Sunshine Country Club Estates
SEPO Community Emails: March 2023
Sent 2023-03-30: Website: Upcoming Activities/Mtgs (Summer 2023 & Winter 2023-2024) -
Well, I guess I'll do anything to keep from packing those totes. And today I have put my hooks into the Sunshine website big time!
Please go to the "Events Legend by Year" page which is the first page under the EVENTS tab on the Sunshine website.
This 'legend' page will take you to all of the pages containing information about past, current and future things you might be interested in. I have also added information about the new SEPO-Santioned Facebook page here.
The summer and next winter seasons pages are a continuing 'work in process' as I am constantly updating the website with the Activity Requests everyone has been submitting to the office. IF YOU SEE ANYTHING THAT NEEDS TO BE CORRECTED, please let me know at the contact info I have provided below.
This SEPO Email is going out to several new residents whose email addresses have been give to me recently. Welcome to the community and please let me know if you have any issues or questions concerning the website.
- Beth Parrish, SEPO Web site Admin, E-Mail: sunshinecountryclubweb@gmail.com, 314-960-6710
Sent 2023-03-30: Thursday Happy Hour Potluck in Retzlaff Hall -
It's come to my attention that there is no longer anyone in charge of Thursday Happy Hour Potlucks that have been taking place all winter season long in Retzlaff Hall from 4-6 PM. If anyone wants to take on that responsibility please contact me, otherwise it's going bye bye. Jill Ventrello
Sent 2023-03-30: Hobo party -
See all you hobos tomorrow at the farewell party! Doors open at 4PM. Access only through the door on the north side of the hall. Cathy Richmond
Sent 2023-03-30: Memorial Day potluck -
We're thinking of having a Memorial Day potluck on May 29th. If you'd be interested in attending there is a signup sheet in the library.
- Jill Ventrello
Sent 2023-03-29: MARKET: Home For Sale -
See the home at 4137 North Missouri Street, on the Sunshine MARKET that is for sale for Mike and Carrie Marvin.
- Cindy Shriver, broker/owner, Dream Valley Properties LLC 956-970-0449
Sent 2023-03-29: WC: 2023-2024 Activities Signup sheets -
The signup sheets for Women's Club 2023-2024 events are now posted in the library. Also, as of today, the Shrimp Boil that was cancelled is back on for November 4th. This listing of all current planned events is on the Sunshine website HERE.
We're hoping and planning on having a successful season this coming fall, winter and spring, so help us accomplish that by signing up to help or possibly chair any one or more of these events.
Those of you who are "flying" north for the summer, have a safe journey and we'll be looking forward to seeing you all back here in the fall. And for those of you who are sticking around all summer, if you come up with a fun activity you'd like to do here in the community, let me know. I'm all ears!
- Jill Ventrello, Women's Club Activity Director

APRIL 9TH, 2023
TIME: 7:30AM
Vicky Krueger

Sent 2023-03-28: Hobo Party -
Plans are going well for the party! Tickets are on sale until Wednesday at noon! Looking forward to seeing you hobo! - Cathy Richmond
Sent 2023-03-26: GARDEN Club: Garden Cleanup -
If you can make it, the Garden Club and resident volunteers are needed for garden cleanup on Tuesday, March 28th. Meet at the office garden at 10am. We always appreciate the help. We will focus on office garden and plants by the gazebo. Rain cancels. Thank you all so much. - Susanne
Sent 2023-03-26: NEED State List -
Hi Sunshine Residents:
If you are a property owner here in our Community, I need your help. I am trying to put together a list of what State you hailed from. Me, I was a proud resident of North Dakota, before finding my way to the Valley.
Would you please drop me a note saying what State or Province you called home or will find your way back to this summer. There is no such list in the office and I am working on a project that could use this information.
My email address is jwkennedy47@rgv.rr.com or get word to me the best you can. Your help is certainly appreciated.
- Jim Kennedy Common Grounds 1 Director
Sent 2023-03-25: Amended/Approved/Filed SEPO Bylaws & Covenants on Sunshine website -
The SEPO Bylaws and Covenants that were revised and approved at the Feb 21, 2023 Annual meeting were filed with Cameron County on Wed, Mar 23, 2023. Both documents are now available on the Sunshine website from the SEPO Rules page or directly from these pages (Bylaws) and (Covenants). Please call with any issues or questions.
- Share Nelson, SEPO Board President
Sent 2023-03-25: New Access To Kitchen Area -
New keypads have been installed on the door leading into the kitchen from the outside and on the small supply closet just outside of the kitchen door in Retzlaff Hall.
A master code will be held by SEPO.
When hosting an event or otherwise needing access to the kitchen, a temporary code can be obtained from Valerie in the office. Keep in mind, if there is a weekend event, you should obtain the temporary code prior to Valerie closing the office on Friday. In the event, you have an unexpected need to access the kitchen and Valerie is not available, the President of Women’s Club will assist you. The temporary code will be deleted the following Monday or in an otherwise timely manner following weekday events.
Upon leaving the kitchen, the interior doors will be closed and must be physically locked, from inside the kitchen and people will exit from the kitchen to the outside after physically locking that door.
If you oversee closing the hall, lock the doors, and exit through the kitchen as described above.
The kitchen area is currently open on weekdays from 7:00 a.m. until 3:30 p.m.
If a person in charge of an event wishes to lock the freezer, that person must check the key out from the office. If the freezer remains unlocked, there are cameras in place for security in the hall including the kitchen and storage room which can be reviewed for up to three months, if necessary.
Beth has put this new process on the website on the 'SEPO Forms and Processes' page HERE or the 'Access to Kitchen Area' page HERE.
Sent 2023-03-25: Combes residents water rates -
To all SEPO residents who reside in Combes
We are proposing a fact-finding meeting with the former mayor of Combes in regards to the situation with our water costs today and the potential increases in rates to come for SEPO residents in Combes. It has come to our attention that there might be another avenue to investigate to possibly get these rates reduced and we think the former mayor may be able to help us.
The meeting will be held at Mary David’s residence, in Combes, at 19958 Poplar. She is also concerned about the high water rates that ALL Combes residents are experiencing, and the potential rate increases to come. The meeting will be held at her house on March 29 at 4:00 pm. Anybody who needs a ride let us know, our car holds 6. Maybe some others could help with rides over there also.
Mary has been gracious enough to offer to host a meeting of just the SEPO residents that reside in Combes. It will not include residents who live outside of SEPO.
We hope you all can come and listen. We hope it will be well worth your time and effort. And we hope that we all will be able to see some lower rates in the future.
Thank you,
Fred and Sandy Lowe
Any questions you can call Fred at 913-534-1369
Sent 2023-03-24: Farewell party -
One week till the farewell party! Get your virtual tickets in the library soon!
- Cathy Richmond

Sent 2023-03-24: UNAPPROVED: SEPO Board Meeting (Special) Minutes, Mar 22, 2023 -
The UNAPPROVED minutes from the Mar 22, 2023 Board Meeting (Special) can be found on the Sunshine website HERE. They will also be posted in the office. Please call with any issues or questions.
- Linda Davis, SEPO Board Secretary
Sent 2023-03-24: WC Events: 2023-2024 Winter Season -
The WC Events for the 2023-2024 Winter Season were approved at the March 13, 2023 Board meeting and have been posted on the Sunshine website under the Events tab HERE. The signup sheets will be going up soon in the library. Please check them out and sign up on one or more sheets to Chair an event or be on a Committee.
- Jill Ventrello, WC Activities Director
Sent 2023-03-22: UNAPPROVED: WC - Minutes from 2023-03-17 -
The 'unapproved' minutes from the Women's Club meeting on Friday, Mar 17, 2023 are on the Sunshine Web Site HERE. - Karen Baase, WC Secretary
Sent 2023-03-22: SEPO Communications & the New SEPO-sanctioned FB Group -
I want to personally thank Pam Adams for getting the SEPO-sanctioned Facebook (FB) Group up and running (so I didn't have to worry about doing it - HA) !!!
And she is right, there are lots of great pictures and information out there already. Hopefully, this will provide a spot for those of you who are wanting to get the word out about things outside of the Sunshine borders, that are non-SEPO Club/Group related.
A couple of things; although I would be overjoyed if this FB page would mean I no longer needed to do SEPO Communications, that is not the case.
All residents are not on Facebook and those who aren't won't see these postings.
Non-Sunshine residents won't be able to join the new FB group and, therefore, they won't see the postings either.
The original intent of the Sunshine website, above and beyond keeping residents informed, was to entice potential buyers to come check us out and possibly buy in Sunshine.
If you want the entire current community to be kept up-to-date about what's going on here in Sunshine AND also entice potential buyers, you will need to continue utilizing the SEPO Communication processes - emails, website updates and (during the winter seasons) the newsletter as described HERE.
Thanks again to Pam Adams.
- Beth Parrish, SEPO Communications
Sent 2023-03-22: SEPO-Sanctioned Facebook Page is now up and running -
At the request of SEPO Board President, Share Nelson, I have created a SEPO-sanctioned Facebook (FB) page for the Sunshine community.
Sunshine Country Club Estates Official Group
It is 'private' to residents. In order to post, you will need to join the "Sunshine Country Club Estates Official Group" or be invited to join by one of the current members.
Any resident and all Sunshine Clubs/Groups can post announcements themselves or find a friend to help post them. I am also available to help anyone who has issues with or questions about posting.
There are already lots of super posts out there.
- Pam Adams

Sent 2023-03-22: UNAPPROVED: SEPO Board Meeting (Special) Minutes, Mar 22, 2023 -
The video from the Mar 22, 2023 Special Board meeting is now available for viewing on the Sunshine Web site HERE and directly from HERE. Please contact me with any issues/questions.
- Linda Davis, SEPO Board Secretary
Sent 2023-03-21: dog -
For everyone’s information: The trash can by the post office boxes is for junk mail. Some folks have thought this is a deposit for “Dog Doo” WRONG!!!!! Lupe was kind enough to put a nice note on the can to inform people of this and was greeted this morning with her sign being removed and “Dog Doo” in the can.
- Jim Kennedy, SEPO Board
Sent 2023-03-19: REMINDER: Neighborhood Watch mtg -
Here's a reminder about the Neighborhood Watch meeting being held this coming Monday @ 3 PM in Retzlaff Hall.​​ It is open to all residents/renters in the community. Hope to see you there.
- Lenore Combs
Sent 2023-03-18: Directory Updates on website -
I updated the SEPO Directories (by Name, by Addr and Emails) on the website yesterday HERE.
I learned a new process on Thu and if all goes as planned, I will be able to update these often without much effort ongoing. Keep your fingers crossed my new process is successful.
- Beth Parrish, SEPO Communications 314-960-6710
Sent 2023-03-18: AGENDA for BOARD (Special) Meeting on Wed, Mar 22, 2023 -
The agenda for the Board meeting (Special) on Wed, Mar 22, 2023 @ 1 PM can be accessed on the Sunshine Web site HERE. It will also be posted outside the office, on the poolside door to Retzlaff Hall and by the mailboxes.
- Linda Davis, SEPO Board Secretary
Sent 2023-03-18: Calling All Dogs and Cats too -
Hey Everyone, Sandra Delaunay will be coming to the Estates on Wednesday, March 22nd, 2023, to take care of your pet's nails. She will be starting at 1:30 pm. The cost is ten dollars per pet. Please text Sandra and she will schedule your appointment. Sandra's number is 956-226-9919. Sandra will come to your home.
- Marian Young 719-468-4556
Sent 2023-03-17: MARKET: Home For Sale -
See my home at 4128 N Nebraska St that is for sale on the Sunshine MARKET. My contact info is listed there.
- Lorrie Fortune
Sent 2023-03-17: SEPO Women’s Golf -
We wanted to give a special thank you to Sam Davis for donating the golf club for our raffle. Patrice Ayala won it and we raised $90.00 for the league. Our league season has ended for this spring, but will start again the first Wednesday of November (November 1 2023). All ladies in Sunshine Estates are welcome to join. It’s fun and a great way to socialize. We will continue to play all summer at 9:00 a.m. every Wednesday. It’s very informal and a great way to improve your game and have fun doing it. (Bring $1 for a prize fund.)
- Deloris Pearcy
Sent 2023-03-17: workout room -
It has been brought to my attention that some of the equipment in the “workout room” is not up to snuff! It has been mentioned by more than one individual, so we are taking it seriously. I don’t know that much about the equipment and don’t want to pretend that I do!!!
A couple that do use the equipment along with some of their friends, have working knowledge of the equipment in the room and suggestions as to make it more usable. David and Robin Fleiner have graciously offered to put together some suggestions along with all of you as to how we could improve the “workout room”. It has even been suggested that we consult a physical therapist who could offer suggestions on equipment for seniors. Anyone that might be interested in sharing their opinion may contact David or Robin at 808-269-0948 or email dpfleiner10@yahoo.com.
Thank you David and Robin and we look forward to some kind of report or suggestions that can help us solve the problem of the “workout room” !!!!
- Jim Kennedy, SEPO Board
Sent 2023-03-16: Taped Recording of Residents Mtg on Mar 16, 2023 -
There was an issue with the Google Meet Video for the March 14th Residents’ Meeting. However, the meeting was taped via a tape recorder. There are no written minutes from Residents’ Meetings.
The tape recording is available on the Sunshine Web Site HERE.
The meeting began with the SEPO Directors stating their name and the position they hold or the area they cover. Those present in person at the meeting were Share Nelson, President; Linda Davis, Secretary; Frank Tewell, in charge of the Storage Lot, Shop Area, Tennis and Shuffleboard courts; Jim Kennedy, in charge of SEPO buildings; and Randy Davis, in charge of the Golf Course. Tom Perrier, in charge of Streets, Drainage & Irrigation Ditches and Texas Avenue was present by Google Meet. Mark Owen was absent.
Each of the Directors gave a brief summary of their report in the previous Board Meeting.
The tape recording begins as Randy Davis was giving a summary of his report on the golf course.
Many clubs and groups reported and there was a lively discussion among the residents and the Board. Many items were brought up in the open forum portion of the meeting.
Although the video isn’t available, you will be able to hear almost the complete meeting.
For the entire Director’s reports, I urge you to view the video of the Regular Meeting of Directors held on March 13th located HERE.
- Linda Davis, SEPO Board Secretary
Sent 2023-03-16: Activities Calendar Updated -
The Activities Calendars have been updated on the Sunshine website HERE as of yesterday evening. Please call with any issues or questions.
- Beth Parrish, SEPO Web site Admin E-Mail: sunshinecountryclubweb@gmail.com 314-960-6710
Sent 2023-03-16: Killer Bees Quilting: Outside Quilt Show -
Saturday, March 18th is National Quilting Day and for that our Sunshine quilters will have an outside quilt show! Take a walk or drive around our neighborhood and even into Sunshine Encore RV Park to see the beautiful quilts we have made. Interested in making some of these beauties? Come and join us Thursday mornings at 9:30 in Retzlaff Hall.
- Jan Baethke
Sent 2023-03-16: WC - Farewell Hobo Party
The Farewell Hobo Party is March 30th. Virtual tickets go on sale in the library Thursday, March 16th.
Tickets are $12/person.
Doors open at 4 PM. Meal will be hobo (beef) stew, coleslaw and dessert. DJ Doug will provide music for the event.
Dress as hobos. There will be a King and Queen of the hobos crowned with prizes.
Hope to see you there!
- Cathy Richmond for Farewell party committee
Sent 2023-03-16: Website UPD: 2023-2024 Board Pics and Responsibilities -
I have updated the Sunshine website with pics and the responsibilities of your 2023-2024 SEPO Board HERE.
Hope this helps everyone for future reference.
- Beth Parrish, SEPO Web site Admin
Sent 2023-03-14: VIDEO: Board Mtg (Regular) from Mar 13, 2023 -
The video from the Mar 13, 2023 Regular Board meeting is now available for viewing on the Sunshine Web site HERE and directly from HERE.
Please contact me with any issues/questions.
- Linda Davis, SEPO Board Secretary
Sent 2023-03-14: WC: Upcoming Drama -
See Below for Details - Nancy Steele

Sent 2023-03-14: ST. PATRICK’S PARTY UPDATE -
The party is still Friday March 17 at 4:00 and open to all residents. Beer, Wine and Margaritas are free while they last. Please bring Finger Foods for the Happy 2 Hours!
We have made a couple changes:
“PARTY CENTRAL” will be in Retzlaff Hall. It will alleviate concerns about weather, numbers, glass in pool area and food setup.
Due to many generous donations, pizza has been added - while quantity lasts. They will be delivered at 6:00.
- Janis McFee
Sent 2023-03-14: Women’s Club Meeting This Friday Starting at 8:30 AM -
This coming Friday March 17 is Women’s Club Meeting. As this is the last meeting of the season, we are going to have a pajama party with make your own omelet breakfast.
We will start this at 8:30am with make your omelet >> there will be no donuts sorry.
And our regular business meeting starting at 9:00am.
Please make sure you wear your name tag so we can vote for your best pj’s. With some prizes given out.
Don’t worry or be shy we will all look funny together!
Thank You,
- Vicky Krueger
Sent 2023-03-12: Thank You -
I just wanted to give a big heartfelt thank you to those of you that supported the Women's Club by coming to the Rusty Rierson concert today. He was awesome and a good time was had by all!
- Jill Ventrello
Sent 2023-03-12: REMINDER -
Monday, March 13th, (tomorrow) is the Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors beginning at 1:00 p.m. Tuesday, March 14th is the Residents' Meeting beginning at 1:00 p.m.
- Share Nelson, Board President
Sent 2023-03-12: FOUND: hearing aid -
I found a hearing aid. If by chance you lost one, you can contact me at 4108 North Missouri St., or 402-450-7756. I will turn it into Valerie Monday morning.
- Nancy Sterling
Sent 2023-03-12: Hello & Thank You -
I would like to thank everyone for sending a card and messages sent after the loss of Ross Awrey's brother Elgin Awrey. Thanks so much. He loved the park and woodshop for sure.
- Leona Awrey
Sent 2023-03-11: Men's Golfing -
The men will keep the 08:30 and 10:00 tee off times on Tuesdays. The only difference is that EVERYONE will need to go to the library for their assignment in which hole they will start at and pick up the score sheets to turn in after golf.
- Rocky Lockwood

P.S. Bring your own drinks if you want. We will have coffee and tea.
Also we will be doing a 50/50 drawing >> So Bring your extra DOLLARS to Win!!!
Thanks Everyone for Supporting Your Women's Club!
- Vicky Krueger
Sent 2023-03-11: Tx. Ave. Gate -
This came from Tom last evening and I didn't see it to send it out. Beth
The gate on Texas Avenue is open again, it is not working consistently, so it’s in the open position. On a positive note, an Officer from the Harlingen PD came by to do a drive thru and said he would be back again later in the night. I think Lenore has been in touch with them and got them doing drive thru’s again, thank you Lenore.
- Tom Perrier
Sent 2023-03-10: O'Clockers Golf -
The O'Clockers golf scramble will move to 5:00 pm on Sunday March 12th due to time change.
Open to all golfers in community.
We meet beside the shuffleboard court at 4:45 for hole assignments.
Come on out and have some fun.
Questions call Donna Myers at 956 245 0188.
Sent 2023-03-09: Texas Ave gate -
The Texas Ave gate was having issues again last night and the technician came today and replaced a failed part. The gate was working when he left but I’m not confident that the issue is resolved. Lalo and myself will be camping out there this evening to make sure it’s working. If it’s not working reliably, we will put it in the open position, so no one is locked out. Thank you for your patience.
- Tom Perrier
Sent 2023-03-09: Howard & Nancy Hecker Book Give Away Sat March 11, 2023 -
Patio/Garage Sale Bonus Giveaway – It Free!
This Saturday March 11, 2023 from 8 AM - Noon
Howard & Nancy Hecker, 4329 Minnesota
Nancy and Howard Hecker are leaving Sunshine Estates, April 1st. Nancy has collected a small library of approximately 300 books that will not be making the move. These books could be classified as “Inspirational”, fiction and non-fiction. She has whole series of books in her library collection. For example, one title that was a popular and familiar series is “Left Behind”.
Howard is making these books available for free to anyone who would like them.
You can view the available library and pick up one or more books this Saturday, March 11th, from 8 AM until Noon. The library is located inside Howard's house, so you will need to enter Howard's house to view them. Signs will be posted at his home, which is located at 4329 Minnesota Street.
Nancy and Howard want these books to go to those who would enjoy them.
- Howard & Nancy Hecker (by Tony Tramel for them)
Sent 2023-03-09: Reminder of Butterfly Speaker -
Reminder of Birding and Nature & Garden Club Speaker Monday
The Garden and Birding and Nature Clubs will be joining together for a March speaker on "Attracting Butterflies-All Year Long".
Anita Westervelt, Texas Master Naturalist, author, blogger, photographer and much more, will share colorful butterfly photo's and how to bring beautiful butterflies to your landscape.
Date: March 13th
Time: 6:00pm. *Note earlier than usual.
Place: Retzlaff Hall
If you want, a good will donation will be collected to continue Anita's research.
Birding and Nature will hold monthly meeting after Anita's presentation.
- Susanne Ulrich & Tom Stone
Sent 2023-03-08: Storage gate -
Gate will be out for a couple days. Mother board out. New one ordered.
- Frank Tewell, SEPO Board
Sent 2023-03-07: GNDGT (2023) Report -
The final report for the 2023 Good Neighbor Day Golf Tournament is available directly from HERE and the Sunshine Web site HERE.
- Tony Tramel, GNDGT Chairperson
Sent 2023-07: MARKET: Home For Sale -
See the home at 4308 N Minnesota Street, on the Sunshine MARKET that is for sale for Tom and Jean Krahmer.
- Cindy Shriver, broker/owner, Dream Valley Properties LLC 956-970-0449
Sent 2023-03-07: WC: Concert - Rusty Rierson (more info about the singer) -
t's come to my attention that more information is wanted for Rusty Rierson's performance on Sunday March12th.
Rusty is a country singer/guitarist from Kansas and has been in the music industry for 23 years. He has toured all over the country and abroad (including Canada, Mexico, South America, England and Scotland). In 2019 and 2022 he was named Rio Grande Valley Male Vocalist of the Year!
So for an afternoon of good toe tapping music and possibly a little dancing, join us. Again it's on Sunday March12th @ 3:00 pm in Retzlaff Hall. Doors open at 2:00 pm. Tickets are $12 at the door and will help raise money for The Women's Club. In addition to the concert we will be having a 50/50 raffle with tickets being $1 for 1 or 6 for $5. Any questions, you can contact me at 720-660-8417.
- Jill Ventrello
Sent 2023-03-07: St. Patrick’s Day Party -
St. Patrick’s Day Party
DATE: Friday March 17
TIME: 4:00
PLACE: THE PAVILION (Retzlaff Hall as backup)
WINE, BEER and MARGARITAS are FREE until we run out!
Please bring FINGER FOODS.
These beverages are paid for by several residents who want a great party to honor the GREEN! Anyone who wishes to donate can drop off any amount to Derek (Dak) McFee at 2028 W. Michigan.
HOSTED BY: Derek McFee, Friends, and the Pickett’s, Covey’s and Dierker’s in spirit.
- Janis McFee
Sent 2023-03-07: Patio sales -
There will be several patio sales this Saturday, March 11 from 8-12.
- Linda Dabney
Sent 2023-03-07: REVISED - AGENDA for "Residents" Meeting on Tuesday, Mar 14, 2023 @ 1 PM -
The Agenda for the Resident's Mtg that you received earlier today has been revised and can be viewed/printed from the 'new' link below.
Please NOTE: The days of the Board & Residents meetings are switched for March.
The REVISED agenda for the 1 PM, Mar 14, 2023 "Residents" meeting is posted on the Sunshine Web site HERE. Valerie will be posting a paper copy prior to 1 PM, Mar 7, 2023:
Please call with any questions / issues.
- Linda Davis, SEPO Board Secretary
Sent 2023-03-07: AGENDA for "Residents" Meeting on Tuesday, Mar 14, 2023 @ 1 PM-
Please NOTE: The days of the Board & Residents meetings are switched for March.
The agenda for the 1 PM, Mar 14, 2023 "Residents" meeting is posted on the Sunshine Web site HERE. Valerie will be posting a paper copy prior to 1 PM, Mar 7, 2023:
in the SEPO office
on the poolside door into Retzlaff
the mailboxes
Please call with any questions / issues.
- Linda Davis, SEPO Board Secretary
Sent 2023-03-07: NOTICE of Board Executive Session, Monday, Mar 13, 2023 -
The below will be posted in the SEPO Office, on the poolside door to Retzlaff Hall and by the mailboxes prior to 1 PM, Mon, Feb 7, 2023. It is also available on the Sunshine website HERE.
Monday, March 13, 2023
(Immediately after the 'Regular' Board meeting
(Board members Only)
This is a formal notice to the SEPO community that Board President, Share Nelson, has called a SEPO Board Executive Session, to be held Monday, March 13, 2023, immediately following the SEPO Regular Board Meeting scheduled for 1 P.M.
This is a closed session as permitted by Texas law. As stated in Section 4.03 of the SEPO Bylaws, the Board may discuss actions involving personnel pending or threatened litigation, contract negotiations, enforcement actions, confidential communications with the property owners’ Association attorney, matters involving the
invasion of privacy of individual owners, or matters that are to remain confidential by request of the affected parties and agreement of the Board.
The 1 P.M. Board meeting will adjourn. The Google Meet session will be stopped. If the Board remains in Retzlaff Hall for this session, anyone attending the Regular Board meeting in person will be asked to exit Retzlaff Hall.
Share Nelson,
SEPO Board President
Sent 2023-03-07: AGENDA for BOARD (Regular) Meeting on Monday, Mar 13, 2023 @ 1 PM -
Please NOTE: The days of the Board & Residents meetings are switched for March.
The agenda for the 1 PM, Mar 13, 2023 SEPO Board (Regular) meeting is posted on the Sunshine Web site HERE. Valerie will be posting a paper copy prior to 1 PM, Mar 7, 2023:
in the SEPO office
on the poolside door into Retzlaff
the mailboxes
Please call with any questions / issues.
- Linda Davis, SEPO Board Secretary
Sent 2023-03-06: Golf Course Closure -
The golf course will be closed this Wednesday and Thursday (3/8 – 3/9), both mornings until noon, for the Women’s Golf League Tournament.
- Randy Davis, Golf Course Director
Sent 2023-03-06: POOL CLEANER -
Good Morning: We have acquired a Robotic Pool Cleaner. We gave it a test run early this morning and it looks like it is going to do a great job. The cleaner will run when no one is in the pool. Therefore, it will do its’ work in the middle of the night. The cleaner will be set up and put in the pool at approximately 9:00 pm. It is OK to be in the pool at this time, just be careful of the cords. At about 4:00 am the cleaner will start and run for about 2 ½ hours. Lupe will then be here to remove the cleaner from the pool. During that run time, please stay out of pool. Thank you very much for you cooperation.
This does not involve the hot tub, so that can be used as usual. It is in the plan to give the hot tub a special cleaning, and you will hear more about that later.
Thanks again, Jim Kennedy
Sent 2023-03-06: WC: Upcoming Drama Performance -

Sent 2023-03-06: REMINDER - WC: Concert - Rusty Rierson -
This is a reminder of the concert with Rusty Rierson on the 12th of March at 3:00 pm in Retzlaff Hall. Tickets are $12 at the door. Doors open at 2:00 pm.
Jill Ventrello
WC Activities Director
Sent 2023-03-06: Wood Shop Orientation Class Thursday March 9th 5 pm -
Woodshop Orientation Class Thursday March 9th 5 pm in the wood shop.
This class is a requirement for using the wood shop.
A one time attendance is required.
The shop will be closed during the class.
Call John Chajec 708-280-8940 with any questions.
Sent 2023-03-06: SEPO Communications Management -
Hi All - There's seems to be some confusion/questions concerning my responsibilitIes since exiting from the SEPO Board on Feb 21. Although I am no longer your SEPO Board Secretary, I am still the SEPO Communications Mgr and will continue to send SEPO emails and manage the SEPO website, just as I did prior to being elected to the Board.
Please continue to send items to me exactly the same as before, following these guidelines.
Contact me if you have any questions. Thx
Beth Parrish
SEPO Enews Email Manager @ sepoenews@gmail.com
SEPO Web site Admin @ sunshinecountryclubweb@gmail.com
Sent 2023-03-05: Storage lot gate -
The Storage Lot gate quit working last night. Will call for repair tomorrow.
- Frank Tewell, SEPO Board
Sent 2023-03-03: Texas Ave Gate -
Tonight the gate will be going back to the 7pm closing and 6am opening schedule.
To get into Sunshine Estates your remote or the keypad will be needed to open the gate.
The keyed switch with the fire department has been installed.
Thank you.
- Tom Perrier, SEPO Board
Attention to all Residents:
The above is a reminder that is posted in the area of the swimming pool and pavilion. There are to be no glass containers brought into this area. This is for obvious reasons. For your safety and others, this is a rule that MUST be followed.
If glass drops and shatters, which it does, and you are barefoot, you will very much regret stepping on it. It is almost impossible to completely clean up and if it goes into the pool or hot tub, they must be drained and cleaned. Known offenders will be made accountable.
- SEPO Board
Sent 2023-03-02: UPDATED: Contact Lists - Board, Residents, Emails (Renters in Process) -
The following:
Contact List for your new 2023 SEPO Board
The Resident Contact list - by Name and by Address
List of Resident Emails
are all on the website HERE.
There has been lots of Renter activity, so I'm still working on that file. Check the website soon for an updated list.
Please contact me with any questions.
- Beth Parrish, SEPO Web site Admin E-Mail: sunshinecountryclubweb@gmail.com 314-960-6710
Sent 2023-03-02: REMINDER: Lunches @ Pavilion Thu & Fri -
The Women’s golf league will be serving lunch during the Good Neighbor Day Golf Tournament on Thursday and Friday, March 2nd and 3rd, from 11 am to 1 pm each day in the Pavilion.
For a price of $8 we will be serving:
Thursday: Sloppy Joes, Chips, Soda, Water.
Friday: Brats, Hot Dogs, Chips, Soda, Water.
You don’t have to be golfing in the tournament to come and have lunch with us.
- Terry DeBackere
Sent 2023-03-01: Pool Closure this Saturday -
As you all know, the Good Neighbor Day Golf Tournament starts Thursday morning and concludes Saturday evening with a Happy Hour (HH) in the pool/pavilion area followed by an awards dinner in Retzlaff Hall.
Starting with setup for the HH and until everyone has entered the hall for dinner, the pool/pavilion area will be closed to only those participating in the tournament festivities. We are looking at a closure from 3-6 PM Saturday.
Thank you in advance for your understanding and cooperation.
- Tony Tramel, GNDGT Chairperson
Sent 2023-03-01: CANCELED: Thursday Coffee & Donuts in the Library -
Thursday (Mar 2) Coffee & Donuts in the Library is cancelled this week due to the golfers in the Good Neighbor Tournament needing the library. Thanks for your understanding. See you next Thursday.
- Valerie Basaldua, SEPO Office
Sent 2023-03-01: Update for Texas Ave Gate -
The new unit for the gate on Texas Ave has had the security key ok’d by the Fire Dept. And according to FedEx it should be delivered Thursday, and if it’s not too late in the day, the Tech will install.
- Thomas Perrier, SEPO Board
Sent 2023-03-01: Good Neighbor Golf Day Tournament: Pairings are posted -
The pairings for the GNDGT are:
Physically posted:
​On the front door into the library
In the library
On the website HERE
Available for viewing/printing from HERE
Note - the first name in each group is the captain and needs to be at captains meeting 30 minutes before tee time.
We are also looking for standby players, contact me if you can be one.
- Tony Tramel, GNDGT Committee Chair 337-693-6344 trtramel@gmail.com

Sent 2023-03-01: UNAPPROVED: ANNUAL Mtg Minutes, Feb 21, 2023 -
The UNAPPROVED minutes from the Feb 21, 2023 SEPO ANNUAL Meeting can be found on the Sunshine Web site HERE. This document will be posted in the office later today and remain posted there until the 2024 Annual Mtg next February. Please call with any issues or questions.
NOTE: These are my final minutes as part of my 2022 SEPO Board Secretary responsibilities. It has been an honor and a pleasure serving you these past two years.
- Beth Parrish, 2022 SEPO Board Secretary 314-960-6710