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 SEPO Board Election Committee 

 For 2024 SEPO Board Election 

Sunshine Estates Property Owners, Inc., (SEPO)

governs Sunshine Country Club Estates (SCCE).

(The following information is presented in reverse chronological order.)

Election Committee Activity for 2024 Election


Additional information specific to the 2024 SEPO Board Candidates can be found HERE.

Additional information specific to the 2024 SEPO Ballots can be found HERE.

Sent 2024-02-15: 2024 SEPO Election: GENTLE REMINDER RE: VOTING - 

GENTLE REMINDER - Voting for 2024 Election:

  • The absolute deadline is 1 PM next Tuesday, Feb 20.

  • Put completed ballots in the envelope marked Ballot Envelope.

  • Ballot Envelope goes inside ‘Attendance Proxy’ envelope.

  • 'Attendance Proxy' envelope goes in the Ballot Box in the office.

  • Don’t bring ballots into the hall for the 1 PM meeting on the 20th.

It’s critical if you don’t sign the ‘attendance proxy’, you need to come early (starting at 12:30 PM) to the 1 PM Tuesday meeting on the 20th to ‘check in’ in order to be included in the QUORUM number. 156 is required for a quorum.

I and and two Election Committee members will be doing ‘early’ proxy counting this Friday, Feb 16, at 1 PM. The more ballots submitted prior to then, the less time it will take to determine if we have a quorum at 1 PM on the 20th.


Please call w/questions, etc.

Beth Parrish,     2024 SEPO Board Election Committee Chairperson

Email:   314-960-6710

Sent via Email 2024-02-07: REMINDER: SEPO Election Voting - 

I wanted to remind everyone that your ballots for the 2024 SEPO Election (1 for Board members and 3 for SEPO Covenants) are due to be deposited in the Ballot Box in front of the SEPO Office or mailed to the SEPO Office by 1 PM on Tuesday, Feb 20, 2024, AT THE ABSOLUTE LATEST


At that time another member of the committee and I will be determining if we have a quorum. A quorum is defined as the majority of the votes of the homeowners who are signed in as present at the 1 PM mtg that day along with the signed ‘Attendance’ proxies.

If you haven't voted yet and still have any questions about the ballots, please contact one of your Board Members. Also, the recording from the Jan 23 'Meet & Greet' session, where lots of great questions were answered, is also available here:


PLEASE NOTE: If you DO NOT vote, it's a NO vote.

Beth Parrish

2024 Board Election Committee Chairperson



2024-02 NEWSLETTER - 

Election Committee (Chairperson - 2024 Election)

We had a successful Ballot Packet pickup in the Library. Of 306 ballots, 138 we not picked up. I would like to thank all who remembered to make an effort to save the committee time and SEPO the mailing fees. Any Ballot Packets not picked up were mailed on Wednesday, Jan 17, 2024. So, look for them in your mailbox soon, if you haven’t received them already.


We had a great “Meet & Greet" session on Jan 23, 2024. You can access the audio recording here:


  1. The Board Candidates introduced themselves and told us why they are running for the Board. Then they answered residents’ questions. I personally want to thank all of them for stepping up. I know my time on the Board was very rewarding and I LEARNED A LOT.

  2. The proposed Covenants ballots were explained by Share Nelson (president) with input from other Board members, followed by many great questions from residents.

  3. I explained and answered questions about the actual voting process and the various documents contained in the Ballot Packets.

  4. Then we ate goodies provided by the Women's Club.


Ballots must be turned in no later than 1:00 PM on Tuesday, February 20, 2024. The Ballot Box is in front of the SEPO office. And to emphasize - If you do not turn in your vote, it will be counted as a ‘disapprove/no’ vote.


My heartfelt thanks to everyone.

- Beth Parrish, Election Committee Chairperson

Sent via SEPO Enews on 2024-01-25: 2024 SEPO Election: Depositing your Ballots into the Box - 

When you take your ballot envelope to the Office/Library building to vote, please ensure you place it in the slot on top of the 'locked' ballot box that is sitting in front of Valerie's office.


Ballot envelopes have been found pushed under Valerie's office plexiglass window and even deposited in the slot located just above the 'suggestion box', which you can see in the picture below. A Board member even found one that had been shoved under the Office door and just lying on the floor.


And yes, the Ballot Box was in it's current position when the envelopes mentioned above were found. Please respect the SEPO Election rules.


Call me with questions at any time.

- Beth Parrish,     2024 Board Election Committee Chairperson

Email:   314-960-6710

Sent via SEPO Enews on 2024-01-23: REMINDER: Meet & Greet Session - 

This is a reminder of the 'Meet and Greet' tomorrow, Tuesday, Jan 23, @ 1 PM in Retzlaff Hall.


This will give you the opportunity to meet and ask any questions of your Board member candidates. Several current Board members will also be in attendance to answer any and all questions you may have concerning the proposed Covenants ballot changes and/or the election in general. And, of course, I'll be there. 😁


The Women's Club will be providing cookies and drinks.


Please get your questions formulated and plan to attend this session so you may be as well informed as possible BEFORE you complete your ballots.


You can contact me any time with questions about this upcoming session. See you there.


Beth Parrish

2024 Board Election Committee Chairperson



Sent via SEPO Enews on 2024-01-24: 2024 SEPO Election: Audio Recording from "Meet & Greet" - 

Technology bit us in the 'you know what' yesterday. We thought we were recording the "Meet & Greet" session via Google Meet, but have not received anything from Google. And I'm betting we don't.


For my own benefit, I had turned on my tape recorder. Although you may hear some paper rustling in the background, I think for the most part, this will provide valuable information to those who could not attend the session yesterday. And to those who did, it can be a refresher.


Here's another kicker - darn it. I didn't look down to see my recorder wasn't on until after the three candidates had introduced themselves. I so totally apologize for missing that section.


The recording does start:

  1. When I opened the session up to questions to the Board candidates.

  2. That was followed by an explanation of the three ballots by the Board, followed by lots of very good questions.

  3. Then I spoke and also answered questions about the ballot / voting processes themselves. Again, lots of great questions were asked.


And we munched on sweets provide by the Women's Club throughout the entire event. Yum.


You can access the audio recording here:


The file is very large, so please be patient when listening to it, as I had to store it in an area I don't normally use. If you have any questions, either with the technology or the election, please don't hesitate to contact me.


Beth Parrish

2024 Board Election Committee Chairperson



Sent via SEPO Enews on 2024-01-18: 2024 SEPO ELECTION: 'MEET & GREET" - 

The remaining Ballot Packets not physically picked up were taken to the Post Office this morning.

As you were previously informed (on Jan 10) the next step in the election process is to hold a 'Meet and Greet' session in Retzlaff Hall. The day/time has been set and is next Tuesday, Jan 23, @ 1 PM in Retzlaff Hall.

This will give you the opportunity to meet and ask any questions of your Board member candidates. Several current Board members will also be in attendance to answer any and all questions you may have concerning the proposed Covenants ballot changes and/or the election in general. And, of course, I'll be there. 😁

The Women's Club will be providing cookies and drinks.

Please get your questions formulated and plan to attend this session so you may be as well informed as possible BEFORE you complete your ballots.


You can contact me any time with questions about this upcoming session. See you there.

- Beth Parrish     2024 Board Election Committee Chairperson

Email:   314-960-6710

Sent via SEPO Enews on 2024-01-15: 2024 Election Status - 

The day and time for the "Meet & Greet" session has been finalized. It will be next Tuesday, Jan 23 @ 1 PM in Retzlaff Hall. This is your opportunity to meet and ask questions of the Candidates and also to have the ballots fully explained to you. And the Women's Club is providing cookies and drinks for us. We hope to see lots of you attend.


Ballot Packet status is:

  • All ballot packets not picked up in the Library today by noon will be stamped on Tuesday afternoon and mailed Wednesday morning.

  • The Ballot Box will be set out in front of the SEPO Office at 8:15 AM Thursday.


- Beth Parrish     2024 Board Election Committee Chairperson

Email:   314-960-6710

Sent via SEPO Enews on 2024-01-15: FINAL REMINDER (Time Sensitive) - TODAY IS THE FINAL DAY - 2024 Election Ballots: Physical Pickup in Library - 

The information below is TIME SENSITIVE.


I know it's cold, but TODAY IS THE LAST DAY you will be able to come to the Library from 10 AM to 12 NOON and physically pick up your 2024 Election ballot packets.


Mailing these packets is not cheap. The more packets picked up, the more of your SEPO dollars are saved. We still have around 200 packets that weren't picked up on Saturday. Our hope is to see lots of you picking up your ballot packets today.


The Homeowner is the only person (no exceptions) who may pick up the materials. The homeowner must:

  1. Provide proof of identity (drivers license, etc).

  2. Sign for the materials to verify "pickup".


This will be followed by the chairperson or a member of the Election Committee co-signing.


When you enter the library you will see signs of each Sunshine street hanging on the book shelves. Find your street and see the person in front of that sign who will be handing out the packets for your street.

Any ballots not picked up by NOON today, Monday, January 15, will need to be stamped and taken to the Post Office to be mailed to your Sunshine address (unless you previously requested it be mailed to a different address).


Each packet contains the Board of Directors ballot and three Covenants ballots. It also contains 'voting instructions' and other pertinent information you will need to complete and submit your ballots by the absolute deadline of Tuesday, Feb 20, 2024 at 1 PM.


At least two SEPO Board members will be present today to answer any questions you may have regarding the process or ballot contents.


Please contact me at any time if you have any questions about any of the above. Bundle up and I'll see you in the Library in a few hours.

Beth Parrish

2024 Board Election Committee Chairperson



Sent via SEPO Enews on 2024-01-13: (Currently Happening) REMINDER - 2024 Election Ballots: Physical Pickup in Library - 

Your Election Committee team is currently in the Library with the SEPO Election ballot packets just waiting for you to come and pick yours up.


Thanks to all of you who have been in already.

The Homeowner is the only person (no exceptions) who may pick up the materials. The homeowner must:

  1. Provide proof of identity (drivers license, etc).

  2. Sign for the materials to verify "pickup".


This will be followed by the chairperson or a member of the Election Committee co-signing.


Mailing these packets at the Post Office is not a cheap undertaking. So the more packets picked up the more of your SEPO dollars are saved.


We hope to see lots more of you picking up your ballot packets.

Beth Parrish

2024 Board Election Committee Chairperson



Sent via SEPO Enews on 2024-01-12: REMINDER (Time Sensitive) - 2024 Election Ballots: Physical Pickup in Library - 

The Election Committee team completed the preparation of your 2024 SEPO Election ballot packets in record time and we are ready for distribution to Homeowners.


The information below is TIME SENSITIVE.

You will be able to come to the Library and physically pick up your 2024 Election ballot packets again this year. Each packet contains the Board of Directors ballot and three Covenants ballots. It also contains 'voting instructions' and other pertinent information you will need to complete and submit your ballots by the absolute deadline of Tuesday, Feb 20, 2024 at 1 PM.


You may physically pick up your ballots IN THE LIBRARY on: 

  • Saturday - January 13, 2024, 12 noon - 2 PM

  • Monday - January 15, 2024, 10 AM - 12 noon.

The Homeowner is the only person (no exceptions) who may pick up the materials. The homeowner must:

  1. Provide proof of identity (drivers license, etc).

  2. Sign for the materials to verify "pickup".


This will be followed by the chairperson or a member of the Election Committee co-signing.


The committee has organized the envelopes numerically by Street. So look for the table that has the Sign showing your Street.

At least two SEPO Board members will be present each day to assist with any questions you may have regarding the process or ballot contents.


Any ballots not picked up by Monday, January 15, at noon will be taken to the Post Office the next day and mailed to your Sunshine address (unless you previously requested it be mailed to a different address).


Mailing these packets at the Post Office is not a cheap undertaking. So the more packets picked up Sat and Mon the more of your SEPO dollars are saved. We hope to see lots of you picking up your ballot packets.


Please contact me at any time if you have any questions about any of the above. See you in the Library

Beth Parrish

2024 Board Election Committee Chairperson







The next step in the election process is to hold a 'Meet and Greet & Informational' session in Retzlaff Hall sometime a few days after the ballots are mailed. I'm still working on the logistics of this session and will notify everyone as soon as the day / time has been decided.


This will give you the opportunity to meet and ask any questions of your Board member candidates and also to get any questions answered you may have concerning the proposed Covenants ballot changes.


The Women's Club has agreed to participate again this year. And you know what that means - there may be goodies involved! (No promises though.)

Please get your questions formulated and plan to attend this session so you may be as well informed as possible BEFORE you complete your ballots.


You can contact me any time with questions about this upcoming session.


Beth Parrish

2024 Board Election Committee Chairperson



Sent via SEPO E-News 2024-01-10: 2024 Election Ballots: Save the Dates(s) - Physical Pickup in Library - 

The information below is dependent upon the Election Committee completing all of the Ballot Envelope preparation by end of day this Thursday, which I don't anticipate will be a problem. You will be notified immediately if anything stated below changes.


This information is TIME SENSITIVE.

Please mark the following Days & Times in your Calendar that you will be able to come to the Library and physically pick up your 2024 Election Ballot envelopes. Each envelope contains the Board of Directors Ballot and three Covenants ballots. It also contains 'voting instructions' and other pertinent information you will need to complete and submit your ballots by the absolute deadline of Tuesday, Feb 20, 2024 at 1 PM.


The plan is for you to be able to physically pick up your ballots on: 

  • Saturday - January 13, 2024, 12 noon - 2 PM

  • Monday - January 15, 2024, 10 AM - 12 noon.

The Homeowner is the only person (no exceptions) who may pick up the materials. The homeowner must:

  1. Provide proof of identity.

  2. Sign for the materials to verify "pickup".


This will be followed by the chairperson or a member of the Election Committee co-signing.

The plan is to have one or more SEPO Board members present to assist with any questions you may have regarding the process or ballot contents.


Any ballots not picked up by Monday, January 15, at noon will be taken to the Post Office the same or next day and mailed to your Sunshine address (unless you previously requested it be mailed to a different address).


We hope to see lots of you picking up your ballots.


Please contact me at any time if you have any questions about any of the above.

Beth Parrish

2024 Board Election Committee Chairperson



Sent via SEPO E-News 2024-01-06: All Things 2024 SEPO Election - 

Knowing there's been LOTS of emails distributed to the community these last few weeks concerning the upcoming SEPO Election, today I finally compiled all of that info and now have it displayed on the Sunshine website HERE.

Please use this as you 'reference' to all things SEPO Election.


Call me with any issues (i.e. with links on the various pages) or if you just have questions.


I can reply this year as both the Election Committee chairperson and/or the Sunshine website manager. 😁

Beth Parrish

SEPO Web site Admin



Sent via SEPO E-News 2024-01-06: SEPO Election 2024 Ballots: Approved for Distribution - 

Your SEPO Board of Directors has been reviewing our governing documents (Covenants and Bylaws) to ensure they are in accordance with TX law.

There are also three (3) ballots pertaining to Covenants the Board has been discussing and agreed will benefit our community. All Board members present at the "Residents & Directors" meeting on Jan 4, 2024, agreed that Homeowners should have the opportunity to vote on these three ballots for the Feb 20, 2024 election.


The three Covenants ballots are currently available for you to review on the Sunshine Website HERE.

You received notification earlier today of the list of SEPO Board Candidates. This ballot (shown HERE) will also be included in your Ballot packet.

The Election Committee is currently working to prepare your Ballot packets. Those Homeowners who prefer to physically pick them up, rather than receiving them in the mail, will have the opportunity to do so early the week of Jan 14. Watch for details in upcoming SEPO emails. All ballots not picked up will be mailed to Homeowners sometime between Jan 16 and Jan 19, 2024.




The Board is currently working with the Election Committee to hold a "Meet & Greet your Board" session sometime very soon after the Ballot packets have gone out. This will be an opportunity for you to get to know your Board Candidates better and to also ask any Ballot (both Board & Covenants) questions you may have. After this session, it's possible there may be an additional Informational meeting for education purposes to answer Homeowner questions. Again, watch for SEPO emails about these sessions.


Please feel free at any time before these meetings to contact any of your current Board members and/or the Election Committee chairperson.

SEPO Board

Beth Parrish: 2024 Election Committee Chairperson

Sent via SEPO E-News 2024-01-06: SEPO 2024 Election: List of Candidates Posted - 


Sent via SEPO E-News 2024-01-05: 

SEPO Office Closure, Monday afternoon, Jan 8 2024 - 

If you go to the SEPO office next Monday afternoon, Jan 8, 2024 and the curtain is pulled closed, that indicates the office is closed to all traffic, except emergencies. This will enable Valerie and the Election Committee to work uninterrupted to create the SEPO 2024 Election ballot packets for the community. Thanks to the everyone for your understanding.

- Share Nelson,     SEPO Board President

Sent via SEPO E-News 2024-01-02:  REMINDER-NEED VERIFICATION by noon, Jan 4, 2024: Directories in preparation for sending 2024 SEPO Election Ballots -  

First off - I want to thank all of you who have already replied to this email from last week (around 33%). Although that's a good number, now that the holidays are behind us, I'm hoping this reminder motivates more of you to reply by the deadline (this Thu @ noon).


FYI - The directory below is still the 'old' one. I'm meeting tomorrow with one of my committee members to compile all of the replies so far in order to update the directory.


Thanks again.



From: SEPO Community - 2024 Election Committee <
Sent: Friday, December 29, 2023 6:27 AM
Subject: NEED VERIFICATION by noon, Jan 4, 2024: Directories in preparation for sending 2024 SEPO Election Ballots

Hi I'm Beth Parrish. I am the Chairperson for the 2024 SEPO Election Committee. The SEPO Directory sorted by Name has been updated and can be viewed by clicking HERE.

If all goes according to plan, I would like to have the Ballot Envelopes ready for distribution sometime between Jan 10 and Jan 12, if not sooner. To ensure you receive your ballot envelope timely in order for you to return everything to the Office by 1 PM (at the absolute latest) on Feb 20, 2024, please return your answers to the following TWO QUESTIONS by noon, Jan 4, 2024.

  1. Will you please verify that both your Sunshine address AND your Away address (if you have one) are correct. Please reply 'yes' or 'no' to this item. If 'no' to either or both, please supply the correct information.

  2. Please let the committee know if you WANT YOUR BALLOT MAILED TO YOUR SUNSHINE or AWAY ADDRESS.

Please send your reply to the TWO QUESTIONS above by sending an email to HERE.

Thanks again for helping out the committee by supplying this information timely.
- Beth Parrish (2024 SEPO Election Committee Chairperson)

 Sent via SEPO E-News 2023-12-29: NEED VERIFICATION by noon, Jan 4, 2024: Directories in preparation for sending 2024 SEPO Election Ballots - 

Hi I'm Beth Parrish. I am the Chairperson for the 2024 SEPO Election Committee. The SEPO Directory sorted by Name has been updated and can be viewed by clicking HERE.

If all goes according to plan, I would like to have the Ballot Envelopes ready for distribution sometime between Jan 10 and Jan 12, if not sooner. To ensure you receive your ballot envelope timely in order for you to return everything to the Office by 1 PM (at the absolute latest) on Feb 20, 2024, please return your answers to the following TWO QUESTIONS by noon, Jan 4, 2024.

  1. Will you please verify that both your Sunshine address AND your Away address (if you have one) are correct. Please reply 'yes' or 'no' to this item. If 'no' to either or both, please supply the correct information.

  2. Please let the committee know if you WANT YOUR BALLOT MAILED TO YOUR SUNSHINE or AWAY ADDRESS.

Please send your reply to the TWO QUESTIONS above by sending an email to HERE.

Thanks again for helping out the committee by supplying this information timely.
- Beth Parrish (2024 SEPO Election Committee Chairperson)


 Sent via SEPO E-News 2023-12-21: 2024 SEPO Election Committee Announcements - 

Hi Everyone - I figure this week you are well into the Christmas spirit and the last thing you want to think about is 'volunteering' to work on a committee. However, this is exactly the time of year that SEPO Election Committees get into gear.


If you attended the Dec 19 Special Board Meeting or have viewed the video of this meeting, you are aware that I have volunteered to be the 2024 SEPO Election Committee chairperson and the Board voted unanimously to appoint me to that position.

I have already been working on some of the upfront committee tasks. I have updated the Election Committee Guidebook, thanks to a collaborated effort of both myself and your SEPO Board President, Share Nelson. It is almost ready to present to the entire Board for their approval.


I'm also working on a Project Plan of all of the tasks - from the smallest of small to the largest of large - that need to be performed between now and when I turn over the tallied vote count to the Board at the Feb 20 Annual Shareholders Meeting.


So the next 'large' task for me to accomplish is to fill seats (so to speak) on the committee. I currently have five volunteers, some of which can only help part-time. I'm looking for 10-15 (and possibly more) people to do a variety of tasks, the largest of them being "Stuffing the Ballot Envelopes" sometime around Jan 14-15 AND "Counting Votes" between the 1 pm and 3 pm meetings on Feb 20.


If you think you might be interested at all in helping me out, give me a call to discuss. If I don't get enough volunteers in the next few days, I'm going to start cold-calling. Wouldn't you rather volunteer before hearing me beg on the phone. 😁


Thanks in advance for your consideration of this matter.


Happy Holidays !!!

Beth Parrish

2024 Board Election Committee Chairperson




Election Committee Process Guide (APPROVED)
Board Nominating & Election Committees Index


Office: (956) 425-1420

FAX: (956) 425-1420


1957 W Michigan Dr

Harlingen, TX 78550

Information in this site is authorized by

Sunshine Estates Property Owners Association (SEPO) and its residents.

©2025 by Sunshine Country Club Estates

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