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SEPO Community Emails: September 2023

Sent 2023-09-30: Memorial Service - 

Memorial Service for Robert "Mac" McPherson will be October 10, 11:00am with full Military Honors at Veterans

Cemetery in Mission, TX.     - Vic Hillman


Sent 2023-09-28: MARKET - Home for Sale - 

See my home at 4132 North Missouri Street that is for sale on the Sunshine MARKET.
- for Bruce & Lynne Dance by - 
- Sue Ann Taubert (RE/MAX Elite, Associate Broker​​)




Sent 2023-09-28: O'clockers golf - 

We will be moving o'clockers  golf scramble to 6:00 pm this Sunday, Oct 1. Running out of daylight.

Donna Myers


Sent 2023-09-27: SUNSHINE NEWSLETTER: Oct 2023 - 

Here's your Oct 2023 Sunshine Newsletter. It is the first one of the 2023-2024 Winter Season. Thanks to everyone who contributed. You can view/print a copy of it directly from HERE or on the website HEREValerie will be placing copies in the library area later today.

Beth Parrish     SEPO Newsletter Mgr   E-Mail:   314-960-6710


Sent 2023-09-25: Resident Passing - 

Alice Montgomery passed away early Monday, Sep 25, 2023.     - Kathy Walker


Sent 2023-09-23: FINAL REMINDER: OCT 2023 Newsletter Articles Due by End of Day on Sep 24, 2023 - 

This is the FINAL reminder that articles for the Sunshine Oct 2023 Newsletter are due to by 'End of Day' on the 24th of this month, at the latest. I've only received five articles so far.


Here's the link to the Oct 2022 Newsletter that I sent to everyone on Sep 19 in order to jog your memories and assist you with the creation of this October's articles.


The Newsletter Guidelines, which were updated on September 2, 2023, are posted on the Web site HERE.


If you do not get a 'Received For Newsletter' reply from within 36 hours of sending your article, please contact me via phone call or text at the number below. Please call with questions.

- Beth Parrish     SEPO Newsletter Mgr   E-Mail:    314-960-6710


Sent 2023-09-22: Resident passing  - 

Ralph Noah, beloved companion of Vicki Carroll passed away today. - Cathy Richmond


Sent 2023-09-20: National Night Out & Fall Fest in Combes - 

Sent 2023-09-19: GREAT EXAMPLE to help you with Oct 2023 Newsletter - 

I started working on the Oct 2023 Newsletter today. I pulled up the one from Oct 2022 to use as a template. And wow - I had forgotten how thorough everyone was in that one. I got to thinking it would be useful to send everyone the link to it (HERE) in order to jog your memories and assist you with the creation of this October's articles. Hope this helps everyone.

- Beth Parrish,     SEPO Website Admin   E-Mail:   314-960-6710


Sent 2023-09-19: REMINDER: Karaoke this Friday (09-22-23) - 

This Friday is Karaoke, September 22, in the Hall. Doors open at 4 and singing begins around 4:30. Every singer will be put into a drawing for door prizes. Start thinking about songs you’d like to sing or have sung. BYOB, but there might be some free stuff, too. No need to bring food, but you can if you want. Dancing is encouraged. You don’t have to participate, but it sure is nice to have people there supporting those that are. You can’t beat the price, because it’s free. Hope to see you there!

- Randy Davis


Sent 2023-09-18: Resident Passing - 

Dan Danks passed away Saturday, 9/16/23.

- Valerie Basaldua,   SEPO Office


Sent 2023-09-17: UNAPPROVED: SEPO Financials, 2023-08 (Aug) - 

The UNAPPROVED Aug 2023 SEPO Financials are posted on the Sunshine Website HERE. Please let me know if you have any questions.     - Mark Owen     SEPO Treasurer


Sent 2023-09-17: SEPO Directories: Any Updates? - 

Sometimes Sunshine residents go north for the summer and when they return to Sunshine - they have a new AWAY Address and/or new Phone Number(s). And even if you don’t go north, it’s possible some of your SEPO directory information may have changed.


This is a gentle reminder to make sure the SEPO Office ( aware of any changes you may have to the information in the Sunshine Directories. Valerie will then ensure the website gets updated by Beth Parrish. You can see what the office shows as current HERE.


Thank you.


Share Nelson, SEPO Board President     AND     Valerie Basaldua, SEPO Office


Sent 2023-09-17: REMINDER: OCT 2023 Newsletter Articles Due by End of Day on Sep 24, 2023 - 

This is the first reminder that Newsletter articles are due by the 24th of this month. My schedule is going to be 'SUPER CRAZY' the rest of September. Sooooo, the sooner you get your articles to me, the better. Also, see the additional email below where I requested you send me any website updates needed concerning upcoming 2023-2024 Winter activities. These updates should be in email(s) separate from Newsletter articles and sent to


If you have an article you would like published in the Sunshine Oct 2023 Newsletter, the article needs to be submitted to by End of Day on Sep 24, at the latest. Please send much sooner if possible.


The Newsletter Guidelines, which were updated on September 2, 2023, are posted on the Web site HERE.


If you do not get a 'Received For Newsletter' reply from with 36 hours of sending your article, please contact me via phone call or text at the number below.


Please call with questions.


Beth Parrish     SEPO Newsletter Mgr   E-Mail:    314-960-6710


Sent 2023-09-16: pavilion floor - 

Hi!    Hope everyone is having a fantastic summer!!  Starting next Monday. September 18th, the Pavilion will be closed because we are going to refinish the floor. This should take most of the week and again thank you for your patience. Something to look at when you all (Y’all) return!!     Jim Kennedy


Sent 2023-09-14: You may not have received some SEPO emails - 

It came to my attention yesterday that some of you may not have been receiving some of the SEPO emails that have been sent to the community lately. I have reset some things so you should start receiving them going forward. However, I would suggest everyone go to the website HERE to see if you have missed anything. I always put the emails there after I send them to you.

- Beth Parrish     SEPO Enews Email Manager     E-Mail:    314-960-6710


Sent 2023-09-12: ALERT - 


Dear Residents:

This is a reminder that we all must be watchful of our property and finances.  If you are planning to have some work done around your home, be sure you know who you are hiring to do the work.  We have a Mr. Fix It-List on the Sunshine website, which can be very helpful. Referrals from neighbors are helpful. Be sure to get a bid so you know what you expect it to cost.  Do not pay the entire amount upfront.  Be wary of solicitors who come to your door uninvited, even if they come with an excuse to be in the neighborhood for some other reason.


This is not an accusation against any person or company, but rather a reminder that you must protect yourself in your business dealings. 

- Share Nelson, President, SEPO


Sent 2023-09-08: Resident passing - 

I wanted to inform the community that Jim Foster passed away early this morning at his home.

- Lenore Combs


Sent 2023-09-08: Name Tags Are In & Names are on Website - 

Rather than posting the names of those who need to pick up their Name Tags from the office on the Website in plain sight in the 'emails sent' section (HERE), I have created a page in the 'Residents Only' section (HERE) with the list of names of the 'recent' Name Tags received by the Office and also the list of names of the 'past' Name Tags which Valerie has had in the Office for some time.

- Beth Parrish     SEPO Website Admin   E-Mail:   314-960-6710

Sent 2023-09-08: Concern over "workers" in Sunshine - 

Dear Friends,


Today, 7 September 2023, there was a Hispanic man in here driving a white pick-up truck (sort of late model, well-used condition etc). And he was in here yesterday too. And with 2 other Hispanic men. I questioned him and he said he had work (my impression was it was in Encore at Anita's house - but he was parked (on the cement) by the railing passthrough. He also mentioned he had work for Nancy Steel too - with a gesture of his hand.


Now, come to find out he is a scammer! A significant story of concern was revealed to the Harlingen Police Dept, and they will be in contact this morning. If you are aware of any other shenanigans - please contact me.


Please be on the alert for this wise guy "looking for work". His name is John Joseph (and his mother's name is Mary), so he says. He drives a 2004 GMC white pick-up, License #TX 83B289A, exp 9 Sept 2023, VIN 1GHEC1SVX41105482, Hidalgo County.


If you have anything else to add, please call me.


Lights on and lock up!


The Harlingen PD is aware.
--  Lenore J Combs, 956 245 1276,   Coordinator Neighborhood Watch


Sent 2023-09-08: Name Tags Are In - 

A List of Name Tags available for pickup is posted in the 'Residents Only' Section HERE.
- Valerie Basaldua,    Office Manager   956-425-1420


Sent 2023-09-06: SEPO Communications: On Vac next week - 

I wanted to let everyone know that I will be on vacation from Sep 9 thru Sep 16. I will have my PC with me so I will have the capability to send emails. I just don't know how timely they might be. So, if you have anything that can be sent to me prior to this Sat, send it on.

- Beth Parrish,     SEPO Communications Mgr

Sent 2023-09-06: Karaoke scheduled for Friday, Sep 22 - 

Karaoke is Friday, September 22, in the Hall. Doors open at 4 and singing begins around 4:30. BYOB, but there might be some free stuff, too. No need to bring food, but you can if you want. Dancing is encouraged. You don’t have to participate, but it sure is nice to have people there supporting those that are. Hope to see you there! 
- Randy Davis

Sent 2023-09-06: Stretch Class in Hall - 

Hi!  This is Irene, a fellow Sunshiner. I have a good friend who is a group and personal fitness trainer in Dallas. She is coming to visit me in October! She has agreed to do a stretch class in our hall at 10:00a on Friday, October 6. Everyone is welcome. You can pick up some new stretch ideas and enjoy together time.

Please bring a matt or blanket etc....

- Contact info. Irene - 214 549 3993


Sent 2023-09-05: Thursday happy hour potluck - 

The hall will be closed for waxing this Thursday (9/7). Happy hour potluck will be in the card room at 4 PM. 

- Cathy Richmond


Sent 2023-09-05: REVISED: Closure of Various Common Areas This Week - 

Sorry for the last-minute notice, but Lupe and Lalo just notified me today that they want to get all of the Stripping and Waxing of the various common areas completed this week.


The following areas will be closed this week as stated in this schedule:

  • Tues- Sunburst Building 

  • Wed- Library

  • Thurs- Hall

  • Fri- Hall

Any activities scheduled in these areas on these days will need to be cancelled this week. The area will reopen the day after the work is completed.


Thank you for your understanding.

- Valerie Basaldua,     SEPO Office


Sent 2023-09-03: REMINDER LABOR DAY - 













Vicky Krueger

Sent 2023-09-03: NEWSLETTER: Updated Guidelines and Early Reminder for October - 

It's that time of year when we start thinking about all of the fun times we are going to have once the Winter 2023-2024 Season arrives at Sunshine. And for me personally, that means it's time to think about the Oct 2023 Sunshine Newsletter.


Yep, that's right, you all need to start thinking about those great articles you are going to be composing and sending to me, the once-again Sunshine Newsletter Editor. Normally you will be getting Newsletter Reminders on the 17th and 23rd of each month from September thru February. But since this is the first edition of the season, I'm giving you an early reminder.


I spent part of Saturday reviewing and making some slight updates to the Newsletter Guidelines. The updated document is available on the website HERE.


Again, I’m thinking this first Newsletter in particular, would be a great opportunity for everyone who manages or participates in one of our clubs (like Women's Club or Rock Painting) or activities (like Golf) to ‘get the word out’ about them. I’m hoping that you provide the following types of information for this Newsletter, in addition to the normal Activities info for the month of October:

  • Club/Activity Name

  • Contact Name(s)

  • Is there a Board?

  • Do you ‘meet’? If so, where and when?

  • Are meeting minutes, etc. provided?

  • General Description.

Some of this info is on the Website (but may need to be updated) HERE AND HERE.

  • What needs to be updated/corrected on these pages?

  • What else can be displayed on these pages?

  • What additional pages do we need/want?

This is a perfect opportunity:

  • For you to review and become more familiar with the Website.

  • For me to get the Website updated with current and correct info.

  • Remind the community of what a great place Sunshine is to live.

As always:
Please provide your articles to me – by September 24 at the latest. The earlier the better. When you have your article prepared, please submit it to If you need some examples of prior year Newsletters, they can be found HERE.


Thank you all in advance for helping me get the word out and keeping the community informed.

Beth Parrish     SEPO Website Admin     E-Mail:     314-960-6710


Sent 2023-09-03: Closure of Various Common Areas - 

Waxing and stripping will start Tuesday, September 5, 2023. Therefore, the Card Room and the Billiards Room will be closed Tuesday and Wednesday, September 5th and 6th.

- Valerie Basaldua,   SEPO Office


Sent 2023-09-03: Neighborhood Watch SEPT 2023 comms - 

Sent 2023-09-01: Women's Club activities for 2023-2024 - 

 Hope everyone had an enjoyable summer. It's time to start thinking about upcoming events for the 2023-2024 season. The following are planned Women's Club sponsored activities so far:


  *Saturday, October 7 - Welcome Back Pool Party

   Saturday, October 28 - Halloween Party

  *Saturday, November 4 - Shrimp Boil

  *Saturday, November 11 - Veterans Day

  *Thursday, November 23 - Thanksgiving Dinner

    Friday, December 8 - Craft/Bake Sale

  *Monday, December 25 - Christmas Dinner

  *Sunday, December 31 - New Years Eve Party

    Friday, January 12 - New Homeowners Party

    Saturday, February 2 - Casino Night

    Saturday, March 23 - Farewell Luau Party


    I will post times the closer we get to those events. Activities with an * are still in need of people to help. Please contact me directly or sign up in the library if you are interested in helping out with any of these events.


    Per Beth Parrish, as details are sent to the community the website will also be updated with that info HERE


    Also, don't forget the Labor Day potluck on Monday, September 4 at 5:00 pm in Retzlaff Hall. Hotdogs and buns will be provided, we're just asking for a small donation.


    Looking forward to the coming year and seeing you all again. Safe travels.


- Jill Ventrello,     Women's Club Activity Director


Office: (956) 425-1420

FAX: (956) 425-1420


1957 W Michigan Dr

Harlingen, TX 78550

Information in this site is authorized by

Sunshine Estates Property Owners Association (SEPO) and its residents.

©2025 by Sunshine Country Club Estates

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