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SEPO Community E-Mails: November 2022

Sent 2022-11-30: CORRECTED - WC: Valley Voices Concert - 

An incorrect poster was sent out by me in the previous email concerning this event. Please see the information below that pertains to us here at Sunshine Estates.


Jill Ventrello

Sent 2022-11-30: HPD - Marines 2022 TOYS for TOTS 501 C3 - 

Dear Friends - 

Toys for Tots date of distribution for Harlingen is 16 December 2022. Some of the HPD Officers will be by to pick up this box tomorrow and leave another in its place. There are some gifts still to be wrapped - I did a bunch earlier. -  Maybe one of the Sunshine elves can wrap one or two. Thanks - reminder to please put the age and Boy / Girl on the bottom for distribution purposes.  


Since the 1940's, the USMC program has assisted families nationwide who are struggling financially.  The mission is to provide a tangible sign of hope for the disadvantaged children at Christmas.


Wrapping the gifts with BOY / GIRL and age really speeds up the process.  Thanks again. Makes the project easier for the PD.


THANK YOU for Getting Involved and Making a Difference.  

God Bless you and God Bless the USA

-- Lenore J Combs  956 245 1276 (Santa's helper)


Sent 2022-11-30: FINAL APPROVED: SEPO 2023 Budget - 

Although the Approved SEPO 2023 Budget can be linked to from the Nov 15 Board Meeting (Regular) minutes, I decided to go ahead and also send the link in a separate email.

It is housed:

  • on the Sunshine Web site HERE

  • can be viewed/printed directly from HERE.

- Beth Parrish     SEPO Board Secretary & Governing Documents   314-960-6710


Sent 2022-11-30: UNAPPROVED: SEPO Board Meeting (Regular) Minutes, November 15, 2022 - 

The UNAPPROVED minutes from the November 15, 2022 Board Meeting (Regular), can be found HERE.
The minutes can also be viewed/printed directly from this link
They will be posted in the office on Wednesday. Please call with any issues or questions.
- Beth Parrish     SEPO Board Secretary & Governing Documents   314-960-6710


Sent 2022-11-30:  TOYS FOR TOTS -

THANKS for your generosity with Toys For Tots.  You are wonderful! and appreciated.
We could have a quick wrapping party in the Library soon.
I will be checking with Harlingen Police on their pickup day.  Stay tuned.
- Lenore Combs


Sent 2022-11-30: WC: CHRISTMAS DINNER 2022 - 

Dear Friends,
Christmas is coming faster than we think
There is a CHRISTMAS DINNER "volunteer" signup sheet with only 'two' lonesome names.  ðŸ˜Ÿ       It is located on the WC Activities billboard in the Library.
I would like to have a planning meeting early next week and even if you can't make the planning part, we can use your help on Christmas day.
One potential early consideration is if we have turkey and/or ham.
We will need chefs (and carvers for the turkey) as most ham is already pre-sliced.
If we don't get a committee we together, we can have a Charlie Brown Christmas dinner:
                            Peanut butter & Jelly sandwiches
                            Root Beer Floats
- Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276     Coordinator for Christmas dinner

Sent 2022-11-28: SUNSHINE NEWSLETTER: Dec 2022 - 

Thanks to everyone who contributed to this month's Newsletter. You can view/print a copy of it directly from HERE or from the Web site. Valerie will be placing copies in the library area later today.

- Beth Parrish     SEPO Newsletter Editor   E-Mail:   314-960-6710


Sent 2022-11-23: WC: Thanksgiving Day Update - 

Thanksgiving Day the doors of the hall will open at 1:30pm for everyone. Thank You for your patience.
- Vicky Leroy Krueger


Sent 2022-11-22: WC: Thanksgiving (Final Reminder - Signup due by EOD Tues) - 

November 24, 2022
Signup cut off is Tuesday end of day!
Happy Short Hour > 2:00pm
Eating at > 2:30pm
Potluck Dinner / Turkey provided
(There is a $5.00 per person charge for the turkey and other items)
Signup and payment in the library 
Hope to see you there!!!
- Vicky Leroy Krueger


Sent 2022-11-22: Food drive - 

Once again we are having a food drive for Valley Haven Children's Home and Loaves and Fishes of Harlingen. Items needed include but are not limited to: canned vegetables, fruits and meats, packaged beans, rice and pasta, boxed dinners and fruit drinks, cereal and peanut butter. If you can help there are containers in the library for you to put your items in. We will be delivering all food collected on December 20th so please make sure you drop off your items before then. Thank you in advance for your kind generosity.
- Deb Jones & Jill Ventrello


Sent 2022-11-22: FINAL REMINDER: DEC 2022 Newsletter Articles Due by End of Day on Nov 24, 2022 - 

Due to Thanksgiving being on Nov 24, I'm sending the FINAL reminder that next month's Newsletter articles are due by the 24th of this month a day earlier than normal.

If you have an article you would like published in the Sunshine Dec 2022 Newsletter, the article needs to be submitted to by End of Day on Nov 24, at the latest.

If you aren't quite sure what to include in your article, lots of examples from prior newsletters can be found HERE.

The Newsletter Guidelines, which were updated on August 23, 2022, are posted on the Web site HERE

If you do not get a 'Received For Newsletter' reply from with 36 hrs of sending your article, please contact me via phone call or text at the number below.

Please call with questions.

Beth Parrish     SEPO Newsletter Editor   E-Mail:   314-960-6710


Sent 2022-11-22: House for Rent - 

Additional details about the house I have for rent at 4121 N Missouri Street have been added to the Sunshine Web site Market.     Sam Davis


Sent 2022-11-22: VIDEO: Board Mtg (Regular) on Nov 15, 2022 - 

The video from the November 15, 2022 Regular Board meeting is now available for viewing on the Sunshine Web site HERE or directly from this link:


It appears the mute button was still on the video for the first few minutes of this meeting. No worries. That muted portion will be included in the written minutes, which will be available soon.

Please contact me with any issues/questions.

Beth Parrish     SEPO Board Secretary & Governing Documents   314-960-6710


Sent 2022-11-22: VIDEO: SEPO Residents' Mtg on Nov 14, 2022 - 

The video from the November 14, 2022 Residents' meeting is now available for viewing on the Sunshine Web site - HERE or directly from this link:

As a reminder, there will not be any written minutes created from this meeting.
Please contact me with any issues/questions.
Beth Parrish     SEPO Board Secretary & Governing Documents   314-960-6710


Sent 2022-11-22: SEPO Comm Mgr & SEPO Board Secretary return & Thanks - 

I'm back from vac and have been working on Web site updates most of Monday. I have several emails that will be going out overnight. And I know there are several more that I will be working on tomorrow. I want to give a huge thanks to my SEPO enews helper while I was away. Great job. CYA all around.
- Beth Parrish     SEPO Communications & SEPO Board Secretary


Sent 2022-11-21: CANCELLED: Men’s Golf League, 11-22-2022 - 

Tuesday 22 November 2022 No golf due to weather condition and course will resume November 29 2022 any questions call Rocky Lockwood at 360-481-0124


Sent 2022-11--19:  NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH MEETING this Monday 21 November 2022 at 3:00 PM - 

Dear Friends
Wish you all a very wonderful Happy Thanksgiving.  You are appreciated and we are grateful.
Please mark your calendars for our important business meeting on Monday 21 NOV at 3pm in Retz Hall
We will have the usual meeting and also discuss planning for Finger Lickin' Chicken for Jan 16th (Monday).  This is a fundraiser for Neighborhood Watch.
-- Lenore J Combs  956 245 1276
Coordinator NW - CERT Team


Sent 2022-11-18:  Donations for New Residents' Party - 

The Womens’ Club will be celebrating our new residents with a party on January 13, 2023, at Retzlaff Hall.
We would like to show these new homeowners the greatness of our community and surroundings.
If you, or your Club, want to donate an item for a door prize, please let us know. Also, we are trying to gather gift cards from local vendors that we support.

So, if you’re a regular somewhere, maybe ask for a donation.
We are looking forward to our event and can’t wait to meet our new residents.
For additional information, contact

Pam Davis (214-516-4844) or Lisa Perrier (651-485-7293)


Sent 2022-11-18: SEPO Board Nominating Committee Roster and Request for Potential Candidates - 

Members of the SEPO Board Nominating Committee are:
                  Janis McFee
                  Derek McFee
                  Sue Swidryk
                  Marian Young
The purpose of this committee is to identify and recommend Sepo Residents who would like to 
serve on the SEPO Board of Directors. There are 4 positions to fill for the forthcoming SEPO Board
election in February 2023.
Candidates must be Home Owners or their spouses. 
If you are undetermined as to whether you would like to serve on the SEPO Board, please ask 
yourself the following:
                   Do you have great ideas about how your community can be managed more efficiently?
                   Would you like to become more involved in your HOA's daily operation?
                   Do you have the time, dedication, and enthusiasm to regularly volunteer your skills for the 
                   benefit of your community?
If you would like to be considered and possibly nominated by the Nominating Committee
as a SEPO Board Candidate, please contact any Nominating Committee member to set up an 
interview. If you know a resident who you think would make a valuable Board member, please 
contact the Nominating Committee, who could approach that person.
Janis McFee
SEPO Nominating Committee Chairperson
2028 W. Michigan Dr.


Sent 2022-11-17:  2023 HOA Assessments - 

Hello Sunshine Homeowners - 
This is to inform you of any new or adjusted rates for 2023, approved by the SEPO Board of Directors at the November 15, 2022, Regular Board meeting.
The HOA Assessment Fee for 2023 will now be $1,410.00 for the year. This is a total increase of $45 over the prior year amount, which the Board is permitted to approve per the SEPO Covenants. NOTE: If you pay in full between now and Jan 20, 2023, you will receive a 2% discount, which will lower this fee to $1,381.80 for the year 2023.

The Storage Lot rates will remain the same:

  • Lots 01-12 & 301 are $165.00.

  • Lots 401-414 are $181.50.

  • Lots 101-114, 201 & 214, 601-613, 701-713 are $231.00.

  • Lots 302-315 are $247.50.

  • Lots 202-213 are $264.00.

The Golf Course Improvement Fee of $25.00 for Golf Cart Permit will remain the same for 2023.
Resale Certificates produced by the SEPO Office for $250.00 will continue to be collected. TX RE law requires this certificate be provided prior to the sale of all homes that have mandatory assessments. This fee will be collected by the seller prior to closing.

This information will also be posted outside the SEPO Office.

Thank you.
SEPO Board


Sent 2022-11-17: REMINDER: DEC 2022 Newsletter Articles Due by End of Day Nov 24, 2022 - 

Here's the first reminder that next month's Newsletter articles are due by the 24th of this month. If you have an article you would like published in the Sunshine Dec 2022 Newsletter, the article needs to be submitted to by End of Day on Nov 24, at the latest. If you aren't quite sure what to include in your article, lots of examples from prior newsletters can be found HERE. The Newsletter Guidelines, which were updated on August 23, 2022, are posted on the Web site HERE.

I will not be able to reply with the usual 'Received For Newsletter' reply from until I return to Sunshine after Nov 20. So. if you do not receive a reply by end of day Nov 22, please contact me via phone call or text at the number below. Please call with questions.

Beth Parrish     SEPO Newsletter Editor   E-Mail:   314-960-6710


Sent 202-211-16: Former Residents Passing - 

The Office has been informed of the following former residents who have passed:

  • Nov 3, Ann Bergan

  • Nov 13, Chuck Nelson

Sincerely,     Valerie Basaldua   Office Manager


Sent 2022-11-16: SEPO Employees time off for Thanksgiving - 

FYI - All SEPO Employees will be taking off for Thanksgiving. They are all entitled to be off on Thursday, Nov 24, which is Thanksgiving day and also Friday, Nov 25, the day after Thanksgiving. In addition, the office will be closed the following Monday, Nov 28 as Valerie will be taking a vacation day.
- SEPO Board


Sent 2022-11-16: New Rental - 

I have a house at 4121 N Missouri Street for rent. 3 months minimum. Please contact me at 956-425-4193 for further information.     Sam Davis


Sent 2022-11-15: Women's Club Meeting Friday November 18th - 

Reminder of Women's Club Meeting - 

  • Friday, November 18th 

  • Starting at 9am

  • In Retzlaff Hall

Thank You, Vicky LeRoy Krueger


Sent 2022-11-15: Thanksgiving Dinner Reminder - 

Thanksgiving Dinner / November 24, 2022
Happy Hour 2:00pm / Eating at 2:30pm
Potluck Dinner / Turkey Provided
(There is a $5.00 per person charge for the cost of the turkeys and other needs)
The signup is setup in library with virtual payment.
Also, there are signup sheets for what potluck items you will bring.
Thank You Everyone! Any question text or call.
- Vicky LeRoy Krueger   785-418-6208


Sent 2022-11-14: Activity PO KE NO - 

Will now start at 7:00 PM thru 9:00PM, which started on 11-14-22.
- Joy Olson & Sandy Lowe


Sent 2022-11-11: Political Signs - 

If you have political signs on display in your yard, they must be taken down immediately after November 18th. 
This is according to the Election Code of the State of Texas. 
Thank you for your compliance. 
- SEPO Board


Sent 2022-11-11: Toys for Tots - 

Toys For Tots

Dear Friends,
We briefly spoke about this at Woman’s Club the other day – so as a reminder:
Our Harlingen Police dropped off a TOYS FOR TOTS box.  It is in the Library.
Toys For Tots – is the premier community action program sending a message of hope through the gift of a new toy to help bring the joy of Christmas to the less fortunate children.
The mission is to collect new toys each year and distribute these toys as Christmas gifts to these children in our community.  The Harlingen Police Department becomes familiar with these families, currently is collecting toys and hereby requests if anyone at Sunshine can please donate a gift ($10.00 or so). 
They (HPD) are waiving the “unwrapped” part since the Harlingen PD is most familiar with us thru NW & CERT and wrapping would be handy – just put GIRL/BOY  and  AGE __yrs. on the gift – visibly on the bottom. 
The Officers will pick up the boxes in a few weeks.  THANK YOU  
Lenore J. Combs  956 245 1276
Resident and member of the Hgn. Citizens Police Academy Alumni Association
Coordinator NW - CERT at SCCE


Sent 2022-11-10: SEPO: October 2022 Financials

The October 2022 Financials are posted on the Sunshine Website HERE. Please let me know if you have any questions.     - Mark Owen     SEPO Treasurer


Sent 2022-11-10: MARKETPLACE: New Listing - House for Sale - 

I have listed Kitty Olson's home at 4316 N MO for sale. You can view it on the Sunshine Web site HERE.

- Cindy Shriver, Broker/Owner     Dream Valley Properties, LLC   956-970-0449


Sent 2022-11-10: MARKETPLACE: House for Sale - Updated w/more pictures and pricing - 

I have updated the listing of my house that I have For Sale at 4341 N KS with additional pictures and pricing information. You can view it on the Sunshine Web site HERE.
- Steve Valmassoi     313-407-5826


Sent 2022-11-09: Calling All Dogs and Cats - 

Hey Everyone - Sandra Delaunay will be coming to the Estates on Wednesday, November 16th, 2022, to take care of your pet's nails. She will be starting at 1:00 pm. The cost is ten dollars per pet. Please text or call Sandra and she will schedule your appointment. Sandra's number is 956-226-9919. Sandra will come to your home. Thanks, 
- Marian Young     719-468-4556


Sent 2022-11-09: Thanksgiving Dinner 2022 - 

Thanksgiving Dinner / November 24, 2022
Happy Hour 2:00pm / Eating at 2:30pm
Potluck Dinner / Turkey Provided
Come and enjoy dinner with our extended family!
(There is a $5.00 per person charge for the cost of the turkeys and other needs)
The sign-up is setup in library with virtual payment.
Also, there are signup sheets for what potluck items you will bring.
And last but not least there signup sheets for helping > none of this is possible unless we get help to accomplish all of the tasks that are needed to make all of this happen
Thank You Everyone!   Any question text or call.
- Vicky LeRoy Krueger     785-418-6208


Sent 2022-11-09: AGENDA for BOARD (Regular) Meeting on Tuesday, Nov 15, 2022 @ 1 PM - 

PLEASE NOTE: The Google Meet code has changed for this meeting and for all upcoming Board meetings. It is now:

The agenda for the 'Hybrid' Nov 15, 2022 Board Meeting (Regular) at 1 PM can be accessed:

  • directly from HERE

  • on the Web site HERE

Valerie will also be posting this agenda outside her office, on the poolside door to Retzlaff Hall and by the mailboxes by 1 PM today. Please call with any questions / issues.
- Beth Parrish     SEPO Board Secretary   314-960-6710


Sent 2022-11-09: AGENDA for Residents Meeting on Monday, Nov 14, 2022 @ 1 PM - 

PLEASE NOTE: The Google Meet code has changed for this meeting and for all upcoming Board meetings. It is now:

The agenda for the 'Hybrid' Nov 14, 2022 Residents meeting at 1 PM can be accessed:

  • directly from HERE

  • on the Web site HERE

Valerie will also be posting this agenda outside her office, on the poolside door to Retzlaff Hall and by the mailboxes by 1 PM today.

- Beth Parrish     SEPO Board Secretary   314-960-6710


Sent 2022-11-08: Out of Office: SEPO Communications & Board Responsibilities - 

I've mentioned this on several occasions but wanted to do it again this one final time.

SEPO Community Emails: I will not be available to send your emails from Nov 11 thru Nov 20. Lenore has been let off-the-hook (so to speak) and I have found a new volunteer to help with this. Please continue to send your information to during this timeframe. However, your emails need to be in text only. Attachments, embedded posters, links to documents etc. cannot be accommodated during my absence.

Sunshine Web site: There will not be any Web site updates made during this timeframe.

Newsletter: The first reminder concerning the Dec Newsletter is already queued and ready to be sent on Nov 17. Send your articles anytime and I will reply with the normal ‘Received For Newsletter’ by Nov 22.
SEPO Board: Please contact one of the other six Board members with any Board questions/issues during this timeframe.

Thank you for your understanding. Call me before Nov 11 with any questions.
- Beth Parrish     SEPO Enews Email Manager   E-Mail:   314-960-6710


Sent 2022-11-08: NOTES to Community: SEPO Board Executive Session on November 1, 2022 - 

“NOTES to Community”
SEPO Board Executive Session
Tuesday, November 1, 2022
(Immediately after ‘Regular’ Board meeting in Retzlaff Hall and Google Meet.)
(Board members Only)

This Board Executive Session was a closed session, open to only SEPO Board members, as permitted by Texas law since the meeting pertained to:

  • A possible SEPO Rules Violation

  • Employee compensation for the 2023 SEPO budget

The meeting was called to order at 1:50 PM. All Board members were present in Retzlaff Hall. The Meeting Notice had been made available to the community by the required day/time. There were no agenda amendments formally requested by the Board. The Board acknowledged receipt of the Board Executive Session Summary from October 11, 2022.
It was determined there was no SEPO Rules Violation.
The Board agreed on employee compensation figures for the 2023 SEPO budget.

Respectfully submitted,
- Beth Parrish     SEPO Board Secretary


Sent 2022-11-08: UNAPPROVED: SEPO Board Meeting (Special) Minutes, November 1, 2022 - 

The UNAPPROVED minutes from the November 1, 2022 Board Meeting (Special), can be found HERE. The minutes can be viewed/printed directly from this link. They will be posted in the office today. Please call with any issues or questions.
- Beth Parrish     SEPO Board Secretary & Governing Documents   314-960-6710


Sent 2022-11-08: Thursday morning Coffee & Donuts in the Library - 

We are attempting to resurrect a previous tradition here at Sunshine - Thursday morning Coffee & Donuts in the Library. The first one will be this Thursday, Nov 10th from 8 am-10 am. Grab a donut and a hot cup of coffee for only $1. Please come check it out. Visit with current friends/neighbors and possibly make some new friends.
- Share Nelson


Sent 2022-11-08: RESENDING - MARKETPLACE: Sunshine Home for Sale (Updated) - 

Please see additional pictures and an updated description of my home that is for sale at 4341 N KS.
- Steve Valmassoi
My apologies to Steve - I should have included the link to the Web site 
- Beth Parrish     SEPO Web site Admin   E-Mail:   314-960-6710


Sent 2022-11-08: LOST: Book - 

I unintentionally returned the book “Poison” by John Lescroart to the Sunshine Library. It’s a Harlingen Public Library book. Please return it to me (Donna Magyar) at 4316 N Missouri Street or call and I’ll pick it up at your house. Phone: 303-746-8197. Thanks.
- Donna Magyar


Sent 2022-11-07: WC: Veterans Day Tribute Friday 11 November 2pm - 

Dear Friends
Game Plan for Friday:  
Please join us this Friday for a Veterans Day Tribute Golf Cart Parade, Ceremony and Pot Luck.
Everyone is most cordially invited
Parade: 2PM     meet at the Office, line up, * Flags ready
                          (you carry it or zip tie it to the cart)
2:15  Golf Cart Parade starts - heads to Gazebo
2:30 Flag Ceremony and  etc
4:00 Social & Pot Luck set up
4:30  Welcome
5PM  Pot Luck
Readiness Team:
We need 8 Flag Bearers + 2 ? 4 escorts   (Flags are in Retz Hall)
These Flag bearers will carry their Flag to the Gazebo (on their Golf cart)
Also could use some help with Flag readiness prep (simple)  such as help getting flag stands to & from Gazebo   (John will be at the Gazebo)
Veterans Day Program at the Gazebo  (John & Hoppy - mc)
Need 2 Traffic control volunteers - station:  near the Gazebo steps
Duty - simple assistance w parking around Gazebo for presentation as parade comes up Texas Ave.  Route = go in between the marked trees and park either side of the Gazebo
Everyone will remain in their Golf Cart for the Ceremony
Except the 8 Flag Bearers and the 4 Flag escorts  -- they will post colors etc in the Gazebo
             USA  Canada  Army  Navy  Marines  Coast Guard  Air Force  POW-MIA
Our committee could use some volunteers to carry our Flags etc
Could use some general assistance 
We need 2 volunteers for parking assistance at the Gazebo
Vicky is handling the Pot Luck arrangements 
Who can pick up the cake ) local bakery by Post Office New Combes Road will be ready by 12 noon -- then take it to Retz Hall kitchen
There is a signup sheet (assignment). Leave me your name, phone & duty) - please & thanks
Any questions - Please call us.  Thanks
Lenore Combs  956 245 1276
Genie Newsom  608 697 6719
Marlene Hall  641 351 9973

Thanks, as usual
-- Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276


Sent 2022-11-07: Fishing Association Meeting Time Update - 

Fishing Association Meeting will start at 5:30PM rather than 7:00PM.     Thanks Bill Peterson


Sent 2022-11-07:  Reminder of the Sunshine Garden Club Get Together - 

Reminder of the Sunshine Garden Club Get Together.

  • Tuesday, November 8th, 

  • Library

  • Social at 6:15pm

  • Program starts at 6:30 - 7:30.

Come join us for lots of tips and tricks in relation to gardening.  We learn so much from each other. Thank you,
- Sue, Terry, Glenna, Susanne


Sent 2022-11-04: BEES: Have been located - 

A bee hive has been located on #9 Fairway. Pest Control will be out today to resolve.
- Valerie Basaldua     SEPO Office

Bee Nest.jpg


2022-11-07_Mtg Reminder.jpg

Sent 2022-11-04: Upcoming SCCE Fishing Association Meeting - 

On Wednesday Nov 9 @ 7:00 the SCCE Fishing Association will have its first seasonal meeting for all the participants and newcomers that may be interested in learning more about the many styles of saltwater fishing and tackle to use and places to go and everything related to fishing and outdoor activities in the RGA This meeting we will be taking orders for shirts Hats and collecting the Lifetime due of $10. We are having a speaker from Hook Line and Sinker to enlighten us on Angling items of all sorts. Please come and Join us we would like you input for future meeting topics  Hope to see you their 

Bill Peterson     President   Email:   309-945-2108


Sent 2022-11-04: Upcoming Birding & Nature Club Meeting - 

The Birding & Nature Club will be holding their first meeting of the season in the Library on Monday Nov 7 @ 7:00 PM. If you are interested in Birds or any type of wildlife or nature plan on attending. Some of the events we do throughout the season are:

  • field trips 

  • nature walks 

  • Bird count (the RGV has the most diversified species of birds in the world)

  • guest speakers 

  • fellowship with folks with lots of interesting topics 

  • lots of fun and excitement 

Bill Peterson     Acting Secretary   Email:   Cell: 309-945-2108


Sent 2022-11-04: REMINDER: Garage Sale: Nov 4 & 5, 2022 - 

As A Reminder: We have sold our home at 1920 W Iowa Ave and are having a garage sale Fri, Nov 4, and Sat, Nov 5 from 8 am to 1 pm both days.     Blanca Hiett


Sent 2022-11-02: Former Resident Passing - 

Former resident, Earl Wier, passed away 11/01/22.   Called in by Mecca Henry.


Sent 2022-11-02: VIDEO: Board Mtg (Special) on Nov 1, 2022 (updated direct link to video) - 

Last evening the video wouldn't load to the Web site so I sent another link where it could be viewed. Good News - Today it is where it should be and can be found at the links below.
The video from the Nov 1 ,2022 Special Board meeting is now available for viewing on the Sunshine Web site HERE OR directly from this 'updated' LINK.

Please contact me with any issues you may have viewing this video.
- Beth Parrish     SEPO Board Secretary & Governing Documents

E-Mail:   314-960-6710


Sent 2022-11-02: New Web site Activity Pictures page - 

Last evening I added a new 'page' to the Sunshine Web site. If you hover on the 'Events' Tab you can access this new page entitled "Acty Pics (Winter 2022-2023)". Clicking on that title will take you HERE.

I will be uploading pics that you guys send to me from all of the great activities this winter season here at Sunshine. If anyone tooks pics at the Shrimp Boil last week, please send them to me and I will get them out there asap.

Note - This page will house all activity pics, i.e golf tournies except and not just Women's Club events.

Thx in advance for sending great pics to me after each of the events this year.

Call w/questions or issues.
- Beth Parrish     SEPO Web site Admin   E-Mail:   314-960-6710


Sent 2022-11-02: WC: Halloween Parade - Pics on Web site - 

Thanks to everyone who supplied the great pics from the Halloween Golf Cart Parade. I have uploaded everything I received HERE.
- Beth Parrish     SEPO Web site Admin   E-Mail:   314-960-6710

Sent 2022-11-02: WC: Halloween Parade - Thx for Donations - 

We would like to thank everyone for the generous food drive the park had for SONshine Ministries Halloween Eve. Hundreds, perhaps a couple of thousand, food items were received. They will all be delivered shortly to less fortunate people in Mexico.  God bless you all.  Keith and Linda Axvig--SONshine Ministries.


Pictures of the donations can be found on the Sunshine Web site HERE.


Sent 2022-11-02: WC: Halloween Parade - Thank You - 

Thank You to everyone what fun night we had even with a little rain.
The food and donations will be put work starting Tuesday. We have helped a lot of people in much need with a chance of having food for their families.
Pics of the collection can be found on the Sunshine Web site HERE.
- Vicky Leroy Krueger


Sent 2022-11-02: O'Clockers Golf - 

The O'Clockers golf scramble will move to 4:00 pm on Sunday Nov 6th due to time change.  
Open to all golfers in community.   
We meet beside the shuffleboard court at 3:45 for hole assignments.
Come on out and have some fun.
- Questions call Donna Myers at 956 245 0188


Sent 2022-11-02: Garage Sale: Nov 4 & 5, 2022 - 

We have sold our home at 1920 W Iowa Ave and are having a garage sale Fri, Nov 4, and Sat, Nov 5 from 8 am to 1 pm both days.     - Blanca Hiett


Office: (956) 425-1420

FAX: (956) 425-1420


1957 W Michigan Dr

Harlingen, TX 78550

Information in this site is authorized by

Sunshine Estates Property Owners Association (SEPO) and its residents.

©2025 by Sunshine Country Club Estates

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