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SEPO Community E-Mails: March 2022

Sent 2022-03-31: New Board President BIO - 

As has been announced, Share Nelson has been appointed to the Board and has accepted the position of Board President. A lot of you know Share - but a lot of you don't. This e-mail is being sent to the community in response to a resident SEPO Suggestion submitted on Mar 29. Since Share has served on the Board in previous years, you can find her BIO HERE, which she had updated for Board review last week.     SEPO BOARD

Sent 2022-03-31: Women's Club - 

The Women's Club Executive Board is sad to announce that Marian Young has resigned as our President.  We wish to thank Marian for her time and devotion she has given to our club. Vice President Vicky Krueger has stepped forward as President. The position of Vice President has not been filled at this time.     Karen Baase


Sent 2022-03-30: Hot Tub - 

The hot tub is in the process of reheating. It automatically shut off the heaters, filters etc when all of the leaves and other stuff blew into it due to the high winds. We have cleared out the leaves and the machinery is operating again. However, it will take a little while for it to heat up. I do believe it should be warmed up again by tonight.
Jean Burgoine


Sent 2022-03-30: NEED: SEPO Suggestion w/no Signature - 

There was a plain piece of paper left in the SEPO Suggestion box with no signature or other contact info on it. Would the person who put it there please contact Beth Parrish, SEPO Board Secretary, at 314-960-6710 in order for the Board to address your "SEPO Suggestion" per the proper process.

These guidelines state specifically -
Before submitting the form, ensure your NAME, DATE and CONTACT INFORMATION are included. (If your NAME is missing, your submission will not be addressed by the Board, and you will be notified of such.)

  • There is a Suggestion Box outside the Office to submit your form.

  • Please allow five to ten days to receive a response from the Board.

Thank you in advance for your quick reply in providing the Board with your contact info.

Beth Parrish     2022 SEPO Board Secretary & Governing Documents
E-Mail:   314-960-6710


Sent 2022-03-30: WC: Saturday Breakfast - 


Final Women's Club Breakfast of the season!

The Women’s Club will be sponsoring a Saturday Breakfast in Retzlaff Hall, Saturday, April 16th from 7:30 - 10am. This time we’ll feature breakfast which will includes scrambled eggs, bacon, biscuits with sausage gravy, and mini blueberry muffins all for just $5.00! Coffee, orange juice, and water will be included with purchase.

Stay and eat with friends in the hall or out at the pavilion…or grab a a plate to go! Saturday Golf Scramblers, make sure and stop by before you tee off!

For questions or info, contact Pam Davis at 214-516-4844

2022-04-16_WC_Sat Breakfast.jpg

Sent 2022-03-30: UNAPPROVED: SEPO Board Meeting (Special) Minutes, March 25, 2022 - 

The UNAPPROVED minutes from the March 25, 2022 Board Meeting (Special), can be found HERE. You will also see that the 'tape recording' has been removed and the 'Google Meet video' added to this page, once the download issue was resolved. The minutes can be viewed/printed directly from HERE. Please call with any issues or questions.
Beth Parrish     SEPO Board Secretary & Governing Documents   314-960-6710


Sent 2022-03-30: Instructions for the New Homeowner's Party - 


The New Homeowner’s Party will have the south side of Michigan St blocked off starting at 3pm - 9pm on Thursday, March 31st. You can use the north side of Michigan St if you need to get around to Missouri St. Also for those attending, please bring a lawn chair and dress appropriately for being outside, hat, sunglasses... AND wear your nametag because the New Homeowner’s don’t know you either. Thanks!

Vickie Jones     262-689-7068


Sent 2022-03-28: WC Events: 2022-2023 Winter Season, Still need event chairs - 

There are a number of great Women's Club events planned for next season HERE. The Committee signup sheets are posted in the library. We still need some committee chairpersons. If that seems too much, please signup to be on the committee of an event or two that sounds like fun to you.  Let’s make the next season great!
Judy Stone     WC Activities Director


Sent 2022-03-28: Still Looking for a LARGER home - 

Just wanted to let everyone know that we are wanting to buy a larger home here.  We would love to stay in the Sunshine Country Club Estates. Seems we are always too late to know about a house for sale in this community.  Please consider us if you know of one becoming available. Thank you!!!     Terry and Heidi Dill


Sent 2022-03-27: Taped Recording of Board Mtg (Special) on Mar 25, 2022 - 

The taped recording from the Mar 25, 2022 Special Board meeting @ 1 pm is now available on the Sunshine Web site HERE. The written minutes will be available sometime this week. Please contact me with any issues/questions.
Beth Parrish     SEPO Board Secretary & Governing Documents

E-Mail:   314-960-6710


Sent 2022-03-27: Resident Health Update: Marigenne Elliot - 

Marigenne is no longer at Harlingen Medical center. She is receiving hospice care in a private home setting. She is getting excellent care. Gus and his son are very comforted by the setting and the care giver there. Thank you for continued prayers.     Pam Lacy


Sent 2022-03-27: MARKET: Sunshine Homes (2) For Sale - 

Please go to the Sunshine MARKET to see details on homes for sale by:

Terry Dill & Family AND Larry & Donna Locke


Sent 2022-03-27: SUNSHINE NEWSLETTER (Special Edition): April 2021 - 

The Newsletter is on the Web site HERE

 (SEPO Newsletters: 2020-2021 | sunshine ( When you open that document you can see all of the great Graphics that I cannot put into the verbiage below. Please check it out.

Beth Parrish
SEPO Newsletter Editor

Sent 2022-03-26: Water Shutoff - 

The Harlingen Irrigation District has informed us that there will be VERY limited water in the Resaca until at least Tuesday. Thus, we will be shutting down the water pump for a large portion of this period. When you see water starting to fill the canal on the east side of the Estates, we will start running the pump again full-time.
Thank you for your patience.     Randy Davis   Golf Course Director


Sent 2022-03-26: ANNOUNCEMENT: 2022 SEPO Board Open Position has been filled - 

Your 2022 SEPO Board is pleased to announce the open Director position has been filled. Share Nelson has been appointed, and has accepted, the position of your new Board President. Congratulations Share.

The contact info for the entire 2022 SEPO Board can be found HERE.     SEPO Board


Sent 2022-03-25: Mail Room Restrictions today, 03-25-2022 - 

Due to the Board holding their Executive Session in the Large Mail Pickup Room today, March 25, 2022, no resident entry will be permitted from approximately 1:20 pm to 2:30 pm today. A sign will be posted on the door to this room and will be removed when this meeting is complete. Thank you for your understanding.


Sent 2022-03-25 MINUTES: WC mtg March 18, 2022 - 

Minutes from the Womens' Club mtg on Mar 18, 2022 have been posted on the Web site HERE.


Sent 2022-03-25: Thank You - 

A very special THANK YOU to DAK, Dan and everyone who  helped with the St. Patrick's Party.  It was wonderful and everyone had a real good time.  Hope we can to it again next year. Thanks!     Dee Novak 


Sent 2022-03-25: MARKET: Home For Sale - 

Please go to the Sunshine MARKET: Homes for Sale page to see details of my home that is for sale.
Rick and Edie Trout


Sent 2022-03-25: SEPO Rules: Amendments to Bylaws on Web - 

I filed the amended SEPO Bylaws today at the Cameron County Clerk's Office and the document has been placed on the Web site for viewing and printing.
Beth Parrish     2022 SEPO Board Secretary & Governing Documents
E-Mail:   314-960-6710


Sent 2022-03-25: Trailer parked in Storage Lot adjacent to Doggie Park - 

Dear Friends - This trailer has been left here for several days. Please claim it by notifying me Lenore 956 245 1276 or the Office or further action will be considered. Thank you kindly.
--  Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276   SEPO Board


Sent 2022-03-24: Resident Health: Marigenne Elliot - 

Marigenne (Gus' wife) was taken by ambulance Tuesday and has been admitted to Harlingen Medical, room 332. Prayers are asked. Her son and daughter-in-law are here.     Pam Lacy


Sent 2022-03-24: Name Tags - 

Name tags are available for pick up in office for the following:

  • Martie Boman

  • Michael Grimm

  • Katie Grimm

  • Brian Olson

  • Dorothy Olson

  • Remigio Longoria

  • Susanne Ulrich

  • Nancy Sterling

  • Keith Foerste

  • Nancy Sterling

  • Rich Hulswit

  • Cindy Hulswit

Valerie Basaldua     Office Manager

Sent 2022-03-24: Final Reminder about New Homeowner's Party - 

The last day for signup for the established homeowner’s will be Monday, MARCH 28th. This is a virtual signup, put your name on the list and there are envelopes for you to put your money in and include your info. Please then drop your envelope in the box marked New Homeowner’s Party. Remember to bring a lawn chair as this event will be all outside (weather permitting). Thank you!     Vickie Jones     262-689-7068


Sent 2022-03-23: Resident Passing - 

I was informed Jerry Rash passed away on March 20. He is survived by his wife Phyllis.
Beth Parrish     SEPO Communications


Sent 2022-03-22: Fundraiser For Lost Ball Dog Rescue - 

Just a reminder that we are closing in on our Fundraiser Saturday, March 26. We have Pulled pork plates, dancing and music. Silent auction with close to 50 items! Lets have fun while raising money for this worthy cause! Doors open at 4:30, dinner at 5:30, the band Whiskey Dent starts at 6:30. This schedule will allow time to see and bid on all our amazing items.

Some of the items up for auction can be seen HERE. Bring cash or checkbooks please.

Envelopes in the library for virtual sign up at $10 per person. BYOB.


See some of the 'silent auction' items we have so far HERE.
Marge Sandusky


Sent 2022-03-22: NOTICE for Executive Board Meeting, Friday, March 26, 2022 - 

Friday, March 25, 2022
Board Members Only
(Retzlaff Hall - Immediately after the 1 PM ‘Special’ Board meeting)


This is a formal notice to the SEPO community that Board VP #1, Jean Burgoine, has called an Executive Board Meeting for all Board members, to be held on Friday, March 25, 2022, immediately following the SEPO Special Board meeting scheduled for 1 PM.

This is a closed session as permitted by Texas law since the meeting pertains to personnel issues.
The 1 PM Special Board meeting will adjourn. The Google Meet session will be stopped. Anyone attending the Special Board meeting in person will be asked to exit Retzlaff Hall.
Jean Burgoine,     SEPO Board VP #1

Sent 2022-03-22: AGENDA for BOARD (Special) Meeting on Friday, March 25, 2022 @ 1 PM - 

The agenda for the 1 PM, Mar 26, 2022 SEPO Board (Special) meeting is posted on the Web site HERE. Valerie will also be posting a paper copy in her office, on the poolside door into Retzlaff and by the mailboxes this morning.     Beth Parrish     SEPO Board Secretary   314-960-6710


Sent 2022-03-22: SEPO: February 2022 Financials - 

The February 2022 Financials were sent via e-mail and are posted on the Web site HERE. Please let me know if you have any questions.     Mark Owen   SEPO Treasurer


Sent 2022-03-22: House hunting - 

Hey there!   Just wanted to let everyone know that we are wanting to buy a larger home here.  We would love to stay in the Sunshine Country Club Estates… Seems we are always too late to know about a house for sale in this community.  Please consider us if you know of one becoming available. Thank you!!!     Terry and Heidi Dill


Sent 2022-03-21: Neighborhood Watch meeting Monday 21 March 3pm Retz Hall - 

Dear Friends - Everyone is cordially invited to our Neighborhood Watch - CERT meeting tomorrow at 3pm. Our focus will be on getting our homes in order prior to heading "up North". Put on your thinking caps and share your ideas. 
--   Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276     NW-CERT Coordinator


Sent 2022-03-18: WC: Final Monthly Mtg of this Season - 

Hey Ladies, Our last meeting of the 2021 - 2022 season is this Friday, March 18, 2022. If you have never attended a meeting, come on and check us out. Doors open at 8:30, and the meeting starts at 9:00 am. We will have coffee, apple fritters, and some doughnuts. 
We have several things on the agenda to talk about. If you want to make an announcement, bring up a concern, have a question, or anything like that, it's your last chance to speak up until October. 
If you are new to our community, you are automatically a member of the Women's Club. There is nothing to join, no dues to pay, or attendance requirements. We welcome all ladies in our community, including those who are renters.
We have three events coming up in March, and we will be discussing those events, and a lot more. 
Hope to see you there!     Marian Young, President


Sent 2022-03-17: WC: Breakfast Poster Reminder - 

Poster_Breakfast _2022-03-19_1.jpg

Sent 2022-03-17: SALES: Garage, Estate etc, Saturday, March 19, 2022 - 

Residents have requested the info below be made available to everyone concerning various types of sales they will be having this Saturday, March 19, 2022.

  • 1913 W. Indiana Circle: Driveway sale Sat. March 19, 8:00 A.M., Utterback

  • 1928 W. Iowa Ave: lamps- decorative pillows!, Hendrickson

  • 1925 W. Michigan Dr: Driveway sale, Bud and Pat Skye

  • 4324 N. Minnesota: Estate Driveway sale,  Sat. March 19, 9:00am (Kenneth Dill estate)

  • 4145 Missouri: Dabney

And I would say you shouldn't assume these folks will be the only ones having some sort of sale this Saturday. So while you're out and about be sure to cruise the entire community. (Do you see how I'm avoiding needing to send out any more e-mails about this - LOL.)     Beth Parrish (for Various Residents)


Sent 2022-03-17: New Homeowners' Party - 

REMINDER!!!!! The New Homeowners’ Party is fast approaching. Please sign up in the library. Important info:

THEME- Meet and Greet in the Street
WHEN- Thursday, March 31st
WHERE- Michigan Ave. by the shuffleboard courts

  • 4 till 5:30 New Homeowner’s will be introduced

  • 5:30 Cookout dinner

  • 6-9 DJ Doug music/dance

COST- $10 per person (virtual tickets)
All new homeowners are FREE and have been contacted by phone or a personal invite.

ONLY new homeowners are to RSVP TO Vickie Jones at 262-689-7068, please do not signup in library.
We are planning on being outside, so we ask everyone to bring a lawn chair.

Thank you!
Co-chairs - Sherri Gardner & Vickie Jones


Sent 2022-03-16: MARKET: Home For Sale - 

The reason for this message is because a few people have asked me if our home sold.
This note is to let you know the “Sale Pending” that was posted to our listing was in error. It is For Sale & we would welcome anyone who is interested in seeing it. If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to call.
816 289 0442     Edna Hockett     1909 W Wisconsin Ave


Sent 2022-03-16: REMINDER: MARKET pages going away today at 5 PM - 

Please be aware the MARKET - "Looking For" AND "Household+ For Sale" will be Going Away at 5PM today, March 15. If you think there might be something out there you are interested in, today is your last chance to check it out.     Beth Parrish     SEPO Web site Admin   E-Mail:   314-960-6710


Sent 2022-03-16: UNAPPROVED: SEPO Board Meeting (Regular) Minutes, March 8, 2022 - 

I know some of you have already either attended the 'hybrid' Board meeting on Mar 8, 2022 or you have watched the video I placed online last week. However, I've been both seeing and hearing comments that were not what was actually stated by various Board members during this meeting. I would recommend that (even though they are lengthy because the meeting was a long one) everyone read the written minutes. The entire board has already reviewed these 'unapproved' minutes. If anyone has any comments/questions they would like to address to the Board, I would encourage them do so.

You can find the minutes on the Web site HERE. Please let me know if you have any issues with viewing/printing the document. I hope you will take the time to read through them because there was a lot of discussion on a lot of topics.

NOTE: This was the final 'regular' Board Meeting for the 2021-2022 Winter Season. Any Board meetings held between now and Oct 11, 2022 with be either 'special' meetings, which will be Hybrid, or 'executive sessions', which will be closed to Board only.

Please reach out with any questions/concerns. Thank you.
Beth Parrish,  SEPO Board Secretary & Governing Documents, E-Mail:, 314-960-6710


Sent 2022-03-15: Garage, Driveway, Estate etc. Sales in Sunshine this weekend - 

Rather than sending out individual e-mails for anyone who may be having any sort of sale this weekend (since I'm receiving more), everyone who sends me their info about a sale they plan to have this weekend will be lumped into one e-mail containing all addresses. I will send out that single e-mail at 12:05 AM Thu morning. So get your info to me soon. Thx
Beth Parrish     SEPO Enews Email Manager   E-Mail:   314-960-6710


Sent 2022-03-15: Sale - 

Driveway sale Sat. March 19, 8:00 A.M. 1913 W. Indianan Circle     Utterback

Sent 2022-03-15: Silent auction item - 

We have many great silent auction items for the Women's Club Fundraiser next week, but we would love if anyone from the woodshop might donate something that they have made there. The event is on 3/26 but we are trying to wrap up our auction items. Thank you,     Marge Sandusky


Sent 2022-03-15: Resignation - 

I would like to let everyone know that I have resigned from the SEPO Board of Directors. I want to thank everyone for your support in voting for me, but due to a personal health issue, I cannot continue to serve the community. 
Thank you     David Fleiner

Sent 2022-03-15: Birding and Nature Walk - 

You are all invited to meet at the Gazebo at 8:30am on Friday, March 18 for a birding and nature walk.

"Walk" is a non-specific term:  golf carts and bicycles are welcome also.

We will observe and talk about the birds we find but will also be pointing out the native trees and plants in our nature area and around the community.

Please bring binoculars if you have them, but don't stay home just because you don't!  We will have scopes set up for better viewing.     Questions?


Sent 2022-03-14: Don't turn in this dog! - 

There is an approximate two foot tall, blueish-grey dog - a Blue Heeler - roaming around the estates. I have been feeding it and trying to earn its trust in order to make it my own. So I'm asking you to please not call the Humane Society as it has already started to eat out of my hand. I'm hoping it won't be long now. Thank You   Sally Hardy


Sent 2022-03-14: UPDATE: St. Pat's Party - 

Generous Leprechauns have donated Beer, Sodas and Margaritas for the St. Patricks Party on March 17 @ 4 PM in the Pavilion.     Derek McFee


Sent 2022-03-14: Activity Requests submitted by you - 

This is for anyone who has submitted an Activity Request form to the Office recently. I received lots of requests from the Office late last week to approve. I was unable to get to them over the weekend but will be addressing them on this Mon and/or Tue. So please hold tight while they are put through the entire approval process. Thx
Beth Parrish     2022 SEPO Board Secretary & Governing Documents
E-Mail:   314-960-6710


Sent 2022-03-13: O'clockers golf - 

Due to daylight savings time the O'clockers golf scramble will move to 5:00 on Monday, March 14th.  This is a daily golf event that is open to all golfers in the community. We will meet next to the shuffleboard court at 4:45 daily to receive team assignments. This is a fun event.  No cost.  Hope to see y'all there.     Donna


Sent 2022-03-11: VIDEO: Board Mtg (Regular) on Mar 8, 2022 - 

The video from the Mar 8, 2022 Regular Board meeting is now available for viewing on the Sunshine Web site HERE â€‹or directly from this LINK. Please contact me with any issues/questions.
Beth Parrish     SEPO Board Secretary & Governing Documents
E-Mail:   314-960-6710


Sent 2022-03-10: Policies & Procedures: Updates from Mar 8, 2022 Board Mtg - 

At the March 8, 2022, Board Meeting, the Board approved the updates (highlighted in YELLOW below) to the SEPO Policies & Procedures. The updated P&P document is now on (and can be viewed/printed from) the Sunshine Web site HERE.



  1. Residents of ENCORE SUNSHINE RV PARK located in Harlingen, TX (hereinafter called ENCORE) shall be allowed to walk or bike on SCCE streets at all times. Bicycles and golf carts must use lights at night.



Pets are allowed as long as they do not become a nuisance. All pets must be kept on leash when not on the owner’s property. At no time can pets be allowed to enter other people’s property without their permission. Owners are responsible for cleanup or damage caused by their pets. Never place cleanup (poop) bags into another resident’s garbage can without permission. Pets are never allowed on the golf course, in any SEPO buildings or in the Pool/Pavilion area. Pets that are fostered (given temporary shelter and not owned) shall be counted as part of the two pets allowed at any one time (Section 6.10 of the Covenants). Owners in violation of any of these provisions may be subject to fine or penalty.

SEPO Board


Sent 2022-03-10: Sylvia Nelson's Contact Info - 

Below is Sylvia's address and phone. She would love to hear from us.  
Sylvia Nelson  
1300 Wild Pine Tree # 5405
San Antonio, TX 78253
309 945 6786
- Lenore J Combs


Sent 2022-03-10: UPDATED: All Directories on the Web site - 

All of the Sunshine Directories were updated on the Web site on Mar 9, 2022.
This page contains the:

  • Resident Directory by Name

  • Resident Directory by Address

  • E-Mail addresses

  • Renter Directory

This page contains the:

  • Photo Directory

If anyone sees any updates needed in any of these directories or either of the Web pages, please contact me at the info below.

Beth Parrish     SEPO Web site Admin   E-Mail:   314-960-6710


Sent 2022-03-08: Calendar of Events for 2022-2023: Approved @ Mar 8, 2022 Board Mtg - 

Below and HERE is the 2022-2023 Calendar of Events that were approved at the Mar 8, 2022 Board Meeting. This approval process takes place at the last Regular Board Meeting each winter season.


Here is the priority of each of the various events approved.

  1. Priority 1: SEPO Board (Regular) Meetings & Residents Meetings

  2. Priority 2: Good Neighbor Day Golf Tournament

  3. Priority 3: Women's Club Activities

  4. SEPO Golf Leagues (Whichever group requests first gets priority.)

    • Men's Golf League

    • Ladies' Golf League

​The remaining groups meetings that were approved have had standing  days / dates / times for numerous years.

  1. Women's Club Meetings

  2. Architectural Control Committee (ACC)

  3. Neighborhood Watch Meetings

No one asked for anything else to be approved at this meeting.


Throughout March Beth Parrish will be contacting some of you concerning other activities that do and do not need Activity Requests submitted/approved.


SEPO Board 


Sent 2022-03-09: Video from Residents Mtg on Mar 7, 2022 - 

The video from the Mar 7, 2022 Residents meeting is now available for viewing HERE. I am in the process of documenting the section concerning "Speaker Requests" in the minutes from the Mar 8, 2022 Board Meeting (Regular). Also, the revised Agenda for this Residents meeting (Revision 2) is available on the above Web page.
Beth Parrish     2022 SEPO Board Secretary & Governing Documents
E-Mail:   314-960-6710


Sent 2022-03-09: Wood Shop Orientation Class Thursday March 10th 5 pm - 

Wood Shop Orientation Class Thursday March 10th 5 pm in the wood shop.


This class is a requirement for using the wood shop.

A one-time attendance is required.

The shop will be closed during the class.


Everyone attending this event “in person”, by their presence, acknowledges potential exposure to Covid-19. Each person is responsible for his/her own choice as it relates to attending events


Call John Chajec 708-280-8940 with any questions.


Sent 2022-03-08: CORRECT AGENDA for Board Mtg today (03-08-22) at 1 PM - 

FYI - We are now on Revision 2 of the Agenda for today's Board meeting. It can be accessed HERE.
Rev 2 contains:

  1. The correct link to Google Meet:
    You can log into Google Meet at 1 PM with this link:
    If needed, please use this code – egz-vpix-tdy – to gain access on your Smart Device or Computer.

  2. An updated 'Calendar of Events' for approval at the meeting can be downloaded from the new link under #9a in New Business

  3. It is unlikely the Feb Financials will be available for approval today.

SEPO Board


Sent 2022-03-07: Rental - 

                                                                 FOR RENT
                                                     4348 N Minnesota Street
                                                 2 bdrm,1 1/2 bath. fully furnished
                                             Car Port with attached storage shed
                                    Satellite tv included, wifi available but not included
                                                         Golf Car included
                                              No Pets, No Smoking on property
                                        3 months minimum  - Deposit Required
                            Contact: Sam Davis 956-244-4682 Cell. 956-425-4193 Home
Sam, Linda, Doogie, Bailey Mae & Barney B. Davis
                IN GOD WE TRUST


Sent 2022-03-07: WC: New Homeowners' Party Announcement - 


Poster_New HO.jpg

Sent 2022-03-07: St. Patrick’s Party - 

St. Pat's Day.jpg
St. Pat's E-mail Notice_for Web.jpg

Sent 2022-03-07: URGENT: CORRECTION - Google Meet code for Mon and Tues meetings - 

You can log into Google Meet at 1 PM with this link:
If needed, please use this code – egz-vpix-tdy – to gain access on your Smart Device or Computer.
SEPO Board


Sent 2022-03-06: GNDGT - A Lost Wedge looking for its owner, Contact Info Fixed - 

A wedge 56 degrees (see pic below) was found off the #2 green in the GNGGT AM group.
I have placed this club in SEPO office area in the lost & found box. 
If you want to claim or need further information, contact Tony Tramel at 337-693-6344 or email at


Sent 2022-03-06: AGENDA (REVISED) for Residents Meeting on Monday, Mar 7, 2022 @ 1 PM - 

Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. However, due to additional info/files having been received after you were sent the original Agenda for this meeting, it was necessary to update that Agenda today.

The REVISED agenda for the 'Hybrid' Mar 7, 2022 Residents meeting at 1 PM can be accessed:

  • directly from HERE

  • on the Web site HERE

You will know you have the revised agenda when you see the following at the top of the page:
You can log into Google Meet at 1 PM with this link:
If needed, please use this code – egz-vpix-try – to gain access on your Smart Device or Computer.

I will ensure Valerie posts this REVISED agenda outside her office, on the poolside door to Retzlaff Hall and by the mailboxes first thing Monday morning (03-07).

Beth Parrish     2022 SEPO Board Secretary & Governing Documents
E-Mail:   314-960-6710


Sent 2022-03-06: AGENDA (REVISED) for Board Meeting (Regular) on Tuesday, Mar 8, 2022 @ 1 PM - 

Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. However, due to additional info/files having been received after you were sent the original Agenda for this meeting, it was necessary to update that Agenda today.

The REVISED agenda for the 'Hybrid' Mar 8, 2022 SEPO Board (Regular) meeting at 1 PM can be accessed:

  • directly from HERE

  • on the Web site HERE

You will know you have the revised agenda when you see the following at the top of Page 1:


You can log into Google Meet at 1 PM with this link:

If needed, please use this code – egz-vpix-try – to gain access on your Smart Device or Computer.


I will ensure Valerie posts this REVISED agenda outside her office, on the poolside door to Retzlaff Hall and by the mailboxes first thing Monday morning (03-07).


Beth Parrish     2022 SEPO Board Secretary & Governing Documents

E-Mail:   314-960-6710


Sent 2022-13-06: WC: Breakfast - 

Breakfast Pancakes 
The Women’s Club will be sponsoring a Saturday Breakfast in Retzlaff Hall on March 19th from 7:30 AM to 10 AM.

This time, we will feature a pancake breakfast which will include pancakes, scrambled eggs, bacon and sausage all for just $5! Coffee, orange juice, and water will be included with purchase. We will have fruit, whipped cream, butter, regular syrup and sugar free syrup.
Stay and eat with friends in the hall or out at the pavilion…or grab a a plate to go! Saturday Golf Scramblers, make sure and stop by before you tee off!
For questions or info, contact Pam Davis at 214-516-4844


Sent 2022-03-06: Reminder of Garden Club Tuesday, March 8 - 

Garden Club News
Welcome to all residents/renters to The Garden Club Event, Tuesday, March 8th at 6:30pm in Retzlaff Hall.
Topic of interest:  Best RGV Plants for your landscape.
Special guest speaker is a Master Gardener from Cameron County Extension Office, in San Benito.
Coffee, tea, bars and cookies will be available.
See you Tuesday evening.
Thank you, Susanne


Sent 2022-03-06: Need Pictures for Web site - 

Let's get the Sunshine Web site spruced up with pictures from the various fun activities we've had recently. Please send them to and I will get them out there.

Most recently we've had:

  • Guys & Dolls Tournie

  • Mardi Gras

  • Good Neighbor Day Golf Tournament

  • I think I even saw someone taking pics at the last WC Breakfast

  • and whatever other events you have pics from various Sunshine events you would like to share.

​Thx so much.
Beth Parrish     SEPO Web site Admin   E-Mail:   314-960-6710


Sent 2022-03-06: GNDGT: Day 3 - Closest to Pin, Longest Putt & Hole-In-One Winners - 

Here are the winners for Saturday AM & PM "Closest to the Pin" and "Longest Putt".

And, can you believe it, there was a 'Hole in One', not only in the AM but also in the PM.

Congratulations to all of the winners of this portion of the tournament for all three days.

Dick Parrish (by Beth)

Close to Pin & Longest Putt & Hole In One_Sat_1.jpg
Close to Pin & Longest Putt & Hole In One_Sat_2.jpg

Sent 2022-03-04: GNDGT: Day 2 - Closest to Pin & Longest Putt Winners - 

Here are the winners for Friday AM & PM Closest to the Pin and Longest Putt.      Dick Parrish (by Beth)

Close to Pin & Longest Putt_Fri_1.jpg
Close to Pin & Longest Putt_Fri_2.jpg

Sent 2022-03-03: GNDGT: Day 1 - Closest to Pin & Longest Putt Winners - 

Here are the winners for Thursday AM & PM Closest to the Pin and Longest Putt.      Dick Parrish (by Beth)

Close to Pin & Longest Putt_Thu_1.jpg
Close to Pin & Longest Putt_Thu_2.jpg

Sent 2022-03-06: Former Resident Death - 

Dear Friends - 
It is with sadness to report the passing of a former resident - Stan Nelson. 
He died peacefully yesterday Thursday 3 March at home.
Stan was an avid golfer and delivered Sunshine news on the net to us.
Stan and Sylvia moved to San Antonio several months ago to be with family.
God Bless them.       -- Lenore J Combs


Sent 2022-03-03: SEPO Communications Changes - 

As some of you know I have been looking into ways to free up my time from all of my Volunteer efforts for this wonderful community. I need to get some of my life back.

Anyway, I have been reviewing all of the 'communications' tasks I perform concerning the Newsletter, E-Mail and the Web site.

The Newsletter came first.
After several months of asking for help or turning it over to someone, Sue (Sue-Bob) Swidryk has graciously accepted the responsibility of preparing and distributing the Women's Club Newsletter to the community ongoing, starting with the Oct 2022 publication.

E-Mail was next.

  • I will continue to send SEPO E-Mails but will be changing the timing of when I send them. Instead of sending the e-mails out whenever I sit down at the computer and see them in my Inbox, I will be doing the following. When a SEPO e-mail arrives in my Inbox I will 'queue' it up to be sent overnight. By doing this you won't have to be checking your e-mail throughout the day (which most of you probably don't do anyway - HA). You will see everything the first time you log into your e-mail (at whatever time of day that may be). This new process will start next Monday, March 7.

  • I hear some of you asking yourself - what if I need something sent out right away? The solution to sending 'emergency' e-mails is for you to either 'call' or 'text' me and let me know of the urgency. I will send it as soon as I can.

  • NOTE: I will continue to update the Web site with all e-mails sent HERE. I will do this as time permits within 24 hours of an e-mail being sent.

Now for the Web site.

  • MARKET - 

    • Homes for Sale or RentI will continue to list these the same as I do now.

    • Looking For AND Household+ For Sale will be Going Away at 5PM on March 15.

      • I know this may upset some people. Although it is not difficult to do, it does take time to put those listings out there, most of the time with pics and then follow that up with an e-mail informing the community the page(s) were updated. And on multiple occasions I just get the info out there and I get a notice that the items sold immediately. Hence, I have to go out and delete everything I just added.

      • As Background - Both of these pages were created when Covid-19 hit. No one was allowed to enter the Library, which is previously where these types of items were posted. Now you are free to go to the library 24 hrs a day.

      • I will be asking the Board President, the Board Director of the SEPO Buildings and Valerie to determine if a different and/or better spot can be set aside in the Office/Library for residents to physically post these types of items ongoing. The community will be notified of the outcome of this review.


    • ​I plan to do a thorough review this summer of how the Web site is set up and what types of information is being posted. I would appreciate any and all constructive criticism/help with making the Web site a useful place for our Residents/Renters to obtain information. And I also want to make it as enticing as possible to attract new residents to our community.

On a final note, I will be updating any affected Communications Guidelines as my time permits and notify everyone when the guidelines have been updated on the Web site. If anyone has any questions, comments etc. about any of the above, please feel free to contact me. Thx for your understanding with these changes.

Beth Parrish     SEPO Communications   E-mail:   314-960-6710

Sent 2022-03-03: Birding and Nature Club Event - 

Birding and Nature Club Event
The Birding and Nature club is pleased to bring you a program presented by one of our new residents, Gail Foerste. The topic is Birds of North America and their habitat. There is no charge for the program, but we would like for you to sign up in the library, on the easel, if you are coming.  That way we will know how many to prepare for. Cookies, ice tea & coffee will be served. Monday, March 7th, 7:00 PM in Retzlaff Hall.
Ladonna Harvey


Sent 2022-03-03: MARKET: New Household/Outdoor Items - 

Please go to the Sunshine MARKET: Homes For Sale AND Household to see items either 'added' or 'updated today (03-03-22). And as a Gentle Reminder - Once your items have sold, please inform me so I can remove from the Web site. Thx.
Beth Parrish     SEPO Web site Admin     E-Mail:   314-960-6710


Sent 2022-03-03: SEPO Office Info - 

Two things:

  • I will be out of the office, Friday, March 3, 2022.

  • Ongoing starting Monday, March 7, on days when there are Board or Resident meetings, my lunch hour will be 11 AM - 12 PM, rather than the normal 12 PM - 1 PM.

Sincerely,     Valerie Basaldua   Office Manager


Sent 2022-03-02: UPDATED: SEPO 2-Pager Activities List as of Mar 2, 2022 - Is it correct? - 

It has come to my attention, the 2-Pager Activities List for the remainder of this winter season may not be accurate. I have compared the Activity Requests that have been approved to date with the file dated Mar 2 accessible from:

  • Direct link HERE or

  • On each of these two Web pages by clicking on the "Fun Times" logo: HERE and HERE

If anyone questions the dates/events on this Mar 2 "2-Pager" file, please let me know. There's a lot going on in Mar.
Beth Parrish     SEPO Web site Admin


Sent 2022-03-02: AGENDA for Board Meeting (Regular) on Tuesday, March 8, 2022 @ 1 PM - 

The agenda for the 'Hybrid' Mar 8, 2022 SEPO Board (Regular) meeting at 1 PM can be accessed HERE or from the Web site HERE. Valerie will also be posting this agenda outside her office, on the poolside door to Retzlaff Hall and by the mailboxes before 1 PM today.
Beth Parrish     2022 SEPO Board Secretary & Governing Documents
E-Mail:   314-960-6710


Sent 2022-03-02: AGENDA for Residents Meeting on Monday, March 7, 2022 @ 1 PM - 

The agenda for the 'Hybrid' Mar 7, 2022 Residents meeting at 1 PM can be accessed HERE or from the Web site 

HERE. Valerie will also be posting this agenda outside her office, on the poolside door to Retzlaff Hall and by the mailboxes before 1 PM today.

Beth Parrish     2022 SEPO Board Secretary & Governing Documents

E-Mail:   314-960-6710


Sent 2022-03-01: GNDGT: Women's Golf League Luncheons - 

The luncheons provided by the Women's Golf League for the Good Neighbor Day Golf Tournament will be on Friday and Saturday this year. Friday's menu will include barbecues, chips and a drink. Saturday's menu includes brats and hot dogs, chips and a drink. Both days cost will be $6.     Glenna Boardman


Office: (956) 425-1420

FAX: (956) 425-1420


1957 W Michigan Dr

Harlingen, TX 78550

Information in this site is authorized by

Sunshine Estates Property Owners Association (SEPO) and its residents.

©2025 by Sunshine Country Club Estates

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