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SEPO Community Emails: April 2023

Sent 2023-04-29: Broken Glass, Golf Related - 

A house at 1933 Michigan had a golf ball strike the back glass door causing it to shatter. More than likely, the ball came from the number 6 tee box, but no one knows how it happened. If you feel any responsibility for this damage/action, please get in touch with me or the homeowner. Thank you.
- Randy Davis     Golf Course Director


Sent 2023-04-26: Storage Road Repair Alert - 

Please stay off the road on the west side of the storage area next to the drainage canal. This area will be under repair for the next couple of days.

- Frank Tewell     SEPO Director 


Sent 2023-04-25: Aerating Greens Postponed - 

The weather has made us postpone aerating our greens here in Sunshine this week.  Based on the current forecast, next week may be as bad as well. Thank you for your patience.
- Randy Davis     Golf Course Director


Sent 2023-04-25: Texas Ave Gate - 

The motor for the Texas Ave Gate has been replaced as of 4-24 and appears to be working fine. Thank you for your patience! Also, Lalo is doing some improvements to the dog park on Texas Ave and was hoping to keep the grass growing and the mud down with these changes. Have a good summer!

- Tom Perrier

Sent 2023-04-20: Golf Course Maintenance - 

All of the following information is contingent on the weather (rain, wind conditions, etc.):

At noon Wednesday, April 26, we will begin aerating the greens. We will be completed Friday afternoon. The course will be playable, but the greens will be rough and you will need to skip holes that are being actively worked.

Throughout the next few months, on Thursday mornings (while it’s still dark), we will be spraying turf management solution. This is purchased at Home Depot over the counter. It helps with our grass and as a side by-product helps kill mosquitos where they breed. It does not affect ornamentals, roses, flowers, shrubs, trees, fruits, citrus, and vegetables. If you don’t drink it, it’s safe for humans and pets. It has a smell to remind you to be extra aware for you and your critters.

Also as needed, there will be periodic spraying to kill clover and encroaching carpet grass in small sections of the course.

Thank you for your patience.

Randy Davis     Golf Course Director


Sent 2023-04-18: AEP Warning: Lights Out - 

AEP will be working Tomorrow Behind 4333 N. Minnesota in putting in a post. If you live around this area, you could possibly be affected.

- Working Hours: Wednesday   April 19,2023 9:00Am -12:00pm

- Things to consider:

  • Taking another route when going in and out ...(Traffic will be congested with a crane that will be brought in)

  • Items in your refrigerator

- Valerie Basaldua     Office Manager

Sent 2023-04-18: Sodas/Pop in the library and card room - 

There is soda/pop in the card room and Library. They are for sale - not for free. In order to replace that soda/pop we use the money that is put in the cap from the sales for replacement of the soda/pop. Right now we are not getting enough Money to replace the soda/pop. If you have any suggestions please let me know.
- Vicky Krueger   Call or text: 795-418-6208


Sent 2023-04-18: Future Rock Painting Club dates spring and into summer - 

Here are future Sunshine Rock Club Meeting dates:

  • APRIL 24th

  • MAY 1st

  • MAY 22nd

  • JUNE 5th

  • JUNE 26th

  • JULY 10th (date chgd f/holiday)

  • JULY 24th

  • AUG 7th

  • AUG 28th

  • SEP 11th

HOPE that helps for planning purposes. Enjoy your spring/summer. Be safe.     Karren Amos


Sent 2023-04-18: Next Rock Painting Club Meeting - 

The next Sunshine Rock Painting Club Meeting is April 24th - hope to see you there!     Karren Amos


Sent 2023-04-18: Looking For: House for Rent - 

I know of someone who is looking for a place to rent in Sunshine next winter and he has been checking our website frequently. If you have a house for rent, I can help with that by listing it on the Sunshine website HERE. Just send me the information as outlined HERE.

- Beth Parrish     SEPO Web site Admin   E-Mail:   314-960-6710


Sent 2023-04-18: Resident Passing - 

Jim Canty's wife's sister, Cindy, has informed the office that Jim passed away on April 9.

 - Valerie Basaldua     SEPO Office


Sent 2023-04-18: Pavilion - 

Greetings from Sunshine:


To all our residents that have made the trip North, hope you made it home safely. And to our residents that are heading out soon-----safe travels.


I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone that let me know what State you hailed from. We have 23 different States and 2 Canadian Provinces . Pretty much right up the middle of our country. We are getting flags for each of these States and Provinces. The flags will be hung in the Pavilion.


The purpose of doing this is twofold-----


  1. To honor the States and Provinces our residents “Hail” from.

  2. To help combat the excessive noise that is generated when we have a function in the Pavilion. We have been fighting this for years and hopefully, this will ease some of this problem.


This is just a “Heads UP” as to what you may find upon your return. Have a Great Summer!!!!!

- Jim Kennedy     SEPO Board


Sent 2023-04-15: SEPO Emails & Website Status: April 19 thru May 6 - 

I wanted to remind everyone that from 5 PM on Wednesday, April 19 thru midnight on Saturday, May 6 I will be traveling and have no access to the SEPO Communications systems for email and the website during this timeframe. Therefore, the following limitations will be in place starting next Wednesday concerning SEPO Communications.

  1. Sunshine website: No one will be monitoring There will be ‘no’ updates made to the website during this timeframe.

  2. SEPO Emails: Any emails to that need to be sent to the community should only contain verbiage. That means no pictures, attachments etc can be included in your email.

My backup during this period will also be doing some traveling but will send emails as time permits. Therefore, get any emails you need sent to the community to as soon as you can before your event, etc.

- Beth Parrish     SEPO Communications   314-960-6710


Sent 2023-04-15: SEPO Financials: Unapproved 2023-03 (Mar) / Approved 2023-01 (Jan) & 2023-02 (Feb) - 

The following SEPO Financials, which were sent to the community in emails on April 3, are now posted on the Sunshine Website HERE:

  • Jan 2023, Approved

  • Feb 2023, Approved


The UNAPPROVED March 2023 SEPO Financials are below, and also posted on the Sunshine Website HERE.


Please let me know if you have any questions.

- Mark Owen     SEPO Treasurer


Sent 2023-04-15: MARKET: House For Rent - 

The house at 4137 N Mo Street is currently For Rent. Please see details and pictures on the Sunshine MARKET. The new homeowner has asked that I be contacted if anyone is interested in renting. 

- Cindy Shriver     956-970-0449


Sent 2023-04-14: Neighborhood Watch meeting Monday 17 April 3pm Retz Hall - 

Dear Neighborhood Watch and Sunshine residents


We will have our meeting this Monday.  17 April  3pm  All welcome.  Bring your 2 CENTS.

Focus this month is on Safety in unexpected conditions (hurricane, flooding, fire, etc. 


Come in your Golf Cart as we will take a ride around SCCE for a practicum experience.  -- Utility poles, Sanitation Station, how to turn off water in a flooding condition, and etc.  


Warning - some Bad Guys are amping up their projects - they have their sights on fancy Golf Carts and other pricey items.  They even have "borrowed" some heavy, pricy equipment such as Golf Course equipment.   


May I recommend all of us get some good outdoor lighting for our homes - Bad Guys hate lights.  


Would like to cordially extend an invitation to our new Board for their 2 CENTS for safety & security for the summer.  


HPD and HFD are considering another class 

HPD - Citizens Police Academy

HFD - CERT Training


Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276

Coordinator NW-CERT


Sent 2023-04-10: UNAPPROVED: SEPO Board Meeting (Special) Minutes, Apr 5, 2023 - 

The UNAPPROVED minutes from the Apr 5, 2023 Board Meeting (Special) can be found on the Sunshine website HERE and opened directly from HERE. They will also be posted in the office. Please call with any issues or questions.
- Linda Davis     SEPO Board Secretary



APRIL 9TH, 2023



TIME: 7:30AM






Vicky Krueger

Sent 2023-04-07: Bob Auclair phone number - 

Many have asked for an update on Bob. I spoke to him yesterday and he is doing well and would welcome phone calls. His number is (715) 315-0403.

- Dan Boardman


Sent 2023-04-07: CORRECTION - VIDEO: Board Mtg (Special) from Apr 5, 2023 - 

The link to the Apr 5, 2023 video on the website was incorrect when I sent it out yesterday. I fixed it just now HERE so everything should be correct. Let me know if there are any other issues. Thx.

- Beth Parrish     Sunshine Website Mgr   Email:


Sent 2023-04-06: APPROVED: SEPO Board Meeting (Special) Minutes, Mar 13 & 22, 2023 - 

The minutes from the Mar 13, 2023 Board Meeting (Regular) were revised at the Apr 5, 2023 Board Meeting (Special) and then APPROVED. The minutes from the Mar 22, 2023 Board Meeting (Special) were APPROVED at the Apr 5, 2023 Board Meeting (Special).


Both sets of minutes can be found on the Sunshine website HERE. They will also be posted in the office. Please call with any issues or questions.
- Linda Davis     SEPO Board Secretary


Sent 2023-04-06: VIDEO: Board Mtg (Special) from Apr 5, 2023 - 

The video from the Apr 5, 2023 Special Board meeting is now available for viewing on the Sunshine Web site HERE AND directly from this link. Please contact me with any issues/questions.
- Linda Davis     SEPO Board Secretary

Sent 2023-04-04: Garden Club Plant Sale, Thank You - 

A huge thank you to all who donated and visited the Garden Club plant sale today. It was a tremendous success. Everyone has been so generous. Thank you Robin and Dave for all your hard work, donated plants, and decorations. Couldn't have done it without you. Good luck planting and enjoy.
Thank you all again, Susanne


Sent 2023-04-04: SEPO Email Mgr Out of Office Notice - 

Hi All - I wanted to let everyone know that I will have limited access to sending SEPO emails from when I turn in my Spectrum Equipment at 1 PM this Wed (Apr 5) until Sat late afternoon (Apr 8). I should have internet access to the email system this Thu and Fri from 5 pm to 10 pm.

If you have anything you know that needs to be sent during my offline times, send it to me now, and I can queue it now to send when you want it to go out. If you have anything that is an EMERGENCY during my offline times, text or call me, and I may be able to get hold of someone to send it for you.

Thx for your understanding of this.

Beth Parrish     SEPO Enews Email Manager   E-Mail:   314-960-6710


Sent 2023-04-03: SEPO Board Special Meeting 4-5-23 (GM timing chg) - 

Please access the Special Board Meeting on April 5, 2023 ten (10) minutes earlier than the meeting. We have had technical problems trying to access 15 minutes early. See original agenda below sent on April 2.
Linda Davis     SEPO Board Secretary


Sent 2023-04-03: APPROVED: SEPO Financials, 2023-02 (Feb) - 

The APPROVED February 2023 SEPO Financials are be posted on the Sunshine Website HERE. Please let me know if you have any questions.

- Mark Owen     SEPO Treasurer


Sent 2023-04-03: CORRECTED & APPROVED: SEPO Financials, 2023-01 (Jan) - 

The Corrected January 2023 SEPO Financials are posted on the Sunshine Website HERE. These documents were approved at the last Board Meeting. Please let me know if you have any questions.

- Mark Owen     SEPO Treasurer


Sent 2023-04-03: ANY INTEREST in Table Tennis/Ping Pong? - 

Are you interested in playing Table Tennis/Ping Pong here in Sunshine? If you are, please attend a meeting this Tuesday at 2 PM in Retzlaff Hall to discuss.     - Grace Clark


Sent 2023-04-02: Board Agenda Special Meeting - 

The meeting notice below was posted in the normal three spots (Office, Poolside door into Retzlaff Hall and by the mailboxes) earlier today. Beth posted it on the website this afternoon HERE.





April 5, 2023, at 2:00 PM

Hybrid Meeting: Retzlaff Hall& Google Meet

You can log into Google Meet at 2 PM with this link:


  1. Call to order

  2. Google Meet Recording – Announce this meeting is being recorded via Google Meet

  3. SEPO Board Roll Call
    Share Nelson
    Randy Davis
    Jim Kennedy
    Linda Davis
    Tom Perrier
    Frank Tewell
    Mark Owen

  4. Verify the Notice of the Agenda was made available to the community by the required day/time.

  5. Board Members consideration/adoption of any amendments to the posted agenda.

  6. Review and consideration of approving the meeting minutes for the regular Board Meeting held March 13, 2023.

  7. Opinion letter from Attorney regarding Texas Avenue/dog leash issues.

  8. Review of Suggestion/Complaint/Idea forms received since the previous meeting. 

  9. Adjournment

        a. Motion to adjourn and vote

        b. Announce time of Adjournment

        c. Stop Google Meet recording

        d. Stop Google Meet Session

- Linda Davis     SEPO Board Secretary


Sent 2023-04-01: Website & Board Mtg Videos - 

I found out late this week the 'File Storage Limit' policies for the Sunshine website have changed. In an effort to not have SEPO pay more for additional storage space, I have been reviewing the larger files that are linked to on the site. As I suspected our meeting videos took up LOTS of space. So that's where my cleanup began. I have downloaded all BOARD videos dated prior to Oct 1, 2022 to a personal storage device and removed them, along with any links to them, from the website. If you need/want to view anything I have removed, just send an email to and I can get it/them to you. The Residents' meetings video are all still accessible on the website. I will be continuing with this effort the next couple of weeks. Wish me luck. :)

- Beth Parrish     SEPO Web site Admin   E-Mail:   314-960-6710


Office: (956) 425-1420

FAX: (956) 425-1420


1957 W Michigan Dr

Harlingen, TX 78550

Information in this site is authorized by

Sunshine Estates Property Owners Association (SEPO) and its residents.

©2025 by Sunshine Country Club Estates

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