Sunshine Country Club Estates
SEPO Community E-Mails: June 2022
Sent 2022-06-30: SEPO Complaint: Policies & Procedures Violation - m
This is to inform the community that a SEPO Complaint submission involving SEPO Policies & Procedures violations was completed formally yesterday (June 29, 2022) when an e-mail was sent to the submitters from the Board. This submission, Rules Violations concerning a Resident's yard, has been added to the Web site. The Board cannot divulge any more information concerning this complaint due to the nature of the submission.
SEPO Board
Sent 2022-06-28: Neighborhood Watch - Patrols & other information -
Dear Friends
The JULY NW Patrol schedule is out and sorry to say - all Tuesdays and all Saturdays are unassigned.
If it were not for about 10 to 12 residents - there would be NO COVERAGE.
I am seriously considering cancelling Patrols because it is not fair to these few faithful volunteers who have stepped up each month.
Several of you at the last meeting expressed interest. Please call me and we can do an orientation. Even if you were not at the meeting, please call me if you can help. Lenore 956 245 1276
If there are no volunteers enough to cover then Patrols will be cancelled. post haste
Thank you
PS The Harlingen Citizens Police Academy is beginning on Monday 11 July at 6pm at HPD. Applications are on the bulletin Board in the Library. (free and a great learning experience) Hope you give it some consideration.
-- Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276 NW-CERT Coordinator
Sent 2022-06-27: July potluck -
Our July potluck will be Monday, July 4th. Please join us to celebrate Independence Day! Cathy Richmond.

Sent 2022-06-24: Palm Tree Trimming -
Palm Tree Trimming is scheduled for the 2nd week of July. If you would like the Palms on your property trimmed please stop by or mail in your check to the office.
$25 per Palm
Check made out to : Yuridia Oloarte
(Please put address on the Memo)
Mail to: 1957 W. Michigan Dr. Harlingen Tx 78550
- Valerie Basaldua Office Manager
Sent 2022-06-24: Lounge & Pool -
We are aware of the foul smell in the lounge. Be patient, we are working on finding the problem.
Happy Fourth of July! On July 5th, the pool will close after the morning exercise classes. The pool will be partially drained. Our pool advisor has been advocating this for a couple of years. Immediately after the pool has finished draining, it will be refilled and chemicals added. The pool should be ready for use on the afternoon of July 6th. Please, note that the pool is closed the first Wednesday morning of each month for routine cleaning. Apparently, partially draining and refilling a pool allows the chemicals to work better. Since our pool hasn't been partially drained and refilled in years, we will see if it works.
The hot tub will not be drained and will, only, be closed on Wednesday morning for its dose of monthly chemicals.
Jean Burgoine
Sent 2022-06-21: UPDATED: Web page containing SEPO Suggestion/Complaint/Idea Results -
The Web page showing the 'results' of Board review and processing of SEPO Suggestion/Complaint/Idea forms submitted was updated yesterday (June 21, 2022) to reflect closed/completed items from the last several months. It is located HERE. The Board currently has several 'open' submissions that are actively being addressed. Ongoing, per process, you will be informed each time a submission is closed/completed.
- SEPO Board
Sent 2022-06-16: GARAGE SALE -
Garage Sale Saturday & Sunday June 18 & 19 2022. 12 Noon till 4PM
Sunshine Country Club Estates
1933 W Michigan Dr
Across from the mailboxes
Tell your Friends and stop in. Phyllis Rash
Sent 2022-06-16: ANY INTEREST? Table Tennis Club -
We are looking to see what the interest is in getting a Table Tennis Club going again. There is a list of names started already because I know there are people not here at this time that would like to play. I have that list started for those of you that had already contacted me.
Meeting is planned for 1:30pm on Tuesday June 21st in the hall.
If you can't make the meeting and are interested please email or text me, I will get you added to the list.
Thank You, Vicky LeRoy Krueger email: vickyleroy1954@gmail.com or text: 785-418-6208
Sent 2022-06-16: Neighborhood Watch - CERT Meeting MONDAY 3pm Retz Hall -
Dear Friends - There will be a NW-CERT meeting this Monday at 3pm Retz Hall
Tom Hushen from FEMA - Cameron County will be there to talk about this year's named storms etc and to answer your Hurricane & disaster questions
Everyone is invited - Refreshments will be served
This will be a great opportunity especially our newer residents to get to know firsthand how disaster prep can save you a lot of headaches. I have been to his presentations at State level and other meetings. He is a great speaker and very knowledgeable
-- Lenore J Combs
Sent 2022-06-15: Policies & Procedures: Updates from June 10, 2022 Board Mtg -
At the June 10, 2022 Special Board Meeting, the Board approved several updates to the SEPO Policies & Procedures. Details pertaining to these update are shown in the minutes from this meeting.
The updated P&P document is now on the Sunshine Web site HERE and can also be accessed directly from this link.
- SEPO Board
Sent 2022-06-15: UNAPPROVED: SEPO Board Meeting (Special) Minutes, June 10, 2022 -
The UNAPPROVED minutes from the June 10, 2022 Board Meeting (Special), can be found HERE. The minutes can be viewed/printed directly from this link.
Please call with any issues or questions.
Beth Parrish SEPO Board Secretary & Governing Documents sepoboardbeth@gmail.com 314-960-6710
Sent 2022-06-15: SEPO: May 2022 Financials -
The May 2022 Financials are posted on the website HERE. Please let me know if you have any questions.
- Mark Owen SEPO Treasurer
Sent 2022-06-12: June summer potluck -
Our June potluck will be Thursday, June 16th. Doors open at 4 and we’ll eat about 5. Remember to wear your name tags. See you there! Cathy Richmond

Sent 2022-06-11: VIDEO: Board Mtg (Special) on June 10, 2022 -
The video from the June 10 ,2022 Special Board meeting is now available for viewing on the Sunshine Web site -
on the Web page HERE
OR -
directly from this link: https://onedrive.live.com/?authkey=%21AEWBe2gCXg%5F1o3g&cid=62887630127D34B0&id=62887630127D34B0%21268949&parId=62887630127D34B0%21235610&o=OneUp
I am currently working on the written minutes from this meeting. Please contact me with any issues you may have viewing the video.
Beth Parrish SEPO Board Secretary & Governing Documents
E-Mail: sepoboardbeth@gmail.com 314-960-6710
Sent 2022-06-05: Call - out for Sunshine volunteers for Storage Lot project -
Rocky Lockwood is looking for a few volunteers to help Lenore with the Practice Tee project.
The plan:
Insulation pipe - grey (pool noodles) have been purchased. He has the materials.
They will become a protective cover over the structure poles.
Please contact him if you can help. THANKS
- Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276 Storage Lot go to person (Director)
Sent 2022-06-05: Killdeer nest -
I came across a Killdeer nest along the west fence in the storage area and put a block on either side to mark location. Parents back in attendance after blocking so no interruptions. Donn PerkinsJune summer potluck June summer potluck

Sent 2022-06-03: Neighborhood Watch JUNE 2022 communication -
- Dear Friends
1. Our June meeting for NW - CERT :
Retzlaff Hall on Monday 20 June 2022 at 3pm
You are all cordially invited -- yummy refreshments
Topic: Hurricane Preparedness - Guest speaker
The 'informational notice' can be viewed/printed from HERE.
2. We need more volunteers for our security Patrol
Please call me 956 245 1276
3. If you need a Sunshine decal for your vehicle,
please call me 956 245 1276
4. There is a Citizens Police Academy beginning..
Please sign up - you will enjoy it www.myharlingen.us/page/police.volunteer
At Harlingen Police Dept 1018 Fairpark Blvd. (close by)
Beginning 11 June 6p - 10pm
I'll be looking for you 😊❤
Applications are also on the NW-CERT bulletin board in the Library.
Members of the CPA Alumni Assn will be at Market Days on Saturday
Come meet your wonderful Police and chat about the CPA Academy.
-- Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276 NW - CERT Coordinator
Sent 2022-06-02: Hot tub jets -
The hot tub is having some problems. It is hot and still open for use. Not all of the jets are operational. Please, be patient while we check into having the pump and/or jets repaired. Thanks. Jean Burgoine
Sent 2022-06-02: Mosquito Spray Update -
Both Harlingen and Combes will be spraying today for mosquitos!
Moving forward, every Wednesday between 1pm and 3pm, we will be spraying. So, be aware for your safety, as well as your pets.
- Randy Davis SEPO Board
Sent 2022-06-02: Mosquito Spraying -
Our efforts worked. The City of Harlingen has us on their schedule to spray for mosquitos tonight!Our efforts worked. The City of Harlingen has us on their schedule to spray for mosquitos tonight!
As for Combes, your phone number to call and “harass” is 956-247-3599.
We are reviewing our options with regard to weekly spraying. More details will be coming soon.
- Randy Davis SEPO Board
Sent 2022-06-01: Mosquitos: Please call -
The City of Harlingen has stated that if they receive “enough” calls from our area, they will come out and spray for mosquitos. Their phone number is 956-216-5220. Please call now…even if you are up north. We’re getting eaten alive here!
- Randy Davis SEPO Board