Sunshine Country Club Estates
SEPO Community E-Mails: September 2021
Sent 2021-09-29: MARKETPLACE: Any Updates Needed? -
In looking at the Household+ Marketplace pages on the Web site I was wondering if there are any updates that need to be made. Beth Parrish SEPO Web site Admin E-Mail: 314-960-6710
Sent 2021-09-29: SEPO Suggestion COMPLETED: Community Divided & No New Covid-19 Mandates Needed -
One of our Sunshine residents submitted a SEPO Suggestion/Complaint/Idea form stating they felt the community is divided and assaulting each other and they didn't feel mandates to segregate vaccinated vs unvaccinated persons within the community were necessary.
The Board is working to resolve any issues that may be causing residents to feel the community is divided and assaulting each other. If anyone is saying there are forthcoming mandates to segregate vaccinated vs unvaccinated persons within the community, that is definitely not the case. It is only rumor.
The resident has been informed of this and the Board thanks the resident for their input.
To see details concerning this and other residents' input click HERE.
SEPO Board
Sent 2021-09-28: Additional Street Construction/Repairs in Sunshine -
The minutes from the Sep 23, 2021 Board meeting are not yet ready for distribution. But we wanted to give everyone an update on the ongoing street construction on W Indiana Circle and the street repairs that started today on W Michigan Ave. Sorry this didn't go out sooner, but everything happened very quickly this week concerning the street repairs.
At the 09-23 meeting Larry Keller had asked the Board to consider appropriating a maximum of $20,000 to remove and repair defective asphalt pavement, including but not limited to W Michigan Ave, W Iowa Ave, N Missouri St and seal coating the outer edges of W Texas Ave. He proposed we use the same company, D & J Site Construction, that has been working on W Indiana Circle as they were still onsite and we had established a good relationship with them.
The Board approved Larry's request.
Tony talked to the contractor and he was able to start on road repair work on W Michigan today. Owners on W Michigan are able to work around this construction by parking their vehicles next to the tennis courts.
A 2-pass seal coat is scheduled for W Indiana Circle, which will require the entire street to be closed for 3 days. W Indiana Circle residents will be notified as the contractor prepares for this effort next week.
If weather holds off, the Contractor may finish this repair work on W Michigan and W Indiana Circle in the next 2-3 weeks or less.
Larry Keller and Tony Tramel
SEPO Board
Sent 2021-09-28: O'Clockers Golf -
Our evening (O'Clockers) golf scramble will change times starting Sunday October 3rd. We will be playing at 5:00 as it is getting darker earlier. Meet beside the shuffleboard courts at 4:45 for team and hole assignments. All are welcome to join the fun. No charge, just a good time. Open to all levels of golfers. Have added several beginners this summer and they are having a ball. So come one, come all. Donna Myers
Sent 2021-09-28: IMPORTANT: Water Pump Breakdown -
We had a water pump malfunction today and are currently running water using our backup pump. Please refrain from watering your yards until further notice. Thank You. Lyn Swonger (by Beth Parrish)
Sent 2021-09-28: SUNSHINE NEWSLETTER: Oct 2021 -
I have completed the first Sunshine Newsletter for this upcoming winter season (2021-2022). It contains LOTS of good/useful information. So please take the time to read through it.
However, I've tried and tried to put it into the body of this e-mail - without success. There's just too many graphics and indentions to do it without loads of efforts.
So, please please please, click on this link and pull it up on the Web site HERE.
All newsletters back to the 2018-2019 winter season can always be found HERE.
If you have any issues viewing the newsletter or need help with anything, please let me know.
I will be sending it to Valerie shortly to print copies for the library.
Beth Parrish SEPO Newsletter Manager E-Mail: 314-960-6710
Sent 2021-09-27: Summer Potluck -
Hey Friends, Our last potluck for the summer is this Thursday. Everyone is welcome. Please bring a dish to share. We provide coffee, iced tea, plates, utensils, and napkins, but you can bring your own drinks and eating utensils if you'd like.
Date: Thursday, September 30, 2021
Time: 4:00 social hour, eat at 4:30
Place: Retzlaff Hall
See you Thursday! Marian Young 719-468-4556
Sent 2021-09-26: Neighborhood Watch Minutes from 09-20-2021 -
Sunshine Neighborhood Watch – CERT Team (Est. 2008)
SCCE - Harlingen’s premier NW & CERT Team.
Lights On -- Lock Up and Look Out for each other!
MINUTES – Monday - 20 September 2021 - 3pm - Retzlaff Hall
Lenore J. Combs, Coordinator 956 245 1276
Officers Bravo and Moreno, NW HPD District Representatives
Dear NW- CERT Volunteers, Residents and Friends,
We had a small meeting with a large input yesterday. Thank you for taking your time.
Please see the Minutes, with all of the details, from this meeting HERE.
Sent 2021-09-26: Resident Passing -
Sharon Ridlon, wife of Roy, lost her battle with Cancer on Saturday, September 25, 2021.
Prayers for the family.
Cards can be sent to Roy Ridlon on Missouri.
Lenore J Combs 956 245 1275
Sent 2021-09-24: Video of Special SEPO Board Meetings held on 09-21-21 (Correction) & 09-23-21 (Addition) -
As I was preparing to send this e-mail I noticed I had mistated something in the e-mail I sent about the 09-21 Board Meeting video. So here is the correction concerning 09-21 and the additional 09-23 Board Meeting video info.
The Special SEPO Board meeting held on Tuesday, September 21, 2021 @ 1:00 PM CT was a Hybrid meeting. Retzlaff Hall was open to Board members and those residents and renters who wished to attend in person. This meeting was recorded and can be viewed directly from here:
The Special SEPO Board meeting held on Thursday, September 23, 2021 @ 1:00 PM CT was a Hybrid meeting. Retzlaff Hall was open to Board members and those residents and renters who wished to attend in person. This meeting was recorded and can be viewed directly from here:
Both of the above videos can also be viewed from the Summer 2021 Board Meetings page on the Sunshine Web site HERE.
If you have any questions about these videos or issues with viewing them, please let me know.
Beth Parrish SEPO Board Secretary E-Mail: 314-960-6710
Sent 2021-09-24: Access to Sunburst Building (Fitness, Cards & Billiards) -
Sunburst building will be closed September 28 and 29, Tuesday and Wednesday, for wax and stripping of the floors.
Jean Burgoine
Sent 2021-09-22: Various Board meeting documents now available -
The following can be found HERE.
Video from the Board Meeting on 09-21-2021.
UNAPPROVED Minutes from the Board Meeting on 09-21-2021.
Revised Agenda for the Board Meeting on 09-23-21.
Beth Parrish SEPO Board Secretary
Sent 2021-09-21: Golf Course Spraying -
Golf course will be sprayed today September 21, 2021 with Decamba +24D (Weed killing chemicals). Please wash your hands after you are done playing. Lyn Swonger
Sent 2021-09-19: SEPO Resident Complaint CLOSED: Maintenance of Ditch behind resident's home -
One of our Sunshine residents submitted a SEPO Complaint (via e-mail to the SEPO Board) that the ditch behind the resident's home had never been properly maintained.
Tony Tramel acknowledged to the resident, on the same day, that the complaint had been received by the Board. Three attempts to set up a meeting date and time to discuss were never responded to by the resident.
Therefore, the SEPO Board is CLOSING this Complaint. The resident has been notified of this CLOSING.
To see details concerning this Complaint click HERE. SEPO Board
Sent 2021-09-19: NW-CERT meeting Agenda for Monday 20 Sept at 3pm Retz Hall -
Dear Friends - This is an open meeting for all residents. Come and add your 2 Cents
Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276
NW-CERT Coordinator
Sunshine Neighborhood Watch – CERT Team (Est. 2008)
SCCE - Harlingen’s premier NW & CERT Team.
Lights On -- Lock Up and Look Out for each other!
Meeting Agenda – Monday - 20 September 2021 - 3pm - Retzlaff Hall
Lenore J. Combs, Coordinator 956 245 1276
Officers Bravo and Moreno, NW HPD District Representatives
Dear NW- CERT Volunteers, Residents and Friends,
This is an open meeting and we welcome your constructive input. At the moment I am choosing to call an in person meeting to discuss the future of our NW-CERT program. Please wear your mask, we will practice social distance and take as many precautions as possible. There may be persons physically attending this event, who are not following CDC recommendations for unvaccinated persons, which means there is potential for exposure to Covid-19. Therefore, each person must decide for themselves if they wish to attend this or any of our SEPO events in person.
I wish to get as many helpful hints and opinions as possible. You matter. Sunshine matters. If you cannot attend, please send me your 2 Cents on this agenda.
Please see the remaining portion of the Agenda with all of the "Subjects To Be Discussed" HERE.
Sent 2021-09-19: Nail Trimming Time -
Hey Everyone, - Sandra Delaunay will be coming to the Estates to trim our pet's nails this Wednesday.
Date: September 22, 2021
Time: Appointments begin at 1 pm
Text or call: Marian at 719-468-4556 to set up an appointment
Cost: $10
Thanks, Marian Young
Sent 2021-09-18: SEPO Suggestion COMPLETED: New tree on back of Tee Box #5 -
One of our Sunshine residents submitted a SEPO Suggestion to replace the tree on the back of Tee Box #5, that was lost during the 2021 winter freeze.
After Board investigation, the Board Golf Course Director - Lyn Swonger, has replaced the tree.
The resident has been informed of this. The Board thanks the resident for this suggestion.
To see details concerning this Suggestion click HERE. SEPO Board
Sent 2021-09-16: SEPO Suggestion CLOSED: Weekly Bingo in Retzlaff -
One of our Sunshine residents submitted a SEPO Suggestion to start having Bingo in Retzlaff Hall. After Board investigation, which included consultation with the Women's Club, this item was CLOSED based on the following.
Per Marian Young (Women's Club Board) we will not be able to have Bingo at SEPO because we are a 55+ community, which prohibits us from having Bingo, selling cards or paying out money. It would be considered gambling if we did it. We could only get a one-time license for $25 for a one-time event, but not ongoing. If we were 60+ we would be exempt.
The resident has been informed of this. The Board thanks the resident for the suggestion of a potential SEPO Activity.
To see details concerning this Suggestion click HERE. SEPO Board
Sent 2021-09-16: Corrected - AGENDA for Board Meeting on Thursday, September 23, 2021 @ 1:00 PM CT -
The agenda is on the Sunshine Web site HERE. Please let me know if you have any issues getting to the document.
Valerie will be posting the agenda for the 09-23-21 Board meeting outside her office and on the poolside door to Retzlaff Hall by 1 PM, at the latest, on Monday, September 20, 2021.
Beth Parrish SEPO Board Secretary 314-960-6710
Sent 2021-09-16: Corrected - AGENDA for Board Meeting on Tuesday, September 21, 2021 @ 1:00 PM CT -
The agenda is on the Sunshine Web site HERE. Please let me know if you have any issues getting to the document.
Valerie will be posting the agenda for the 09-21-21 Board meeting outside her office and on the poolside door to Retzlaff Hall by End of Day, at the latest, on Friday, September 17, 2021.
Beth Parrish SEPO Board Secretary 314-960-6710
Sent 2021-09-16: Corrected - AGENDA for Board Meeting on Tuesday, September 21, 2021 @ 1:00 PM CT -
The agenda is on the Sunshine Web site HERE. Please let me know if you have any issues getting to the document.
Valerie will be posting the agenda for the 09-21-21 Board meeting outside her office and on the poolside door to Retzlaff Hall by End of Day, at the latest, on Friday, September 17, 2021.
Beth Parrish SEPO Board Secretary 314-960-6710
Sent 2021-09-16: FOUND - Dog -
Lost caramel Chihuahua (female) with a collar found by a resident.
Contact info: 4337 N. Minnesota 520-236-8374
Sent 2021-09-15: 'EARLY' REMINDER: OCT 2021 Newsletter Articles Due by End of Day on Sep 24, 2021 -
Ordinarily this 'first reminder' wouldn't be going out until the 17th of the month. However, since I sent the e-mail near the beginning of Sep 2021 reminding everyone about the upcoming Oct 2021 Newsletter, I have only received two Newsletter articles to publish.
My schedule is going to be super crazy starting the end of this week with a couple of Board meetings next week and packing to head back down south. Sooooo, the sooner you get your articles to me, the better.
If you have an article you would like published in the Sunshine Oct 2021 Newsletter, the article needs to be submitted to by End of Day on the 24th of this month, at the latest. Please send much sooner if possible.
The Newsletter Guidelines, which were updated on Sep 14, 2021, are attached to this e-mail and also posted on the Web site HERE.
Please call with questions.
Beth Parrish SEPO Newsletter Editor E-Mail: 314-960-6710
Sent 2021-09-14: SEPO: August 2021 Financials -
Hello Fellow Homeowners, I am sending out the August Financials. They were included in the email and are also posted on the website HERE. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks Mecca Henry
Sent 2021-09-14: The Passing of Sam Ford (Former Resident) -
Yesterday (9/12/21) Samuel Albert Ford a long time SEPO resident up until 4 years ago went to his eternal rewards. Many of you will remember Sam as a SEPO Board member (twice), or as the president of the Birding and Nature club or the guy who could fix anything. Please remember Sam and Dorsey in your prayers.
Pat Harvey (Sam's golfing partner)
Sent 2021-09-12: Resident's Daughter Passing -
Larry and Linda Etten lost their daughter Friday from cancer. Tracy was 54 with a son and a daughter. Our community holds them in their prayers. Cathy Richmond
Sent 2021-09-10: REMINDER: Timing of running personal sprinkler systems -
Please do not water personal lawns between 7 PM and 7 AM. Watering between these hours is robbing the golf course sprinkler water at night causing dry spots on greens and fairways. Lyn Swonger
Sent 2021-09-10: Resident Passing: More info - Marian Seelye RIP -
It is with a sad heart to announce the passing of Marian Seelye, mother of JoAnne Anderson, and past resident of Sunshine.
Marian had just come to stay with JoAnne and ultimately make a trip here. Marian laid down for a nap, JoAnne went to check later and she had gone peacefully with the Angels.
Marian was special - she was the SCCE Choir Director several years ago for many years and assisted putting on many wonderful shows here, especially at the holidays. She also had her Choir group sing occasionally with the Sunday Night Sunshine Jammers and was a presence in many of Lassey's productions. And she made some great dishes for our Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners.
We will miss you but remember the "Good Old Days".
God Bless American and God bless you and your family.
Condolences can be sent to JoAnne Anderson (daughter)
22931 185th Street Detroit Lakes, MN 56501
Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276
Sent 2021-09-09: Resident Passing -
I was informed longtime resident Marian Seelye passed away Wed, Sep 8, 2021. Valerie Basaldua
Sent 2021-09-08: MARKETPLACE: Household - Fridge for Sale -
Go to the MARKETPLACE to see the add below (plus Pictures).
"FOR SALE" - Refrigerator - (Added 09-08-2021)
David Fleiner
808 260 0948
LG Stainless Steel Refrigerator
Side by Side
Two years old - excellent condition
Pricing: $850.00
David Fleiner
Sent 2021-09-04: Labor Day Potluck -
Hey Friends - Our next scheduled Potluck will be this coming Monday, Labor Day, at the hall. We are starting a half hour earlier so the golfers still have time to play at 6pm.
Bring a dish to share with others. Coffee, tea, and ice will be provided as well as plates, napkins, and utensils. If you wish, you may bring your own plates, drinks, etc.
Date: Monday September 6, 2021
Place: Retzlaff Hall
Time: Social Hour 4:00, Eat at 4:30
Any questions, call me 719-468-4556. Marian Young
Sent 2021-09-04: SEPO E-News E-mail Mgr Availability -
As soon as this e-mail goes out I will be heading up north for a couple of days and won't have internet access in order to send out SEPO e-mails. Thx for your understanding.
Beth Parrish SEPO E-News E-Mail E-Mail: 314-960-6710
Sent 2021-09-02: Times for running residents sprinkler systems -
Would everyone please check the times they have their sprinkler systems set to run and ensure they are NOT running between 7 PM and 7 AM. The golf course is watered during these times and the water pressure hasn't been sufficient lately. The course is beginning to deteriorate in some areas. Thanks for your prompt attention to this issue.
Lyn Swonger SEPO Board Director - Golf Course
Sent 2021-09-02: UNAPPROVED: SEPO Board Meeting Minutes, August 31, 2021 -
Trust me - it would be an almost impossibility for me to include the entire minutes document from the August 31, 2021 Board meeting in the BODY of this e-mail. Therefore, the link to the doc is HERE.
I strongly encourage you to open this document and read it. I will admit, it is lengthy. However, there was lots of discussion and decisions made that directly affect you as a SEPO resident.
Here are a few of them:
Newly approved "Rules & Regulations" document concerning Fees for Covenants etc violations located HERE.
W IN Circle project update.
New “Request Procedure & Form” for non-Board members to Speak at Residents Meetings. (Will be used for the first time at the 10-11-21 Residents meeting.
Change to Policies & Procedures to reinstate Golf Trail Fees now to be called ‘Golf Course Improvement’ Fees.
Requirement for a SEPO resident/renter golf cart identifier.
If you have any issues with opening the Minutes document, please contact me.
Respectfully submitted,
Beth Parrish
SEPO Board Secretary
Sent 2021-09-01: Video of Special SEPO Board Meeting held on August 31, 2021 -
The Special SEPO Board meeting held on August 31, 2021 @ 1:00 PM CT was a Hybrid meeting. Retzlaff Hall was open to Board members and those residents and renters who wished to attend in person. This meeting was recorded and can be viewed directly from HERE.
This same video can also be viewed from the Board Meetings page on the Sunshine Web site HERE.
The minutes from this meeting will be published soon. If you have any questions about this video or issues with viewing it, please let me know.
Beth Parrish SEPO Board Secretary E-Mail: 314-960-6710
Sent 2021-09-01: 2021-2022 SEPO Activities List (known as the 2-pager) -
The 2021-2022 SEPO Activities list (commonly called the 2-pager) has been updated as of 08-27-21 based on your requests. Please review it carefully to ensure everything you submitted (last March and throughout the summer) has been listed accurately.
Valerie will be posting this document (if she hasn't already) in the library. I have also updated the Web site. Click on the 'Fun Times' logo on this page to view/print it.
Please submit any additions/updates, using the "Sunshine Activities/Meeting Request" form available from the SEPO Office or on the Web site HERE.
I'm looking forward to the fun times ahead this upcoming winter season.
Beth Parrish SEPO Board Secretary Email: 314-960-6710
Sent 2021-09-01: SEPO Newsletter: Time to start creating your articles for the Oct 2021 Newsletter -
I know some of you aren't in the mode to be thinking about this yet. However, I'm hoping to give everyone who is contemplating submitting a Newsletter article for Oct an early heads up.
I have updated the SEPO Newsletter guidelines ever so slightly to, hopefully, be a little more clear about what goes in the Newsletter each month October thru March. The updated guidelines are on the Web site and can be printed from there. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Also - Since noone volunteered yet to either help me with the Newsletter or take it over completely I will continue to help out the community by doing it. BUT - I sure would like to hand it off to someone.
Beth Parrish
SEPO Newsletter Manager