Sunshine Country Club Estates
SEPO Community Emails: July 2023
Sent 2023-07-31: ACTION REQUIRED: Truck Parked on Michigan Drive -
The truck in the pictures below has been parked on Michigan Drive for several days. This vehicle must be identified to the office, whether it belongs to a resident or someone else. If not identified within 24 hours, it will be towed.
Valerie Basaldua Office Manager 956-425-1420 sepo.office@gmail.com

Sent 2023-07-31: Rock Painting Club Suspended -
I wanted to let everyone know that the Rock Painting Club is being suspended until further notice (probably for the next three months or so).
- Karren Amos
Sent 2023-07-29: Former Resident Passing -
Diane Foster, former resident passed June 26. Many residents have fond memories of Diane.
- Cathy Richmond
Sent 2023-07-27: Invitation - NATIONAL NIGHT OUT Hgn community celebration -
Dear Friends
You are invited - National Night Out 40th Anniversary
Lon C Hill Park (on Fairpark Blvd just up from the Police Dept)
Tuesday 1 August - 6PM till 9PM
Dear Neighborhood Watch and CERT Friends
On Tuesday 1 August at 6pm, there will be a crime and drug prevention event in Harlingen. Bring your chair - sit a spell and share your ideas and stories.
The NW and CERT will have a table, the Harlingen PD and the Citizens Police Academy will also have a table - amongst many other informational partners supporting this endeavor in our area.
Goals of NNO:
Heighten crime and drug prevention awareness,
Generate support for, participation in local anti-crime efforts,
Strengthen neighborhood spirit and police-community partnerships, and
Send back a message to the Bad Guys letting them know who is in charge!
We would appreciate your support so just show up and enjoy the fellowship and the evening's free activities.
You may call me for questions.
PS Many of you are aware John and I are members of the Citizen Police Academy Alumni Assn (Hgn PD) and members of CERT with the Hgn Fire Dept. We have learned alot from them at our meetings which help our community. Hurricane Donna showed up in 2008 and having this relationship with HPD & HFD - lessons learned were just the beginning. So come out and say THANKS and share the wealth.
-- Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276, Coordinator Sunshine CC Estates NW-CERT
Sent 2023-07-19: Sunshine Golf Course Improvement: New Fountain -
New water fountain on the number seven pond. Hopefully, this will help with the algae situation.
- Randy Davis

​Sent 2023-07-17: Pool Jets -
Hi pool users. Need your help!! The jets in the pool are adjusted to make the skimmers work more efficiently. They steer any floating objects like leaves towards the skimmers. If you try adjusting these jets it just cuts the way the water is moving towards the skimmers.
We would like to ask you to leave the jets in the position they are in now.
Thank you and your cooperation is much appreciated.
- Jim Kennedy
Sent 2023-07-17: UNAPPROVED: SEPO Financials, 2023-05 (May) -
The UNAPPROVED Jun 2023 SEPO Financials are posted on the Sunshine Website HERE. Please let me know if you have any questions. - Mark Owen SEPO Treasurer
Sent 2023-07-12: Bad Guys luv SEPO and send their thanks -
Dear Friends -
They are beginning to think about a picnic dinner each time your doors are unlocked and your area is dark.
This Is not a Police action - it is your responsibility to Lock doors and Light up your area.- Stop feeding the Bad Guys, please.
Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276, Neighborhood Watch
Sent 2023-07-11: Scott McCullen -
Lisa and I wanted to share with the community that our brother and friend Scott McCullen passed away on Saturday from a heart attack at home. We want to thank everyone who has helped us with Scott over the past few days.
And thank you to all that have befriended Scott down here in Sunshine, Scott really enjoyed the community and the people. His smile will be missed
Lisa and Tom Perrier
Jerry McCullen
Although the following has been provided in meetings with residents and shared in the Sunshine newsletter, it has come to the attention of your Board of Directors that many of our residents are not familiar with certain procedures associated with the sale of homes. If you are contemplating the sale of your home, either on your own or with the help of a realtor, the following information is for you, or your realtor if that is the case. Please share.
Our policies restrict your advertising signs as follows: One sign may be placed at the front of the property and one sign at the rear of the property. These signs can be either single sided or two-sided signs, but no larger than one hundred forty-four (144) square inches in size.
RESALE CERTIFICATES: In the Board Meeting of September 12, 2022, the Board adopted the following language in Policies & Procedures relating to Resale Certificates.
To comply with Texas Property Code, Sec. 207, because we are a Subdivision subject to mandatory membership in a Property Owners’ Association, we require that any owner selling his residence must provide a resale certificate to the buyer prior to closing. This must be done whether by sale through a realtor, or a private sale between individuals. This will be provided by SEPO not later than ten days following a request for same at a cost of $250. The resale certificate will provide, in part, the following information: Financial condition of the association, any unpaid amounts due the association on the property, any known violations of noncompliance for the rules (Covenants) of the association.
In the Board Meeting of October 11, 2022, upon attorney’s advice, it was decided by unanimous vote, that an inspection report by the ACC would be attached to the Resale Certificate. This report is informational only and not for the purpose of deterring a sale.
It is strongly recommended, if a property is listed for sale in Sunshine, a request be made right away to the office for an inspection by the ACC. This allows the owner to be prepared, if necessary, to make any corrections prior to requesting the Resale Certificate.
There is no charge for such an inspection. Any owner who would like to have an inspection may do so. A report will be kept in the office file of your property. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned.
Share Nelson, President
Sunshine Estate Property Owners, Inc.
309 269 0686
Sent 2023-07-08: Rock Painting Club -
Sunshine Rock Painting Meeting, Monday, 10 July 2023. Karren Amos
Sent 2023-07-06: Bad Guys on patrol -
Dear Friends -
The evening of July 4 our local Bad Guys were out shopping. They have been in Sunshine a few times and thru the RV Park. Usually, they won't disturb anything except rifle thru your vehicle - especially if the doors are NOT locked. So, please make sure your home and vehicles are secure all the time. HPD is aware. Gracias
-- Lenore J Combs, 956 245 1276, Coordinator Neighborhood Watch
Sent 2023-07-06: TIME CHANGE: O'clockers golf -
We will be moving the O'Clockers golf scramble to 6:30 pm this Sunday, July 9th. Should be a little more tolerable starting later.
- Donna Myers
Sent 2023-07-03: SEPO Board Resignation -
Regretfully, The SEPO Board has accepted the resignation of Linda Davis as Secretary and member of the Board of Directors. We thank her for her service and wish her well.
- SEPO Board
Sent 2023-07-02: Sunshine Web Updates: Directories & Photos -
Hi All - I hope everyone is enjoying their summer and keeping cool, dodging storms and whatever else may be needed to do so.
And Happy July 4th to all.
I have updated the Directories on the Sunshine website today based on info I have been receiving from the SEPO Office recently. Dates on the files (Resident by Name and by Address, Email Address and Renter Info) should all be as of 06-30-2023. I have also updated the Photo Pages: Current and Former. If updates are needed to any of the info provided above, let me know by replying to the email in my signature below.
- Beth Parrish SEPO Web site Admin E-Mail: sunshinecountryclubweb@gmail.com 314-960-6710