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SEPO Community E-Mails: August 2022

Sent 2022-08-31: Rock Painting Club: Rock Sale - 

The Rock Painting Club will be selling rocks in the Hall on Friday, September 2nd from 12:30 to 1:30. We understand that many members are unable to drive to get rocks so we are selling them at cost. Rocks will be $1 each. Please try to bring exact change. There will be a limit of 5 rocks per person at this time so we will have enough rocks for anyone who wants them. They will be unwashed.     - Karren Amos


Sent 2022-08-27: Potluck - Sept 5, 2022 - 

From: Cathy Richmond

Potluck Poster_2022-09-05.jpg

Sent 2022-08-26: NEED HELP: Preparing the Web for upcoming 2022-2023 Winter Season - 

Hi all - I have spent several hours this week updating the Sunshine Web site in preparation of our upcoming 2022-2023 Winter Season. I would like a volunteer to work with me on making sure I'm getting all of the 'links' pointing to the correct pages. I will instruct you next week, at your convenience, in what you need to do. The actual verification process I'm asking for help with will probably take you an hour or so. Then I will make any corrections that may be needed and have you verify everything again.

Please contact me if you can help me out with this (please). I'm so close to all of the updates I may not catch some minor errors - which a fresh eye could catch.

Thanks in advance to whomever volunteers.

Beth Parrish     SEPO Web site Admin   E-Mail:   314-960-6710


Sent 2022-08-25: Calling All Dogs and Cats - 

Hey Everyone, 
Sandra Delaunay will be coming to the Estates on Wednesday, August 31st, 2022 to take care of your pet's nails. She will be starting at 1:00 pm. The cost is ten dollars per pet.
Please text or call Sandra and she will schedule your appointment. Sandra's number is 956-226-9919. Sandra will come to your home. 
Thanks,     Marian Young   719-468-4556


Sent 2022-08-24: SEPO Newsletter Info - 

I wanted to give everyone an update concerning the SEPO Newsletter. For the time being, I will be retaining the position of SEPO Newsletter Manager.


Therefore, I have taken this opportunity to update the SEPO Newsletter Guidelines and have posted them on the Sunshine Web site HERE


For those of you who are new to Sunshine and have not viewed previous Newsletters or have not been involved in creating articles for the Newsletter, please read these guidelines carefully, and give me a call with any questions. And, of course, those of you who are familiar with all of this, please read the 'updated' guidelines.


As stated in the guidelines, our first Newsletter for this upcoming winter season (2022-2023) will be published in Oct, 2022. So your articles will be due to by Sep 24 at the latest. See the guidelines for when reminders will be sent concerning the deadline for your articles.

Beth Parrish
SEPO Newsletter Mgr


Sent 2022-08-22: FOUND: Break-ins at Sunshine - 

I found a car plug-in for usb and electric plug in my driveway today. Let me know if you’re missing.
- Vicki Carroll     1949 w montana


Sent 2022-08-21: Break-ins at Sunshine - 


Sent 2022-08-21: Music at the Pool - 

The Board has received complaints about loud music being played at the pool. People have left the pool area because the music interfered with their enjoyment of the area. People go to the pool to swim, sunbathe, read, relax, etc.

If you are alone at the pool, feel free to play your music. When another person enters the area, please, be considerate and ask that person if he/she objects to your music or the volume level of your music. If it bothers him/her, please, turn your music off or use earbuds.

The reverse is true as well. If there is someone in the pool or lounging in the area, the "music lover" should request permission before turning on his/her music.

I regret having to address a situation that should simply be a matter of consideration of others' peaceful enjoyment.

Sincerely,     Jean Burgoine   Director of the pool area


Sent 2022-08-18: CORRECTION: Women's Club (WC): Taste of Sunshine Event Date - 

Taste of Sunshine Event 🌞 
We hope everyone is having a wonderful summer and look forward to seeing everyone’s safe return this fall. 
As a reminder, we will be having a new unique event this season (Saturday, February 25, 2023) in which we will be asking everyone to prepare your favorite dish from your home state, country or a place that you have lived and loved. We feel this would be a wonderful way to get to know each other better through the joy of food!
That being said, please think about what you would like to make and please be sure to bring any ingredients you may need from your travels back to Sunshine with you. We are looking forward to learning more about each other through food.
Also, as a bonus, we will be offering a cake walk during this event so please let us know if you are interested in donating a baked good.
If you have any questions or concerns about this event, please feel free to contact Pam Davis 214-516-4844.
Sincerely,     Pam Davis and Vicky LeRoy Krueger


Sent 2022-08-18: Name Tags Available in Office - 

Nametags for several residents are available in the SEPO Office. This list of names is HERE.

  • Tom Eich

  • Deb Eich

  • Yolanda Mendez

  • Freddy Mendez

  • Lorrie Fortune

  • Sharyl Belka

  • Douglas Taylor

  • Charla Taylor

  • Curtis Whittlesey

  • Thomas Jean

  • Doug Snyder

  • Chris Snyder

  • Jon Humburg

  • Bob Wilson

  • Randy Voth

  • Gloria Voth

  • Ann Everett

  • Jill Heinerikson

  • Pat Heinerikson

Sincerely,     - Valerie Basaldua     Office Manager   956-425-1420


Sent 2022-08-17: Women's Club (WC): Taste of Sunshine Event - 

Taste of Sunshine Event 🌞 
We hope everyone is having a wonderful summer and look forward to seeing everyone’s safe return this fall. 
As a reminder, we will be having a new unique event this season (February 23, 2023) in which we will be asking everyone to prepare your favorite dish from your home state, country or a place that you have lived and loved. We feel this would be a wonderful way to get to know each other better through the joy of food!
That being said, please think about what you would like to make and please be sure to bring any ingredients you may need from your travels back to Sunshine with you. We are looking forward to learning more about each other through food.
Also, as a bonus, we will be offering a cake walk during this event so please let us know if you are interested in donating a baked good.
If you have any questions or concerns about this event, please feel free to contact Pam Davis 214-516-4844.
Pam Davis and Vicky LeRoy Krueger





Mon, Aug 22nd, 1-3pm!

Any questions? Please phone me at 309-781-3479 Karren Amos


Sent 2022-08-15: Sunshine Web site Updates - 
I have been periodically making updates to the Sunshine Web site over the last 2-3 weeks and will be continuing to do so more often as the 2022-2-23 winter season approaches. Sometimes I forget to check the site layout for phones and tablets to ensure they look ok - as they do on the computer I'm using to make the changes. If you see anything when viewing the site on your phone or tablet that looks 'not quite right', please let me know so I can get it fixed. Remember, the Web site is a window into our Sunshine world, so I really want to make sure it looks professional and contains accurate data. Thanks to all of you for helping me do that.
Beth Parrish     SEPO Web site Admin   E-Mail:   314-960-6710


Sent 2022-08-15: August Potluck - 

Our August potluck will be this coming Thursday, the 18th.
Doors open at 4 and we’ll eat between 4:30 and 5.
Iced tea, coffee and ice will be provided.
Bring a dish to pass, wear your name tag and we’ll see you there!
- Cathy Richmond


Sent 2022-08-15: Sunshine Mr. Fix-It List - 

This is for both those who are newer to our great Sunshine community and also as a reminder to those who have lived there for a while. If you are looking for help with repairs etc, the Mr. Fix-It list is available on the Sunshine Web site HERE. Simply go to this page and click on the 'Mr. Fix-It List' button.

Also, if you have had work performed by someone who is not currently on this list, please let Mike Bricker know if you 'liked' them or 'did not like' them, so Mike can update this list.
Beth Parrish     SEPO Web site Admin   E-Mail:   314-960-6710


Sent 2022-08-15: Golf Course: Looks Great - 

Manny and Joe have done a great job at keeping our golf course green. It’s a beautiful thing and great to play on!     - Randy Davis   SEPO Board - Golf Course Director

I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It's easy.

Golf Course condition.jpg

Sent 2022-08-14: Rock Painting Club: Received Letter of Appreciation - 

Sunshine Country Club Estates - Rock Painting Club!

I am pleased to share with Sunshine Country Club Estates Rock Painting Club & residents
- the Estates Rock Painting Club received a Letter of Appreciation from "Veterans Affairs", Harlingen TX, for the painted rocks we donated this past Veterans Day.

Copies of the letter will be available at our next Rock Painting Club session on August 22nd.

Spreading Kindness - One Rock at a Time!"     - Karren Amos

Sent 2022-08-14: Former Resident Passing -

Betty Schlinder,95, passed away on August 7th. She lived on Wisconsin for many years.     Cathy Richmond


Sent 2022-08-12: SEPO - July 2022 Financials - 

The July 2022 Financials are posted on the website HERE. Please let me know if you have any questions.

- Mark Owen     SEPO Treasurer


Sent 2022-08-07: MARKET: Home For Sale - 

Please visit the Sunshine Market to view information about our home that is For Sale.
- Margo & Bobby Crouch   512.423.7855


Sent 2022-08-06: Thank You - 

Thank you for your thoughts and prayers during the loss of my husband Paul. They were all very much appreciated!     Viola (Oley) Reuter


Sent 2022-08-06: ATTENTION: Overwatering of lawn during a time of drought - 

Some farmers in this area have had their water allotments cancelled due to the drought. They cannot grow crops without irrigating.

You may have noticed when you drive down our streets that there is standing water in them due to residents over-watering. Anyone who is watering their lawn should limit it to twice a week. Watering more often than that saturates the ground, and it will not be able to soak up water when it rains. This adds to our flooding situation.

Thank you for your cooperation.
- SEPO Board


Sent 2022-08-04: MARKET: Home For Sale - 

Please visit the Sunshine Market to view information about my home that is For Sale.
- Tiffany Prater     Call or text 956-574-1010


Sent 2022-08-01: SEPO Activities Calendar - 

Last spring it was suggested by more than one resident that the 2-pager that has been used for years wasn't very 'friendly' to read/interpret. After some research, it was decided to start adding all of the SEPO activities, meetings etc that were requested (see request process HERE) to the SEPO G-Mail Office Calendar.

I do believe Valerie has been posting that calendar (by month) in the library all summer. Although I had never gotten around to putting it on the Web site - low and behold - both August & September are out there as of yesterday. (see this page) When you look at it for the first time you will probably say - I can't read that!! Simply enlarge the document on your computer or other smart device to view the details. I have also included the 'color legend' of where the activities take place on page one of each month's calendar.

Please review the calendar carefully to ensure the activites, etc you have previously requested are listed correctly - days, dates, times, descriptions etc. Please let the office know if something needs added, deleted or changed.

I know things are pretty much status quo for the next couple of months, so I probably won't be updating these two documents on the Web site. However, with the winter season rapidly approaching, I need to figure out a 'not so labor intensive' method of keeping the updated monthly calendars on the Web site.

Please contact me with any questions or issues you may have.
Beth Parrish     SEPO Web site Admin   E-Mail:   314-960-6710


Office: (956) 425-1420

FAX: (956) 425-1420


1957 W Michigan Dr

Harlingen, TX 78550

Information in this site is authorized by

Sunshine Estates Property Owners Association (SEPO) and its residents.

©2024 by Sunshine Country Club Estates

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