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SEPO Community Emails: January 2024

Sent 2024-01-25: Casino Night - Bakers - 

Reminder to all bakers and to anyone else who would like to donate, please have your dessert bars or cookies to the kitchen by 9:30 am this Friday, Feb. 2nd. If bringing bars - DO NOT CUT! Please line your pan with parchment paper and label your pan with your first and last name. Remember the bars need to be finger food so please make accordingly. If any questions please call Vickie Jones at 262-689-7068. Thanks to all of you!

Sent 2024-01-28: WC Minutes: 2023-12-15 (Approved) & 2024-01-19 (Unapproved) - 

The 'APPROVED' minutes from the Women's Club meeting on Friday, Dec 15, 2023 and the 'UNAPPROVED' minutes from the Women's Club meeting on Friday, Jan 19, 2024 available on the Sunshine website HERE.

- Karen Baase,     WC Secretary

Sent 2024-012-26: CORRECTED-SUNSHINE NEWSLETTER: Feb 2024 - 

Yesterday the Feb 2024 Sunshine Newsletter was hot off the press. Today the Corrected Newsletter is available. I'm glad to know folks are reading it, but in my haste to get it out this month and the fact that I used last year's Feb Newsletter as my starting point, I reported some event dates incorrectly. I have updated everything and highlighted the fixes in YELLOW. It can be found at the links below. If you have questions about any of the information in this Newsletter, please contact the person who wrote the article.

You can view/print a copy of the revised document directly from HERE or on the website HERE. Thanks so much for helping me 'get the word out' accurately!

- Beth Parrish,     SEPO Newsletter Mgr   Email:    314-960-6710

Sent 2024-01-25: last Pool Update - 

Pool Update: Water temp as of 9:00 am was 86 degrees.    Good to go.   Enjoy!!!

- Jim Kennedy,     SEPO Board


Sent 202401-25: SUNSHINE NEWSLETTER: Feb 2024 - 

This Feb 2024 Sunshine Newsletter is hot off the press with the latest and greatest (LAG) Sunshine News & Notes. Be sure to read it as there is great info in it concerning your 2024 SEPO Election Ballots and the multitude of great activities coming up. Thanks to everyone who contributed. If you have questions about any of the information in this Newsletter, please contact the person who wrote the article.

You can view/print a copy of it on the website HERE. I will be placing a Master Copy of this Newsletter in the library sometime today and Valerie will make copies for anyone who wishes to read it from paper. Thanks so much all for helping to 'get the word out'.

- Beth Parrish,     SEPO Newsletter Mgr   Email:    314-960-6710

Sent 2024-01-25: 2024 SEPO Election: Depositing your Ballots into the Box - 

When you take your ballot envelope to the Office/Library building to vote, please ensure you place it in the slot on top of the 'locked' ballot box that is sitting in front of Valerie's office.


Ballot envelopes have been found pushed under Valerie's office plexiglass window and even deposited in the slot located just above the 'suggestion box', which you can see in the picture below. A Board member even found one that had been shoved under the Office door and just lying on the floor.


And yes, the Ballot Box was in it's current position when the envelopes mentioned above were found. Please respect the SEPO Election rules.


Call me with questions at any time.

- Beth Parrish,     2024 Board Election Committee Chairperson

Email:   314-960-6710

Sent 2024-01-25: NW-CERT: Minutes, Jan 15, 2024 - 

Please take the time to read the minutes from our meeting on Jan 15, which can be found HERE.
-- Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276,     Coordinator Sunshine NW-CERT Team

Sent 2024-01-25: Retiring -  

Two things - in a Nutshell:

  1. SEPO emails will start coming to you from 
    instead of

  2. When sending information to this address for me to send to the community, please include your email address along with your name.


If you want to know 'why', keep reading.



I have been informed by the SEPO email system we use (BREVO) that "gmail" and "google" are tightening up their restrictions on being able to send/receive bulk emails. They are doing this to prevent/cut down on the number of SPAM emails you receive. And that's a good thing.


Since is definitely a bulk sender and the majority of the Sunshine community uses gmail to received SEPO emails, I'm currently working on retiring as the sending email address. I will keep this gmail account open for a while until I'm sure I have done everything I need to with the new one, which is


The only thing you, as the receiver, need to do is ensure the new sending email address is not considered spam when you receive it. I did send the 'pool update' email last evening using the new email, so if you didn't get it check, your spam folder.



BREVO has implemented a new feature that allows me to enter in the 'reply to' slot the email address of the person who sent me the information. That way when anyone replies to a SEPO email it will go the composer of the email and not back to me.


I will be updating the email guidelines to request you include your email address along with your name when you send me something to email to the community. Otherwise, I will have to go to the directory to look you up every time I send an email for you. Just think of it as if someone was replying directly to you when you post something on Facebook, instead of a middle-man.


So onward & upward. Please call with any questions or if you have any issues with this ongoing.

- Beth Parrish,     SEPO Enews Email Manager

Email:    314-960-6710

Sent 2024-01-24: Wednesday pool update - 

Pool update as of 4:45 Wednesday,  January 24, 2024.

- Heater is running, thanks again to Lalo, and water temps are on the way up.

Right now water temp is 73 on the way up to 90.  Hopefully, most of that will take place during the evening. Will check again in the morning, and let folks know.    Thank most of you for your patience and enjoy the pool again.

- Jim Kennedy,    SEPO Board

Sent 2024-01-24: 2024 SEPO Election: Audio Recording from "Meet & Greet" - 

Technology bit us in the 'you know what' yesterday. We thought we were recording the "Meet & Greet" session via Google Meet, but have not received anything from Google. And I'm betting we don't.


For my own benefit, I had turned on my tape recorder. Although you may hear some paper rustling in the background, I think for the most part, this will provide valuable information to those who could not attend the session yesterday. And to those who did, it can be a refresher.


Here's another kicker - darn it. I didn't look down to see my recorder wasn't on until after the three candidates had introduced themselves. I so totally apologize for missing that section.


The recording does start:

  1. When I opened the session up to questions to the Board candidates.

  2. That was followed by an explanation of the three ballots by the Board, followed by lots of very good questions.

  3. Then I spoke and also answered questions about the ballot / voting processes themselves. Again, lots of great questions were asked.


And we munched on sweets provide by the Women's Club throughout the entire event. Yum.


You can access the audio recording here:


The file is very large, so please be patient when listening to it, as I had to store it in an area I don't normally use. If you have any questions, either with the technology or the election, please don't hesitate to contact me.


Beth Parrish,     2024 Board Election Committee Chairperson

Email:   314-960-6710

Sent 2024-01-23: Neighborhood Watch & 911/Ambulances - 

Neighborhood watch wanted to get this information out to people. Please watch this video ( Thanks     - Rich Hulswit

Sent 2024-01-23: Fishing Club Meeting - 

The fishing club will be meeting this Wednesday, the 24th at 5:30 in Retzlaff Hall. Members and those interested in joining are encouraged to attend.     - Deb (Eich) Deslaurierseich (from SEPO Facebook)


Sent 2024-01-23: Another Opportunity to Dump your Bulky Items - 



The trial run of residents/renters in the community being able to get rid of items that they were unable to take to the city dump was a success in December. Therefore, this coming Thursday thru Sunday, Jan 25-28, you may place your bulky items in the storage area in the Sand Pit. There will be no need to lift it onto the SEPO Trailer.


There are a few items that we are asking to not be placed there:

  • No Glass

  • No Batteries

  • No Tires

  • No items that may contain Hazardous Chemicals (Oil)

  • No Household Trash

  • I think you know the rest


Please call me with questions.

- Frank Tewell     SEPO Board

Sent 2024-01-23: WC Casino Night - Sold Out - 

Casino Night is Sold Out!     Thank you everyone who purchased their tickets today!     - Sherri Gardner

Sent 2024-01-23: UNAPPROVED: Minutes from several Board Mtgs etc - 

The UNAPPROVED minutes from several Board meetings can be found on the Sunshine website HERE.

They are from the following meetings:

  • Jan 2, 2024 Board Meeting (Regular)

  • Jan 4, 2024 "Residents & Directors" Meeting

  • Jan 11, 2024 Board Meeting (Special)

They will also be posted in the office. Please call with any issues or questions.
- Tony Adams,     SEPO Board Secretary

Sent 2024-01-23: Looking for info - 

Hello community!

We realize we are ultimately responsible for our own home; however, it would have been the neighborly and polite thing to do to let us know when this happened to our solar panel - see pic HERE. We are not always here and want to be able to generate as much power as possible.  If this happens again…..PLEASE let us know!

- Dick & Linda Jones,     Tee/hole #1   956-264-2926   573-631-7849

Sent 2024-01-23: REMINDER: Karaoke this Friday (Jan 26, 2024) - 

Karaoke in the Hall this Friday. New resident, Phillip Lay, and I will be hosting. As usual, bring a snack if you’d like, but it is not required. I will be bringing the famous yard of beef. And remember, you don’t have to sing, but please come and support those who do. Also, dancing is encouraged. Doors open at four, and singing begins at 4:30. Hope to see you there.

- Randy Davis & Phillip Lay

Sent 2024-01-23: REMINDER: Meet & Greet Session - 

This is a reminder of the 'Meet and Greet' tomorrow, Tuesday, Jan 23, @ 1 PM in Retzlaff Hall.


This will give you the opportunity to meet and ask any questions of your Board member candidates. Several current Board members will also be in attendance to answer any and all questions you may have concerning the proposed Covenants ballot changes and/or the election in general. And, of course, I'll be there. 😁


The Women's Club will be providing cookies and drinks.


Please get your questions formulated and plan to attend this session so you may be as well informed as possible BEFORE you complete your ballots.


You can contact me any time with questions about this upcoming session. See you there.

- Beth Parrish,     2024 Board Election Committee Chairperson

Email:   314-960-6710

Sent 2024-01-22: Sunshine Rock Club Meeting Cancelled Today - 

Due to illness our Rock Painting Club Meeting from 1 to 3 pm today has been cancelled.  The next meeting is February 5th. I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.     - Karren Amos

Sent 2024-01-22: FINAL REMINDER: FEB 2024 Newsletter Articles Due by End of Day Jan 24, 2024 - 

I'm sending this a day early this month as I do need to get this Newsletter out ASAP after the 24th. So, please, no late entries this time.


This is the FINAL reminder that next month's Newsletter articles are due by End of Day on Jan 24th. The Newsletter Guidelines are posted on the Web site HERE. Examples of previous Newsletters are HERE. Please call with questions.
- Beth Parrish,     SEPO Newsletter Editor   Email:   314-960-6710

Sent 2024-01-21: Need Your Help: Treats for Meet & Greet session this Tuesday - 

Women’s Club has been asked to provide the treats for this "meet and greet". This meeting is Tuesday 1/23/2024 in the hall starting at 1pm.


If you can make some cookies or bars that would be great!

Please let myself or Jill Ventrello know if you can help with this so we will have some kind of idea on what we should have coming in. You can just put them in the kitchen by 12pm - that would be great.

If you have any questions call or text me 785-418-6208.


Thank you,   Vicky Krueger 

Sent 2024-01-21: Sunshine Website - Residents Only: Password change occurring now - 

As promised in the SEPO email on Jan 16, I am going to change the website password this morning. Give me until 10:30 AM to ensure everything is complete. The new password has been provided to all Current Residents/Renters. As always, this password should be kept confidential to only 'current' Sunshine Residents and Renters, due to the personal information that is on these pages. Thank you for your cooperation with this request. Please call w/questions.
- Beth Parrish,     SEPO Web site Admin   Email:   314-960-6710

Sent 2024-01-21: QUESTION TO COMMUNITY: Saturday Morning Golf Scramble - 

Even though this isn't an 'emergency' email, I thought maybe lots of you would be home on this dreary day and read it - and respond.

I was doing some cleanup to the Website this morning and noticed the Winter 2023-2024 'Golf Events' page didn't have an explanation for the Sat morning Golf Scramble that takes place each week. I managed to find an old explanation and am asking those of you who play in this event to confirm or update the 'old' explanation below. If I get a reply from several of you, because I know there are several of you who play in this, that's fine. If I get no replies, that will be very disappointing.😢.


Also - Concerning a Thursday evening Scramble. There is nothing in the SEPO Calendar and I haven't heard any talk of this event this winter. Can I conclude this previous weekly Thu golf event is no longer being played? (Notice I didn't say assume!)

Please reply to the email below. Thanks in advance for helping me keep your Sunshine Website accurate.

- Beth Parrish,     SEPO Web site Admin   Email:   314-960-6710

Sent 2024-01-21: Women's Club cash boxes - 

We're missing the two cash boxes that belong to the Women's Club. If anyone knows where they are, could you please return them to me. We needed them for the breakfast and didn't have them. You're more than welcome to use them for your Women's Club event but please return them to me when you're done. Thanks!

- Jill Ventrello

Sent 2024-01-20:Storage Lot Yard Waste Area - 


Yard Waste Area in the Storage Los is for tree Limbs and yard waste only.

- Director of Common Area     Frank Tewell

Sent 2024-01-20: Birding and Nature Club February Meeting - 

The Birding and Nature Club would like to invite the community to our meeting at 7:00pm on Monday, February 5th, in Retzlaff Hall to hear a presentation by Tony Tramel on our bug eating friends, the Purple Martins.  A regular meeting of the Birding and Nature Club Club will follow the presentation and all are welcome to attend, if so desired.

Questions about the Club and its activities may be directed to
Ralph Peterson.  Phone # 607-590-0606

Sent 2024-01-19: pool update - 

A quick update on the pool situation!!


A new heater has been ordered------because of the weather all over the country, they are in demand!!  We have one coming in from Phoenix and should be here by Wednesday. We will try to have it installed as quickly as possible, so hopefully it will be up and running by the end of next week.   


Thank you for your patience and the way this weather has been, haven’t noticed a line of folks trying to get into the pool. Hot tub is working Great!!!!!


Will keep you up to date.

- Jim Kennedy,     SEPO Board

Sent 2024-01-19: 2024 Women's Club Board Election Results - 

From the SEPO Facebook page and for WC Election Committee Chair, Judy Stone.



81 women attended the Women’s Club meeting this morning (Jan 19)!


Thank you so much to our outgoing Board of Directors:

  • Vicky LeroyKrueger, President

  • Judy Stone, Vice President

  • Karen Baase, Secretary

  • Dee Novak, Treasurer

and also to our Activities Director, Jill Ventrello.

Thank you to the incoming Women’s Club Board members for stepping up to the plate! The following persons will be sworn in and take over their new responsibilities starting at the Feb 16, 2024 meeting.

  • Pam Davis, President

  • Pam Lacy, Vice President

  • Lisa Perrier, Secretary

  • Marlene Parker, Treasurer

Jill Ventrello has volunteered to serve another year as Activities Director.

- Beth Parrish,     SEPO Email Mgr

Sent 2024-01-19: Table Tennis - 

We have several people interested in playing table tennis. We would like to announce the startup of table tennis in Retzlaff Hall on Saturday afternoons at 1 PM.  We have reserved Saturdays from 1 PM to 3 PM, starting tomorrow, January 20 (will not play when other events are scheduled). Give me a call if you need.

- Jan Kawecki,     719-334-6493

Sent 2024-01-19: LINK FIXED - B&N Club: Meeting Minutes from Jan 8, 2024 - 

That's what I get for hurrying this morning. The link to the minutes on the Web page below has been fixed just now.     - Beth Parrish


The minutes from the Birding & Nature (B&N) Club meeting on Jan 8, 2024 have been uploaded to the Sunshine Website HERE.     - Judy Stone

Sent 2024-01-19: MANDATORY MEETING: Casino Night Workers - 

Mandatory Meeting

All workers and dealers, there will be a mandatory meeting on Monday, Jan. 22 at 11 am in the library. You need to purchase your tickets and to get last minute instructions and assignments. Contact one of the co-chairs if not able to make the meeting so other arrangements can be made.

- Sherri Gardner    215-260-2110

- Vickie Jones        262-689-7068

Sent 2024-01-18: pool heater - 

Just a quick note to let everyone know the heater for the pool is giving us some problems. The pool temp might be a little chilly for the next few days. Will be taken care of a quickly as possible.

- Jim Kennedy,     SEPO Board

Sent 2024-01-18: Women’s Club Meeting Friday - 

Just a reminder there is a Women’s Club meeting in the hall at 9AM on Friday 1/19/2024.


Please don’t miss this one if possible we will be having the election for our Women’s Club Officers along with other business. Beth was supplied us with the Candidate list and created a Web page in the "Residents Only" section where you can view/read the BIOS she received from the Candidates. This will be blind Election and the election committee will tally the votes and announce the outcome. Hope to see all you ladies on Friday Morning!

Thank you,

- Vicky LeRoyKrueger

Sent 2024-01-18: 2024 SEPO ELECTION: 'MEET & GREET" - 

The remaining Ballot Packets not physically picked up were taken to the Post Office this morning.

As you were previously informed (on Jan 10) the next step in the election process is to hold a 'Meet and Greet' session in Retzlaff Hall. The day/time has been set and is next Tuesday, Jan 23, @ 1 PM in Retzlaff Hall.

This will give you the opportunity to meet and ask any questions of your Board member candidates. Several current Board members will also be in attendance to answer any and all questions you may have concerning the proposed Covenants ballot changes and/or the election in general. And, of course, I'll be there. 😁

The Women's Club will be providing cookies and drinks.

Please get your questions formulated and plan to attend this session so you may be as well informed as possible BEFORE you complete your ballots.


You can contact me any time with questions about this upcoming session. See you there.

- Beth Parrish     2024 Board Election Committee Chairperson

Email:   314-960-6710

Sent 2024-01-17: REMINDER: FEB 2024 Newsletter Articles Due by End of Day JAN 24, 2024 - 

Here's your first reminder that next month's Newsletter articles are due by end of day on the 24th of this month. They should be submitted to


This is a super way to get the word out about upcoming activities. Even if you don't have all of the information finalized by the Newsletter deadline, at least put 'what you do know so far' or even just a 'Save the Date' sentence in the Newsletter. It's also a perfect opportunity to recap past events and/or thank those who helped you with prior events/activities. The Newsletter Guidelines are posted on the Web site HERE. Prior Newsletters,which you can use as examples, can be found HERE. Please call with questions.
- Beth Parrish     SEPO Newsletter Editor   Email:   314-960-6710

Sent 2024-01-17: Women’s Club breakfast reminder - 

Reminder: January 20th Women’s Club breakfast from 7:30 to 10:00 a.m. Mark your calendar to join us for a delicious breakfast.  We look forward to seeing everyone there.     - Lisa Perrier

Sent 2024-01-16: Former Residents Passing - 

The SEPO Office has received the following information.


Two former residents have passed away.

  • Carolyn Clements on Jan 15, 2024: Informed by Bryan Lord

  • Fran Twesten on Nov 10, 2023: Informed by Nancy Johns

Sent 2024-01-16: Sunshine Website - Residents Only: Password change to occur this weekend - 

As is done in January every year, I will be updating the Sunshine Website "password" to the Residents Only section sometime in the next few days. I will send an email containing the new password just before I start working on this task. It will probably take about 30 minutes to complete. As always, this password should be kept confidential to only 'current' Sunshine Residents and Renters, due to the personal information that is on these pages. Thank you for your cooperation with this request. Please call w/questions.
- Beth Parrish,    SEPO Web site Admin   Email:   314-960-6710

Sent 2024-01-16: UPDATED: Website Directories (as of 2024-01-15) - 

Since I implemented the new Website process for updating Resident/Renter Directories a few months ago, I haven't been sending emails about the updates. I just do them. However, because of the numerous updates I received while verifying information as it related to the SEPO Election, I wanted to let everyone know I just now put all new directories on the Website. Valerie and I are working together to ensure she and I are in sync. The files are all dated Jan 15, 2024, and can be found HERE.As always, if you see anything at all that needs fixed, let me and the office know right away. Thx

- Beth Parrish,    SEPO Web site Admin   Email:   314-960-6710

Sent 2024-01-15: Programming the Gate Codes - 

If your car/truck has a garage opener pad built in we can program it for the gates if you haven’t done it already.

Let me know if you need help with that. - Tom Perrier      SEPO Board

Sent 2024-01-15: Your Household Trash - 

It was brought to my attention that the drainage ditches have been getting some trash in them, with the winds we’ve been having lately. Some of it has been blowing in from outside our community. But I thought I would remind you to put your household trash in bags that can be closed, before going into your cart. I’ve noticed paper products blowing around on pickup days lately. Your attention to this helps much. Thx

- Tom Perrier      SEPO Board

Sent 2024-01-15: 2024 Election Status - 

The day and time for the "Meet & Greet" session has been finalized. It will be next Tuesday, Jan 23 @ 1 PM in Retzlaff Hall. This is your opportunity to meet and ask questions of the Candidates and also to have the ballots fully explained to you. And the Women's Club are providing cookies and drinks for us. We hope to see lots of you attend.


Ballot Packet status is:

  • All ballot packets not picked up in the Library today by noon will be stamped on Tuesday afternoon and mailed Wednesday morning.

  • The Ballot Box will be set out in front of the SEPO Office at 8:15 AM Thursday.

- Beth Parrish     2024 Board Election Committee Chairperson

Email:   314-960-6710

Sent 2024-01-15: UNAPPROVED: SEPO Financials, 2023-12 (Dec) - 

The UNAPPROVED December 2023 SEPO Financials are posted on the Sunshine Website HERE. Please let me know if you have any questions. - Mark Owen     SEPO Treasurer

Sent 2024-01-15: 2024/2026 Women's Club Board Candidates: Get to Know Them -

This coming Friday, Jan 19, 2024 is the next Women's Club (WC) meeting. The voting and election of Women's Club Officers for the period of 2024-2026 will take place at this meeting. The Women's Club “Board Nominating Committee” wanted you to have an opportunity to get to know the candidates for the four offices; President, Vice President, Secretary & Treasurer prior to the WC meeting so you can make an informed decision when voting.

The candidates running for each office are as follow (in alphabetical order in each office):

  • President - Pam Davis

  • Vice President - Pam Lacy 

  • Secretary - Karen Baase and Lisa Perrier

  • Treasurer - Dee Novak and Marlene Parker


The BIOs I have received so far are in the “residents” section on the Sunshine website HERE. You will see at the bottom of the Web page that Jill Ventrello has volunteered to be the Women's Club Activities Directory for another year.

We hope to see a big turnout at the meeting this Friday, when we hold the election for your new 2024-2026 Women's Club Board members. The swearing-in ceremony will take place at the Feb 2024 meeting.

If you have any questions, please contact me.

- Judy Stone,     SEPO Women's Club Board Nominating Committee

Sent 2024-01-15: Reminder NW-CERT meeting Monday, Jan 15, 2024 - 

The meeting will take place in Retzlaff Hall adjacent to the swimming pool. See the agenda HERE.

- Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276,     Coordinator Sunshine NW-CERT Team

Sent 2024-01-15: FINAL REMINDER (Time Sensitive) - TODAY IS THE FINAL DAY - 2024 Election Ballots: Physical Pickup in Library - 

The information below is TIME SENSITIVE.

I know it's cold, but TODAY IS THE LAST DAY

you will be able to come to the

Library from 10 AM to 12 NOON

and physically pick up your 2024 Election ballot packets.


Mailing these packets is not cheap. The more packets picked up, the more of your SEPO dollars are saved. We still have around 200 packets that weren't picked up on Saturday. Our hope is to see lots of you picking up your ballot packets today.


The Homeowner is the only person (no exceptions) who may pick up the materials. The homeowner must:

  1. Provide proof of identity (drivers license, etc).

  2. Sign for the materials to verify "pickup".


This will be followed by the chairperson or a member of the Election Committee co-signing.


When you enter the library you will see signs of each Sunshine street hanging on the book shelves. Find your street and see the person in front of that sign who will be handing out the packets for your street.

Any ballots not picked up by NOON today, Monday, January 15, will need to be stamped and taken to the Post Office to be mailed to your Sunshine address (unless you previously requested it be mailed to a different address).


Each packet contains the Board of Directors ballot and three Covenants ballots. It also contains 'voting instructions' and other pertinent information you will need to complete and submit your ballots by the absolute deadline of Tuesday, Feb 20, 2024 at 1 PM.

At least two SEPO Board members will be present today to answer any questions you may have regarding the process or ballot contents.

Please contact me at any time if you have any questions about any of the above. Bundle up and I'll see you in the Library in a few hours.

 - Beth Parrish     2024 Board Election Committee Chairperson

Email:   314-960-6710

Sent 2024-01-15: Wood Shop Orientation Class Thursday Jan 18th 5 pm - 

Woodshop Orientation Class Thursday Jan 18th 5 pm in the wood shop.
This class is a requirement for using the wood shop.
A one time attendance is required.
The shop will be closed during the class.
Call John Chajec 708-280-8940  with any questions.

Sent 2024-01-13: (Currently Happening) REMINDER - 2024 Election Ballots: Physical Pickup in Library - 

Your Election Committee team is currently in the Library with the SEPO Election ballot packets just waiting for you to come and pick yours up.


Thanks to all of you who have been in already.

The Homeowner is the only person (no exceptions) who may pick up the materials. The homeowner must:

  1. Provide proof of identity (drivers license, etc).

  2. Sign for the materials to verify "pickup".


This will be followed by the chairperson or a member of the Election Committee co-signing.


Mailing these packets at the Post Office is not a cheap undertaking. So the more packets picked up the more of your SEPO dollars are saved.


We hope to see lots more of you picking up your ballot packets.

- Beth Parrish     2024 Board Election Committee Chairperson

Email:   314-960-6710

Sent 2024-01-12: REMINDER (Time Sensitive) - 2024 Election Ballots: Physical Pickup in Library - 

The Election Committee team completed the preparation of your 2024 SEPO Election ballot packets in record time and we are ready for distribution to Homeowners.

The information below is TIME SENSITIVE.

You will be able to come to the Library and physically pick up your 2024 Election ballot packets again this year. Each packet contains the Board of Directors ballot and three Covenants ballots. It also contains 'voting instructions' and other pertinent information you will need to complete and submit your ballots by the absolute deadline of Tuesday, Feb 20, 2024 at 1 PM.

You may physically pick up your ballots IN THE LIBRARY on: 

  • Saturday - January 13, 2024, 12 noon - 2 PM

  • Monday - January 15, 2024, 10 AM - 12 noon.

The Homeowner is the only person (no exceptions) who may pick up the materials. The homeowner must:

  1. Provide proof of identity (drivers license, etc).

  2. Sign for the materials to verify "pickup".


This will be followed by the chairperson or a member of the Election Committee co-signing.


The committee has organized the envelopes numerically by Street. So look for the table that has the Sign showing your Street.

At least two SEPO Board members will be present each day to assist with any questions you may have regarding the process or ballot contents.


Any ballots not picked up by Monday, January 15, at noon will be taken to the Post Office the next day and mailed to your Sunshine address (unless you previously requested it be mailed to a different address).


Mailing these packets at the Post Office is not a cheap undertaking. So the more packets picked up Sat and Mon the more of your SEPO dollars are saved. We hope to see lots of you picking up your ballot packets.


Please contact me at any time if you have any questions about any of the above. See you in the Library

- Beth Parrish     2024 Board Election Committee Chairperson

Email:   314-960-6710





The next step in the election process is to hold a 'Meet and Greet & Informational' session in Retzlaff Hall sometime a few days after the ballots are mailed. I'm still working on the logistics of this session and will notify everyone as soon as the day / time has been decided.


This will give you the opportunity to meet and ask any questions of your Board member candidates and also to get any questions answered you may have concerning the proposed Covenants ballot changes.


The Women's Club has agreed to participate again this year. And you know what that means - there may be goodies involved! (No promises though.)

Please get your questions formulated and plan to attend this session so you may be as well informed as possible BEFORE you complete your ballots.


You can contact me any time with questions about this upcoming session.


Beth Parrish

2024 Board Election Committee Chairperson



Sent 2024-01-10: 2024 Election Ballots: Save the Dates(s) - Physical Pickup in Library - 

The information below is dependent upon the Election Committee completing all of the Ballot Envelope preparation by end of day this Thursday, which I don't anticipate will be a problem. You will be notified immediately if anything stated below changes.


This information is TIME SENSITIVE.

Please mark the following Days & Times in your Calendar that you will be able to come to the Library and physically pick up your 2024 Election Ballot envelopes. Each envelope contains the Board of Directors Ballot and three Covenants ballots. It also contains 'voting instructions' and other pertinent information you will need to complete and submit your ballots by the absolute deadline of Tuesday, Feb 20, 2024 at 1 PM.


The plan is for you to be able to physically pick up your ballots on: 

  • Saturday - January 13, 2024, 12 noon - 2 PM

  • Monday - January 15, 2024, 10 AM - 12 noon.

The Homeowner is the only person (no exceptions) who may pick up the materials. The homeowner must:

  1. Provide proof of identity.

  2. Sign for the materials to verify "pickup".


This will be followed by the chairperson or a member of the Election Committee co-signing.

The plan is to have one or more SEPO Board members present to assist with any questions you may have regarding the process or ballot contents.


Any ballots not picked up by Monday, January 15, at noon will be taken to the Post Office the same or next day and mailed to your Sunshine address (unless you previously requested it be mailed to a different address).


We hope to see lots of you picking up your ballots.


Please contact me at any time if you have any questions about any of the above.

Beth Parrish

2024 Board Election Committee Chairperson



Sent 2024-01-09: IMPORTANT-More Info: Combes Water Shutoff this Thursday, Jan 11 - 

UPDATE 2024-01-09: From SEPO Office

The water will be shut off for a few hours in the Combes area this Thursday, Jan 11, starting at 9 AM for a 'master meter change out'. Sunshine streets affected will be Kansas, Iowa, Missouri & Wisconsin)

- Valerie Basaldua

Sent 2024-01-08: IMPORTANT: Combes Water Shutoff this Thursday, Jan 11 - 

I received the information below via email just now concerning shutoff of Combes water in SCCE this Thursday, Jan 11, 2024. - Beth Parrish

Sent 2024-01-09: Karaoke in late January - 

We will have Karaoke at the Hall on Friday, January 26 at 4pm. New resident Phillip Lay will be using his equipment. He has hosted karaoke for years and I’m excited to help him into the karaoke mix. Come join the fun.

- Randy Davis

Sent 2024-01-09: WC: New Homeowner's Party (additional update) - 

Reminder to buy your admission (in the library) to our New Homeowner's Party that is this Friday!

Come meet your 2023 new neighbors!

And, as a BONUS, after intros and dinner Share Nelson, assisted by John Combs will be showing a video collection of productions we have had in the past, produced by Lassey Dahlstrom! You will see some familiar faces, we have been waiting for this!     - Irene Phillips


Sent 2024-01-09: WC: New Homeowner's Ticket Sales ending Today - 

Tomorrow, Tuesday will be the last day to purchase admission to

Sunshine New Homeowner's Party!     - Irene Phillips

Sent 2024-01-09: Neighborhood Watch - 

Dear NW Volunteers, benefit Helpers, Friends and Neighbors


Well, we had an exciting event over the weekend and lost several chickens,  but so far nobody has seen these Got-aways.  😁


For the beginning of our 2024 calendar year, as a reminder - back to business - our next NW-CERT meeting will be Monday - 15 January 2024 at 3pm in Retz Hall.  Coffee and refreshments too!  I expect it should also be a great opportunity to meet our Harlingen and Combes Police Officers. 


Perhaps you could consider joining our NW program - many hands make light work.  You will be fully oriented.  


I want to sincerely thank those of you who have been so faithful in taking Patrol as it keeps the Bad Guys on their feet.  


Thanks to all who made our Finger Lickin' Chicken a success and we will get a facelift for the McGruffmobile from the proceeds - namely tires and some new style lighting.  Your suggestions are welcome.


The January and February schedules are out - thanks to Linda & Dick Jones. 


May you all have a safe, wonderful new year. 




Lenore J Combs  956 245 1276

Coordinator - Sunshine NW & CERT

Sent 2024-01-09: Women’s Club breakfast - 

Sent 2024-01-08: CORRECTION: AGENDA for Board Mtg (Special) on Thursday, Jan 11, 2024 @ 1 PM IN THE LIBRARY- 

The agenda for the 1 PM, Jan 11, 2024 SEPO Board (Special) meeting WHICH IS BEING HELD IN THE LIBRARY is HERE and also posted on the Web site HERE. This agenda was posted in the normal three spots this morning by Valerie.     - Tony Adams,     SEPO Board Secretary


Sent 2024-01-07: ATTENTION: TX AVE Fenced In Dog Park - 

Good morning!

We’re starting to install the fence in the Texas Ave fenced dog area and we’re going to have the big gate open for most of the day. If you could walk your dogs elsewhere it would be appreciated and give us today and tomorrow to complete it. Thanks

- Tom Perrier,     SEPO Board

Sent 2024-01-06: Garden Club Speaker Tuesday afternoon - 

Sunshine Garden Get Together this Tuesday, January 9th.  Speaker Dr. Julie Mustard will start our day at 3:30 with a tour of Texas Avenue at Butterfly Garden.  She will point out what pollinators are present and how to attract more.  (Bad weather cancels).


Next at 4:30 in Retzlaff Hall, Julie will give a presentation of pollinator insects and is open to all our questions.  


Everyone is welcome, cookies and bars will be provided.  A good will donation will be collected for UTRGV to purchase a few pollinator plants for their gardens.


See you Tuesday, Susanne and Deb

Sent 2024-01-05: SEPO Office Closure, Monday afternoon, Jan 8 2024 - 

If you go to the SEPO office next Monday afternoon, Jan 8, 2024 and the curtain is pulled closed, that indicates the office is closed to all traffic, except emergencies. This will enable Valerie and the Election Committee to work uninterrupted to create the SEPO 2024 Election ballot packets for the community. Thanks to the everyone for your understanding.

- Share Nelson,     SEPO Board President

Sent 2024-01-05: VIDEO: Residents' Mtg from Jan 4, 2024 - 

The video from the Jan 5, 2024 Residents' Meeting is now available for viewing HERE AND and directly from HERE. Please contact me with any issues/questions.- Tony Adams,     SEPO Board Secretary

Sent 2024-01-05: VIDEO: "Residents & Directors" Mtg, Jan 4, 2024 - 

The video from the Jan 4, 2024 "Residents & Directors" meeting is now available for viewing HERE AND and directly from HERE. Please contact me with any issues/questions.- Tony Adams,     SEPO Board Secretary

Sent 2024-01-04: MARKET Update: Home For Sale - 

See my home at 1937 West Montana Avenue that is for sale on the Sunshine MARKET.

- Jim & Helen Perry - by

Cindy Shriver, Broker/Owner,     Dream Valley Properties, LLC   956-970-0449

Sent 2024-01-03: MARKET Update: Homes For Sale - 

Two homes have been added to the Sunshine MARKET just now.


See my home at 4329 N Minnesota Street that is for sale on the Sunshine MARKET.

- Donavon & Marlene Parker by - 

Cindy Shriver, Broker/Owner,     Dream Valley Properties, LLC   956-970-0449


See my home at 4104 N Missouri Street that is for sale on the Sunshine MARKET.

- Charles Jeanblanc by - 

Cindy Shriver, Broker/Owner,     Dream Valley Properties, LLC   956-970-0449

Sent 2024-01-03 - CORRECTED - WC: New Homeowners Party - Info & Signup - 

Here's a CORRECTED FLYER with the info for the New Homeowners Party. I forgot to put that Stefanos is providing a lasagna dinner so here's the corrected flyer. - Jill Ventrello

Sent 2024-01-02 - VIDEO: Board Mtg (Reg) Jan 2, 2024 - 

The video from the Jan 2, 2024 Regular Board meeting is now available for viewing on the Sunshine Web site HERE AND and directly from HERE. Please contact me with any issues/questions.
- Tony Adams,     SEPO Board Secretary

Sent 2024-01-02: AGENDA for Residents' Meeting on Thu, Jan 4, 2024 after 1 PM "Res & Dir" Meeting - 

The agenda for the 'Hybrid' Jan 4, 2024 Residents' Meeting, which will be held immediately after the 1 PM "Residents & Directors" meeting in Retzlaff Hall can be accessed on the Sunshine website HERE AND directly from HERE. This agenda will also be posted outside the SEPO office, on the poolside door to Retzlaff Hall and by the mailboxes today. Please call with any questions / issues.

- Tony Adams,     SEPO Board Secretary

Sent 2024-01-02: Neighborhood Watch information - Finger Lickin' Chicken - 

Dear Friends - 


Friday - the 5th of January is Finger Lickin' Chicken Day (a fundraiser for Neighborhood Watch)


I still have some tickets left - call me   956 245 1276   if you wish one.


The Plan:  Early Friday,8 am or so - the Firefighters will be at the Gazebo with BBQ grill handy.  John and I will pick up the Chickens at that time too - fresh and ready for the grill.  


About 4pm - they should be done.  In the meantime, please have a visit by the Gazebo - where the action is..........  Bring your chair and sit a spell. 


About 4pm:  The Chicken team will get the done chickens to Retz Hall in coolers (to keep them hot) 


The Chicken helpers will have had  RETZ Hall ready.....Eat In or Take Out.

Pick up your Finger Lickin' Chicken here.  YWe will also have Ice Tea and dessert. 


Menu:  Finger Lickin Chicken  Potato Salad  Cole Slaw  yum yum Mexican Beans, Iced Tea and fresh made cake for dessert.

- Lenore J Combs   956 245 1276,     Coordinator Neighborhood Watch

Sent 2024-01-02: REMINDER-NEED VERIFICATION by noon, Jan 4, 2024: Directories in preparation for sending 2024 SEPO Election Ballots - 

First off - I want to thank all of you who have already replied to this email from last week (around 33%). Although that's a good number, now that the holidays are behind us, I'm hoping this reminder motivates more of you to reply by the deadline (this Thu @ noon).

FYI - The directory below is still the 'old' one. I'm meeting tomorrow with one of my committee members to compile all of the replies so far in order to update the directory.

Thanks again.


From: SEPO Community - 2024 Election Committee <
Sent: Friday, December 29, 2023 6:27 AM
Subject: NEED VERIFICATION by noon, Jan 4, 2024: Directories in preparation for sending 2024 SEPO Election Ballots


Hi I'm Beth Parrish. I am the Chairperson for the 2024 SEPO Election Committee. The SEPO Directory sorted by Name has been updated and can be viewed by clicking HERE.

If all goes according to plan, I would like to have the Ballot Envelopes ready for distribution sometime between Jan 10 and Jan 12, if not sooner. To ensure you receive your ballot envelope timely in order for you to return everything to the Office by 1 PM (at the absolute latest) on Feb 20, 2024, please return your answers to the following TWO QUESTIONS by noon, Jan 4, 2024.

  1. Will you please verify that both your Sunshine address AND your Away address (if you have one) are correct. Please reply 'yes' or 'no' to this item. If 'no' to either or both, please supply the correct information.

  2. Please let the committee know if you WANT YOUR BALLOT MAILED TO YOUR SUNSHINE or AWAY ADDRESS.

Please send your reply to the TWO QUESTIONS above by sending an email to HERE.

Thanks again for helping out the committee by supplying this information timely.
- Beth Parrish (2024 SEPO Election Committee Chairperson)

Sent 2024-01-02: Found bracelet - 

We found a bracelet this morning after the New Year's Eve party. If you lost one please contact me.

- Jill Ventrello

Sent 2024-01-02: NEED HELP: Sunshine Christmas Tree Takedown - 

What goes up must come down!! The Women’s Club would appreciate any and all help to take down our beautiful Christmas trees and decorations in the Hall tomorrow, January 2nd at 3 PM. Thanks in advance! - Pam Davis


Office: (956) 425-1420

FAX: (956) 425-1420


1957 W Michigan Dr

Harlingen, TX 78550

Information in this site is authorized by

Sunshine Estates Property Owners Association (SEPO) and its residents.

©2024 by Sunshine Country Club Estates

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