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SEPO Community Emails: May 2023

Sent 2023-05-31: UPDATED: Directories on Web site - 

I want to send out a big thanks to all of you who replied to my last Directory email in mid-May about needing to know if your Resident / Renter  / Email information on the SEPO Directories was up-to-date.


I have taken everyone's responses and incorporated them into this most recent directory update that is now on the Web site. I have worked with Valerie on some new resident info as well. However, you will see (marked in DARK BLUE) that there is still some info that Valerie is not aware of concerning some buying and selling of homes with Sunshine over the last few months. Please make sure you get with her and get your office files updated.


All of the new directories can be found HERE. If anyone still sees info that needs tended to, please let me know ASAP by replying to this email (


If you have any questions or issues with accessing these directories, please contact me using info from my signature below.

Beth Parrish

SEPO Enews and Sunshine Website Manager




Sent 2023-05-31: Rock Painting Class 5 June 2023 canceled - 

To all Sunshine Rock Club Members! --- The next Rock Painting Class meeting on Monday, 5 June 2023, is cancelled.     - Karren Amos


Sent 2023-05-31: Memorial Day Festivities: THANK YOU - 

Dear Friends - I wish to thank everyone who participated in yesterday's Veterans Tribute.
So many of you contributed - from the nuts & bolts of the Program, Parade, Potluck to the decorating and dirty dishes.

I dare not start a Thank You list of names fearing leaving one out - so God Bless America and God bless you. And as Lee Greenwood sings - 🎵 I am proud to be an American..... 🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵

-- Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276


Hi - This is Beth Parrish. Thanks to those of you who sent me pictures and posted pictures on the Sunshine FB page so that I could post some of the festivities on the Sunshine Website HERE.

- Beth Parrish, Sunshine Website Mgr


Sent 2023-05-29: RAIN PLANs - if necessary for Memorial Day Monday 29 May 2023 - 

Dear Friends - 
The show will go on.......
If rain tries to mess our day, just go to Retzlaff Hall -- 1:30 PM. We will have the Memorial Day tribute there.
If weather permitting, we will have the Golf Cart Parade as planned and the program will continue at the Gazebo.
The Potluck plan has not changed. (4pm Retz Hall)
Thanks - Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276


Sent 2023-05-23: Clint Wunderlich celebration of life meeting - 

If any ladies are interested in helping with Clint’s celebration of life, we are going meet in the library on Wednesday May 24th at 2pm. Celebration will be held Saturday June 17th.
- Women’s Club, Vicky Krueger


Sent 2023-05-23: Beginning line dance class - 

Just a reminder.  We will have a beginner line dance class at 10:00 in the hall on Tuesdays thru the summer. Will extend into next season if enough interest. 

- Donna Myers,   956 245 0188 


Sent 2023-05-23: Golf: Aerating the Greens - 

It appears the weather will cooperate this week to allow us to begin aerating the greens. We will start around Wednesday noon and should be completed by Friday afternoon. The course will be open, but please play around the workers.

- Randy Davis,   Golf Course Director


Sent 2023-05-22: Memorial Day Tribute Monday 29 May 2023 - 

Dear Friends - 
Memorial Day is next Monday. Please mark your calendars for this event.
Sunshine will present a Memorial Day Tribute on Monday the 29th
Everyone is cordially invited.

Memorial Day is a holiday originally called Decoration Day. It was designed to honor Armed Forces who gave their all during service to our Nation. And we are especially grateful to these families. We shall celebrate and give thanks.

Golf Cart Parade 1:30 Meet at the Office
If you please - decorate your Golf Cart and carry your Flag
Hoppy will have music

We will cover Michigan to Missouri heading to Iowa to Minnesota then - back to Michigan, going to Missouri to Montana and out to the Gazebo for the program.

Gazebo - Program begins.
If anyone would like to help with this piece, please notify me.
I also need about 9 volunteers for the Branch Flags
Lenore 956 245 1276

Flag bearers and script readers are needed.

Potluck - 4pm Retz Hall
See Jill Ventrello for any questions relevant to the Potluck.
Bring your favorite dish and enjoy the fellowship.

Thank you, God Bless you and God Bless the USA
- Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276


Sent 2023-05-22: Memorial Day memory board - 

I realize that Memorial Day is a day to honor those that lost their lives serving their country but personally I feel there are not enough days in the year to honor ALL veterans so with that being said I have made a bulletin board in Retzlaff Hall, for Memorial Day, for anyone that wants to display pictures, letters or any memories of their loved ones that have served or are now serving. If you want please let us know who these special veterans in your life are. Also make sure that you put your name and number on the back so I can get them back to you. Hope to see many of you there at the parade, the gazebo ceremony and the hall for potluck. 
- Jill Ventrello


Sent 2023-05-21: Wood Shop Orientation Class Thursday May 25th 5 pm - 

Woodshop Orientation Class Thursday May 25th 5 pm in the wood shop.

This will be the last class until Fall.


This class is a requirement for using the wood shop.

A one time attendance is required.

The shop will be closed during the class.


Call John Chajec 708-280-8940  with any questions.


Sent 2023-05-20: Pool Update (Saturday May 20) - 

Hi: A Saturday morning update on pool. Pool is ready to use---Enjoy!! The hot tub can be used, but the jets are off! The motor that runs the jets is the one that has parts ordered. Hopefully by Monday!!! Thanks everyone for your patience.     Jim Kennedy


Sent 2023-05-20: Pool Update (Saturday May 20) - 

Hi: A Saturday morning update on pool. Pool is ready to use---Enjoy!! The hot tub can be used, but the jet are off! The motor that runs the jets is the one that has parts ordered. Hopefully by Monday!!!

Thanks everyone for your patience.

- Jim Kennedy


Sent 2023-05-19: Pool Update - 

Hi: Quick progress report on pool and hot tub!! There was a tear in one of the filters and that has been ordered. Lalo has worked his tail off switching filters to get things in line as quickly as possible. To get things done the “right way” – let’s put off using the pool for another day. When I get the green light, I’ll let you know. Hope it will be worth the wait!!! Thanks again for you patience.     Jim Kennedy


Sent 2023-05-19: Former Resident Passing - 

The office was informed by Kay Sluyter and Ina Hillman that Former resident Gene Nett passed away on 5/18.

Valerie Basaldua,   SEPO Office


Sent 2023-05-19: Resident Passing - 

Dan Boardman has informed the office that Bob Auclair passed away on Tuesday, 05/16.

- Valerie Basaldua,   SEPO Office


Sent 2023-05-19: Sunshine Rock Painting Meeting 22 May 2023 - 

The NEXT Sunshine Rock Painting Club meeting is Monday May 22nd, 1 to 3 pm at the hall. Rock painting will include Memorial Day rocks and others! Hope to see you there!     Karren Amos

Sent 2023-05-19: Pool Update - 

Hi: Because of weather and some glitches that have popped up with filters and pumps, am sorry to say the pool and hot tub will not be open Friday. The good news is that both the hot tub and pool look great! With the addition of some chemicals and tender care everything should be soon back to normal. Thank you everyone for your patience while this is being done!!!!!     Jim Kennedy


Sent 2023-05-17: Memorial Day planning meeting Friday 19 May 11 am - 

Dear Friends - Anyone wishing to give their 2 CENTS for Memorial Day, please come with your ideas.

Tentative Plans;

  • MONDAY 29 May = Memorial Day Golf cart Parade 2pm, meet at the Office.

  • Memorial day program - Gazebo to follow

  • Potluck supper 4pm Jill Ventrello - sponsor

Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276
Sponsor for Golf Cart Parade & Gazebo plans


 Sent 2023-05-16: Beginning Line Dance Class - 

There has been some interest expressed in Line Dancing.

I have set up a beginning class for Tuesday mornings at 10 in the Hall. It will begin May 23.

I will be starting with the basic steps and start with beginner dances. I hope any of you that have ever thought about line dancing will give this a try. Should be fun and you will get a little exercise as well.

Any questions call Donna Myers at 956 245 0188. Hope to see a bunch of you there.


Sent 2023-05-15: Resident Passing -

Frank Tewell informed me Clint Wunderlich passed away on Sunday, May 14, 2023.

- Valerie Basaldua,     SEPO Office


Sent 2023-05-15: Neighborhood Watch info: Harlingen Police Academy class - 

Neighborhood Watch and CERT and Sunshine residents

Dear Friends,

There will be a Harlingen Police Academy class held at the local Harlingen Police Dept.-- 1018 Fairpark Blvd, Hgn.
It will start Monday the 5th of June 2023, 6pm - 9 or 10 pm x 8 or so weeks. Lots of good safety info. (no charge)

Applications are in the Library on the Neighborhood Watch bulletin Board. I also have them. Get them in ASAP - class is limited.

The curriculum and teaching methods are similar to the traditional Police Academy but you are not Police candidates. Classroom and hands-on instruction provide you with a working knowledge of Hgn PD such as HPD Operations, Policy, Procedure etc. and you will gain a deeper understanding of the problems and concerns they face daily.
Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276
Coordinator - Neighborhood Watch - CERT Team


Sent 2023-05-14: UPDATED: Sunshine Directories on Web - 

Hi All - I hope all mothers enjoyed their special day today - 




And I hope everyone is enjoying the summer. I certainly have been.


Anyway, it's been a looooong time coming, but I spent quite a bit of time this weekend updating all of the Sunshine Directories on the website:

  • Resident Directory by - 

    • Name

    • Address

  • Resident Email Address Directory

  • Renters Directory


All of these directories are dated May 14, 2023 and can be found HERE


Earlier today I sent separate emails to several residents asking specific questions about what I had listed for them in the website directories. As soon as I hear back from those folks, I'll update the web again. Hopefully this will be occur in the next week or so.


Now I'm asking something from all of you. Will you please take a couple of minutes to look at these updated directories and let me know if your info is 'CORRECT' or if 'CHANGES ARE NEEDED' by replying to this email (


Please remember, these are your directories, and I can only supply to you the info you have supplied to the Office.


If anyone has questions or issues with accessing these directories, please contact me using info from my signature below.

Beth Parrish     SEPO Enews Email Manager   E-Mail:   314-960-6710

Sent 2023-05-13: Neighborhood Watch info - 

Neighborhood Watch and CERT and Sunshine residents

Dear Friends,
There will NOT be a scheduled Neighborhood Watch - CERT meeting in June. If anyone wishes to contact me, feel free.

The only info I have for us is to be careful and light up and lock up!!!!


Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276
Coordinator - Neighborhood Watch - CERT Team


Sent 2023-05-13: MEMORIAL DAY Plans at Sunshine Monday 29 May 2023 - 

Dear Friends,

Memorial Day has been and is a special day to honor all military members who died while serving in the U.S. Armed Forces. Aside from decorating Veterans graves, parades and services are often held but after WWII, the purpose broadened and now recognizes all those who have served in all American Wars.

The National Remembrance Act - Moment of Silence - pause at 3pm local time. (We will incorporate this with the program at the Gazebo).

Sunshine is a proud community and there are two parts to our Memorial Day program - the Veterans Tribute (Golf Cart Parade & Gazebo Program) and the Potluck which will follow shortly thereafter in Retz Hall.

There is a signup sheet in the Library.

For the Parade and Gazebo part, I am looking for volunteers to help with several facets. The Potluck Team are doing their thing at Retz Hall.

John and I need Flag Bearers to carry the Branch Flags and two escorts with wooden rifles (that don't shoot). Hoppy will help with sound. John will help with the Flag ceremony.

I need two Neighborhood Watch volunteers to mark the area by the Gazebo from where the Flags will enter.

We appreciate your 2 CENTs and can have a brief meeting on Tue or Wed the 16th and/or 17th of May. Let's meet at the Office and go from there.

Please call me for any questions 956 245 1276 Thanks
Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276


Sent 2023-05-11: Calling All Dogs and Cats too! - 

Hey Everyone,

Sandra Delaunay will be coming to the Estates on Tuesday, May16th, 2023, to take care of your pet's nails. She will be starting at 11:00 am. The cost is ten dollars per pet.

Please text Sandra and she will schedule your appointment. Sandra's number is 956-226-9919. Sandra will come to your home.
- Thanks,     Marian Young   719-468-4556


Sent 2023-05-11: Open Gate - 

It is the consensus of your Board of Directors that the front gate on Texas Avenue will remain open during daytime and close during the evening as it normally does. We are all aware of a change in border procedure that may or may not affect us. Our local police have issued no warnings and we are hopeful for the best. Many of our residents are away from their homes in Sunshine. Please be watchful in your neighborhood and take every precaution to keep yourself and your property safe. A special thank you to our Neighborhood Watch team.

May you have a happy and healthy summer.
- SEPO Board of Directors


Sent 2023-05-10: TX Ave 'front' dog park path - 

I saw on the SEPO Facebook page that a new path had been constructed in the 'front' dog park on Texas Avenue. Even though I don't have a dog, I was curious as to what everyone was talking about. My request for pictures was answered and I'm sharing them with everyone below.

Beth Parrish, SEPO Communications

Sent 2023-05-10: Memorial Day Festivities - 

Memorial Day (Monday May 29th) is the unofficial start to summer so it's time to celebrate! We're starting by having a golf cart parade around the neighborhood at 2:00 pm followed by a short ceremony at the gazebo. We'll all meet back at Retzlaff Hall at 4:00 pm for a potluck. There is a signup sheet in the library for those of you who want to bring food. Also there's going to be a memorial board that you can use to put up pictures of your loved ones who have served in the past. Please put your name and number on the back to I can get them back to you. I'll send out a notice when the board is ready for you to start putting up your memories.

Hope to see all of you there.
Jill Ventrello


Sent 2023-05-10: O'clockers golf - 

The O'Clockers golf scramble will move to 6:00 pm on Sunday May 14 due to hot weather. Open to all golfers in community. We meet beside the shuffleboard court at 5:45 for hole assignments. Come on out and have some fun.

- Questions call Donna Myers at 956 245 0188


Sent 2023-05-09: THANKS - 

The email below from Lenore was inadvertently not sent in April. So here it is.


Dear Friends

Do know that the two red lights (one at the Front Gate and the 2nd at the street entrance to Sunshine) are now working.

The Neighborhood Watch checks these each evening while on Patrol. They are to be used in case of an emergency so that the EMS, Fire or Police know the emergency is in SCCE - not the RV Park next door.

Thanks to our vigilant NW Team who Patrols every evening.
Thanks to Tom and Lalo.

Also, we love the new roadway into the Doggie area. BOW WOW & Thanks.
Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276
Coordinator NW - CERT Team


Sent 2023-05-09: Pool and Hot Tub Closed -  

Pool And Hot Tub will be Closed for Cleaning


Pool and Hot Tub Is going to be completely drained and cleaned with Acid Solution next week Mon-Thurs May 15-18. We will update you on Thursday with the status of Maintenance. Thank you     - Jim Kennedy


Sent 2023-05-07: Neighborhood Watch directive - 

Dear Neighborhood Watch - 

As of this transmission, and Jim Kennedy's request, he will take responsibility to lock the doors. You are not to check or lock the doors as this is his area as a SEPO Board Member.

Jim's text and phone call x 2 support this message.

Please continue on your Patrol as otherwise oriented.
Thank you.
Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276
Coordinator - Neighborhood Watch SCCE


Sent 2023-05-07: UNAPPROVED: SEPO Financials, 2023-04 (Apr) - 

The UNAPPROVED April 2023 SEPO Financials are posted on the Sunshine Website HERE. Please let me know if you have any questions.     - Mark Owen     SEPO Treasurer


Sent 2023-05-07: SEPO Communications Mgr is back in the USA - 

Hi Everyone -


I just wanted to let you know that I have returned from my long and much needed vacation. I want to thank my SEPO Email backup for handling this duty while I was gone. But wouldn't you know it, the email system we use had a name change (from Send-In-Blue to BREVO) and I'm not sure of what other changes may have occurred to the system while I was gone. I will be reviewing things this week and sending emails using the updated system. Hopefully it's a smooth transition.


i have one email from Lenore Combs and one from Mark Owen in the sepoenews inbox that I will try to get out this evening. If anyone else has sent anything else to sepoenews that might not have gone out to the community, please resend it to me.


FYI - I'll also be updating the website and the directories in the next few days.


Beth Parrish     SEPO Enews Email Manager   E-Mail:   314-960-6710


Sent 2023-05-05: Texas Ave Gate Status - 

Good Morning:

The Texas Ave gate was not closing last night, May 4th and the technician was scheduled today, May 5th, to try and solve this issue. Also, the SOS/Yelper has been installed, and the police/fire/ems have been notified. Thank you.     - Tom Perrier


Office: (956) 425-1420

FAX: (956) 425-1420


1957 W Michigan Dr

Harlingen, TX 78550

Information in this site is authorized by

Sunshine Estates Property Owners Association (SEPO) and its residents.

©2025 by Sunshine Country Club Estates

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