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SEPO Community E-Mails: September 2022

Sent 2022-09-28: SUNSHINE NEWSLETTER: Oct 2022 - 

Here's your Oct 2022 Sunshine Newsletter. It is the first one of the 2022-2023 Winter Season. Thanks to everyone who contributed. You can view/print a copy of it directly from HERE or from the Web site. Valerie will be placing copies in the library area later today.
- Beth Parrish     SEPO Newsletter Editor   E-Mail:   314-960-6710


Sent 2022-09-28: NW Patrol during Brooks Garage Sale - 

I just talked to Lenore, and she is travelling and can't send this to her Neighborhood Watch (NW) distribution list so it's going out to everyone. On the days that Judy Brooks is having her garage sale (see below), Lenore is requesting extra coverage from the NW folks to ride around in your orange vests and keep the bad guys at bay. She thanks you all for doing this for our community.
- Lenore Combs (by Beth Parrish, SEPO Communications)


Sent 2022-09-27: CORRECTION: Garage Sale - 

Please note the change to days below.


1904 W Michigan Dr
Friday Sept 30, Saturday Oct 1st and Sunday Oct 2nd
8am til 5 pm
Outdoor furniture, tools, misc. items, Home accessories,bicycles,
dishes, kitchen supplies, garden equipment,



Sent 2022-09-27: Resident Death - 

I was informed by Linda Davis that Warren Clark passed away on 9/26.
- Valerie Basaldua, SEPO Office


Sent 2022-09-27: Storage Lot Practice Tee - 

Just wanted to give a shout out to Rocky for fixing the falling pipe covers on the roof of the practice tee.

Also, a note from another resident suggested we re-cover some of the Practice Tee area concerning the "pipes",  so there is a second layer of protection from balls coming back at you.  
We must have pretty strong golfers - maybe they will step up to help me out. I will need some specific detail on what to buy and the measurements and then volunteers to put it up, etc.  
Thanking all in advance for your swift response.
Lenore J Combs  956 245 1276    Director - Storage Lot


Sent 2022-09-24: CORRECTION - PLEASE REVIEW: SEPO 'Month at a Glance' Activities Calendar - 

*****  Please reply to this e-mail address.  *****


Although my test e-mail looked fine, there appears to be some issues with attaching the calendar pages to the e-mail. So I have deleted them. Here is the direct link to all six months of the calendar.

The following is from the 09-12-22 Board Meeting minutes.



Board Secretary, Beth Parrish, has revised the Activity/Meeting Request Process Document HERE slightly (and not the Request Form). The process changed after the March 2022 Board meeting specific to the SEPO Office being the first point of contact for all requests. The Board Secretary is consulted only if Valerie has a question.

Beth reminded everyone that if you have activities and meetings coming up that you have not already submitted a request (and received approval for) you need to get those submitted now. Also, some of the previously approved requests are expiring and may need to be resubmitted. If you are unsure if you need to submit something, please contact the office.

If you clicked on the "activity-mtg-request" link above you will have seen at the bottom of that page the 'Fun Times' icon. When you click on that icon you will see the SEPO Office calendar for this coming Winter Season (10-01-22 thru 03-31-23) in its new format; ‘month at a glance’ requested by some residents. Look in the top right-hand corner to see which month you are viewing.


I need two things from everyone.

  1. Resident input concerning the new format.

  2. Please verify the accuracy of the calendar events and submit corrections to the SEPO Office.


Thanks in advance for helping out with this.

Beth Parrish,     SEPO Board & Communications Mgr


Sent 2022-09-04: REMINDER: Rock Painting Club, Sept 26, 1-3 pm - 





Karren Amos


Sent 2022-09-24: NEED: Volunteers for 2023 SEPO NOMINATING & ELECTION Committees - 

The Board is currently looking for volunteers for both the Nominating and Election Committees. Several residents in our community have previously served on one or both of these committees. The Board is confident they will either volunteer again, or be available to assist this year's committee members with any questions / issues they may have.

Nominating Committee:

  • Primary Duties - After determining how many open positions are available for next year’s SEPO Board, the goal of the Nominating Committee is to identify and vet qualified candidates for these open positions.

  • We need a committee chairperson and from two to four additional committee members.


Election Committee:

  • Primary Duties - The committee shall prepare the election ballots, stuff envelopes, man the registration tables at the Annual Shareholders Meeting and count votes cast in the ballots provided.

  • We need a committee chairperson and from five to ten additional committee members.

The plan is to have committee process documents / manuals available in the next couple of weeks to assist each committee.

If you have any interest in being on either of these committees or just have questions right now, please contact any Board member at your earliest convenience.

The Board looks forward to working with the committee volunteers and thanks you in advance for your assistance and supporting this wonderful community.


Sent 2022-09-24: UNAPPROVED: SEPO Board Meeting (Regular) Minutes, September 12, 2022 - 

The UNAPPROVED minutes from (along with the Agenda with attachments for) the September 12, 2022 Board Meeting (Regular), can be found HERE.


The minutes can be viewed/printed directly from HERE. The agenda can be viewed/printed directly from HERE.

Please call with any issues or questions.

Beth Parrish     SEPO Board Secretary & Governing Documents   314-960-6710


Sent 2022-09-23: UPDATE: Former Resident Passing - 

Former Resident, Quilter and Friend Esther Schmidt passed away Monday morning, September 19, 2022 in Minnesota. Her obituary can be seen at Wing-Bain Mortuary in Granite Falls, MN.
(!/TributeWall)     - Audrey Just


Sent 2022-09-23: Resident Passing - 

Current resident, Joy Cossins, has passed away.     - Valerie Basaldua   Office Manager


Sent 2022-09-23: Resident Passing - 

Debi Warner Passed away Tues 09/20/2022.     Valerie Basaldua   Office Manager


Sent 2022-09-23: WC: Shrimp boil - 

The first women’s club activity this year is a shrimp boil on October 22nd.

It looks like we will be able to keep the cost at $10 per person!
There will be shrimp, sausage, corn, potatoes and desserts. The shrimp is cooked separately so those with allergies may safely eat the rest of the food.

Signup will be virtually in the library. A quick review of virtual signups:
There is a flowery lock box in the library. It will have envelopes on it that are stamped so you can fill in your name and submit either cash or a check made out to SCCE Womens Club.
A list will be compiled with names of paid residents and as you enter your name will be checked off at the door.
There is a limit of 160 tickets and no tickets will be sold at the door.

Watch the SEPO e-news for more details!

Hope to see you there!     - Cathy Richmond


Sent 2022-09-23: Garage Sale - 

See e-mail sent on 2022-09-27 for updated information.


Sent 2022-09-22: FINAL REMINDER: OCT 2022 Newsletter Articles Due by End of Day on Sep 24, 2022 - 

Hi All - I am indeed still on vacation but had this e-mail queued to send overnight on the 22nd. So here goes.


This is your final reminder that Sunshine Newsletter articles are due by the 24th of this month. If you have an article you would like published in the Oct 2022 Newsletter, the article needs to be submitted to by End of Day on Sep 24, at the latest. Look further down on this page to view previous e-mails sent on this topic for those of you who haven't submitted anything yet. I have received lots of great articles but there are still a few clubs, golfing events etc. I haven't heard from. A listing of our various clubs and activities can be found HERE. NOTE: Golf events are listed HERE.

This is your chance to 'get the word out' about all of the fun times you have to offer.

The Newsletter Guidelines, which were updated on August 23, 2022, are posted on the Web site HERE.
If you do not get a 'Received For Newsletter' reply from within 36 hrs of sending your article, please contact me via phone call or text at the number below.

Please call with questions. A big thanks to all of you for helping to make this the best Newsletter ever.

Beth Parrish     SEPO Newsletter Editor   E-Mail:   314-960-6710


Sent 2022-09-19: Vacation Plans: SEPO E-News E-Mail & SEPO Newsletter Mgr - 

I will not be available to send SEPO E-News E-Mails all day this coming Wed (09-20) and Thu (09-21) and most of Fri (09-23). If you have something you had planned to send to the community during that timeframe, please get it to me now. Also, I still need someone to volunteer to send SEPO e-mails for me from Nov 11 thru Nov 20. Otherwise, no e-mails will get sent during that timeframe.

Please continue to send in your Newsletter articles to I will reply to you concerning my receipt of them next Sat or Sun. Thx.

Beth Parrish
SEPO Enews Email Manager (E-Mail:
SEPO Newsletter Mgr  (E-Mail:


Sent 2022-09-16: NEWSLETTER: Where to find previous articles to use as examples - 

I'm realizing I probably should have added the following to the Newsletter reminder that went out overnight (below). If you are new to creating a Sunshine Newsletter article, there are four years of examples on the Sunshine Web site HERE. Probably steer clear of the 'covid' timeframe, as those articles were very sparse.

If you still need some assistance, look who composed previous articles for the area you are wanting to report about and reach out to them. Hope this helps.

Beth Parrish     SEPO Newsletter Editor   E-Mail:   314-960-6710

Sent 2022-09-16: REMINDER: OCT 2022 Newsletter Articles Due by End of Day on Sep 24, 2022 -  
Here's the first reminder that Newsletters articles are due by the 24th of this month. My schedule is going to be 'SUPER CRAZY' the rest of September. Sooooo, the sooner you get your articles to me, the better.

If you have an article you would like published in the Sunshine Oct 2022 Newsletter, the article needs to be submitted to by End of Day on Sep 24, at the latest. Please send much sooner if possible.

The Newsletter Guidelines, which were updated on August 23, 2022, are posted on the Web site HERE.

If you do not get a 'Received For Newsletter' reply from with 36 hrs of sending your article, please contact me via phone call or text at the number below.

Please call with questions.

Beth Parrish     SEPO Newsletter Editor   E-Mail:   314-960-6710


Sent 2022-09-15: Lost Golf Clubs - 

I lost a Big Bertha 7 Iron with Graphite Shaft, golf pride grips, probably on 7th Green.
Please return to Lost and Found (in the Library) or to Mark Owen at 4224 N. Minnesota.
Lost 3 Days ago...
- Mark Owen


Sent 2022-09-15: Policies & Procedures: Updates from September 12, 2022 Board Mtg - 

At the September 12, 2022 Regular Board Meeting, the Board approved two updates to the SEPO Policies & Procedures.

  1. A section entitled "Resale Certificates" was added on page 1 to comply with Texas Property Code 207:

    To comply with Texas Property Code, Sec. 207, any owner selling his residence must provide a resale certificate to the buyer prior to closing. This must be done whether by sale through a realtor, or a private sale between individuals.  This will be provided by SEPO not later than ten days following a request for same at a cost of $250.  The resale certificate will provide, in part, the following information:  Financial condition of the association, any unpaid amounts due the association on the property, any known violations of noncompliance for the property of the rules (Covenants) of the association.

  2. The "Property and Yard Maintenance" section, Item 1, was updated concerning the 'attempt' to make an initial phone call:

    It is the responsibility of all property owners to see that their property and yard are maintained, mowed, and trimmed AT ALL TIMES. If it becomes necessary for SEPO to care for an owner’s property at any time, a service fee of $50.00 for mowing and $75.00 for weed removal of non-grass yards will be made each time such services are performed. There will be a service fee of $75.00 per incident to pick up fruit that has fallen from your fruit tree onto any Owner’s property or the street. Initially the SEPO Office must attempt to notify the owner via phone call. This will immediately be followed by a written notice from the SEPO Office that references the attempted or actual phone call and states the issue that needs to be addressed. This written notice may be handed to the owner of the premises or sent via e-mail or regular mail, or by posting the notice on or near the front door of the resident’s home at the property location. Owners will be given seven (7) days from the date of said phone call (attempted or completed) and the written notice to bring the premises into compliance before the SEPO services are scheduled. All owners must furnish SEPO office personnel with up-to-date information as to who is responsible for their property during the owner’s absence.

Additional details pertaining to these updates will be in the written minutes from this meeting, which are currently in process. As stated in an earlier e-mail the video for that meeting is available now:!ArA0fRIwdohilftpzOo4KPA2D4K2tw?e=vrKghL

The updated P&P document is now on the Sunshine Web site HERE and can also be accessed directly from HERE.

SEPO Board

Sent 2022-09-14: Letter to SEPO residents - 

First off from Beth Parrish (SEPO Communications Mgr): Please note the below was actually supposed to be sent on Sep 7, but it fell into an email black hole. Thanks for resending it to me Larry.

From Larry Keller (SEPO Board Director):

update on Texas ave - 

  • The front entrance area continues to look fantastic. Lalo, the Garden Club and many other volunteers have made the Texas ave area look better than ever. When you see Lalo be sure to thank him for his dedication to our community.

  • Lalo will be pressure washing the concrete block wall on the south side of Texas ave very soon.

  • The drainage ditch behind Minnesota has been cleaned out from Texas ave to the northern boundary by the storage lots. This was achieved with help from Alan Moore district 5 mgr, Joy Cossins, Caroline Cochran, Lassie Dahlstrom, Randy Davis and our SEPO staff.

  • We have begun to trim some trees along the Minnessota ave tree line to avoid contact with the power lines.

  • The front gate mechanism has had nearly all of the internal components replaced. A new lock was also installed to avoid tampering. We have had success the last few weeks with the gate operating properly. Continued issues with the gate will require we purchase a new opener.

  • Additionally, the front gate cameras are fully operational. Many thanks to Valerie (SEPO Office Mgr) for her help on this issue.

Sent 2022-09-14: Sunshine Meetings schedule - 

As we are rapidly approaching the 2022-2023 Winter season at Sunshine, I wanted to remind and/or let everyone know that the schedule of meetings, that I know of, are posted on the Web site here.

In particular to those of you who are in charge of the various Sunshine Clubs etc, please review the meeting information carefully and send any updates to me at the contact info below. I am also missing some info, so please provide that to me. Questions etc, give me a yell.

Beth Parrish     SEPO Web site Admin   E-Mail:   314-960-6710


Sent 2022-09-13: VIDEO: Board Mtg (Regular) on September 12, 2022 - 

The video from the Sep 12, 2022 Regular Board meeting is now available for viewing on the Sunshine Web site HERE or directly from THIS LINK. I will be working on the written minutes from this meeting throughout this week, as my time permits. Please contact me with any issues/questions.


Beth Parrish   SEPO Board Secretary & Governing Documents

E-Mail:   314-960-6710


Sent 2022-09-13: Former Resident Passing - 

Glenda Rose Ferguson-Moeller and her husband Marvin were SEPO residents until earlier this year. 

Her obituary can be found here:
- Cathy Richmond


Sent 2022-09-11: WC: Shrimp boil - 

The first Women’s Club event of the season is the shrimp boil on October 22.

We will have shrimp, corn, potatoes and sausage (and dessert). All four main items are served from roasters and the shrimp is cooked separately for those who have shrimp allergies.

I would like to have a meeting of those willing to help next week to plan the event. Contact me text or call at (303)990-2730 if you would like to help and we will set up a meeting.
After the meeting we will be better able to let the community know the particulars.

Thanks in advance,     Cathy Richmond


Sent 2022-09-11: Women's Club: 2022-2023 Winter Activities - 

I know it's about time for lots of you to start thinking about heading back to Sunshine. And you're probably thinking about what you are going to pack for all of the fun you are planning to have at the Women's Club events this winter. I'm here to help you with that. Below is the list of fun activities we currently have planned. For some of the events, you may want to bring special clothing to really show your party spirit. And for those of you who spend most of the year at Sunshine, you need to dig into your closets to see what event-appropriate clothing you may have.

Also, we are still in need of chairperson(s) for some of the events. If you would like to volunteer to Chair/Co-Chair OR be on one or more Committees, please signup on the activity poster(s) in the Library or contact me at my contact info below.

I can't wait to get the parties started.

Women's Club: Activities
The 2022-2023 Winter Season Women's Club Activities approved by the SEPO Board last spring are listed below and on the Sunshine Web site ( As details pertaining to these events become available they will be provided to you via SEPO e-news e-mails and also updated on the Web site.
  Date         Day                Event (Chairpersons)
10-22-22     Sat                 Shrimp Boil
(Cathy Richmond)
11-11-21     Thu                 Veteran’s Day (Lenore Combs)
11-24-22     Thu                 Thanksgiving Dinner (Vicky LeRoy Krueger)
12-10-22     Sat                  Craft & Bake Sale & Raffle (Terry DeBackere)
12-23-22     Fri                   Caroling (Pam Lacy)
12-25-22     Sun                 Christmas Dinner (Need Chairperson(s))
12-25-22     Sun                 Drama Skit (Nancy Steele)
12-31-22     Sat                  NYE Party (Beth Parrish/Denise Utterback)
01-13-23     Fri                   New Homeowners' Party (Pam Davis/Lisa Perrier)
02-12-23     Sun                 Superbowl Party (Need Chairperson(s))
02-14-23     Tue                  Bowtie Brunch (Pam Lacy)
02-23-23     Thu                 Taste of Sunshine & Cake Walk (Pam Davis/Vicky LeRoy Krueger)
03-18-23     Sat                   Comedy / Drama Play (Nancy Steele)
03-30-22     Thu                  Farewell: Hobo Party (Dee Novak/Robin Fleiner)

Judy Stone
Women’s Club Activities Director


Sent 2022-09-09: Water shortage - 

We have been advised by the irrigation district that the water in the Resaca will be limited for the next week. This will affect the use of irrigation water throughout the estates. Please be aware of this and handle appropriately. Thank you for your understanding.     - Randy Davis   Director - Golf Course


Sent 2022-09-09: NEWSLETTER: New approach/info - 

I’m going to try something different for the Newsletter this first month of the 2022-2023 Winter season.

We’ve had lots of new residents joining the community over the last 2-3 years. For a large portion of that time events/activities were curtailed due to Covid. We are now rolling full steam ahead to get back to normal – YAY. Let’s show everyone what’s available again.
I’m thinking this first Newsletter would be a great opportunity for everyone who manages or participates in one of our clubs (like Women's Club or Rock Painting) or activities (like Golf) to ‘get the word out’ about them. I’m requesting that you provide the following types of information for this Newsletter:

  • Club/Activity Name

  • Contact Name(s)

  • Is there a Board?

  • Do you ‘meet’? If so, where and when?

  • General Description.

Some of this info has been provided for the Web site (but may be outdated) HERE & HERE.
What else can be displayed on these pages? What additional pages do we need/want?
This is a perfect opportunity:

  • For you to review and become more familiar with the Web site

  • For me to get the Web site updated with current and correct info.

  • Remind the community of what a great place Sunshine is to live.

As always:

  • Please provide your articles to me –

    • by September 24 at the latest

    • the earlier the better


When you have your article prepared, please submit it to

If you have any questions, issues, etc you can contact me at

Thank you all in advance for helping me get the word out and keeping the community informed.

Beth Parrish     SEPO Newsletter Mgr   E-Mail:   314-960-6710


Sent 2022-09-06: SEPO - August 2022 Financials - 

The August 2022 Financials are posted on the website HERE. Please let me know if you have any questions.

- Mark Owen     SEPO Treasurer


Sent 2022-09-06: AGENDA for BOARD (Regular) Meeting on Monday, September 12, 2022 @ 1 PM - 

I am unable to embed the agenda for the 1 PM, September 12, 2022 SEPO Board (Regular) meeting in this email. However, It is available to view/print directly from this HERE and it is also posted on the Sunshine Web site HERE.

This morning Lenore will be posting a paper copy for viewing

  • in the SEPO office

  • on the poolside door into Retzlaff

  • the mailboxes

Please call with any questions / issues.

Beth Parrish     SEPO Board Secretary   Email:   314-960-6710


Sent 2022-09-05: UPDATE - Directions to SEPO Office for providing Owners’ Emergency keys - 

There are times when a situation arises that requires someone to be able to access your residence using the ‘emergency’ keys you have provided to the SEPO office. The Board has developed “Directions to SEPO Office for providing Owners’ Emergency keys” in order for someone other than the owner to gain entrance into your residence. These directions have been provided to the SEPO office and are currently in effect.


Information about this can be found on the Sunshine Web site:

  1. The exact page: HERE

  2. All SEPO 'Forms & Processes': HERE


If you have Web site questions/issues, please contact the SEPO Web site Admin (currently Beth Parrish).

SEPO Board

Sent 2022-09-04: Directions to SEPO Office for providing Owners’ Emergency keys - 

There are times when a situation arises that requires someone to be able to access your residence using the ‘emergency’ keys you have provided to the SEPO office. The Board has developed “Directions to SEPO Office for providing Owners’ Emergency keys” in order for someone other than the owner to gain entrance into your residence. These directions have been provided to the SEPO office and are currently in effect.

- See HERE for the Directions and the Checkout/Checkin form.

- Contact a Board member if you have questions.

SEPO Board


Sent 2022-09-01: SEPO Office: Upcoming days it will be closed - 

The SEPO office will be closed on the following upcoming days, in addition to the normal weekend closure:

  • Mon (Labor Day): Sept 5

  • Tue & Wed: Sep 6 & 7

  • Fri: Sep 9

  • Mon: Sep 12

The office will be open on Thu, Sep 8.

If you have an  emergency on any of the days the office is closed, please contact one of the following SEPO Board members: Jean Burgoine, Randy Davis, Lenore Combs or Mark Owen.

SEPO Board


Office: (956) 425-1420

FAX: (956) 425-1420


1957 W Michigan Dr

Harlingen, TX 78550

Information in this site is authorized by

Sunshine Estates Property Owners Association (SEPO) and its residents.

©2025 by Sunshine Country Club Estates

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