Sunshine Country Club Estates
SEPO Community E-Mails: May 2022
Sent 2022-05-31: IN PROCESS: Mosquito Spraying -
Today, Tuesday, we are spraying the golf course and a portion of Texas Ave for mosquitos. Please be aware with regards to yourselves and your pets. Any lingering effects should dissipate by this evening.
Thanks for your understanding.
- Randy Davis SEPO Board
Sent 2022-05-27: Memorial Day potluck/picnic -
I am proud to announce that Spencer Smith, Sgt. Army retired will present a short service in recognition of all who gave their ultimate for our country.
About 5pm please join us in this remembrance.
Sent 2022-05-27: 2022 Sunshine Rock Painting Club meeting dates w/updates -
I contacted the SEPO Office and changed two dates for the Rock Painting Club.
An "*" before the dates below indicate where I moved the Rock Painting to the following Monday (for July 4th and Labor Day holidays. This denotes the change from the 1st week to the 2nd week of those two months where there are holidays on the 1st Monday.
Note: my original suggestion only listed dates in May 2022. I overlooked the need to extend our meeting dates to the end of the year.
Club meeting dates are:
May 23rd
June 6th & 27th
*July 11th & 25th
Aug 1st & 22nd
*Sept 12th & 26th
Oct 3rd & 24th
Nov 7th & 28th
Dec 5th & 26th
We will determine 2023 dates later. Karren Amos
Sent 2022-05-26: UPDATE: Men's Golf League - Rescheduled Date -
Due to the rainout of the Men's Golf League this past Tuesday (May 24), I have reserved the golf course, via the SEPO Office, for this Fri (May 27) from 8 am to 12 pm as a makeup day.
- Rocky Lockwood (by Beth Parrish)
Sent 2022-05-26: Memorial Day potluck picnic -
Slight change of plans for our Memorial Day potluck and picnic.
After an informal survey I have decided not to collect money and worry about getting enough food to cook on the grills. Instead, I’m asking you (if you want to) cook an extra hotdog or hamburger or piece of chicken to share as your dish to pass.
We will still bring a salad, dessert or appetizer to share.
Looks like it will be hot so games indoors will be popular. We will have corn hole, Jenga and ring toss.
We could use another corn hole set if anyone would loan us one for the day.
Contact me if you would let us borrow yours.
Hope to see everyone on Monday starting 4ish and eat at around 5.
- Cathy Richmond (303)990-2730
Sent 2022-05-19: Calling All Dogs and Cats -
Hi Everyone, Sandra Delaunay will be coming to the Estates on Wednesday, May 25th, 2022 to take care of your pet's nails. She will be starting around 12:30 or 1:00.
Please text Sandra and she will schedule your appointment. Sandra's number is 956-226-9919. Sandra will come to your home. Thanks, Marian Young 719-468-4556
Sent 2022-05-17: SEPO: April 2022 Financials -
The April 2022 Financials are posted on the website HERE. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Mark Owen SEPO Treasurer
Sent 2022-05-10: Memorial Day potluck -
We are calling this potluck a Memorial Day picnic! We will get the grills out and you can cook whatever you want. We will also cook you a hamburger or hotdog for $5.
Bring a salad, dessert or appetizer. After the potluck we will play games inside and outside! We will have corn hole, ring toss, shuffleboard and many other games. I will put a virtual ticket box in the library for those who want us to cook for them. Cathy Richmond
Sent 2022-05-09: Golf Course Maintenance -
Starting Wednesday afternoon and continuing through Friday, we will be aerating the greens on the golf course. The course will remain open but putting will be very difficult. If you choose to play, please be aware of our maintenance crew as they work. Thank you for your understanding.
- Randy Davis Golf Course Director
Sent 2022-05-08: Sunshine Rock Painting Club -
The Board has, based on a SEPO Suggestion/Idea form submitted, approved the formation of a 'Sunshine Rock Painting Club'.
Karren Amos is leading this club and she has already had a 'test run' of what the participation would be like. The community has been very enthusiastic.
Beth Parrish (Web site manager), with input from Karren, has created a new Sunshine Web page for this club HERE, which contains all of the information you should need to start/continue participation in the club. It is under the 'Amenities' Tab and has been included in the Site Map page. This page will be updated ongoing based on contributions from Karren and the rest of the community.
Please contact Karren ongoing concerning the club itself. Please contact Beth Parrish concerning the Web site.
- SEPO Board
Sent 2022-05-07: Women's Club Season Recap -
Looking at this past season for Women's Club, there was a lot accomplished with help from all of our residents.
Monthly events have grown, the number of people coming to those events are starting to grow as covid has calmed down a bit.
Our breakfast group has come together as a mean breakfast making machine > it is just amazing the work they have done together.
So many more events not named here that the residents have all enjoyed
The funds raised has given us the ability to do some very good things for our community this season, just to name a few
New LED Lights For Texas Street
Repair of Pool Furniture
Equipment for the pool and Water Aerobic classes
Sending of cards > Get Well, Sympathy, Thank You, Many Others
Contribution to Garden Club
Fundraiser for our side our community > with great participation from our residents
Loss Ball Pet Rescue
This summer we still have Thursday evening Happy Hour.
We just had a wonderful Mardi Gras party with much thanks to Randy and Pam Davis.
And we are still trying to get game nights off the ground and setting up some more items that were brought up at our last informal summer activites lunch.
I just want to say Thank You to every resident for your support of the
Women's Club!
Also if there are any suggestions you would like to make for us please let me know.
Vicky LeRoy Krueger
Text > 785-418-6208
Sent 2022-05-07: Table Tennis Club (any interest?) -
It has come to my attention that we have some table tennis equipment available.
In the past we have had a very good and competitive Table Tennis Club here in Sunshine.
This email is for the purpose to see if there is still any interest in resuming or restarting this club. I think there is even some of the people from the past that may give some assistance and or knowledge in getting this started again (I don't have this on fact yet).
I would be willing to facilitate putting this together (I do not have any interest in playing myself).
This would be for all residents, year-round or not. So even if you are not here right now, please let me know you have an interest.
Please just text or email.
Vicky LeRoy Krueger 785-418-6208 vickyleroy1954@gmail.com
Sent 2022-05-07: UPDATE: Voting - Drainage District #5 -
Greetings - For those that have not voted yet, tomorrow is the day. The location for our area is The Harlingen Arts and Heritage Museum, 2425 Boxwood Street. Please Vote. Concerned Sunshine resident,
- Steve Lucero
Sent 2022-05-07: SEPO Attorney -
Last week the SEPO Board provided the required 30 day notice to the law firm Ladd & Thigpen, P.C. to discharge representation of SEPO by this firm. Attorney Randell Friebele, located in Harlingen, TX, has agreed to continue as our legal counsel. He has served our corporation for many years.
- SEPO Board
Sent 2022-05-07: Doggy Dilemma -
Dear Friends, This is my way of handling the dog poop situation. I hope it gives you a chuckle and then I hope everyone complies with it. And please note that this not only refers to both Dog Parks (in the Storage Lot and TX Ave). Dog excretions have been found in several other areas within the Sunshine Community. Please be respectful of your friends and neighbors and pick up after your animals.
- Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276

Sent 2022-05-05: PROCESS & FORM Updates: Architectural Control Committee (ACC) -
The Board and the ACC have been working together to develop a 'generic' Permit Form for residents to display while work is being done at their home. These groups were prompted to look into this based on a SEPO Complaint received from a resident. The complaint was that they didn't want their personal information displayed on the permit form, which was, previous to these updates, simply a copy of the ACC Request Form. The SEPO Board will be 'completing' this SEPO Complaint per process based on these updates.
These updates to the ACC Request/Permit Forms and Process have been reviewed and approved by the ACC and they are currently in affect. The change has necessitated additional steps be performed by the SEPO Office and one additional step to be performed by the resident. The updated process is defined HERE.
The updated Request Form (dated 05-01-2022) can be viewed/printed from HERE.
An example of the new Permit Form can be viewed/print from HERE.
All information pertaining to this change can be found on the Sunshine Web site HERE.
Questions? or Issues? Contact any member of the ACC.
Architectural Control Committee (e-mail created by SEPO Board Secretary)
Sent 2022-05-05: Policies & Procedures: Updates from Apr 21, 2022 Board Mtg -
At the April 21, 2022 Board Meeting, the Board approved the updates below (highlighted in YELLOW) to the SEPO Policies & Procedures. The updated P&P document is now on (and can be viewed/printed from) the Sunshine Web site HERE.
These updates were made:
On page 1 the following was inserted as Paragraph 3.
Pursuant to SEPO Covenants, Article VI, Sec. 6.1 anyone planning to reside in any property located within the subdivision must provide proof of age that will be kept on file in the business office of SEPO.
On page 1 the headings 'common area' and 'immediate family' were inserted.
The term ‘Common Area’ refers to ….
The Immediate Family is defined as …
On page 7 Retzlaff Hall total capacity during Activities/Events was revised from 300 to 206 to be in compliance with Fire regulations.
Only 206 seated people are allowed in Retzlaff Hall at one time in compliance with the Harlingen Fire Code.
SEPO Board
Sent 2022-05-04: PROCESS & FORM Updates: Activities/Meeting Room Request -
The updates to the Activities/Meeting Room Request Form and Process have been reviewed and approved by the Board and they are currently in affect. The updated Request Form (version 3, dated 05-01-2022) can be viewed, along with all other information pertaining to this change on the Sunshine Web site HERE.
Questions? or Issues? Contact the SEPO Board Secretary @ sepoboardbeth@gmail.com. SEPO Board
Sent 2022-05-04: Board - Exec - Residents Mtgs Tabs on the Sunshine Web site -
For those of you who have been relying on the Tab links on the Sunshine Web site to take you directly to the Notices/Agendas, Videos and Notes/Minutes from the various SEPO Board and Residents meetings, you will now need to go to the "Board/Residents Mtgs Legend' page which will direct you to the time period and meeting type you are looking for.
The direct Tab links to both the 'legend' and to the 'Summer 2022' Board mtgs and Exec Sessions are still visible under the main "News/Mtgs" tab.
Please let me know if you have any issues or questions finding the meeting information you are seeking.
Beth Parrish SEPO Web site Admin E-Mail: sunshinecountryclubweb@gmail.com 314-960-6710
Sent 2022-05-014: NOTES: SEPO Board Executive Session on April 21, 2022 -
The 'Notes to the Community' from the April 21, 2022 Board Executive Session can be found HERE.
The Notes can be viewed/printed directly from this HERE.
Please call with any issues or questions.
Beth Parrish SEPO Board Secretary & Governing Documents
E-Mail: sepoboardbeth@gmail.com 314-960-6710
Sent 2022-05-04: UNAPPROVED: SEPO Board Meeting (Regular) Minutes, April 21, 2022 -
The UNAPPROVED minutes from the April 21, 2022 Board Meeting (Regular), can be found HERE.
The minutes can be viewed/printed directly from this HERE.
Please call with any issues or questions.
Beth Parrish SEPO Board Secretary & Governing Documents
E-Mail: sepoboardbeth@gmail.com 314-960-6710
Sent 2022-05-04: Cinco de Mayo Potluck -
Come celebrate Cinco de Mayo with the first potluck of the summer in the hall this Thursday, May 5th starting at 4:30! Please bring your favorite dish and we will provide margaritas, ice tea, coffee music, and more! Don’t forget your name tags!😊 If you have any questions, feel free to contact Pam Davis at 214-516-4844.
Sent 2022-05-02: URGENT & IMPORTANT: Voting - Drainage District #5 in process (get out and vote please) -
Did you know that all of Sunshine Country Club Estates is located within the boundary of Drainage District #5? I didn't. For the first time in 29 years, we have the opportunity to elect our Drainage Commissioners. Prior to this election the seats were uncontested and no election was held. The Drainage District election is completely separate from the City of Harlingen election for commissioners, mayor and school board. I voted twice this week during early elections. I voted in the Harlingen election and, today I voted in the Drainage District election.
Why should you care about this? The Drainage District is responsible for the upkeep of the canal behind Minnesota Street. If this canal does not drain, we get flooded during heavy rains. This is our opportunity to let the Drainage District know that the residents of Sunshine are very interested in what they do.
This election is being held at the Drainage District office at 221 E. Filmore Street. The office is small. Go inside and ask to speak to someone from the Drainage District. Tell them you are from SCCE and tell them your concerns. Then vote. If enough of us do this, our concerns might be addressed.
Directions to 221 E. Filmore Street: Head South on Commerce, like you are going to the recycling center or HEB. There is a Stripes gas station on the corner of Filmore. Turn right. Cross the RR tracks. The Drainage District office is immediately past the RR tracks on your right.
Early voting; May 2 till 7 p.m.
May 3 8:00a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Regular voting: May 7 from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm
If you don't have a clue who to vote for, vote for the incumbents. Jerry Wade and Steve Jennings.
Please, take the time to vote at the Drainage District. Express your concerns. Let them know that we are here.
Jean Burgoine
Sent 2022-05-02: MARKET: Home for Sale -
Please visit the Sunshine Market to view information about and pictures of my home that is For Sale.
Phyllis Rash 317-727-1136
Sent 2022-05-01: Update on Sunshine Rock Painting Dates -
Yes, We are continuing our Sunshine Rock Painting! Thank you ALL for your interest and support!
There are lots of pictures from our first class posted on the Sunshine Web site HERE.
Next Rock Painting date is Monday, May 2nd, 2022 in Retzlaff Hall. - THIS COMING MONDAY!
On Monday we will demonstrate Puffy Paint painted rocks!! It is so much fun!
We will discuss painting supplies, how we will fund the supplies in the future, and attendees.
From thereafter, we will meet each month on 1st and 4th Monday, 1 to 3 pm.
Any questions, karrenaamos@gmail.com
Phone 309-781-3479