Sunshine Country Club Estates
SEPO Community Emails: October 2024
Sent 2024-10-31: WC Chili Cook Off -
t's that exciting time of year once more! Join us on Saturday, November 9th, for The Women’s Club second annual Chili Cook-Off fundraising event in the Hall! We can't wait to find out who will be crowned this season's chili champion!
Make sure to stop by the Library starting this Thursday, October 31st, to signup if you’re looking to compete with your chili. We’ll also have a separate signup sheet for those who want to bring cornbread.
Doors will open at 3:30 PM on the 9th for our chili chefs and cornbread bakers, with general admission starting at 4 PM. We’re thrilled to announce that the Harlingen Fire Department will be returning to judge the chili this year!
We’ll be awarding prizes for the overall chili champion, second and third places, as well as the wackiest chili!
Tickets will be available for five dollars at the entrance on the day of the event. We'll provide all the condiments, plus coffee, tea, and water— please BYOB. We will be selling Fat Boy ice cream sandwiches for $2 and will have a share the wealth!
After the competition, we have some fun games and fantastic music lined up. We can't wait to see you there!
- Women’s Club Board (event co chairs)

Sent 2024-10-31: MARKET: Sunshine Home For Rent -
See the home at 4128 N Missouri Street, owned by Veronica Resendiz, that is for rent on the Sunshine MARKET.
​- Veronica C. Resendiz, Cell: 956.245.9922
Sent 2024-10-30: WC Halloween Party times -
Halloween Party Fun …. our committee met and we’ve got LOTS of FUN lined up and benefits go towards Women’s club projects for our SEPO community. sooooo
Line up for decorated golf cart contest EARLIER 3:30 in front of the office.
5:30 Costume Contest begins Surprise Judge will be there for contests.
Ticket sales sign up Deadline by Tomorrow October 30 6:00 pm.
Library Food Drive Truck wrapping up parade to help SONshine Ministries. Please have your food donations ready to load in Rich and Cindy Hulswit’s truck
Heavy rain cancels golf cart parade, but food drive should be fine and picked up regardless.
- Pam Adams & Sandy Lowe (Event Co-Chairs)
Sent 2024-10-29: VIDEO: Board Mtg (Spec) Oct 29, 2024 -
The video from the Oct. 29, 2024 Special Board meeting is now available for viewing on the Sunshine Web site HERE and directly from this link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MnhApyaYTtFhHHNe6J_5pH-I16Ewdbp-/view?usp=drive_link. Please contact Beth Parrish with any technical issues/questions. Please contact Scott Kronshage with any Board-related issues/questions.
- Scott Kronshage (by Beth Parrish), SEPO Board Secretary
Sent 2024-10-28: WC Casino Night: Meeting Reminder -
Hello All - Casino Night meeting tomorrow after the Board Meeting - about 2:30pm.This is the first meeting to get things setup for Casino Night. Please come so we can start planning this season’s Casino Night.
Thank You,
- Vicky LeRoy Krueger
Sent 2024-10-27: Woodshop Orientation Class: Tuesday Oct 29th 7 pm in the woodshop -
Woodshop Orientation Class Tuesday Oct 29th 7 pm in the woodshop.
This class is a requirement for using the woodshop.
A one time attendance is required.
The shop will be closed during the class.
Call John Chajec 708-280-8940 with any questions.
Sent 2024-10-27: Weed spraying -
To the community - Lalo will be spraying weed killer on Texas Avenue and the Minnesota ditch Monday. So if the grass is wet remember to wipe off your pets feet after they exercise. - Tom Perrier, Director Area 2
Sent 2024-10-27: MARKET, Home For Sale -
See the home at 4325 N Missouri St, owned by Michael Robertson, that is for sale on the Sunshine MARKET HERE.
​Marketed By: Cindy Shriver, Broker, Dream Valley Properties, LLC 956-970-0449
Sent 2024-10-26: AGENDA for BOARD Meeting (Special) on Tue, Oct 29, 2024 @ Noon -
The Agenda for the Board Meeting (Special) at 1 PM on Tuesday, Oct 29, 2024 is posted on the Sunshine website HERE. Valerie has posted a paper copy in her office, on the poolside door into Retzlaff Hall and by the mailboxes.
- Jim Kennedy, SEPO Board President
FYI - You can always view the list of Dates/Times/Type of Board Meetings on the Sunshine Website HERE.
- Beth Parrish, SEPO Website Admin Email: sunshinecountryclubweb@gmail.com 314-960-6710
Sent 2024-10-26: PLEASE READ CAREFULLY: Men's Golf League 2024-2025 Kickoff -
At the post tournament men’s golf league meeting last spring, the members voted unanimously to change the signup system and fee structure for men’s golf for the coming season. The changes approved are as follows:
Elimination of the advance sign-up. Members will show up to play at either the 8:30 am launch or the 10:15 am launch. Fifteen (15) minutes before each tee time, a ball with the player’s name will be drawn for hole assignment. Golfers arriving less than 15 minutes before tee time will not be assigned to a team for that tee time. Early players who arrive late can return to play at 10:15 am. Second shift players who arrive late will need to wait until the following week to play.
The fee structure has also changed. Gone is the requirement to pay $1.00 per week and a $20 membership fee. It has been replaced with a membership fee of $40.00 which covers weekly play, tournament costs and administrative costs (ink, paper, etc). Cash only will be accepted for payment.
In order to have your golf ball (supplied by Matt Lyne) placed in the case for player eligibility each golfer must pay his $40.00 membership fee before playing.
The first date for 2024-2025 season is November 5, 2024. In order to accommodate players who wish to play on November 5, Matt Lyne and Jerry Wetherbee will be available to collect membership fees from 7:30 am to 8:00 am, and from 9:30 am to 10:00 am. Alternatively, if you wish to pay early you may drop your $40.00 off with either Matt or Jerry prior to the November 5 start date.
If you have questions about this, contact Matt Lyne at 308-870-1423 or Jerry Wetherbee at 425-418-3345.
- Jerry Wetherbee / Matt Lyne
Sent 2024-10-25: SUNSHINE NEWSLETTER: Nov 2024 -
Here's your Nov 2024 Sunshine Newsletter. Thanks to everyone who contributed. You can view/print a copy of it from HERE or On the Sunshine website HERE. Valerie will be placing copies in the library area on Monday.
Beth Parrish SEPO Newsletter Mgr E-Mail: seponewsletter@gmail.com 314-960-6710
Sent 2024-10-25: MARKET: Home For Sale - Price Lowered -
The selling price for the home at 4236 N Minnesota Street has been lowered. See details on the Sunshine MARKET.
Marketed By: Cindy Shriver/Broker, Dream Valley Properties, LLC 956-970-0449
Sent 2024-10-25: UNAPPROVED: WC - Minutes from 2024-10-18 -
The 'UNAPPROVED' minutes from the Women's Club meeting on Friday, Oct 18, 2024 are available on the Sunshine website HERE. - Lisa Perrier, WC Secretary
Sent 2024-10-24: WC Halloween Party: More Details -
Wellllll….get ready for more FUN!!!! October 31 Halloween costume PARTY Fun! Costumes encouraged but not required.
Decorate your Golf cart for the parade and see who wins a FUN prize. Meet in front of the office at 4.
SONshine ministry food blessing drive will be leading, so please share and have ready to load the truck when the parade passes your home.
After that ….. Have fun with the tunnel of FUN in the entry to the party by the Tennis Courts.
Please bring your FUN scary finger food dish to share.
Virtual tickets sold only by signup sheet and money envelopes in the library for only $7 each.
Proceeds benefit the Women’s Club projects for your beautiful community!
DJ Randy will wrap up the FuN with dance dance dance!!!
Check out the FUN contests below.
- Pam Adams & Sandy Lowe (Co-Chairs): From SEPO Facebook

SEPO FB: 2024-10-23 -
Karaoke in the Hall this Friday. Doors open at 4:30. If you’ve never been, you should come check it out. Remember, you don’t have to sing. Come see the talent in our community and maybe even dance a little. Bring a snack if you want, but it’s not required. It’s a great chance to hang out with your friends and neighbors. We hope to see you there. - Randy Davis (SEPO Facebook)
Sent 2024-10-22: APPROVED: WC - Minutes from 2024-03-15 -
The minutes from the Women's Club meeting on Friday, Mar 15, 2024 were approved at the Friday, Oct 18, 2024 meeting. These minutes are available on the Sunshine website HERE.
- Lisa Perrier, Women's Club Secretary
Sent 2024-10-22: Name Tag Pickup -
Name Tags Are Available for pickup in the Office. See the list of names HERE.
- Valerie Basaldua, Office Manager, 956-425-1420
Sent 2024-10-22: WC Halloween Parade: Food Drive -
There will be a food drive during the Halloween parade. These items will be donated to SONshine Ministries. All items are welcome but here some of the things that they could use the most:
Rice, beans, maseca, Spicy ramen noodels, Candy for the kids (nothing that melts), Cookies, Pasta, Chicken bullion, canned tomatoes, canned meat (tuna, spam and chicken).
- Rich Hulswit (from SEPO Facebook)
Sent 2024-10-22: WC Halloween Party -
Hi Funshine friends,
Our next good time party will be October 31, and the information is on the flyer below. Ticket signup and envelopes will be in the library beginning the 21st of October.
I did want to let you know as well, costumes aren't required to join the fun. They're encouraged for added fun, but don't let that stop you from an entertaining evening.
Thanks to all and look forward to another great time together.
I'll also be reminding you from our Official Facebook page.
Pam Adams, and Sandy Lowe, Co-Chairs

Sent 2024-10-21: SONshine ministries: Toys for Kids -
SONshine ministries requested SEPO to sponsor a class of children from one of the Mexican schools for a Christmas gift drive. This was discussed in the Women's Club meeting last Friday and it was agreed that we would support it. There is a table setup in the library where you can participate in this effort if you choose to.
Each tag on the tree has the name of a child, whether they are a girl or a boy and their age. You take a tag, put your name on the list and then purchase a gift of not more than $20. Do not wrap the gifts, just attach the tag to the gift. Then put the gift in the box under the table.
I know this seems early in the year, but the deadline for this drive is November 23.
Lenore will also be doing a separate drive at a later time for toys for the Police department and the Marines.
Any questions can be directed to Rich Hulswit at (701) 566-1257.
Thank you and God Bless.
- Cindy Hulswit

Sent 2024-10-20: Karaoke -
It’s karaoke time! Friday, October 25, in the Hall. Doors open at 4:30, and singing will begin at 5pm. Come encourage your friends and neighbors as they show off their skills. Plus, plenty of dancing. Bring a snack if you want, but as always, it’s not about the food. Phillip and Patricia Lay are always a hoot to have with us. Phillip has much better equipment than I do, and we’ll be trying it out. We hope to see you there .
- Randy Davis (SEPO Facebook)
Sent 2024-10-20: Chili Cook Off November 9th -
Hi neighbors! Mark your calendars! We're excited to announce our second annual chili cookoff taking place in our Hall on Saturday, November 9, kicking off at 4 PM. Stay tuned for more information, including a signup sheet for chili competitors, and cornbread bakers! Sincerely,
- Woman’s Club Board/co chairs
​Sent 2024-10-01: Women’s Club logo contest -
Hi ladies! For those of you who are interested in submitting a logo idea for our women’s club logo Contest, please have your submission ready for our first meeting on Friday, October 18th At 9 AM.
Please arrive at the Hall by 8:45 AM to set up your submission. We will vote during the meeting and discuss the possibility of utilizing the logo all season!
We are looking forward to seeing everyone soon!
- Pam Davis, Women’s Club President
WINNER: Anita Smith with her Prize


Sent 2024-10-17: Women’s Club Mtg Reminder -
Reminder: Women’s Club meeting Friday Oct 18th 9:00 a.m Retzlaff Hall
See you tomorrow for our first Women’s Club meeting of the season. Don’t forget your name tags!
- Lisa Perrier, Women’s Club Secretary
Sent 2024-10-17: REMINDER: NOV 2024 Newsletter Articles Due by End of Day OCT 24, 2024 -
Here's your first reminder that next month's Newsletter articles are due by end of day on the 24th of this month. They should be submitted to seponewsletter@gmail.com.
This is a super way to get the word out about upcoming activities. Even if you don't have all of the information finalized by the Newsletter deadline, at least put 'what you do know so far' or even just a 'Save the Date' sentence in the Newsletter.
It's also a perfect opportunity to recap past events and/or thank those who helped you with prior events/activities.
The Newsletter Guidelines are posted on the Web site HERE.
Prior Newsletters, which you can use as examples, can be found HERE.
Please call with questions.
- Beth Parrish, SEPO Newsletter Editor Email: seponewsletter@gmail.com 314-960-6710
Sent 20224-10-16: Speed Limits -
Hi to all SEPO residents!
People are starting to make their way back into the SEPO community and with that, traffic is picking up and I’m getting complaints on speeders.
The speed limit in Sunshine is 20 mph and I encourage everyone to go slower than that.
We are a senior community with lots of people walking, riding bikes and golf carts out on the streets.
So please slow down and ask your guests to do so.
Thank you and welcome back!
- Tom Perrier , Director Area 2
Sent 2024-10-15: WC: Halloween Party -
The other day we cooked up some MAJOR fun and surprises for the Halloween Party! October 31st.
Golf cart parade dressed to SCARE up creative fun. 4 pm meet in front of the office and look for some scary prisoners to lead you into FUN parade.
In front of the parade….Non perishable FOOD DRIVE on the way to share the love and fun. Have your bags/boxes ready to share.
Then…. back to the hall for some surprises you’ll love, with costume contest, food contest for most creative spooky finger food. Bring what you like to drink and fun food to share.
A scary host will guide/help you thru thru the scary tunnel entrance to the hall to find your name on the virtual ticket list. $7 a ticket virtual list in the library soon. Only virtual pre-signup tickets will be sold, so don’t wait.
Proceeds go toward our Sunshine Country Club community projects.
Then…..cut loose for a spooktatular DJ party to wrap up the FUN!!!
These girls know how to bring the FUN!!!!
- Pam Adams & Sandy Lowe (Event Co-Chairs)
Sent 2024-10-15: Oktoberfest this Wednesday at 4 PM -
Guten Tag Nachbarn!
Thank you to everyone who signed up for the Women’s Club Oktoberfest event! it is shaping up to be a great time this Wednesday starting at 4 PM! If you have purchased your tickets, you will enter through the pool area (Biergarten). There, you will check in for the event and receive a ticket. You may enjoy free beer, share the wealth, hammerschlagen and beer mug holding games for prizes! (weather permitting).
At 5 PM, we will enter the hall for a wonderful German meal (coffee, tea and condiments provided) best dressed, best beer stein, best yodeling and best polka dancing fun! We will continue with share the wealth throughout the evening! After the polka fun, we will play regular music and dance the night away!
Please feel free to call me with any questions or concerns. We are looking forward to seeing everyone Wednesday!
- Pam Davis 214-516-4844, Women’s Club President/ Event Chair
Sent 2024-10-13: SEPO Enews Mgr availability -
It's that time of year again. I just wanted to let everyone know that I will only be able to send SEPO emails in the evenings this coming Tue thru Thu. However, If you know of anything you will need sent during this time, and can send it to me prior to then, I can queue it to send automatically when you need it sent.
Thanks for your understanding as I make my way back south for the winter.
Beth Parrish, SEPO Enews Email Mgr Email: sepoenews@sunshinecountryclub.com 314-960-6710
Sent 2024-10-13: MARKET: Home For Sale -
See the home at 2008 W Iowa Avenue, owned by Suzzane Gustafson, that is for sale on the Sunshine MARKET. Suzzane Gustafson
Sent 2024-10-13: Volunteering for Women's Club events -
Hello neighbors!
- As more of you come back down to paradise, better known as Sunshine Country Club Estates, I'd like to remind everyone to stop by the library and check out all the upcoming events for this season; we are still in need of chair people for a couple of them. Even though the Women's Club meetings are for any woman that lives here, the Women's Club events are for EVERYONE. We really appreciate all the women and those few men out there that give of their time to volunteer for these events, but it sure would be wonderful to see more men come out and give of their time as well. It's always a fun time. I'm looking forward to seeing you all and working along beside you to make this another successful year!
- Jill Ventrello, Women's Club Activity Director
Sent 2024-10-12: Oktoberfest Signup Ending Soon! -
Hi neighbors!
- Oktoberfest ticket sales are ending soon. Be sure to swing by the Library to purchase your tickets! The event is this Wednesday, October 16th.
- We will start in the Biergarten (pavilion) at 4PM for free beer, share the wealth and games (with prizes). We will enter the Hall at 5PM for food, contests (with prizes), share the wealth and entertainment!. It’s a real deal at only $12 per person! See poster below sent on Oct. 6.
- Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns, thank you!
- Pam Davis 214-516-4844, Women’s Club President / Event Chairperson
Sent 2024-10-11: Women’s Club meeting -
Reminder: Women’s Club meeting October 18th 9:00 a.m. Retzlaff Hall.
We look forward to seeing both current and new women at the meeting.
We’ll have apple fritters and refreshments.
If you have not submitted your logo for the Women’s Club, please bring to the meeting.
Also, remember to wear your name tag for a chance to win a prize.
See you there! - Lisa Perrier , Women’s Club Secretary
Sent 2024-10-10: O'Clockers Golf Scramble: Time Change -
O’clockers golf scramble will be moving to 5:00 on Sunday October 13th.
Meet beside shuffleboard court at 4:45 for team assignments.
Open to all golfers in our community. There is no charge. Just a fun time for players.
- Donna Myers
Sent 2024-10-10: MARKET: Home For Sale - Price Lowered -
The selling price for the home at 4344 N Missouri Street has been lowered. See details on the Sunshine MARKET.
Jennifer Martinez for more information
Sent 2024-10-08: VIDEO: Residents' Mtg, Oct 8, 2024 -
The video from the Oct 8, 2024 Residents' Meeting is now available for viewing on the Sunshine Web site HERE and directly from this link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LQfjjeDTHm_dqXzoTDm7RGGITyVdSFMR/view?usp=sharing
Please contact Scott with any issues/questions about the meeting.
Please contact Beth for any technical issues with watching the video.
Scott Kronshage (by Beth Parrish)
SEPO Board Secretary
Sent 2024-10-08: VIDEO Link Updated: Board Mtg (Reg) Oct 7, 2024 -
This is Beth Parrish:
FYI - The Video recording of the Oct 7 Board meeting is now located where I couldn't get it to upload to yesterday. See the updated links below.
The video from the Oct. 7, 2024 Regular Board meeting is now available for viewing on the Sunshine Web site HERE and directly from this link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-T27WSRMBG5AD_GQAoUdHzoLSESItQcz/view?usp=sharing
Please contact Beth Parrish @ 314-960-6710 or sunshinecountryclubweb@gmail.com with any issues/questions.
Scott Kronshage (by Beth Parrish)
SEPO Board Secretary
Sent 2024-10-07: Calling All Dogs and Cats too! -
Hey Everyone,
Sandra Delaunay will be coming to the Estates on Thursday, October 10th, 2024, to take care of your pet's nails. She will be starting at 1:30 p.m. The cost is ten dollars per pet.
Please text or call Sandra and she will schedule your appointment. Sandra's number is 956-226-9919. Sandra will come to your home.
- Marian Young, 719-468-4556
We are having the first SCCE Fishing Association meeting of the 2024/2025 season at Retzlaff Hall at 6:00 PM on Wed, Oct 9. Our speaker will be Captain Ryan Falls a guide for fishing, hunts and has an air boat. We have lots of plans for this season. Come and get involved and give us your ideas. The meetings are held on the second Wednesday of the month. If you have any questions call president Bill Peterson (309) 945-2108.
- Bill Peterson
Sent 2024-10-06: WC: Oktoberfest - Are You Ready !! -
Are you ready?!? The BIG Oktoberfest event is happening soon (October 16th)!
Tickets are available for sale now in the Library. It’s easy to sign up. Simply write your information on a provided envelop with cash or check, place it into the locked box, write your name and number of people in your party on the sign up sheet and check the paid box.
We are so excited for this event! There will be games, prizes and FREE BEER!! (While supplies last).
Sign up soon because this event will sell quickly.
- Pam Davis 214-516-4844
Women’s Club President / Event Chairperson

Sent 2024-10-05: Thank You (WC: Sunshine Health Fair) -
Thank you to everyone who attended our very first annual Sunshine Health Fair. It was a huge success!
I personally want to thank the wonderful committee who made today run so smoothly. Bev McIntosh, Liz Deitrick, Heidi Dill, Margo Crouch, Lisa/Tom Perrier, Randy Davis, Pam Lacy, John/Lenore Combs and Irene Phillips! You all rock!!
Also, our vendors were wonderful and would be grateful for the opportunity to come again. We are looking forward to providing more healthcare events in the future. Thank you for your participation!
- Pam Davis
Woman’s Club President/ Chairperson
Sent 2024-10-03: UNAPPROVED: SEPO Financials, 2024-09 (September) -
The UNAPPROVED September 2024 SEPO Financials are posted on the Sunshine Website HERE. If anyone has any questions, feel free to email them to sepotreasurer@gmail.com.
- Tracy Wagner, Treasurer for Sunshine Estates Property Owners, Inc., sepotreasurer@gmail.com
Sent 2024-10-01: MARKET: Home For Sale (Updated w/Pictures) -
See the pictures that have been added for the home at 4344 N Missouri St, owned by Margo & Bobby Crouch, that is for sale on the Sunshine MARKET.
Jennifer Martinez for more information
Sent 2024-10-01: Women’s Club logo contest -
Hi ladies! For those of you who are interested in submitting a logo idea for our women’s club logo Contest, please have your submission ready for our first meeting on Friday, October 18th At 9 AM.
Please arrive at the Hall by 8:45 AM to set up your submission. We will vote during the meeting and discuss the possibility of utilizing the logo all season!
We are looking forward to seeing everyone soon!
- Pam Davis, Women’s Club President