Sunshine Country Club Estates
SEPO Community Emails: February 2023
Sent 2023-02-26: Taste of Sunshine on Feb 23 -
I just wanted to send out a very big
Thank You to everyone that participated.
The food was over the top and so much of it wow!! And so good.
Plus our one fundraiser went over very well, with one of our residents walking away with an extra $150.00 in their pocket from the 50/50 drawing.
And all of the cakes and goodie’s were so delicious looking that were donated by our residents.
We had people waiting in line to do the Cake Walk just amazing.
I think there was a lot of fun had by all!!
And the bonus Women’s Club brought in just under $500.00
- Vicky LeRoy Krueger Women’s Club President
Sent 2023-02-25: SUNSHINE NEWSLETTER: 2023-03 (Mar) -
Thanks to everyone who contributed to the final Sunshine Newsletter of the 2022-2023 Winter Season. It is overflowing with great info. So sit back, relax and take your time reading it. You can view/print it directly from HERE or from the Web site HERE.​ Valerie will be placing printed copies in the library area on Monday.
- Beth Parrish SEPO Newsletter Editor E-Mail: seponewsletter@gmail.com 314-960-6710
Sent 2023-02-25: Texas Avenue Gate Status -
For almost 2 weeks, the Gate on Texas Ave has been kept open due to issues with the SOS Machine which is available to EMS access.
Hurricane and Fence company has been out here twice, once to replace it and again to repair it due to errors on their end. However, the troubleshooting has been another issue with this SOS access.
Our plan is now to rush-order a Manual machine that will give access to the EMS and Police Department with a key that has already been established with the city.
We will keep you posted on the status as early as Tuesday.
Thank you for your patience,
- Tom Perrier, SEPO Board Director of Common Area 2
Sent 2023-02-24: WC: Minutes from 2023-02-17 -
The 'unapproved' minutes from the Women's Club meeting on Friday, Feb 17, 2023 are on the Sunshine Web Site: HERE.
- Karen Baase WC Secretary
Sent 2023-02-24: Memorial for Warren Clark -
I wanted to let you know there will be a memorial for my late husband, Warren Clark, on March 5 at 1 PM in Retzlaff Hall. Anyone who knew him is welcome to come join me.
- Grace Clark
Sent 2023-02-24: UNAPPROVED: SEPO Board Mtg (1st Required) Minutes, Feb 21, 2023 @ 5 PM -
You may be wondering why I composed these minutes. Since your new Board Secretary hadn't been appointed yet at the beginning of this meeting, it was my responsibility to create them. So, here goes.
These minutes contain the names of your new 2023 Board Members and their assignments for the next year. You will also see how this process works (if you aren't familiar).
The minutes also contain important information on:
Upcoming dates for this season's remaining Board and Residents meetings
The requirements for submitting Activity/Meeting requests for next winter season
(Some are due by March 1)
These minutes can be found on the Sunshine Web site HERE.
(Note the new icons I have started using for your new Board!)
These minutes will be posted in the office later today. Please call with any issues or questions.
- Beth Parrish, 2022 SEPO Board Secretary & Governing Documents
E-Mail: sepoboardbeth@gmail.com 314-960-6710
Sent 2023-02-23: FINAL REMINDER: MAR 2023 Newsletter Articles Due by End of Day on Feb 24, 2023 -
And once again, I can hardly believe that next month's (March) Newsletter will be the final one for this winter season. However, I do know there are still lots of fun things coming up in March. So this is a great way to remind/get the word out about all of them.
Here's your final reminder that next month's Newsletter articles are due by the 24th of this month. If you have an article you would like published in the Sunshine Mar 2023 Newsletter, the article needs to be submitted to seponewsletter@gmail.com by End of Day on Feb 24, at the latest.
The Newsletter Guidelines are posted on the Web site HERE. Please call with questions.
- Beth Parrish SEPO Newsletter Editor E-Mail: seponewsletter@gmail.com 314-960-6710
Sent 2023-02-23: Golf Course Closure -
The golf course will be closed next week (2/27 – 3/4) as follows:
Men’s League Tournament on Monday and Tuesday (all day).
Women’s League Golf on Wednesday until noon.
Good Neighbor Day Golf Tournament on Thursday and Friday (all day) and Saturday (until 4PM).
- Randy Davis, Golf Course Director 214-783-4604
Sent 2023-02-22: VIDEO: SEPO 2023 Board - 1st Meeting (Required) on Feb 21, 2023 -
The video from the SEPO 2023 Board's first 'required' Mtg held on Feb 21, 2023 immediately after the Annual meeting is now available for viewing:
In Summary, the new Board members areas of responsibility as voted on in the meeting are:
President - Share Nelson
Secretary & Governing Documents - Linda Davis
Treasurer - Financial Status / Reports - Mark Owen
Golf Course - Randy Davis
Common Grounds/Maint. Area 1: SEPO Buildings - Jim Kennedy
Common Grounds/Maint. Area 2: Streets, Drainage & Irrigation Ditches, Texas Ave - Tom Perrier
Common Grounds/Maint. Area 3: Storage & Shop Area, Tennis/Shuffleboard - Frank Tewell
The Board also approved Mark's request to retain Tracy Wagner as the 'Assistant to the Treasurer'.
As part of my final duties, since the 2023 Board Secretary had yet to be appointed when this meeting started, I will be working on the minutes, if you prefer to read about this short 12 minute meeting instead of watching the video.
Please contact me with any issues/questions.
- Beth Parrish, 2022 SEPO Board Secretary & Governing Documents
E-Mail: sepoboardbeth@gmail.com 314-960-6710
Sent 2023-02-22: VIDEOS: SEPO Annual Mtg on Feb 21, 2023 -
The videos from:
the Quorum Determination portion of the SEPO Annual Mtg on Feb 21, 2023 @ 1 PM
and -
the Election Results portion of the SEPO Annual Mtg on Feb 21, 2023 @ 3 PM
have been uploaded to the Sunshine Web site HERE.
As you will see in the Agenda for this Annual meeting (also available on this same Web page) there were several other items, in addition to the election results being presented.
The written minutes from the Annual meeting will be available in a few days if you prefer to read about this meeting instead of watching this video.
Please contact me with any issues/questions.
- Beth Parrish 2022 SEPO Board Secretary & Governing Documents
E-Mail: sepoboardbeth@gmail.com 314-960-6710
Sent 2023-02-22: Taste of Sunshine Thursday 4pm -
Don’t forget Taste of Sunshine is this Thursday Feb 23, 4pm.
This is a potluck dinner and we are asking you to bring something from your home state.
There is no cost for dinner. However we will be having an old fashioned cakewalk for goodie’s donated from our residence.
The cakewalk cost will be $2.00 for a chance to win a cake or goodie’s of your choice.
Also we will be doing a 50/50 drawing.
So please bring your dollars and good food and have fun with all of us!!
Vicky Leroy Krueger
Women’s Club
PS > If you want to add a little something from your home state like a
“Cheese Head” or “Chief’s Super Bowl winning hat” or any other thing you can think of from your state, you are welcome to do that.
- Vicky Leroy Krueger
Sent 2023-02-22: Garden & Birding and Nature -
The Garden & Birding and Nature Clubs will be joining together for a March speaker on "Attracting Butterflies-All Year Long". Anita Westervelt, Texas Master Naturalist, author, blogger, photographer and much more, will share colorful butterfly photos and how to bring beautiful butterflies to your landscape.
Date: March 13th
Time: 6:00pm. *Note earlier than usual.
Place: Retzlaff Hall
If you want, a good will donation will be collected to continue Anita's research.
- Thank you, Susanne and Tom
Sent 2023-02-22: REMINDER: Mailbox Protocol -
This is a reminder to all residents concerning picking up your mail from the mailboxes on Michigan. The post office requested a while back that, when you see the mail truck at the Sunshine mailboxes, please do not enter the area to retrieve your mail. Once the mail truck has left and the 'Mail Is In' sign has been turned up, feel free to retrieve your mail. Your cooperation with this Post Office request is greatly appreciated.
- SEPO Board
Sent 2023-02-21: SEPO: 2023 Election Results -
The 2023 Election Results were announced at 3 PM today at the Annual Shareholders Meeting.
The votes received by each candidate were:
Tom Perrier (206)
Frank Tewell (186)
Jim Kennedy (158)
Linda Davis (147)
Lyn Swonger (113)
Your newly elected 2023-2024 Board members are Tom, Frank, Jim and Linda.
The number of votes 'for' and 'against' each of the proposed SEPO Rules ballots will be available in the minutes from this Annual Meeting. The results of ballot voting were:
The single Bylaws proposal passed.
None of the six Covenants proposals passed.
​More details concerning the SEPO Rules ballots, including the vote totals, will be published in a few days in the minutes from the Annual Meeting or you can watch the video which will be available soon.
- Beth Parrish, 2022 SEPO Board Secretary
Sent 2023-02-21: FOUND: ball marker -
I found a ball marker on green 8 that says 1994 U. S Open. Give me a call if it’s yours. 417-830-1816
- Deloris Pearcy
Sent 2023-02-20: WC Fund Raiser: Concert - Rusty Rierson -
I wanted to get the word out that the Women's Club has added a new event scheduled for March 12. Details are listed on the poster below.
- Jill Ventrello, WC Activities Director

Sent 2023-02-20: REMINDER: WC - Valley Voices -
This is a reminder about the Valley Voices program this Friday, February 24th at 3:00 pm in Retzlaff Hall.
- Jill Ventrello, WC Activities Director
Sent 2023-02-20: REMINDER: Women's Club 2023-2024 Activities Planning meeting -
This is a reminder about the Women's Club 2023-2024 Activities Planning meeting on Wednesday February 22nd at 9:00 am in Retzlaff Hall. All women are welcome to come and help with planning some fun activities for next season.
- Jill Ventrello, WC Activities Director
Sent 2023-02-20: 2023 SEPO Election: Only a few hours left to vote -
I probably should have included this in Share's email that you received this last night - but I didn't. So here goes.
I couldn't sleep (per normal) and am currently working on my final preparations for the Annual meeting tomorrow. The urge came to me just now to remind everyone, one last time, who may not have submitted ballots yet, to please do so by 1 pm tomorrow, Tue, Feb 21, at the latest. The ballot box is located in front of the SEPO Office. And if you aren't physically here and still haven't voted, the voting proxy and instructions were included in your ballot envelope.
If you have have any questions at all concerning the voting process, the ballots and/or the candidates, please contact me or another Board member.
Thank you for being involved in this wonderful community.
- Beth Parrish, 2022 SEPO Board Secretary & Governing Documents
E-Mail: sepoboardbeth@gmail.com 314-960-6710
Sent 2023-02-19: Annual Mtg: Invite & Quorum Determination on Feb 21 -
You are all invited to attend our Annual Shareholders’ Meeting on Tuesday, February 21, at 1 pm to establish a quorum.
Marlene Hall and her Election Committee will be set up in Retzlaff Hall starting at 12:30 pm to sign you in. Please find the table which has your Sunshine Street Name and inform them you are present.
After a quorum is established, that short 1 pm meeting is halted and the Election Committee will commence counting the ballots.
Everyone will return to the hall at 3 pm for the remainder of the Annual meeting. You will learn who the new Board members are and what ballots have passed. We also will remember those that we have lost since our last Annual Meeting. You will hear the Directors report on their last year and much more.
If you are in charge of a group such as Birding & Nature Club, or Garden Club, or Memorial Fund, or any other group, the shareholders will want to hear a report from you covering the past year. Please advise me in advance, if possible, that we can expect to hear from you.
Thank you.
- Share Nelson, 309 269 0686
Sent 2023-02-18: UPDATED: SEPO Activities Calendar -
I know there are many, many activities scheduled in the next few weeks. In an effort to keep the Sunshine community updated on these upcoming activities, I have reposted on the Web site to contain:
The latest SEPO Calendar
The updated 2-pager
Both documents are available on the Web site HERE and you can just click on the icons and the files will appear/download.
If you have any of these issues, let me know immediately. -
The first page either document doesn't say 'as of Feb 18'.
You have any issues accessing these files.
You see any errors on either of the files, i.e., missing events, or if the two files aren't in sync.
Anything else you might question.
Thanks so much for keeping both the office and myself updated with all that is going on in our great community of Sunshine.
- Beth Parrish, SEPO Web site Admin
E-Mail: sunshinecountryclubweb@gmail.com 314-960-6710
Sent 2023-02-19: Ladies Golf: Guest Day Lunch - Pavilion Reserved -
Knowing that the weather for this upcoming week is forecast to be much warmer, I'm sure lots of you will be flocking back to the pool.
I just wanted to give everyone a heads-up. The Ladies Golf League will be holding their 'guest day' play Wed morning. And then from 11 am to 1 pm we have reserved the Pavilion, through the SEPO Office, for our luncheon.
- Deloris Pearcy, Women's Golf League President
Sent 2023-02-17: MARKET: Home For Sale -
See the home at 2033 W Montana Ave, on the Sunshine MARKET that is for sale for Don Van Ells.
- Cindy Shriver, broker/owner Dream Valley Properties LLC 956-970-0449
Sent 2023-02-17: Donations for "Taste of Sunshine" Event -
The Women's Club is asking for donations of cakes, pies, or goodies for the "Taste of Sunshine" cake walk. 4pm on Thursday 2/23/2023. The signup sheet will be in the library. Please package to give away. And let us know what you are bring. You can leave your stuff in the kitchen the day of the event. With your help you all make this possible. Thank You for your help! Should be fun for all.
- Vicky Krueger
Sent 2023-02-17: Taste of Sunshine and Cake Walk Event -

Sent 2023-02-17: AGENDA for 2023 Board First 'Required' Meeting on Tuesday, Feb 21, 2023 -
The agenda for the 2023 Board first 'required' meeting on February 21 (immediately after the Annual meeting) is available to view/print directly from HERE and posted on the Sunshine Web site HERE.
Valerie will be posting a paper copy today:
in the SEPO office
on the poolside door into Retzlaff
the mailboxes
Please call with any questions / issues.
- Beth Parrish 2022 SEPO Board Secretary & Governing Documents
E-Mail: sepoboardbeth@gmail.com 314-960-6710
Sent 2023-02-17: REMINDER: MAR 2023 Newsletter Articles Due by End of Day on Feb 24, 2023 -
As I'm writing this email I can hardly believe that next month's (March) Newsletter will be the FINAL one for this winter season. Where has the time gone? Anyway, here goes.
Here's your first reminder that next month's Newsletter articles are due by the 24th of this month.
If you have an article you would like published in the Sunshine Mar 2023 Newsletter, the article needs to be submitted to seponewsletter@gmail.com by End of Day on Feb 24, at the latest.
The Newsletter Guidelines are posted on the Web site HERE. Please call with questions.- Beth Parrish SEPO Newsletter Editor E-Mail: seponewsletter@gmail.com 314-960-6710
Sent 2023-02-17: Potato Bake -
Sign up soon. We need to order those spuds! Saturday, February 25, 2023. 4:30-6:00 pm.
Large baked potato with lots of fixins to choose from. Chili, cheese, butter, sour cream, broccoli, jalapenos, bacon bits, onions. We tried to think of them all. Dessert too!
$8:00 per person. Cash only please. Sign up in the library until Wednesday, February 22 at Noon.
- Contact Glenda Wetherbee with questions. 425-418-3345
Sent 2023-02-16: Women's Club Meeting (and "Taste of Sunshine" cake walk info) -
Women's Club Meeting is this Friday 2/17/2023 at 9am in Retzlaff Hall. Please come and enjoy a little coffee and some donuts with us.
I will have a signup sheet for donations of cakes, pies, or goodies for the upcoming "Taste of Sunshine" cake walk on Thursday, Feb 23. There is no charge for the event > it is a potluck with dishes from your home state or even your childhood. We will charge for the cake walk and we are going to be doing 50/50 drawings throughout the event.
Hope you can join us Friday for the Women's Club Meeting!
Thank You, Vicky LeRoy Krueger
Sent 2023-02-16: Hot Tub: back in order -
The hot tub has been repaired and is in the process of heating up. The replacement part arrived this morning and Lalo installed it immediately. Thanks for your patience.
- Jean Burgoine
Sent 2023-02-15: B&N Events -
The birding event scheduled for the 16 & 17 of Feb has been cancelled due to high winds and cold temps. The event will take place on Feb 23. The field trip to Estero Llano Grande State Park Will be on February 23. If you are interested in carpooling or caravanning, meet at Retzlaff Hall @8:00AM.
- Bill Peterson, Acting Secretary of the Birding & Nature Club
Sent 2023-02-15: Reminder Monday 20 February 2023 -
Dear Friends - This Monday at 3pm, in Retz Hall - the Neighborhood Watch Meeting will focus on Seniors Saving A Life. Everyone is invited. Please sign up (in the Library) so we have sufficient manikins etc. Please call me and or refer to your February Newsletter for more details.
We will do a very quick review of any outstanding NW items we need to look at.
That's all folks. See ya real soon.
- Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276, NW - CERT Coordinator
Sent 2023-02-15: AGENDA for SEPO Annual Meeting on Tuesday, Feb 21, 2022 -
The agenda for the February 21, 2023 SEPO Annual meeting is:
Valerie will be posting a paper copy prior to 1 PM today:
in the SEPO office
on the poolside door into Retzlaff Hall
at the mailboxes
The 1 PM portion of this meeting will be to determine a Quorum is established in order for the Election Committee to count the Ballots.
The 3 PM portion of this meeting includes the announcements of your newly elected 2023 Board members along with the voting results of the proposed SEPO Rules revisions.
We hope to see everyone there. Please call with any questions / issues.
Beth Parrish 2022 SEPO Board Secretary & Governing Documents
E-Mail: sepoboardbeth@gmail.com 314-960-6710
Sent 2023-02-15: Honor Wall (in Retzlaff Hall) -
It has been a while since I communicated with you. It seems that the enthusiasm for this project has slowed. I want to remind all of our residents that this is an ongoing project and costs you nothing.
I was doing some work on this project and noticed that it appears that someone has tried to remove a plaque from the wall. Once the plaques are in place they are permanent and can only be removed by destroying both the plaque and the wall.
All new residents and existing residents can be recognized for their service to their country and community. If you or your spouse served in the military or served as police officers, fire fighters and first responders and want to be honored for this service all you have to do is fill out an application form. These forms are available in the office. Check with Valerie to get one, or see me, my information is below.
Fill out the form and include a picture you what displayed and return it to the office or me. The picture you provide for use will be copied and returned. Please be sure to include your address here in the estates so that I can return your picture. If you want a current picture I can be available to take one if you contact me (the information is below).
All name plates and pictures that are placed on the wall and in the book should remain there indefinitely.
Thank you for your donations towards this project. I hope to hear from you in the near future.
Thank You For Your Service.
- Jim Tennant, 4161 N Missouri 616-866-9960 Email: jimbuck1050@yahoo.com
Sent 2023-02-14: UPDATED PROCESS & FORM: SEPO Suggestion/Complaint/Idea -
During the Feb 7, 2023 Board Meeting the Board approved to update the Process Document and Form being used to submit "SEPO Suggestions/Complaints/Ideas". The Process and Form can be obtained from the SEPO Office and the Sunshine Web site HERE.
The minutes from this meeting were published today and contain the following:
A preamble has been added to this process stating (among other things):
What is needed from residents on the form.
Why it is needed.
Only the SEPO Office and Board members know who submitted a form.
Upon closure of a submission, details about the submission, with no mention of ‘who’ submitted it, are put on the Sunshine Web site HERE to keep the community informed of Board actions.
Please contact me or any of your other Board members if you have any questions.
- Beth Parrish 2022 SEPO Board Secretary & Governing Documents
E-Mail: sepoboardbeth@gmail.com 314-960-6710
Sent 2023-02-14: UNAPPROVED: SEPO Board Mtg (Reg) Minutes & Exec Session Summary, Feb 7, 2023 -
These minutes contains both:
the UNAPPROVED minutes from the Feb 7, 2023 Board Meeting (Regular)
and -
the UNACKNOWLEDGED Summary of the Feb 7, 2023, Executive Session
This document can be found on the Sunshine Web site HERE and viewed/printed directly from HERE.
Not knowing who reads the minutes after each Board meeting, I wanted to point out that this document contains important information/updates concerning:
Men's & Women's Golf Leagues
New ACC member
SEPO Suggestion/Complaint/Idea submission
Multiple updates to the SEPO Policies & Procedures (P&P)
(The updated P&P document will be sent in a separate email on Tue or Wed of this week.
This document will be posted in the office later today. Please call with any issues or questions.
- Beth Parrish SEPO Board Secretary & Governing Documents
Email: sepoboardbeth@gmail.com 314-960-6710
Sent 2023-02-14: SEPO Policies & Procedures: Updated/Approved at Feb 7, 2023 Board Mtg (Reg) -
As is evident in the meeting minutes from the Feb 7, 2023 Board Meeting (Regular), multiple proposed updates to the SEPO Policies & Procedures (P&P) were discussed and either rejected or accepted. I have made the 'accepted' updates to the document.
It can be found on the Sunshine Web site HERE and viewed/printed directly from HERE.
The document that shows 'only the sections that were updated' can be viewed/printed from HERE.
I know this is a lot of info and I have tried to explain everything clearly. But please call with any issues or questions.
- Beth Parrish 2022 SEPO Board Secretary & Governing Documents
E-Mail: sepoboardbeth@gmail.com 314-960-6710
Sent 2023-02-14: GENTLE REMINDER: SEPO 2023 Ballots -
This is a GENTLE REMINDER that the SEPO 2023 Election is scheduled for next Tuesday, Feb 21, 2023. If you haven't already voted, please do so. All ballots MUST be received by SEPO by 1 PM on Feb 21 (at the absolute latest). The Ballot Box is located directly in front of the SEPO Office. If you aren't physically in Sunshine, an envelope was provided in your Ballot Packet to mail everything to SEPO. Thank You
- Marlene Hall, Election Committee Chairperson
Sent 2023-02-13: CORRECTION - URGENT: Combes Water Meeting rescheduled from Feb 13 to Feb 27 -
I just found out the Combes water meeting which was scheduled to be held this evening (Feb 13) has been rescheduled to Feb 27, which is two weeks from today.
- Mary Grandy
From: SEPO Community <sepoenews@gmail.com>
Sent: Monday, February 13, 2023 1:28 PM
To: sepoenews@gmail.com
Subject: URGENT: Combes Water Meeting rescheduled from Feb 16 to Feb 27
I just found out the Combes water meeting which was scheduled to be held this evening has been rescheduled to Feb 17. Mary Grandy
From: SEPO Community
Sent: Sunday, February 12, 2023 12:06 AM
To: sepoenews@gmail.com
Subject: Combes Water Meeting: Location Info
The meeting talked about in the previous email below is at Combes Waterworks, 21626 Hand Rd, Harlingen (according to Google). It’s where Combes water bills are paid. Thanks, Mary Grandy
From: MaryLou Grandy
Sent: Saturday, February 11, 2023 12:01 AM
To: sepoenews@gmail.com
Subject: Re: Combes Water Meeting
I obtained Board approval to send the email below from resident Mary Grandy.
- Beth Parrish, SEPO Communications
To all Sunshine Combes residents.
We have been trying for years to switch our water, garbage, sewer to Harlingen. We pay twice as much for the same water and only one garbage pick up a week.
A few of us went to Harlingen Waterworks and found out yes our water comes from Harlingen not Combes so it’s an easy switch over.
There is finally a meeting set up with the Combes Mayor and council to discuss this matter.
This Monday February 13th at 7pm.
The more of us that attend the better.
- Mary Grandy 1909 W Iowa Ave (847)702-0908 marylou64@prodigy.net
Sent 2023-02-13: No Garden Club Meeting -
Just a reminder there will be No regular meeting on Tuesday, February 14th. Instead, we are doing a tour on Friday, February 17th. See signup sheet in library. Thank you, Susanne.
Sent 2023-02-11: Women’s Golf Potato Bake -
“Signup" for the Women’s Golf Potato Bake is now available in the Library. The event is Saturday, February 25. Happy Hour at 4:30 pm, Dinner served from 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm.
$8.00 per person. Put your money (cash only) in an envelope with your name on the outside and place it in the drop box marked Potato Bake.
Glenda Wetherbee, chairperson
425-418-0031 with questions
Sent 2023-02-11: Hot Tub: Not Working -
The hot tub is out of order. A new part will be ordered on Monday. The repair may take a few days. Sorry for the inconvenience.
- Jean Burgoine SEPO Board
Sent 2023-02-11: MARKET: Home For Sale -
See the home at 4112 N Nebraska Street, on the Sunshine MARKET that is for sale for Paul Lucas.
- Cindy Shriver, broker/owner Dream Valley Properties LLC 956-970-0449
Sent 2023-02-11: APPROVED: SEPO Financials, 2023-01 (Jan) -
The APPROVED January 2023 SEPO Financials are posted on the Sunshine Website HERE. Please let me know if you have any questions. - Mark Owen SEPO Treasurer
Sent 2023-11: FINANCIALS: SEPO 2022 -
All 'APPROVED' 2022 SEPO Financials are now on the Sunshine Web site HERE.
- Beth Parrish SEPO Web site Admin E-Mail: sunshinecountryclubweb@gmail.com 314-960-6710
Sent 2023-02-09: Guys and Dolls tournament: Team Sheets -
The team sheets have been posted in the library. Arrive 15 min before your assigned tee times for hole assignments and score cards. We will also review tournament rules at that time. It is going to be a fun tournament.
- Deloris Pearcy
Sent 2023-02-09: Golf course closure -
The golf course will be closed Friday and Saturday (2/10 and 2/11) from 9:30am – 3:45pm for the Guys and Dolls Golf Tournament.
- Randy Davis, Golf Course Director
Sent 2023-02-08: Guys and Dolls -
Guys and Dolls
Sign-ups for the tournament have ended. Due to the weather forecast for the mornings, we have changed the starting times to be 11:00am & 1:30pm. Our awards and happy hour will be Saturday at 5:00pm. Bring your favorite finger food to share and BYOB!
- Deloris Pearcy
Sent 2023-02-08: VIDEO: Board Mtg (Regular) on Feb 7, 2023 -
The video from the February 7, 2023 Regular Board meeting is now available for viewing:
on the Sunshine Web site AND directly from HERE.
Please contact me with any issues/questions.
- Beth Parrish SEPO Board Secretary & Governing Documents
Email: sepoboardbeth@gmail.com 314-960-6710
Sent 2023-02-07: Home For Sale -
See the home, 1917 W Montana Ave, on the Sunshine MARKET that is for sale for Kelly and Susan Kennedy.
- Cindy Shriver, broker/owner, Dream Valley Properties LLC 956-970-0449
Sent 2023-02-07: Resident Passing (Current) Funeral Info
As provided to you yesterday - Current resident:
Rodney Fink, husband to Bertha, passed away Friday, Feb 3, 2023.
Additional Info provided by Bertha Fink:
Services: will be held at Wesley United Methodist Church on Feb 12 (Sunday) @ Noon.
Address: 1406 E. Austin Harlingen arc 78550
Valerie Basaldua, Office Manager
Sent 2023-02-06: Residents Passing (Current & Former) -
Current resident:
Rodney Fink, husband to Bertha, passed away Friday, Feb 3, 2023.
Former resident:
Nancy O'Brien Passed away Friday, Feb 3, 2023.
Former Resident Virgina Carubia called it in...956-454-9501.
Valerie Basaldua, Office Manager
Sent 2023-02-05: Sunshine Rock Painting Club Meeting February 6th, 2023 -
Reminder - next Sunshine Rock Painting Class is Monday, February 6th, 2023, to 3pm in Retzlaff Hall!
We plan to paint rocks for Easter and also planning to share some with local nursing home.
Hope to see you there!
Thank you Cathy Richmond for everything!
- Karren Amos
Sent 2023-02-04: AT FRONT GATE: Emergency vehicle - Siren Operated Sensor-Yelper not working -
At our Front Gate - the Yelper S.O.S. (Siren Operated Sensor) is not working. Lalo has checked it out and could not get it to work (sound its alarm).
The Police Fire and EMS use this operation to get in here when necessary. Part of Yelper system is in our gate and the other part is in their Units. When the yelp has been recognized for three (3) seconds a trigger is sent to open the gate. This is an effective way for emergency service to respond - not needing a code or a key.
A call has been made to have it repaired. However, it will probably be Monday before that occurs.
Therefore, the Front gate will remain in the 'open' position in case EMS or other emergency occurs - and we, the residents, come in late after hours.
-- Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276
Sent 2023-02-04: Home For Sale -
See the home at 1940 W WI, on the Sunshine MARKET that is for sale for Victor & Judy Deleon.
- Cindy Shriver, broker/owner, Dream Valley Properties LLC 956-970-0449
Sent 2023-02-01: WC: Taste of Sunshine Potluck and Cakewalk -
Dear Neighbors,
The Women’s Club is happy to announce the upcoming activity of Taste of Sunshine with a Cake Walk. This event will take place on Thursday, February 23rd at 4PM.
With this event, we encourage everyone to make a dish from their childhood/adulthood lives or from the state in which you live/lived. This is a great way for us to get to know each other better through the love of food. When you enter the hall, you will place your dish under your state sign. Hopefully, we will see so many wonderful dishes and state pride from all of our Sunshine residents.
To make the event, a little more interesting, we have decided to add a cakewalk. We will have a sign-up list for anyone who would like to donate a baked good and we will sell cakewalk tickets for two dollars a walk. There will be other surprises as well!
We are looking forward to a wonderful time of fellowship with our community and encourage everyone to have fun and participate in this event.
Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns. More details to come in the following weeks.
- Pam Davis 214-516-4844 & Vicky Leroy 785-418-6208
Sent 2023-02-01: Home For Sale -
See the home, 4132 M MO St, on the Sunshine MARKET that is for sale for Robert and Cheryl Ross.
- Cindy Shriver, broker/owner, Dream Valley Properties LLC 956-970-0449
Sent 2023-01-06: NOTICE of Board Executive Session, Tuesday, Jan 10, 2023 -
The below will be posted in the SEPO Office, on the poolside door to Retzlaff Hall and by the mailboxes prior to 1 PM today.
Tuesday, February 7, 2023
Immediately after the Board meeting (Regular) in Retzlaff Hall
(Board members Only)
This is a formal notice to the SEPO community that Board President, Share Nelson, has called a SEPO Board Executive Session, for Board members only, to be held Tuesday, February 7, 2023, immediately after the 1 PM Board meeting (Regular) in Retzlaff Hall. There will be no access permitted into Retzlaff Hall, other than Board members, during this Executive Session.
This is a closed session as permitted by Texas law. As stated in Section 4.03 of the SEPO Bylaws, the Board may discuss:
Enforcement action in violation of Covenants or Bylaws.
- Share Nelson SEPO Board President
Sent 2023-02-01: AGENDA for BOARD (Regular) Meeting on Tuesday, Feb 7, 2022 @ 1 PM -
The agenda for the 1 PM, February 7, 2023 SEPO Board (Regular) meeting is:
available to view/print directly from HERE
posted on the Sunshine Web site.
Valerie will be posting a paper copy prior to 1 PM today:
in the SEPO office
on the poolside door into Retzlaff
the mailboxes
Please call with any questions / issues.
Beth Parrish
2022 SEPO Board Secretary & Governing Documents
E-Mail: sepoboardbeth@gmail.com