Tramel indicated Dan Boardman is coordinating activities with the SEPO employees pertaining to the golf course.
Resaca water is currently unavailable due to reconstruction of a bridge upstream from Sunshine. The water should be restored Saturday or Monday.
Jean Burgoine (Common Grounds/Maint. Area 1) SEPO Buildings:
The hot water tank in the Sunburst building was replaced.
Pool supplies have been purchased.
A lock was replaced.
Larry Keller (Common Grounds/Maint. Area 2) Streets, Drainage & Irrigation Ditches, Texas Ave:
He and Lalo and Neil Morehead have been reviewing the streets and drainage areas and are trying to determine why some have been deteriorating. Larry has initiated some contact with a contractor to do the patch work.
Finding a qualified contractor to look at Indiana Circle is a challenge.
Due to the recent cold weather lots of our bushes and plants died. Some of the residents have volunteered to select and maintain the plants ongoing. It has been brought up to possibly have a contest of ideas on how to revitalize and modernize Texas Avenue.
A second container for dog waste is being purchased.
Lenore Combs (Common Grounds/Maint. Area 3) Storage & Shop Area, Tennis/Shuffleboard:
Lenore has met with Jerry Drost (who was previously responsible for these areas). The weather has hindered doing much of anything yet.
You should not be using the woodworkers shop unless there is a monitor present.
No high heels on Tennis/Shuffleboard/Pickleball courts.
No NASCAR racing around the sheds.
Easter is not far away. Folks will be heading up-north. Please make sure your shed area is tidy and is secure in case we are challenged by bad weather.
Mecca Henry - Treasurer - Financial Status / Reports:
Was not asked to report at this time.
Beth Parrish – Secretary:
Beth thanked everyone for their input into the last minutes that were approved earlier in this meeting.
Tony Tramel – President:
President Tony Tramel acknowledged he has received information of potential SEPO Covenant violations pertaining to people, locations and personnel. The board will be meeting at 3:30 today to discuss these items in a closed session. It’s possible these issues may require litigation.
New Business:
Tony - SEPO Board 101 Education Discussion
Some of you are familiar with the SEPO Rules –
Covenants – Master documents. They override anything that ever comes up.
Bylaws – These are related to the organization, how we establish the board, the election process, the assessments etc. It’s the administrative aspect of how we deal with these types of items.
Policies & Procedures – These have evolved over time and can be modified by the Board by a majority vote after a motion is made and seconded, with discussion. President Tony Tramel is proposing the board conduct surveys of residents prior to decisions directly affecting residents.
We are required to operate under the Texas Legislature HOA Rules.
There is no ‘grandfathering’ allowed.
If the Architectural Control Committee (ACC) denies a change request from a resident and the resident appeals it to the board, the board cannot override anything that would go against the Covenants.
Mecca, Treasurer - Consider amending our Policy and Procedures to provide for a section noted as “Fiscal Policies.”
Mecca Henry read her Fiscal Policy proposal (Attachment 2). Discussion of her proposal follows:
All checks should be signed by the Treasurer unless the Treasurer is unavailable. If that occurs, the next available persons, in the following sequential order shall be sought out to sign requested check(s): President, 1st VP, then 2nd VP.
(Discussion) This is more of a clarification of the ByLaws. They already state this but it is just not quite as determined.
Invoice related payments will normally be issued only once a week on Fridays. In the case of a COD or an emergency, accommodations will be made to issue payment. Ideally this needs to be coordinated with the Treasurer.
(Discussion) Mecca wanted to put it in writing - write checks once a week. We don’t really have consistent items where we need to be writing checks all the time. It makes it easier for Mecca Henry and Valerie to plan their time.
Invoices and timecards must be approved by a Board Member.
(Discussion) Mecca Henry wanted to make sure that whoever is in charge of employees is looking at their timecards and can sign off on them. Same thing with invoices. Whoever’s responsibility should confirm that – Yes, we need to pay this. Mecca isn’t comfortable with invoices being paid without this verification.
Credit card charges must have a receipt.
(Discussion) This has sometimes been an issue sometimes. Receipts have been lost. A copy can be requested. We need this backup, especially if something come up tax-wise. These are things we need to be doing. Mecca just wanted to get it in writing.
Board Members should not, under normal circumstances, use their personal funds and later seek to be reimbursed by SEPO. Only in emergencies should this occur.
(Discussion) Mecca’s point is, it doesn’t look very good if, on a monthly basis, we are cutting big checks to board members. She’s not saying they are doing anything wrong. It just has the appearance of looking a little funny and she would like to cut down on this.
All backup documentation should be reviewed by the check signer prior to signing checks.
(Discussion) Prior to now Valerie was giving a board member the checks to sign. If they had a question, she answered it. Mecca has instructed her, from now on, she wants to see all backup documentation to ensure it’s been signed off by a board member. It should be for something reasonable before it is signed off on. Also, if it is coded to the wrong line item, Mecca can fix it immediately and she won’t have to go back a week or a month later and try to find it.
Mecca Henry then made a motion to incorporate her proposal into the Policies & Procedures. Jean Burgoine seconded the motion. It was passed unanimously by those present at the meeting.
Tony - Assignment of two Directors to each director position, as Primary and a Secondary / Backup Position.
Tony stated he would like to have concurrence in having backup persons for each board position. He had prepared a chart of proposed backups (Attachment 3) and read it at the meeting. Since this was the first time the board members had seen the proposed backups Mecca Henry motioned that we ‘table’ this item until the next meeting to give everyone the chance to review the proposed listing and to let the new board first become familiar with their new responsibilities. Lenore Combs seconded the motion. It was passed unanimously by those present at the meeting.
4. Tony - Consideration to survey residents and revisit prior decisions after compiling survey information on:
Reestablishing Cart/Trail Fees, and
Potential to permit immediate family to play golf on our course in isolation, during Covid-19 restrictions.
President Tony Tramel requested we start a plan to get resident input/communication before we act upon decisions that affect the community. The discussion concluded that we should start with these two issues to obtain resident’s opinions. Then we could see what other items present themselves as survey candidates. The answer to Mecca Henry’s question of – would these be in additional to the informational meetings – was yes. The next step would be to develop a Google Form and send it out via e-mail to the community to gather input. We may need to do this as a paper document also.
Beth Parrish motioned that we move forward with surveying the community in order to compile the data received prior to the board moving forward on issues/changes. Lenore Combs seconded the motion. It was passed unanimously by those present at the meeting.
5. Tony - Review of Policies, Bylaws, and Covenants and potential modifications. Authorizing the formation of a committee, selected by the President and Secretary, to review and recommend changes, if any, regarding the following:
Covenants, Bylaws, and Policies.
President Tony Tramel stated that some of the language in these documents is incorrect and needs to be addressed. He was thinking a committee of 3-5 people should take this on. He had some names in mind but none of those people had been approached. He had included board members in this list. Mecca stated she didn’t think anyone from the board should be on this committee. Jean Burgoine would like to see the residents come up with proposed changes. They could come to board members for clarity.
Mecca Henry proposed we table this until the March Board Meeting. However, Larry Keller moved to proceed with getting this committee, consisting of no more than six people, formed quickly. The board would decide if the committee would contain any board members. Each board member (excluding President Tony Tramel) would submit a name to Tony for consideration. Mecca Henry seconded the motion.
Additional discussion concluded with all names submitted to Tony must be agreed upon by the board before approaching the potential committee member. The board can do an electronic vote as long as it is communicated to the community. The board can also vote on this after the fact.
The motion to proceed with forming this committee passed unanimously by all present at the meeting.
Discussion of development of a 3-5-year capital improvement program.
President Tony Tramel believes the community would welcome such a plan. It could just be a 1-2 page document listing potential projects, i.e., redoing the pump system at the Resaca that pumps water onto the golf course. Mecca Henry indicated this would need to include equipment.
Mecca Henry moved and Lenore Combs seconded to form a committee that would be put together using the same process as discussed above to review SEPO rules. The motion to proceed with forming this committee passed unanimously by all present at the meeting.
Review of Sunshine Covid-19 Policies.
It was agreed we would not address this at this time.
Committee Heads will study the issues and report in writing their findings and recommendations to the Board within the next 60 days or less.
6. Lenore & Tony - Inventory of SEPO residents who would like assistance with obtaining their Covie-19 shots. Open discussion.
The board would like to determine how big of an issue this is. Those age 65 and over who have not received their shots but want them are who the focus would be on. Lenore has reached out to some government officials. A possible plan for the distribution of vaccinations right here at Sunshine will be determined after we know how many people we are talking about needing/wanting the vaccination.
It was moved by Lenore Combs and seconded by Larry Keller to take action to inventory those who still need and want to receive the vaccine. The motion was passed unanimously by all present at the meeting.
7. Tony - Discussion on the need to establish a formal means of addressing SEPO complaints and resolution of same.
8. Tony - Informational meetings, when are they held, before actions rather than after actions by the Board. The Board should hear resident concerns before any action.
9. Tony - Request each Board member to provide a list of items or issues that they feel the Board should examine in their role as Director and representing the Community.
Items 7, 8 & 9 have previously been addressed in that the board will develop a process using Google Forms to gather data, questions and other input. Results will be compiled and relayed to the board and community prior to board action being taken.
Unfinished Business
The next board meeting on the schedule is Monday, March 8, 2021. The March meeting is always scheduled by the previous year’s board during their March meeting. It is customary at the March meeting for the board to schedule their meetings for the next winter season. Then they review or reject the following which should have been submitted to the board for approval.
Dates for Good Neighbor Golf Tournament
Women's Club list with dates of ‘next season’ activities/events
Proposed dates for other golf activities
Mecca Henry moved the meeting be adjourned. Lenore Combs seconded the motion. It passed unanimously by those present at the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 2:58 PM.
Respectively submitted,
Beth Parrish
SEPO Board Secretary
List of SEPO Bank Accounts
Proposed Fiscal Policies
Proposed Board Backups

Thursday, February 25, 2021
Link to Virtual Google Meet Video
The SEPO Board meeting held on Feb 25, 2021 was Virtual, using Google Meet, and was recorded (except for the first seven minutes). HERE is the link to the recording, which everyone is welcome to view. The minutes from this meeting will be published within the next 3-4 days or sooner.
If you have any questions about or issues with viewing this video, let me know. (And yes - I have ANOTHER e-mail strictly for board issues. But I am still monitoring the rest of the SEPO Communication e-mails.)
Beth Parrish SEPO Board Secretary 314-960-6710
Thursday, February 25, 2021
1:30 PM, Virtual Google Meet Only
Because of Covid-19, only a Virtual Meeting will occur. Persons who wish to attend this meeting can do so by Clicking the following link beginning at 2:45 PM. Board members and SEPO residents will be connecting virtually, there will not be any physical meeting in Retzlaff Hall. This is a a new link for the Annual Meeting.
To join the video meeting, click HERE.
Call to Order.
Roll Call
Tony Tramel
Mecca Henry
Lyn Swonger
Jean Burgoine
Larry Keller
Lenore Combs
Beth Parrish
2. Verifiy the Agenda for this meeting was sent to the community via e-mail, posted on the Sunshine Web site and physically posted in both the SEPO Office and on the door to Retzlaff Hall.
3. Consideration / Adoption of any Amendments to the Posted Agenda for this meeting by Board Members.
4. Review and consideration of approving the February 16, 2021 Annual Meeting of Shareholders (below)
5. Review and consideration of approving the February 16, 2021 SEPO Board Meeting Minutes (below)
6. Reports of Officers:
Lyn Swonger - Golf Course
Jean Burgoine (Common Grounds/Maint. Area 1) SEPO Buildings
Larry Keller (Common Grounds/Maint. Area 2) Streets, Drainage & Irrigation Ditches, Texas Ave
Lenore Combs (Common Grounds/Maint. Area 3) Storage & Shop Area, Tennis/Shuffleboard
Mecca Henry - Treasurer - Financial Status / Reports
Beth Parrish - Secretary
Tony Tramel - President
7. New Business:
Tony - SEPO Board 101 Education Discussion
Mecca, Treasurer - Consider amending our Policy and Procedures to provide for a section noted as “Fiscal Policies.”
Tony - Assignment of two Directors to each director position, as Primary and a Secondary/Backup Position.
Tony - Consideration to survey residents and revisit prior decisions after compiling survey information on:
Reestablishing Cart/ Trail Fees, and
Potential to permit immediate family to play golf on our course in isolation, during Covid-19 restrictions.
Tony - Review of Policies, Bylaws, and Covenants and potential modifications. Authorizing the formation of a committee, selected by the President and Secretary, to review and recommend changes, if any, regarding the following:
Covenants, Bylaws, and Policies
Discussion of development of a 3-5-year capital improvement program.
Review of Sunshine Covid-19 Policies
Committee Heads will study the issues and report in writing their findings and recommendations to the Board within the next 60 days or less.
Lenore & Tony - Inventory of SEPO residents who have had vaccines and develop a program to help those who have not received their shots. Open discussion.
Tony - Discussion on the need to establish a formal means of addressing SEPO complaints and resolution of same.
Tony - Informational meetings, when are they held, before actions rather than after actions by the Board. The Board should hear resident concerns before any action.
Tony - Request each Board member to provide a list of items or issues that they feel the Board should examine in their role as Director and representing the Community.
8. Unfinished Business.
9. Adjournment
February 16, 2021 Unapproved Minutes of 2021 Annual Meeting of Shareholders (below)
February 16, 2021 Unapproved SEPO Board Meeting Minutes (below)
Tuesday, February 16, 2021
Link to Virtual Google Meet Video
Both the SEPO Annual Board meeting and the first Board meeting of the new 2021 board were held on Feb 16, 2021 starting at 3 PM and ending at 3:38 PM. These meetings were both Virtual using Google Meet and were recorded. HERE is the link to the recording which everyone is welcome to view. If you have any questions about or issues with viewing this video, let me know.
Beth Parrish SEPO Board Secretary 314-960-6710
Tuesday, February 16, 2021
Immediately after the 3:00 PM Annual Meeting of Shareholders
(Approved @ Feb 25, 2021 Board Meeting)
The 2021 Board convened their first board meeting immediately after the Feb 16, 2021 Annual Meeting of Shareholders was adjourned, using the same Google Meet login. The meeting was also recorded and can be viewed by clicking on this link:!ArA0fRIwdohig-41MMqsjpXS58wnHA. You can fast forward to the beginning of this meeting, which is approximately 27 minutes into the recording.
This meeting was moderated by Tony Tramel. He called the first meeting of the 2021 Board to order.
Role Call was taken. Tony Tramel, Mecca Henry, Beth Parrish, Lenore Combs, Jean Burgoine and Larry Keller were present. Lyn Swonger was absent, due to medical treatments.
Next Steps
Tony Tramel has put together a list of potential policy-related issues for consideration and assignment in the next year. The board will ultimately decide if these issues or any others need to be addressed during this time period. The initial list of items was in the Agenda (attached) but none were discussed at this meeting.
Election of Directors & 1st and 2nd Vice Presidents
The process to elect directors is to entertain a motion and vote on that motion. Larry Keller made the motion and Beth Parrish seconded it to nominate Tony Tramel for the position of President. The vote was unanimous from those board members present at the meeting. Tony accepted the position. The appropriate motions were made and unanimously accepted by those present at the meeting to nominate the remaining board members to the director positions listed below.
A discussion followed as to the 1st and 2nd Vice President (VP) positions. Mecca Henry stated that the President, Secretary and Treasurer could not hold either of these positions. The responsibility of a VP is to take over the responsibilities of the ranking officer(s) if that person(s) is unable to perform them. It was agreed we should have Lyn Swonger decide if he did or did not want to retain the title of 1st VP. Beth Parrish motioned that Lyn Swonger remain as 1st Vice President at this time. The vote was unanimously yes from those present at the meeting.
Lenore Combs made the motion and Mecca Henry seconded it to nominate Larry Keller as the 2nd VP. The vote was unanimous from those present at the meeting. Larry accepted the position.
The following is the result of the above motions and acceptances.
President: Tony Tramel
Secretary: Beth Parrish
Treasurer: Mecca Henry
Golf Course & 1st Vice President: Lyn Swonger
Includes Golf Course, Equipment, Irrigation Maintenance & Maintenance Area
Common Area 1: Jean Burgoine
Includes Offices & Lounge, Pavilion, Pool & Hot tub, Retzlaff Hall & Sunburst Building.
Common Area 2 & 2nd Vice President: Larry Keller
Includes Drainage and Irrigation Ditches, Streets and Grounds & Texas Ave.
Common Area 3: Lenore Combs
Includes ​Storage Lot & Woodshop, Shuffleboard Court & Tennis Court.
President Tony Tramel indicated he would like to see a backup director for each of the above positions. This will be a point of discussion in a subsequent board meeting.
Future Items for Board to Address
President Tony Tramel stated he would like to hold another board meeting within the next two weeks or less and he would like to talk about what is expected of a board. He referred to it as SEPO Board education 101.
It’s important for a board as a group to understand SEPO documents – what they say and don’t say.
We also need to discuss:
Issues dealing with the Covenants and how they are interpreted.
The formation of a committee (3-5 people) to actively look at SEPO’s primary documents carefully and make recommendations for consideration.
Each change, if any, has various specific requirements to make things happen, according to the Covenants themselves.
We will determine a day/date for the next board meeting and do it virtually – unless Covid-19 restrictions change by then. The community will be invited to listen.
Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes
Beth Parrish brought up the fact that the minutes from the Jan 5, 2021 Board meeting were not approved at the Annual Meeting of Shareholders. President Tony Tramel noted they had been published, so if there were no objections to this board, we could approve them as published. Beth Parrish motioned we approve the Jan 5, 2021 Board minutes as published. Mecca Henry seconded the motion. It passed unanimously by those present at the meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:38 PM.
Respectively submitted,
Beth Parrish
SEPO 2021 Board Secretary
Tuesday, February 16, 2021
Immediately after the 3:00 PM Annual Meeting of Shareholders
Virtual Google Meet Only
Because of Covid-19, only a Virtual Meeting will occur. Persons who wish to attend this meeting can do so by Clicking the following link beginning at 2:45 PM. Board members and SEPO residents will be connecting virtually, there will not be any physical meeting in Retzlaff Hall. This is a a new link for the Annual Meeting.
To join the video meeting, click HERE.
Please make your screen and microphone are available on your device by checking off the area shown on your screen to activate these features once connected. At the bottom of the screen, you will see a button noted as “Caption”, please turn this on so you might be able to see the text of words spoken by each person during the meeting.
Call to Order for New 2021 Board - Roll Call by the Secretary
Discussion about Area Assignments and Newly Elected 2021 Directors (Tramel)
Listing of potential policy related issues for consideration and assignment -
Consideration of having two Directors responsible for each area of assignment.
Advocate the use of surveys to seek input from SEPO residents before Board considers actions.
Review of Policies, Bylaws, and Covenants and potential modifications.
Development of a 3–5-year capital improvement program
Review of Covid-19 Polices,
Committee Heads selected to address selected policies.
3. Election of Officers: President, Secretary and Treasurer
4. Assignment of Multiple Areas by Other Directors and / or by Officers noted above
5. Schedule Next 2021 Virtual Board Meeting (SEPO Board 101 Education Presentation)
6. Other Unfinished Business
7. Adjournment
SEPO Annual Meeting of Shareholders Minutes (print from HERE)
Tuesday, February 16, 2021
3 PM, Virtual Google Meet Only
(Approved @ Feb 25, 2021 Board Meeting)
The Agenda for the meeting was provided and is below. This was the first ‘totally virtual’ meeting held by the board. Tony alerted everyone that the meeting was being recorded. The recording can be viewed/downloaded at this link:!ArA0fRIwdohig-41MMqsjpXS58wnHA
President Jim Kennedy asked if Chuck McEvoy, Elections Committee Chairman, was present, which he was. President Jim Kennedy then asked Chuck if we had a quorum in order to continue with the meeting. Chuck replied that we had a quorum.
The Annual Meeting of Shareholders was then called to order by President Jim Kennedy.
Role Call was taken. Jim Kennedy, Mecca Henry, Tony Tramel, Frank Tewell, Neil Morehead and Jerry Drost were present. Lyn Swonger was absent, due to medical treatments.
Election Results
President Jim Kennedy asked Chuck if he would present the election results. Chuck first thanked everyone who had worked on this election process with him. He thanked Valerie Basaldua and indicated she had become much more proficient with her computer skills since last year’s elections and was of extreme help to him. He also thanked Jim & Sue Clifton and his wife Vera who assisted him with mailing the ballots and subsequently counting them. He also thanked Cathy Chajec and Vic Hillman for helping with the vote counting.
Chuck indicated that 226 proxies were signed. We needed 157 for a quorum. 75% of the community voted. 25% did not. Chuck said this was one of the closest election results in terms of votes per candidate he could remember. The results were as follows:
Larry Keller (206)
Jean Burgoine (202)
Beth Parrish (202)
Lenore Combs (199)
Dana Weise (81)
President Jim Kennedy thanked Chuck for his hard work and told him how much he is appreciated for the tremendous amount of time he put into this voting process.
Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes
President Jim Kennedy asked for a motion to be made to approve the Feb 18, 2020 SEPO Annual Meeting of Shareholders Minutes that was posted in the office. Frank Tewell made a motion to accept the minutes that were posted. Mecca Henry seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Director Reports
Frank Tewell: Frank did not have a formal report but wanted to thank everyone for their support and helping him to maintain his area of responsibility (Common Area 1). Frank indicated: “the hottub is really hot right now if anyone wants to use it!” He said there were too many things that have been done to these common grounds to list them all here.
President Jim Kennedy thanked Frank for his hard work and indicated that Frank has stocked up on supplies, etc so the next person taking responsibility for these areas would have a head start.
Neil Morehead: Neil didn’t give a report during the meeting for Common Area 2, as he was unable to unmute his phone when asked during this virtual meeting.
Jerry Drost: Jerry indicated he had some ideas he wants to pass along to the next person responsible for Common Area 3.
Lyn Swonger: Jim Kennedy reported that Lyn, who is currently undergoing medical treatments, has done a marvelous job on the golf course this last year and was sure everyone appreciates all of his hard work.
Mecca Henry: Mecca thanked the board members for the work they have done in the past year. She has the final 2020 reports to send out and post on the Web site after the meeting. Mecca said the CPA did a wonderful job this year. The 2020 tax return is complete and we won’t have to restate the final numbers for 2020. We came in under budget. See Treasurer’s report after these minute for the details.
President Jim Kennedy thanked Mecca for the outstanding work she has done this past year.
Tony Tramel: Tony thanked everyone for their help and guidance in making the board meetings accessible (via virtual methods) to residents during this Covid-19 pandemic. He appreciates everyone reading the minutes and the fact we have gotten some things done even during this pandemic.
Jim Kennedy: Jim started off by saying – This has been quite a year. We started with Covid-19 and are ending with this cold snap. With the help of the community, we have not experienced a case of the virus within Sunshine – to his knowledge. We might be the only community in the RGV who can say that. He has received calls from residents thanking him for keeping them safe. He appreciated those calls. He challenged the new board to keep this up.
In Memoriam
Ladonna Harvey read the names of all residents (current and former) who had passed away since the previous Annual Meeting of Shareholders. There was a moment of silence observed between each name. Each of those names can be found on the Web site in the ‘In Memoriam” section.
New Directors: Swearing-In Ceremony
The newly elected directors were asked to turn their microphones on. President Jim Kennedy then read the “Oath of Office” which was repeated by the new directors. Jim Kennedy then thanked the new directors and informed them there were certificates for each of them in the office, as well as a binder for whomever was elected president of the next board.
Mecca Henry moved the meeting be adjourned. Tony Tramel seconded the motion. It passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 3:27 PM.
Respectively submitted,
Tony Tramel
SEPO Board Secretary
Agenda for Feb 16, 2021 Annual Meeting of Shareholders
Treasurers Report is below and can also be found here
Treasurers Report
February 16, 2021
For the year 2020 we came in under budget. There was a net profit of $ 6,915.67. All areas except for General Operations came in under Budget. The overages in that area were due to several things.
Payroll was over due to unbudgeted overtime.
Payroll taxes were over also due to overtime.
Property Taxes and depreciation expense was higher than budgeted but less than 2019.
The Golf Cart Paths cost $18,327.21. Of this amount $4,613.29 was expensed in the 2020 Profit and Loss. The remainder came out of fees collected in the past that were not spent on Cart Paths in the amount of $13,713.92.
We also purchased two golf carts for a total of $8,600.00. That amount was coded to Fixed Assets.
Our Interest Income is down for the year 2020 due to lower interest rates. All bank accounts are now at banks with local branches.
As of the end of 2020 the shareholder’s equity is $5,469.57 per Property. This is down slightly from 2019 which was $5,491.86.
Overall, we are in good financial shape with $529,378.85 in cash and no long-term debt.
If anyone has any questions, please let me know and I will be happy to answer them.
Mecca Henry
Tuesday, February 16, 2021
3:00 PM, Virtual Google Meet Only
Because of Covid-19, only a Virtual Meeting will occur. Persons who wish to attend this meeting can do so by Clicking the following link beginning at 2:45 PM. Board members and SEPO residents will be connecting virtually, there will not be any physical meeting in Retzlaff Hall. This is a a new link for the Annual Meeting.
To join the video meeting, click HERE.
Please make your screen and microphone are available on your device by checking off the area shown on your screen to activate these features once connected. At the bottom of the screen, you will see a button noted as “Caption”, please turn this on so you might be able to see the text of words spoken by each person during the meeting.
1) Call to Order.
Roll Call
Jim Kennedy
Mecca Henry
Lyn Swonger
Frank Tewell
Neil Morehead
Jerry Drost
Tony Tramel
2) Chuck McEvoy to provide 2021 SEPO Board Election Results.
3) Review Approved February 18, 2020 Annual Meeting minutes for reference purposes, (Copies of these approved minutes are attached - see below.)
4) Review and consideration of approving the minutes of the January 5, 2021. (Copies of unapproved minutes are attached - see below.)
5) Reports of Officers
Lyn Swonger - Golf Course
Frank Tewell (Common Grounds/Maint. Area 1) SEPO Buildings
Neil Morehead (Common Grounds/Maint. Area 2) Streets, Drainage Streets, Texas Ave
Jerry Drost (Common Grounds/Maint. Area 3) Storage & Shop Area Tennis /Shuffleboard
Mecca Henry - Treasurer - Financial Status / Reports
Tony Tramel - Secretary
Jim Kennedy - President
6) Memorial of residents we lost in 2020. Names to be read by Ladonna Harvey.
7) Unfinished Business.
8) Elected 2021 SEPO Board members swearing-in ceremony by President.
9) Adjournment of 2020 Board.
February 18, 2020 Approved Minutes of SEPO Annual Meeting (see below.)
January 5, 2021 Unapproved Minutes for Consideration of Approval (see below.)
'FROM' Tuesday, February 18, 2020
(Approved @ SEPO Annual Meeting of Shareholders on Feb 16, 2021)
Meeting was called to order by President, John Chajec at 1 p.m. John called upon Chuck McEvoy who declared a quorum was present. Meeting was recessed until 3 p.m.
John Chajec resumed the meeting at 3 p.m. We opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Chuck McEvoy was called upon to give the election results. John Chajec 226 votes; Lyn Swonger 173 votes; Mecca Henry 173 votes; Tony Tramel 194 votes; Ron Clark 149 votes. Chuck reported thirteen ballots could not be counted because they were not properly executed in the Proxy envelope.
John Chajec thanked Chuck and his committee for all their hard work.
John thanked Clint Wunderlich and Dick Shelton for their service on the board.
Tony Tramel and Mecca Henry both took the oath of office before the congregation.
The ACC reported that everything was in compliance with forms submitted.
Mark Owen – reported the 2019 books have been closed and paperwork has been sent to the accountant to prepare the tax return. Financials are posted outside Valerie’s office.
Frank Tewell - Click HERE for the report.
Jerry Utterback - Click HERE for the report.
Lyn Swonger - Click HERE for the report.
Board of directors voted on the purchase of a used gas golf cart to replace one of our older carts.
Ron Lawrence then presented the list of residents/former residents who have passed away in 2019. There were 21 names read.
Beth Parrish is making updates to the resident directory and website. Beth also reminded groups to have newsletter articles to her by the 24th for the March Newsletter.
Neighborhood Watch – Lenore Combs reported on her latest meeting with the residents and John Chajec present.
· The Vendor program was revisited and John explained the Board’s decision not to back this program as long as the gate remains open, garage and estate sales happen and anyone can drive through here during the day.
· It was also discussed about changing the codes on the doors to the buildings and having them different from the front gate code. Your input is requested.
Birding and Nature Club – Jean Burgoine reported on changes to TX Avenue as a result of the flood, overgrown trees, and the water feature and fence that is rotting away.
Jim Tennant reported on the Memorial Wall honoring both American and Canadian Veterans, Police, Firefighters and First Responders. You should see some progress on the wall very shortly. As Jim has about $621 invested in this project right now of his own money, he has some pledge slips available if anyone is interested in donating. Pledge slips can be gotten from Valerie. Also forms to be filled out can be turned in to Valerie, to be given to Jim.
Good Neighbor Tournament - Tony Tramel announced it was the 35th Anniversary year this year. 180 players signed up and it filled up fast! He will be chairing the event again next year.
Share Nelson announced the program on Saturday called “Remember When”. It will be held this Saturday evening and tickets are virtual and $5 each.
Jerry Utterback announced Lalo is repairing the fountain on the 9th hole lake and will then work on the fountain on
Meeting was adjourned at 3:44 p.m.
SEPO Board Minutes
Tuesday January 5, 2021
1:30 PM, Retzlaff Hall
(Approved @ first "2021 Board" Meeting on Feb 16, 2021)
The Agenda for the meeting was provided and follows. Due to some technical difficulties trying to get each Director connected with their cell phone and Google Meet, the meeting did not begin until 1:50 PM. President Jim Kennedy called for a roll call. All board members were present at the meeting which includes Jim Kennedy, Lyn Swonger, Frank Tewell, Mecca Henry, Neil Morehead, Jerry Drost and Tony Tramel. Also present in Retzlaff Hall at the meeting were Chuck McEvoy, Bill Peterson, and Dawn Rae Leonard.
A request was made to consider approving the minutes from the November 30 and December 14, 2020 Board meetings provided to each director by the Secretary via email on January 2, 2021 for their review and comment. Lyn Swonger and Frank Tewell indicated they did not get the minutes and obtained a copy from the Secretary.
After Lyn Swonger read the minutes provided to him at the meeting, a passionate discussion between he and Tony Tramel ensued regarding the words and their meaning and context in paragraph 4 in the December 14, 2020 minutes.
After this debate, a motion was made to approve the Board minutes for the dates of November 30 and December 14, 2020, by Mecca Henry and seconded by Tony Tramel. Those who voted to approve the motion were Tony Tramel, Mecca Henry, and Jerry Drost, those opposed were Lyn Swonger, Frank Tewell, and Neil Morehead, creating a 3-3 tie vote. President Kennedy voted because of the tie vote and to get these minutes off the table, and he voted affirmatively, meaning the minutes were approved as submitted / printed.
Reports of Officers
Mecca Henry, Treasure indicated the Board needs to approve the financial reports that have been posted for November. Mecca Henry indicated no board member had provided her any feedback from these published reports. Lyn Swonger moved to accept the reports prepared by the Treasure for the month of November. Tony Tramel seconded the motion, the vote was unanimous to approve.
Frank Tewell reported on work accomplished in his area. Jim Kennedy complemented Frank Tewell on his due diligence and made mention they were both at the office at 9:00 PM last night working on an issue.
Neil Morehead and Jerry Drost did not provide any new reports on their areas.
Lyn Swonger reported that golf course work was primarily related to maintenance right now. In the near future additional cement bags will be used to repair / replace deteriorating wall sections around the ponds on the course.
Nominating Committee
The Nominating Committee member, Bill Peterson, spoke and formally provided the following list of residents that were selected for the 2021 Board Election, where a total of 4 positions will be voted upon. Bill Peterson read from a statement to formally submit their list of candidates. He said, “Mr. President the Nominating Committee lists the following nominations for the Sunshine Estates HOA Board of Directors positions: Dana Weiss, Daniel Danks, Dawn Rae Leonard and William Peterson.” President Kennedy acknowledged the committee work with a “so received”, comment.
Lyn asked that we approve the nomination committee’s recommendations. Tony Tramel indicated he would like to note on the record that we acknowledge receipt of the list of nominations, rather than approving the nominees to ensure the Board is not approving any of the candidates. There was no objection to this modification. There was no vote taken on Lyn Swonger motion and or requested modification for the motion by Tony Tramel.
Election Committee
Chuck McEvoy has agreed to lead the election process for 2021, as he has done for several years. Chuck briefed the Board on the letter that will be sent to owners, and the need to follow the directions provided in the ballot information packet. For a ballot to count, the ballot envelope must be placed inside the SEPO envelope provided. Tony Tramel asked, “how will you decide which physical address the ballot envelopes will go to, if an owner has two mailing addresses? (i.e., they are not full-time residents).
Chuck indicated emails will be sent to those non full-time owners requesting them to advise where they want their ballot to be mailed. When asked - what about owners who have not provided email addresses, Chuck indicated it is a responsibility of the owner to provide their email to the office, for things like this.
He acknowledged that there may be a challenge in getting ballots to the Canadians in time for them to respond prior to the 1:00PM, February 16, 2021 deadline for receipt of ballots. He requested information of how to include the details for our “Google Meet” for our Annual Meeting in the proposed letter he provided. Tony Tramel has provided the Google Link for this meeting to him. Chuck indicated there are some slight differences than in the past. He will begin counting the ballots he has received prior to the 1:00 PM deadline, and if the ballots do not reach a quorum level, plus those who would be in our Google Meet, he will not report the findings of the vote tally. It therefore is important that everyone provides a ballot back to SEPO so you can be counted. The 51% or greater number of votes for a quorum, is included in our Bylaws. There are 306 total votes in SEPO, therefore, (306 x.51= 156.06), with the next whole number being 157 or more ballots must be received for there to be a quorum at our Annual Meeting.
Floor Nominations
President Kennedy, then advised that a table will be set up in the Pavilion to allow persons to “Nominate a Person from the Floor”, from 2:30-3:30 PM on January 5, 2021 by completing a form prepared for this use. Any nominations received at that time plus all other nominations will be passed onto Chuck McEvoy to process them to arrive at a final paper ballot for the 2021 Board election.
Other Business
Jerry Drost asked President Kennedy if we were going to petition the Cameron County Judge to allow us to have our business meeting, rather than be limited to only 10 persons? Jim Kennedy indicated the County judge has just recently issued a renewal on a maximum of 10 persons and also implemented a curfew. Jerry Drost indicated that Lenore Combs had said she could prepare the documents that would ask the Judges permission to have a business meeting in Retzlaff Hall with social distancing and masks. Jerry Drost again asked if we were going to make a request to the Judge? Lyn Swonger replied no we are not. Jerry Drost stated that is your opinion in response to Lyn Swonger. Jerry Drost asked if we could have an Annual Meeting with 3 people and the Board? We need to at least try to obtain permission for this business meeting. It was pointed out that the 10 max restriction is intended for social gatherings, and that permission for business-type meetings falls into a different category. Jim Kennedy indicated he would check it out with the Judge. Dawn Rae Leonard opined that the Judge will give us approval, however, we must complete the request form. Ms. Leonard provide a copy of the needed form to Jim Kennedy to proceed through the process.
It was concluded by the majority of member present after a vote on the issue, (Tony Tramel, Mecca Henry, Jerry Drost, Jim Kennedy voted yes, and Lyn Swonger, Frank Tewell, and Neil Morehead voted no), that this Board wants to proceed with applying to the Cameron County Judge’s Office for a permit to have our 2021 Annual Board Meeting on February 16, 2021 at 3:00 PM. This permit will identify limitations which will be imposed on the meeting, rather than be guided by the maximum of 10 persons. Jim Kennedy indicated he would take action to apply for said permit with the Cameron County Judge’s Office for our scheduled Annual Meeting.
Unfinished Business
The Board received a request from the Architecture Review Committee to approve David Fleiner as a member of this Architecture Committee as required by our Article V of our Covenants. Tony Tramel, moved to approve David Fleiner to the Architecture Review Committee, seconded by Frank Tewell, the vote was unanimous to approve the motion. David Fleiner has been appointed to the Architectural Committee.
No other business was identified, and Lyn Swonger moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Frank Tewell, unanimous vote to adjourn the meeting at 2:20 PM
Tony Tramel
Board Secretary
Agenda for 2021 01 05 Board Meeting (see below)
1:30 PM, Retzlaff Hall, Tuesday, January 5, 2021
General resident access into Retzlaff Hall and the Pavilion / Pool area for this meeting is restricted due to Covid-19 Restrictions.
Please note a special in person, “Nomination from the Floor”, event for 2021 SEPO Board Nominations is scheduled in the Pavilion area from 2:30-3:30 PM, on January 5, 2021. Residents can complete a form to nominate a SEPO resident for the 2021 Board of Directors election.
Alternately you can do this online prior to 5 PM on January 5, 2021, by clicking the following link to access the floor nomination form and follow the directions.
This meeting will be made available using Google Meet by clicking the following link beginning at 1:15 PM until 2:30PM on January 5, 2021:
If needed, o gain access on your Smart Device please use this code.
Please make your screen and microphone available on your device by checking off the area shown on your screen to activate these features once connected. At the bottom of the screen, you will see a button noted as “Caption”, please turn this on so you can see the words spoken by everyone during the meeting.
Call to Order.
Roll Call
Jim Kennedy
Mecca Henry
Lyn Swonger
Frank Tewell
Neil Morehead
Jerry Drost
Tony Tramel
Consideration / Adoption of any Amendments to Posted Agenda for meeting by Board Members
Review and consideration of approving the revised November 30th, 2020 and the December 14th, 2020 Board Meeting Minutes. Copies are attached.
Reports of Officers
a. Review and report from Mecca Henry, Treasure, preliminary year-end report, consideration to approve November Financial Reports, which have been posted and provided to residents, and other related issues on the 2020 SEPO Budget.
b. Consider approving a resolution acknowledging receipt of the Nominating Committee selection of candidates for the SEPO 2021 Board of Director election. Members of the Nominating committee will be in attendance to formally submit their candidates. Chuck McEvoy will also be in attendance who will be handling the election process itself.
c. The Board has scheduled an in-person “Nomination from the Floor” after the Board Meeting. The Board will accept Nominations by residents in person, at a table set up in the Pavilion area between 2:30 PM and 3:30 PM. Residents will be able to Nominate from the Floor by completing a form to complete this nomination process. Social distancing and masks will be required.
An alternate method of doing this online prior to 5 PM on January 5 can be accomplished by clicking HERE to go to the link and completing the form and hitting “submit”.
Unfinished Business
New business
Future Board Issues
Comments from the Public
November 30 Unapproved Revised SEPO Board Minutes
December 14 Unapproved SEPO Board Minute
3:00 PM, Retzlaff Hall, Monday, Dec 14, 2020
(APPROVED @ Jan 5, 2021 Meeting)
The Agenda for the meeting was provided and follows. Jim Kennedy called the Board meeting to order at 3:10 PM, December 14, 2020, and asked for a roll call. Those present at the meeting included Jim Kennedy, Lyn Swonger, Frank Tewell, Mecca Henry, Neil Morehead, Jerry Drost and Tony Tramel. Also present in Retzlaff Hall were David Fleiner, Daniel Danks, Bill Peterson, and Dawn Rae Leonard.
Jim Kennedy indicated the Board was here mostly to deal with the 2021 budget and asked Mecca Henry to report on the status of the budget. She reported that she had provided worksheets to various Board members and in the big picture we were out of balance with our anticipated revenues by approximately $6,000. Jim Kennedy asked if this is something that can be resolved by more cutback? Mecca indicated that is the more traditional solution, or the Board can decide to approve the budget being out of balance and anticipate reductions in 2021 spending that would make up for this amount in 2021.
Jim Kennedy then asked which Board members are in favor of proceeding with improvements to W Indiana Circle? In response, every Board member raised their hand indicating support to resolving the current conditions on W Indiana Circle. Jim Kennedy then announced that this response answers the question about Board support for this contemplated project for 2021.
Jim Kennedy then asked Tony Tramel to brief the members on the effort that has been expended to date, a status report, and the remaining steps needed to complete this anticipated reconstruction project of W Indiana Circle. Tony Tramel indicated that funding for this project or others is identified first. One then typically hires an engineering firm for roadway / drainage type projects. You then identify alternatives, prepare cost estimates, and present those alternatives to the Board for selection. Then detailed plans are prepared, proposed bids or proposals are solicited and evaluated while always considering available funding. Public and or neighborhood meetings are standard practice to keep them aware of the relevant design issues with a project of this type. The Board would accept one or more contractors and execute a contract, construction would begin, testing of materials and construction observation would be needed until the project is completed. Once a final inspection and certification of materials is provided, only then should a final check be paid to the selected contractor.
This sequential process can only be accomplished if there is a line item in our 2021 budget for W Indiana Circle. Our By-Laws require an adoption of an annual SEPO budget which includes anticipated expenditure for the next year. If there was no line item for W Indiana Circle in the 2021 Budget, the Board would not be able to move forward. Funding must be identified before the project can proceed. Without a line item in the 2021 budget, this Board would be kicking the can down the road to the next Board for the year 2022.
It should be noted the authors of our By-Laws clearly anticipated situations such as W Indiana Circle and others in Section 7.04 of our By-Laws which is reproduced as follows:
“Contingency (Reserve) Fund - All funds accumulating in this fund shall be used exclusively for the upkeep and repairs of the Streets and Water System, or the emergency replacement of buildings, located within the Subdivision as the Board of Directors deems necessary. Any exceptions will require the majority vote (51%) of the property owners.”
Tony Tramel indicated his best estimate of construction costs, engineering, construction inspections and testing and observations has been completed. This estimate is based on a review of detailed estimates of building materials / bid items used in roadway construction, and the proposed plan to reconstruct the curb and gutter and adjust driveways on the north side of W Indiana Circle to re-establish a proper water flow line to the drop inlet in the Cul-de-sac of W Indiana Circle. The total value of W Indiana Circle is projected to be in the order of magnitude of $65,000. There may be other alternatives that might cost less, and those should be evaluated during the engineering investigations and development of alternates for the 2021 Board’s consideration. Tony Tramel indicated he thought it would be prudent to identify W Indiana Circle as a line item in our 2021 Budget, with a note that this $65,000 would be earmarked as coming from our Contingency Reserve Fund in accordance with our By-Laws.
Frank Tewell indicated he liked putting the line item in the budget but not an amount of money identified for W Indiana Circle. Discussion then centered on what had happened previously regarding W Indiana Circle. Frank Tewell indicated a former Board member had received a bid to make some type of improvement for W Indiana Circle for approximately $32,000 and the budget amount was $30,000. Tony Tramel indicated he had not seen what was proposed at that time, and it would be like comparing apples with oranges, the scope was not the same, and Tony Tramel was unable to find any plan or drawings of the proposed improvement.
Lyn Swonger added that the Board member had obtained two bids for some work on W Indiana Circle, and because people on W Indiana Circle objected to the type of project proposed, the Board member destroyed all of the related documents regarding this project. Lyn also questioned the need for an engineer for a project of this type, since a contractor that does this all the time should know how to drain water downhill. Tony Tramel pointed out unless you have a set of drawings, and specifications, you cannot compare contractor A with contractor B as it pertains to the quality, quantity, and costs. If an engineer is not used, and we depend on a contractor alone, the solution offered by the contractor might not work. Use of a professional engineer assures SEPO that a plan provided must follow best engineering practices, as required by laws governing Professional Engineers.
Tony Tramel indicated with an engineer, alternates would be determined and presented, each with a projected cost to the Board and to W Indiana Circle residents. A determination would be made at that time regarding the scope of effort for the engineer to finalize a set of plans and specification for bidding purposes. Warren Clark had contacted Tony Tramel, and advised him in the last major street reconstruction, that until they hired an engineer, the Board at that time was unable to obtain bids and evaluate any type of proposed street improvement. He stated the key to success in that project was hiring an engineer, as they know how to prepare plans and specifications and how to obtain competitive bids.
Jim Kennedy summarized the budget issue in that he asked, “So what we are trying to do is put a monetary amount into our proposed budget for W Indiana Circle for next year so it can proceed to get implemented?”, which was confirmed by Tony Tramel.
Neil Morehead asked if we could put $5,000 into a line item to just do the study? Jim Kennedy pointed out that would not allow any implementation in 2021, and would not be enough funding, and we must be realistic to make this project happen. Jim Kennedy confirmed this would be a way to “get this project rolling”.
Tony Tramel indicated the Alternatives are simple. 1) If you want to get something underway / completed in 2021, you need to identify W Indiana Circle as a line item, and identify an amount of money for this project, and it is suggested that amount should be $65,000 and earmarked coming from our Contingency (Reserve) Fund. 2) Or alternatively, if the Board wishes to push this project down the road, the Board does not do any of those things identified in number 1.
Lyn Swonger indicated that he was all right with the project and agreed with it but must have the language returned to the Board for decisions. Lyn asked for the limits of the anticipated project, which were noted as the eastern most golf cart pathway to the drop inlet In the Cul-de-sac.
Jim Kennedy asked for someone to make a motion to add a line item to our proposed 2021 budget for W Indiana Circle. Frank Tewell inquired about how this budget line item and the continency fund are related. Mecca indicated that it would be in a line item with a note that the funds for W Indiana Circle are earmarked to come from the Contingency (Reserve) Fund.
Neil Morehead moved to put an W Indiana Circle line item in the budget and later decide how much money should be there. Discussion ensued that an amount of money must be identified if it is part of the budget. There was no second to Neil Morehead’s motion.
Tony Tramel, reluctantly, moved to include W Indiana Circle reconstruction in the 2021 budget and identify $65,000 as the amount for this project. This funding shall be earmarked as coming from the Continency Reserve Fund, just like our By-Laws indicate. Lyn Swonger seconded the motion. A vote was taken. Those voting for the motion were, Lyn Swonger, Neil Morehead, Jerry Drost, Mecca Henry, and Tony Tramel. Frank Tewell voted against. The motion was approved.
Mecca Henry presented budget documents to Board members, which included expenses exceeding revenues by $6,000. Mecca Henry advised our property tax expenses are now projected to be about $3,000 less than identified in the proposed budget. Therefore, the difference is reduced to only $3,000. Jim Kennedy noted that this Board and others have historically reduced their spending. Therefore, at the end of the year, funding transfers back into our cash accounts, i.e. money allocated for the various line items of the budget were not entirely spent, (which represent a net reduction in annual costs). Mecca Henry said that she will show the W Indiana Circle under a capital expenditure in the new budget because of its uniqueness. She also indicated the Contingency Reserves is associated with our Frost Money Market account which has approximately $100,000. Mecca discussed the reasoning for using this account as being the most rational approach.
Mecca Henry moved to accept the proposed Budget presented at the meeting, which included W Indiana Circle as a capital outlay. Tony Tramel seconded the motion. Those voting yes, were Mecca Henry, Tony Tramel, Lyn Swonger and Neil Morehead. Those opposed were Jerry Drost and Frank Tewell. The motion was approved.
Jim Kennedy asked if there was a motion regarding the minutes of the last Board meeting? Lyn Swonger moved to have the minutes read aloud at the meeting, which was seconded and approved.
Tony Tramel read from the copy of the unapproved minutes of November 30, 2020. During the reading, Tony Tramel noted an oversight regarding the date of the meeting in the first paragraph which was noted as needing to be correct.
Mecca moved to accept the minutes with the changes noted by Tony Tramel. During the discussion following the motion, there were comments made by Jim Kennedy.
Jim Kennedy indicated he and others felt there was some parts of the meeting that were not summarized in the minutes presented. Tony Tramel indicated that he had used a tape recorder for all minutes since he has been the Secretary. Unfortunately, due to a technical error on his part, he did not have the recording for the last meeting. Tony Tramel apologized to the Board members for that error and indicated he does not plan for it to occur again.
Jim Kennedy indicated he thought there was an obvious glaring omission in the minutes of the meeting. There was discussion about W Indiana Circle line item with $65,000 placed in the budget. Jim Kennedy stated that he recalls significant discussion about W Indiana Circle at this meeting, and there was additional information concerning Mecca Henry’s report on the budget which needs to be included in the minutes for the November 30, 2020 Board meeting.
Tony Tramel admitted his oversight regarding the issues that Jim Kennedy brought up. Tony Tramel indicated he would review his notes and refresh his memory and would provide an updated / revised set of minutes to each of the Board for them to review and provide their edits for consideration.
Members of the 2021 Board Nominating committee were acknowledged by Jim Kennedy. Jim Kennedy proceeded to acknowledge that due to COVID-19 restrictions some changes and adjustments from prior procedures needed to take place and he proposed the following to comply with our By-Laws.
The Nomination Committee should provide the listing of names they have determined who wish to be considered in running for a Board position.
This Nomination Committee listing should be provided before, Saturday, December 26th. After this list is provided the listing will be posted.
On Jan 5th, a Board Meeting is scheduled for 1:30 PM. At that time the Board will also accept “Nominations from the Floor” using the following technique:
After the Board meeting on Jan 5th, between 2:30 PM and 3:30 PM, Board members will accept nominations, normally referred to as” Being Nominated from the Floor”. Persons can make this type of nomination by filling out a form created for this purpose at an identified table set up in the pool Pavilion area.
All the names, from the Nomination Committee and those that were provided as a “Nomination from the Floor”, who have agreed to run for the Board, will then be posted on a SEPO Library / Office bulletin board for 10 days. After that time, the list will be taken down and paper ballots with those running for the Board will be prepared.
The actual election for the 2021 Board members will be Feb 16th, 2021. Chuck McEvoy has again agreed to manage the SEPO Board election process.
Mecca Henry noted that persons who will be running will need to prepare a brief resume / background information once they accept a nomination to run for the board.
Mecca Henry moved to accept the plan proposed by Jim Kennedy to proceed with the nomination process considering our restrictions with COVID-19. There was some additional discussion that indicated if a person who was unable to provide a nomination from the floor at the time and location noted above, that a nomination could be made via email. The details of who to send the email to and what address is yet to be resolved but will be prior to the date nominations are closed. Mecca Henry’s motion was approved unanimously.
Tony Tramel told Jim Kennedy that he was in receipt of a request to speak to the Board from Dawn Rae Leonard, and she indicated she wanted to speak on the Agenda item regarding Nomination Committee.
Dawn Rae Leonard was permitted to address the Board by Jim Kennedy for approximately 3 minutes. After she spoke, Jim Kennedy thanked her for her comments.
A motion was made and approved to adjourn the meeting at approximately 4:10 PM.
Tony Tramel
Board Secretary
Agenda for 2020 12 14 Board Meeting (see below)
Consideration to Approve Board Minutes Revised from November 30th, Ver2 (see minutes below)
3:00 PM, Retzlaff Hall, Monday, December 14, 2020
Maximum of 10 persons permitted in Retzlaff Hall due to Covid-19 Restrictions
(7 Board Members plus 3 Persons from Nominating Committee will be in attendance.)
Since this meeting attendance is limited to a Maximum of 10, no other residents would be permitted to be in Retzlaff Hall for the Board Meeting.
We will be again making this meeting available using Google Meet by Clicking the following link beginning at 2:45 PM until 3:00PM:
The above link should take you directly to the spot on your Smart Device (phone, computer or pad)
where you ‘ask to join’ the meeting.
If needed, please use this code to gain access.
Please make your screen and microphone available on your device by checking off the area shown on your screen to activate these features once connected. At the bottom of the screen, you will see a button noted as “Caption”, please turn this on so you might be able to see the text of words spoken by everyone during the meeting.
Call to Order.
Roll Call
Jim Kennedy
Mecca Henry
Lyn Swonger
Frank Tewell
Neil Morehead
Jerry Drost
Tony Tramel
Consideration / Adoption of any Amendments to Posted Agenda for the meeting by Board Members.
Review and consideration of approving the minutes of the November 24th Executive Session and November 30th, 2020 Board Meeting. (Copies of unapproved minutes are attached.)
Reports of Officers
a. Review and discussion on proposed 2021 SEPO Budget, and potential adoption of the 2021 SEPO Budget.
b. Nominating Committee discussion - Nomination Committee to submit Nominations a minimum of 10 days before established January 5th, 2021 Board meeting. The deadline to provide the nominations to the Board would therefore be prior to December 26, 2020.
Unfinished Business
New business
Future Board Issues
Comments from the Public
Proposed Minutes for consideration of adoption: (See below for Both sets of minutes)
November 24th, 2020 Executive Session Board Meeting Minutes
November 30th, 2020 Board Meeting Minutes
3:00 PM, Retzlaff Hall, Monday, Nov 30, 2020
(APPROVED @ Jan 5, 2021 Meeting)
The Agenda for the meeting was provided and follows. Jim Kennedy called the Board meeting to order at 3:00 PM, November 30, 2020, and asked for a roll call. Those present at the meeting included Jim Kennedy, Lyn Swonger, Frank Tewell, Mecca Henry, Neil Morehead, Jerry Drost and Tony Tramel. Also present in Retzlaff Hall was Patricia Wood and Dawn Rae Leonard.
It should be noted that this was a first attempt to have a “Google Meet” of this SEPO Board meeting and instructions were provided in the SEPO NEWS email notifying homeowners of this avenue to view / listen to the meeting live. At one time during the meeting there were some 42 persons who had connected to this meeting.
Jim Kennedy indicated he intended to skip around from the posted Agenda. The minutes from the July 20 and November 23rd Board Meeting were ultimately approved as submitted without a reading at the Board meeting.
Jim Kennedy indicated he wished for the Board to formally recognize the formation of a Nomination Committee chairman he had selected. It was noted that our By Laws require the Board to make that determination, not the President by himself and or in conjunction with other Board members. A motion was made by Tony Tramel, to accept Dana Wiess as the chairman of the Nominating Committee for Board members elected for 2021, it was seconded by Lyn Swonger. The motion passed with Tony Tramel and Mecca Henry voting no.
A Staff report was summarized by Tony Tramel concerning “Trail Fees”. A copy of this report is HERE. These are the fees collected for a permit to allow a golf cart to utilize the pathways on the golf course. They were initiated more than 10 years ago, and with the leadership of Lyn Swonger, a complete system concrete cart pathways were completed this year. Our Policy and Procedures dictate that these fees are to be used exclusively for the maintenance of the concrete pathways. The total fees collected approximate $3,000-$3,500 a year. Little maintenance is anticipated with the concrete pathways. The Board was presented with different policy options: 1) continue collecting the Trail Fees and the money would accumulate for future maintenance, 2) eliminate the fees in their entirely, or 3) expand the purpose of the fee collected to include but not limited to Trail fees shall be used for the construction/continued maintenance and repair of:
future/existing concrete golf cart pathways/trails,
water features on the golf course, including, but not limited to masonry walls of the golf course ponds and aeration pumps/fountains,
water irrigation and lighting improvements, and/or
landscaping improvements, all of which shall be within the limits of the golf course.
A proposed resolution for the 3rd scenario was provided to the Board. After discussion, the Board supported the option 2, “eliminate Trail Fees”, and to also refund any 2021 Trail Fees that had already been collected. HERE is Board Resolution 2020-02, which causes our Policy and Procedures to be amended by deleting paragraph 18 under Golf in its entirety effective November 30, 2020.
Mecca Henry provided copies of budget materials regarding each of the designated portion of the budget managed by Lyn Swonger, Neil Morehead, Frank Tewell, and Jerry Drost. Discussion ensued wherein it was determined that there was still a need to present a balanced budget based on revised revenue projections. Smaller revenues would be recognized in that the canceled Good Neighbor Golf Tournament would not be providing anticipated greens fees, there would no longer be Trail Fees, since the Board deleted those fees for 2021, and reduction in interest rates for our cash accounts, mean less revenue. Staff payroll increases approved by the Board for 2021 also contributed to the need to reduce expenses to match anticipated revenue. The Board had determined that no increase in HOA assessment would be considered for 2021. It was decided that Mecca Henry would reexamine the requests by each director, and hopefully a balanced budget would be able to be approved at our next Board Meeting, currently scheduled for December 14, 2020.
The Board considered modifying our COVID-19 restrictions which would allow “immediate family to play on our golf course, however with the restriction that the entire unit play in isolation.” Tony
Tramel moved to approve this action, and it was seconded by Mecca Henry. Discussion ensued and there was expressed concern this somehow would put SEPO residents at more risk. The move to approve was defeated, with Neil Morehead, Lyn Swonger, Frank Tewell, and Jim Kennedy voting no, to break a tie vote.
A second COVID-19 modification was also considered. A resident asked if we could develop a “Register” where a visitor was staying with resident say for month, after 2 weeks being here and self-quarantining, they would then be able to use SEPO facilities like our current residents do today. Tony Tramel moved to approve this modification, however, the proposed action failed unanimously, 6 to 0.
The net result to these two Board actions, results in no changes from our current COVID-19 restrictions.
A discussion ensued concerning the need to take action on reconstruction of Indiana Circle and other roadway improvements within SEPO properties. Tony Tramel had prepared a series of engineering concepts and sketches / documents related to Indiana Circle, identified areas where existing asphalt has deteriorated, (i.e., on the north side of Michigan Circle and on Iowa), and the potential of seal coating all or SEPO streets to preserve the pavement. Several questions were posed about how difficult it appears to find reliable and experienced contractors to do this type of work. Tony Tramel indicated he had provided a 20-page document, which had plans and detailed specifications, to 8 contractors, and only 1 has shown any interest. Once contractor indicated only if the project were more than $200, 000 would he even consider submitting a proposal / bid. The engineering documents provided to Board Members showed one alternate to resolve the water in the street issue. That alternate includes removing and reconstruction approximately 570 feet of curb and gutter on the north side of Indiana Circle in order to reestablish the proper / uniform gutter flow line, including having the driveway grades to match the proposed water flow line. Several board members continued to question the potential solution, scope, and/or the projected total cost of $65,000 of the presented proposal.
The Budget was presented for discussion. Both Jim Kennedy and Neil Moorehead asked the question about where the Indiana Circle budget of 65,00.00 came from. Neil pointed out that he had not added that to his budget. Mecca Henry noted that discussions earlier in the year had been that we would need to move ahead with Indiana Circle as it had been left out of this year’s budget. It was also noted that Traditionally that Director’s budget is where the project had been. Tony Tramel stated that he had given Mecca the budget amount. After much discussion Lyn Swonger moved that we do not approve the budget submitted. It was seconded by Fran Tewell. A vote was taken, and Jim Kennedy, Lyn Swonger, Frank Tewell, Neil Morehead, Jerry Drost and Tony Tramel voted yea, Mecca was the lone no. It was decided that Mecca would give all the budget sheets back to the Directors and they would look at what cuts they could make and return to Meccas to report at the next Board meeting in December.
After some heated discussion among Board members, it appeared there was little interest in pursuing Indiana Circle reconstruction from a majority of the Board Members. It is this authors opinion, the consensus of most of the Board members was that Indiana Circle reconstruction project should not be included in the proposed 2021 budget that was being summarized by Mecca Henry. This conclusion was reiterated verbally at the meeting, to make sure this was the position of the Board’s majority.
As part of a continued attempt to resolve roadway and drainage related issues on Indiana Circle, a resolution authoring the Board to engage a civil engineering firm, Brown, Leal, & Associates, a professional engineering company was considered. This would have permitted the development of alternative concept for Indiana Circle and assist SEPO in obtaining bid/contractors for needed roadway maintenance for Indiana Circle and other related roadway repairs. President Kennedy felt that he was uncomfortable with this hourly rate proposal. Tony Tramel, who prepared sketches and quantity of materials needed, has solicited feedback and pricing from 8 different roadway construction companies with only 1 company showing any interest, indicated we need professional help to move forward on this issue, and this would be the normal and appropriate way to move forward. This is as standard way one completes civil engineering type projects. You hire a professional engineering firm to prepare plans, obtain bids, review proposed contractors, inspect the work, and provide final inspection and material certification services.
A resolution authorizing the Board President to enter into a future hourly rate agreement with an engineering company for Indiana Circle, was voted upon. Those in favor were Mecca Henry and Tony Tramel with Jerry Drost abstaining. Those opposed included Neil Morehead, Lyn Swonger, and Frank Tewell, the motion therefore was defeated.
A proposed “Speaker Card” process was discussed for future Board Meetings, and it was concluded that some form of the draft Speaker Card would be made available. Board members were requested to provide comments / edits and Tony Tramel would compile the edits and report back to the board on a final draft for consideration of adoption by the Board. A copy of the Draft Speaker Card is HERE, for ease of reference.
Jim Kennedy asked if there were any speakers who had requested time during Public Comments. Ms. Patricia Wood indicated she wanted to speak to the Board. She spoke from a prepared statement. A copy of Patricia Woods words are HERE for reference.
A motion was made and accepted to adjourn the meeting at approximately 4:30 PM.
Tony Tramel
Board Secretary
3:00 PM, Retzlaff Hall, Monday, November 30, 2020
Maximum of 10 persons permitted in Retzlaff Hall due to Covid-19 Restrictions
(7 Board Members plus Nominating Committee Chairperson, plus 2 more persons. These 2 attendees will be filled on first come first serve basis. Please send email to to reserve 1 of the 2 seats available!)
We hope to make this meeting available using “Google Meet”.
To attend, click the following link starting at 2:45 PM for the 3:00 PM meeting:
If needed, please use this code to gain access on your Smart Device.
Please make your screen and microphone available on your device by checking off the area shown on your screen to activate these features once connected. Depending on the device you are attending on, you will either see a button at the bottom of the screen noted as “Caption” or you will need to click on the 3 dots on the bottom right side of your screen and turn “Caption” on. This will enable you to see the words spoken by everyone during the meeting.
Call to Order.
Roll Call
Jim Kennedy
Mecca Henry
Lyn Swonger
Frank Tewell
Neil Morehead
Jerry Drost
Tony Tramel
Consideration / Adoption of any Amendments to Posted Agenda for meeting by Board Members
Review and consideration of approving the July 20, 2020 and November 23, 2020 Board Meeting Minutes
Reports of Officers
Review and report from Mecca Henry, Treasure, on financials for 2020, and status of 2021 Budget, with potential “2021 Adoption Date(s)" by the Board
Deposition of “Trail Fees” for 2021, see Staff Report and Resolution 2020-3.
Formal approval of a Nominating Committee and discussion
Unfinished Business
New business
Resolution Authorizing the Board President to an hourly rate agreement not to exceed a maximum of $5,000 with Brown, Leal & Associates, a professional engineering company. This will permit the development of alternative concepts for Indiana Circle and they will assist in obtaining bids/contractors for needed roadway maintenance for Indiana Circle and other related repairs.
Consideration of Changes in Board Policy and Procedures / Covid-19 restrictions
Add section on formalizing Public Comment period and accepting related request form (see draft form HERE)
A proposed change to golf course use, to allow / permit “immediate family” to play on our golf course, providing the “immediate family group” isolates themselves when playing.
Consider use of a "Register” to document “14-day self-quarantine by visiting guests” at Sunshine Estates, and once they meet this criteria they would have same privileges/restrictions as Owner/Renters, concerning SEPO facilities (i.e. Use of golf course, pool and hot tub).
Future Board Issues
Nomination Committee to submit Nominations a minimum of 10 days before January Board meeting.
Required January 4-8th Meeting to Receive Nominations for Board Members, need to establish this date.
Comments from the Public
Attachments (refer to links above within this Agenda)
Tony Tramel
SEPO Board Secretary
3:00 PM, Retzlaff Hall, Tuesday, November 24, 2020
The above referenced meeting was called to order by Jim Kennedy. All Board members were present.
Compensation for employees were discussed, regarding holiday bonuses to be paid in the month of December, for the 5 SEPO employees. Lyn Swonger moved to provide each employee with a Holiday bonus which was comparable to prior year amounts, which was seconded by Neil Morehead. The motion passed with Mecca Henry voting no, and Jerry Drost abstaining.
Additionally, discussion also included hourly rate adjustments for each employee which would become effective with the 2021 Budget. Lyn Swonger proposed various adjustment / increases for each employee. Frank Tewell moved to make the various employee hourly rate adjustment suggested, and the motion was seconded by Neil Morehead. The motion passed with Mecca Henry voting no, and Jerry Drost abstaining.
Based on the direction of the Board, Mecca Henry would cause the direction of the Board to be implemented.
The meeting was adjourned at approximately 3:30PM.
Tony Tramel
Board Secretary
1:30 PM, Retzlaff Hall, Monday, Nov 23, 2020
(Approved November 30, 2020)
The following minutes from the November 23, 2020 SEPO Board Meeting were approved by the Board on November 30, 2020.
Tony Tramel
SEPO Board Secretary
The Agenda for the meeting was posted, published in SEPO Newsletter and provided to Board Members and is attached for ease of reference. Mecca Henry, Treasure placed at each Board members place copies of monthly financial reports as well as a first summation of 2021 budget numbers.
Based on the County Judges Covid-19 Orders, President Kennedy limited the meeting to 10 persons. With seven Board Members, only 3 others could be in Retzlaff Hall for the Board meeting. There was no formal process to “reserve the 3 available places” in Retzlaff. A note was posted on the door of Retzlaff Hall at 10:00 AM indicating that maximum capacity had been reached.
Persons present in Retzlaff Hall prior to the scheduled 1:30 meeting, besides the Board, included Lenore Combs, Dawn Rae Leonard, and Patricia Wood. Caroline Cochran also entered later but volunteered to leave once, it was determined that three non-Board persons were already in Retzlaff Hall. Dana Weiss was also present as he has assumed the role of the chairman of the Nomination Committee. The total number of persons in Retzlaff hall exceeded the maximum number of 10 persons. President Kennedy attempted to recruit one of three women to leave, since Dana Wiess was scheduled to be part of the Agenda. There was no agreement on that action.
Before calling the meeting to order, a strong discussion ensued between Board member Lyn Swonger and Patricia Wood, about rules related to speaking at Board meetings. Because of this somewhat heated discussion and a general inability to resolve limiting the number of non-Board members to 3 people, President Kennedy indicated that no meeting would be occurring today.
A motion was made by Tony Tramel, and seconded by Lyn Swonger to call the meeting to order, and to immediately adjourn the meeting and to schedule another Board meeting, to develop a plan where persons can attend the Board meeting, and establish a Board agreed-to method to resolve verbal conflict at or even prior to a Board meeting before the next Board meeting.
The motion passed, with Jerry Drost abstaining, and Mecca Henry voting no. Pursuant to this Board action, there was no business or actions taken at the subject meeting, and no replacement Board meeting has been identified on the day of the meeting. The Board meeting was opened and adjourned/closed at approximately 1:45 PM.
Tony Tramel
Board Secretary
1:30 PM, Retzlaff Hall, Monday, November 23, 2020
1:30PM, Retzlaff Hall
Maximum of only 10 persons can be permitted at meeting (7 Board Members plus 3 more)
Monday, November 23, 2020
Call to Order.
Roll Call
Jim Kennedy
Mecca Henry
Lyn Swonger
Frank Tewell
Neil Morehead
Jerry Drost
Tony Tramel
Consideration / Adoption of any Amendments to Posted Agenda for meeting by Board Members
Review and consideration of approving the July 20, 2020 Board Meeting Minutes (posted HERE)
Reports of Officers
Review and report from Mecca Henry, Treasure, on financials for 2020, and status of 2021 Budget, with potential “2021 Adoption Date(s) by the Board
Deposition of “Trail Fees” for 2021, see Staff Report and Resolution 2020-02.
Formal approval of a Nominating Committee and discussion
Unfinished Business
New business
Resolution Authorizing the Board President to an hourly rate agreement not to exceed a maximum of $5,000 with Brown, Leal & Associates, a professional engineering company. This will permit the development of alternative concepts for Indiana Circle and they will assist in obtaining bids/contractors for needed roadway maintenance for Indiana Circle and other related repairs.
Consideration of Changes in Board Policy and Procedures / Covid-19 restrictions
Add section on formalizing Public Comment period and accepting related request form (see draft form HERE)
A proposed change to golf course use, to allow / permit “immediate family” to play on our golf course, providing the “immediate family group” isolates themselves when playing.
Consider use of a Register” to document “14-day self-quarantined by visiting guests” at Sun Shine Estates, and once they meet this criteria they would have same privileges/restrictions as Owner/Renters, concerning SEPO facilities (i.e. Use of golf course, pool and hot tub).
Future Board Issues
Nomination Committee to submit Nominations a minimum of 10 days before January Board meeting.
Required January 4-8th Meeting to Receive Nominations for Board Members, need to establish this date.
Comments from the Public
Move into Executive Session to Discuss Personnel Related Matters
Close Executive Session
Reconvene Regular Meeting
Attachments (refer to links above within this Agenda)
Tony Tramel
SEPO Board Secretary
Friday, Oct 16, 2020
Greetings- A quick report as to what is happening in our Community
The Nominating Committee is progressing very nicely. Dana Weiss will be heading the Committee and may be reached at 775-470-9057 by phone or text. We thank Dana for his help and if you would like to help him or volunteer to be considered a member of the Board, please reach out to him, it would be much appreciated!!
Visited with Frank this morning, The folks from the gate company met with him this AM and we are still at the mercy of the manufacturer because they are not making any parts at this time. Not only can we not get the part from any where in the US, there is not a new gate available in the whole country. This is due to the virus and the plants are closed.
Frank also mentioned that there will be some painting of gutters done around the office area next week. He does keep the buildings looking sharp.
Thanks and Stay Safe.
Jim Kennedy
SEPO Board President
Monday, Oct 12, 2020
Residents of Sunshine Country Club Estates
Normally we have a scheduled Board Meeting in October and that date would have been Monday the 12th. But as you know, these are far from normal times. After visiting with some Board Members, it has been decided to postpone this meeting till a later date. There was nothing pressing at this time to warrant putting on an agenda.
Things have been progressing smoothly and things that do pop up can be handled internally.
Frank and Neil have been working on getting the front gate fixed. It has been a struggle getting the necessary electronic part to repair the gate and right now we are at the mercy of the manufacturer, who is, because of the virus, slowing production on these parts. We are also checking on the feasibility of purchasing a new gate.
Frank is keeping the pool and office area running very well. He and his helpers are painting and maintaining so things look great.
Lyn has been busy as usual with the golf course. The cart paths are all poured and look impressive. Course is in beautiful shape!!
Thank you everyone for your patience and understanding through these strange and difficult times. All of our guidelines such as: Residents Only!!, Retzlaff Hall remaining closed, masks, distancing and no groups larger than 10 are asked for our Residence. Please stay safe everyone!!!!
Jim Kennedy SEPO President