Sunshine Country Club Estates
SEPO Community E-Mails: October 2022
Sent 2022-10-31: WC: Halloween golf cart trick or treat -

Sent 2022-10-30: FOUND: Smart Phone -
If you have lost your smart phone, please contact Derek or Janis McFee @ 651-271-8214 to identify and claim.
Sent 2022-10-30: lost husky -
At 7:35 am this morning - at iowa and missouri.. now at my door, actually. I’ve seen it before.
- Margo Crouch
Sent 2022-10-30: Policies & Procedures: Updates from Oct 11, 2022 Board Mtg -
At the October 11, 2022 Regular Board Meeting, the Board approved one update to the SEPO Policies & Procedures. The reason this update was needed was because the wrong verbiage for the PROPERTY AND YARD MAINTENANCE section, item #1, was inadvertently included in the September 12 Board Meeting Agenda and subsequently approved at that meeting. Beth Parrish became aware of this after the September meeting and asked the Board to approve the correct verbiage on October 11. The correct verbiage is:
It is the responsibility of all property owners to see that their property and yard are maintained, mowed, and trimmed AT ALL TIMES. If it becomes necessary for SEPO to care for an owner’s property at any time, a service fee of $50.00 for mowing and $75.00 for weed removal of non-grass yards will be made each time such services are performed. There will be a service fee of $75.00 per incident to pick up fruit that has fallen from your fruit tree onto any Owner’s property or the street. Initial notification to owner must be attempted via phone call from the SEPO office. Whether communication is completed or not, a written notice will follow on that same date referencing the aforesaid phone call or attempt thereof and the issue that needs to be addressed. This written notice may be handed to the owner of the premises or sent via e-mail or regular mail, or by posting the notice on or near the front door of the resident’s home at the property location. Owners will be given seven (7) days from the date of said phone call and notice to bring the premises into compliance before the SEPO services are scheduled. All owners must furnish SEPO office personnel with up-to-date information as to who is responsible for their property during the owner’s absence.
The updated P&P document is now on the Sunshine Web site HERE and can also be accessed directly from this HERE. - SEPO Board
Sent 2022-10-30: Arcing Power Pole last night -
Dear Sunshine residents -
Karen Price and Cathy Chajec deserve an Atta Boy ...... as they spotted an arcing power pole
and Marian Young & Rambo (her dog) for helping AEP.
Last night was quite exciting. Just as I was about to go to bed, Karen & Cathy (who were out walking) called me about an arcing power pole by Caroline Cochran's on Minnesota.
It could have been an arc flaw or other electrical issue.
We immediately notified AEP and some close neighbors.
Our Fire Department came directly out.
They thanked us for the alert. (also knew SCCE was part of CERT)
AEP emergency arrived shortly after to assess the problem and their team was assembled.
Marian and Rambo were on Neighborhood Watch last night and stayed around to lend assistance if needed.
Evidently AEP also had further issues with another pole by Montana & Missouri.
They did some work - don't know what.
So far, everything looks fixed.
-- Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276
Sent 2022-10-28: NOTICE of Board Executive Session, Tuesday, Nov 1, 2022 -
This NOTICE will be posted in the SEPO Office, on the poolside door to Retzlaff Hall and by the mailboxes this afternoon.
- Share Nelson SEPO Board President
Sent 2022-10-28: AGENDA for BOARD (Special) Meeting on Tuesday, Nov 1, 2022 @ 1 PM -
The agenda for the 1 PM, Nov 1, 2022 SEPO Board (Special) meeting is HERE and also posted on the Web site HERE. Valerie will also be posting a paper copy in her office, on the poolside door into Retzlaff Hall and by the mailboxes today.
- Beth Parrish SEPO Board Secretary & Governing Documents sepoboardbeth@gmail.com 314-960-6710
Sent 2022-10-28: NOTES to Community: SEPO Board Executive Session on October 11, 2022 -
The notes at this link will be posted in the SEPO Office this afternoon.
Respectfully submitted, Beth Parrish SEPO Board Secretary
Sent 2022-10-28: UNAPPROVED: SEPO Board Meeting (Regular) Minutes, October 11, 2022 -
The UNAPPROVED minutes from the October 11, 2022 Board Meeting (Regular), can be found HERE and also viewed/printed directly from HERE. They will be posted in the office this afternoon. Please call with any issues or questions.
- Beth Parrish SEPO Board Secretary & Governing Documents sepoboardbeth@gmail.com 314-960-6710
Sent 2022-10-28: NEED: For Nov 14 Residents' Mtg -
The Women's Club is looking for people to bake cookies for the next resident's meeting on November 14th for Manny's 40th Anniversary. We're asking for two dozen cookies per person and we need them to be labeled as to what type of cookies they are. If you could bring the cookies to Retzlaff Hall an hour before the 1:00 pm meeting that would be great. Thank you!
- Jill Ventrello WC Activities Director
Sent 2022-10-28: MINUTES: WC mtg March 18, 2022 -
Minutes from the Womens' Club mtg on Oct 21, 2022 have been posted on the Sunshine Web site HERE and can also be viewed/printed directly from this HERE.
- Karen Baase WC Secretary
Sent 2022-10-27: SUNSHINE NEWSLETTER: Nov 2022 -
Thanks to everyone who contributed to this month's Newsletter. You can view/print a copy of it directly from HERE or from the Web site. Valerie will be placing copies in the library area later today.
- Beth Parrish SEPO Newsletter Editor E-Mail: seponewsletter@gmail.com 314-960-6710
Sent 2022-10-26: WC - Halloween Parade -
- Vicky Leroy Krueger

Sent 2022-10-21: FINAL REMINDER: NOV 2022 Newsletter Articles Due by End of Day on Oct 24, 2022 -
Here's the FINAL reminder that next month's Newsletter articles are due by the 24th of this month.
If you have an article you would like published in the Sunshine Nov 2022 Newsletter, the article needs to be submitted to seponewsletter@gmail.com by End of Day on Oct 24, at the latest. Please send much sooner if possible. If you aren't quite sure what to include in your article, lots of examples from prior newsletters can be found HERE. The Newsletter Guidelines, which were updated on August 23, 2022, are posted on the Web site HERE. If you do not get a 'Received For Newletter' reply from seponewsletter@gmail.com with 36 hrs of sending your article, please contact me via phone call or text at the number below. Please call with questions.
- Beth Parrish SEPO Newsletter Editor E-Mail: seponewsletter@gmail.com 314-960-6710
Sent 2022-10-20: WOMEN'S CLUB MEETING -
Just a reminder that our first Women's Club meet of the season Is tomorrow 9am Friday Oct 21, 2022.
We will have water, coffee, and apple fritters for all. Come and enjoy meeting us!
- Vicky LeRoy Krueger
Sent 2022-10-20: Women's Club: Shrimp boil Update -
Get your virtual tickets for the shrimp boil in the library by Friday at 5PM!
We are not selling tickets at the door.
Cost is $10 per person for shrimp, sausage, corn, potatoes, bread and dessert! We will also provide iced tea and coffee. Bring whatever else you want to drink.
Doors open at 4:30!
See you there!
- Cathy Richmond 303-990-3730
Sent 2022-10-18: Wood Shop Orientation Class Thursday October 20th 5 pm -
Woodshop Orientation Class Thursday Oct 20th 5 pm in the wood shop.
This class is a requirement for using the wood shop.
A one-time attendance is required.
The shop will be closed during the class.
Call John Chajec 708-280-8940 with any questions.
Sent 2022-10-17: Nominating Committee or Election Committee member -
The Board is looking for volunteers for the SEPO Board Nominating and Election Committees. Several residents in our community have previously served on one or both of these committees. The Board is confident they will either volunteer again or be available to assist this year's committee members with any questions / issues they may have.
If you have any interest in being on either of these committees or just have questions, please contact any Board member at your earliest convenience. The deadline for formation of these committees is November 5, 2022, which will be here very quickly.
Share Nelson @ 309-269-0686
Beth Parrish @ 314-960-6710
Mark Owen @ 972-567-8665
Larry Keller @ 615-812-2600
Randy Davis @ 214-783-4604
Jean Burgoine @ 956-244-0442
Lenore Combs @ 956-245-1276
Nominating Committee:
Primary Duties - After determining how many open positions are available for next year’s SEPO Board, the goal of the Nominating Committee is to identify and vet qualified candidates for these open positions.
The requirement is to have a committee chairperson and from two to four additional committee members.
The document at this link is the current draft of the SEPO Board Nominating Committee Process Guide
Election Committee:
Primary Duties - The committee shall prepare the election ballots, stuff envelopes, man the registration tables at the Annual Shareholders Meeting in February and count votes cast in the ballots provided.
We need a committee chairperson and from five to ten additional committee members.
The document at this link is the current draft of the SEPO Board Election Committee Process Guide
If you would like to view some of the activities of the previous committees, you can find that on the Sunshine Web site HERE.
The Board is working to finalize these two documents prior to November 5 in order to assist each committee with their responsibilities.
We look forward to working with the committee volunteers and thank you in advance for your assistance and support of this wonderful community.
Sent 2022-10-17: SEPO Activities: SEPO Calendar & 2-pager resurrected -
I've been working on the Web site again trying to ensure it is in sync with the Activities/Meetings listed in the SEPO Calendar that the office maintains. I have also resurrected the 2-pager (which some of the newer residents have never seen before). It can be viewed/printed from HERE. If you see anything that is in error or missing from either of these documents or on the Web site, please contact me at sunshinecountryclubweb@gmail.com.
- Beth Parrish SEPO Web site Manager
Sent 2022-10-17: REMINDER: NOV 2022 Newsletter Articles Due by End of Day on Oct 24, 2022 -
Here's the first reminder that next month's Newsletter articles are due by the 24th of this month. If you have an article you would like published in the Sunshine Nov 2022 Newsletter, the article needs to be submitted to seponewsletter@gmail.com by End of Day on Oct 24, at the latest. Please send much sooner if possible.
If you aren't quite sure what to include in your article, lots of examples from prior newsletters can be found HERE. The Newsletter Guidelines, which were updated on August 23, 2022, are posted on the Web site HERE.
If you do not get a 'Received For Newletter' reply from seponewsletter@gmail.com with 36 hrs of sending your article, please contact me via phone call or text at the number below.
Please call with questions.
- Newsletter Editor E-Mail: seponewsletter@gmail.com 314-960-6710
Sent 2022-10-15: Reminder NW-CERT meeting Monday 17 October 3pm -
The meeting will take place in Retzlaff Hall adjacent to the swimming pool. Refreshments served.
-- Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276 Coordinator Sunshine NW-CERT Team

Sent 2022-10-12: VIDEO: Board Mtg (Regular) on October 11, 2022 -
The video from the October 11, 2022 Regular Board meeting is now available for viewing on the Sunshine Web site HERE or directly from this link. I will be working on the written minutes from this meeting throughout this week, as my time permits. Please contact me with any issues/questions.
Please contact me with any issues/questions.
- Beth Parrish SEPO Board Secretary & Governing Documents
E-Mail: sepoboardbeth@gmail.com 314-960-6710
Sent 2022-10-12: VIDEO: SEPO Residents' Mtg on October 10, 2022 -
The video from the October 10, 2022 Residents' meeting is now available for viewing on the Sunshine Web site HERE or directly from this link.
As you were previously informed, there will not be any written minutes created from this meeting. There was lots of good information presented concerning the various SEPO group/club activities. There was also lots of resident/Board interaction during the Open Forum portion of the meeting.
If you didn't attend, please review this video in order to get an accurate accounting of what transpired. Please NOTE: The Board is still working out some of the technical issues concerning the Google Meet sessions. I reviewed a good portion of the recording myself and do believe you will be able to get a lot out of viewing it yourselves.
Please contact me with any issues/questions.
- Beth Parrish SEPO Board Secretary & Governing Documents
E-Mail: sepoboardbeth@gmail.com 314-960-6710
Sent 2022-10-12: Men’s League Tuesday -
Effective 10-18-22 there will be TWO tee off time’s first one at 08:30 and the second one at 10:00 and we like to welcome any and all new men to come out and join in we love to have you, like Tom Jean our newest person to join. Any questions please call Rocky Lockwood at 360-481-0124 or contact Matt Lyne thanks.
- Rocky Lockwood
Sent 2022-10-11: Time Change: o'clockers golf -
Due to sunset coming earlier in the evening the O'clockers golf scramble will move to 5:00 on Wednesday, Oct 12. This is a daily golf event that is open to all golfers in the community. We will meet next to the shuffleboard court at 4:45 daily to receive team assignments. This is a fun event. No cost. Hope to see y'all there.
- Donna Myers
Sent 2022-10-09: Former Resident Passing -
Elwood (Woody) Dronen has passed.
Condolences can be sent to:
Mary Dronen
1321 14th Avenue E.
Apt 13
West Fargo
North Dakota 58078
Kathy Richmond
Sent 2022-10-07: SEPO: September 2022 Financials (for approval at 10-11-22 Board Mtg) -
The September 2022 Financials (unapproved) are posted on the Sunshine Website HERE. Please let me know if you have any questions.
- Mark Owen SEPO Treasurer
Sent 2022-10-07: MARKET: Home For Sale -
Please visit the Sunshine Market HERE to view information about our home that is For Sale.
- Dan & Blanca Hiett
- Contact info:
Cindy Shriver, broker/owner, Dream Valley Properties, LLC, 956-970-0449
Sent 2022-10-07: UPDATED: SEPO Directories - by Name, Address & E-Mails as of 2022-10-06 -
I have uploaded updated documents to the Web site HERE. The new files are Directory sorted by Name and also sorted by Address and the e-mail Directory. Please take a couple of minutes to ensure your data is correct. NO NEED TO REPLY TO ME UNLESS THERE IS AN ISSUE. Thanks for helping me keep 'your' data accurate and up-to-date.
- Beth Parrish SEPO Communications sunshinecountryclubweb@gmail.com 314-960-6710
Sent 2022-10-05: NOTICE of Board Executive Session, Tuesday, Oct 11, 2022 -
Tuesday, October 11, 2022
(Immediately after ‘Regular’ Board meeting)
(Board members Only)
This is a formal notice to the SEPO community that Board President, Share Nelson, has called a SEPO Board Executive Session, to be held Tuesday, October 11, 2022, immediately following the SEPO Regular Board meeting scheduled for 1 PM.
This is a closed session as permitted by Texas law. As stated in Section 4.03 of the SEPO Bylaws, the Board may discuss actions involving personnel in this closed session.
The 1 PM Regular Board meeting will adjourn. The Google Meet session will be stopped. If the Board remains in Retzlaff Hall for this session, anyone attending the Regular Board meeting in person will be asked to exit Retzlaff Hall.
- Share Nelson SEPO Board President
Sent 2022-10-05: AGENDA for BOARD (Regular) Meeting on Tuesday, October 11, 2022 @ 1 PM -
I am unable to embed the agenda for the 1 PM, October 11, 2022 SEPO Board (Regular) meeting in this email.
However, it is available to view/print directly from this HERE AND it is also posted on the Sunshine Web site HERE.
- This morning Valerie will be posting a paper copy for viewing
in the SEPO office
on the poolside door into Retzlaff
the mailboxes
Please call with any questions / issues.
- Beth Parrish 2022 SEPO Board Secretary & Governing Documents
E-Mail: sepoboardbeth@gmail.com 314-960-6710
Sent 2022-10-05: AGENDA for Residents Meeting on Monday, Oct 10, 2022 @ 1 PM -
The agenda for the 'Hybrid' Oct 10, 2022 Residents meeting at 1 PM can be accessed:
Valerie will also be posting this agenda outside her office, on the poolside door to Retzlaff Hall and by the mailboxes before 1 PM today.
- Beth Parrish 2022 SEPO Board Secretary & Governing Documents
E-Mail: sepoboardbeth@gmail.com 314-960-6710
Sent 2022-10-03: I need everyone to verify Activities on the Web site PLEASE -
After many hours of updating, I need everyone to please go to these pages and help me with marking them as FINAL.
Thanks to all of you who have already contributed updates to me. Now I need you to also verify I entered everything correctly. Winter season - here we come !!!
- Beth Parrish SEPO Web site Admin E-Mail: sunshinecountryclubweb@gmail.com 314-960-6710
Sent 2022-10-03: Rock Painting: September 26, 2022 Class & Pics -
Sorry for the delay. Pictures from our September 26th, 2022 Rock Painting Club Class are posted HERE. Anita Lamb Smith demonstrated acrylic paint pouring! Thank you Anita!
- Karren Amos
Sent 2022-10-02: ROCK PAINTING CLASS MONDAY October 3rd, 2022 -
Our next Rock Painting at Sunshine CCE is tomorrow, October 3rd, 2022, 1pm to 3pm.
- Karren Amos, ph # 309-781-3479
Sent 2022-10-02: WC Shrimp Boil: Ticket Sale Date -
Shrimp boil tickets will go on sale October 12th by virtual tickets in the library. If you have friends who will be here for the shrimp boil but are worried about getting tickets please sign them up.
Tickets are limited to 160 and will not be sold at the door.
Any questions call me at (303)-990-2730. - Cathy Richmond
Sent 2022-10-02: QUESTION: Billiards - Texas 8 Ball days/times -
Please click on this link to reply - sunshinecountryclubweb@gmail.com.
Who can verify the accuracy of or supply updates for the following?:
12:30 - 1:30 pm, Billiards: Texas 8 Ball (All year: Tue, Thu, Sat / Pool Room)
- Beth Parrish SEPO Web site Admin E-Mail: sunshinecountryclubweb@gmail.com 314-960-6710
Sent 2022-10-02: SEPO Email/Web site announcements -
I’m being questioned as to why some residents are communicating about SEPO activities/mtgs etc, via a private Facebook page and not sending information to me to send out via SEPO email and/or our post on the Sunshine Web site. My reply to them is, if I am not sent the information, I generally don’t know about it. I rely on residents to supply it to me.
I don’t believe the majority of residents belong to that private group (myself included) and are therefore relying on information sent out via SEPO-sanctioned communications methods. Please remember to send SEPO/Sunshine related information to myself at either sepoenews@gmail.com for email or sunshinecountryclubweb@gmail.com for the Sunshine Web site, so that the ‘entire’ community knows what’s going on.
Thank you. Beth Parrish, SEPO Communications
Sent 2022-10-01: POSSIBLE CONFLICTS: Sunshine Activities etc -
As some residents are reviewing the Sunshine Activities calendar (and thank you so much for doing that) they are reporting issues - missing events, conflicting events etc. I am going to work on this as my time permits the next few days to attempt to rectify any reported issues.
Here's what I know so far:
If there are many (around eight (8) or more activities and meetings) in one day, the 'printing process' is cutting off those evening events.
Some events are year-round (i.e., water exercises) or assumed to take place every winter season (i.e., euchre) and an Activity/Mtg request form was not submitted for those.
I'm not making excuses for either the SEPO Office or myself (as the Web site Admin) - I'm simply stating the facts here. The calendar process that is currently being used was newly created over the summer and was created mainly based on Activity/Mtg Requests submitted since the March 2022 Board Meeting. Therefore, some activities, especially those only active during the winter season for which new requests were not submitted, were inadvertently left off of the new SEPO calendar. And I, being a little bit more familiar with some of those winter activities/mtgs have not had the time to do a day by day, acty/mtg by acty/mtg comparison to the SEPO calendar in order to update the Web site for the winter season.
Please be patient as I work with the office on this. And also, please note, in doing a super quick look this morning at just the first week in October, I do see conflicts with regular winter season activities that I know about and aren't on the calendar and activities that were just requested and approved. So it's highly likely some compromising will need to be done concerning some of those activities that were just approved as new.
Please keep your eye out for what we discover and what questions residents may need to be providing answers for. Thank you for your patience as these issues/conflicts are worked through. If you see anything in question, please let me or the office know immediately.
Beth Parrish SEPO Web site Admin E-Mail: sunshinecountryclubweb@gmail.com 314-960-6710